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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 1

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EVENING ST Alt PUBLISHED DAILY, Except Sunday, AT THE STAR BUILDINGS, WsrlfewtftCcrasr PsnmylTania and 11th The Evening Star Newspaper Company. GEO. W. ADAMS, Prea't Tmw Stab served to ths by on their own account, 10 per or 44 cents month. Copies at tbo coiuitcr.i tft esoh.

By cents a mouth. year, mon ths, pi. (Entered at the Pout Ofi.ce at Washimrton. D. ecTifi-' Jaaa mail Tm WreuLT on FrMay a year.

Kfkftpiepaitl. Mix mouths. 50 rents. AT waft snVurrlpttOTis he pain ill advance. 11 writ Irnror Itiuc paid for.


v.vser-^ion of t'nehou u. also t'ROMN A ND SI T.L1? AN. Ton. Colemau Joyce. ILin'er, jLiliie WtKlern, suit THK AYIN NETT.

Admission; Orchestra, ccntt; Panir.ctt.". 35 GaJVrv. cents. i Thur iUy and f28 Ijn Wilt. LINCOLN ll.iLL.

AMY TALBOT DUNN h. ir and mini roua story of ZEK1 K'S it AI iLl NO A Ax) NleJiiT, I 2 p. in. hi" ft p. Adn.i<-M> ii all of the Ihjuso.

CROWDED WITH THE ELITE. I 'The rei the Little House." 1 he Actln DeliKlitt Every b'-'Jy. TO-NIGHT ONLYldAlTNE-: SA I UUDAY. '1 be Fan.oii* Orgiiial I MADISON sol'ARI' I URATER la tut? it- end g.vaU'st;lk\l?>a. Dj rruicm IIooc-mu and W.

H. Fi'fiiu a tf? i-'er which vv-' in- fbe Ureal Cast: bu F. O-Tfli'. iic i.usell, aii llr.s Wait t. 'f- B.

Wei Kale Denin-Wilson, W. H. spaitrier, (i. i rntbii'). WEEK.

il! A ME OPLKA CO.VPAN Y. Sail of ts oil 1 hurmlay next. f27 jWiTIO AL THE A tE a IIR i sit. WEI oifimencimr MONDAY, February -26, Eve Fveitrijrand Saturday, 'J he Kliuneui LAWRENCE BARRETT, Snppcited Alt. l.f>l"IS JAMES and an Excellent Dramatic Company.

GrsuT l'n -lction of n. Gi-orare H. Baker's Trailed in Six Act and Tableaux. i PANC'ESCA DA KIMINI, A mdizatiwi ccltbraied story. Ludctte, dr.

Barrett New net and Cotiuuef. D'. Quartette of Ala g-al iSoya. MONDAY, A'uri-h 5, WILLIE EDi-FIN'S SPAUKS COMPANY. f26 DS ME Ut'-KIM, 1't.

near lltb street. A WONDERFUL SUCCESS, 1 hi I HI SOOPE Or, 11i? i.h'xtsmid of Spirit Laud. IHi- li N11A311LVand LIVINGCLRjOSITIBS. SPLENDID ENTI IM VERY A1 TLBNOON AND NIGHT. Admission only lOcenta to all.

f'26-6t THREE NIGHTS ONLY, FKbttTARY 26, 27 AND 23. PUOF. CAhPFNTER, vrnoLooi and Mesmerism. on. Vjceats; LhiidtMi, 15ceilti.

(iniu.t:.C "VEvV ljiPl.H'IEli FOR SINGING AND 1 iano, abor.c-t in ixUtence, at Pl.Uf t.SM-H WOLOWSKT'S. ii 16 street northwest. Pi AND C.RCHESTRA X1TSIC. Foi i i-iiicua -ud other eiitertanimentc, by 4. p.

1HEO. I.ANO, 1124 12tb Jc.rt.'Ci IN (KO.S25 F. AM; t-ALT AT i HAKRKITEK'h, Stiwt r'rret st, me door frrrc 7tfc strrot, itoue (1 Jr.ij l.Kf, Enirravira-a, aiso STftf and Stock of Paperbsmrimra, Picture 1 1 ni and Naila, at li FreoArtCWfacy. ol7 EXCURSIONS. GUAM.

TO A II NN a AA OR RNN Nil AA f. OKRR 1 511 A A AAA Dt OK RNNNII AAA CCCA A LI.Li. II i' OO NNIIA aT en Cave of rwi's of cky Mountains iu Culoiado, Dtnver, banta 1 e. Southern California, TnE Yf'SEMITE VALLEY, and San Frano aeo, Salt Lake City, Chicairo and Alay" 3, itflit j.VX). The outwanl ana refura lotimeys by entirely different Puilinan care, Botel cm r.mfe drives and ALL NECESSARY EXPENSES INCLUDED.

Full particulars on api ilpation. New York. TIIOs. COOK A SON, 1W Boston. i-4 f.

jt Wa'nut Philadelphia. tj XI VERSA LLY PRESCRIBED BT THE FACULTY A I YXATIYF AND REFRESHING Fr.FIT LOZENGE for constipation, hemorrhoids, HEADACHE. CLliEBRAL Etr. INDIKN 1 upared by GRTLLON. Sete Prc jrrittnr, Iharciacien de Ire rlasseiflH Faculte ile Paria, 27 rue luunbuteau, Paris.

Pills and tne usual to take, and never prouui cs frtd all Dr.iwvists. Discovery In Medicine. important notice. SANTAL MIDY Will cure In hoars sjl of th" urinaT organs it. ttu-r with ut inconvenience of any kind.

iJ A OLT hue Vivlonne, Parts. Ja22-wisly flfflE REM NO I ON TYPF WRITER, A MACHINH Jl tbe ien; mpiires no instruction; a -an rite itii it. I be pi biic are invited to call at bur otho'and s-iLe Type Writer In practical oporst.ou. sea Vans a edict, soi? L- Droit corner a 8th amuBton. hy I)ri 3Iuddy Water? We tcE th-.

