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Perrysburg Journal from Perrysburg, Ohio • Page 3

Perrysburg, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TIME D. M. R. R. Cincinnati, Toledo Detroit Mails.

ASBIN8 KUITII. F1RSIKO 80PTH. P.M. A.M. 2tf S.S8 Toledo 10.65 Milton 3 40 Kaal Toledo 11.05 W.itoo 60 Unlet Side Truck f'intof ipf 4.06 I'erryaburf 1 ICukln 4)3 Riuehton II.

St Hull 4.15 Hulll'ralrle II IU R'laohion 4 25 Haekin 1141 l'errTburi 4.11 Tontnrny 11.40 Rate Side Traok.4 .40 Weatott 1 2 05 F.t Toledo 4.60 Milton 12.14 Tjledo- a. OO Cuatar 12.16 Dayton Cincinnati Mail. Ciutar 21) Tola-lo 7.1 Milton 0.21 Knat Toledo 7.1" Woaton 9. SO lUtoa' Hide Track .7. Tinloian 9 4 I'errraburg 7 .4 lit.

kin 0 61 Roachtnn 7.5 Hull' Prairie tluH' Prairie. 7.67 ftuahtnn 10OO llaakin. 8.00 Prrlrg Tnntngany 8 (IS Htt(M Hide Track---. Weaton 8 22 Kiat Toledo HI 25 Toledo 10.35 Cuatar. 8.33 Detroit, Toledo Cincinnati Express.

a. Pmlar. 5 1 1 Milton 5.14 Weaton 5 2:1 F. Toledo 0 20 Eaat Toledo fl.SO Tonlnuaiiy I Perrvalmrg .9.48 llaakin 6 47 I Rnaohtnn 9.64 Hull Prairie 6 49 I Hull Prairie Riaoliinn 6 5(1 llaakin. 10.02 Perrrnlniru .8 05 Tnnlnfcany 10.10 lUtoa' HideTraok-.

Weston 10.27 RialTolorl 8.25 Miltou 1 0 3ft Toledo 8.35 Onatar 10. 37 Toledo Deshler Accommodation. A. II -8 25 .8 40 7.00 .7 18 .7 45 00 A 04 8 8 8 50 9 05 r. Farnliuin ilar Milton' Weston Tontovany Hi.

ill I'ralrie Iliverdale tteliton irrr n'mrjr Rita -ti Track nl Toledo Tilelo Toledo. Eaat Toledo 10 lUtnaSide Tr'k---5 28 Purrraburg 8 45 Uoachlon 6.66 Uirerdale Holt Prairie lU.kin 8 18 Ti.ntorny 0 Wanton 6 58 Milton T.lO Omlar 7.15 Parnbam 7 28 Dcabler 7.4n R. M. SHOEMAKER Pres't Cincinnati. L.

Williams. Gen'l Sup't. J. H. Weller, Ass't Sup't Dayton.

Calvin H. Shepler, Agent, Perrysburg. Calvin H. Shepler, Agent, Perrysburg. BOWLING GREEN TONTOGANY R.

R. rlinn a. 10.40 a 5.20 p.m. idling Ur'n, a 12.10 a 8.35 p.m. int inanr, l.eare.7.55 a 1 1 40 a.

8.15 p. Tintujfany, Arrive. -J. 35a 11 a.M., 5.40P. M.


Vl.Eiriti 10e Oirn lOOIb Flour bl5 50(36 40 I 1 alnlled 35c Oata A 2 2c Ir -si-l Itfdf 40c b'jl Cloieraeed bii- SJ.Ml II lis. 3(1 Chieken.p lie i.i.s S.Vi!li) Turkeys 1 "(ftKc A ill's pi bu ili? Henna, navy-l 50(f(2 ii I l.ard 6c It liter 1(1 (jl ij Kentliera. BUSINESS CARDS. oni'it s. ivvit itint.

ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, Oflice, Frouf Ovi ITankcy I Store. It nw ling Green, Wood Comity, Itonin a Inrtiierly occupied by 1). V. 11. Day, stiiaik Attorney Counselor at Law, -UK omo.

I-iJT Oin'oUn-fitair iu room adjoining the oil 1 ii I Oilier. 7 AU HOLLKMIIUK, ATTORNEYS AT- LAW, Genera lUolluetora and Ileal Eatafu Agcnta. Afntt for liny iHjr and Si-lling Landa, Pa Tales, Redeeniiiig l.iinds Sold fur Taxes COOK TKOUI', I aaiiiK cook. I JAB. O.

TKOUP ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ami Agent. Speclsi acenlinn given to 1 11 vii isoilnp Till-, Pavineol of Tuxes and Colleriioua. Office ia Ulock, Pei rraburc, O. 50 JiMts ri I.I. A III, Tllli 1, Ohio.

JABIIIR PII.I.A 118 ATrOHNEYS-AT-LAW. attend promptly to all business en trusted to their cire in Voud, Seueea and ad-j lining eountiea. 35tr 'j'nos. ATTORNEY AT -LAW, Heinberrllltf Oliio. A II busiiiesg entrusted to him nil! be faith fell altendd to.

11 wm. thos. Mcdowell, United States Attorney Legally Authorized by the Government. Will prosecute Claims for Pensions, Hack Pay, llnuntr, Arrt-amgea of Pensions and all claim against the (i. venioient.

Olhse Itooni 12, Siional Military Hume, Montgomery Count v.Oliio. 6ui To Inventors Mechanics. PATKNTS and Imn loi llsin tin in. Pain let of 60 pagea ireo, upon receipt of stamp for Postage. Address SILMOSS, SUITS rJolicilors tf I'atente, Itnx 31, Wasliiuiituii, L).

Q. JUSTICK OF THE srEi'iicliriiKv Has opened ao Office of Justico of the Peace over Fred, esjsr'a iturn no Louisiana ua, irhore all businesa pertaining to the (iflice will he promptly atteuded to. lT" Aapocial atleniiou gion to Collucllona. til JNO. ZURFLUH Cor.

Lnuibi.ina Ae.4 3d at. Keeps ennalantly nu hand a finestoak Tro orlcnn Swiss Watclics CLOCKS, JKWfMtV) Ac. SOLID GOLD AND SILVER RINGS Ac. FKRETSBaTOG CARRIAGE AND "Wagon. Factory W.

H. HOLLENDECKf Ueciuuiiig oonvinced that the bard liinea and oareity ofiiioueTdemsiids areduciio In price' jq all branchea of industry, I will fmn) this 4ate pitdown the price of all kinds 01 Wsgmr tf)irk, Itlaoksmithjug and Carriuge painting to rd pan pricea. iraeshoeing will be done at the following fates 1 New shoes, 30 Ola ahoea reset, licts. Selling Tires on buggies and lumber wugous, 0. Bpokes let In wheels from 12J tn 15 cents aoeording to lbs number set.

tiawed fellas lumber wagons, 25 els. each. Kent fellas for buggies 4 In 6 per set of heels, ill ether work in proportion to above prices. Hear work I will sell ss cheap as any shop in aouoly sod warrant any work sent out to givs oilri satisfaction. Per anus having wot kin the above line tn do (rill do well to gall on ma and gel my prices before going elsewhere.

