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The Seattle Star from Seattle, Washington • Page 4

The Seattle Stari
Seattle, Washington
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I Victor Chapman, a Harvard man from New York, and myself. We belonged to the foreign legion which had been made np In Paris of men of sll nations, snd we hsd been In the trenchea for days before Christmas dawned For 20 we had faced that strip of Isnd. 45 feet wide, between our trench sod that of the No Msn's land, dotted with dead bodies, crisscrossed by tangled masses of barbed wire. That Utile strip of Isnd was ss wide and ss deep and as full of death as the Atlantic ocean: as THE SEATTLE STAR or iriurri koitnwmt luuii or sewivh i Ttlffnrl Xm IW PFM at ImiUi, Wuk. Ikoh4'CUh Mattar.

By mail, out of oily, lit montk la noai I DM It yaar I By olty lie a month Patty MM Seattle's Harbor WHAT Theodore Roosevelt and meant recently when they said that the United States' defenses were mere "paper" defenses is explained in a manner which the whole Pacific Northwest will understand in this common, ordinary routine news-story: "For some time it ha- been apparent to military men that while Ft. Casey could withstand an attack by a fleet, i Could easily be rushed from the rear and its silenced "There are a number of places where a landing could be effected on Whidby island, and the landing force could then march unmolested to the rear of the fort and capture, it, with little or no resistance." In other words, this fort, which the people of the North west have counted on as a sure defense, really is a defense only so long as the nice, obliging enemy will lay out in Sound, in front of its guns, instead of walking up from behind, where no guns are pointed. Preparations are being made now to repair this defect. BUT THE CHARACTER OF OUR COAST DEFENSES AND OUR NAVY. OUR PEACE INSURANCE.

FOR MANY YEARS PAST. IS ACCURATELY INDI CATED BY THIS EXAMPLE OF A "DEFENSE" WHICH ITSELF BADLY NEEDED DEFENDING. The American never will stand for a war of ag gresston. nor will they go to war to protect the fat profits of their indu-trial trade baron- But if they are attaikcd, they will fight their forefathers fought to protect their home-. MEANWHILE THEY DEMAND THAT SUt 11 EXAMPLES OF "DEFENSE" AS FT.

CASEY BK ADDED SUMMARILY TO THE NATIONAL LIST OF INTERESTING ANTIQUES. OCCASIONALLY, the war get us laymen all tangled up. Here ieti. Francis Greene, for in stance, who says: "With regard to the three great Pacific states, with a coast line 1.200 mile- in length, it true (hat the principal harbors are protected by strong. ni'Mlern.

upto-date fortification- etc They Merely Look Strong We've always had admiration for (ien. iirccrc ause of his bravery at Manila, but the Pacific coast line is not 1,200 miles long, but I.hOO, and the protection 'he principal harbors by the present fortifications is an empty dream, as everybody knows who knows anything about those fortifications. And what if all said harbors had the finest fortifications ever conceived of? The cities arc not located in the harhi.t-, but around them, and there's no law requiring the enemy to sail right up to the muzzles of guns in Take, instance, the lay-out at San Diego, whose fortification has just got an appropriation of some 5.V5.000. A hostile mosquito couldn't get by the forts and into the harbor, perhaps. But the forts are so located that a hostile fleet, with modern Runs, could lie a 400-lco' high point and shell the city in safety, and the landing places out of 'each of our fortifications arc plenty.

The same thing is true, in a degree, in respect of the other coast harbor defenses. Without a Pacific fleet our Pacific coast though s-trong, modern and up-to-date, which thev arc not a good deal, arc a matter for derision "the behind the gun" if this is not so. He'll tell you it is so, if he isn't afraid to talk. SEATTLE "DOCTOR" found vertebrae in womin'i back. Then he found hlmeelf In jail.

