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The Seattle Star from Seattle, Washington • Page 1

The Seattle Stari
Seattle, Washington
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Home EDITION TEAMSTER IS KILLED BY HORSE'S KICK JPEN FIGHT fill OPEN SHOP to I IMrerl fORTLANO. Or. April 13 Knl last nijht'a banquet at the CMMBtrt in; rtub. when organised charned with "virtually tauvvnic the competitive tnanu lutumg field In and about San an.l In other way a In kuslueas," delegates IttenU the meeting erf the fact ge Coant Employers' aaaocla'lon (tits afternoon and tjw tKuiilon of plana to kill Mwrrt' labor unions on the Part- It and Inaugurate "open oot' system. under which work for what wage they get are present tiwi Tacorna.

Ban FruefcKO, Kr Spokane and several other the Woehingman Wheelwright. Portland, fc 01-n Ihop aa shop, intimated that a work should be pushed to ssii' of hit rapacity, because. he mil. "All wealth cornea from hised effort. To relax at tba itug fMtiua of an Indolent disposition Beans failure Other employers spoke In like Itraia between the rich of feast Oops, My Dear Is Newest Slang tip attfil Ifww I iMwt M.r i NEW YORK.

April "Oh. you kk to the discard On Broadway "Oops, my dear Me was behind the times as not to thai "Oh. you kid" la no toager "the thing" Is masher clr ties, so Alfano Durello. who ac fasted pretty Alice Griffin, Is to 4ay doing a little turn on Black island And Wm brother, is nursing bad ly slashed face. Griffin Interfered to protect his aster and the Italian wielded a tuor (ILLED IN BRAWL (MH Vrwm I IMm I IMMIW INif I BAN DIEGO.

April body of Hiirucl an Indian wood ttepper, at the morgue here toand Robert H. James and ferrta prlvatea In the 30th Maatry tl. 8 stationed at Tla are held, charged with hla following a drunken brawl, fcfrti and James protest their WILL QUIT Tatted IHfrrl (MfW KRLIN April renljcnattoa of Count J. H. Von Itornatorff.

ambassador to the I'nlted Itaten was announced here today, ffi health la given as the cause. Count Von Stumtn. at present atto the foreign office. It Is will be rhosen to succeed WATER SHUT-OFF NOTICE Water will be shut off from 'am to 5 tomorrow Blxth between Stewart And Denny way, on Kighth ketanrn Westlake and Denny on Battery, between Mfth and Dennr find on way, from Dexter to Jflstb av. NO SMOKING An ordinance prohibiting will probably be Inreda'ed at the next meeting of council 81! Moorhouse.

who urged this also wants something done relieving the congestion on It was taken unwr tdriaement. The Dramatic Reviews the Show- All eonse my way. exerclged and I mimt "THree We. out ward calm bat. "The Old But a worm will turn, and I feel turning (Not that lam you understand.) that fatal word In with the exhibit In rink, the were to me and I wan bidden to Uie jilace, A perfectly good dramatic critic, Jttored to of blondlnc In baby blue bolero an heavy problem dram .3 much at borne or plain dawK an l.Jt Wou be In a hungry wolf nook.

i hail pla day and I bin place. in nl 1 the bloodhounds Torn Cabin: then there hv th on Mother Hubbard; and who'll i Old Dog Tray? SHE'S A 19-YEAR-OLD STAR "Thla la my niece. Juat out of the convent." and the tall comedian led her. blushing, to the center of the stage Bhe only half looked up aa he apoke. then dropped her eyea again.

Kven her long brown cloak seemed to cloae tighter about her to help her hide front the world. But when Yvonne being the yrmng lady'a name dropped her cloak and launched Into a wonderful dance, that abe had never learned at the convent, the audience aat up In their aeata and brought the opera glasaea to focus. A minute later, when abe caught her breath, and aa though half fright ened by the attention ahe aroused, ahe sang a aong one that seemed to bring something of youth and and good health and good nature Into the theatre -the aud- Direct Election of Senators Will Pass I bKMI Prm I VMrtft Off I.e. WASHINGTON, April II the houae convened today Rucker idem. Missouri) at once called up the joint resolution for the direct election of senators.