GI ANT REVOLVING FILTFR, which IkTi attuClMtL 1 lit) PO.OXUIC Water fltiV tup fvotn it a areayi lit- xor this city, will tupply the tracte at fai ra te.s. Ii AY WARD A HUTCHINSON. 317 NINTH STREET. ran oh. street, near Dupont Circle.

f20 AaTON FISHER, CHEAi ICAL. DRY CLEANING ESTABT.TSH*} 'i rifwt Tliirtv years' 1 and Oentiei also Crape Lac ex, ar? nerfeotly ihla 1'nt-eSB. iding a specialty. Opin on of L- J. DeHmedt, i lb ia.

cliemist of the of "Your cheiia al- of the most effectual nature and harmless, -nd vour machinery ia not ia Paxis. New York or mi miai-aiitfed to be tnorouKU.y.rviuoved.au29 100 In" OO ddd 6 GO GUG OO T.I.r.T. ddd GIVEN AWAY! 4. U. O'WEARA A 1317 Pennaylvania avenue, $100 in irold as honorable awards to anybody flndtats fce ifteattat number of words constructed, ct one or uue ietu out of the uiree "BOY A FAMILY Fifty dollars will be the first award.

Am second. $10 the third. the tonrth, 1 each to the next fiv? and lOe. to the next twenty highest number of words. It must he ciisti.

ctiy undentrod that In this at contest of 'Royal Family Glus" that no words ct ntaininfr dupUcato letters will be Kitted, and words oontainiafr two two YV. win be exoluded. Only the leiritiinate body or dictionaries, without the son. irfflUitowd. All must be gwto an order for one bottle of legsfcnraaaw j.

fbe Idcumo jto. 61-y? 0,313, WASHINGTON, D. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1883. TWO CENTS. LECTURES.

(1 OVEUNOK BOUTWELL will dehver an address on RUFU-s CHOATE, at flje Congregational C'hnrch, EVENING, Ftbnurv Tn ki te, including reserved 50 cents, for pale at I nw Music Store. H. A. CLEVELAND. D.

3 Reading. and former Pastor of Foundry E. Cb Teh, will de'iver a iectnra at St. Paul's English i Luihern Church, noruer ilthand streets northwest, 1 on Wednesday eveuinv, February 28,1883, at 8 o'ciock. Subject: "i HEY WHO TALK." Tickets rents.

f24-4t LADIES' GOQm. 1 A i I "in daily receiving all the Novelties in SPUING i.iilNK:\Y, and an. now prepared to the latest i styles in HATS AND BaN'NElS. 5 '''v FRENCH FLOWERS. tho handsomest, ever Pif call and see them.

I am on-' mtr a httn.s.iun bun-li of Tips, three iu a bunch, ft ti.5?> only, each Tip is cheap at (6 cents. I spring dolmans in Silk and Wool Material: stylish at low prices. FLANNEL SUITS FOR LADIES. Come tmt new le of Flannel Suits, i r-1 and you will have no more suits made by 1 LADIES' NEW SILK SUITS. CHILDREN'S NEW STYLES OF SUITS AND JACKETS.

Low Prices for wood Qcx ds, at a m's, 1 f2? 416 7th STREET. tirst Spring Importations. Hats aud Rich Millinery Novelties, Feathers, f-s 1 rimiirintre, Silk and Cloth Parasols, Parisian Neckwear, 3 best styles French Corttts M. WILLIAN, 7 Cite Treviso, Paris. 907 Pennsylvania avenne.

To close ont mv remaining stock of best Kid Gloves, in sizes 6. wi sell them tor $1.25 and jl.lH), lovmer prices ard fJ.uO; 7. 4 and a buttons, all dnrk hades. Feathers dyed and re-ourled equal to new ones. ji Mrs C.

Donovan, 315 5th AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, 1335 STREET, OPPOSITE EBBITT HOUSE, Oilers at a Great Reduction the remaining part of her COSTUMES, DINNER DRESSES, and is now receiving SPRING FASHIONS. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. fl4-2w us. iv. Armstrong, 110 WEST STREET.

NEW YORK CITY. Is stUl AT HER PARLORS, 1407 STREET, and will tell tUe remainder of her stock at cost before leaving" town. Taking orders now for Spring and Summer Costumes. Ladies'own materials made up. j29-lm I 1 INKING ONE CEXT rER YARD.

PLAITING TWO CENTS PER YARD (Parisian Mode). 902 9th street, corner of I northwest. rs. Selma ruppert, 608 Niste Opposite patent Oittcs, has just opened a large and well-selected assortment of 1 HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS. SWISS EMBROIDERIES, MEDICE, TORCHON AND OTHER LACES.

which will be at vary close prices. 4 Elegant line of NECK RUFFLING, LACE FICHUES. FRINGES, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS. HOSIERY. 0 GLOVES and ART EMBROIbERY GOODS.

STAMPING promptly executed. Ja24 -i ruppert. 403 AND 403 7TH STREET NORTHWEST. KALi. ATTRACTION OF NEW NOVELTIES, IN FANCY WORSTED WORK 1 rf for Embroidery on Linen, Mammoth Felt Cloth.

A lull of Worsted aud Knitted Gccds Child's Bonnets, Embroidered Cloaks, ail aiy.oa i iLd a fteneral outfit for children. Germantown and Zephyr Worsted, German. Spanish, i Hungarian Yarns, all colors. All kinds Embroidering material on hand. Stamping promptly executed.

o4 jyjiss annie k. humphery, STREET NORTHWEST. Makes CORSETS to ord'r In every style and material. and guarantees perfect fit and comfort. a HER SPECIALTIES ARE? French Hand-made Underclothing.

Merino Underwear and finest Imported Hosiery. 1 Patent Shoulder Braces and all Dress Reform Goods. rench Corsets and Bustles. The "Hercules" Supporting Corset, for whioh Miss H. is special agont, aid a Corset, her own make, that for the prioa cannot be surpassed.

N.B.? French. German and Spanish spokaa. HQ USE FURNISHINGS. Water Filters. Which Render the Potomac Water Absolutely Pure.




w1lmarth edmonston ng 709 market spaob. Great Reduction In price largl self-feeding stoves. naving too a stoe'e of above still on hand, an.cnir them several of the celebrated Radiant Homes, we wil; nov. aell them at a discount of ten per cent from reginar prices. This is a chs.nce seldom offered.

A full line of Coomrnc Stoves Portable and Brick-set Ramrea. tV Grates, and Furnaces. Agents for Danf orth's or Stove and Fluid. JENKa lalS 717 7th street GLASSWARE CUTUiKY, PLATED WARB, Ktw oooDa at CTtxsIL3' GEO. WATTS, HOUSE-FURNISHING 8TORW, 7th street.

