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Omaha Daily Bee from Omaha, Nebraska • Page 9

Omaha Daily Beei
Omaha, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE OMAHA DAILY llEEt SUNDAY, MARCH 0, 1002. 0 OMAHA TEAM FOR THIS YEAR Hunger Bourte Gitet Out His Line for Coming Season. YOUNG BLOOD IS MIXED WITH OLD Feat Oatflelal of lBt Seaeaa Rela forced ar Goo Ilrl4 and Whole Well Tepaea with etroaar Battery Material. Manager Wllllani A. Rourke of the Omihi baas ball elub yesterday announced the personnel of hit playing atafl for tbls season.

Ha will begin the year with twenty men on hie team Hat, ai follow: Catcher! Johnny Gooding, Arthur Hayes, Jack Tbomaa, Ouy Reed. Pitchers Frank Owens, George Brown, Dudley Rlsley, Podge Alloway, Dusty Coons, Eddie Gordon, Charles Graham. InOeldere Dave Calhoun, first base: Ace Stewart, second base; Ed Hlckey, third base; Joe Dolan, short stop; Peter Burg, utility Infielder. Outfielders Robert Carter, left field; Frank Oenlns, center field; Tom Fleming, right field; Will Btone, utility outfielder. la the best base ball team that ever represented Omaha," aald Manager Rourk a.

"I ahall start the season abreast of any of them and ahead of several. I hare all my best men of last year back gain, and some very valuable new ones. True, a few ar young players, but even those have their pronounced merits. A ball player Is tb result of development, anyway, and I shsll see what can be done with these youngsters toward bringing them out. That's the only way to get them.

Papa Bill oa the Teaaa. Take this list right down from the beginning, and I'll give you the history of each man as 1 know It. Among tho catchers everybody knows Johnny Oondlng, snd what a valuable man he was last year He la In better shape physically now. Then Hayes Is a young fellow from Superior, who gives promise. Thomas I have taken entirely upon the recommendation of Frank Oenlns, who says he la good one.

Thomas played with a team at Belleville, 111., last rear. Hla home Is at St. Louis. Reed la another youngster. He comes from Gesoa, and is chiefly known In baae ball from having played with the Nebraska Indiana for several years.

"With my pitchers I am especially strong. I have a staff (hers that cannot be surpassed. First there are Coona, Alloway Gordon and Graham of last year'a team, work Is known. Gordon and Graham should Improve much th's season, bslng novices last year. Coons is now at h'a home In Newcastle, Alloway In Petersburg, Gordon la In Lincoln and Graham In Greenwood, Neb.

1 'Th new pitchers are all stars. Frank Owens has. thrown tor Detroit the last two years, and Is a foxy, experienced man. Hit hom Is In Tpstlanti, Mich. Tws New WMrlwIa.e, "George Brown Is to be the, real meteor of ths team, If he fulfills promises shown last year.

He is ths coal miner who mads hla first appearance last year with ths Terra Haute team, and made such a big tear la ths baseball world. They were all after him thla season. He lives In Rose-dale, and came right out of the mines there te play hall. Acs Stewsrt took after Brown for me. snd told me that he would land him for Omaha If be had to Pat Crows him.

I feel lucky, to hsvs seoured him. "Then Dudley Rlsley, the last of the pitchers, Is no. slouch. He was the star twlrler of the Spokane, team last year, which Is the one that took the championship In that northwestern league. Hs wrote me a week sgo saying that be had been offered $100 a month more than I am giving him' by an eastern team, but i hsvs got him.

He Is out on the coast now. One or nisei strongest points Is that be Is a crackerjack Infielder for any emergency or utility. Llkee His laaeld. "Coming to my Infield, we all know old Davs Calhoun, ths best batter In th bust-Bets. Is In town now.

Ac Stewart seeds, no comment. He Is wintering st his horns In Terrs Haute. Ed Hlckey Is a third baseman that cannot be beat, and a fair hitter betides. He la not the Hlckey who played with Denver last year, but it ths men who ha Just finished his fourth seston with ths Indianapolis club. Hlckey Is a very etrong man.

