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The Seattle Star from Seattle, Washington • Page 1

The Seattle Stari
Seattle, Washington
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fIV mmMBB W'. wL nfi Hi Mf. asj fW R. R. Wins Delay in Tourist Rates Federal Probers That the federal grand jury IS following a hot trail of the rrorty alleged to have been paid for protection the leys My they received from the police following their compro.

mile with Mayor G.ll August 29 wai reported in the federal building Thursday. The jury had examined Assistant Cashier Couch of the men and Trust Tni institution with which the Biilingileys did their franking, and a number of other men pre sumed to know something aoout their finances. Juat which of the queried along that line had divulged valuable information wasn't diiH-lovi But that a trail had been found whirh led the grand Jurors rlotrr than ever to what is esperted to clinching evidence a transfer of money an almost open aecrei. Money in Secret Places Urn. c.

ami drag store la-l -Inly, he RUiingsleya are thought to have ft uad obscure dsposlttrli uioney alleged to have bwti pa id for protect Kin secured from one of their secret hiding may he the new evidence that served to inrrcafe the confidence of I'. S. IMatrlct Allen and the special agents assist ing him in the hunt for ronnectlng links between the Hlllineslevg an.l officials. well witnesses laid the foundation that Allen ready to call BUlinnaley-i before the giand Jury Thursday afternoon. They were not on hand In the morn- but were to appear in am- fcr the afternoon Witnesses having to do with Uhlnor were before the grand jury Thursday morning.

Several witnesses already called In connection with the office angle of the boozegraft probe were aliont the corridors. Oarence L. Heamea. district attorr.ey for Oregon. here to aid Metric! attorney Clay Allen, haa most of the time since arrival familiarizing wth evidence already in the hands of government.

Probe "Frame-up" Story Government Thursday continued their inveatiftatlon of the atory of Fred BHHngsley that he was the victim of a frame-up when th- police aelzed In a garage automobile. said to have contained keg of liquor. Tuesday night. wr-re current about the federal building that evidence wax being gathered Jn an attempt to that the kesj placed In auto after Fred and Ora Fill llngsley left their car at the White garage M'-ndav night. The have turned a keg of liquor, which thev say wan found in the car.

Fred Hllllngsley insisted to Ihe government that ho left no whisky iu car. 1 M. G. EVERSOLE, 50. a iro wax Instantly killed liy fall from a ladder, on whi'h he win- workinK.

at 4120 59th ave 8. W. ADVERTISING MANAGER'S OAILY TALK The best offerings of Seattle's best stores appear regularly in The Star. How rnwh fOU on ho vv ij MORE THAN 60,000 COPIES OAILV be llmei. in Otympla they're In doubt ai to how many alapa covered the aenatora' facet And In Seattle it may either rain or mow, ajya the weather man.

Temperature 6 a 27; nojn, J3. Raider's Toll Is Higher BY CHARLES STEWART Copyright, the t'nlteii I BUENOS AIRES. Jan. 1S The British navy, as represented in South Atlantic waters. Is today in full cry on the hunt for the German at Urge, which to date le be lieved to have sunk or captur.

Ed 25 alli-d merchantmen. Latest reports account for 24 merchant ships rounded up by the Teutonic raider, and with two additional vessels missing, it is believed thay. too, may have been sunk or captured Four fast cruisers, including the famous Glasgow, which took part In the Coronel battle two years ago. are said to be leading the hunt for the raider. One report, as yet unconfirmed also a Japanese cruiser is steaming northward from Pjnta Arenas to Join in the chase.

lu addition to 23 I counted for was limnhwi MMmmr iluliii mss Inrliuie I among raider's! prUen. Shf arrival at Feinam In of a German I fnrvlvors landed from the Jap- 1 se fusel told th" first connected storv fl the 1 cf the today. The latest German sea rover left Kiel flying the Danish flag, tbe survivors said retorting said they declared ihr In being only with Iron Rover Well Provisioned The German raider not only at targe, but she la plentifully supplied with food and fuel, taken from her and more When she the Hudson Mum or to turned tail and sped away the horizon line The Herman adopted the in guarding her plana from the of taken aboard The sur were closely confined below They were cooping up severe hardships. Poorly Ted Morti.ver, the fool served theca was utterly Inadequate All the were bitter In their complaint of 111-t reatmen' When the raider left home she carried 2SO sajiors and four German The two ships which sailed from Pernambuco on January 10. and now believed also to have fallen victim to the raider, are the British Paraguay and the French freighter Admiral I Tonche Patrols Hurt Sea Terror Hoth for Mshon, bffintc nimlr for two 1 ahlps are reported to i vH.

