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Evening star du lieu suivant : Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
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EXTRA! Offieial Bulletin. Deapatrhes fross General is Still Pnraniag bia Sncce.Kful Immense Qnantitie? of Rebel Store? at aud the Iron Bridge over the South liriiprh of Sheaandoah, Government Ac-, remiinni of Army retreat te on his way to rein? forre Lee, is sent back to the support of terrible blow to the Rebels. Dbpabtmbnt, Washibgtow City, Oct. 1, lodi. Major General Dix, New York: The lollowingdispatcbes from Major General eridan, detailing his successful operations sine Hie last report, have just been received: 7 30 t.

Sept Lieut General V. S. Grant, City Point In my last dispatch I informed you that I pressed Early so closely through New Market, at the same time sending cavalry around his flank, that gave up the Valley and took to the mountains, passing through Brown's Gap. kept up the pursuit to Port Republic destroying 75 wagons and 4 caissons. I seat Gen Torbert(who overtook me at Harrisonburg) to Staunton with Wilson's division ocavalry and one brigade of Merritt's Torbert entered Staunton on the 26tb, and destroyed a large quantity of rebel Government property, harness, saddles, small arms, bard bread, Boor, repair shops, etc.

He then proceeded to Waynesboro, destroying the iron bridge orer the Sootb Branch of the Shenandoah, seren miles of track, the depot buildings. Government tannery, and a large amount of leather, fiour and stores, at that place. He found the tunnel defended by inlantry, and retired via Staunton. "My impression is that most of the troops Which Early had left passed through the mountains to Cbarlottsrille. Kershaw's division came to bis assistance, and I think passed along the west base of the mountain to Waynes-boro'.

I am getting from twenty-five to forty prisoners daily, who come in from the mountains on each side and deliver themselves up. biom the most reliable accounts, Early's army was completely broken up, and is "Kerthawbad not reached Richimnd, but was somewhere in the vicinity of Gordons? rille, where be received orders to rejoin Early. destruction of the grain and forage from here to Stannton will be a terrible blow to tbem. All the grain forage, in the vicinity of St union was retained for the use of Early's army All in the lower part of the ralley was shipped to Richmond for the use of Lee's army. The country from here to Staunton was abundactly supplied with forage and grain etc, etc.

P. H. Shbbidan, M. HaiiBieOBECBO, Va, 7 p. Sept.

Gen'l Grant see it going the rounds or tbe papers that the Corps was late in coming into tne battle at Winchester. I was entirely unconscious of this until I saw it in the papers. Tbe statement was made by K. L. Sbelby.

I wish to say that it is incorrect, and that this correspondent was arrested by my order, on a previous occasion, for writing untruthful accounts. P. H. Shbbidan, Major General No report of operations in front of Richmond or Petersburg later than my telegram of last night has reached the Department. Eowin M.

Sta Secretary of War. FROM THE PROMT. Partien lare of Graut'? New Movement? Gregg's avalry Raiding on the South bide Rebel Army Puzzled aad Moving Alternately and South of Richmond, Doubtfnl where Grant's Main Attack is impending? The Rebel? Believed ts be Evacuating Petersburg. Associated OB THB ARMY OF THB Potomac, Sept. from General Bolter'? Department say that the 10th and wh corps crossed the James river a Deep Bottom, and advanced against the enemy'j works at Chapin's farm, taking the first line ol rifle pits without resistance, at 9 a m.

At 10 the ei strong position at Chapin's Bluff was carried by assault, three hundred prisoners taken, with sixteen pieces of aitillery, flags, etc. A division of tbe corps is said to have snflered considerable loss, but to what extent is nut known. Cur troope hold tbe position, whic is about seven miles from Richmond Heavy firing was beard this afternoon on the left, tehered to be Gr gg's cavalry engaging the enemy. They went on a reconnaissance in the direction of the faontbsirle railrotd, but the result ot their trip has not been ascertained. Rebeiscouting partie? or guerrillas have been capturing safeguards left at bouses in Prince George county, the last few days.

Oiie of these cm in to-day, to get pie pay, and while on his way te hi? post waa seized an 1 robbed of his money and ottier bit? arms and part ot in- clothing, and th-p released. Anotner coming in, and being ordered to halt and FnrTeiiOVr, bis revolver and shot one the enemy, alter which ne made good bis escap although pursued several miles. be rebels have been moving back and forth to-day in every direction; at one marching oft toward our left and again returning to Petersburg as ir going to Richmond Then ipfearing a' some oitu-r point, and Anally going out of sight alOktetper. n.e dienere cams in to-day who say the deteat ol Early in ine alley had caused a great depredino throughout ttjeir nuke, and tliousai.ds were to leave on first opportunity, baring lost all faith in their final tucce-s. pt D.

G. Pitts, 19th colored regiment, was krt i yesu-rday oa tne picket line, and two or ot his men were led km a Hri firing was kept upHimig the center of the line all uight between the picke s. This morning the utmost qi.i?' prevails Reporta thnt the rebel? are evaluating Petersburg are in circulation here. D. Mt'GBBOOB.

THE F16HT AT HAPIN'S BLUFF. Haltimokk, October following additi? nal partii ulars I ave been receired from a participant in the fight at Chapin's Hlull General Ord, ot the lSth corpa, with two mall divit-ione, poshed towards Richmond on n.ii.g. on the frontline, unUl he rea.hed a bluff heavy works in extent, eeveral er. The gunboats were in the and below tbem.

The rebel garrison, at first email, bad been reinforced from Richmond. One Mannar took the salients ol the main work, and bringing around, inside of, ai in rear ot the en.rny in the other worse, drove out before tbem While doisg heavy reinforcements came down Richmond, which were also driven on'. The drrleiou which did thia lost ererr commander killed or wounded Burnham was killed, and Cols. Stevens and Dohoe wounded, but Tbt? division behaved most iUaiDg rome five hundred men and officers and wounded The works taken were ths ao far seen axoui Richmond, and which MuCiellan tried in rain to take. Our a ths stosbora character of the fighting of the Gen.

was only slightly wounded. Gera. Ord at Baltimore. Pai ta un Oct. Gen Orti arrived bTe'biem rai.ig.

nan now at Barnns's. Br baa a fie-h ound in bit? right lag bit ts UOirg well. He ia lull of hope of he glori of our psasehi He, ray? bo hopes to be up ohm at it-again in a few week? Bank? aad aad Bt hnestock, me Aator New Tork. UrBBpral Baidy South is st Burlington, Vt DEATH OF AN ASSISTANT ENGINEER. The Nsvy Department baa received infortnatlon that Edward Seattergood, 2d Assistant Engineer in charge of the TT 8.