Many progreaalve are canvaaalng their to aecure support for the measure providing for the recall of U. 8 Young (rep, Mich.) complained (bat there was undue haate In the endeavoring to force the passage of the resolution Spirited debate with Rucker of Missouri followed. In which the Mlssourlan warned the republicans that unleaa they slopped their dilatory tactics, gag rule would be adopted to end debate and the steam roller brought out. Underwood got Into the debate, saying that the democrats were TORNADO MAKES 1.000 HOMELESS PAWIIt-SKA, Okla, April 13. With the town of big Heart prar tlcally razed and 1.000 homeless.

Investigation today showed that the property loss to the Osage nation from tornadoea will exceed $1,000,000. All that la left today of the thriving little town of Big Heart Is a mass of tangled wreckage and tumbled down buildings. The dam age at Big Heart alone la 1600,000. Ten persons are known to have lost their lives. The following victims have been Identified: William Morrow, John Kerna, K.

Hammond, T. 8. Mann, William Kerns and a child named Brown. Four who have not been Identified died while The Seattle Star OINLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN SEATTLE VOL. 13.

NO. 43. ANN TA BKER pence settled hack approvingly "She's alar of (ho I'ditil comment. "And she young Hhn younit Just 19 today This Ann Taaker. one of the new an who playa one 'of the bis leading In Sherry" at the Moore thla week.

Mlaa Taaker waa christened Anne Taaker Swain down In Oakland. Cal but dropped the end of lit baa been on the stage but three She atarted with a local opera company in Oakland Paul Stelnadorf. the director, aaw that ahe waa too good to atay In Oakland, and urged her to take a year In an Kastern musical conservatory. Agenta of KUw ft Erlanger were waiting at the aemlnary door when ahe came out. and handed her a five-year rontract to algn.

It named a fat figure. wilting to grant reasonable debate Hut. I want to Mjr that thin legls Union bwn demanded bjr the people for (our decades, and we arc to pass It," he added Young said he van In favor of the direct election of aenators, but that he opposed alliiwing states to their own senatorial WOULD RECALL SENATORS of Tennessee made a plea for the Initiative, referendum and recall, and said that only the interests of democratic harmony prevented hla offering an amendment providing for the recall of senators. He aaid the people ahould have the power to their whenever It appeara that they are not properly representing or serving the people. en route to the hospital at Hapulpa.

The Sapulpa hospital Is taxed to Its limit with the dead and dying, and the injured are atlll being brought In. GO TO IT, WORKS fllr I nilml I'rMM IHire lllrrrl In Hen I tie Mtar Office WASHINGTON. D. C-, April U. S.

Senator John D. Worka of California today notified the senate that he would diacuaa the initiative and referendum aa applied to state legislaturea on next Thursday, SCHOOL GIVE 3 COMEDY "The a rollicking comedy, will be presented May 9 In the unlveralty auditorium by the junior class. SEATTLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1911. MOTHER STRANGLES LITTLE DAUGHTER (By United Preaa Leased Wire Direct to Seattle Star Office.) HOSTON, April 13. with Rru-f through separation from her husband, Clara Russell confessed today to strangling her IJ-yur-old daughter Marjoric, who found dead in their home lJorcester with a towel twiated about her neck.

hen she was arrested, Mrs. Hussell said she had calmly considered the matter. "I decided that the best thing to do was to kill Marjoric." she said: "I did not want her to grow up to meet trouble. Sinwas a girl. When I came to the conclusion that she had better die, 1 got a towel and lightened it about her neck as (he slept.

