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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EVENING STAR. ti fsdat way 1w). I he 1Feftttaer? or rut Chief Signal omen, Washington. D. May 1581.

9:30 a. m. For tne middle states, warmer southerly lifting to cooler north and east winds, fair weather during tbP rest of Tuesday I lowed during the night by local raln? tie roast. Cooler Weather with Rain The chief signal oQlcer furnishes the following ial bulletin to the Fair weather has prevailed la the Mtddie and South Atlantic states, and partly cloudy weather with local rains In all other districts east of the Kooky mountains. Rain la also reported this mornii from California, Oregon and W'asu- lngton territory.

The storm which was central In the Indian Territory yesterday moranj moved southward with diminishing energy, ai is now central near the west Goif coast. The temperature has risen slightly on the Atlantic and Gulf and fallen slightly a stations In the interior, except in the lake region. where it Has fallen about ten degrees. Southeast to southwest winds continue in the ecut hern and middle states, and north to east winds are reported from New England, the lake it-gion and the northwest. Tne Indications are th slightly cooles and partly dy wea'her wlil prevail In England the M-ddie and tbe lower lake region during witn light local rains on the RANGE OK THE THERMOMETKB The following are the readings of the thermometer it Sign durln? the a.

11 a 85 90 Maximum, minimum, 69 local news." A Kallroad KmashO p. mr. ok this city. seriously 1njvked? ella chapman, thk actress, 11 as a lxo i kokkn. A dreadful accident occurred on the Pennsylt an la railroad, at the Bear swamp, about faur miles from Trenton, N.

at 4 20 o'clock yesterday a'ternoon. The train whlc'a leaves New York at 3.15, and is due at Trenton at 4.35, was behind time, and running at full speed, and ran into an open switch. The train consisted of an eLglne, baggage car, Pullman car aid three other cars. The Pullman car did not leave the track, and no person in It was lojurf d. The three other cars left the track, and one car was completely turned over.

About a drzen persons are said to have been injured severely and a of others silghtiy. Augustus iiltrer, Philadelphia was killed outright. He was trjlng to get out of the window, wr.en he was struck by some projecting timbers. Mrs 11 Peonington. aged Si from No.

7 cist street, New York, was fatally injured, and died absui 0 o'clock. Manv of the wtunded went on to PnlladelphU. Three of the cars were smashed to pieces. The wreck train was immediately on hand, and cleared the track in about half an hour. Rlea's surprise paity was on the train.

Topsy Venn, of the troupe, is seriously hurt, and Is lytngat the continental hotel, la Philadelphia, in a dying ccidiTlon. Miss Ella Chapman had a leg broken, but It has not jet been learned If any ethers of ihe party were hurt. Among those seriously Injured Is Mr. vV. H.

FfcUdemliil, of this city. Mr. Frmdentfial Is a clerk in General's Office- He arrived with tl.e about 11 o'clock last li'ght. ai tken to his residence. 100s 20 stiett northwest.

When hr was moved he was tlotidy from head to foot. From his app.arance he stemed to be terribly inJ ired, but he was ctetrful. and remarked that his Injuries were mostly tlesh wounds about the head, with a hurt in the small of back. At. the time of the accld nt ue was asleep, and did not know wuat hud happened until awakened by the Hood from his wounds trickll-a; over hla face.

To-day. The grand jury to day returned indictments against Wm. Wocdson, larceny; John Uiuand Charies E. Prtnt'ss, making false entries; Lewis Johnson alias Flip Brown and Louis MleKens. burglary and larceny; George Mclntrsh, larceny of Vnlted States property; jonn Mitctel', rape; Abraham VNhlte, burelary: Charles Branson.

larceny, second offence: Martin J. Casey, assault with intent to kill; Thomas O'Neal, and John Small wood, larceny. A11 Ice actory to be Railt in (Georgetown Mr. David Smith, an experienced manufacturer of Ice, who has been la the business for the past ten years, and set up a large number of factories, tc-day took out a oermlt for the erection of an Ice factory in Georgetown, to be locatid on the canal, near the Aqueduct bridge, a site formerly used by Messrs, Metz, between thecinal and Water sneer, me power necessary to make ice win be from the water in the canal, lastead of steam, atd ice will be made from evaporation cf ammonia. The building wlil be 60 by so feet, tn It ice will be made of an excellent quality, and.

It is claimed, cheaper than it can be brought from the Kennebec river. Th's is but the commencement of an extensive rac ttry In contemplation by the company, which Mr. Smith represents. It will be la working 01 der in uiy. District (Government contract awarded.

The Commissioners have awardel the work of reconstruc'lug the nnrto? ouse to Messrs. Fletcher oc iiLaber. they Jng the lowest bidders. mors telegraph wikks in the streets. The District commissioners Issued an order tc-day, "That the Mutual Union Telegraph corcpany be permitted to erect a line of te egtaph roles and wires from their present line, commencing at corner 12m and streets northwest, along to Boundary, along Boundary to North Capitol street, along thence by way of the North Capitol sfreet se.ver to the Capitol.

bl'ildings and kei'aitts. Building permits have been lsiued by Inspector Entw isle as follows: Joshua lilley. repair frames 'i6l9 asd Beail conrad lioeben, repair brick 1914 7th st. n.w. St.

Marj Cemetery, repair brick, Lincoln ave county: W. Z. I'artello, erect four twostoiy dwellings, stn, between and sts. n.w.; David Smith, erect a factory, canal, rear of Water Georgetown; Noithtrn Liberty Market erect a mark-it building, corner of and 7th St. n.w.; Hon.

Lbonakd Swstt, of Chicago, used Jacobs OJ lor rheumatism, and was cured, Coi. mrsmxi. and trial of Thos. J. Blcicsler and Alice Westcott.

arrested here some months since for passing counterfeit money, which case gained considerable promlLet.ce in coi.sequence of the mysterious poisoning of Emma Baker, who was under arrest fur the same ottence, was called to-day In the Cilmlnai court, JmJge cox, and set for trial on Monday next. Rock Enon Sp rings Baths, will open to-morrow. following iron Kev. C. P.

Kraulh. D.D., LL or the Unlverolty of ivanla: The place Itself Is so deihrlitftil, the variety of valuabiC waters so great, the bathing arrangements so complete, that It must win upo'a public regard as It becomes more generally known. I tound, wlta ail the appointments of the best hotels, a quiet home llie and fee.lng, a social reriaemeut without pretension, innocent amusement guarded as'ainst thing, in fact, wnicn tne ra'lonal seeker of health and rest could desire u. a summer resort. The Ifection of Allbts commenced by Coiiimbsloner Morgan, Health Ofticer To rnst( nd and Major Brock, of the police department, Saturday.

Is to be continued until the alleys in tne entire District shall have been visited, and their true condition ascertained These vLsited embraced the ceti'ral portion of the city and the northwest section. Commissioner Morgan states that the paved allejs were generally ftund to be in a cleanly ccndiMcn. tut some'f theuopaved were In a foul condtUor. Where neglect aud carelessness of persons mg on the fine of these alleys were apparent their names were taken and will be handed over for prosecution by the Police Court. These inspections are to be kept up every onth during the ho' weather until It is ascertained who among the citizens are uot kef ping their rear premises in a heaithy condition.