Steamer Maratampa. died on board tbat vessel ou the morning ot instant, of erysipelas, and was buried at Mils? Obas, G. Halpine, Miles OKeiliy.) late lieutenant colonel and chief of et.ff tbe service ot tbe United States, and at present Commissary General of Subsistence of the State ot New York, on the staff of Gov. Seymour, was on Wednesday admitted to the bar in New York. ter Miss E.

Baker threw herself into the Sciota river at Columbus, Ohio, and was drowned. She had loved well, but not wisely, and. deceived and heart-broken, put an end to her existence. New York stage company has been mulcted in the sum of $200 for breaking a. man's thumb.

8ERVICB AT GRACE CHUBCH (Bev. ALFRSU at 11 o'cfl a. m. and TYPOGRAPHICAL meeting will beheld THIS at o'clock in the Council Chamber, City Hall O. PBOCTOR, B.

S. O.O. F-GRAND LODGE-Officers ani members are requested to meet at Odd (Navy-Yard (TO M0RRoW( Sunday) 1 o'clock, attend the funeral of Brother P. F. Stksi.f, of union idge.

Ko. 11. SWEET, Grand O. of the GRAND ENCAMPMENT will meet at Odd Fellows' laTl.lNavy Yard,) SUNDAY AFTERNuON. at 1 o'clock, to-atiecd the funeral of P.O.

P. Wx. F. Sibklk, of Afeaenenu Encampment. No.

4 J. C. C. Scribe MEDICAL nual meetiog of the Medical A hoc ation of tbe District of Colombia, wil be held in the Medical Department of Georgetown College, ou TUESDAY, October 4th, at 12 o'clock, J. W.H.LOVEJOY.M.D..

oc Secretary. TIIB WESLEY CHAPEL SABBATH Lk-5 SCHOOL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY wiU 1 resume its monthly meetings TO-MORRO 18onI da? AFTERNOON at Addressee will be delivered by R. G. GREENE, Esq and The meeting will he held in tbe Sunday School Boom, corner 5th and st-eet-. All are invited.

lt DUVALL, Secretary. NOTTCE-The members of tbe FRANKLIN EIRA COMPANY are requested to attend a met tine of the Franklin Fire Company, on TUEDA EVENING October 4. Any member not appearing, his name will be stricken from the roll. By order of the Company. J.

N. MOI, DER, PAIR. a Fair tot the benefit of the Sixth Presbyterian Church will be held at Odd Fellows' Hall. 7th commencing MONDAY EVENING, Oet 3d, at 7. o'clock.

Hon. Richard Wallach isexpeotei t.i deliver the opening addres? Season tickets 5" cents; single admis.fon 15 members of ONION LODGE No 11. are requested to meet at their IlailonSUNDAY 1 o'clock, funeral of P. G. WM.

8TEELR. Members of sister Lodges are fraternally invited M. NORTON, N. G. BRADY'S GYMNASIUM WILL OPEN U-J-? at and Louisiana Avenue, ai Joinint: the Central Guard House.

the 15th ef October Terms, 93" per year, 921 for nix months, 915 for three month. For gentlemen their subscription ticketH prior to ctober (Nh, the will be MS per annum. Subscription li'ts have been left at Jay Cofke A Ifth street, an at Messrs. Philip Solomon's Pennsylvania Ave.tue. Gait A 354 vania Hi'ton A Teei's Penn.

Avenue. Metropolitan Hotel, and at the Mb ASI CM where circular- and further information can be obtain.d?ep2ivlw*_ ABNER BRADY. MACHINE- REPAIRKD-No Lk-i? opposite Patent Otliea. Ma chines sent for and delivered tuauy part of the 2B 'THE EAST WASHINGTON LINCOLN and Johnson Glut) will hold a regular meet ing every TUESDAY EVENING at Odd Fellows' Hall. Navy-Yard.) at o'clock.

All true lovers of the Union favorable to the election of Liccoln and Johnson are invited to with the Olnb. WM. DIXON. President JAS. DULIN.Se?._--p RALLY! RALLY AND JOHNSON meeting of the Club will be held EVERY EVENING, at Union League II atreet, between and ei re ta, at 8 'clock.

All true friende of the Union, who favor the election of Lincoln and Andrew Johnsen, are invited to be present and unite with the Club L. CLEPHANE President. JNO T. sep IS tf OYSTER AND DINING SALOON, IL3 at JOS. SHAFFIELD'S Confectionery, Sixth street, between and H.

Parties, Fairs, Weddiags. Btlls, Reception? and Entertainment? furnished at the notice most reasonable Ice Cream and Water Ice made by steam power, wholesale and retail. BUILDING IL? of ubaeription for a new BUILDING ASSOCIATION are open at the office of HABVEY A COLLINS, No. 4 76.7th etreet, T. HAN.

ON, Insurance agent. No. 7tb street, WALL. No. Penn avenue, and C.B.

BABEB, StarOffice, where persons de-irons of becoming member? have an opportunity to subscribe. When 600 are euoecrlbed, a meeting will be called the association organized. 14-tt 0., September 2 et, irmy Medical Board, toconefat of Surgeon Chas. 8 Tripler, U. Preeident; 8urgeon William 8 U.S.

and Surgeon Perin, 8 A Recorder, will meet at Cincinnati, Ohio, on the of October next, for the exa uina'inn of candldat-g for admiision into the Md cal Staff of United 8tate? Army, and of such Assistant Surgeon, for promotion as may be brought before Applicants must be b-tween twenty one and thirty yearn ef age, physically sound Application? most be addressed to the Secretary of ar, the Surgeon General. stating the residence of the applicar t. and the date and place of bis birth; they must also be acompanied by respektable testimonia'? moral character. No all? wanoe is made for the expanses of persons undergoing the examination, as it Le an indispensable pre-requii-ite to appointment. Tnere are now five vacancies on the Medical Staff.