MOTHER'S AWFUL STORY. "Then Marjoric awoke, called trie 'mother dear," and me not to choke her. But I was the stronger. No one heard her struggles and soon it was all over. "A little later Marjoric's uncle, George Mtinro, cattle to the house and wanted Marjoric.

I told him he dead Then he left and returned with a policeman. "Marjoric always prayed for me and her father, and always hoped her father would return. 1 have been happy since he left, so I thought it was beat to kill Marjoric and that would end it all." Did You Remember This Is Arbor Day? WILL BOOST CITY STREET CAR LINE Seattle Iwmtrri for the municipal car line held a roaaa meeting last night at Rainier Reach to torin an organisation to cooperate with the mayor and council lo providing a car line from the south city to Salmon bay "The Car Unit league" chosen a name for the club, and the elected were: George H. Cooley, West Seattle, president; II J. I'robstfeld, vice president; F.

X. Hall, Dunlap, and Tullock, "On guard for Seattle" will tbe motto. TENANT TIME i Spring tennnt time here, i Fix up a bit about the i place and telephone your i "For Kent" Ad to The Star Main 9400. LONE BANDIT TOPEKA, April lone bandit held up a Santa Fa passenger train near Syracuse, today and shot Conductor Riley In the shoulder before he escaped. YOU remember that thla la Arbor Tlie Htar photographer along aa thla young couple were setting out the xhade tree In bark yard of their lit tie home today.

Maybe they pictured that home grown to broader dlmenalona a of from now; maybe they laughed and talked of what a of a big ahade tree thla frail aprlg will he when the allver In their hair Anvway, they amlled aa they worked In the dirt, and the dull mtbtwl forgot to (or the 1W you plant a tree or some littie 11vto today? FREEZING? YEP! Maybe the gentle Spring down to Meilco to lend a little warmth to that revolution, or maybe the fabled dame In filmy lagaln referring to Spring) beat It for more ethereal tn any event, she quit thin community and we want her back (Chorus): We want her back morning a perfectly good thermometer registered at 32 which freezing point la that any kind of a way for decent Spring to act, we enquire? BEATS THREE TWINS. PARKKRSHCRG, W. Va. April 13. Benjamin Harriett of pMinahoro.

gave birth to her fifth pair of yeaterday. DEMAND REPORT WASHINGTON, April 13 In the today Senator Introduced bill requiring that the 1 monetary commission, which was fathered by former Senator Aid rich, submit Its final report on or before December 4, next. Ignorance may be bliss, but the awakening a tuighty hard jolt. But to get down to brass tacks; the hardest Job In the world la that of a review of a don show. And it is embarrassing to learn that some handsome specimen of Halnt Iter- I nard In worth only when a I stingy-looking little that they call a Pommeranlan or a Saltuese Hpanlel fetches a couple o' hundred every time somebody buy.

I met several Hamlets Hamlets, you know, nre Ureat If you don't net the connection, my stu- I effort to pull off pun la quite wasted Dorm with blue ribbons are very haughty, Indeed. have met mongrel pups of the lowliest degree who wagged a welcome to me with a I poor little stump of a tall and seemed deliriously glad to make my acquaintance. Hut even when Judge Cole Introduced me to a lady like Spitz today at the bench show, she (the Spitz) scarcely acknowledged the event. As I affirmed in the beginning, It la difficult to write review of a dog show. 1 pass it up! ONF PFNT ny Witt HKWa HI ANUS la, Here's a Baby Girl Who Wants a Home Boea any one want a baby? The Htar haa a liny, atlburnhalred baby girl, two weeka old, holding out her dimpled for a mother.