A Grand collection of household effects wili be sold at Dowllng auction roams to-mornlog at 10 o'clock. It should 03 seen to be pprfclated. music to-night at Driver's garden, 1343 Pennsylvania avenue. When a man can get a genuine Calcutta seersucker suit for fifteen dollars, there need be no sympathy wasted on him when ho exclaims, "Well, this is hot!" Saks Co.

offer a large lot of genuine seersuckers at the low Ogure of fifteen dollars. Prigg's Jewelry Store received some beautiful styles this moralog, from fi to 457 Pa. ave. Lakgi picture cards given away to morrow only to every customer, at K. Gol No.

7th street northwest; also, you can buy Japanese folding fans with polished handle for crystal glass Ice cream saucers on stand, 145c. per OoBea; two quart covered tin buckets, Japanese parasols in plain colors, 9lncn pie piatea, scalloped or plain, ao tlae decorated china tea sets, containing 44 pieces, 93 (5; 56 pieces, Also, great bargains in baby and traveling trunks. Howsews ice cream, in quart tins, 35 eta. 1104 liitn. Frssxix's ice cream.

I Condented Locals, tamps wui be lighted at p.m. and extlng-alHheo at 3 a.m. a in the Post OftlJe frrfm dropped dead yesterday afteraoon EStSS86, He resided at 1328 Filr association stockholders rttwrtL rn am hotel yesterday to select a director to All the vacancy caused by the tion of Wtn' Messrs H. H. M- ()J3ter.

were the candidates. Mr. Blackburn wan elected, ..29 votes and Mr. oyster 256. The late meeting realized a profit to the association of about $500.

returning from an excursion i about 10 c'cdk last night, fell across the rallroud track at stb street and Maryland avenue, and received a cut across the forehead and the bridge of bis ncse was broken. A box of superb "St. Elizabeth Triumph" Mi aw berries received at Tun star offlce speaks bH ftt tiie SUiiIlzaThe hotel at the Washington Grove e.amr>JHtS has finished and will bi i ew It will nave twentytwo sleeping apartments. Mr. Berry man, residing at 617 street north- yesterday afternoon while out plcnlclag, got mto Rock creek, in water 12 root deep, and 1 nearly drowned when rescued by Mr.

n. P. SpriPirer. a clerk in the Post Office departm-nt. i A uead male infant was found last night on street, between 2ist and 22J streets norru west, by Officers Edwards and Gat-s Tats morning Gflicer Sutton found a dead Infant on i 15th, near street northwest.

Tlicophilus Feels iTIore I.ikc his Alleged Self. Dr. Louis A. Stlmpson was produced before Referee Underhlll by the council of the alleged Theophllas Youngs yesterday. The alleged wore a bland smile and cast quizzical glances at his opponents when Dr.

Sclmpjou said: examined the claimant in Febrmry last from nead to toe, ana am sure that he is the genuine Theophllus Youngs described In the testimony. julsheight and bodily marts are ail Just rhrtir. The physicians who examined his head at tie 1 last hearing were not thorough, or they woa'ld 1 have found the scars there. This spot (produc- i clng the 6pot on the claimant's head), though not now a visible scar, was a scar once because when I pinch It It changes to a lead coior. You 1 see that when I p'nch any other part of the I htad the color remains the same." Then Mr.

Minor of the opposition cross-examined the I doctor for three nours, but when he was done the alleged Theophllus remarked that he still I re more like bis alleged self than he had felt at any time before siuce his Identity for- I sook him -A'. F. Sun, 21th. 1 The Phoposkd Enlargement op the Nbw York Avknur committee of the New Avenue Church congregation ap- I pointed to devise some plan for enlarging the I church and accommodating the increasing I membership have not yet completed their work, but will probably be ready to submit a report at the next meeting. The project of en- a larglug by the purchase of a private lot in the rear has been abandoned, anl it is not un likely tbat the committee may recommend an I 1 enlargement by tearing down the side fronting on New York avenue and building Hush with the building line, which would add very mate- 1 rlally to the seating capacity; also extending the interior capacity by taking In the vestibule portion and changing the pulpit to that end of the church.

The form of the churci is no.v square, and by this change It would become I slightly angular, but this would not detract from Its symmetry and would aid much interior space. It Is quite likely that a mlss'oa I i cnurch mill be established In the noru- I western stcuon of the city the coming sum- West Washington, nee Georgetown. The FtNKRAi. of Mrs. Mary B.

Msrbury. I relict of tne late Col. and well known In this city, who died suddenly at her residence, corner and 3ist streets, Saturday. aged 73 years, wi'i take place this afternoon. I We3t Washington I Zouaves, who made a good appearance in tne parade yesterday, were presented Situr- I day evening with a fine silk flag, the gift of Misses Thomas, Bardie and Hester.

The presentation speech was made by Miss Ile3ter and I responded to by Capt. Tuoma3 In flttlntr terms. The Coal boats left I Cumberland Friday with 16 tons or coal as follows: New Central 7UU05 tons- I EIampshlie Halt. 562.19 tons; Con30lida- I tlon 35901 tons; Bordon 225 tons; Individuals. 231 tona by canal-Boat Firmers" I Friend, with wheat and corn; boat II.

M. Tal- bott, witn l.ioo bushels corn; boat, Medley. with cargo corn. I Alexandria To day. the A Young mayor this moraine I heard he case of Nicholas a lad em 1 ployed at the restaurant of Geo.

steurniijel. on I Royal who ruu ell yesterday an was captur-d last night on the Washington road, charge-a with stealing $65 cash and a check I 1 from Mr. Sieurnrgel. lie? was committed for July court. For such cases as this we need a state reform school.

Now boys orgirLsoace I convicted are sent at once into with I old offenders, to be hardened by oouUet witn them. A yourg convict in Washington is led new paths or Industry; a young cunvlet 1 taxes the community to support nim wiule he I gets reaoy to become an old convict, and make I the community punish and maintain hVta at intervals during the residue of his lite, ir, is I net too much to say that a leform school would I have saved Strlder and Arrlagton, now awaiting the penitentiary in our jail. FfNtRALs funeral of Council- I man II. Daniel took place this afternoon, and was attended by the mayor and city couacU I many city officials, as well as the Freemasons of Alexandria-Washington and Andrew Jick- son I.cdges and tbe Relief Book and Ladder Company. The funeral of Mr.

Wra. n. Tnoru- ton also took place this afternoon, and was at- I tended by Andrew Jackaon Lodge or Freema- I sods, witn many brethren from other lodges. I City council called meeting or the cltv council last night adopted an appropriate trio- I ute of respect for the memory of the late I 1 Daniel, reported by councllmen Doutrlass and 1 Rice and Aldermen Reid and Strauss. ccstom-Hocse It is said that Judge Gray, the new collector of customs here will appoint his son in-law deputy I Tbe only other patronage of the collector is the appointment of an inspector and a mitor.