ONE WORD from the people and the park board doee at It A KANSAS judge declared the federal migratory bird law void, but thua far no Kinui judge haa decided the ten comrnandmenta unconstitutional. BREAD PUDDING stands third on the list of belt sellers in the New York school lunch that New York (till missionaries. Resinol will stop that itch Don't stand that it' hingfkin-torment I one day longer. Go to any druggist a jar of Resinol Ointment arid "5 a cake of Resinol Soap. Bathe the sick skin with Kesinol Soap hot water, dry, and apply a little Kesinol The torturing itching snd bnrning instantly, you longer have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes ble.

and healing begins. the tormenting eruptions disappear I completely and tor good. I'octorshave prescribe'! this treatment lor 20 years. I Pwbil and RMinot Soap rontaln nMhing that cm Id inJure or IrriUtr lrU and form valuabU ho treatment thftfinjp, cuts, burw, pilot, ate. For trial tree, wntt to iMpt 7-8, Kwiaol, baiumora, Md.

nncrossahta ss the be tween the stars; terrible as human hste And the sunshine of the bright Christmas morning fell on It as brightly aa If It were a lovers' lane or tho aisle In some grand cathedral. Nadeem, the Turk, Begins the Truce I don't know how the truce lie gan In the other trenches, tint In our hole Nadeem begun It Na deem, a Turk, who believes that Mohammed and not Christ was the true prophet of God The sunshine of the morning seemed to get Into Nsdeem's blood. He was only an enttiualsstlc hoy, but always childishly happy, and when we noticed, at the ret; ular morning shooting hour, that Germsn tretwhes were silent, Nadeem begau to mske joke of It. We drew a target on a hoard, fastened It to a pole, and stuck It shove the trench, shouting to the Hermans: "See how well you ran shoot It Within a minute the target had lieen bull's-eyed Nndeniu pulled It down, pasted little of white paper where the ahota had at ruck, and held It up again, ao that tho Oermsna could their score. In 'loins Nadeem's hesd appeared above the trench.

and we heard Mm talking across No land Thoughtlessly I rslseil hit head. too. Other men did the name We aaw of Oermsn appe.kiliiß filled the air. What miracle had happened? Men laughed and cheered, Chriatmas Tears in of Enemies was Christmas light In their eyes. and 1 knew thera were tears In mine There were amtlea, here In daya before there had been only rifle The terror of No Ma; land fell away.

The aounda of DIANA DILLPICKLES IN HER HOT SKETCH OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE FRAU JUKE DIDN'T HELP WORLD MUCH Dr Kajripnon. InK Inform Sound I'ndorwrltora' anaorlHllon Monday an Illustration of tho of hfrprllty notorious Jukn famllv of N'ew York "Fran was a chronic drunkard," ho said, "who wan in 1740 and lived 60 years. self and her cost the state, during a porlod of 76 11,250,000. But 709 of her descend ants were traced out of a total of k.14 Of these Illegitimate hlrth accounted for 106, 142 were beggars, 64 were charges of the state, ISI females were prostitutes, were convicted of crime." AUTO OVERTURNS; FIVE TIPPED OUT Mrs. W.

P. Parsons. SSII Evanaton ave, suffered broken shoulder bone and other lesser Injuries when the automobile of 8. W. Case, Fremont ave overturned at Fifth ave.

and ferson late Monday. There were four other passengers In the car. Including Dr. Case's umonth old baby, but none was hurt excepting Mrs, ('arsons The accident ot'curred ss l)r. Case made a quick tnrn to avert a collision with another Ford driven by Wllrnot II Nlly, treasurer of the ChiiH.

11. Co. KID AERO CLUB TO HOLD BIGGEST MEET Kid Inventors and aviators will bold forth at the south end of Oreen lake Saturday afternoon, when the Model Aero club of Seattls MARCH 30. 1915. PAGE 4.

happy filled the air. We were sll iinhumsnly happy for that one glorloun Inatsnt, In which we all I I'ortu gueae, Americans, and even Nsdeem. the share, aud that, savages as we had been, tho awfulness of war had not filled the corners of our hearts where love and Chrlstmss live I Ihluk Nadeem first to sense what had happened. He suddenly Jumped out of tho trench snd began wavlug his hands snd cheering While lie was doing this a ponderous German, wllh a happy amlle that exposed two of glittering white teelh climbed out of his trenrh snd shouted' Lieut. Hchroeder preaenta his complluienta to )our lieutenant desires to know If he will select four uieu and come lo the middle of the neutrsl territory to srrsnge for a truce for burylnit the dead Agree to Truce to Bury the Dead Our lieutenant agreed In an In 111 iitage the meet In history.