Keeling satisfied Ilia 1 1 gan leae all in Pricea find Workmanship. I thank uijr patrons for paat avora and hope lo merit coutinusnre of the fame. W. II. HOU.LKilECK.

SUBSCRIBE 118 JOURNAL LOCAL MATTERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheriffs Sale-Orrln Itenry. Hook Cases llsker, Pratt Co. Adminatrstor's fale-Earl W.

Merry. Stoves and Hardware J. Davis. Rollout adjourned to-dnr to nllnw nl who desired to nltetid (lie Tri-Stnte I'm if. Kcv.

O. A. Adamu will esrlmngo pulpits willi (lie Rev. Mr. Host, of Toledo, next rjiiblmlli.

Tliere was plensnnt lie ring of the young people nt Hie residenco of Air. J. A. Kouf.rtson, lust evening. Mr.

A. M. Russell la now lite Treasurer of Wood county, Mr. I. W.

turning over tlio kevs Inst week. We call Attention to the ndvertipemen of tlie Jnlinson revolving Hook Cnne, which tu nkes iU fust appeurance in this issue. Rev. C. J.

RvnF.n will occupy tlie pulpit nt (lie Witlnut Slrcct l'resliylerion C'huit'li, next SnMiulli, morning nnd evening. The peoplo of Wood county should remember thnt their own Agricultural exhibition tnkea place on Sept. 30lh, October 1st, 2d nnd 3d. Several of our Rund boys filled nn en-gnpciiient to piny for the "filmst Show at the Tri State I-'nir groiindB oil the first three dnya of this week. Kindness, if nothing ulrongcr, should induce anyone lo nee Dr.

Hull's Hnby Syrup for the reliof of the diMureg of Uahy-hood. IVice 115 cents. Mr. N. It.

Paukks linn ocned up a tailoring eot nbl ihIi mc-ii in Dr. FRANk'm on the corner of Lmiiai nna Ave. nnd Second St. Mr. David Tkrhis, the popnlnr Innrllord of the A morion Honae, Smith T0I01I0, hits retired tn private life, nml that House is now nwuiting another ten-nnt.

We direct the attention of those wialt. ins t' purchnse to the notice of Adniistrn Irntor'a Sale in this pnper, which is to (nke place next Tuesday at the lute residence of Susan Una twp. The D. M. Rond it running trains about every ten minutes now, nnd yet Ihoy have to leave large numbers on the platforms nt the stations in this county who desire to attend the fair at Toledo.

We are somewhat "hampered" this week bvour correspondents, but nil the let ters will be funnel full of interesting matter to the cencral reader. Two letters are crowded over ogoin this week. The time lins ngnin arrived when it becomes necessary to jam the stovo pipe to jamnntion. See to it that your fliieR nre pi good condition, I lint you may save your home and loss iv hie. a Country life, fresh nir, and bathing ate nil vcrv well, but if you want to cleanse your system thoroughly, use few b.ittloa of Dr.

Hull a 11 loud Mixture. I'rice 25 cents 11 bottle. Millgrove correspondent to the Wes ton Urn Id siys: About half of Perrys-buie ia hoarding at our hotel. They nre I1111I1I111'' a bridge across the middle branch of l'orlnge river near David Hairds. Mr.

Edward DkVkkxa, from 15 acres, received nil average of 3(1 bushels of wheat per acre, except one half acre which produced 27 bushels. How is that for yield? Grand preparations nre being made for the reunion of the veterans of the old 21st O. V. I. nt Howling fireen next Friilav, Sept.

liuh. The old Hlh O. V. I. veterans hold their reunion at botith on the same (lav.

Dr. O. W. Vail, who lately removed from Toledo to Waterville, has fitted up Ins Hath in that village nnd ia prepared to give vapor, steam, electro- vnpor, niedicateil nnd mineral baths to all who mav desire lliem. The ladies should not fail to see the monster stork of Dress Goods now disnlav- ed at the Kelinlde Drv Goods House of N'EfiiAlsKt.

liiioc, 217 Summit Toledo. The prices on these goods have been put to low, that all can buy them. Tliere is a rumor that Toledo Man- nice Narrow Gunge Railroad will cense operations to-morrow, and a correspondent of the lltndc wants to know, how about all those unsold City lots between South lolcdoaml ioledo." What 1 the trouble? The boys had a fine time nt the reunion in rcrrysbnrg. We heard many of them remark that the citizens in that town know just bow to treat compnuv, nnd did just ns well as they knew. There were about two hundred ol the old regiment in attendance.

U'eelon JcraM. Mr. N.II.Cai.t.aup, had his cloth" ing caught in a tile nim hine that was in operation nt tho Tri-State Fair on Wednesday, and met with nnrrow escape from serious injury. Luckily iiis clothing only aiiflercd, the whole suit being almost com pletely ruined. Nature docs, not execute "snap" judgements, but always wnrns the offender ucailiht her laws by the infliction ot pniii.

Give attention to her winnings, nnd take Dr. Jin Us III mote 1 ills in good tune to prevent the encroachment ot disease. 1 lice "0 cents. We predict that Henry Onr.tNBEn has the finest collection of birds eggs to be found in the Niifthwert. He has 133 varieties, all catalogued nnd numbeied, ml will exhibit them at the Conn'y Fair.

They range from the alligator down to the humming bird and the alligator is not very fine bird either, yet it lays eggs all the snmee. Everything ia being put in readiness by tlie Wood County Agricultural Society for the annual Fair which 'commence nt TontogHiiy on the Inst day of this month. We learn that the 1'iemiuiii List ia out and the grounds nre in excellent trim. Everything ia tavDiubJa for one of the finest displays this Fall that the county has ever exhibited. Let all take hold and make it a complclo success.

We invito the attention ot our readers to the new advertisement of Mr. J. Davis, who is on hand with the largest nnd best variety of the best make of Stores to be found in any market. You should not not mnko a purchase until you see his stock. He ia also carrying a full and fresh supply of Hardware, Tinware, ik, and his niotln from the start has been nut lo bo undersold, Ms F.

T. Pe.nnywf.i.l will accept our thanks for a pint of raspberries just picked from the bushes. The variety is known a the Perpetual Hearer," which prodiu berries among the enrliest in their season and continue bearing until frost strips them of their foliage. We are promihcd some of the bushes if we ill only gel mar-rit'd, and ns a compliment to the berries will slate that tho proportion ia a very tempting one. At I.ftt.

