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The Star from Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania • Page 5

The Stari
Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

icriplinn tlM) )cr yrnr, in mb'iinrr. V. A. Killlnr li ltd Pub. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1W2.

ffmtitWtrs' OTutHe. I'mwiMim-r trciltn arrive at thi Krynnld- Tllli' Million as follows: Hastirnni. I Went mi rl. (I. S.S2 a.

m.Trnln (I, 7.W a. m. mini," l.nn p. m. Trnln 1.4! p.m.

ruin ft, p. m. Trnln lo, lux p. ni. IIKTHOI.IMIVIl.t.l! POST-omCK.

Mull arrive and lcnvo the poM-oflli-i' follows: Arrive, I Depart. rnoM tbk wkst. I run TMK RAHT. l.l.V m. 7.

on p. m. 6.10 a. m. 12.) p.

tn. riu tii a ast. riH Till! WKST. 7.00 n. ni.

p. m. 7.00 a.m.-- LIS p. m. Arrive frnm Kiitliniel anili I'rrsoott villi-II HI a ni.

Arrlvi- frtn fnnlo TiU'wInys, Thursday and Hntiinliirs nt p. m. Departs for I'n-si-olt villi', ltiillinii'l, I'linlr a.nni). ni. now liniirvT.ooa.

ni. to s.oop. m. Money itnlrr oftVc nn-n from to 7.30 p.

m. Ilculmi'r oilier oM-n from 7.00 n. in. p. m.

llnlldnv fnim 7.00 to 8.00 a. m. and fnini to :t.ii p. m. IMlli-e open Sunilnvs from fl.on m.

to 10.00 a. m. .1. W. Kin-KT.

I'. M. LOCAL LACONICS. Kd. Sohultz, tho butcher, has a neat and convenient shop now.

THE STAB force are thunkful to Aainn Rixlgoi-s for a pitcher of cool lemonade. Joseph Strauss Is having a mill built on his lumber tract in tho Paradise Het-tlemont. Tlio corner stone of tho now Presby-torian church at DuBols was laid Monday evening. Owen Fox wuh badly bruised by a fall of coal in tho Big Soldier mino Monday. No bones broken.

S. T. Roynolds expects tomnko threo hundred and fifty thousand brick nt bis kiln this summer. New Summer Millinery goods just received at Mrs. Kate Smeltzor Kant End Jackson street.

A. O. Milllren, of this place, is cutting four hundred acres of hemlock timler In Clearfield county. John Lowther, has not jjono to Manitoba, Canada, and has given up all intentions of going. The Commercial Hotel of Hi-ookvillo, undor.tho management of Jhh.II.

Clover, is doing a good mminoHH. A DivlHion meeting of tho A. O. H. of this district, was held in tho old G.

A. R. hall Sunday afternoon. Miss Maggio Schultz assisted in the transaction of business in Sooley, Alex ander bank Monday. A twenty-five cent supper will bo served at the Guiding Star festival in the G.

A. R. hall this evonlng. The large candle in Boll Bro's window burned out at 8:37 A. M.

on tho 24th making, 7 days, 18 hours and 7 minutes. M. Coleman, of tho firm of King has a rare collection of gold and silver quartz and other minerals from California. H. W.

Horpel, tho barber, has had his shop repapored, repainted and another window put in It. A great im provement. J. B. Arnold lumber dealers of Roynoldsvllle, sold 100 car louds of lumber to a I'lttsburgh firm last Tuos day morning.

Villa, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Denny, died Friday morning and was buried in the Catholic cemetery Saturday afternoon. Thore will be a reunion of tho surviv ing members of the 211th Rtigimont, Pennsylvania Volunteers, at Brook villo, on Tuesday, June 2nd. Tho school directors of Winslow township will meet in the school house in West Reynoldsville next Saturday to ettlo the years' account.