I 'l he the circuit and county courts, now in session here, will close his week. city Argrand Oil Stoves. Perfect in all details. Sold on trial at Moran'e. 9th st.

n.w., ana 2126 Pennsylvania ave. Also, refrigerators, Water 5 Colonel the celebrated proprietor of Brook Stud I Farm, Princeton, N. says: "I hardly think too much can be said lu praise of this lnvaliu- I ble mpolelne for the horse (Lleblg Extract of Witch Bezel). I should advise all horsemen to keep It constantly on hand." I It quickly cures over-strains, wounds, lnflam- I mationa and most of the commoner aiimeaLs of I tbe borse. Also cures Crown Scab, Poll Evil, I hijury irom pressure of the girth, Rheumatism.

Harness Gails, Inflamed Tendinous Sheaths, sc. Depot, 6ij Maiden Lane, New York. Sold I in fifty cents and dollar sizes. Reduced ratee by tne half gallon and gallon. Beware of worthless imitations.

Lleblg Coca Ilcef Tonic. "My patients derive marked and decided ben- I eflt from It." says Prof. J. M. I Professor Surgery, New York MeJleal college.

I For bad taste in the mouth, bad breath, heart- I burn, pain the stomach and bowpis, flatu- I lency, constipation, (which are all butsymp- I toms of dyspepsia and a broken down digestion), it is invaluable. Also valuable in bilious I Eess, malaria, debility, monthly suffering, liver complaints and sick headache. Beware of I counterfeits. Ask for Lleblg coca Beef I Tonic. Burnett's I THE BEST OF ALL DAIK It allays lrrltatloD, removes all tendency to I i and Invigorates the action of the capillaries in the highest degree thus pro- I moling a vigorous ana healthy growth of hair, its effect upon the glossiness and richness of I the hair is such as cannot be surpassed.

Bubkktt's Flavoring Extracts are tli8 l)esL Rough on Hats. The thing desired found at last. Ask Drag- I gtsts for Rough on Rats. It clears out rata, I mice, roaches, bed bugs, isc. boxes.

tu Freeh Aiderney butter cnurnea every morn- I ing, and delivered in xibs. "Ward" prints. 3 jc. I cottage cheese, buttermilk and 5c. per qt, Cream.


W. 8. TEKL, 935 Pean- myeane. I NEKsaiiawRiM Idckwm wTmtaSSSIrH 49o. Loot at our 60.

Buttons, sad a Jreat I NEWMYKB. 1920 I m28 11 wt End Auction Howe. I NO i Vs ble Granite Moaumeate, HasdstonaL I Mantels, wbicb whl be sold at very reMon- I able Drlcea. I w. BUTBXBFOSD 00..

mlS-Cm 1116 Fenm ave-, near Star offloe. 4 Gen. One Changes Ufa Kind. HB STARTS WORK ON TH? BXTKH910N OP THI AURICt LTrRAL BCII.DIMi AND THIN STOrS IT. Commissioner Le Due commenced his extension of the Agricultural department building tills morning, one squad of workmen being engaged in ploughing for the foundation, another in cutting down the hedges, and 20 or more horses and carta in removing the dirt, one of the cartmen stated thla morning that the cellar was to extend under the entire building, 1,000 feet in length.

About ten clock a man aaked for work when Gen. Le Due stated that the work was not going on. it appears that the General's attention was called to the fact that the sorghum patch was being ploughed up. and, going out. he at once stopped the work.

Decoration Day Yesterday afrernoon George Washington Post G. A. No. 103, of New York, whose arrival i was noticed in Thk Star of yesterday, returned from Mount Vernon, where they hai decorated the tomb of Washington with flowers. The I were met by cue Union Veteran Corpj, I homas-jou, ami were escorted to me Arlington hotel.

In addition to the decoration of the noldlera' graves in the cemeteries In this neighboriio.Kl yesterday, flowers were placed on many otuer graves, and the cemeteries were Oiled with w-ltors who were engaged in laying fljrai tributes on the resting-places of relatives and friends, and many flowers were planted. At prospect Hi 1 cemetery, (near Glcnwood), there art .6 German soldiers Interred, and the of these graves took place yesterday afternoon, under the direction or the German Club, Mr. Hugo Etehholtz president. There was a large number of our German citizens present, ana after a salute by the District of Columbia Artillery, the assemblage pattered about the grave or the late Col Tizfcciak, the first president of the club Mr' Elchholtz delivered an address, at the conclusion of which tne ladles and others decorated tne graves. The grand fes'lval for the of the Arjlum, at La-Hie! garden, to be a great success, a very number of the German citizens of thi3 hf lng in attendance, and it is prooaeiethat the net profits amounted to between jsoo and Music, dancing aud many innocent games made up ttie program lasting from yesterday morning until midnight.

The Caledonian club and tnelr friends picnlctd at Beyer's park jesterdfiy. The races during the afternoon were much enj jyed. The rtsult was as Boys' race, tlrst prlz? writing desk, to John Mitchell: girls' race first prize, ladies' dressing case, mus Mary Kerrtecc-Dd prize, work box, Miss Maggie McKerncher: seconi girls" race, prize, a croquet set to MUs Ascbenbach. TLe rtVthue cuiltr kwmg took a party of Treasury oCiclals and others the river I yesterday. Tbe boat went Mount Ver- I nop, and a very pleasant day was spent.

I A Hack man Shot in the Rack. TliB WOCND INFLICTED BY ONE OF A PARTY OF DRI NK EN COLOKKD ROUGHS. About 7 o'clock last evening Thim is )blnspn, a hack driver, who llve3 at 1931 9th street horthwest, wa3 shot 111 the back, just under the right shoulder blade, by James carter, who with three other colored men were riling in his carriage on their way from a picnic at Gales woods. The shooting took place on street, between 5th and 6 northwest and as soon as Carter found that he had stiot Robinson he from the nick and ran away, trgether with Sara Johnson and Alb rt Douglass, leaving John Johnson In the ha One of the officers In that vicinity arrested Johnson, and Dr. Van A mum probed for the Id back, but did not succeod la I finding It.

The shooting was entirely wltnout cause. All the parties in the carriage were drunk and boisterous. The pistol was found on I Johnson. Lieut. Greer's ofillers subsequently I arrested all of the rowdies and locked uo tor a tearing The driver (Kobinsoc) la represtnted as a quiet, Inoffensive man, and well known as the driver of the black marl 1 ror the Police Court.

Curtis was charged In the Police I court to day with aving assaulted Robinson with the Intent to kill him. He pleaded gullry to the charge and was committed to jail la default of bonds for the action of tne grand jury. The three other men who were arrested gave their personal bonds to appear a3 witnesses before the grand jury. Fred. on John Broivn.

an oration at oarpgrs fugitive 9i.ave congratulated by t08 state's attorney who frosbcctkd tub abolition corner stone laying. Tbe excitement at Harper's Ferry yesterday was peculiar. There was no decoration, but a large gathering of people from neighboring parts of Virginia, Maryland, the District or Columbia, and sonic from EogiALd, came la I to take part In public services connected with Storer college-an institution superln-ended by Dr. Brackett, of Malne-and to listen to an historical oration by Fred. Douglass on John brown.