from Kio Janeiro th-i' the Japanese slenmer Hudson Maru, which brought In v.a* it. a prize Her German commander hat yet made it known whether intern with prize and crew, or whether he will discharge take aboard supplies. and make a dash for Ihe open sea, to do raiding himself In the meanwhile the government Ik preparing strictest surveillance to prevent any violation of neutrality laws The survivor landed hi Hi mat bnco by the Hudson Included IVr! Hrltlsh and French and a few additional of nation Fate of Unknown Allho they had been closely rimfined aboard I heir captor, they Irlen lifted her an a Herman crulMer of (he Vlneta or Mwwe type, hut guised no her warlike character was not revealed. The aurvlvors do not represent by a (treat mnnlier the total of lhone aboard all the ships known to have fallen victim to the raider The fate of several hundred la unknown. From stories told by survlv(Continued on page 5) A MHTKfIDAM, IS llerlln JiiHt announced thai a submaline returned with a record of Kinking 10 Klilps, from the German ''apltal said today.

The Seattle Star ONLY PAPER IN SEATTLE JTHAT DARES TO PHiNi THc NEWS VOLUME 19. GREEK MAIl) COMES FAR TO WED ONLY TO HAVE HER DREAM OF ROMANCE END IN BALM SUIT and Pater Farmasonis were good They much time in friendly conversation over stetniinq of black coffee, in the Greek cafea of Seattle They had both eai'ert from far away Greece for America, and they haa succeeded Farmiionn, the younger, had been succasiful in the canjy business. He rt'iy, with thread black eyet and a mass of curly hair. He young and full of the re of nit race. "Why don't you Ret a wife? friend Carkonla, one enlng while the pair their coffee In a common haunt early In the spring of IHS.

Why should-i'i lie ha I and wealth new of bla. upa'Mel at the Real lon "Hut I have no In mind could marry." Farm atonU "That easily Carkonix. and memory ahjfted back to 'i little fartn in the of far-a'v iy Knrtrl. a little hamlet that nightly by the of Mediterranean, where a amall. Ivory tinned girl, with Jtiat the tglth of pink in her sanif her way thru dally toll In "Yew, I ran fit It," concluded And young friend irnel.

The April f.k|e» were lear Taiia who IP. disturbed from her calm existence by a letter from her unrle. in Seattle She agreeably surprised when she learned ttint she to make the long, venturesome trip the Atlantic to hecunm Ine bride of It custodian with thn people of her race to arrange marring In a manner So she contented herself with of the man who to be her husband. her did the necessary wooing. In time, thru Ihe exchange of BROADWAY BANK CLOSED WiLL BE LOSS The Hroadwuy State tisnk, H24 Pike whh Thursday morning by Stale llilnk Kxamlner Moody, mill a complete berk of the bank started It Ik nalrl that the will lone about $40,000, according to nn early chuck, and the will lose their entire holdlngi The imnk waH capitalized al The clohliiK of thfl blink waft the remit of a Inspection Inllriitml by the HtHte Imnk aiiilner at Small tliruout the Htiile are being f.nbject in 4 nix a THURSDAY, JAMJARV IS, 'many aud tnei date drew near for tier leaving Hhe made She waa Si rep Hs illee.

laughter and dally to the fare ell It pot until Oecemtter that f-'armasnnls wrote for fiancee to Come She with her two vo Kftlalla an! Ihet held at tilhraltar for a lonir lime and braved the marlned to York, ftul thru II all. happy, for her RAIDER'S TOLL MAY BRING ON GERMAN FIGHT BY CARL 0 GROAT I'fiu tfiaff HIT 111 il I I WASHINGTON. Jan. In ternat'Onal complication! with Germany will If Amir, lean were loet. contrary to international law.

In the German ralder'a actlvitlee, accord- ln(j to a broad official hlrt to the United Press today The official indicated peace maneuvers not preTcnt from tnklnK anion if rlKhts were invaded Several male ui officials said mi word had come thru ofrtrlal channels concerning the raid, and ilielr only Information concerning Anieiirani from press dliv patchM. DETECTIVE SHOOTS UP ROOM WHERE THAW GUT THROAT PHILADELPHIA, Jan. Breaking under the strain of his long vigil, Norman Kelly, a private detective employed to guard the room where Harry K. attempted to commit suicide by slashing his throat and wrists, became hysterical, and started to "shoot up" the place today. Kelly, who Is attached to the Val O'Farrell agency, declared some one attempted to enter the apartment and cut him with a knife.