The Devil," in our absence in June, caught Dr. J. RonEHTMm, of Detroit, nnd one of Wood county' fair daughters with the hyineiiinl luaao as far ns the types could make it appear but the Doctor' wrote a hulldoging Idler ami scared the "Devil "so badly that lie look it all back and recorded Dr. Jamks V. Rob-khtson, of llaskina, its ie man who had drawn the pi ie.

Hut we have now got the "drop," to use a western phrase, on Dr. this lime, will be witnessed bv the following which a few of his friends here found in their box at the O. yesterday Mrs. C. Phelps reqiiKts the pleasure of your preaence at the wedding ceremony of her daughter.

Ella J. Phelps, with V. KolicrlHoii, Wednesday evening, September Kill, 1711, at half-past seven o'clock, 85 We4 Elizabeth atjcel, Detroit, Mich," Tlnivlng HiifiliK'gg. We dropped and look a look nt Mr. Jons ('ranker's wagon shops on Ttienlny and found them full of new work.

He has over lliou- 1 "urn dollars wortli of wrk now on hand, and Is turning out work for parties at lulelioiise and fiwnulon, in Lueas county, and Scotch Itldgo and other points in Ibis count y. John is a good, honest work in nil, la indiisti ions nml deserving of 1... 0 inc nucccm lie ia iiiceiin Willi. PERSONAL. Mr.

A Mrs. C. K. Dennett, of Toledo. I 1 ivuic visiiiug menus nero on iMimlity, Mr.

Gkoikik Strain of this nlace. ip- iiirneu iiiiirsilay, 4tii entirely recov erru. Miss Meiitie Clark, of Toiitovnnv. minis 101- iieinware 1111s ween 10 pursue a course in the College there. Miss ELLA Spink starts for Jonearlllo to-morrow for visit of somo wenks with the family of Mr.

f8. F. Smith. Mr. W.J.

:bivi.lunil in yesterday upon his Petryshiirg friends, unheralded, lie looks ns natural as ever. Miss Nettie D. Hi fkman and Misn A v. JaE. LooMln, of Hnwliiig Green, are the guests of Miss Nktta G.

Lawuisnck, this weeK. Mr. If. Wiltse has removed his family to his iiropcrty just back of Mouth Toledo. iv.

and lniinly were good citizens mid we regret lo part with them. Mr. C. A. Ueeh.

of Massachusetts, nop ol the most genial traveling met nn tha toad, has been making bis hcadniiartera at the Exchange for lliu past week. We are informed tlint Mi I'mxii II iv one of the graduating clan in the PerryiJ ourg nciiool in June, has got a school nt Luke Hreeze, near Cleveland. Mrs. O. I).

HofKiNsi, wifeof the propria tor of the Central House, Howling Green, returned homo on Friday pleasant weeks' visit ith her cousins, lie several families of Hol.LENiiKC'Kg lu re. Mr. W. J. SfAi roiii), who is now engaged in putting Telephone in Toledo, was home on Sunday.

He informed us that (hey now have these in- slriiiiien's in opctalioii in that city, and are noon to run a wire to South Toledo. Mr. CitAs. W.Moswi was in town Wednesday, and with Mr. D.

P. Osteihtout made a trip into the country with the view' of starting lii the tie trade which they intend to make lively this Fall and Winter. We sec it staled thnt Mr. Ai.k.R. Knapp, of Wept Millgrove, who lately located in the Drug business at llising Sun, is going (0 attend lecture in a medical institution in New York.

So Al.r. ia Ix.ttiid to make a doctor out of himself. Success iu the undertaking. Mrs. E.

D. PufK, of Waterloo, Iowa, has been visiting Iter relatives and friends here for the past two weeks. She returns home next Tuesday, and will bo accompanied by Miss l'HKMIK Itolir.RTKON, who expect lo spend pari or all of the winter in Waterloo. Tho genial physiognomy of our old friend, Cap. M.Huown, direct from Wichita made its appearance on our streets for the lii st lime iu six months on Salur-day.

Cap. is not discouraged with the We-t, but thinks this country has gut so fur ahead that the West will never catch up We were pleased to recieve a call 011 Monday from Kev. A. H. Kouinsox, of Glenwood, Erie county, N.

Y. He is a yoiin man of bright promise. He occupied the pulpit nl the Walnut Street Church for the two Sabbaths, and so well weie the congregation pleased with lii thai they are contemplating the issuing of a cnil lo him to locate hero. Mr. JosEpn LiNt'SAY, who has been engaged for the past six months in one of iba largest sash, door and blind factories iu Denver, returned to his home here on Saturday.

His henllh has not been good while there. Tho large overplus of carpenters in thai ci last Spring had disappeared and ihey were advertising fir carpenters when he left. An eleven pound son nirived in two days after Joseph's return. Hon. Asher Cook returned on Monday from his protracted alienee of nearly a year amid he ino.t noted scenes nf Europe.

He is looking robust and healthy and enjoyed excellent henllh during his absence. Mrs. Cook stopped over nl East Pembroke, N. and at Obcrlin, Ohio, for a visit with her sisters, but arrived home Inst night accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Wheat.

She i repotted to have been in feeble health during the greater portion of the protracted absence, and for one week in London enjoyed the felicity of the genuine Hlack Swamp ague. FROM TONTOGANY. Ed. Journal List Sunday about 9 o'clock, our people were startled by the cry of fire, and turned out in full force to find the furniture manufactory of Mr. W.

D. Herrick in flames. Tho fire broke out in the upper story, and ns there id been 110 fire in the building for several day it is believed that the building was set on tire; but for what reason or by whom is not known. The building was insured for $8UU, but in addition to what the insurance covers Mr. Herrick loses about $3U0, as tho tools, lumber, were a total loss.

dipt. John F. Oglevee spoke in Whit-morc's Hall last Tuesday evening to a good audience. Ills speech was well liked, ami was listened to by many ladies, whom we Impo will be aide to persuade those gentlemen on whom they have nny claims to voto the straight Republican ticket. While Mr.

Cornell was ntteiidiug the Tri State Fair Tuesday, he suffered, iiuite a loss in tlie breaking of a leg of a valuable colt, worth $500. Ilia hired man thought he would break the 00 It in Mr. absence, and succeeded in breaking part of it, certainly. A building for Council Room nnd Calaboose purpose is being erected on the green nenr the depot. Ir.

Hi. F. Httiue, of Genesee, nnd Mr. K. It.

Hume, of Morenci, are visiting Dr. C. K. lltiiue, to-day. INCOG.

Sept 11, 1879. SILLY TWADDLE. Ed. Jovrnal: The Sentinel, wholly unable lo meet the qucstiona raised 11 the Jocrkal, seems to be getting desperate lo publish Mich childish stuff a appeared from ''J," of Troy last week. It looks very much as (hough the managers of that psper had been approaching some slupid mid ignorant pally and by mixing their own suggestions with the wretched twaddle of this ignoramus, patched up something for their paper.