5 doors above Penns. avenn SKWIXU MACufliES, Have Xou Seem The Lightest running sewing machine ever made. It is the HARTFORD, roads by the Weed Sewing Ma- chine Co. These Machines have been sold to ladles who could never run a treadle machine, and they can 3 work these with the greatest ease. Must be seen to be appreciated.

We invite everybody to call and examine them at onr office. We sell on eaay monthly payments and discounts for cash. Send for descriptive circular or call at onr office. s. oppen eimer St 9th STREET NORTHWEST.

gt Cloud Building. he Queen Of All. The Superiority of the New Bstf-threading QUEEN 1 Sew'pK Machines is reooarnlMd and acknowledged by Highest Mechanical Authorities, and the demand for them is Steadily Increasing, sstheir merits are becoming more extensively known. Come and see teefeU of over 300 ladies and mechanical experts in SPECIAL NOTICES. TRIBE No.

8, IMPROVED Order of Red Men. Georgetown, D. en will punctual in attendance TUUPSDAY, March at o'clock p.m., to transact important busings. It C. F.

ROBINSON, C. of R. D. Febbuaby 28, 1883. The firm of Hellen Murphy.

doing' business at NoU'Jl New York avenue. lias been this day "lissolved by mutual consent. HELLEN MURPHY. A MEKflNO OF THE MASTER HOUSE t'v PAIN TKRS will be held at the painting estabd hnient of Win. E.Spalding 1224 Pennsylvania iveune.

on THURSDAY EVENING, March 1st. 1883, 7 30 o'clock. DISTRICT COLUMBIA HORTICULTURAL monthly meeting will be held WEDNESDAY EVENING, 28th instant, at German Hail, 11th st. n.w., at o'clock. Punctual atteudiiu is earnestly requested.

C. A. BALL, Secretary. f27-ar TO ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THIS MAY Not ce, that 1 have made application to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for the issuance to me of duplicate of the original certificate of tax Bale on part of lot 9, square Washington city, assessed in name of Daniel Connolly for PM.68, the Original certificate issued to me December 10th, 1874, having or destroyed. f2i 3t W.

H. SLATER, 1406 Pennsylvania avenue. THE COLUMBIA CO-OPERATIVE BUILDt-'W ING ASSOCIATION. 'Hie Fourth Monthly Meeting of this Association will be held FRIDAY, March 2d, at 7 o'clock p. nv, at Hall 515 7th street northvffrst, opposite Patent Office.

The are still for subscription to stock. Shares fl each, on which $1,000 can be purchased. This promises to be one of the most successful Associations the city. Tlie Directors being business men and the 'eatures of the constitution rcconnnend itself to ail, low is the time to take stock, as the books will probably soon. Stock can be tuken at the meeting', or on ipi'lying to M.

P. CALLAN, Treasurer, 7ihstreet; or CHAS. C. DUNCANfcON, Secretary, f27-4t 'Jth and streets. NOTICE-A MEETING OF 1HK 8TOCKholders of tlie Electroplating Company will be leld at 8 o'clock p.m..

THURSDAY, Marcn 1st. at the of the Firemen's Insurance Itcoml, over Hank of Washington. C. W. HOWARD, President.

A GENERAL THE HOLDERS of the NATIONAL FAIR ASSOCIATION. D.C., will be held on WEDNESDAY, the 28th lay or February, 18X3, at 7:30 o'clock p. at the ortice the Association. Room 1, second floor. Vernon Row, oruer of Pennsylvania avenue and 10th street northvest, In this city, to consider and act upon proposed imendments to the by-laws.





C. MILBURN, Pharmacist, f5- 1429 Pennsylvania avenue. DURING THE ERECTION OF THE NEW brid -o over James Creek macostia and street cars will run as far as the tamable at the Navy Yard. H. A.

GRISWOLD. Ja30-lm President. ATTORNEYS. II XTLAMBERT, Attorney-at-Law. f7-lm Office, 410 'thstreet HA.

HALL, ustice of the Peace and Notary 916 street northwest, Warner Building. LEN W. COOPER. IT ATTORNEY, Removed from 4X street to 4U4 oth street (Judiciary ijuare. Ja2-2m EI'PA HUNTON, of Viridnia; JEFF CHANDLER, of Missouri.

HUNTON CHANDLER, A ttorneye-at- Law, nr practice in the Supreme Court of the United States; be Court of Claims; the Courts of District of Columia; the Committees of Congress, and the Deartments Othce: Nos. 37, 88 and 39, Corcoran Building, d29- Cm A NDRKW 0. BRADLEY, m. Joved to Rooms Nob. 10 and 12, Guutou Building, No.

472 Louisiana Avenue north west. du-6m IVM. R. ASD WM. RFDIN WOODWARD, Rocms 7 and 9, Gunton Building.

Titles to Real Estate, lncox to County and Georgeown property. dl6-5m rtHAS, J. GOOCH, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, Jotmsellor at Law and Expert, St Cloud Building, 9th streets. Good work, good references, moderate arges. n27-Cm H.




f24 935 Pennsylvania arenui. Brodt, the hatter, 9AS JUST RECEIVED THE SPRING STYLE BLOCK. And Is now ready to receive orders at short notice. fl7-lm 419 11th street northwest. Stationery Department aw A.

BRENTANO COMPANY, FASHIONABLE ENGRAVERS. Wedding Invitations. Reoepttora and Visiting Cuds, Anns, Crests and Monograms ELEGANTLY ENGRAVED. Cards Printed frcsn Plates, Paper and Envelopes Illuminated and Stamped in Bronxesand Plato Colon. 1 LARGfi AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF MENU AND DINNER CARDS.


Mr. Edmunds, from the committed on the Judiciary, reported adversely in tne Senate to-day the House hill to provide for the restoration of citizenship or such citizens of the United States as have become naturalized citizens of Great Britain. Mr. Tabor offered a Joint resolution providing for participation hy the government in the national mining and industrial exposition to bs held at Denver, col. THE TARIFF CONFERENCE.

I A message was received announcing the names of the House conferees on the Internal revenue and tariff bUL At Mr. Garland's request tho message was read. Mr. Garland asked to have read from the Congressional Record the resolution of the House in- I strueting Its conferees "to consider fully the constitutional objections to the Internal revenue as amended by the senate, afad to bring the same, togetner with the opinion of the House In regard thereto, before the committee of conference," I and moved to reconsider the motion by which the I Senate hod agreed to a conference. Mr.