Rev. F. Beck, presiding elder of the Clarion District of the M. E. church, is an assistant secretary of tho General Conference now in session at Omaha, W.

H. Stuckey, an employee at Arnold and Sensor's mill, was knocked unconscious for a while one day last week by being hit on the head with a Dinu, Reed F. Rowland and Ned. E. Smith of Bradford, D.

S. C. of the Knights of the Macabees, have been in town the past week trying to organize a lodge at this place. The Young People's Socloty of Chi-h tian Endeavor, of the Presbyterian church, held a Progressive Novelty party at the home of Miss Belle Arnold last evening. Jackson street from Fifth to Sixth streets will be well stoned this summer.

Eighteen feet in width and an average of one foot in depth of stone will be put upon the street. Monday evening the monthly meeting of the Reynoldsville and Loan was held in the hall over A E. Dunn's hardware store. Thirty shares were sold. The young people of the Epworth League netted a snug little sum at the festival in the rink Saturday evening, considering the atmospheric) chilliness II 1 i luai pervaueu tue town.

J. C. Williams, tho photographer, received wnno flno speclmonsof (fold and silver quartz Thursday. Tho silver was sent frnm Davidson comity, N. mid tlie fluid from Hotith Carolina.

Now schedule wont Into effect on tho It. P. R. H. last Sunday.

It hud lxen announced through tho newspapers tlint a Sunday trnln would ho put on tho road, but tho ri'port was a Seventy members of the I. (). O. F. attended tho morning services.

In Imdy, nt 11m Presbyterian church Sun-dny. Iti'V. If. Fnrbiiy, tho young mid eloquent pastor of tho church. llvored nn ahlo sermon.

Allx-rt Reynolds, Notary Public, and Miti'lii'U, attorney-at-law nre get ting very stylish. They hnvo rni'liono purchased a now Wooton's rotary desk. A vast Improvement over theories thoy hnvo Ix-en using tho last quarter of a entury. Tho following changes liavo taken pliu-o with tno mino nosses Here: loin Wondlo fiinn thoHtandnrd to Now Ham ilton: llii'hnrd Tnafo from Now Hmnil- to Spritguo. and Mr.

Lylo, for merly mine boon at Hpraguo, will go to Manitoba, Cnunda. Dr. .1. S. Mod-eight, the dentist, who makes a H)Helalty of crown bridge work and Irregularities of tho teeth.

Is busy now days looking after tho wants nf his many patrons. Tho doctor's office Is ipposlte Hotel Helnap. If you are desir ous of having nny work performed give him a cull. Fnglno "1. on tho Brookvlllo accom modation, bad a tussle with seven bovine in the cut In-low I'enlleld Friday night.

The engine succeeded in killing three of tho cows and biidly wounding others. Tho stenm horse ran somo dis tance with tho jMrny whoolB running on tho ties. Y. Hugh Robinson had his left hand badly bruised while coupling cars on the A. V.

R'y nt Wlnterburn ono day last week. Mr. Robinson was an eniployeo of tho Low Grade for several years In tho early days of the road's history, and caino back just recently to again cngnge In tho same service. S. E.

Brewer, judge of election In Vest 'Winslow, t). H. Hi-oadheail, judge of election In East AYInslow, V. H. Ford, judge of election In Reynoldsvillo lxmnigh, Thomas Adams, Inspector of election In East AVinslow, were at Brookvlllo Friday trying tho ex)orl-mental election of tho Baker Ballot Law.

An experimental election under tho Baker Law systom was held in tho Court House at Brookvlllo Friday afternoon. Tho workings of this system are simple, yet a voter must Ikj posted boforo ho goes to the polls an to whom ho wants to voto for, unless ho votes tho straight ticket according to his political desire. Tho DuBols hotel porters beeamo so boisterous In their efforts to get patronage for tho house ench ono represented, thnt tho A. V. R'y authorities wore compelled to forbid such a nuisance on the company promises.