The War hat undertaken to find a home for the baby. It believed that anionic of warm hearted there would be aomoone who would take are of the little tot. The Slar to give baby away on Kaater the annlveraury of that great day when the Man Who Loved Little Children rose from the dead to a of love and hope and faith through two thoutand of hlatory. Ity Kaiter morning, then, aoiueone ahould have tittle baby In her home It may be iunt couple to whom children have ever come, though they have longed for them more than wealth or position or anything on earth It may be a couple tiny baby been taken away by the angei of death Hut The Htar that aomewhere among lta la a heart that waiting and longing for thla little baby. For the facta about It- the mother la alone In the world, poor, weak, unable to lake rare of the little one to let it go now.

before abe to care too much for it The baby nearly nine haa blue eyea, la pronounced by the hoapital physician to be In jierfect health. Hhe may become a Florence Nightingale, a Maude a Mra. McKliiley Who Hhe la there for whwom to mould. Who her? be to the Rdltor of The Star. And at once.

We want to give her a home for Eaater morning. Raynor Lashes Taft for Mexico Policy I uHftl Imerd Wlrr liirrrf WASHINGTON. C. April 13 Diacusslng. the Monroe and the Mexican situation today, Senator Kaynor (dem Maryland); said: "I ant willing to admit that If Japan negotiating for a com! Ing station and banes for military and naval In Mexico, are entitled to know what the are." Kaynor insisted that the Monroe "Ah Doan't Lak Jail," Says J.

He'll Go Free on Easter Morn .1 I II ir. In i 1 AA 19 nl nntu on tljr I nilrtl I mifil Wire Dllfrl to valllf Mur Offlrr SAN FRANCISCO, April 13. Jack Johnson's gift of gab today cut down his 25-day Jail sentence for speeding When the prlxe fighter was brought up Into Judge court to be fined $100 for a former offense, he made a long plea for mercy. "I think 1 had enough of the jail, yuh honah, 1 don't like It no how," Johnson pleaded "I guesa I'm cured. I don't mind paying su not murder Probably without precedent In I local history, a divorce action started by a wife named two The suit was begun by Minerva Miller this morning.

Her action is directed against her husiband. Howard Irvln, and also 'against the Equitable Life jance society. The latter is made defendant because It refuses to pay her $610.60 due on a 20-year endowment policy nil the life of her husband. She claims to be the beneficiary, and alleges that for the last five years she has paid the premiums. She charges her husband with deserting her in 1908, after they had been married for 20 years.

Will Have Queen of the Potlatch The first day of the Ooiden Potlatch will be auspiciously started with all the pomp and grandeur of a royal coronation. A big parade will precede the crowning of Queen Seattle, who will be solected by that time. The historical features of the arrival of the first gold laden ves sel from Alaska will be depicted In the parade. lieaidos featuring the first day from a historical standpoint, the carnival committee has decided upon a Japanese night and a Chinese afternoon. Doctrine did not apply to Mexico, but had been confused with the Roosevelt policy which was "to hit a head wherever they saw It," and added: "What right have our citizens to ngagc in In these conn and then demand that the 1 I'nlted take care of them? If any of these syndicate mine owners.

rubber comi or the Stand ard Oil suffer any injury, they have no greater right to redress than the I humblest Individual." thin If you only cut down my 'term I don't like to stay In Jail over Kaster. Can't you see your way clear, judge, to turn mc loose?" Judge Tread well finally relented "I hope you have had your lea son, Johnson," he said "1 am dure It will do you good. 1 am i told you have behaved well In jail, and, with the hope that you will never appear In aitother police i court, I will sign the order for 4 your release at sunrise Easter morning SAN FRANCISCO, Cal April 13 -With both Frank Torres, alias Kdward Kvans. a soldier, and Frank Donley, his 18-year-old pal, In their hands as the confessed robbers of (iuy Limdsburg. the police today are as far as ever from solving the mystery of how young same to his death.

Both prisoners admit "rolling" Landsburg but they say he had no money and firmly deny thav either harmed him. Landsburg, they say, was drunk. He may have wandered to the water front and fallen In, It is thought. TAXES TOO HIGH Declaring that high taxes has given Seattle a black eye, the Taxpayers' League, represented by Hiram A. Pratt, requested tho efficiency committee of the council this morning that steps be taken toward relieving the situation, Pratt objected particularly to the provision for payment of condemnation awards In cash.