J08. BARNES, Sureeon U. 8. A. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP exintin b-tween Solomon Werthemer and A 8 under the firm of WKRTUEMKR A SAUL, lathis day di'solved by mutual conseut.

Any nernin having an claim? musi present tht- immediately for payment, whether due or not. S.WERTHtMBR, A. S. SAUL. PIANOS TUNED inth THEODORE LANG in l.rst style and at shortest notice, hy THEODORE LANG.

ordere at No 4ti7 3d st Mr. F. WHITUALF. near Pa. av.

No. 500 atreet north, bet. 3d and -it? sta JMr 14th Vermont bit. 13th and 14th sts Mr. ANTON HEITMULT.l?, Best of references can be given oc 8 BLLING OFF: SELLING FI WORTH OF DRY GOODS.

JULIUS SYCEL Wi'l commence MONDAY, 3d of October, to sell oil bin stock ot DRY' GoODd ata full reduction of 2 percent with a discount of per cent, on all 2 piece? Bleached Muslin. I'l cents. 1. piecer ol heavy, yard cen'e. 7n pieces Unbleached, 36 piece? lest Prints 4 rents.

all wool Whit- Flannel CO cents. 1" pieces 6 4 Bleached SheeHog, 75c.nts. The most beautiful Alapacas, of all -hade-, at great reduction. 5.0 ofthe lates, hew Xark etyl? of and Cai-eimere AuctTon prices. Fancy of all description.

of sale? abuve reduction is purchasers wil findit to ad vantage SYCEL, cc 7th het. and ets. MULES! iiuaittimnster Grneral's Office, Firn Division.i Washington City October 1, V-rA. Proposals will be at thi? office for Co. Thousand MILES, to be delivered to Touipkini.

As.ieUnt ynarttrmaeter, corner 2-Jdi and et. Wa hington, D. 0. mnst be over two years not lesa than fourteen 114 hands high ctrorg, stout, Well developed animals, in full health free from ary blemish or defect which would an tbem for severe work, and muat have shed the tour front coil's teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent teeth, two in Jaw. Thene specification? will bt? strictly adhered to, and rigidly nforc-d in every particular.

Pa) inert? will be promptly made for all mules tat pasa inspection. No proposal, fur less than fifty mule, will be entertained. For any furtber Information, apply either in person by letter to this office. By order of the Quartermaster General. JAMB? A.

EKIN. Colonel in charge First Division Quartermaster's Cflice. oc l-6t FURNITURE. FURNITURE. FURNITURE.

We have now in store and are dally receiving th. largest and beat aMorted atoak of CABINET WABB ever offered to the eititene of Wa.aington and Georgetown, which we to on as reasonable terms ss any houee aoath of New York It unnecessary to particularize art-'-les. ae onr stock every ccnceitable arti to be found in a Srit Housefarnishiag BOTELER WILL80N. 1CoT1 1 fil TUMBLERS. W1IM BEER CHAMPAGN? AUD WUT? AMO? LKW? Ac Ae; of of Chfna.Glsaa LOST AND FOUND.

REWARD -Strayed away. Friday. 3ntk, one CO hr ndle iritb think horn weigh Iba. Any peraon returuing hua to me at the corner of and reward. LISKIN-J.

Friday, the ultime, a CHKCK drawn frank Goodman onTne Third al Bank of CincinnatuOhio, in favor of 3. Been The owner will cal CROTON KLEI CHER Uth and (St. Nicholas Septem-er. 18.4. a RBD 'j COW, ea-s slip, tipe of horns sawed off.

from part of baa white A li eral rewar I will Be naidtoany per-on who w.ll giv? information of herVhereabou -a. GBO. Diiry. one mile north of Capitol, or H. C.

STROM AN, No. 376 st tJtO" Bay MARS. 11 rear? old, aboutU hands nigh right bind foot above the fet lock, ne foot poison and rather large. Above reward will he given if delivered at ROliKRTJ a'enue and 0 street, or BSNRY MBSBCK'8 corner 6th ani streef INTO THE ENCLOSURE, on tbe farm occupied as in Georg-town, corner of Fayette and 7th sta one email red COW with large cow bell fastened to her neck. The owner is requested to property, pay cnargesand take her 0C1 HARDY.

1 of the FLAOS that decorated the s'and McClellan Ratification gietingon tbe 17th ult. about 15 feet long and or 8 wide, with an eegle in it? centre. Suppoeed to have taif en from tbe Court Room on Monday following the meeting ni? ht. Any one that will bring the flag to me, or give any information by which I can recover it. will receive a reward.

J. W. MtlKHBLL, oel-St No. 326 bet. 6th and 7th.

BIT OLE. containing a black overcoat, pair of light cloth panta and vest, woolen blanket marked and aome other articles tied up in a rubber blanket. They were dropped from acarriage last night.between 6 and To'clock, on tbe way from 21st to 3d etreet, by the way of I to tetk street and Pennsylvania avenue, 3d street, and to Missouri avenue. A liberal reward will be Said in returning them to Nallor A Stables, street, near 14th. WALKER.

Thursday, between the War Department and the Oapitol. a large EN VSLOPB. containite? official papers. A liberal reward will be given if returned to the StarOffice. CAME TiTThE PREMTsES OF THE living near T-anallytown, on the 15th September.

a hite and red BUFFALO COW. The owner orowners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and tak? her aep3c3t BHBNWOOD. my white UOGS; one weighing about 125 pounda, and the other The owner is riqueated to come forward, prove property pay damages, and take them ALPHEU8 GRAY. aep 3" Col. Naylor's Farm.

I on Tuesday night, Sept. 27th, IS64, from the subscriber, living near Lona Old Fields, Prince George? Countv, three HORSES, one a Bay Horse about 5 old, sixteen hands high, atar io forehead; and a Bav Horae6 year? old, about the same heighth; a Brown with white hind feet. I will give the above reward for the recovery the or for each of the sep RITCIIIB. REWARD stolen from the pasture tJUU of the subscriter. living near Long Old Prince George county, on tbe nicht of the 271 September, a dark iron gray KB, with a long mene and tail, full sivteer.