Our hotels are represented at tho trains by polito and gentlemanly young men, who do not have to bo "called down" for thoir bols terousnoss. Tho burglars who have been robbing tho jxist-oflleos in dllToront parts of tho state lately, among others Reynoldsville was visited, also Rldgway, were ca-tured several weeks ago, through tho efforts of Inspector McCalmont, and are now in the Franklin jail. Two of them are notorious characters, and aro old crooks whose career in crimo date back Into tho sevontlos. T. S.

McCroight, proprietors of tho large grist mill at Prcscottville, are go ing to have the mill repaired. The job has been given to Goo. Campbell. This mill is well equipped for doing good work, and the miller, A. G.

Brown, is an experienced man and understands his business. It will be well for the farmers of this section to make a note of tho fact that good work is done at this mill. Alvin Brumbaugh and Isaiah Wolf were engaged in driving in posts ono day last week when an accident occurred that might have cost Mr. Brumbaugh his life. He was holding the post and Mr.

Wolf was swinging the heavy maul when it became detached from the handle struck the post and then tapped Mr.Brumbaugh on the forehead cutting an ugly gash three inches in length Had tho maul struck the forehead first tho people, of Paridlue settlement would have been called upon to lay aside the every-day duties of life and attend a funeral. Jacob Henninger, the street commissioner, hurled two hogs near the run below the opera house Saturday. The hogs had been haulud there by some one who was too lazy to bury them and were not discovered by the author ities until they were so decomposed that it was impossible to remove the swine and, therefore, a hog cemetery on a small scale, was established. If those who be in authority were sure of the guilty parties, they would think it an expensive burying ground. Not long since five or six hogs were thrown into the Sandy Lick near the place where the two were found making so much noise, stinkatively speaking.

Accept Our Thanks. The exchanges that como to this office have given very complimentary notices of the bright, newsy, and neat typographical apiearanoo of The STAR, and not only our newspaper brethren, but many tieoplo of Roynoldsvlllo and lsewliero have kind words to say for the twinkling Infant in newapaperdom. 'or tho words of praise we are very grateful, and will endeavor to keep apace with tho times that wo may always merit the distinction of being orthy a place among our oxchnngQS, and that tho jx-oplo of Roynoldsvlllo and icinlty may appreciate The Star to tho extent of a years' sulwcription. FoimI given to a hungry man, with words of sympathy and encouragement, an apH'aso the cravings of an appe tite where words of sympathy would lie no account, so words of praise ainrom- pniiied with an order forayears'sulwerip-tlon, advertisement, or job work will go farther In a newspaper office In fact touch the vitality of the office ban wards alone for thoy aro "as sound ing brass or a tinkling symbol." Tho BtiWrlption list is growing. Wo have stiliscriliers at Washington, 1).

Brooklyn, N. Niagara Falls and Springfield, Mo. Wo again say wo are thankful to our exchanges and friends for their praise and encouragement. Oct the Western Spirit. One of tho noeossary moans adapted to the welfare of a town is local prldo aud zeal.

Boston has tho reputation of being the universe, "but every resident of every town and city should consider his own particular homo tho hub." It Is especially true of the west that local pride builds up the new places and sustains the old. Roynoldsvllle should bo txthlnd no town In this respect. Fow places have a larger possi bility of growth and prosperity than does our town. We ought to look to the future as well as the present in making plans for building up the interests of Roynoldsvlllo. The proper pride and enterprise on tho part of our pooplo would add largely to our population in the immediate future.