He Is now at Ind ao- polls. "Joe Dolsn will be cne of my good batters, and as Shortstop has a great reputa tion. He hs been Dlaylnr. with Phila delphia the last three years. Dolan Is sa Omaha man, and Is now In thla city.

"I muet tell you about my utility Infielder, little Pete Burg. He la the phenomenon of my team and a coming player. Its- la only five feet two Inches tall, the very shortest In th business, and hla stockinette mskes him look all the more squatty ss he skates around ths diamond. Pete la a inlcago boy and played with the Spalding team there last year. His base running Is a great feature, at he can do 100 yarda In ten seconds and a half In hie bate bill clothes.

i Oataela Barely Faat. "My outfield It one big catch net. Bob Carter, ths fastest runner In tne Western lesgue, will play left. He Is a ten-aeeond man flat aay time and hit base running Is correspondingly great. He la the man I bad early last year who mad so god with ths people snd then had to quit because he was taken with smallpox.

Bob la now at hla home In Jackson City, Tenn. "Oenlns at center, meanwhile, and Fleming at right, everyone knowa. Both are great batters and wonderful fielders. Tom Is 'now In Hartford, and Genlns In St. Louts, my utility outfielder.

Is also known here. I bad htm a short time last ye4r and he was a hit. The first time hs cams to bat he rapped out a beautiful two-bagger sad It made him solid with th crowd. He Is living at Coleridge. Neb.

"That aggregation mesne a salary list of 13.000 a month to start on. All ths boys will be on hand hers for practice on April 1. I am, of course, paying their transportation and they will all ride In Pullmao cars. "Sunday eight I 'go to Denver to attend the Western league meeting. A.

O. Spalding, Pat Powera. Jim Hart and perhaps Jimmy be there. I guess that la godrt baching for yon. We are certainly established on rock bottom.

Everything pointa to the Western -st th lesgue and Omaha as the team In -It." BASE BALL NOT A NUISANCE Judas Miller Holaa that Property Owners C'aaaet Preveat Eatabllsa-last Base Ball LOUISVILLE. March 8. In the circuit court today Judge "Sbackleford Miller sustained the demurrer of Oeorgs Tebeaii, who holds the Louisville franchise" In ths American association, to the decision of property owners In the vicinity of Seventh and Kentucky streets', asking for an Injunction to prevent Tebeau from establishing a ball park In that neighborhood. 'Judge Miller holds that the base ball in Itself la not a nuisance and that the property owners' only recourse it a suit for damages or a criminal prosecution if they consider they have suffered say. harm.

Tebeau will now be able to proceed with hla plana. Three Oaaa Wla. CHARLESTON, S. March 1-Johnny Brown, King Along and Tremor were the winning favoritea today at the Exposition track. Results: First race, four furlongs and a half, selling: Johnny Brown won.

Swan Dance second. Give and Take third. Time: OiMH. Cllf- third, time: 1:06. aecona race, nve rurlonea.

selllne: ion tioy won, uton Clay aecond, Laracor Third race, six fnrlonca and half all. Ing: Patchwork won. Toad Ralney aecond, Ortce Wilson third. Time: 1:27. Fourth race, ore mile and three-elx- teentns.

selling, over nve hurdles: King Along won, Haco second. Stuttgart third. Fifth 'handicap, six' furlongs: Tremor won, Lady Alntre second, Barney Baal third. Time: 1:18. Sixth race, four furlongs fend a naif, selling: Olea won, W.

J. Baker second, Sylva Dell third. Time: Haatlagtoa's Oreat Sear. "Dad" Huntington of the Gate City bowling team threw a wonderful match agalnat Clarksoa of the 'Clarkeons- at Clark's alleys last night. The two men were bowling; oil a tie tor a prise of a ten-pin ball.

They bowled five games of ten frames. Huntlnrton started out like a whirlwind with 215 the first game, and fol-Mowed this with a bigger one. He did not fall below 2T0 till the last game, and his totnl was 1,067. Clnrkson was not in 'the running from the start. Score: let.

2d. S.i. 4th. Rth. Tot.

Huntington 215 229 227 213 183 1.0S7 Clarkson li 134 163 111 17 835 New Dasnbkell Llftlaa; Reoora. CINCINNATI. March Henry Holt grewe. a local etrons man, defeated Otto Konaino or jxew roric me champion dumbbell lifter of the World. In a dumbbell lifting contest for $500 a side at the Odeon here tonlaht.