Panda high, long body, large head, and a Roman noens has never been and a split in one of hff feet: four years old last spring. Was taken at same with a vrydark chestnut tail, fift? en or fifteen and a binda hizh. carries up w-11. ten or eleven pears old.and had or two collar sails lately done, besides an old rather thin in flesh, ar.d was unshod Tbe above reward will be given for their recov ery. or th'rty dollare for either of them THOMAS BERRY.

BOARDING. ROOMH WITH BOARD AND TABLE BOARD without may be had at No. et between 1 th and 1 BOARD AND PLEASANT ROOMS WITH A Northern fanrly. Gentlemen an 1 ladies from the Departments preferred. Also, Table Board, ai 101 Wee' etreet, 1 ROOM WITH ROARDFOR TWO PERSONS AT street, between 18th and 19th.

SIX YOUNG CBNTLEMBN can find pleasant ROOMS with BOARD, at 442 5th and fith. FOR RENT WITH BO Urge ROOM, for four yountr men. Table Bearders ran be accommodated at Ne. bet.J4th and 16th. Terms moderate.

alvertiser has at No. 74 Missouri avenue. 3d street, a firstclass BOARDING HOCSB containing rooms of all aize? newly and handsomely furnished, and provided with every mfnrt. To thuse who room with her she offers a cheerful heme, the uae of a good library, and a 'able spread with the best the markets afford. Transient and meal boarders taken.

ROOMS WITH BOARD-At No. street, be tween 7th and Sth streets. Table Boarders 20 BOARD, and without Rooms, may be had at 131 Pennsylvania avenue, bet 19th and lady of securing Professional care, kindness and home attention, cae obtain exclusive accommodation in the small and unolvtrnnive family of a pnyiician of long experience, who would assume the permanent charge of an offspring on conditions mutually satisfactory. AddrebsDR. TUlERB.No.

1,217 Broadway, New 23 LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, with BoardTat 151 West street. 21 FIRST CLASS Rooms, also. Table, can beobtained at No. 352 6th between II and FIRST-CLASS BOARD, with Furnished Also Table Board can be obtained at No. 415 street, between 8th and 9th.

Breakfast from 7 to 9 dinner from 3 to 6. sep PERSONAL. reward of five cents will be paid for ir return of my appientice, GEO. D3R8Y. I further forewarn any person to credit him on account.

WM. SSBOBR, aep Navy Yard. INFORMATION WANrED-Of DANIEL LCDDY, a native of Parish of Glanworth. Oounty of Cork. Ireland, who emigrated to this country on board the ship Etna, and Ian led in New York on the 22d day of last uly.

Came from there to Washington vhen last seen waa on the 11th of August, in Waahin ton, D. C. Any infirm of bim wouJd kimtly receive! by his brother. WILLIAM by directing bis letter to EDWARD FITZiiBRALD. corne- of 4th and Washington street.

Washington City. D. 0 fur WILLIAM MADAME AUOLIAB, AN IMPRESSED MBdium, continues toread the present and future to all who require it with great accuracy, and is able to counsel all important matters with safety. No 249 street, between and R8. BROOK FIEL of "Kansas aulte i on Present ani Fnture events, at her room on the northwest corner of 4th and sts She has studied under one of the most celebrated Astrologers of the She guarantees satisfaction to all those who may give ber a call.

Sue cun from 8 a. m. to 9 p.m. Price one 29 L. SMITH, with her extraordinary powers to describe your living and dead friends, ifi re the am- of both, tells character, the future, examine? all kinca diseases, will give sitting? at 4th steet.

five doors I street. Hours from 10 till 8 p. m. Circle Wednesday evenings. s28 IVOTICB-FOR aets of one, two, lr and four-hor-e second-hand HARNEnS.

in good order and 8icond-han I Bill ULES. Apply to H. S. JOHN8TON, No. 37 3 Pa avenue, between 134 and 6th streets, opposite National Hotel.

TT A TbT HATS! HATS! All the most desirab't? styles of HATS and CAPS for gentlemen aud uth's wear. ready, at B. II. Vi Nftw sep27-Iw 2S4 Pa. two doors from ll'h'st.

COAL! COAL! COA AT REDUCED RATBS. COAL kept in floored and roofed buildings, dry and free from dirt. WHITE AND RED AgU COAL, all sizes conatantly on hand. A prime article and full weight may be relied ou, ata reduction of 91 per ton, from this date. BROWN, Office, Pennsylvania avenue, between Eleventh aad Twelfth streets.

Wharf and Yard, Seventeenth street and Canal. IMS! LATHS I LIMB I for aale on board Seboeaer Gertrude ad Gninand'e wharf, foot of 4th etreet east. barrels of fresh Roekland Lime aad prims 19 I Mioma toMi.Bii.iya pbrfbot taken from life, plain or FRANKLIN A Depot Cartead? and 388 Pa. WPROrS. POWBRS AHO FBLTHAM.

AND DANCING lltb t. near Pa. where tuition 1 i law. tataa laktABT Itlui? 4 O'CLOCK P. M.

JayOooke A Co. furnish tbe following quotations of securities Oct. 1, 1864. Buying. Selling S.

Coupon 1381.lofi* U. S.5-?i<?'e.107* 108 7 3-Hi Treasury 10? One Year Certificates. Mg Certificate Cheche. Nkw York-Ftost Board. Coupons lttjf 5-80's.

luB jf Certificates, Gold, 193 FROM THE FRONT. Brilliant Movement ef Gregg's Cavalry? 4 apture of the Rebel Outworks or? their Extreme Gets into a Heavy the Gnrley House and Captures Three Hnndred Meade Captures Rebel Positions near Poplar Reported to have tit Throngh the Rebel Linea and Taken a Position near the Rorketts, below of the Colored Troops in the Assault apon the Rebel Intrenchment. ut Chopin's Bluff. The United States mail steamer Thomas Morgan arrited here this morning lrom City Point, which place she left yesterday at 11 a. m.