Or, more likely still, they made up what ihey were in-hameil to publish as eill.uiiul ami then obtained the signature of the silly who was probably so mixed up with lagei beer and bud whisky that he didn't know what he was doing. The ring must be pressed pretty hind to require such bolstering up. Hut if the tieutiuei is so utterly iuc of making headway ngaiiist the criticism in the Journal why do Ihey undertake the defense of ollici. 1 uiaiiagcnicnl at all. He-sides Evils' own admissions condemn the action of our coiniui-aionera iu certain ditch and improved road inn'ter more completely than anything thai has been published in the Journal.

When the question of Improved Road No. 18 catio up in tlie papers, Eveis (being one of the vieweta) admitted the miserable and rascally way it was managed by those who had charge of its construction. Whvdid he not explain us he promised he would The fact ia he dnie not do it, and he dure Dot interview tho great majority of taxpayers 011 ditch miittera and publish the result. The question asked everywhere what be comes of all the money collected ns social assessments 1 lie promised U) publish it showing if where it goes. Ha lie done it Certainly not I And uo'W he uppenra tu lie reduced lo the pitiful necessity of publishing the idle and silly talk of loiuo ig norant fe'luw a an oll'scl toiirf, H.

H. S. Troy Sept. 10, 1879. FROM BELLVILLE RIDGE.

Ed. Journal Miss Jennie Murcl closed her school here on the 2l)lh nil with a grand pic nic. At an c.irlv hour the little folks, all tidy and clean, might have been seen wending their way to tho school house. I dropped in just in time to hear the speaking, which was excellent Miss Marsha Stevens, Miss Delia Heard and Miss Mary Brown, three young ladies of tho age of 5 years declaimed their speeches in a manner that would do credit to 111 Mil who are many years their seniors At nu early hour in the afternoon exercises a long, lank looking specimen of humanity csino stalking into the school bouse, fob lowed by 11 short stul and twist looking tellow with a smile upon his countenance which extended from one extremity of bis face to the other. All recognized the long, lank genilemnii as tho identical r.

Heniiiiger, of Freeport, who was initiated into the deep mysteries 01 school leaching in this self-same old school housu inst a few years ago. In the lit' le short man was recognized D. C. VanVorhis, the jolly teacher who taught our school last winter. Frank says that there is one consolation in being as long us a rail, viz That the ma-.

jurity of men have to look up to him. 1 he exercises grew in interest as the (lay advanced, but all things earthly must have an end, so the hiiiiiiinuss of those lit tle folks must end, for tho time being tit least. Their teacher hud so endeared her self to her scholars that they felt loth to pai Willi her, ami il was ohvious that the joyous smiles that were wont to pervade each little, face had given place to 11 look ot ns the end approached. Miss Murch leaves here with the best wishes of thin entire community, nml the Directors in this School District congratulate her on bei sue 'ess as a leachir.and would hoarlilly receonniieiid her as a com potent teacher. ami a worth christian ladv.

Stewart, of Slonv Hidge, preached a rousing sermon lit the school bouse last Sabbath evening. Ill the course of his remarks he said it is just as iuipossjhle for a man to get drunk mid be a elirist ian ns it is to redeem a lost soul. Perhaps there were some present who took exceptions to this expression ot Father Stewart's. Let this be as it may I am glad thsl there is one pieachcr iu this county ho will dare stand up and declare against the evil iu the church. This very "Drunkenness," in the church, is driving good Christians out and keeping many nut who would he ornaments to the elm reh.

Think of a man going to town on Saturday anil visiting lliofa dens of iniquity mid drinking enough lager beer and whisky to 11 hiin, and then ill the mull. ing of the Holy Sahhalh day going up lo the house of God and partaking of the Sacrament. The very thought is repulsive lo persons who have proper conceptions of the Divii character. Hut as it ia not my province lo preach I will leave the devil, "drunkenness in the church," in the hands of Father Stewart. 'i ho farnuri are busy preparing for seeding.

Plowing ha been suspended for a few days by reason of the drought, but the recent rains have softened the ground so that business on the farm will bo resinned with redoubled energy. There will be a larger acreage of wheat sown in Wood count this fall than in any previous years. It ha been demonstrated that wheat can be grown in the Black Swamp, and the people are turning their attention mure to wheat raising than formerly. Mr, (J. J.

Shoemaker took sick quite suddenly few days ago. All thought the timo of his departure had come, but Dr. II. A. Hamilton was sent for and be gave ud.

a few scoop shovel doses and cheated death out of its victim. The patient is now convalescent. It is supposed by many that Mel. Parker has been married to a dashing young but Mel. denies it bitterly.

Might just as well own up, for the boys say they will come to see you if it is a year after. Politics here are nt a low ebb, hardly any one seems tn take any interest. We out here would like to see good man elected tor Land Appraiser in Peiryshiirg Twp. We do not care so much about his politics, but we want a man who will look to the interests of the already over-burdened taxpayers. Let the people see to it that mieh a one ia nominated and elected.

I hear 110 inure of the "reunion." Has it played Some think that" Allspice" is a little severe on the Sanctilicatioiiisls but I say Lay on MeDulf, and will be anybody who cries hold, enough." GRIDIRON. Sept 4, 1879. OUR CALIFORNIA LETTER. YUBA CITY, Aug 27, 1879. Dear Friends ok the" Black Swamp," Since I last wrote you many thing have transpired, some of hich may be interesting to you.

The first few weeks were spent on a sick bed, of fever within and a solar weight of from 100 to 1-03 degrees of heat without, so you will be ready lo bear of my Hcciug to the mountains as soon as 1 was able to get out. Well, I did take a trip to the North, into Plumas to a pleasant litt'e miles beyond the summit, called ILjin bug Valley," noted lor its dilighlful ci-mate iu summer ns well as for its soda springs and its many brook trout, ami for the licoiiiifol mountain scenery and the deer and other wild on the slope and in the deep canyons, making it one cf the earths rare spots for a man worn with business or shattered by disease. Here drinking this health-inspiring soda water and sleeping on my blankets out of doors by night; by hunting and eating deer aiui other game, cooked by mysvlf on a lire of coa la along with bread of my own baking, with such choice butler and milk as only a mountain valley can produce, I gained about lib of fiesh a day and am Uuw again at my home in Suiter in good health, and it. ail to begin my school. Tlie country from hero to this beautiful valley is a gradual change front a desert plain to a molintaii) country, for Ihc Oral ol) miles, then it proudly rises from one high ridge to another until an elevation of 7,001.1 feet attained, when the Pud again descends some feel to the place ahove named.

The mountains, though ateep, are mostly covered with ol and are planted ill beautiful towering pines, rearing their bends above each other, making it a beautiful country to travel through. The roads nro dug into the sides of the lii winding up by tho easiest gradations, and at iiitoiva's nice fountains of cold water gush out of the steep bunks across the road. The road is m. ido and kept up by 11 chartered caliipanv, who collect loll al interval of 20 or 06 miles for their pay. The roads nre quite good for the rugged aides upon which they are built, mid you will see tho atae full of pas-engeis (li i veil along ut a rattling rale down on this narrow road, dug into the aide of bills, where the hank bu-low the road is almost perpendicular, and the chasm be'ow, as far aa the traveler can see, bottomless.