It was a serlea of ten lifts. Ave selected by each man. both to per- lorm eacn outers reais. noitgrewe won by nineteen pounda In the ninth lift. CURES WEAK FREE Send tlsmo end Address Today You Can llavo it Frco end Do Strong and Vigorous for Life.

snounra love and 31? iiappy noun -jit KNAPP, M. D. Row any nan may quickly cure him-trlf afUr yars of suffering from aexjal Weakness, loot vitality nl(M loeaes. vartco-tele, and enlarge small, week organa to full alee and vigor, Dimply send your eme and addreee to Dr. L.

W. Kuxpp, ail Hull Detroit. snd ha alii gladly send the free rerelpe wtih full dl- tections. so that ny man can easily rure imavlf at home. Thla la certainly a moat fanaroua offer and the fulluwing extracie akan from bis dally mall show what men think af hla 'ganeroalty "Dear air Vtaasa accept my alnoer for yours ef ncwil date.

I have 1H yaur a thorough teat and iaa foueat baa beea eiuaorOtuery. it has completely braeed me up. I am Just aa vlgoioua aa when a boy and you can not realise how happy I am." "Dear ellr Your method worked beautifully. Results were exactly what I needed. Strength and visor have com pletely returned aaa enlargemeat is entirely aatlbfactory." "Dear Sir Toure was received and I had no trouble In makina use of the receloe aa directed, and ran truthfully aay It ta a boon to wees maa.

1 ant greatly lax proved In else, strength and visor." All eorreaooadmea is strictly eenfidea tlaL mailed la plain, sealed envelope. Th recetpe ta free for the asking and he waste very ansa to nave it. COMPLETE WESTERS ClRCtTT Whitfield, Van Brunt and Manning Con clude Formation of League. LIST OF CLUBS AND THEIR MANAGERS Dea Melaee aa.l Peerla Satisfy tk ta the gtataa af Their Flaaaelal Bark, la. KANSAS CTTT, March 8.

At a meeting of Messrs. Whitfield, Van Brunt and Manning, the circuit committee of ths Western Base Ball league, today, the circuit was completed as follows: Ksnsst City C. Nichols, manager. Milwaukee Hugh Duffy, manager, Denver Park Wilson, manager. Colorado Springe William Bverltt, man ager.

St. Joseph Byron McKlbbln, manager. Omaha W. A. Rourke, manager.

Dea Molnet Jos Qulnn, manager. Peoria American league player yet to be tinned aa manager. President Whitfield hat called a meeting of the lesgue for Denver on Wedneeday, March 12, at which the committee's sctlon todsy will bs ratified and other matters taken up. The financial backing ta Des Moines and Peoria thoroughly satisfied ths committee sod franchises were awarded to them subjected to the ratification of the league. Stock compaules will back the teams and are sure to complete the season, because enough money hat been subscribed to carry the teams.

Little Hop far Sloaae. IX)NtON, March 8. The American Jockeys In England exprese llttlo hope of 'Tod" Bloane'a reinstatement on the turf. It Intimated among Ploane'a friends that he followed Lord Marcus Bereeford's advice to apply for a license and that the Jockey club is suspending Its decision pending a reply from the Pens Jockey club concerning ts desires In the matter. Bicyclist Waaltaaar's lajarles Severe.

ATLANTA, March 8. Bobby Waulthaur, the Champion bicyclist, will be confined to his bed aeveral daya aa the result of laet nlght'e fall In a race with Leander. The skin waa torn from the Inside of both hands, the flesh la exposed on one arm from shoulder to wrlat, and on the other aa far aa the elbow. He also sustained an ugiy gash about five Inches long In the groin. DEATH RECORD! Ih C.

Taylsr. HURON. 8. March 8. (Special.) Announcement Of ths death of lu C.

Taylor at hla horns In Alexandria wat received hers this morning. Mr. Taylor was among ths most prominent cltlsens of South Dakota and waa publisher of ths only republican paper In Hanson county, ths Alexandria Herald. Hs was born In Syrscuss, N. in 1854, and whsn only a lad waa In ths quartermaster's department of aa Ohio regiment In the civil war.