Ingalls raised the point of order that It was I not in order to read or to refer to particular words or acts of the other heuse upon pending measurea The matter which Mr. Garland deslred'read not having yet been speclflod, tl" iPresident said there I was no such question before the Senate. Mr. Ingalls said that if would inspect the in itter proposed to be read he would see that I It was a report of the action of the House of Representatives on a measure pending between the two houses; and while he (Mr. Ingalls) thought that the action of the House was disingenuous, and that under It a full and free conterence could not be had, he yet thought that it was not in onier to ncad extracts from the record as the 1 basis for a motion to reconsider.

Mr. Garland said that what he desired to have read was contained In the official record, mode for I the express purpose of Informing Congress and the public of what was being done. I The President said he Baw no objection to reading the resolution, and overruled the point of order. Mr. Bayard thought It was not in order to have the record of the House proceedings read for the purpose of affecting the action of the Senate.

He agreed with Mr. Garland, that the Senate had ap- pointed its committee for a full and free conference and no other, and said that if, upon meeting the House committee, the conferees on the part of the Senate should And that such a conference could not be had, It would be their duty to return and report that fact to the Senate. Mr. Garland said that his motion to reconsider was maile In good faith. After further debate, the Senate, by a vote of 26 to 24, defeated a motion offered by Mr.

Edmunds to lay Mr. Garland's motion on the table. AN AGREEMENT REACHED. The President having Anally ruled that It was I not in order to read the action of the House from the record as Mr. Garland had proposed, Mr.

Garland appealed from the decision. After the question had been debated for some time, Mr. Ingalls offered a resolution declaring it to be the opinion of the Senate that the conrerenoe should be full and free, and Instructing the Senate conferees If they found that any limitation was placed by the House on the action of its committee to retire and report that fact to the Senate for its consideration. Mr. Sherman at objected to the resolution, but withdrew his objection later, and the resolution was agreed to without division.

I Mr. Garland then withdrew his appeal, and the Senate resumed the consideration of the bill to increased pensions to one-armed and oneegged soldiers. House of 1TEPPRS. MORRISON AND TUCKEIi DECLINB TO SERVE ON THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE TARIFF BILL. Immediately after the reading of the Journal, Mr.

Randall rose and Speaker, If I had followed my Impulses on the moment of the announcement of the conferees on the part of the I House on the differences between the two Houses in reference to tax and tirlff legislation, I would have then and there declined service, but I preferred to act after reflection and deliberation, and thus avoid the semblance of what might be thought hasty action. Seldom, If ever, during my service in this House, have I avoided duty or responsibility, but in this Instance I feel I can better serve the interests of my state by a relinquishment of tho labor assigned to me. I am the more reconciled to this course because of the fact that I leave behind me on the committee or conference a member representing my own state, and in fact my own city, one who has devoted a lifetime to the subjects in controversy. Whatever report may come as a result of this action of the House, when I It is presented, I shall be more at liberty to pur- I sue such a course on its consideration as will en- able me to best promote the great Industrial In- I terests of the country as to rates and within I proper limitation. Therefore, Mr.

Speaker, I ask to oe relieved from the service you were kind enough to assign me to. Mr. Anderson sarcastically suggested that Mr. Russell Errett be appointed to nil tlie vacancy. The gentleman will be relieved, and the chair appoints Mr.

Morrison. I respectfully decline to serve," said Mr. Morrison, rising. The chair will appoint to fill the vacancy occasioned by the declination the gentleman from Virginia, Mr. Tucker.

"As the third appointee," said Mr. Tucker, "I decline to serve." The chair will take the matter under consideration. MR. COX APOLOGIZES. Mr.

Page, of California, rising to a question of privilege, called attention some sharp words which had passed between Mr. Cox (New York) and himself last evening, aud expressed his hope that the gentleman would "see fit to offer an apology for his personal remarks. Mr. Cox expressed his high regard for the gentleman from California, and said: My friend is going home to California, and I would not have him take away a single feeling of resentment against me; therefore, in the presence of the House I make the amplest apology. Mr.

Paul, of Virginia, from the committee on elections, reported a resolution granting 14,675 to M. D. Ball to cover his expenses In seeking to be admitted as a delegate from Alaska. Referred to the private calender. THE RIVER AND HARBOR BILL.

The House then, at went Into committee of the whole (Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, in the chair) on the state of tne Union, and after a brief contest in regard to the respective claims for precedence of the deficiency and river and harbor bills, tne consideration of the latter measure was resumed, and debate on It was in progress when our report closed. Capitol TVotes. Th" supplemental post-route bill was passed by the House last night The House last night went into committee of I the whole on the river and harbor bill, but made 1 no progress except to adopt a resolution limiting I debate on the bill to two and a half hours. The House committee on military affairs adjourned sine die yesterday.

There are 692 bills left I unreported by the committee, the most notable of 1 which are the Grant retirement bill and the House I bill to restore Gen. Fitz-John Porter. I The Senate, in executive session, yesterday postponed the consideration of the Mexican reciprocity treaty and the treaty ier a rehearing of the Well and La Abra claims (ill the next session of Congress. NOMINATIONS AND CONFIRMATIONS. The President sent the following nominations I to the Senate late yesterday afternoon: Martin Townsend, of New York, to be United States attorney for the northern district of New York; Jno.

Paul, of Virginia, to be United States judge for the western district of Virginia; Eimund Waddell.of Virginia, to be United States attorney for the eastern distrlot of Virginia; Peter A. Williams, of Florida, to be United states marshal for the southern district of Florida; James M. Meek, of Tennessee, to be United States attorney for the eastern I district of Tennessee: George N. Tillman, of Tennessee, to be United States marshal lor the middle district of Tennessee; Richard Roatof Iowa, to be United States marshal for the southern dlstilct of Iwwa; Declus S. Wade, of Montana, to be chief justice of the supreme court Of Montana; Wm.

E. Church, of New Jersey, to be associate justice of the supreme court of Dakota; John B. Allen, of Washington territory, to be United States attorney for the territory of Washington. To be collectors of W. Sargent, I district of Kennebunk, John L.

Pierce, district of Macblas, William P. Hlller, district of Nantucket, Georjre W. Warren, district of Cape Vincent, N. Hance Lawaon, eastern district of Maryland. Martin Parry Kennard.

to be assistant United States treasurer at Boston, I Mass. First Lieut Michael A. Healy, to be a captain in the revenue be yloe. Passed Assistant Engineer Robert Hlne, to be a chief engineer UnTtea navy. To be registers tend B.