There will lie of all for model En will be received by the club up to Friday night. Th flrat flight will be mad" promptly at 2 p. m. NAVY YARD ROUTE Klninni II 11. and Tourtat Pork. Pundar). 10 10 a. I 30. 2.00. Hiinflav (Hundar J.JOt.

Saturday II labia aubjaet to ehanca without notice. I'liniw Main JIW I'rlro Mir Hound Trip THAT JAR OF MUSTEROLE ON THE BATHROOM SHELF Has Relieved Pain for Kvcry One in the Family When little ftudle hud the rroup Johnny got fort wet and caught mid. when Father aprnlned hla knee, when rheumatism bothered her That )wr of MtJPTKHOhR wan right to give relief hikl coinfoi Mt'KTKIIOMQ clean. white made with oil of tnuitard It will not bllnter like a muatard phi Quirk rrllef for Fore Throat. Brotu Tonal lit In, Jroup, Mt Iff Neuralgia, Ifeadaehe.

Piaurlay. Itheuumt Imn! I'HtriM nml Achea of the or Kpralnn, Muar lea, Fronted Feet, I'olrla on tho Cheat (It often Pneumonia i. Nothing MnHTKROMC for children At your hi 2ftr and f.Or find aperinl large hoMpitnl for I'J fio aure you iref the genuine MfTfl- TKIU Itofuno linll a lonai jfft wlmi you link for The Munterole 'ornpa ny, i Ohio MUWLE slant. I wan one of the four men selei ted. and I alls 11 never forget I felt as we advsuced to nieet the four (Jerman soldiers ant their lieutenant, who were coming toward us.

We felt as If we wanted to throw our arum shorn men They told me Ister In the day that the same desire wss upon them. Tho hstred of wsr hsd been suddenly withdrawn, and It left vacuum In which we humiui tilings ruahed Into contact with each other You felt their handah double with both hands In your heart. The truce wsi arranged There was no firing for one hour, snd the men from both were to come out snd bury their dead. The soldiers flocked from both trenches They rushed st each other aud shook hsnds. "I want to hsve your photograph," asld the Germaii Ileutenant to our psrty.

"lie sent hsck for his csiners, snd we enemies Blowing "The wind." wild Twlcketnbury blowing at terrific veloi Ipede Hcgl.ter a Antwarad. "Will," her huaband. uppo.e get the ballot, What be the flrat thing you doT" "Order toting nntumr, of tii her triumphant re tort Puck. Profitable Did you make any moner out of that land development Mock you i bought?" "Not yet, but It good I found out ao much about the that they took rae Into the firm Philadelphia ledger Making It Emphatic She Into Ibe telegraph office and rapped on the counter. the clerk came forward to meet her be retnemltered that ahe had been Ihcte about ten before He wonderi-d what ahe wanted thla i time.

I 'Oh. ahe aald. let me have that telegram 1 wrote now; I for got nomethlng very Important I Htited to underacore perfectlv lovely In acknowledging the receipt of that bracelet Will It coat auv'hlng eilri?" "No. ma'am." the rlerk. he handed her the The young lady drew two heavy beneath the words.

and USE "Sunset" Brand PAINT and V4RNISH WELL MADE LOCAL MADE RETAIL STORE 1622 Fourth Ave. FACTORY AT FREMONT RECIPE TO CLEAR A PIMPLY SKIN Pimples Are Impurities Seeking an Outlet Through Skin Pores. rimplea, aorea and uaually reault from toxina, polaona and lmpurltlea which arc generated In the and then abaorbed Into the blood through the very ducta which ahould absorb only nourlahinent to Riiataln the body. It la the function of the kldneva to filter lmpurltiea from the blood and them out In the form of urine, but In many the create more toxina and lmpurltiea than the kldnevg can cllm Inate, then the blood tiaea the skin porea aa the next beat of ting rid of these lmpurltiea which often break out all over the akin In the form of plmplea. The aurcKt way to clear the akin of theae a a noted authority.