Lot no town lead us In matters of improvement, let no town load us in efforts to give employment to labor and oulld up homo industry I Let us get tho breezy, progressive wostern spirit and thou, though Royuoldsvlllu may not be tho "hub of tho unlvorso," we will rejoice in being, figuratively speaking, tho felloe; for through wo may refuse to bollovo that "tho sun do move," we may discover that we do niovo in the right direction on in growth and success, towards the goal of our fondest desires. Where Shall it Be Tho location of school building is before the school board and as all tho pooplo aro, or should bo, Interest ed, thoy should now havo their say and then hold their peaco. The old Sandy Lick property Is ono location spoken of, tho Logan property, back of tho Catholic church, is another, Wo would venture a wagor that eight' tenths of the tax payers would say lot us have the present location with its disadvantages to either of the proposed ones with their miasmatic surroundings. To tho south of those tho town cannot extend on account of swamp and water To tho north of the present location every advantago Is now open for build lng with tho very important ono of good drainage. It should only be noeossary to cite the taxpayers to tho extra cost in buying a now location within a stones threw of the ono thoy have.

If the people say change, so be It. IJITIZEN. A Competent Judge. Hon. W.

O. Smith, editor of the Punx- sutawnoy Spirit, and candidate for sec ond term to the Legislature, in noticing the appearance of THE STAR, gives expression to the following in regard to the benefits a town derives from a news paper. A man who Has the anility that Hon. Smith has knows whereof he speaks: "The first number indicates that the merchants Intend to patronize it. And they should.

Reynoldsville is one of the largest and best towns In the county. and thore is plenty of room for two good lapers mere, mere is no Detter way to lelp your town than to sustain your home newspapers, for good newspapers an v. i i -in. aro the soul of a live town. They attract enterprises to it and Di-lng trade to the merchants.

Thoy sot forth its advantages, and Induce people to become residents. By helping your local newspapers you help yourself, and it is your duty support mem. K. O. T.

To be organized in Roynoldsvlllo Thore will be a mooting Thui-sday eve' nlng at the G. A. R. Hall for the purpose of organizing a branch of the Knights of the Macabees, one of tho best and cheapest Insurance orders in the world. All interested aro invited to be present.

Another Brick House. A real estate dual occurred last evonlng that will be for the good of Reynoldsville. F. K. Arnold sold the lot ad joining his Main street residence to Dr, A.

H. Bowser, who will building a fine brick dwelling upon it. Let the good worn go on. A Special Election. A notice to voters of the Borough of Reynoldsville of an election to be held in June to increase the Indebtedness of the school fund of the Borough, will be found In this issue of THK btak.

Want a Reynoldsville Minister, Dr. Wm. A. Plfor, of Philadelphia, editor of the American Mrchanic Advocate, the founder of the first Odd Fel lows' Home In America, also a Grand Chaplain In one of the high dogreej in the Masonic lodgo, Sient Sunday at Hotel McConnell. Ho has travoled through Euroe and other countries.

This distinguished gentleman came oin Philadelphia as a representative of a large Presbyterian church in the Ity of Brotherly Ijovo, for tho ex press purposo of hearing Rev. H. O. urbay, pastor of tho Presbyterian church of Reynoldsville preach, and In vestigate the standing of the reverend gentleman with a view of giving him a call as pastor of thoir church. Dr.

Pifor camo to town unannounced and Rev. Fnrbay was first apprised of his preseneo when ho discovered him tt-tlng in his congregation Sunday morn-tug when about to announce his text. Dr. Plfor Informed a representative of The Star Monday morning that the Philadelphia church would give Rev. Fin-bay a call.

Also stated that tho '(lurch projierty Is very valuable, the congregation nuinlx-rs 2T) members, and thoy pay thoir pastor 12,800 per year. Whether tho Presbyterians of this placo will lose thoir pastor or not, time will reveal. Rev. Furbay does not state whether he would accept a call If ono were given him from this congre gation. He has the ability to fill a city pulpit.

Merchants' Protective Association. Twenty-five business mon of Reynolds ville aro members of tho Merchants' 'rotectivo Association. This associa tion was organized just recently and meets tho second Tuesday evening of each month. The object of this organ ization is to protect the merchants from that class of pooplo who buy and never pay, or, in other words, "professional dead beats." The names of those who refuse to pay thoir acount are sent Into the association and tho delinquents are notified by tho association to call and sottlo tho amount or mnko satisfactory arrangements for the settlement of tho same. This notice Is repeated several times and if no attention Is paid to it then the name of the non-payer is placed on the black list which is Issued every sixty days and a copy sent to each member of tho association.