Darrall, at Hew Orleans; Charles O. Williams, at Watertown. Homer L. Pound, at Hurley, Idaho; Joseph Jorcensen. at Walla Walls W.

Dastsi HTFreeBlan, at St Cloud, Mote GriiSr, atjifotfrhiigton, E. L. Snsiifc, at ThoXuea, Oftwk; To be receivers or pubttoSftoneys-Sc. Oeavf, at Vtero, J. 8.

Wateavat Bairtey, NUAo; Martin H. Smith, at Lewlsum, rtqfc M. Joy, at H. O. Marsh, at Vancouver, Wva; John Ulrlch, at Lacross, John G.

Plilsburv. at o.e^on city, Oregon; Caleb S. Thornbury, at Dallas, Oregon. Daniel W. Gooch, to be pension agent at Boston, George Davenport, to In? Indian aarent of the Sac and Fox agency.

Also thirty-six postmasters. The Senate yesterday confirmed the following C. Wingard, to be associate Justice or the supreme court, Washington Territory; Wlckham Hoffman, to be minister resident and consul general to Denmark; Dwlght T. Reed, to be secretary of legation and consul general at Madrid; S. G.

W. Benjamin, to be minister resident and consul general at Teheran, Persia; W.P. Sutton, to be consul general at Matamoras; L. H. i Foote, to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Corea; La Rue Peck, oi New York, to be United States consul at Fort Erie, Canada; Milton A.

Edgar, to be collector of customs for the district of Perth Amboy, N. J. Indian P. Andrews, for the Green Bay agency, Wisconsin; P. B.

Hunt, of Kentucky, for the Kiowa, Comanche and Wichita agency, Indian Territory. Robert G. Dyrenforth, of Illinois, to be assistant commissioner of patents. Also a number of army promotions and thirty-one postmasters. conference committee on the senate tariff bill.

In the House yesterday, after our report closed, Mr. Haskell's substitute for Mr. Hammond's resolution was adopted. It provides that the conferees on the part of the House on the conference committee on the Senate tariff bill consider rully the constitutional objection to said bill as amended by the Senate, "and to bring the same, together with the opinion of the House in respect thereto, before said committee on conference, and ir nocessary In their opinion, after having conferred with the Senate conferees, said conferees on said committee may make report to the House in regard to said bill herein referred to." The tariff bill was then called up, the Senate amendments non-concurred In and the bill sent to a conference committee. The conferees on the part of the House are Messrs.

Kelley, McKlnley, Haskell, Randall and Carlisle, and on the part of the 8enate Messrs. Morrill, Sherman, Aldrleh, Bayard and Beck. The protectionists of the conference committee Morrill. Sherman, Aldrleh, Kelly, Haskell and McKlnley, six out of the ten members. Mr.

Beck, of Kentucky, Is a revenue reformer, with rree trade leanings, and Mr. Bayard is for revenue reform, with leanings toward protection. The feeltng at the Capitol Is that the conference managers will agree upon some bill, but whether both Houses will sustain the conference report Is another thing upon which many men have many minds. If the Senate bill Is amended by the conference managers so as to increase the rates on iron, steel and wool, it will meet with persistent objection from the democrats. On the other hand, It the iron and steel rates are not advanced, the Ohio and Pennsylvania members will probably oppose the bill.

8ome very clear headed members think the tariff bill will fall, and that all that will be gotten through will be the Internal revenue features of the Senate bill, which Is after all the bill passed by the House last year, with a further reduction of the tax on tobacco and cigars disapproval of minister partridge's action. The Secretary of State yesterday submitted a report to the Senate embodying the disapproval of the government of the action of Minister Partridge in inviting European interference to secure peace between Peru and ChllL Washington News and Gossip. Government Receipts revenue, customs, $1,183,783.59. Gllfillan to-day mailed I 12,028 checks, for $2,140,406.59 Interest due to-morrow on per cent funded loan of 1691. Among the Callers at the White House to-day were Senators Hill, Lapham, Sewell, Van Wyck, Manderson, Sawyer and Dolph; Representatives McLean, Van Horn, Deerlng, Henderson, Rice, Lord, Valentine, Prescott, Pierce, Steele, Wilson, Darrall, White, Petti screw and Georee; Judge Kidder, Judge Dana Irvin Palmer and Mr.

Dorman B. Eaton. A Nomination to be President will withdraw the nomination of Milton Garrigus to be collector of customs for the 11th district of Indiana, and nominate Thos. Fltzpatrlck Instead. Mr.

R. J. Fisher, a principal examiner in the Patent Office, has been nominated as examlnerln-chlef In place of Mr. Dyrenforth. The Secretary of the Interior will promote one of the first assistants to the position of principal examiner, and one promotion will occur in each grade down to the fourth assistant examiners.

To fill the vacancy in the latter grade an examination will be held. Capt. George M. Randall, 23d Infantry, and Capt. Marcus E.

Taylor, assistant surgeon U. 8. army, are detailed as members of the general court martial appointed to meet at Davids' Island, New York harbor. SOCIETY NOTES. The afternoon receptions yesterday brought out a large number of pleasant people, and the later hours of the afternoon were quite gay.

Mrs. Hazen and Mrs. Lorlng entertained many callers. Mrs. Hazen's mother, Mrs.

McLean, returned last week to her home in Cincinnati. At the Hamilton, the wives and daughters of Congressmen residing there, very generally received. Their reception was pleasant, but for most of the ladles tinged with the sadness of farewells. Other ladles, residing at this house, who received yesterday were Mrs. and Miss Richardson, who will continue to see their irlends on Tuesdays, Mrs.

Major Barber, and the Misses Noble, of Wllbraham, one of whom Is the author of "The Reverend IdoL" Mr. Lawrence Barrett made a call on the latter lady during the afternoon. Many of those calling yesterday went later to Mrs. Field's, on I street, to a "tea," which proved a Eleasant repetition of similar entertainment given her last week. At the Arlington many calls were made on ladles of Congressional circles residing there, also on Mrs.

and Miss Bowen, the wife and daughter of the editor of the Independent, Mrs. Representative Hazelton, on Twelfth street and numerous ladles at Willard's and the Ebbltt received a goodly number of calls. The main interest of the day centered, however, In the House galleries, where the society element was largely represented, as is usual during the closing week of Congress. An unusually attractive and pleasant entertainment was given by Mr. and Mrs.