There was present a representation of the ('Lost of whom listened to M-. Dcuglass, evidently Impressed. Mr. Hunter who was the state's attorney against Brown' sat just in rear of Douglass, and gave him the hand of congratulation when he had done. I The corner stone of an addition to the college, to be called Anthony Hall, la horor of Mr.

Anthonr, of Providence, a relative of Sena-or Anthony, was laid. Tne large assembly iraidfestnd the deepest Interest in all the exercises. The performances of the students? who are notably from among the people of color In the vicinity, and who are designing to I te teachers and preachers in the soutn? were or a creditable character. The huuse. once 1 occupied ty John Brown, was just In sigut.

I vv hat a commentary on his raid! c. W.D. On Trial for digamy. i To-day, in the Criminal Court, Judge Cjx. the trial of Isaac was commenced last Friday, was A.

P. Morse for tie defendant. Brown Is charged with blgtvnY I In having December 3d, ls72, married one ciara Harris anas White, and on July 20th, isso, on? Maria Plummer. John Johnson, who list Friday testified that Brown and his first w'fe I lived at his house after the was re- I called and cross examined as to his own affairs and the circumstances of his own After the examination of Mr. Meigs, the clerk of tbe court, as to the issuance or tee marriage licenses, the government stated that they could not ask a veidict, and Brown was acquitted.

I Excursions. Picnics, etc. I The Washington Light Guard win give a excursion to Marshall hall next Trlday evening. I The Mary Washington goes to Occoquan. starting at 9:30 a.m.

every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on Saturdays goes to Mount Vernon Springs. The Gruetll verein win give a grand Swiss row festival at Leotller's garden to-mor- I Tbe New Northern Liberties market Tbe Northern Liberties Market Company today obtained a permit to erect a market build- I leg at corner 010 and 7th streets northwest, I fronting 95 feet on 7th street and running back uo feet, space enoagh for 100 stalls. A joint ock company baa been formed, and subscription books are now opened for stock to the extent The buildings will be completed in a few weeks time and business win be at once commenced. The butchers aid dealers who have to vacate the o-sireet market are the ones interested. Transfers of Real to have beon recorded as follows: to P- G.

Lauer. part 4 and sq. Jonn Ardeescr, trustee, to U. hessLtr, part 5, gq 717; $710. W.

W. Hubbell Hawkins, trustee, part 31, aql irfc'q i'JT; V.TrH 10 Bradley barlow, sub. from action so.) trimmed bonnets. oo cases straw goods, 1 ntmwi I au of feathers and flow. tion tne next teQ days at auc FOR 81MJ1EH It, FASHIONABLE CBKSS PABUICS.

SnOUMMflMidlaa newiatte-ua ack Iron Frsn.b Lece Bnntlctr, andooable width huttaeriSlllLB, best educed to 75 cants Crmie BnntiCKS. aU-wool, ao oenu Dreffl Uocds, a 1 the new thulee. 'JS India Unep, very ace Quality. 30 and 25 isenta. Doited and FiKured 8wim Hull ns U6 emu Lmtn Lawns, beautiful pattern very flne is Prrsian Lawns, very tine 25.3j.C7 cluu lctorla Lawns and bwlM Mutlim.

Kew of Parasols, lined. 8iik Parasols. 81. 50 Fresh Straw Matting, Rood qnadty for 15. is.

20 and 25 cents. Ingrain and Brussels Carpets cheap. Curtain 25, 30. S7. Shetland Shawls.

Cardinal. Bine and white. Boia' Linens, 15. 18, 20 and 25 cenU. Ladies Dress Linens.

Boys' Oloths for Butts, 26. SO, 37, 50 ceuts. Table Coven, someihitm new. Lace Muslins, Plaid and Stripes lawm lawns: One Thousand Styles, new. 8.

10. 12 cents. Coloied Bilks. BO cents. 75 conts.

$1. hallooes, Madras ainTthams. new Stripes. Cottons. Summer Underwear.

Ladles and Misses Hosiery, Corse's, Ac. RECEIVING NEW GOODS DAILY. C. M. TOW8ON.

ea? PtsuriTssia mwmmmm, 26 South Ude. near 7th St. and Market. LIMITXD OaPABTNEBSHIP The andersigned do hereby certify that they have formed a co-partnership for the sale of loe, under the ot Waahlnjrton and Qeorvetown loeOo. No wUl be paid unless upon a written HOtT8EFUKNISHrNGS.



ra14 Wo. IQOO Pennsylvania itunei pOR THE SEASON. We are offering at prices as low aa they can be iu this or In northern cities, the loUovuur seasonable Goods: CREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS AND FILTEB8. FELLY TUMBLERS, SODA TUMBLERS, ind a full line of Honstf urnlshlng Goods of the beet mality. CHINA CROCKERY AND SILVER PLATED iS ARE WULMAHTH 4c KDMONSTON, jmT 7Q9 Market Of REFBIGKBATOHNf WATttU COOLERS.

OIL AND GAS STOVES, COOKING STOVES AND RANGES, PTe can show the largest assortment in the city; all kt low prices. Alto Uarbollzed Paper, Moth and Water Proof. The attention of Boilders md others is invited to our large assortment of Mantels. Latrobes, Brick set Ranges, and furnaces. We are agents for the Social and Fireilde "Jewel Latrobes, St George and Stag Head Elevated Oven Ramre and Radiant Home Furnace.

Istlmatee given for Tinning, and Heatng. W. B. JKWKS Jt CO E-7 7 IT Tib wt. n.


i FRUIT LAXATIVE. PREPARED FROM TROPICAL FRUITS AND PLANTS, 4 JDelicious and Refreshing Fruit Lozenge, Which 8erves the Purpose of Pills atul Disagreeable Purgative Medicines TROPIC-FRUIT LAXATIVE is the praparaion in the world for Constipation, Biliousness. 3eadache, Piles, and all kljdred Complaints. It icts gently, effectively, and hi delicious to take. the system thoroughly.

It imparts vigor A3 mind and body, and dispels Melancholr, Hypoihondria, eto. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES. PACKED IN BRONZED TIN BOXES ONLY. Price 35 and cants. Seld by all Druggists.

FOR DECORATION DAY. The Avenue Clotbing House, No. 939 Pennsylvania Near Tenth street. LTGHT CHEVIOT BUSINESS SUITS in fonr leeirable shades. Another line of those stylish PIXOHECK EVENING DRESS SUITS, new hades, silk faced.

BLUE SERGE SUITS, in full assortment. DRaP D'ETAT, in Frock and Sack Suits. BOYS AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, full replttion with all the New Designs for Dress and ycliool. CHILDREN'S KILT and SAILORS'SUITd, in variety. "WIIITB VESTS, in all the new novelties.

DECK VESTS a specialty. It will be borne in mind that in regard to cut, make np and tininh our Foods are without superior in the city. Oar special aim is to hanaie iroods cjmparable in every respect with the very best custom- 1 uade garmtnts. A. STIIACS, m27 No.