Through litis vail country you will see but Ijllle improvement, except In places where mining towns are built up or where flumes aro huill to convey the vast wealth of down to the lower lallevs. Iu the lower valleya nnd nu the sides of tho mount. litis are planted beautiful vineyards and orchards, but above the elevation of 3,000 or 4,000 feet the climate ia too frosty fur fruit, nnd no other use ia made of the soil except for hay and summer pasturage lor stock. HiiUbig Valley kaa annum of about 3,000 acres of grass land. Hero are kept ubotit 60U milk cows during the summer, and their butter ia sold to the miner and liim-heiuteii ut from '2 to 40 cents per pound.

The proprietor, keeps a hotel, grocery store and a post cilice, nml ia very kind to nny one who may wish lo pinup upon his premise for fishing or burning. About the middle of October be generally move hi stock nod family down to Orovillu. The snow iu the region of the auiiiuiit fall lo I lie depth of from 8 to 11 leet. Well, A If," you are waiting fur a gi'uily alory now I will till voit what came of ii. One day, while tumbling ovei a high mountain I actually saw the fresh track of grizzly in the a.ind.

I followed In the edge of deep gulch where 1 thought it posaihle he might be. I quietly aat do oil tho corner of a ruck, pencil in bond, ready to write tins allocking story; but 1 peeped about I bethought myself that I was alone, fur out from camp, and (hat the hero of tho lale wna wanting, an I got lip and "got." Yea, I would be glad to attend the ink aiingera" reunion ami ace the glorious eront of the black swamp, hut I fear I should not leel will ing tn return. So 1 had belter complete all my hiisinrsa here before 1 venture to go liacK. ya Ii not meet al Uiimiiug Vallev' Thu Chinese question has heon gone over, and many assert ions made, mil as-vertions are not alwnya facta, and a long liarinigitH of personal aluisu ami bare aa- serliniis, iinhaeked by evidence, me of no belli lit to the public; nor nnv credit to the writer. I rest the question, and am ready to "shake hands over it with nny one who may see lit to diner from me Kallnch is stiM alive.

The excitement S. H. RAUB. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, Sept.

tf. Preaent, the Mayor nnd Cotiiicilmcn Boetsch. LuFurrce. Lucas. Wil liam and Vnsa.

Tho minutes of the last three meetings were rend and approved. On motion the claim ordinance was road the fiist lime. On motion the rulea were suspended and Ihc claim ordinance was read the second time. The fo'louing c'aim was ttpproved by the council mid ordered placed on pending claim ordinance: Fire Department, bill of It. R.

freight on lire hose noui Ioledo $1 4.1 The resignation of II, Wi'tse was rend and on motion it 1 accepted and placed on lib'. On motion of Mr. LaFarreo the vacancy Mr. Wiltse be filled bv appointment. On motion of Mr.

Williams the vacancv be filled by election, the role was called and the million was lost. The Mavnr then appointed Mr. Curl is to till the vacancv, nnd the appoint ment was confirmed by the Council. On motion the council adjourned. GEO.

S. McKNIGHT, Clerk. Cut this out nml hand it to your neighbor llrotvn' Ulubclic Cure. Established eight rears ago at Green Springs, Sandusky canity, Ohio, continues lobe the woh- ilerof the age iu its msrvelous cure nf Diube-rt, IJinriff. tlrnvcl anil all forms of A'iih'V nnd HIhiIiU ilisefs.

To ho convinced come, or send for a circuluraml sworn lestimonv. J. ItltOWN, iu Charge. O. .1.

PnrTTS, 1 s. 11. MARRIED. DuFoBD MFNGFR. Al St. do Lima Church, Father Griess ofiiciatii Tuesday, September Dili, Mr. M. Dt FoltD. of Quebec, Ontario, and Miss Maiiv: Mc.Nfiicit, of Peirysliurg. The happy couple started on the first liain, intending to visit Piit-in-Bny, Cleve- uid and Buffalo, on the lovely stilling craft, l'lie lloneumtmn.

At tho same place, on the samo dale. and by same, Mr. John G. Lias, and Miss Zi all nl Peiryshiirg. SPECIAL LOCALS.

Buggy for Sale. A new open buggy never lined, for sale cheap for cash, or ill exchange for bowl blocks delivered at he bowl factory. Weuukll. For Sale. 30 or 40 ncrea of land $500 down, balance on 5 years' time.

Will take good team, or good paper, on first pay ment, ii-tt aciILKCT. Cash fur Wheat. We will pay the higbeot market price for wheat, cash on dc livery. bushel wauled. Il will pay to come and see 11s belotc selling.

A. It. ii.i.iams Perryshiirg, Ohio. Money fo Lou 11. Persons wishing to borrow money, on two vciiib lime, al a fair rate of of interest, iu sum of three hundred dollars or more, can he accommodated by calling upon the undersigned.

E. A. IlKililNV. Perryshiirg, S. 1879.

21 if JOHN P. THOMPSON, Surgeon Dentist (I'ha-nix block,) lei rys'jurc, O. CITIZENS BANK. Tne Citizens' Bank is prepnrcd lo buy good commercial paper or loan money. Wc also sill drafts on all the principal cities of j''ur('itt.

Foreign passage tickets and letters of credit cn be obtained through our X. Y. House on bvst possible term. X. L.

Hanson', Cashier. BusiW's hours 1 A. M. to 4 P. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS." ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.

Tli undersigned will offer for sale nl public vendue, al iho lute resideure of Susan deceased, in Perryahurg township, on TucMlay, S4-iH-iMli-r 10, 18Tf. Commencing st 10 o'clock iu the foi enoou, the personal proporiv belonging to the eslattf o' Cinsnn Folger, deeessed, viz IN acre of corn, 14 lout of liar. I Excelsior mower and reaper. 1 plow and 1 set of bob-alad. 'l'eliua made kil'ovn nu day of sal.

A It W. MKItltV. A bur do Is.nianon estate of Susan Kolgar, tiee'd. Jsopteqilier Sill, IS; I's sji.t bank of North I.ewVmrg, I Iu Potnain Court of K. W.

C. lluchan in. Common I'Uss. I.y virtue of a vendi exponas, issued iu the ah'ivti entitled cattse, by tho I'lei of the Court of Couiiit hi Pleas, of Putnam cuiiutv, Ohio, and tn toe dil'iieted sod delivered. 1 will fur aala at public vendue, at ilia residence id It.W.

lluchatuttii, in thu Western pail of Jackson township, Wiiiid cniiniy, Ohio, on il an September -Hi, IS7i)i 'lwiieu 1 airl '1 o'clock afternoon, of aaid dar, 'Us following dwdor.bcd property to -wit i O.ia 1 1 Ii ly anilllin, five yeuranhl. ia 1 1 i use ig 'i nearly uc, One 1 pair Hub-sleds. One 1 1 iioe-hiirso bugy. Ternta of riaU Hash. ouiti.v usxitr, sh.ritr.