C. J. Hlllyer last evening at their residence on Massachusetts avenue. The first part of the evening was devoted to private theatricals. "Everybody's Friend" was given by young folks In a manner that at once surprised and delighted the distinguished audience I present.

The stage, with the bright young faces coming and going, was as pretty a picture as one I would wish to see. There was no hitching or I stumbling in the performance; every part was I well rendered, and all who participated were de- I serving of credit. The cast of characters was as I follows: Mr. FeAtherly, Mr. W11L Hlllyer; Mr.

brook, Mr. Elliot Henderson; Major Wellington De Soots, Mr. Abel Dungan; Trap, Morton Ramsdell; Mrs. Feat herly. Miss Bessie Mrs.

Major De Boots, Miss Blanche Tldball; Mrs. Swansdown, Miss Etta Ramsdell; and Fanny, Miss Susie Napp. After the performance the guests partook of an elegant supper, and the remainder oC the evening was devoted to dancing. The tenth anniversary ot the wedding day of Mr. and Mrs.

B. H. Warner was made the occasion last evening of a gathering at their pleasant I residence, on street, of a number ot their friends. I The happy humor ot the host and the cordial man- I ner of the hostess gave an additional warmth to I the welcome which they extended to the guests. 11 Mrs.

Warner wore the dress in which she was married ten years ago, and which had not been worn since. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. S.

Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wlllard, Mr.

I H. K. Wlllard, Mr. C. B.

Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. J. I W. Thompson, Rev.

Dr. and Mrs. Bartlett, Mr. J. I Onnond Wilson, Mr.

Wm. Ballantyne and Miss I Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C.

Maynard, Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Patterson, Gen.

and Mrs. R. M. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs.

J. J. Patterson and daugh- ter, Mrs. Foote, Miss Warner, Mr. and Mrs.

J. B. Jewell, Mr. B. U.

Keyaer, Mr. W. F. Mattlngly, Mrs. Major Nevins, of Philadelphia, Mr.

and Mrs. I Thomas Francis, and Mr. and Mrs. Chapman. I The reception and muslcale at Mrs.

Senator Hill's 1 last evening was enjoyed by a large number of 11 prominent guests. Mis Slmms. of New York, and I Mrs. Camp were the vocalists; Mr. Baylor, Mrs.

J. I J. Knox and Miss Llda Miller the pianists; Mr. 11 Bernays played the violin, and Miss Sturgls the zither. Miss Slmms is a vocalist of some distlnc- 11 tlon in northern cities, having sung In several mu-1 slcal festivals.

She left for Chicago this morning 11 to for the Mozart Society there. I This morning the parlors of Mr. F. M. DetweUer, I on I street, were filled with a pleasant company or guests, gathered together to witness the marrintra of his daughter, Ads, to Mr.

Charles W. I i Simpson. After the ceremony, which was per-1. formed toy the Rev. Dr.

Greens, of the Calvary I Baptist church, the happy young counla went I. northward for their wedding Journey, being ac- companied to the train by a number of their more intimate 11 Through a late letter from Boms we learn 11 that at a recent Court ball In that city, uve two 11 handsomest and most admired toilets were worn I by two American ladles 11 Hon. James Btrney, late Minister to Unas, and his daughter, are in the city, on a visit to Gen. Btrney, LeDrolt Parte. Mrs.


Ingersoll continued Ills cross-examination of Rerdell. beginning first with questions concerning the various papers which the witness Identified In his examination having been written by Dorsey, who the witness testified signed the name of J. M. Peck to a number of papers. sharp colloquy between me8sh3.

mkkhick and ingersoll. The witness said he thought It was In the month of June that he went with Dorsey to Mlddleton's bank before going to Brady's officeMr. Ingersoll having a question about the checks before the witness had finished his reply, Mr. Merrick said: "I object, your honor." "I don't care about your objection. I am through with that," said Mr.

Ingersoll, sharply. "I object to It," repealed Mr. Merrick to the court. "Were you Interrupted In your reply?" asked the court of the witness. Yes, sir," said the witness.

1 don't wish," said Mr. Iagersoll, "to be Interrupted by the prosecution." I don't regard the wishes of counsel in making objections," said Mr. Merrick. "Anil," said Mr. Ingersoll, "the counsel does not wish your regard." He can't have It," said Mr.

Merrick. "He would," said Mr. ingersoll very slowly, "consider It an insult." Mr. Merrick, turning in his chair so as to face Mr. Ingersoll, said with treat distinctness, I never give my regard to puppies." You dont," exclaimed Mr.

Ingersoll, trembling with indignation, and seizing an inkstand; "you are a dirty aog." Judge WylFe had while these remarks were being made pounded upon his and endeavored to restrain the gentlemen. mr. merrick expresses his regret. Mr. Merrick, now turning to the court, said "may It please your honor, the remarks of counsel Sressed me beyond all human endurance.

I was olng nothing but exercising the privilege of counsel, and an attack so wanton "The language," said Judge Wylle, "is Inexcusable under any provocation." "I am sorry," said Mr. Merrick, "that I was provoked to use such language. No man respects the dignity of the court more than I do, and no living man has endeavored more than 1 to conduct him- self In accordance with the rules of professional courtesy. I bow with humble submission to the court." i "I think," said Judge Wylle to Mr. Merrick, that it is due to yourself to retract that epithet." "If your honor says so," Mr.

Merrick answered, "I will retract It with submission to the court. Now make the counsel himself retract what he said. I make retraction from respect to the court and under the Instruction of the court." i mr. ingersoll disclaims disrespect to the cocrt. From the first," said Mr.

Ingersoll, rising after Mr. Merrick had taken his seat, 441 have deplored tbe fact of the slightest feeling between counsel for the government and counsel for the defense, I have regretted It from the first. I will say that I this is the first trial I have ever been engaged in where such feeling has existed. I have endeavored to be kind and to be fair. If I have done anything that could be tortured into disrespect to your honor I am glad to take that part back.