Thus each business man Is mado acquainted with those who refuso to pay thoir bills. A penalty of twenty dollars Is imposed upon any momborof the association who gives such persons credit. Whon a man asks for credit the merchant gets his list, looks It over and If the name of the one who seeks credit appear thereon, ho is informed that the list of creditors of that establishment is as long as they wish to make it, hence no credit is granted to fellow who will not pay. If all Roynoldsvlllo merchants wore to join this association tho "professional dead beats" would be' driven out of the town and business mon bo mora successful and costomers buy thoir goods for loss money. A Wreck.

A wreck occurred on tho R. F. R. R. alxivo Prescottvillo at one o'clock Tuesday morning that might nave cost somo ono thoir life, but fortunately no ono was Injured.

Tho train was com posed of r2 loaded cars coming down from Big Soldier whon a brake beam dropixxl down, throwing the car next to tho englno off tho track, running some distance on the ties until a culvert was reached and tho car was thrown entire ly out of the train. Tho truln was un controllable and ran along until almost all tho cars had passed tho ono thrown off at the culvert, whon the front part of tho train began jumping tho track until eight cars were badly jammed and broken up. Tho wreck will cost the company in the neighborhood of $2,000. Supt. Mellinger was on tho scone of tho wreck early with a gang of men clearing the track, but Big Soldlor and the New Hamilton mines were idlo yester day.

Escaped From Jail. On Saturday the Chief of Police of Roynoldsvllle received a postal card from G. W. McNees, sheriff of Arm strong county, giving the following description of three prisoners who had escaped from the Klttannlng jail Friday night, May 20th, 1892, offering a reward for their arrest: Charles Danelson, small man, about 30 years old, dark complected, shot- black beard; one of his arms tatooed with lady's picture. Austin Cline small smooth-fuced, light complected, and about 18 years old; also has tatoo marks on one of his arms.

Wm. Sarvor, small man, smooth face, and about 20 or 25 years old. Cllne was re-captured at Brady's Bend Sunday evening. Cards of Thanks. We wish to express our gratitude to tho people of Reynoldsville and DuBols for kind words, acts and sympathy extended to us during our recent bereavement, hoping that amidst their hours of sadness they may find kind and sym pathizing friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonk. Wo are thankful to all who were so kind and helpful during the illness and death of our little daughter, Villa. Mr.

and Mrs. Andy Penny, AN EVENING! TRIP. Thirty-five People Explore the Big Soldier Mine. Last Thursday evening a party num bering thirty-five, composed of the ladles of the Utopia Circle and their husbands and a few friends, enjoyed an exceedingly pleasnnt excursion through the Big Soldier Mino, threo miles from Reynoldsvillo. The excursion was given by Mr.

and Mrs. F. M. Brown In honor of Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Elliott, of Mansfield, who are thoir guests. At an engine and coach on tho R. F. C. R.

R. was In waiting for the ex cursionists at tho Company store, and a fow minutes after that hour the Iron horse was speeding along towards tho mines. On arriving at Big Soldier there tho party found nine coal cars thnt had boon lined with new boards, with throe sonts In each car, divided Into three sections, two long cared animals attached to each section, ready for tho trip "underneath the ground." A dls- ance of feet In tho mine was reached without any mishap, but a few narrow esea)xs by those who wore a little tardy about olxylng tho command "down heads!" Supt. Geo. Mellinger.

lvil Englnoer F. M. Brown and assis tant, R. V. Pratt, and Mino Boss.