I)r" H('u. I'l'tUi A t'y. Sept. II, ISij). 22bH 00 OCIIOOIt KXmiNKKN Nitric The iiieetioua of the Hoaid of School Examiners tif VVonit county, will bu baid as lulhin Perrvaburg.

Sept. 20, IS'9. Ib.wliug Itraen, Oct. 11, Iriifl, Knwliug Mieon N-iT 1 1 tt Howling lireeu, Nov. ii, W9.

-Howling Uieea, Nov. JU ei 7 KCUtS, Tlie full. nriug rules i 1 1 bo strict) jenforci All examination will commence prumptl) a I o'clock a and shuts at 3 r. Kscli applicant will he required lo deposit lire (3) Aunt 1 1 1 1 the Clerk for poatsga. Applicant must famish Iheuiaeltr with pens and pencil, paper only bting furnished by the Hon rd.

Iu mi a mu will mora than two ix mnutht partilirati-s be granted to i he aame ap.iliea nt. A pptieanta will be required lo furnish aor-tifieuira ol good moral character, Thar will no nf spplicauta exaepl at regular meetings of the i'osril. No osrliticate will hereafter be antedated tu onver lime taught preriona lo examination. Certificates will not be issued lo applicants wlioau grade ia leaa thuu 70 par cent. 111 uer or iiusrd, It.

M. IbiNNxi.i.r ixi.i.r.) IIKI.L.V Hoard nf Exainiuer. W. S. llaasKi.

0. II. HrssCKK W.S. II asc ai.t Cloi A mutt ii, t)0 Until turlher notice I willbuy Whit or BurrO.ik Piles nnd 35 feet long Pile must not he lets thnn 14 inches Ii itt, 12 in centre and 9 inch at too end. To be delivered nn tho doc I rg, fur which I will pay cash Ull GGOROR BOETHCII.

Of Interest to ilimnea Men. ha purchased the right for Wood County of I). It. Reynolds' t'atrjiit tlatalic Hlatlouery and Uook Hinder. haf good variety of the cntera on hand, and at (urn ennts extia eosi overlhn price of paper and printing we can furnish all kinds of Blink Win, and Station ery in neat ai.d substantial binding on th" shoitist possible notice.

We esn bind bock ill two no ii ii tea ith this Invention, Call and examine styles and piicei, JUST OPENED JAS. IX. WETMOKE, I hare just fitted up tho Kxchaugo Ham, on Front street, I'erryahurg, and am prepared lo famish first class rig at all times, day ol night. pertaining In the business will re ceive my personal supervision and careful at eulion. 11 fair and hum.

ruble dealing with all I shall hope to merit a share of public rontge. Dlf JAM. It. FOK SALS! AH "AVALANCHE" Threshing Machine! Manufactured nt I'ionu, John O'Fer- rall A Co. This iehine has been used a little snllicieiil to get it in running condition, and is in perfect order.

There is no better machine maaufactared. It ill be sold lor what il it rtasnuahly worth and upon fair temis. r.nqune oi viii.iiau tnooK. l'errysbntg, June 13th, 179. 'Jif REVOLUTION STAMRDSfflGEB.

$20 Bays this Style. New agents wanted in every town. Sample machina furuiahed on application. $2 to be forwarded ith order ss a guarantee of good faith tho balance, $18, to be paid after lire days' trial. Every machine warranted, and written guarantee given ith encU machine to keep in older fur two years.

Two Hiachinre, one address, three machines, tit; four machines, "0 fire linicLines, $si. Special price on larire orders. PARSONS, FOSTER 127 Clari Chicago, 111. A WKKK in your town, and no I I cnniial risked. Von can eiva thu business a trial without expense.

I 1 jj The. host opportunity ever offered 119 1 fur those willing wolk. 1 nu Kjf should try nothing else until Jim sea for yourself what you can do at the business we oiler. No room lo explain hero. Vou can devote all your lime or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour you work.

Women muke aa much as men. Send for special private tfl'Ois snd particulars, which we mail free. $5 Outfit tree. Don't complain of hard times while you have such chance. Address 11.

UALLETT Sl Portland, Maine. Rheumatism AND Neuralgia CAN BE CURED Lawson'sGurative It lias stood tho test for years, bused on its intrinsic, merits, and nearly every t-ommniiily possesses some living evidence of its it: ii)id etiratlvc lirojieriws. Eminent and Skillful Physicians use 1 1 to Curative t.irdy in their nnd prmiiiKnt clergymen editor rcomnienji it fr Liiowktlc uf iu fleets. Had we we foiiM Immlrcils (if certificates from panic well known in this community we beg ti refer to our p.iinphli whi ii to he 1a1 uf I 'ruggista, or ill he ent ly mail ou application. All tlie certificates arc entirely voluntary, and emanate from pcj ions of strimiin: ami respectability, and Uo mty be coinniuiiiiaicd with by letter, or in perun. anil Neuralgia. Kcad tho in cti nionials from of Cleveland t.KVRI July 6, I. AW CtiV Al. t. (.

'aMs: I h.i vc hceit l. id i-p vviih l'lie nniattni thirr Inntf inn tn couhl i ot walk have trii all mrdu h.c Mid liinini nf l.iuh 1 'it1 1 nt, bn: -nr. it. ml I I AWSi N'S CUR ATI VK, iiicli I nn rccniiiinei.rf lo Ai.ff irrti from Uhviuua-t -in, in' it tti-ej nu- in ilircv d.y that I tould to my In i aniens. I h.i litit-ii tl.e aKove ih Lcm fit of thu.e Milicr iili th it b.

M. isOWK, 214 itmat, Ktom Schoi tlie Topttlar Hair Urcuscr.J Ci taiCt a no. (., November 1874. l.WMlN CliHUl 1. i'ii(MNV I I it nvcr yiar 1 w.m a tficat Kitffurei fioni Nfi'-tt tn 11' h(-il; uiril (rio-i eviry rvmtdy that I eouM h'r i wus I hy pliysiciaiik tltiil I iiic'' i' try a Itantfc thin.

tc. A lady rvront meiiiV.d Curaiuc. I procured a bol'le, ami am pi tu ny ilia' the iiiitsi-c pain una inovr iiwauilv. Have fur Lottie. 1 eoiiMdui' the iilij'tdy ciiicd.