She brings some further particulars of the late fighting near Richmond. Early yesterday morning, Gregg's cavalry moved out in front of Warren, and captured the ou'? irks of the rebels on their extreme right He afterwards got heavily engaged with the enemy at a point near the Gnrley House? and Is reported to have captured between two and three hundred prisoners, and Warren immediately made preparations to follow up the advantages thus gained but when the Morgan left City Point nothing was definitely known of his lurther ooerations. General Meade made a successful movement yesterday morning in tbe direction of Poplar Church where he captured some of the rebel entrenchments, and other portions of our lines were also advanced, bnt with what success, is not known to tbe passengers that came up on the Morgan. There was a report at City Point yesterday morning that General Kantz, with a large body of cavalry, had cut his way through the rebel entrenchments and reached a point near the Rockets, which is buta short distance below Richmond, where he took up a strong position and sent back for reinforcements. Though no confirmation of this report has been received thus far, it serves to show the hopelul and confident feeling prevailing at the Fi en.

Bnrnham, commanding a division in the corps was killed in the engagement on Farm and his body is now at Bermuda Hunred, where it is being embalmed, preparatory to being sent north. 'In theattack on the rebel entrenchments on Chapin's Fa-m, Butler's colored troops are said to have fought with desperation, and they Buffered severely in killed and wounded. Gen Ord, who received a flesh wound in the leg iu this engagement, came down to Fortress Monroe yesterday, on the Morgan, on his way to Baltimore. Gen. Ord expresses great confidence in the ultimate success ol our present mo-ement.

Ev rything at the front looks bright and encon -aging-, and our officers and men are confldt'Lt iu the belief that Richmond will fall this A BEI'REfc "NTATIVE RECRUIT FOR PRESI? DKNTllNCOLN. Yesterday, Provost Marshal General Fry sent for Mr. Noble D. Lamer, of the Third Ward, and announced to him that President Lincoln desired to have a representative re cruit put in for him (the President) and credited to the Third Ward. Mr.

Lamer at once set work to procure as fine and healthy a looking recruit as he could, and to day secured a young man, twenty years of age? named John Summerfield Staples, from Strandsburg, Monroe county, Pennsylvania, and wbo had served nine months in the lfcth Pennsylvania militia regiment. Staples is not so tall as the President, bot is well formed, stout and healthy, and there is every indication tbat he will prove an excellent soldier. The recruit was accompanied by his father, Mr. J. L.

Staples, who gave his consent to his son's enlistment. Tbe bounty was paid tbe recruit, and the money was handed over to Mr. Lamer, by General Fry. who was authorized by the Preeident to draw upon him for the amount. Staples was at once sent to the barracks, and will be uniformed, and thence will be sent to Col.

Alexder'e 2d District regiment. RETlRNEDEP.OM THE 80CTHERN PRISONS. Yesterday morning, Dr William J. Cragen, surgeon the 2d 1). C.

regiment, who was c-ptured on the 21th of May near Fairfax station, aboat the time the regiment Was moving back on a train of cars, arrived home after a pretty extensive tour through several of the Confederate States. Dr. Cragen was captured by Dr. Powell, of Prince William county, Va and Geo. Slickman, of Fairfax county, and taken to Orange Court Home, and from thence on the cars to Gordonsville, where he was delivered over to the provost marshal, Maj.

Boyle, who proved to be no lesa a personage than Dr. CorneUus Eoyle, formerly of this city. Boyle seems to have lost none of his llesb, and was in perfect health, and when Dr. Cragen was ushered into bis presence he recognized him and took him to task for joining "the infernal Yankees." From Gordonsville he waa sent to Lynchbnrg, where be found Robert Shinn, of Alexandria, a lieutenant and provost marshal, and be was kept here two weeks. Here the prisoner- received cooked rations consisting of one small corn dodger and a quarter of a pound of bacon per day.

They were taken from this place to Danville, and from thence on the of une, twelve officers and 500 prisoners were dispatched to Macon, where they arrived on the 19th. Here they were placed in the stockade at the Grounds, in which were two buildings oniy, but the prisoners built sheds ror shelter. This stockade covered about three acres of ground, and in it 1,600 prisoners were confined, and when considering all circumstances, the health of the prisoners was generally good. The rations were here served out every four days, and consisted of five pints of meal, fifteen ounces of bacon cured in ashes, six tablespoons of worm-eaten beans, four do. rice, two teaspoons of salt, one gill of molasses, a half gill of vinegar, and one tablespoon of soft Bide.

They remained here until the latter part of .1 niy. when S'oiieman was making his raid. On the '2-tb, about prisoners were sent to Charleston, and the Doctor left with 600 others on the following day for Savannah, where were placed in the yard of the Marine pi. al in tints, and remained until tbe 3d of September, receiving a pound of fresh beef per day, with plenty of meal and rica and a little vinegar. At that time the medical officers were removed to Charleston.

The prisoners on the train from Macon to Charleston were to have made an attempt ta capture and burn the tram at on the, and had agreed that at a givtn signal they would seize the guards, set fire to the train, and make tor the Federal but the plan was discovered, and an increased number of guards placed on tbe train. Some seventyfive, however, did jump from the train, but they were mostly recaptured. At Charleston they found a If rg? number of prisoners, who are quartered at the Roper Hoe. pita), Marine Hospital, jail, and workhouse. are said to be nnder fire, hut in reality tbey are In very little danger, and tbe Doctor dia not hear of any on of our men beinginjured except Lieut Foote.

of General Wessel'a stall, whose hrm was grazed a few weeks since by a piece of shell, while be was sitting at dinner. The discipline is not very eevere, aud the prisoners bave some little room for exercise, and the general treatment ii much better than at other places. There are some Washingtonians here, among them Lieut. Caustin, (Tom Canstin,) wbo is well, and Engineer Ellis, (son of J. B.

Ellis, ot this city,) wbo is suffering with scurvy, brought on by imprisonment, but is rot eerlously ill. Dr. Cragen was released on the with other officers, and exchanged tbe same day, and- immediately set oat for home. COTTON PICKED UP RY U. S.

TR881L8. Lieut. Com'r J. Gillis, in charge of the U. S.

gunboat Sciota, writing to the Navy Department from off Gal veston, Texas, under date of Sept. 13th, reports that on the 0th he came across and picked latitude 33 deg. north find longitude 94 Aeg. west, eighty three bales of cotton, which be sent to the U. S.