He lived in Cincinnati a number of years, entered newspaper work st Byron, snd Ister worked In ths Republlcsn office at Charlotts, Mich. Hs csms to Dskota la 188S, settling In Alexandria, where hs bought ths Herald, which hs contlaned to publish until hit death. Hs wat ststs auditor four years snd a prominent csndldats for governor before the republican state convention st Madison. Fraak Casger, Braoklya. Detroit, March 8.

Frank Conger of Brooklyn, N. rice president of the Bridgeport Bridge Building company, died suddenly today of apoplexy at ths Wsyne note. For the past two days Mr. Conger had been 111. but his condition waa not consid ered dangeroua.

Mr. Conger, who was about 63 years old, was a stockholder in the United States Steel corporation. Hs also bad large Intereats at Oroton. n. where he was president of both the Flret National bank and ths Mechanics' National bank.

Mra. Catbarlae C. M. Greea. Ths funeral of Mrs.

Catharine C. M. Green, wife of John H. Or sen, who died Wednesday, will occur at the family residence at Third and Bancroft streets at 2 o'clock Mondsy afternoon. Mrs.

Green had resided In Omaha since 1158, at one time living at what waa known as ths "Lone Tree," ths sits on which ths house stood now being ths rlvsr. Sbs was 72 year of age and leaves a husband and three daughters of her Immediate family. Vr Rathnaa of Lake Wilson. Mrs. Adam Kemer snd Mist Josephine Oreen of this city.

I'riel Croaker, Aatksr. BOSTON, March 8. Uriel H. Crocker, author of aeveral standard booka on legal aub-Jectt. died at his horns here today.

Mr. Crocker was 69 ysara of age. Hs was prominent In charitable and philanthropic work, connected officially with many financial and other Institutions, and a member Of various patriotic and social organisations. Child Vlatlat af Palaaa. 1 COLUMBUS.

March 8. (Special.) Cella, 4-year-old daughter of Arnold Abta, lied last ulght after an Illness of ten days. Ths attending physicians ars puttied by the tymptomt In ths case. They agree, however, that death resulted from, soms tort of poisoning, probsbly dus to eating orangs peel. C.

M. Staataa. JACKSONVILLE. 111., March 8. C.

M. Stanton, general manager of the Jacksonville ft Louis railroad, died, today at Citronelle, where hs had gone for his health. Mr. Stanton, who was 80 years of sgs. had been engaged In the railroad business In Illinois slacs 1870.

Jeha Lladaay, (, Lals. ST. LOUIS, Msrch 8. John Lindsay, former chief ef the St. Louis fire department, died today after a long Illness.

Previous to 1895 Mr. Lindsay hald the position ef chief and for mora than twenty years he was a member of lbs Ore department. Jeel Staaaer, Haetlasja, HASTINGS, March 8. (8peclal.) Joel fitanner died at 2 o'clock yesterday morning at his horns ta Cole's Park. Ths funeral will bs st 3:30 tomorrow afternoon from the family horns.

Retired La saber Dealer. AU CLAIRE, March 8. George S. Graves of thla city, a wealthy retired lumber dealer and prominent politician, died yeeterday at Nevada, where he had gone tot hla health. a Wtllaki't'Tys4sll.

TYNDALL, 8. March 8. (Special.) The engagement ia anneuneed of Miss Pauline Bailey, daughter of J. B. Bailer, to John M.

Kellogg of Monon, Ind. Tht wedding will take place March II. Joseph T. C. Smith snd Mra.

Laura Patterson of Yankton were married by Rev. T. W. Stamp of ths Methodist Episcopal church. Wast Pol at Brides.

WEST POINT. March 8. (Special.) Edsard Bytenf sad Mist Mtoat Clauses were married by Rev. A. R.

E. Oelsclaeger of the German Lutheran They will live On the groom'a farm easl of the city. Heary Rssmut and MIm Palraa Berg were married by Rev. A. B.