Very li uly vtuir. ii. sciioi.i:v Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pleurisy, Swollen Joints, Headache, Lame Back, Cramps, Diphtheria, Sciatica, Toothache, Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Chilblains, Sprains, Gurus, Scalds, All yield to the rrnjrh lnfh net of the Curative, no matter of how Ions standing. It i Ouj necefcsary to use faithfully and pcrkevcrinly, oordiiig ia th full direction ifcjniah K.jUapauy cacb bottle, and you will fcurcly be relieved. LAWSON'SGURATIVE 1 IIohIIiik nml CoolliiK Iu WohiuIh, Nurt'a, lluriiH, ami Nralila, 7ry i ou will iicvvi Iw witl.Miit it.

I'rlri' 100 0 liiiltlra fur li.Utt. vBbD av Liwsoa Chemical Cleveland, Ohio. Kulil all IliaaiiMi. I.uigo 5a Cent Sire, nml i.Hnrljr Ibrrc tlmta ita Imyc, lor ki. LIVERY Feed Stable mm 8t S5VBSITORSSri TO Toledo Tri-State When you are in tho City MaUey, the Clothier's He has just returned from tlie out a Tremendous Stork of Men's, Clothin Furnishing GootU and lor uustom Work.

Store crowded wi'h coods ud 1110 ol nobby suits. ovrcots. and dren, rqunl to tho lest custom Y'i n'Mi st me largest stooK 1 rices arc considerable less than 1 Wo carry all qualities of goods made. Do not invest 11 dollar in clothinir andpnees. It will s.ive you money.

JTST2TLM3HSrf 71 73 SUMMIT STREET, a is rials fSO Front Dry Goods, Boots, Tliiiiikful to tlie tiponlt! nf U'linil past I confidently csjioi-t to nvnt a MiuMum in nu torts the late advance, which will enable preornt value. hist lulcil.i, AiiK.iisl, WJ. a hi fur rinfrr.tnl Circ until luivo llij an.l prlcc3. Most Elegant. end ffi THE US IdKI It 1 4 i y.jc&:&f-'TT ivrSvfe? vr Market Tlio Ever VICTOR SEVY1MG Wcstcru Branch OfSce, 233 Statu Chicago, Ci A MON't'II giiarMiiteed.

$12 II I day at home mailu by tlie II I iTidusltiuHS. Capital mt roll I quired; we will atart vim. I men, otnen, bnya ami pirlx miner I'asti'rnt work fur ua tli un at anything else. Tliu ivmk ia liclit and pltiiiaaut, and auch aa a aynno can go riulit at. Tlmse ivhii are tviau who ave tin notic li-jll aaud ua tlioir adJieaHoa at onou and sen fnr tliemselri'S.

nmfii aud terma free. Nn iatlielima. Tli'mtf already at work ar, lavini; iiplartfe giinw nf nmnpy. Address THL'E 4. Maine.

SALESROOMS: Uni on Squaro.New York A 1- 154 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL MANUFACTURERS OF Trade Mark for Forks, 1847, Rogers Bros. A. I. Tlicao Oootl have takrn tha rr. Ill icull'a of .1 anl ivlirrei er hi b-itrtli both 111 I liia uuil tho old utiif I rit'.

And tho3Ioriden Britannia Co are tho LAIIGI ST and Best Manufacturers in this lino in tlio World. fi-jTAsi Yo'ir PROF. HAP.niS' RADICAL 102 BPEEIIATOESECGA. "SEKSPJALPASTSLLE" A Ji Sfl IU t. 'f r.Mf a.

.1 clUu. t' II if hi if vf I Ktnlraloaa dl ji piji cj 1) 11. if ti a I ItCi llMfiU oaf' 0 way, via 1 iircot Cil bAt of ttiu (fin -is atO. atli. lv Abaorniion.

tnl ttH-n fc.m:iial Ei.Tj- piiuinn 10 ii ulaiorv Du3tt. Frct'to OTaLnt. Uiothrn. 1 he It. u.r -1 i.a nt 1, siprnrF, ai 1 in net murUrt kin.

ni mi, umm. ot dip; ta qa.i.k.j Ji'uiil ttl 1 All iliimo diiita riiiiv: rn.ii in mi 11 11.41 i -f mrrs 01 i k.i-i. 1 "I 1 r. .1 1 1 rn" -fr i drnm frvti t-t 111. miud hfjitK anl iii-nr.

1' r.iUCuj flight, Mcrv.HLM i Jlvi toil Hosioty, OIO-, U'O-t 1 1 lft It. -iw lura old ove i i mi 1. ii tik ii 4.i iv-i iK ptrlici ticxuul Virr, ti.i it hn fr jrart. 'J In iit.i.l li.ititiri.i Itt Hu 4 jt in Veif iiKU vnw a Tii Urucn muuk jirrniird in IihImi, ml, inano lr ar it In, ith iii.t Mile if ant rx (tin real c- I. II rr it uiiunit ahaul tin Pi riaraii.t, 1 tr IicjI uln-i vi-ti antica it o4U vr If jRHavailU'8 lint 1 p.i But latacl Iltt 1 it frail I.14I tl Ii cit )(j g-riri4l un h-i III mi-tu'lt rf ti.l.ui-'iitj'a tn 111 1 Au 4' 1 II I -w c-ir Ji I I t- ilia Mrlicil ltttiotii I 1 In I' IiiuJ utt-an it I 1 .1 u.

I 11 r- if 'I'i't lit.til ia, II 1 ia Mil Kikjmu i 4i nl nt. 11 I ut-t) vt maiiv, a nl uix-t, le iit 1 lb ti i-f iln lu n-itriit tt.i t-ig litea. '1 it mi i- i' fit 1 01 t' HO, (r-nourtl tj I III tJl lt'j. It 1I1 rt a pritli ti't' I -ii. 1 ii.i 111 it re 1 in (0 No, .1, ('iillug pir inrra M'liHit, t-lll hi.

'11 ciii'ttivi't Hii -l ut ll.e nmil 1 if I t'L Nrl't I'V iil. tl. -I 111 pi nil iriapprr. Vull Hi LC'XIONU lor Uiiuji ul acowui puuy liACil boX. Vnl tt In 11 Rtvlnf A nlfvei fi IUlriUu, vl' iU 'U lutf 1 1 Dili th fh irat.tI I.

i-i ft 1 1 and f.n4 ir it.ii I i.i at if if ii ailrcarj. If TtJtt (r tiatj. I A. O.NLY 1... n.nri!S rcksuy co.rrrG csekists.

SILVER PLATED WARE tin'n ot hist tiliarc pocrif liny Es37 il 1 I I THE fair; da not ftil Id go and ca ITew Pall Stock Youth's. Boy's and Children nniil vmi bvi mn mv crtMr One Pries Only. tlxo Clotliicr, TOLEDO, 0 sl5iiis ets, atroot, a sltato was purc-Imsed bn mo to cell many oi.ds at 1cm tha fFO. Jtmit. tlo i i btftiiUru! P.wi:!..-n of Jiatiistr, fcnd rnuU tlr; 1 cou.sig'A Cu-r I onra t.

pattlt tiud fut ottr Reliable VICTOR. MACHINE COMPANY, Iu NIDDLETOYN, CONN. ADVBRTISEMINTS. Et.stern Cloth', Hearers, utirl dnn and UA A layer ft ii1s.pi. nr i work nt fully one-third less prioea Ulotlnng you hxve ever Bceri.

senson on tbn fc. vjv from tho cheapest to the best Shoes, Hats, Caps, 1111u1.11 inn ruunt'c in 111 of their trado in the future. Jl wwaia-k. j. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! Improvements September, IC7C.