Marthai at New Orleans. S. Skerrett, Lieutenant Commander, reporta the Navy Department from on board the U. S. gunboat Aroostook, off GaUeston, Texas, under date of Sept-lltb.

thst on the 1-ltb he came across a quantity Of the Golf of Mexico, between the town of velaaeo and the Rio hah Bernardo, In and eked op thirty-eight bates? sent New Orleans In cbarge ot an officer of the ArooStoob. an. APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT. The President hue examined and approved the reports of the Board convened under the act of April 21, is6l, in the caaes of the following naval officers, James Findley Schenek. Riebard W.

Meade, Fsbius Stanly, to be captains, and Egbert Thompson to be a commander on the active list of the navy. President Lincoln bas likewise approved the reports in the cases of the following ysbo are not recommended for promotion Captains A. K. Long and Francis Ellison; Commanders Samuel Lock wood, John Coldioun, Beni. J.

Totten, John C. Carter, John J. Glaeson, Benj. Dove and Armstrong: Lieutenants George W. Doty and Jos.

P. Tyfle. a NEWS. "lew York Stock Board. the People's 511 Ninth street, New Tobk, Oct S.

1881, ceupon IT. S. 5.90 Certificates of Indebtedness, Gold, 192 N. Y. Central, Erle, Hudson River, Harlem.

Reading, Michigan Michigan Southern, 70; Illinois Central, ir Cleveland and Pittsburg, 111 Cleveland and Toledo, Chicago and Rock Island, 91 Milwaukie and Prairie dn Chien, Ma, Pittaburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, Alton and Tena Chicago and Northwestern, Qulcketlver, 91. LOUAL NEWS. THB DBAFT IN THB EIGHTH. SUB-DISTRICT. o'clock to-day the draft took place in the Eighth Sub District, being all that part of Georgetown on the east side of High street and west side of Rock Creek.

Mr. Blackford announced the original enrollment as 700, quota 97, credits 74? number now due, 23; to which were added the 100 per making 46 to be drawn. Capt. Putnam was present as heretofore, superintending the drawing. Tbe names of the drawn were announced by Mr.

Commissioner Blacktord, as follows: Harrigan, 6 West st; Horatio Hull, Herring Hill; Laf Swann, KB Bridge st; Bam'l (luvst; Mack Fiiiik. U4 st: 0 Oaswell, 119 West st; Rob't Smith, Herring Hill; John Lee, 41 Bridge st; Thomas Lasenby, Bridge st; Thomas Donaldson, 1 Brick Yard Hill, next to church; Frank 49 Weat street: Wash Crammell. cor West nnd Washington sts; Robert Hatton. neat to Ureene at: David Davis, 56 Bridge at: Jas Martin. 81 Bridge st' Patrick Regan, 3 Buck Hill; Andrew Barber, 92 Dunhartou st; Jno Williams.

85 Bridge at; Wm Barclay. II Green st; Bridge st: George Lee, 38 Congress at; Green, 149 West st; Frank Keyser. Union Hotel; John 8petltnan, street; Edwarl Humphreys. I Mil! st 7 4th st; Geo Moore, 7 Brick Hill; Chaa Brown, al st, Walter Prato, 4 West st; Jno Adams, 7 Bridge at: Thomas Nee, 18 JeTfersor at; Jaa Howard. Dunbartonat: Jno Brick Yard Hill; Hy Dean, 41 Weat at; John Moore, Rook street; Thomas Fullalove, Jones' House; Dani 1 O'Leary, Va'ley at; Gay st; Bernard SeBseU, 13lHUhat; Peter Minn, 111 Green at; Tims Booth.

143 Wa-hinstnnat; Win Braehear, 47 West at; Hy Brotrn. 51 ut; Anhfield 114 Bridie st; Wm. Tucker, 2 Monroe at; Bernard Hahn, High st. This it was announced ended the draft in the Eifbth District. When the name of Mr.

Barber was called out, be said you, blind man," and coEPidernble lauirhter was created bv the rejuark. Mr. Frank Keyser. of the Union Hotel, is in for a prize. draft to supply the deficiency in the 0th sub-district then took place us soon as the names were placed in tbe box.

This district includes all the balance of the city of Georgetown, viz: All on the west side of High street to tbe county limits. The original enrollment of this sub-district original quota, 105: credits, 71; nata ber at present required, St" to which added the 100 per (as in other wards,) making the number of names to be drawn from the box 08. In this district the first name drawn was that of? Charles bouge in Cherry st of High; and he was followed by Charlea A Bu'-key. Sii 8th st; II Fieber Pomeroy'a barber shop; Grafton Harper, Waver Potomac and Cher ry; Peter Moulden, 1.14 Water at, John McLaughlin, Mrs Douglas', Bridge st; David Robinson, barge Tracy; Bred Jones, 53 lat st; William A Wbnrton, cor 1st and Frederick sts; John Brown Barnard's bone mill; Jas Melton, Cherry alley; Henry Mitchell, Bridge et, bet High and Potomac. Hulear Smith, 124 Frederick st; AugL Grimes.

12 Potomacat; Jas Find'ay, 1122d st: Bail Lowler, 212 Bridge atreet; Charles 26 2d street; William Thomas. Lang's Hotel; William 8toer 89 Market atreet; G-o Harrison, 14? Water atreet; Dennia Hoggerty. Donoho soap factory; Joseph Sanderson Ars Evasa' boarding house, Prospect at; Joe Henson. Annew's wharf; William Chaugh, Ray's coal yard; Otho Williams, 34 2d at; Jno Wilett. 11 Potomac at; John Cruikshsuk.

4" Potomac at; Theo Crow, 5 bt; Chas Grimes, 12 Potomac at- Cbriatian Fish boat. Water at; Carr, Kays' yard; Sherwood.3'3 High at. William Wallace, 56 High et: Patrick Carroll, Georgetown; pb Davis, 17 Prospect -it, Zeph English, cor Water and High sts: Geo Haokina, 297 High st: Warren Water Market and Frederick; John Anchare, 192 Bridge st: Robert Coi way. 44 4th st; Ambrose Janius, Fort Wbipple: Michael Reynolds, 3d st: Losan Williams, barber; Jno B.obiBM'n,Fredrick ut; Jno O'Brien, ISidel (rear;) Jno Ion Bridge street; Henry Thomas, A I Mining Co, Water st; Jno Snowden, k. I Mining Co, Water st; Alex Roach cor Potomac and Prospect sta; Jno Kelly, 64 Market st; Owen Mackney, 138 Water et; Richd Morgan.