WILL TRADE JOBS WASHINGTON, April 13. President Taft today sent to the senate the names of Curtis liulld, former governor of Massachusetts, to be ambassador to Russia, and of William W. Rockhlll, at present ambassador to Russia, to be ambassador to Turkey. HOME II EDITION mSk 4Hk HORSE AND MAN BOTH KILLED A man and a horse clashed In Seattle today and both were killed in one of the moit peculiar ever recorded. Cut Slage, a teamster, employed by C.

B. Niblock, was the man. The horse was one of the four ha was driving. Slage. with a load of wood, was driving up a hill near 65th at and 38th st.

N. E. when his team became frightened by a cow. STRUCK THE HORSE Jumping from his wagon Slage ran up and struck one of the horses. The horse struck back, hitting Blage in the chest with both hind feet.

Slage fell to the ground unconscious, and died within two minutes. Ah Hlac dropped, the borne, which had become panic stricken, began to awa) and finally toppled over, dying almost the name moment the man breathed his last. Slage wan accompanied by another man at the time When ho saw fall, he tan to his side and dragged him out of the way of the horses. He then went to quiet the horses, which had become entangled In the harneaseH, hut just as he reached the horses the one that bad done the kicking fell dead. Slage recently came here from Denver, where his relatives live.

He had been married, but hla wife died about one year ago. The body was taken to the Fremont undertaking establishment KIDNAPER IN THE PEN 1.A3 VEGAS. April 13 Will Rogers, who kidnaped his own nephew. Waldo Rogers, with the help of Joe Wiggins, an ex convict, lodged tn the state penitentiary at Santa Fe laat night to avoid possible violence by the rltliens of this c(ty. Rogers will plead insanity.

A ransom of $12,000 waa paid to the kidnapers for the return of the child LIAR, SHOUTS T.R. TO COLLIER'S I I'rrM I Ire fMrn-l to Offlrr.) NKW April "shorter and uglier" has again been mi I by Col. Roosevelt. Replying to a charge In Collier's Weekly that he traded his support to Senator Sinoot for Mormon votes the colonel said: I don't know who wrote that, but whoever did knew well that he was lying It is not merely an outrageous lie. but one so Infamous so absolutely without foundation that It is utterly Impossible that those making the charge could be ignorant that they were lying." wiison, an t.

i THEY DON'T WANT ME HELENA, Mont April before leaving Helena for St. Paul early today, Co. Theodore Roosevelt expressed the befief that Gov. Wood row Wilson, of New Jersey, would be nominated by the demo-' crats for the presidency. Koosevelt said he had' seen nothing on his present trip to cause him to believe that the people were anxious to have him run for the presidency again.

BASEBALL TOBAV LOUISVILLE. April Hurry Howell was today unconditionally released by the Louisville team of the American association. CINCINNATI, April Clncinnatl-I'ittsburg National league same was postponed; rain. WILL DISCUSS TAXES A special meeting was ar- i ranged for next Thursday 1 evening at 8 p. at which i tho corporation counsel and i city engineer will be present i to analyio the question of high i taxes and lay plans for possi- i ble relief.

NEWS ITEMS FROM THE HICKTOWN BEE OM Hud Phthlm 101 Hicktown for a visit to nophew In Liverpool, O. ltuel haa paul a nlckcl to hj 1 ui KI (taping mill omla rctK. Dover will he pai tfg aa embarked tin- milk ial pWTSBI lllcktown deii-atfd the I 3 ypitar a at ore of Funny how a feiiei will in at ii; Kftlc plovln' third whan ho'tl tomplaln to thr union tf hud ik halt aa hard down t' tbi ahop. ain't It, politely Inputted l.ufo Wutertowei thla noon..

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