939 Pennsylvania Avenue. TO TUE TRADE, CONTRACTORS AND THE PUBLIC GESER1LLY: We we are now prepared to.cnt orders of VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA PINE TIMBER to any size wanted in lengths to forty-five (45) feet. We have also on hand a stock of BlIILDINO LIBBER OF ALL DESCRIPTION. FLOORING and FLOORING BOARDS of all grades, at prices that compare favorably with aiiy In this ucaxket. Orders are respectfully solicited at either our uptown Office, at Indiaua avenua and 2d rtc-ts, or at onr Mill, foot of Bouth Capitol and streets.

BOOTH, TVEM PEE A SMITH. m2l-l2t piLES PILKSn riLESIil A SURE OURS FOUND AT LAST. NO ONB NEED SUFFER. A sure core for the blind. Bleeding, Itching and Blocrated Piles has been discovered by Dr.

Hams (an Indian remedy), called Dr. Williams' Indian Ointment. A slnKle box has cured the wont chronic cases of 25 and 80 yean standing. No one need Buffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and Electuaries do more harm than good.

Williams' Ointment absorbs the tumorB, allays the intense itching at night after getting warm In bedl. acta as a poultice; gives instant ana painless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private partis, and nothing else. Sold by all druggists, and sent by mail on reoelpt of prico. fl per box. FRANK S.

HENRYAOO-, Prop's, Cleveland. Ohio. BTOTT ft CBOMWZLL, Washington. P.O.. BE SBCURE IIV NATIONAL BAFE DEP08IT COMPANY, 15tli st.

and New York ave. Fire, Burglar and Damp Proof Vaults from $5 to SCO a year. Government Bonds on deposit for per Also reoeive Silverware in Trunks for moderate rate. Board of Managers: William SticHrey. president; George W.

vice president; B. P. Snyder, secretary A. L. Startevant, treasurer; Henry A.


TEOUBLE AVOIDED. Satisfaction secured by cooking with the "SUN DIAL" GAB STOVE. For sale or rent at tHe office 6 WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT m3-8m 411 and 113 lOtto st- n.w. VKJ ALKER'S, 30A IOsb Hum. Vt CHARCOAL.



A. It. SCHOFIELD, B1YEMB STREET NORTHWEST. Aoskt fob tbk UNlVERFALFASaiON COMPANY'S perfect FITTING Patterns are celebrated for perfection of and eteganre cf design New tadorv Ideas from the London tr Paris A(rent for BBIOG8 OO'S PATENT TBANSFf KBIFG cheapest. and quickest Qiancerof all kind, for ttrajdlrg and Embroidery.

A full stock, deslgrs all on band- Btampiag dote at leaarnsb rates New and beautiful designs In Tjrcncn Late, Swiss. and other Trimmings, of all klcds and every shade, tterZephyr, S.x-tny. Ac N.B have in store in a few a very lu'l of the finest Knglish trewels. all shades. Bnbber Goods of ail kinds a specially A fnil s'ock of Transfer at Mrs.

ALnis da. Fancy and Mi'uinery store, 213a Pennsylvania ave. northwest. B. Kensington taught here, nils doiclasv, ninth strmtt, 8t.

cloud Buinrxxo. GENUINE LISLE THREAD GLOVES. In great variety, at popular rricee. GAUZE UNDEBWEAR, For Ladies, Misses and Children. RELIABLE GOODS AND LOW PRICES.

COEEET COVFKS AND PRESSING Of oar own Manufacture. LADIES', MIESES' and CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, In New Designs, for Summer Wear. COBSETS. THOMSON'S VENTILATING, for hot weather. douglass', g)37 Ninth asp Sthekts.

the lahcest and finest Selection of STRAW GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS. OSTRICH FLUME FANCY RIBBONS, South of New York, at MRS. J. P. PALM IR 1107 St.

Bet. and Mth AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES AT LOWEST PRICES. m33 rmces: simmkr mbs. irctir hunt, iND 6'23 hTEFET Having made extensive additions to her of Summer Millii.ery, is now selling the same at greatly reduced prices. bargains in Ostrich Plumes, Flowers and Shade Hats.

A large variety of laris trimmed Bonnets are now being offertd, along with others of our own design, at far below cost of manufacture. m21 NEW Kl WOODS-French Pattern Bonnets and Hats, Millinery Noveitlss, Silk Wraps, Street and Traveling WrapB. Undergarmei te at Oreatiy Reduced Prices, All the best Fret eh Corsets. Lawa and Percale Wrappers, I awn Salts, Black Damtsae Suits, i42 a fike assortment of Parasols and Gloves, larisian Novelt.esin Black and White Laces iu great variety. Ladies and Misses Bathintr Suits and Caps, and a selected line of Parisian Novel its, best English Needles, 4 paters for SO cents.

WILLIAfl, 1 cue Trcvlse, 907 PuuylraaU WASHINGTON, A8HIONAKLX DRESSMAKING AND TMttMING STORE, liill Peiina. Dresses, Bnlts, Costumes, Cloaks, made In superior style at short notice. Ladies can bafr Dresses Cot and Basted, and a perfect lit guaranteed. apg RABIES' SHOES. For SO dan I shall offer my entire stock of WIS TIB GOODS at a DISCOUNT OF TEN FEB GENT.

as. h. vsb9ulta, feblS 810 Ninth opp. Patent OSeaBOOKB, rpile new testament. Just received the Version of ths NEW TiSTAMhNTin fcizea and styles of binding, from 10 cents to Also, companion to the Revise! Version, ex plainirg the retsots for the changes mide on the authorized verb ion.

wm. balliktilie sons, m24 Seventh street. ATEST PUBLICATIONS. Kawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vols S3 Partou's Life of Voltaire, 2 vols 6 00 Freeman's Historical Geography of Europe, 2 vols 12.00 Harper's Cyclop cciia of British and American Poetry 4.50 Woman's Handiwork in Modern Homes 2 Bartbolow's JWedicsl Electricity 2 50 Matter of fact Girl: leisure l.fHl Manuela Paredes: No 1 Agony Oclumu of the Timrs, 1800 1870 1 REVISED NEW TESTAMENT, various styles and prices. Franklin Square Library, complete.

JAMKN J. CHAPMAN. METROPOLITAN BOOKSTORE, m23 Oil "VT1EW Bailiff's Maid, by J3 WUter; SI. 26; Blessed Saint Certainty 60. The Great ViolitiistF and Pianists; Louais Laras, Bandy Volume Series: SOo.

The Nimrods, by Thomas W.Knox; $2.60. The Fathers of the Third Century, by Rev. Jacuou; 60c. How to Tell the Parts of Spsecb, by Abbott; 75c. The Old '1 ia the Jewish Ctiurch.

by RcbertHOu Smith; $1.75 The Satchel Guide to Europe, 1881 Edition; $2. The Life and Educ? tionof Laura Bridgman, by Mary S. Larnaon. he FBANOIS B. mOU UN, booksblleb and stations, IOI5 Peniujlvaola A complete assortment of Prang's and Marcus Ward's Birthday Cards, fco.

Alio. FrankUc Square and Seaside Libraries. JjEW BOOKS. Great Speeches by Great Lawyers by Snyder.S8.00 Wharton's Conflict of Laws, 2d edition 6.00 Copp's U. S.