Lang's Hotel; Wm Prospect al; Geo Bowen, 2f'8 Frederick at; John Bank alley: Che Brown, 79 1'tb street; Wm Coakley, Ray a Coal Yard; Frank Rheem. bridge street; Richard Borth Sugar Hill; Smoot, cor Prospect and Market sts; Welsh, 53 2d et; Juo Wille 83 1st at; Joa Jackson. Ray's coal yard; Wm Trunnell, 81 at; Edwin 4th st; Jno Wright; Jos Bidiey, corner Potomac and Cherry ate. This closes tbe draft iu tbe District of Columbia. Among the drafted in this sub-district are F.

W. Jones, lawyer, and Zeph. English, lawyer. Drafted following drafted men have reported to the Board of Enrollment sinos our last second sun district. Daniel Brown, physical disability; John Brooks, over age; Henry Lacey, erroneous enrollment; John King, physical disability; Nathan H.

Clements, enrolled in New York; David Clements, erroneous enrollment; John Hopkins, overage; John McMahon, erroneous enrollment: John Riley, alien; Joseph Smith, age; Wm Keau, now iu service; J. Wilson, physical Jisability; James King, accepted; W. H. physical disability; Wm. H.

Gray, accepted; Charles D. Lord, physical disability; Henry F.raory, Benj. D. ('onkling, and Theodore Poesche, hysical durability. THIRD 8UH-DI6TBICT.

J. B. Davenport, three years in service; Ths. Dunn, alien: Muses J. Young, paid commutation in L-03.

FOUBTH David H. Moore, paid commutation in New Jersey on the Bist July, Robert M. Ross, enrolled in Ohio; Benj under age; W. .1. Donoliue, erroneous enrollment; Frederick Heis John O.

Bixter, physical disability; John A. Dempsey, two years in service; Charles Eiseahuth, alien; C. W. Hartley, enrolled in Pennsylvania; Anton Kapler, accepted: S. H.

Day, physical dtsa- bility; David Cramer, physical disability; Jno. Rodgers, physical disability; John Janey, accepted; Benjamin Brown, accepted; Phillip Ddackey, physical disability; Willis Henderson, accepted FIFTH eUB-DISTKICT. Stephen Ambusb, furnished substitute ia T. Frederick, furnished substitute? Richard Perry over age; Alfred Pratt, accepted; John Mevlue, physical disability. SIXTH STB-DISTniOT.

F. J- Biook, rebel deserter; Osborn Dorsey, underage; Wm Rouse, physical disability. 8RVKNTH BUB-DISTRICT. John HansborQiigb, detailed in the Arsenal, Henry alien; Edward Groves, refugee: Hiram J. Spears, two years in service; Albert V.

Cray, paid commutation In 1S63; Jos. Pulley, alien: Edward Garrison, two years in service; William Lycetf, physical disability; Elias Burke, accepted; Wm. P. Mills, physical disabity: James Henley, physical disability. HLEVBNTH SUB-DISTRICT.

Alfred Williams, over age; Tim McCarthy alien; James Beiz.ll, enrolled in Pennsylvania; James Feeny, physical disability. Thirty men, names do not appear in the above list, were accepied to-day, and time allowed them to procure substitutes. Seventeen drafted men furnished substitutes to-day. It Wouldk't Maurice Hurley, a policeman, who was dralted in the 4th Ward, put iu a claim lor exemption on the ground of alienage. He was intoreed by Mr.

Commissioner Blackfprd that he could be excused on tbat ground, tbe order of tsecrstary Stanton waa imperative, tfcatanyone who accepted a position dader Government, could not be allowed exemption on the ground ot alienage. This morning, Mr. Hurley's wife visited Provost Marshal's office, and handing Mr. Biacktord her husband's papers claiming al en age, asked he be exempt. Mr.

Blackford retained the papers, and -Aid ne would send them to Superintendent Webb. H. demanded them, and slated upon having th that tbey had h-eu pai.t tor, and Mr. B. bad bo right to retain teiera.

Mr, B. was in vulneratile, them up, and will transmit them to Mr Webb. Tbe ut th? require all men appointed tb the ree1 citizens oflthe T'oited St ites native born or naturalized, mu? Tlnrhry by thU claim, placed in iiefculiar position, as neis box enlv as soldier, unless exempted lor but 1 the pclice regulations, will lose his posi'kin the force. Hurley was drafted in the Fourth Ward, but Is serving ia the Second Preoint, (Sergeant Jonnsou.1 Criminal CornT, Judge after our report closed ia tbe case of Ephraim Phillips, indicted for the murder of W. Ie, in Georgetown, on the 3d after the question had been fully argued by the coansel, ruled out thedving declaration of the deceased man in tbe presen.eot Messrs and Wright, In wnieh the deceased stated the prisoner had threatened to shoot him several times, and that the act was done Intentionally.

A auhsequent declaration made after Dr. Riley had visitad the deceased waa admitted in evidence. This declaration states that the prisoner went bebind tbe bar and got hold of the pistol, saying, 1 you, I'll shoot you when he ran after Mm, and a scuffle ensued, and the prisoner fireri. To-day the evidence for the defence is beleg given in, and has been to the effect tbatascuttle took place, during which tbe pistol was fired. Makriaok the past month the Clerk ot the Court has issued marriage licenses, of which were for colored couples.

In Georgetown. Th? Spates has had the satisfaction of witnessing, as the result of his incessant labor of three months, the arrival last night of the fleet of boats from tue western sections cf tbe canal. The repairs being completed and the canal itself in order, did not end the work to be accomplished before navigation could be resumed. There were many obstructions, caused by the long dry spell, that had to be removed. The water was let In on the 17th irstant, the banks being exceedingly dry the absorption was so great as to keep the water below the levels several days, and to this cause may ho added the numerous leaks of minor importance at various points The boats having been laid np drying for so long a time, the seams of many opened and starting weetempty, a number snnk, and these had to be raised, and it delayed the arrival of laden beats three or fonr days.