la to Ret from any pharmacy about four of Jad Snlta nnd take a tithleapoonful In Rlasa of hot water each morning; before breakfast for one week. will prevent the formation of toxina In the bow da. It alari stimuhitea the kldneva to normal activity, tliua coaxing them to filter the blood of Impurities and Hearing the of plmplea. Sulla la harmleaa and la made from I In- acid of Krnpea nnd lemon Juice, combined with lltlilu. Here you liHVe it pleuaant, effervescent drink which usually plmplea disappear; cleanses the blood and la excellent for the kidneys as atood about with our atiout each Others' shoulders.

111 Ingestion formstlon, while the lieutenant snapped Ills earners. "If 1 don't have a chance to send you the prints before the wsr Is over," he said, "I shall see thsi you g-t them afterwards." And lie took our At lsst the Ihidles were burled The hour of truce had passed Rut the men did not go back lo the trenches. In groups on that once terrible strip the Germans tin 1 their aat talking, or playing cards, exchanging lobar and clgsrets, and laughed aud Joked. We're the Germans Say "Iton't blame us," was the burden of the Germans' talk "It Is not our fault that we are fighting. We don't know what It's all about We all have wives and children, and all are Just the same kind of men that you are.

We are damned fools, and so Is everybody who Is fighting." And our talk ran the same It "It'a awfully good of you to lei me do that II will pleaae Arthur ever ao much." The Companion. THE DOORMAT "Can you exlaln to ma the m-anlng of the Open Door for dear It means (hat the other are privileged to wipe their feet on her they go In." A Terrible Effort, Now that the washing hung on the line, Moran leaning over the back fence and discussing with aympathetlc itegnn the problem of bringing up a daughter Privately. Kegan considered that Maggie Moran but mother held that Mas not no simple. "It ain't that not will- Moran. "Wlllln' and active on her bicycle, anil ready to run an errand for you Hut ain't one that work callln' or sees It a lookln' at her." to do a thing yerself than to be tellln' Mrs.

Regan, "And that'a the truth." agreed Moran. But Maggie ain't to blame, although maybe a littla too dincouraged. I've seen her try winter I says to her, I 'every time you find something to do to help mother round the house. I'll give ye a That started her hard at It, Mrs. Regan, and 'twas a full two before she got discouraged and give It up." "And how much did she make?" a at- ed Ili'Knn "Nine said Moran.

"but I called It a Youth's Companion. ENTITLED TO PRIVILEGES Klrat Convict (Jealously) Hey, how do you nit by with that takin' It enay? Yer only doln' time aa a common pickpocket. Second Convict 1 know It but dey found where 1 had a previous conviction an a bank embezzler. wss not until the sun begsn to go down thst the groups broke up, "We're to have a band In our tonight, and we want you to hear It," ssid 'he Hermans, ss they bade good bye and aa we nhook their After supper we beard a sudden burst of music that thrilled us A little German band had crept Into the German trenchea and announced Itself with a grand chord. Then came the unexpected trains of the "Marsellalsi The Frenchmen were almost ft antic with dmlglit.

Then came our turn, when the baud pla)ed "Its a Long, Way to Tlpperary." George lilsnd, our negro cook, who came from Gslveston. go? out his mouth organ and almost hurst his lungs playing "Die Warht am Rheln." 'I he silence In the German trenches while he plsyed wss thousand times more eloquent thsn the blast of cheers that came when be had finished. "When You're Well, Keep Well" Aarthrr artirlr ia Thr Star's braltb ranpalga brlif firitHi I Hilh ro-opf ration Aaerlraa Medical Assodattee WATER CARRIES DISEASE GERMS Waler fit to lined for drinking. for lirtuhlng tiie teeth, for cooking and the varioua uaea of the houaehold, Iw frw from from the aermn of Remember th I now that the warm days are coming Experience has shown that water may cause typhoid fever by carrying the living typhoid germ from aome person sick with the disease to some well person. This Is simple mechanical transfer of the germs The water plays no other tisrt than that of floating the tiny things along, unless we may ssy that It keeps them from drying up.