Mineral Lands 4.M 1 he Dartmouth College Causes, by a.50 Dorman'6 Origin of primitive 8.80 Michand's History of the Crusades, new ed. 4.00 Pilty Years In a Maryland Howard.1.60 By the Tiber, by author of 'Signor Monaldinl's Niece" 1 90 A large variety of Fancy Box Papeteries Just received. All the latest stales in Stationery. w. b.

de o. n. nouuisos, law booksellers and btatiokkbb, ap23 475 Fa. awa. aorthwut.

BOOTS AND SHOES. no 911mt a he. THE FEW YOBK 8HOE btobe, BOO Pennsylvania avenue. RECEIVED A AR LOAD OF SHOES FROM A BANKBUPT SALS IN NEW THE CHEAPEST SHOES EVER EXHIBITED in Washington. Ladles' Hand-made 8-strap Sandals SG-90 Ladies'Fine Kid op Slipper l.ou LadU e' FiBe Kid Button Boots 1.60 Ladies' Hand-sewed Kid Boots $2.60 to 4.60 LADIES' SBOES OF ALL KINDS.

Misses' Solid Button Shoes SI.06 to 2.00 MISSES FINE KID SHOES. Children's Feb. Button Solid. 8 to 10 95c. 6 to 8 80o.

CHILDREN'S SPRING HEELS. One hundred Styles of Gent's Fine Low at prices from to $5.50 ONE price. ap28 GEO. MoOABTHY. QPR1N6 STELES OF BOOTS, BHOE8 AND SLIPPERS, Now open for Inspection and on sale at extremely low prices.

The attention of parents iB called to our Grain Button boots, sizes 11 to 2. at $1.60 a pair. These Shoes are made of solid leather, and In good style, broad soles and Fine advertising Cards given to of Boots and Shuee. w. a.

wobi ap? 717 Slarket Space. off my entire stock of BOOTS AND SHOES at oost. Call early, before purchasing elsewhere, and secure bargains, at 8. GIESLEB'S, 1021 7th street n.w. martO-to DR.

DUPABE'8 OATABRH bemedy OURtS every of Catarrh. Prfoe, 35 cents- Try it. Dr. up are's Blood and Liver Pills remove all billons disorders. Price, 25 cents Mrs.

Dr. Lung Balm cures colds, coughs, and consumption. Price, 36 and 60 cents. Dr. Pupare's never-falling Hie Remedy cures blind, bleeding ard itching piles Prioe 60 cents For sale at Medical Depot, 616 West Baltimore, and druggists mar2i-4p mUNLAW FABM PURE jersey MILS.

A few orders will be received for this deli dons Milk, delivered in glass Jars, containing half gallon each, to parties living in the northwestern portion of the city and Georgetown. (of Cleary fc Fancy Grocers, Btl9-2w 807 Pennsylvania avenne. JGHTNTNG Copper Exoelsior ljROD, Enabling safety attachment; against Charges of Ughtcing. that may be led to baildings by telephone and other wires. Manufactured and put up by J.

H- EUEHLINQ, 419 13th northwest, near Pension office. bu SUMMER RESORTS. (1AHILL HOUSE, NEW Eft SEY. win June The SitnatIon known as one of the most de TFhBv Asburr Psrk. Two I from Peach And Bathing near ui? The horse been "fw joon addtd and returni-hed.

Beds, Hair I etc Beth Hot and Col water, per drainage Oil throughout fm- proved kitchen facilities, dinme roomand srmptaously provided will tivsl of resorts. Apply early and secure choice of Address T. MRS. M. D.

CKHILL, Third avenue aid street, Tvrk. HAI L. CAPE MAT. Dnequaled location, substantial new-lnri iture prompt and attentive service, elevator, tlrcttic bel.s. i A TABU: OF PARTICULAR EXCELLENCE i The Orchtstr; will bo oonducted by Mr.

Maimer- ma J. ft R. CRPMr. Of Colonade Hotel, Fnl'alelphla. 1 Cptns June 25 iu2H-2 The adibondack counthy in nkw York.

noted for Its pure air an.1 A Avery pleasant 12 room COTTAuE oterieokiug the village of on lkhjuet river, near Lake Ohamplatn. furnished ormplete. is offered for for entire MaFon and fall, with fine torses and carriage al! for too Dali? trains to town hoi's nearby. Audrey t). C.

ELLlrt, Boi82. ft ashinirtoa. D-C. BOAhD IN A PhlVAlE FAMILY IN VIItG1NIA a thy near depot, A two urs Washington moderate. dcress w.

Gaines villa, I 1 Va m3- I BEAUWONT HOl'SL, corner Atlantic ft. ft I and At antic city. MH J- House entirely renovated and under Terms moierate w. B. BTFONli, proprietor, (formerly of Baltimore m27-2m THE BIGHT OS," ATLANTIC CITY.

OPEN ATT. THE YEAB. ft-a ft Hot and Cold eea Water Baths and all ycSttG dern i I m27-1m F. W. HEMSLEY A BON.

1 0. SUMMER BF.SOBTS. OAKLAND AND DEER PARK. These well known and popular Hoto'e ft a ft will tie open for the reception of guests VcMl June Ifth. Li strata cf both Hotels can be seen at kuuv Houfe, Baltimore, Md.

For further information address it Entaw House. Baltimore, Md nntll ltth. After that at Oakland or Deer Park. m25-tJelS C. 8.

WOOD. Manager. AST FORD HALL, OXFORD, MARYLAND, Mill be open JUNK 10 for reception of ft ft guests wamm For particulars address JolJLL Ej'21 hAM'L NORKIP, Proprietor. THE BEDl'OBI) BPULIUM HOTEL ON TBF. 5th OF JrWE.

JABON STOCKBHI1XJE, of theoli Foantlin and Guy's Hote's. ManagerRound trip tickets, at low rates, to be had at railroad offices, aid bagirawe checked ft through. The proprietors wish it to be distinctly LuU nnderstood that tht- of the waters and xrouuas will be strictly col lined to those who are of the esUblihbnient, and their use will be hnld frc-n all others, with the exseption of termanent cf the county and those who pay for their cse. Kocrns can be letter to THE AN DEBBON KIKH, Bedford Pa. I Pamphlets and Beoford can be had at our General viz: A 8.

Hhafer. 49 North I Charles st Baltimore. Md. C. B.

Shafer, lolo Washlt.frtoo, and hhafer i Cd 1003 Arch st Philadelphia. mi3 1m THE ANDBRSQ3 Pror'rs JIBE BVUEl.i OLD POINT COMFORT. Sltnated 100 yards from Fort Monroe, ft ft Open all the ear. Kijuai to any hotel '-nTTR the CLitrd tab as a summer for c'rct'Jar, describing hygienic advantiKus, etc. i m23-lm Prop.

MONTGOMKBY WHITE SULtHUR JL BPRING8. MoirrooMF.Br County, Va. I This famous bnminer Keeort has been ft ft leated by Mrs M. J. OOLLEY, of tbeVfSKV I Hamilton Bouse, and will be opened uJU 1 JL'NK 1 for the rrceptiou of tmesis Iheae spriiiirs are the most attractive and borne liae Buoimer 1 Bescrt in the Mountains of Viririnia.