Learner, pastor of the Grace Lutheran church, at hit home In this city Thursday. ROLLER MILLING INDUSTRY Nebraska lias Over Faar MllllaaS la Capital sal Eight la Valae af Fred act a. WASHINGTON. March 8. The census preliminary statistics of flouring and grist mills of the United States In 1900 shows a' total of tS.SM such establishments, with an aggregate capital of 3218.714.104.

wags earners sversglng 37.03, drawing 817,704,418 In wages; miscellaneous expenses, and cost of materlala used, 2475,825,845. Of these materials there were 488,814,004 bushels of wheat, costing 241, 029,249 bushels of corn, costing $93,882,809, and all other materlala cost $4.010.47. Ths totsl vslue of the products of these ralllt in 1900 wat $560,719,083. which com-prises 102.624,194 barrels of flour, valued at $348,185,800 40,035,977 barrela of corn meal. valued at $73,177,402.

and all other products were valued at $139,857,561. The capital and value of the products, respectively, of these mills by states follow: AlabamsA-Csoltal. 81.047.961: product. 810, 557. Ariaona Capital, I2ZI.I1"; product, Arkansas Capital, product.

708,709. California Capital, $4,552,3 product, $11. HO, 944. Coloradow-Capltal, product, Connecticut Capital, product, Delaware Capital, product. District of Columbia Capital, product, $632,764.

Florida Capital, product. Georgia product, 330.439. Idaho-Capital, $59107; 8832.207. Illinois Capital, product, Indiana Capital, product, Indian Territory Capital, product, $1,194,472. Iowa Capital, product, Kansas Capital, product, 768 Kentucky Capital, product, Louisiana Capital, product, Maine Capital, product, Maryland Capital, product, Maaeachusetts Capital, product, Michigan Capital, product, Minnesota Capital, product, Mississippi Capital, product, Missouri Capital, product, 893.928.

Montana Capital, product, 702. Nebraaka Capital, product, Nevada Capital, product, $157.47. New Hampshire Capital, product. $2,506,936. New Jersey Capital, product, $6,371,997.

New Mealco Capital, product, $551,108. New York Capital. product, $42.796440. North Carolina-Capital, product, $8,967,462. North Dakota Capital, product, $4,134,023.

Ohio-Capital, product, 167. Oklahoma Capital, 745.434. Oregon Capital, product, 361 m. Pennsylvania Capital, product, 836.639.423. Rhode Island Capital, product, $1.

95.921. South Carolina Capital, product. (3 847 790 South Dakota Capital. product, $8,379,843. Tenneaaee-LCapltal, product.

$21 Texas-Capital, product; 730. Utah-Capital. 21.101.886; product, 31.S29, $40. Vermont Capital. product, $3, 222.847.

Virginia Capital, product, $12 aM airF Washington Capital, product, 16,875,672. West Virginia Capital, product, $6 541 363 Wleconsln-Cspltal, product, Wyoming Capital, product, NO DELAY INM0VING TROOPS taflleleat Nasaber ef Traasaarts Will Be Ready ta Brlac Heat Soldiers front rhlllapiaes. WASHINGTON. March 8. It la aald at ths War department that there will bs little or no delsy In ths execution of ths orders rscently Issued by ths sscretary of war for the return to ths United States of all ths regiments which went to ths Philippines la 1899, aggregating about 12.500 men.

According to the paper prepared at ths department, there will be a sufficient number of transports leaving Manila between now and that dsts to movs 8,740 troops and by May 16 ts movs ths sntlrs number of 13.600. Including fresh troops In ths United Statea now under ordera tor service In the Philippines, General Chaffee will have a atandlng army of 22,000 men, notwithstanding ths withdrawal of ths 12,600, alrsady under orders to noma horns. Ante Room Echoes Ths chief topic of conversation In Ma-tonl circlet thla week la ths coming priory of ths Knights of Malta, to bs held by the members ef Mount Calvary commandery. Knights Tsmplsr, on March 21. At tblt session of ths priory aa effort will bs madt ts ecllpss all other meetings of a similar character ever held by the lodge.

A priory of the rite Is something unusual, ths lsst being held a year ago, and probably outside of Omaha and Lincoln ts would be impossible to confer the degree of Knight of Malta In full form, as the paraphernalia 1 difficult to secure. The locsl eommsndery, under ths direction of Eminent Commander B. F. Thomas, has tent for sew robes and ths work will bs dons la a manner never before attempted. There will ha twenty-eight candidates ta receive ths degree, which will be conferred under the direction of Right Eminent George B.