But all is naht now, and tbe fleet of thirty having arrived, sixty more are expected by Monday night. President Spates will return immediately to Cumberland and urge those boats now there to load aud follow in tbe trade. The following arrivals have been registered; Coal for tbe Borden Salite Ardinger, Lidie, Defiance, George Long. 421.21- loo tons; Central Co. Gipsey Queen, Forrest Rose, Clearspring, 311.35-100; Hampshire A Ball.

Liona, 107.15-100; Cumberland and I. Co. Mande, ir ih Ann, I-0 raft, with lamber and brick to Wm. Dow ling. Flocb asd Grain for the Ntar hv George Waters, Dealer in Flour and Grain, corner High street ami Canal, Flour, super, extra, High grades and fancies, higher, according to quantity and reputation.

No arrival or sales ot wheai Nominal prices for red to white. .2 35 to 50 according to quality. Com dull Last sales wnite, hot cannot now be quoted at over SL80 for white and SI.70 for yellow. number of boats with grain and flour are expected hourly, as the coal boats are S7OR SAI.E-A light CARRIAGE, suitable for family be reasonably. Inquire at the Star office.

PENT-STORE ani DUELLING, on Virginia avenue. No. between 7th anil 8th sts near Navy Yard, inquire 016 Union Home, 8th st. 1 HORSE POWER AND THRASHER FOR8ALEA second-hand Whee'-r A Me-tlick'a Pa'ent THRASHER and WINNOWER and a two-horse Railroad Horse Power, all in perfect order Apply at the A INSURANCE OFFICE. 7th-t.

0 1 ERPING PACE WITH THE TIMBS fur i ther reduction in Four Suirar, Syrup. Coal Oil, I havu tnie dty ade. I have doc the price, of Te cents pound. The largest st rk of old Whisky, andy Gin. and Wines, in the we-tern eu.

of warranted, and delivered free. WITMER, 111 Pa. bet. 19th and tu sta. FORTE TUNING.

MELODEON TUNING. 1 take pleasure in announcing to my friends and patrons tbat I have been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. A. P. DE.9AN.

from New York, who is one of the most competent and skillful PIANO TUNERS in Our country, and I solicit orders at our for Tuning, Repairing and Regulating of PIANOS. MELODEONS, ORGANS, or any musical instrument. PIANOS and MELODEONS taken to our Warerooms in upper story of establishment, and thoronghly renovated, repaired, Ac, at short notice, and moderate charges. ORDERS FOR COUNTRY, Alexandria, and other places solicited and prompt. Iy attended to.

JOHN P. LIS, Piano and Music Store, 306 Pa. av be t. Mb and II th sta. Chickery A Son's Piano Agency.

oc IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES.We shall open en Mon ay nei t. 31. the foil? wing Goodabougbtat the last week's Auction Sales in Philidelphia. We name in part 72 dosen Jou vin? Black and Colored Eid Gloves, ot only 1.45. A une of Lisle Thread at low prices.

Ladies Cotton 75per dozen. A large line rf FlannelR, 15 pairs plain, DeLaines cents per yard. Dark print-' 35 cents. Green and Daniel 'a Spools st cents, for a few days oi.1tCall early and secure the bargains st LANSbURGH A BRO. Stijth street, Iborabovel.

LAOY BOYS IN THE FIELD. The first Grand Hall ofthe LACY CLUB will be ei ven at TEMPERANO- nALL MONDAY. OCTOBBR3, 1834, for the benefit a widow lady Th? Committee takes to to tbeir fri- ndf and publie tbey will nei tht pains nor expen'e to make this a night of pli-RSu enjoyment Committee rf P. Pulaski. A C.

Townlev. T. free. C. Oriflin edit wick.

Tickets, One Dollar; adrnittinara Gentleman and TI Holy flip Pand is engaged for the (VlFTBOl'OLITAN POLICE SALE-A l'I irr-y rrvrhPe MARE marW or'I on shou'der wss taken on as st.ile Tb-s wi 1 at L. Wall ir Co 'a FPDAY. tb Insta 1 to. tbe hiebest bidde unless evin? nee rf to hw prop, erty rlerk tbe I at office. No.

1 tb street wrst, prevlon ly thereto and all expanses ofliverv and iHvortiaeTn'nt pi id. order: GEO. R. SHRINK Clerk orl-3t W. WALL 00..

Aueta. nc? to A 1 GREEN ft WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. IIOrPEPOf.D FURNTTURB AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY, fith instant, at o'clock a sell the resMeno? of a dpelii inir honsekee ine, iriier of aud s'rtets north.

No Mabneanv Chairs. Tab'es and Ornament? Gilt Frame Looking and Carpet Pottage B-dntesHd. Wardrobes and Bureaus Pil'ows Boi tir and Mattresses NewrW new Cork Stove U'ens-'ls Mshng-iinv, Sideboard and Pining Tablea China Olees and Crockerv re s. good lot of Kitchen Req-ti-'it-a And mar other article, too numerous to enam? Turns cash oc ft WILLIAMS. Ancts.


Mc TUESDAY tbe let of November, at vi-tneo: a led treat to fU'sf-rib-r, the 231 of Mav. and r-e, in Liber B. No. 4 Folir-a 123r ft one tb? Fairfax conntv, ia the followina property, Ivine and in nn'v ot Fairfax State Virginia, viz at A. one planned on the or the Middle flea Bead, thene- with aiid pike north steri? to Pamne' Per-ins' coraer a' J.

thence southwesterly along Perklneline to a T. th-nce sontherly the said line to L. thence northwe'terlv alons Perkins" Hneto a tbene? a the north Holmes'run or line te 'wr marked pine and oak sapling-1 Kiinr-manV eorner thence sontheaater tt.e said rnn to a stake one pol? from 32 231 polea to A. th? beal-ni entwining il'? a-rea of I more or less toe a'l aid s-naular tne imrrovern iits. privities.

ana appnrteBsnre? T-rnia Ulfteeu hundred d-IUrn ie day of Mi.eitr- tomUnw in tweij? m.Bt.h"?'<l!?_;*? of witV int-rest, secured by a de of trust on tbe emi-s 1 HE SeWonev has ar- nnd CARRIAGES. ffl? On aeftfhfc-t.

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