Richard Smith, were with tho party and acted as guides. Tho party left the coal mino coaches and walked some distance to seo the iron-man, the old Harrison mining machine, digging coal. This machlno Is operated by one man and ro- elves its strength from compressed air that is piped Into the mino for power. rem that point tho party retraced their short walk and crossed tho main entrance and visited a largo pump used to koep tho water out of the mine, which also receives its jxiwer from the com- prossod air. This pump was doing oublo service, forcing the water out of the mine and manufacterlng ice at the samo time, on a small scale.

Some of the fair sex wore vory timid. One of tho ladys In going through a room was afraid to touch one of the props, fearing tho hill would fall upon tho party. The outward trip was mado, no one being any the worse for the exploration of the mino, barring the difficulty somo found in getting the kinks out of thoir necks. Tho party then visited the large englno that keeps tho in the mine filled with compressed air and that keeps tho largo fans In rapid motion to furnish ventilation necessary for the men who work in tho mine. Tho engine and coach started on tho homeward trip with tho excursionists.

Mr. aud Mrs. Brown had not forgotten the old saying, 'The way to peoplo's hearts I find, is through their mouths, or I mistake mankind," for a supply of fruit had boon provided and was passed around. Arriving at the company store thoy then visited the general office of the company and were shown some of the mups of the Company's mines and lands. Tho largest map was a master piece of civil engineer work that had boon dono by F.

M. Brown. This map alone cost something over $2,000. It was In the civil engineer's office that a mischief-maker conceived tho idea of rubbing his dirty fingers across the face of a lady who was standing near him. The party up to this time were compar atively clean, but after tho first black mark was made the greasy end of a mino lamp was frequently touched by fair fingors and a lively time ensued and a dirty looking crowd left the office, Those who had chargoof the excursion viod with ouch other In trying to make the trip an enjoyable one.

All returned to their homes with expression of thankfulness to Mr. and Mrs. Brown for the pleasant evening and pleasure of such a trip. Last Sad Rites. The funeral services of John Bone were held in the M.

E. church Thursday afternoon and the seating capacity of the building was not sufficient to accommo date all who desired toiemain for the services, and a number were compelled to stand. Rev. W. P.

Murray conducted the services in the church and at tho cemetery, the I. O. O. F. performed their ceremony over the earthly re mains of one who had been united with them In the fraternal bonds of "Friend ship, Love and Truth." The Interment took place in the Pleasant Avenue ceme tery.

The floral contributions were beauti ful, and were formed int ja cross and pll low. Tho cross was presented by Will H. Bell, of this place, and the pillow was a token of the esteem and love of a num ber of DuBois friends of the deceased, The mines were all closed to give the men an opportunity to follow the re mains of a fellow laborer to thoir last resting place. This young man who was so suddenly called upon to try the realities of the vast eternal world, was soon to be married to Miss Emma Leo, of Durham, Washington. Only One New Building.

The school board, composed of six members, Dr. King, Dr. Neale, Dr, Alexander, George Mellinger, David Wheeler and John Fink, met at Dr, Neale's office Saturday evening and de cided to build one school house in Reyn oldsville, to contain rem 10 to 12 rooms, to be built of brick, and to be erected on vacant lots below the Catholic church, The cost of the building will be decided later. PERSONALS. Scott MoClellnnd was at Brmikvlllo this week.

Ed. Gocxler, tho jeweler, was In it Bids yesterday. htlndolphln this week. Dr. W.

Bi Alexandor and son, Frank, were In Clearfield this week. Dr. J. B. Sterloy, of Reading, Pa, was In Reynoldsville lust week.

Clyde Smith, of Aliens Mills, visited his parents at this place Inst week. Kltchartz and wlfo of Tionosta, wero visiting friends In town. Misses Nettle Rmlgcrs and Maud Rlston were, at DuBols last Friday. G. W.

McKnees, sheriff of Armstrong entity, was in Reynoldsville last week. Mrs. W. O. Smith, of Punxsutawney, visited Reynoldsvillo friends tho pnst week.