Werner. Ths Grand Commandery of ths Knights Templar of the stats of Nebraska will convene at Omaha April 10. Ths locsl eommsndery Is making preparations to entertain the visiting delegates and a banquet will probably be ths chief feature of the entertainment The drill team hopes to be able to show ths visitors what ths commandery expects to do st San Francisco and one degree of the order may bs exemplified. The Mssonlc lodges of ths city ars doing mors work this spring than at any time ia iiieir history. There srs csndi-dates for the different degrees In every lodge and aome of ths lodges really have mors work than can bs handled easily.

Bcllevue chapter. Royal Arch Masons, wilt advenes six candidates Wednesday evening and there will be two clssses at work at ths same time. Tho first stapa for the organisation ef a drill team by ths members of Mount Calvary commandery took place laat Friday, whea twenty-four kalghta met at the hall and under ths leadership of Harry Herri-soa took the Srst lesson ta th stepe required of ths kalghta who would wla honor under the eyes Of fair dames and maidens upon the field. It has been definitely set- tied tnsl Mount Calvary commandery will bs la the contest for the prlies which will be offered at the triennial conclave, to be held In San Francisco In 1904. The drill tam will meet every wtek.

on Friday night until further notice, and the ntim ber will probably be Increased until there are thirty-six members. The nport of Eben K. Long, recorder of Mount Calvary commandery, ahows a net Increase of thirty members la that lodgs for the current year. The hustling conrmlttee'ot Tsogler tem ple. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, report! that It la receiving letters from alt parta of th state and western Iowa regarding the effort of the temple to make up a specUl sxcurslon train to attend the Imperial coun cil meeting st Ssn Francteco In Juno.

Many members of ths order In ths city who were not expected to hsvs tlm to attend the meeting at that aeaton have signified their Intention of attending, so that ths prospect for a special train teems bright. Ths badge committee of the aame order has suspended operations until It can bo determined how many persons will go upon ths excursion, SDd ths ways and meant committee is proparlng to annouocs a plan which will provide the funds for the entertainment of ths visiting members of ths order st they pasa through Omaha. This committee hat held one meeting, but cannot get down to work until tbs field baa been carefully canvassed. It It th intention of the Noblet of Tangier temple to break the records for Initiations at the ceremonial session to be held April 18. At this tlms twenty-one applications have been received and It It expected that at least alxty peraona will avail thtmtelvet of ths departurs of the caravan to pasa over the burning sands of the Sahara.

The session will be sttended by a large number of visitors snd it is believed Ihst it will bs a red-letter day In ths history of the temple. Rose Croix chapter, Scottish Rite, will hold Its annual ceremony of the extinguishing of thellghtt oa Maundy Thursday. March 27. The committee iu charge of thia event la preparing an elegant program, in which many of the prominent orators of ths order In the state will take part. Carl E.

Herring will preside as toattmatter. Following It ths March calendar for St. John's lodge, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons: March 12 Entered apprentice to bs conferred upon six candidates. March 20 Master Masons' degree conferred. Luncheon will be served at 8:20, after which Henry P.

Stoddard will real a paper on "Ancient" or Athole Masons. March 27 Fellow Craft degree will be conferred. On next Monday night Nebraska lodge, Knlghtt of Pythias, will glvs a smoker, to which all Knlghtt of Pythlaa of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs ars Invited. The committee of arrangements say that this socisl will be novsl snd unique, In that It will differ from sny smoker ever given by the lodge. Sojourning knights should not overlook this If they want a pleasant evening.

Brother Melt Hoerner has kindly consented to resd proof for the Bulletin in the future and to pueh It along so that there will be no slip on publication This will relievo tbs managing sdltor of tbs onerous part of ths work 'and glvs him mors time to attend to other matters. Moqusdam tsmpls of th Drsmatlc Ordsr of Knights of Khorsssln Intend to give a grand ceremonial on June 15, snd extensive arrangements ars being made for the ceremony. It Is proposed' to lesd a class of about 100 neophytes across ths hot desert, over the burning sands to ths cool and refreshing wsters of Zem Zem, the wells of Joy sad comfort to every votsry. Every votsry of ths temple desiring to take part In this ceremonial, which la to be on a magnificent scale, must be at the meeting of th temple, to be held on March 16, In Myrtle hall. Forget not this call to the faithful lett your devotion be quetttoned.