Round t-ip I tickets at reduced rates eo'd at the Mid I land railroad office. For circulars mvimr terms and tnli descri pti(-n, address tlie or the I Hamilton, corner 14th and 6treeta. Washington, I D. C. m20 lm 0 AW LEY SPRINGS, feet ft-a ft I (A above tide-nater.

Capacity tluee TC-Hfc I Lolels with accommodations I 700 fine-ts. Open June I. For particulars addroos 0. A t-l'BINKEL, Va. I VIEW, BETWEEN CAPES HENRY 1 AND CHARLES, ft.

A And 20 minu'es nde by rail from Nor-VrSBV folk. Trains every hour. New and ele- udU I irantseasice reeort furnished. Fish; luff and Bathin? not surparsed on the Atlantic The undersigned assures the public that I Ocean View will he kept first-class in every particular. Board per day.

and liberal arrangements made for parties by the week or month, Letters or telegrams to J. A Kennedy, Ocean I View. mill receive promotattention- and Fishing Tackle, Billiard Saloon, Bowling AL'eys, etc. mi7-lm J. A.

KENNEDY. Proprietor. HOUSE, NEWPORT. commandinK a magnificent view of ft the lake and Newly fitted up: supplied ith steam and tras, aooommodates 400 guests. $3 uer day, to 1 5-ijtir week.

ratee to family. CHAy. A. Mananrer. mI7-2aa i 1JNITED STATES HOTEL, SARATOGA SPRINGS- Iftii Season of 1881.

Open from JDSE 11 1. glC-lm TOMPKINS. OO. TJLOCK ISLAND, It. I VIEW HO It iKL, TEN MILES AT 8KA surf and ft still water bathing; splendid blue fishing; Hottl lighted with gas; firtt-ciaBs; accommodates 360 gneeU; cable.

t-eLd for illustrated circular. DEN. Marager. inU lm OCHWOOD BOUSF. HARl'iTR'S FERRY, LiW.

Mbs. 8. E. LOVETT. Pro- ft a ft I jirietrese.

High elevation fine scenery I large rccms. tible supplied from country I market; fne fitting, lerms 85 per week. I terms. Adortse the above. June 1.

18S1. mH-lm' TOBDAII'I W. 8.RPB1RU9, (I fcX WHAM SON'S DEPOT P. Virginia. Will be opened FIRST OF JUNE ft phlrts at the Riggs House, Ebbitt HousefWI and (Star Office.

ai7-lm C.JOBDAM, ARKAE1 I VJ HEN AN DO AH Co Va. ft a ft S. M. MCuLIN. Proprietor.

TtaBT OPENS JUNE 1U. iidU 1 This magnificent summer resort, situate the mouutains of the Valley of Virginia on twelve 1 miles from Baltimore Onii at Mt. JackI son, within a few hours travel of the cities of Bilti more and Washington. It excels in all the featares which make a watering place attractive. Its great I altitude, 2,800 feet above the level of the aea, renders the climate peculiarly healthrul and fnl.

lhe Chalybeate, Arsenia, Sulphur I Iron Sulphur, Healing and Bead Wallow I for thefr Mediciual virtue and curative stand unrivaled on this Continent- For health, pleasure and good livitg, Orkney la the rJace. I Round trip tickets issued by the different ra'lroad companies. Passengers leave Mt. Jackson soon after the arrival cf the train, arriving at the Bpringa to early tea. after being transpjrted in Park Wagonettes over one of the best mountain roads in the State, easier and quicker reached than any large wetering plaoe in the two and with peifeet safety no mountain to cross.

Board from $42 to $50 per month of 90 dara, according to location. Special contracts made with families or large parties. Can accommodate 760 1 pet sons. Good bathing. Fiahing and hunting in I season.

Bplendid livery; charges moderate. Bend for I pamphlet. xnli-lm MAY OF MARYLAND. RI VER VIEW HOUSE, OXFORD. Mn TEMl Now open for the reception of Guests.

'J he st I delightful summer reaort in the state. class I accommodations at noderwte rates. Salt-water I bathing, boa iutr and fishing. Steamboat, railroad and telrgraph communication. Special rates for I families.

Sbnd fob Cikculab mll-lm CLAhENCE PETER8, Proprietor. ENON SPRINGS AND BATHS, VA. OPEN JUNE 1. IftM Telegraph in the hotel. A delightful lfiflU home lor lamilies.

No Bar For circulars and terms apply to A. 8 PRATT, Proprietor. mil-3m 401 9th street, Washington. D- 0WHJ? FABB HOTEL, lial Williamspobi, to $15 pel week. JUiflU The Hotel and surroundings are att Grounds handsomely laid out with flowers and fountains, shaded by grand old forest meeticated deer add to their beauty, A cooler and I prettier home for the hot months, cannot be found the mountains.

A farmhouse freedom, with an abundant supply of the farm produoe, oooablned i with a liberal management, the Park Hote. a very desirable place to spend part of the summer, or on your Journey to Niagara Falls or Saratoga, per 9. C. It. break yonr trip at WUllamsport.

rtLABKSBOI HOTEL ft. A SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Will for the reoeption of guests June IfiJU 1. with improvements and new passenger Special rates for June.

HARRIS A L08EKAM. Fd P. Harris, of Willard's Hotel, Washinftu, and Hotel Brighton. Coney Ialand: OharlesLosekam. proprietor Owen House and Maiaon Dorea, WaahlEgton.

DBIbHT BOCSE, ft. aft Rkhobotb Bkach, Diuvau, Will open JUNE 15th, 1881. ICaU Terms, $8 to (14 per week. Skating Rink, Bowling Alley, Billiard and Pool Tables attached. Send for circular.

ap28-3m WALTER BPBTON, Proprietor. fULAVKKDOI BOOK- ft. aft Ocean End of Virginia Avanna, VrBw SUMMER RESORTS. Now Oren IM1 gHig mu? 11 devise. IhjMw THE HENT JCK9EY Kklt.KOAIK (Srw QiOot lorn Betweer PHtLADELPUl and ATLAS T13 CITS'.

lsnow runniae Test express tra'. Puetntrer and Parlor (IN WHICH TdK Skat (a Hmnn to 26 THROUGH WITH JUT STOP IS 90 MIHUTE3. Piwww fro? Was1 ins-ton will tak- the thronrh t'airs of ttie 'ototniw K. A A K. cr RattUi ore Mid Ohl Pbila rtclfhia Mid arrive St I'M Kail JuJLX road Statlr ti.