Charles Watson has gone to Brock- wayvlllo to work at his trade cigar aklng. O. P. Hunter, a lawyer of Warren, Ohio, was In Reynoldsvillo several days last week. W.

R. Chesnutt and Van Peters, of DuBols, wero in Reynoldsvillo Monday afternoon. Miss Ella Gordon was In Punx sutawney several days last week visit ing friends. Walter F. Arms, formorly of Roy noldsvllle, now of Stanley, was in town last week.

S. T. Daugherty, who is now engaged the lumber business, went to Pitts burg this week. J. Cyrus Swartz, of Big Run, isited his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. G. W. Swartz, Sunday. II.

P. Sullivan, Mrs. W. P. Murray's father, sixmt Sunday In Reynoldsvillo with his daughter.

J. Van Reed was at Rimersburg, Clarion county, during the past week isiting his mother. J. J. Sutter and wlfo are at Portland, visiting their daughter, Mrs.

Dr. H. P. Thomjison. John II.

Murray, of Horatio, at one time principal of the Ohio town school, was In town Saturday. Miss Margaret Irwin, of Merrysvlllo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. B. Rumsoy, at this place.

Ed McKeo, tho assessor of Winslow township, has been calling upon the people of the townsnlp Miss Minulo Truitt returned to her home in this place last week after an absence of many months. Mrs. Kate Smeltzor returned from Pittsburgh last week with a fine assortment of summer mlllinory goods. Joseph Strauss, who has been a resi dent of Reynoldsville since 1875, is mov ing to Brockwayville this week. Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Mellinger and daughters, Lydla and Mrs. W. F.

Kreid- ler, were In Brookvlllo last Friday. R. S. Wolfe, of Rockdale Mills, was in Roynoldsvllle lost Friday and had a pet with him pet boll on his left hand. John C.

Corbett, after a three weeks' visit with his family at West Sunbury, returned to Reynoldsville Saturday. J. J. Sutter, Samuel Lattlmer and E. Neff were among the number who tried the voting experiment at Brookvlllo Friday.

II. B. Vaughan, of New York, a mem ber of Hall, Vaughan proprietors of tho tannery, sr in Reynoldsville over Sunday. Roman E. Koohler, of the Volunteer office, and Milton Dompsey were east of Benozotte on a two days' fishing excursion lost week.

Emanuel Thomas, a tonsorial artist of Reynoldsville, was In the vicinity of Brook ville last Friday to look at a horse with a view of buying the beast. Mrs. Chan. Arnold has been seriously ill at Brookville, where she went several weeks ago to visit friends. She Is suffering with hemorrhage of the lungs.

W. C. Holmbold, of Curwensvllle, Democrat candidate of Clearfield county for registry and recorder, was the guost of Dr. Alexander one day last week. John Fink returned Friday from a visit at Tyrone, Clearflold.Philipsburg, and other towns in Clearfield county.

Mr. Fink thinks Phlllpsburg has the school house. G. W. Arnold, of Clarion, president of the First National bank of that place, and wife, spent Sunday in Reynoldsville with his brother, F.

K. Arnold, tho veteran banker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruster went to East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Mon-duy morning.

They were called there on account of the serious illness of Mr. Ruster's father. Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. Test, who have been at Tawos City, spending the winter with their duughter, Mrs. Geo. A. Prescot, returned to Reynoldsvillo Monday evening.

Mrs. L. L. Seeley, nee Minerva Reynolds, daughter of Mrs. Wood Reynolds, Is visiting her mother at this place.

Mrs. Seeley accompanied her husband to Spivey, five years ago and this Is her first trip homo during that time. Mrs. Chas. Montgomery, of Sligo.who has been visiting her mother, Mrs.

Wood Reynolds, the past seven weeks, returned home Friday. Mr. Montgomery has been at Coburn, Wise county, the post few months where he has an interest iu ooal woi lu..

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