Dr. R. M. Stone royally entertained about thirty members af the Roysl League council No. 65 at his residence laat Monday night.

Cards and other amuaementa were indulged In until a late hour. Clsn Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish Clans, held Its regular meeting Tuesday svsnlng and there was a good ettendancs. After business wat over the members were entertained In aong and ttory by Clansmen R. O.

Watson, P. T. Anderson, P. L. Forgan, Thomas Falconer and Olascott.

Arrangements have been mads by the Omaha lodges of th Fraternal Union of America for the reception of Buprems Secretary Colonel John L. Handtey. He will address an audience under the ausplcet of Nebrstka lodge at I p. m. Monday, Mon-damla lodgs at p.

m. Monday, Omaha lodgs Wednesday evening, Banner lodge oa Thursday and Enterprise and Magic City lodges In South Omaha on Friday and Saturday Bights respectively. I- A Discovery of a Remedy has been made that Restores Lost Manhood ani Gives Man the Vitality of a Lion. One Week's Trial Package Sent Free To All Men Who Write For It. i J' OLD STORAGE RYE' 14 Mallow a.nd Madlclnal rbu" 4 rvii quamts $3.50 A This pttaM old whkkey.BMllewad by aga, penning a fragrant banquet, tm falls te please tbs faatldioa drinker.

Ws sell direct, eliminating mlddlemea's praftts sad offer yoa wbukay for J8 whkb woald cast yoa at retail, pfafa Back-age, ttprtsi pmld. Reaikby Foetal ar Express order, or Regis-tared letter. Tf Ref treat ts Dna's or Bradetnet'a. BECKER EROS. CO.

Wasters Office end Wereboasst 14 V. ilk SL, KANSAS CUT. Ml er i 1 '4 9 mix y.T". si 1 It Regenerative Tablets It the only recognised positive and permanent cure for Lost Manhood In all ita furms end stages. It Is scientifically prepared by the best chemists In the world.

The reputation of the Institution Is such, that all phyalciane know when they stand sponsor for a remedy, that remedy must be exactly aa And when upon their reputation tliev make the statement that Regenerative Tablets will ture a'l cases of Lost Manhood, Spermatorrhoea, Varicocele or weakness of any nature of the herve or eexual organs, a cure must be positive and permanent. Thla Company will send every person who Is suffering from nervous diseases a week's treatment adsolutely free. There Is but one test of a genuine medicine and that Is the results wltlrh are obtained by Ita uae: if it cures the disease for which it Is prepared It Is a true remedy. This Is the test by which the Fsllopia Lynn Co. wish their one week free treatment tr be tried.

After using Kegeneratlve Tameis one week, the sufferer will find new vigor In his organs; new rorce in nis mnso es; new blood In hie veins: new emblUoni a new man In vitality, health and appear ance. Kegeneratlve i aoiris nas a rrc jnnr-v grateful effect and the patient feels the leneflt after ita first day's use. It arose direct to ths seat of the trouble, no matter of how long standing giving etr.ngtn enn development whre It Is nerded. Thte marvelous lemedy bsnisina ail feelings of baan. fulness toward the opposite ees: curee all the Ilia and troubles that come from early abuse, excess or overwork and bualness cares, all of which result In premature loss of strength and memory; emissions, Im-potency and varicocele.

Regenerative Tab-i leta tvill effect a rure et any ng tnne no esse that It will not cure termanently except where eplpsy or Insanity haa already been reached. Fatlopia Lynn Co. makes no restrictions, every person who writes will be sent a week's treatment abJ aolutely free and postpaid, carefully, wrapped In a plain package with no advertising on It to Indicate what it Thev have received thousands of letters from people all over the country telling ot the most astonishing cures made by R.tten-' eratli' Tah'r Their one tree ntTer I Is genuine, and no rmbarraastng questions asKea, rite toasy 10 anopia j.ynn. T46 Potsonl Building. St.

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Chicago er Ntw York. Ill.

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