32.1 and xlrwta. or at ibe Ft adelpbia. Wilmington Mtd Ha'tituore 8ta t'oti at Proad ar WmM irtnn venues. Union Transfer or ptreet ears comect direct to Station rf -he West Jersey ftMlroad at toor oi Markkt STKUT For thn nsfc checks Mid fnl! Information follows Northeast oor: er lHtb et. and Perm.

ave hut-on Potomac R. B-, corner and sts OH Pa eve .1351 Pa. Station Baltimore and Ohio Kill road FRANK THOMSON, General Manwr. J. R.

wood, Gen'l l'aoa'r. Ajrent mil-Ira SPUIXJ8 AND 1UTHH. A A I 1THH WtTtkl frmC HAMrSHlKKCOUKTV, till rich In Iron. Lite sulphur in the Neighborhood. Open from Jnne let to late tn Oct.

ber tbf company will jnstifv. by any mineral in An.ertca for tbe of acid kidney atd bUdder trouNee, uterine wont, dimi-wi Of tc? skin, catarrh tr nb'os 1 Wl VtNTOrCUATLl. Tbeer waters proved of vaine in many otlier d.seasee, but can be more confidently relied on ether ral so 1 If by mineral 1 be batU-hot, cold and water, the Urmt tn the United rot in the attractive. No mfer or letter for Mid rlit.dren Ua-n to swim 1J -ity to All tl Btomacb and to rextthnn rm mor nte'-i roads in hutuire.i 'n't, th? Uiem this aprinir. lie air of tb elevated remon and dttUnota.

Oar belnjr reawr to ai' iie oltiex north of tiie Potomac than any of the of note by aa average of a and fifty milee. a I attxn.nre on that vore For pVamre or health the traveler reed not further Board. IJ1" $4H and ao irdlofr to looa'' te direct, or on H. THOMPSON, 703 15th D. raniphiete and wster.

Fine muKlc, trood boat Inir, Mid LunUiiP in Im aALK. Proprietor. DOFBLINQ Oap WHITE AND CHALVhEATi oi.nijA iii NE 11 Hare monata retreat atrxii'ti ti. k. fx.

A .1 KLK I'D Oumiierlattd ml'i VE'f WIN DSOR COLLEGE ahade; XS view ne Ridtre wn'i hur Nj ninfH. a baths, boiwea. fcc in InM qv.ire Mt. ROHRElt, 60J 7th etroet. or kddrem A JELLY, Wininor, Md "proposals.

jpIiOrOSALto FOR UST EN KLOPLE Poft DEPaRTltrKT. DO, May 3. 18S1. SeAled Proposals wli 1 be received this Department until WEDNESDAY, Tai 1st patof.Icne. at 12 o'clock for tn qnuititiee, and times asth-y may ordered, ali the PoBt office required for nee durlnjr tbe fiscal year June 30, oi the foUowliifc clasfceu, viz: Kob 1 to 4 Official an Return.

Ko. Dead Letters. So Packaaree. No. Tw Knselopea for So iLterLatioual Money Order Blank forms of bida, with sampler and full ficationa, will be furnished upon application to the Third Aet-lttett Postmaster General, Waahlntrton.

D. C. THOMAS L. JAMEU, n.3 2aw4w Qei eral JJUOPt'SALB FOB FrEL. NavT DErABTKTWT, May 17.

1SH1. sy-iled prrporals, Fepsrately, for Wood and Ooa'. and addressed to the of th' will receivcl until 12o'clock 1 OK Ji nk to supply the Oej-artment, and Offices thereof, in Wasbiuirton wnth tona extra hard White atdi Furuace CoaI. 60 tons Hiiite Stove Ooa), retervinjr the rijrht to order as mnch more of e.ther Furnace cr Stove as the Department juay require at the same price AUthecoai to beoftbebeat qua'ity, free from dirt and slate, and lospec ed by a sworn at the coet ol the contractor. 2,240 pjuucU to the trn.

Twenty cords mare or lew, SprtTie Pine Wood. Twenty more or Inn-, Wood. All of the wood to be of the bast qnahty, and by a aworn inopector, at Uie of the contractor The Coal and Word to be dc'ivsivd at the Navy Department, or r-tliae for required bv tiie parties to whom the infract contracts) may awarded, in such antities as the of the Del artment mav r-'icire. 1 be riffht to reject ar.v and bi or to any portion any la rwaer -ed; ami the successful bidder be required to fu uisti a band ii: the snmof twj thousand dollars a iarante? ol a faithful of the oontract wbloh may be awarded him. VV.H HUN mylT-gaw4w Secretary of the Savy.

jjRolosaLa. Pav Of nnt, May 20. iKHl. Sealed Propraa's will be received at thia ortlco nntii 12 o'cloc on the 3 st Mav, lsBL for tupplyinK such of -ef and Vejretabiea t'retih Br- ad anl Bakinrf Atavy asmsy be required at the Navy Yard and Statioa ac Washintrton. V.

during the flitcal oar ending -lone 30, 18t2 fcrms of offer, and a'l neoessary as to specifications and the a required, can 1 by applying to the oS I'rtviaiots audC.othitiK at the Waahlmrton Yard. A. SMITH, mao 2aw2w Pay Inspector S. Navy. AMERICAN GINGER ALE, A SUPERIOR SUMMEB BEVEBAQX.

EQUAL TO THE BEBT. BET AIL IRICE, fl.OO PER DOZ2S. For sale by Dealure or by the Manufacturer. AWL C. FAIJHCtft, Depot and Paciory.

IM4 SU(h Won Waahlsrtoa. Connaetlon. OR. nCTTAlK'S HIADACHI PILLS On re bbom wonderfully la a very short ttma both SIOE AND NERVOUS HLADACTlt. relieve DYSPEPSIA In its worst forma.

the body oi excess of bile, producing a mrular healthy acUoo Of the bowels. A fnll size box of these valuable PILLS, with fnU directions for a complete core, mailed to any addreu on reoeipt of nine three-oent r.u&paFor tale by all at 96 oenta TESTIMONY OF THE CLEBGY: Rrv. Thomas Ooabo, one of the moat eminent clenrj in the country, pastor Mount Vernon M. E. Church, Baltimore Md 1 have no hesitation In aiwnrliwr yon that Dr.

Mbttacb's EEADacee Pills have proved uod beneficial to me. Yonre truly. THOMAS GDARD. Bev Thomas Gakbli, pastor Church, HaPhaveTrted Dr. HxADArn PfLU with frreat benefit.

I am now aeverily-nine old, and have been subject to a number of years. Your Pills have acted so pieaaantiy In my case, the first time I oome to lialtinMte I want to thank you personally. Yours truly, THOMAS A THramKD. M. Z.

Ohueta. Waterbury, Md I gave Dr. MrrcavB'a Hkadaohb Pills to a man who was in bed with a bad attack of Bill one gever, and la two dare be was out attending to hie farm wont. Respectfully, LEWIS A. THIREEIED.

I. E. Pitbb, paetor M. Churoh, Urbane. Ve.

I have used one box of Dr. Mkttack's Pills, and found tium most Pleeee aend me another Toon truly. I. PETZBS. Ber.

Q. W. Hones, peetor M. K. Ohuroh, Pledmont, W.

I have tciyen my wife, who Is a sufferer from Headache, Dr. Mstiaci'i Hkadaobb Pius, and oaa dose of the Pills bee always cured bar. Toon truly, GEO. W. H0BBU.

SOWN CHEMICAL COt teU-eo Welt PrsprHtsw. Itlssare. BM. OLD WISE AND OLD FBIEBDE ere Known as the beet, so Is old stand known for yeerS as the only place where Ixet-elaas SECONDHAND CLOTHING can be sold et rseeeetsble.

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