DELAY LEAK PROBE WA Sill NOTON, -That I louk probe may not bo aitn In taken up inilll next week wbh llii- hoi Iff horn today, when .1 I' Morgan, Hiihpoenaed to toKtlfy. wan notified ho lined not report until fur ihor not 100 Thorn wan no hoarlnn today, liomooratlo of tho nolo leak -om in 111 oo had a now rliiikklo today In picking out counsel for fur tin hosrlnitu Pater 'Famiaaonla ifweethegrt awaittug 1 Athanaslade-i stepped frow a passenger train at Ihe Klhk Ktatlon a year aao Jan uary. Hlu- alighted in the of hearty kisses and Her young f)n uier Ine ro In search of of the one she most anted to Peter failed to re pond a Welcome he Iniended bride llf ball.ed l-ater declined entirely to go thru with agreement He he disappointed. and did not want her On Thrusday. January in the court of Kiiu county.

a small. Ivory aklnned tireclan maid en. with Ihe touch of pink on her told of the henrt of those that followed the rcall'allou that iheie no pot of cold nt the end of her dream rainbow the plaintiff In aiilt ag.iitiHl Karmasonls. "he dcMcrlhed her disappointment ami her longing now to return to the ureen of Her homeland "I don't iite much now." she faltered, thru the aid of an preler. and I don't even want any of money Her whole dream and belief in life been shattered.

She thru. and Peter Parmasouls black coffee nightly in the tlreek of lint they ale no lonci'i friend." HOUSE VOTES FOR CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION BILL MIMA, IK, The house, by vote of K4 to 10, the Joint reaolutlon submitting the question of a constitutional con- Million to voters In 191S election. The fight on the bill was led by lloth, of Whatcom, who wanted to ow what there wiih for ci Hint: a convention. lie said it ilbl be expensive, coHtlng about $300,1100, wouldn't do any Rood, and would probably fall to pins, like tlie constitution drawn by New- York convention. people ill reetly amend lie i aid.

"as occasion may 9-Pound Baby Born in Y. Street Car MOW YOHK, Inn IS The rustle of the Htork'x wings unlit Mrs Hone Hntlnk, L'fi, toward llellevue The bill perched on Second ave. mir face car After men had with drawn, a nine-pound girl baby waa born. Kratlng child labor act will reach children, but anl.Rfin.noO children In I'nllnd rttmoH who cannot lie rvachul by fl'llulill legislation ONE CFNT am.

1 1 1 "IANfHi Postponed to April 2 Became N. W. Failed to Enter a Protest; City Must Get Busy Seattle and the Northwest, to revise the, old saying, counted their tourists before they were hatched! The new rates removing the differential of $17.50, which operated in favor of Southern California and against the Northwest, WILL NOT GO ON FEBRUARY 15. The Interstate Commerce Commission at ton, D. today modified its decision to that effect.

The Southern Pacific won its motion for postponement to April 2. IT WON BECAUSE THE NORTHWEST FAILED TO HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE AT WASHINGTON, D.C..TO WATCH EVERY MOVE AND TURN IN THE CASE. No one contested the motion! Just what The Star feared and warned. against has come to pass. While the Chamber of Commerce hemmed and hawed aboaf having "no money for this purpose," and before The Star could raise the necessary money thru subscription to hire Attorney olds to handle the case, the first blow fell! And the railway has several other moves up its sleeves.

The discrimination against the Northwest won't be removed on April 2, either, unless the busy. The Southern Pacific railway, besides securing a ment, ALSO HAS A PETITION BEFORE THE COMMISSION TO REOPEN THE WHOLE CASE. If the commission decides to reopen the case, the old rates will continue pending the final decision, which may not come at all thia year. The commission today ruled that the railway may file its brief in support of the petition any time up to January 30, and tho Northwest is ordered to reply by February 23. SEATTLE MUST GET BUSY! IT IS NOW MORE APPARENT THAN EVER THAT THE NORTHWEST MUST HAVE CHARLES A.

REYNOLDS, FORMER STATE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER, WHO WON THE FIRST DECISION FOR US, STAY ON THE JOB TO THE FINISH. The legislature should appropriate the $10,000 recommended by the state public service commission for this purpose! It should do it at once. But you can never depend on the lawmakers at Olympia. Seattle business men cannot afford the risk. Make doubly sura by subscribing the necessary by subscribing $5,000, at any rate.

If the legislature comes thru, as it should, for it interests the whole state, then the money can be returned. If not, it will be money well spent. THE TOURIST RATE CASE NEEDS REYNOLDS. fi NIGHT EDITION You won't even get a chance to aee thla atuff, much leaa Imbibe It, when the "bone dry" law cornea marchlry to town..

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