All else I said was In reply to remarks of such a character that I could not but retaliate on the spot" Mr. Ingersoll, continuing, said that he wanted no personal difficulty, but he proposed to defend himself. "I would do It," he declared, bringing his hand down, 44at the day of judgment wore I assailed by God. I would defend myself with all my little, puny power." No man, be said, could run over him. He hoped that this personal feeling would stop, and promised from this time out to endeavor to conform to every rule.

judge wtl1e sato The court has been obliged to look upon the occurrence as an altercation between oounsel, and the court did not feel called upon to vindicate Itself from any act of contempt, any further than any disorder Is a technical offense against the court He regretted exceedingly that there was any bad feeling against oounsel. It seemed here, to figuratively, to be a word and a blow, and that was not the kind of spirit to prevail In a trlaL If counsel would only put on a hydraulic press upon their temper they would all experience an advantage from It He thought the counsel for derense in error In pushing another question before the witness had finished his reply to tbe first and counsel for tbe prosecution was right In protecting the witness. He thought counsel for the defense was In a false position, but alter the quarrel begun he must say that tbe epithet used by Mr. Merrick was one not to be used In court Mr. Mer- i rick had magnanimously withdrawn the epithet and the counsel for the defense had in a general way disclaimed all Intention of disrespect to the 1 court He urged hereafter that they might have 1 at least an armed neutrality.

11 Mr. Ingersoll made another speech, saying that i if Mr. Merrick's remark was by or- der of the court, he would gladly withdraw any- thing be said, as no man had to go more than half way to meet him. Mr. Merrick said the unpleasantness between I counsel was Inaugurated after the close of the last trial by an extremely harsh speech by the 1 counsel who had Just taken his seat In reference I to one of his (Mr.

colleagues. "We can't go into that," said Judge Wylle hastily. I Mr. Merrick then reviewing the remarks of counsel said that tbe first insult was offered by Mr. Ingersoll, in saying that he would regard his i (Mr.

Merrick's) regard as an Insult When the counsel who thus began blotted out his remarks, he would withdraw what he had said with pleasure. Otherwise he would only withdraw his words out of respect for the court I blotting out the obnoxious us have i peace. "I ask now," said Mr. Ingersoll, "to have all the record of that colloquy blotted out" "I second the request most heartily," said Mr. I Merrick with a smile, "and join the counsel in the request to blot out the past" let us have peace.

"Then," said Mr. Ingersoll, "let us have peace. Let us blot out the past" Mr. BUss, rising, read from the record Mr. Ingersoll made about him In his opening address, when he (Mr.

BUss) was not In court, a statement tbat he (Mr. Ingereoll) would not believe such a man 1 when he told the time of the day without first looking at a clock. Mr. Ingersoll said he was willing to have that remark blotted out if the counsel desired It Judge Wylle here interrupted further colloquy, and the examination proceeded. I Mr.

Ingersoll wanted to sbow by the witness that 8. W. Dorsey bad paid Mr. Wllshlre to act as Dorsey's counsel, but Judge Wylle would not ad- mlt the question. The court at 1 o'clock took a recess.

stab route motes. i Counsel for the prosecution state that they i knew nothing at the time of any offer by Rerdell to use his challenges in the interest of the goveminent Mr. Blackmar corroborates this statement It was understood by Rerd jll, Mr. Mer- I rick says, when he withdrew his plea of not I. guilty, that he should have to rely entirely upon I the mercy of the court I A dispatch from Kansas City, says that Valle, one of the defendants In the star route case, has not fled.

He was at Independence at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, intending to return to Wash- ington last night Oscar Herdrices has been nominated principal I clerk of surveys, general land office, in place of 8. I J. Dallas, deceased. Honors to am Depart- mentof State has reoelved intelligence that His Majesty the King of 81am has conferred upon Mr Prank vinoent of New York, author of the "Land jf the White Elephant" and other, works, a gold medal of honor of tike Royal Order of Bub pa Mala, 1 in recognition of His Majesty's high appreciation i jf Mr. Vincent's various literary productions.

1 friends ars talk- ngabout him as the next governor of. Minnesota, Inspector Cunningham Is In town, for a tew days visit, staying at the phy- siclans said last night they had no hope 2oL Hairy CMlmor could live more than forty-etght ours. Commodore Earl Eoguab is confined to lis bed with Joaepte, msours- tlawJPeSreortly ifenir L. city of the has an article entitled "leaves of a Tramp," In the currant issue Thb "Ramrod" Bulbs of the Tismiii were to-day modified, so that watchmen are asrass-" Telegrams to The Star. inUTIIW UTWRX MB.

flUMTOH AMD PENT eUTT. JJ? to lit SS'roX'totru end of the present tension between Kthdm England. It Is IfllPTfj thtl frssli sskoi iauons latlve to Egypt are impending, not as hitherto, oa the basts of a omtdotniniurn, but on an I meat that will place Frsnce in a more favorable position than one now occupies. A Hew real HllnlNff Cempaaf. i Harrisim-kg, Fob.

charter was granted to-day to the Stand Mining ompanv for thtf purpose of mining and mlneml lands in Mercer, Butler and Lawrence count lex, Pennarlvaals, and mica In rrituac countv, X. cap.tal is Mo-es Webster, of Vinal Haven, Maine, Is the president. The home office will be at Greenville, Mercer county. Tlw larJirig, BALTIMORE, Feb. Sa, consolidated, uu uew qnU-t ddllmr 10S.

Flour and and roper. 3.5o.-i?do. i.STa.VM; family. city 50i extra, i.e2a<.50; Kio brands, fi.25*fi.|0: Patapjco iamily, i afut. 7.50.

steady tmd firm; hUrber frSSJSf do. 1.23at.J7; 1 Maryland. 1 Mai.24; No. artnter red, spot, 1.21s aafcod; February 1ial.

l.aiial.aiS; April, l.W May Curn-wouthcrn d55? aouthern white. do. yellow. western mixed, spot. February aud March.fiya#'.

Aijfl, "tinier, (ttatota. ttnu with ffoodd maud; southern, weetou MsM? Penueyhaaia. quiet. tea to choice Peuuaylvania and Maryland, 1S.0< alfS.OJ. ProviHiona ateadv? Bulk i Moea, WalO'i.

yuT Ual6. l.ard?tvrtned, IttS. Butter packed. ro'l. 2 lvtrole'im firmer-refined, ordinary soft, 9.

copper maiirt 1 iMu-i 10 fair de lo Unviiool rvr 0nUf If U.j ari'A'tl HU.I pySf busbeia, THE TT DETIXTIVIS. LBteat DeTelopntenia, MILLER rROCfRKS A BAIL PIECK POR TUK ARREST OF DOSbflrB. The Indictment against rx-petccttve M'Uer and Chas. Gay for the larceny of th- diamonds was It Is understood, inulnlj upon the testimony of Thos. Donohue, Donohue himself was indicted about two we-'ks ago for celling btolcn goods, and was re loused on ball of 12.500, which Miller furnished.