Kotwillislauuhis VTCTOH l.rm bwn HuViiii!" M.n'i:i:io i i a a l.oi.'t cf vulu'itoir v. wo coiUiii. ciaua mr pricier cnni a vrotiil. i rci' at ion cf IVii tl' T. rir We Sell Key Kachinss Every Tin: trnu to tlia ita lc.

Dou't ttiy Runnins Mncuino RADICAL C'y'RS tEB C3KF.HTA WSliwj Ill'Hl 1' of. II U-, t'tltT IKT.T 1 1ml rrj'iiij'j "iid liiu'd iu i In tn nf hi Itn in )n-t h-i i- ii ti i lIilla 1 i.v vrrg tv t'tt a.M ittSfS LEUCORRHCA, riucr Al' i i mi i i. rii.nnu HI' il it 1- 1 I .1 II 1 miiki t.y Ji (i I -n i uim 14 i Ktt imtt i' bililiiJ'ir litut i-iii" A' ii ii mi 1 (mil ti lnni; t-i in. 1. lit.

intf dtjapriiiK, or ft i' a "iii It IhtrrU wj 111:1 1 1 1.. t. fuilitif in ilt ui Ii A nn ii.o Ir. i.liii.-nt. A H1.1I diivi fU ti tltn It nl 1.

1' I lie tli-n inul i 1 i-1 ht rt(i 1 vt jito.ln. nic 1111 h.tiii.-iiinl ai.if rjfi -f, (tlfi-t. Tin- f.ft'.o trnifli nil. nji (Dill t.r ttupfi mill tlf li'jt mtiil. ir iiti Hie or titnirv jiiu mid i jjmip ol I i.e.

ii 1 iiliria i )'rfrrlly pljini euiv.f innriM inVil iiiimI up in nvnt pluiu lic 1 litrt-c mji 'it-i fn.l-. No. Ut 11 ixi'li.) 15; No 2. i to lnt Iitu 3. al 4 thrni) iinii for rtif.

x. i it -z hi i' nt mo. W1K1 rut Ii In it a j'ml iM iiim Tf-nif Pill. n-in- lini- inline ti n. 4 -nn I t.tmiip fur i.iinp!i!i-t livii li.ll li-i if: ion tt vt iMi iIy.

I.y tain in iu opplicnltiiii. 'l'liinpt)iMpiitiliiiK IV.111. tlnit liium it a tii 1.1 imlv in l.tito li.nlth. hiiiijathoioul.iy jirurfh -u'. iJi-vmi 1l nt Prof.

Vns'nnl I'rnlillt rnn I10 ttlilnliud oi-lv HARRIS REMEEY CO.MF'8. CHEMISTS, fcljrket and bth 6l. 6T. LO'JtS. MO.

JIOIV LOST! Umm I Juat inblisliil, a new nlilinn of Or, Cnl. Vt-rivulPa I'ch'ln lili il I hMiy nu radical cure (with, jui jni'iliciiit-') Spu nun. ira or Stuninal Winki.rMi. Invulm.iuiy iiniua) Luitafa, Iiiipotency, Incanncitr, iuii'iila In rlc; aleii, ('uiimui iiii.n, Kpili i.v anl Fita, iiiiturnl by aeir-iudulL'tic ur Ao. i a M'ak'il enr'lne, only 6 cla, 'i'liti ci'lcbialtiri autlior, in ll.ia adminicle Ka iv, rliarly a ta, In tl.irly year' aiicccbaful prartiru, tlint the ctn qui'iicea nt may ba radically cured iilmiit lli i na um.

uf internal oiedieii or tlio njip Icamn nl I lie knile; (joint ins nut ui.klo cure at aimplu, ceituin and tflVct-mil, hr oliirh every auHi nit n.alltr what hia ci.nililii'ii may be, mar cure biniaell cbeailjr )riv-nli'lv and radically. Tins tlnre tl.nnld be iu tlie liouda of every rniuli and man in (lie land. Sent, under aenl, in plain envelope, tn anjr receipt of tlx ceute, ur tu (luatag aiampa. Addreas tlie Tublialiera, TllK t'l'LVEIUVKI-L IIEDICA I. P.O.

Ui.x il Ann Hkw Vo. I KXPI-iniNCFJ-ilAlll. 4: TALOLIiKS a li It A 1 f. I) 1 1 It ll KatabliabtcuuiliFtiigD Plan. Myera'ltli'ck, Mnnrne atreet, Tnledn.

A I'eniianciit Inali i4tipp, 1 iindaralpned liavinjr bnd Tiiibtv- 0 Jl iVtD t'18' XK aa a fKiCTicihS MV II I in tU XtJl'a'i -Mauuieo ValleT.iall iTrt-St111' Btlcntinii nf tin TuClnlerei.lel In tlia tan lia baa aalablialt neut cine of all kana PlilVATK DISEASES. lii dur recent 01 if In if ovg bta iwiifg iQ tile or Ft in le. tte aiu-res whicli lit a At" ti'itili'tl tlx! (iiaciu'v nl ll uiideri-iiud in ti vjitm ul -f llea' nuniiip uitder tht abtivw liBiul ia aulliriiul urHiiti'j lliat ul.altvtr li Hnlirtjiki'it lie jiri hi metf and in uvrt1 cnae f-it'tt. a ni-iieitl cure. 11 i vale ro'iniH ire prritt-eJ wlti-re coiiHulhtiioua cao be pn cuitdin Ut ftriciem nnntt'leiuf (ii'Mfrl OHice over N-a.

34andA Mnnros atnul, fi rail renni Die l. ft nl tlie if tli tairwar. All U-tU'ia cuinaiiiii a rf tuiltanr tftw ttt in pii'injitlr aiiftw ti'd. I tO'lu-e Ixiuta imm 1(1 lo 4 and from 7 CaIUiii nr addiaa Ii II '1 ftl I'ANV, Tl.lrde. OlllO.

nr. Oi u. 1. iWt.D licwi li, A rVVri Jiff AuviWllnlllU lllnlllU t'-UM'U (10 hnntcQ ibintX oiiU -tii ill, .) Ii4t. i fmmmmm 1 Hidcil ty Ut- ''t tu liiti -II- i a I 4 iv ct .1111111 a.

luiiit L4 if. y'laf i Mvrr." Ulnik, llnon. UL regul.r Dia- "irV in I fnr 1 1 "'2r Iraatiiiaiit and pun a. Be Jo.raal!rpr?:iin'.

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