The germs of cholera, dysentery slid the germs of the milder forms of diarrheal diseases may also be transferred by water The germs of those various leave the bodies of the sick In the urine and bowel discharges. Sewage Is thus liable to contain them. SPINNING'S SPECIALS $3 05 32x3' Firestone Red Inner Tube 92.50 15c Half-Pound Ball Hemp Twine 70 Not more than five balls to a customer. 15c Norust Bottom Flour Sifter 10c Two-Bladed Thin. Fancy-Handle Seara 1865 750 Strictly high grade and a beauty.

No. 0 Wells Hinge Pipe Vise 9150 Holds pipe from to 2 Inches. No. 1 Same $2.00 Holds from to 2 i Inches. No.

2 Same 92.50 Holds pipe to 3 2 Inches If You Wish a Keen Cutting. Velvet Edge, Try Our New Razor Blade Sharpener SPINNING'S CASH STORE 1 The Wrong in Overdoing Overdoing causes most sickness Overwork and worry bring on most cases of kidney weakness. The inside forces and the body tissues are simply used up faster than they can be repaired. The body Is filled with waste matter. The kldnevw are slowed up in their blood-filtering work.

The blood gets heavy and Impure. The kidneys weaken. A Rood kidney medicine Is certainly needed, hut It is quite as necessary to avoid worry, overwork. late hours, excesses, to diet more lightly; to take milk nnd Instead of strong drinks; to get more light outdoor exercise, rest and sleep, (living the kidneys a little reat helps the medicine work better. Doan's Kidney rills have won derfnl record of surcess all over the world In repairing weak Thousands publicly recommend them.

A Seattle Man Says: Kdtnund H. Crowe, engineer, 1010 Fifth ave. Seattle, says: "I had considerable trouble front the kidney secretions and 1 often hail to get up at night to pass them. My hark wan lame and weak and lined to palp nip tnoKt of the time. I often had terrlhle headaches and ADOAN'Snus by Dealers ftice 50c.

fester-MilbumCo. ftops ButtaloJiY There whs no shooting sit night until about m. the sound of v. in heard far down the St. Louii Man Too Friendly; He Dies Hut Nhilwiii r-ortd not human aympathy unerringly, Hn first to holiday aplrit of day, but on thla day to hum grl tori cm of war that had fallen during night.

Karly In the morning he Jumped out of the trench aud begaa waving his arms again. John Street, an American, had been an evangelist In St. Louis, Jumped out with him snd began to shout a morning greeting to a German he had made friends with the day before. THERE WAS A RATTLE OP RIFLE FIRE, AND STREET FELL DEAD WITH A BULLET THROUGH HIS HEAD. THE SUN WAS SHININQ DOWN AGAIN ON A WORLD GONE MAO.

THE VITAL STATISTICS IN PERIL Then if tlie age finda wajr Into a or utream or If the of a itoak into ground and then drain into a well, the prrniH are preiient. to Infect whoever the contaminated water. Water that contaminated with sewage Is always dangerous to drink. It may not always cause ilckDNi, because the sewage not always contain germs given off by persons sick of typhoid fever and other water-borne but It In the safe rule to consider such water as dang'-rous When a person laughs the diaphragm pounds the liver and the abdominal walls strike the stomach and Intestines. This stirs up the blood in the lungs and circulation sll over the body is improved as is the person's heslth.

Therefore, lauQh often. PLAN EASTER DANCE An Kaster dance has been airjL nounced by the Moochers clob foe Saturday night. April S. The dsnool will be given in Douglass hall. Odl 'I, Fellows' building, lOtb ave.

and E. Pino diziv spells. 1 tried a number ot remedies, but got very little help until I took Doati's Kidney Pills. After I used two boxes, my back got better and my kidneys acted regularly. Since then 1 haven't been troubled at all." "It catches me rlaht there every time".

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