This Miller came to the Criminal Court, and procured a bail piece for the arrest or wt by Miller, evidently, on account of Douohue'a having given evidence against him. FLINPEK AND A Star reporter met Private Detective Fllnder In company with ex-Dftectlve McDcvltt this morning. Mr. Fllnder denied the rumors that he had ide a statement implicating McDevttt, adding that he could make no statement against Mcltovltt as he knew nothing to When asked If the report that he would go before the (rrmd luryaan witness was true, be said that he had not been, summoned berore the pran jury, but ir whs he would be glad to do so, and waive all prlvllAirea concerning testimony that n.lght criminate himSClU THE ACCUSED PARTIES WEAEEVINO. As tho Investigation by th1: grand Jury of tbo charges against the late detectives progresses tha efforts of those directly or Indirectly Implicated to make themselves safe tends to throw new light on the subject.

The Information thus obtained In regard to two well known cases Is very complete. and It further furnishes a hold upon parties who have been unwilling io give evidence. Ti ls weakenlng on the nart of the accused has assumed proportions it givon rise to comment that when the cases come to trial all tho defendants wdl become witnesses for the prosecution. WHAT THE COMMISSIONERS SAT. In relation to the indictments found by tbo grand Jury against the detectives and and the results which have followed, the Commit.

sloners have very little to say, than that the work Is not yet completed by any means, and that other prosecutions will certainly follow until tbe atmosphere In Washington Is somewhat punned. OTHER VICTIMS REPORTING TO THE COMMITTEE. The chairman of the citizens' committor to-dny received the following postal rrom s. R. Maclean, a banker at 43 Exchange Place, New York: You are doing a good work, I learn from the newspapers.

If you can discover a hunting case Fet ljr4 raa2e tHf ViU-hf Switzerland, Ka 181,909, you can find he owner, willing to pay costs for sake of the memory of the deceased by addressing as above." Inquiries of this character are lncreasinir everr day, and they often lead to Important Representative Amos Town-en I. of Ohio. called upon the chairman of the tell about a robbery that he had suffered from hen living on street, near 14th. Ills studs were taken, with other articles, and he wanted to know If there was any way to recover th. in.

THE HAN WHO HELTED HANTS' SILVER. Yesterday Mr. Wm. H. Douglass, brass founder, doing business on between laitli and 13th -treeta, learning that there had recently been received at the Philadelphia mint a quantity of silver suspected that It might have been from (his collection from Mantz' related to Justice J.

t. C. Clark how Mantz had engaged him to melt up a large quantity of oid sliver ware in August last. He said Mantz came to his place and stated that lie had a l.inro quant ty of old silver at auction and osi. him (Douglass) If he could melt it for him ants soon afterwards brought it in a bag.

it beaten up, as If with a sledge-hammer, and a p. peared to have been composed of all kinds of table-ware; such as spoons, knives and forks. table sets. One 1) struck a nre under a crucible aud melted 1L 1 're was rrom 80 to 38 pounds of it. He paid 75 cento or a dollar for doing the work for hltn.

Clark sent Mr. Douglass to the grand Jury, where he probably repeated his story un tar oata. HILLER ANb WILMAMS GIVE BAIL. During the progress of the star route trial tenlay afternoon ex-Detective o. Miller appeared at the court house and gave ball In the Bum of 12.000 to appear to an wer tli lad: -tments against him, Mr.

A. C. Richards being acV''ptod as his bondsman. A. B.

Williams al-o gave hall in the 6um of $500, Mr. Jere Wilson, orie or his elate counsel in the star trial, becoming hid surety. FLINbER'8 CHARGE AOAIVST MILLER ANb A statement has come to light which was made by Private Dotectlve Chas. E. Fllnder at pollco headquarters on the nth of April last, making serious charge against Detectives Mill MoEl fresh.

This statement was to the effect that on April 1st he saw a professional thief comedown Pennsylvania aveuue and meet ana sp. with Miller in front of Wlllard's. That afternoon Detective oss told Klinder that a man had been robbvd and asked him If he thought unvbody in the office knew If anybody was in town. Fllnder told him of the thief he had talking with Miller. Monday morning lnder saw this thief and three others standing before Mr.

Toompaon's bank, lie told them they could not rob anybody there, and also notlQed tho bank people and Capt. Vernon of the presence of the thieves, subsequently meeting Che same men ot wniurd's hotel corner, "They said," continued Flinders, "that they had seen Mr. Miller and bad paid htm a percentage, and they were going to stay here and steaL I told them they could not do it. Then I left them, and one man came running after mo ind told me to wait, that they had sent to Miller McElfresb, and I would nnd out what they told me was true. I sal 1 I did not wish to bavo iny business with either Mr.

Miller or Mr. MoElfresh. I then left. I did not see them again until Monday evening at ten minutes to seven J'cloclc. Then there were two of them.

I saw -hem standing at the tioket omoe at the National aotel, 6th street and Pennsylvania avenue. I have lot seen any of them slnoe. I have been in company with Mr. Miller and this man mentioned prior to this time, and we both cnew him to be a professional thief." FUnder gave the name of John Maguire. alias 'Sheeny" Magulre, as the name ot the ihiei whom Miller spoke to in front of Wlllard's hotel.

Both Miller and McElfresh denied the statement most 1 emphatically. The records-of robberies at police iea.1 quart ere show that the house of A. G. Wilkinson, 1M6 street, was reported on the 1st of April ast as having been robbed the night before of Ulverware, and tbe cess was assigned to Mr. Voes.

ELECTING DELEGATES TO THE CONTESTIOM. At the meeting of the colored people in the tenth llstrlct, held at 1S09 street, last evening, to eteaS lelegates to the convention to elect chief marshal 'i ind make arrangements for the emancipation oele- on April istb, C. 8. Burley presided, with iampson J. secretary.

Albert Johnson, Jam, 4 lawklns, 8. J. Asher, P. H. Taylor, C.

Purley ind F. Boss were elected delegates, and Henrr Taylor and David Chlalcy alternates. 1 In the seventeenth district Prof. Jeremiah BL Baltimore presided, with Robert Tallfero aeciw- J3A ary. John Watts, Jaa.

Garner. J. D. Baiuntora. iichard Dlggs and P.

H. Canon, were eleoted delsates, acxf Abraham Hall and James a Helms IterssfiM. In the twentieth district. StWyard i imU mm TssrdSSL lected delegates 9 In the district, Waltsr KMdMoh I 1M nMMn.

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