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Belmont Chronicle from Saint Clairsville, Ohio • Page 3

Belmont Chroniclei
Saint Clairsville, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

St. Chimin. Ohio. Dec. 15.

Local Matters. fc Correal ClreWl of fPr rbluh In M.lmont CWjr. Attention, Subscribers. TP wvh mark tn the margin (the paper, aftrr the name of each tubicriher, the amount of hit UU for tubtcrintion to tfie UllONIOLE, up to the tint of February next, the tommeticement of a new volume. ft will then be font year tince toe took thargr andanitt anumlier of our $ubcribert have not paid anything during that times We hope every tuhtcriber whofimh hi paper thui marked will promptly remit the it-mount of hie bill, ana teegive notice, if this it not Jon, toe will, in all catet where, more than an year tubtcrintion it due, ttrike the name from ur list, add fifty cents our arrearage term to their bill, and tend it out for The high price of everything tuted in the printing butinet, make it neeesiary that we thoutd hare prompt pay, in order to be able to carry tn tlit buiiiiett at all.

and we have concluded that after the first of February, we will tend the CHR" VICLI to Viotennly who pay in advance; and discontinue it in all catei, when ever the adntnee pay cettset, a we are now doing with many of eur lubtcrtberi, at their re- Giatt of Ian week oonUinod an affidarit made by a boy named Way, who is employed in the County Clerk's office, attempting to controvert a etatemont in the Chronicle of Deo. 1st, in relation to the tinging of the Court House bell on iThankflgiving Day. In reply to Way's ex traordiiary affidavit, we have the following statement of I'resly S. Cowen The following is a statement of the facts, so far as I know and reoolleet them, con-neoted With the ringing of the Court House bell on last Thanksgiving day At about 1 1 o'eleek that morning, Cephas Carroll and Isaae Askew oalled me to them on the street and asked me to gee to getting the bell rung, I went to the doors and found them locked, 1 then went to the Clerk's office and asked James Q. Way to come up with me to ring it.

He looked for the key and said he could not find it. I then went round to the East side of the Court lloune, put a slab up to the window, ent in, and commenced ringing the bell. While I was ringing it, and I should think about two minutes after 1 had coiumenoed, Way came up and helped ma ring it. and we came down stairs and out of the back door together he locking the door after him. PRESLY S.

COWEN, Dec. 10th, 1864. of Who's, to above, hS the ear-marks of the County Clerk. It's a ieauty in its way I Wo presumo Charlesworth and his friends were determined the bell should not be rung that day. if could help it.

Therefore they told yonni Cowen tha the key couldn't bo found. But when they beard the olang of the bell, this Way was sent up into the Court House to try to redeem Charlesworth and his friends from the odium of having refused it. It was an aot of characteristic meanness a supremely small trick, altogether worthy -of its originator. We would saggest that the Clerk get up another affidavit We should like to know where a J. P.

gets his authority for administering extra judicial oaths. There is no law authorizing the administration of such oaths, and it is not perjury to swear fulsly when they are administeied, hence, a boy may be required by hi employer to luppres the truth under such to' oath without committing legal Why did not Jint. Charlenworth administer that oath? simply because he feared a prof ecu i ion for administeting an extra-judicial eatb. B-ARiVAt or Exchanged Soldiers from the South. Serg't Win.

G. Malin and Henry Satterthwait, of the 15th Ohio, were in town on Saturday evening, just from Southern prisons. Those men were taken at the battle of Cbickamauga, and have been Jnt fourteen months in Rebel prisons. They were at Andersonville, Richmond, 8a-Taniah, and other points' in the South. Theyny the reports of destitution and suf fering among our prisoners are not exaggerated.

Wm. 'Hailweod is also at home. Wo, Toiting is at Flmenoe, South Carolina. Mailin and Satterthwait know nothing of robu Rascoe. enlisting in the now army fwrps, now being organizod in the District of Columbia, and of whioh wo have before spoken, receive in addition to the $300 cash as a as mustered into the service, the rega- fkr bounties offered by the Government, 100 oor one, $200 fer two years and $300 for three years, which is yaid in installments, and may credit themselves to any fnxi, town or toweship giving a local bounty.

gorTHS. rather. It oomminoed here on laatKriday night, and we have had little varv dav siace. The sleighing Is only tolerable, but, notwithstanding, there (a a continuous jinsla of bells on the streets. The weather has been intensely cold lor a few days, but it is now moderating.

Some tenons Drediot that we will nave a very eevera winter. I i Wanted. Mrs. Keister, late from Virginia, and living near St. Clairsville, is anxious to learn seine- (thine of tha whereabouts of John 111.

KeUter. her -sou. Any person knowing anything about him, or his whereabout aauch oblige his mother by sending her ihs inCarmatien. JJewsB4)rs in adjoining counties please O-Th I Ladt'b Friend. The January number of tha Lady's Friend is already our table, and fully bears oat the high reputation of tnis new monthly, which is now entering upon the second year of its Price $2,50 2 popies $4,00 op itft.OO: 21 copies' $35,00.

Address Dsaooa Peterson, 819 Walnut street, sflrFos tbi Twenty fire ter cent, may oe Naw Photographtiallery tor Albums, Cartes tie Visits, Frames, to. Try it on and see. A lot of cheap Albums received) just the thiol tor presents. Call before purchasing WTMonet Reobivkd. Wo intended last week to commence the publication mnney received on subscription to tha Cbromoi.1, but owing to the lateness of the hour we rconived tha Presidents Message, we were unable to get the receipts of last week in the paper.

Wo this week, however, publish the reovlpts of the two weeks and hereafter will acknowledge tha amounts received, in order to save the expense of remitting to each subscriber a receipt by mail. or Property; Patrick Lochary has sold the large brick building opposite the Lewis House to the First National Bank of 8t. Clairsville. It is the in tention, we believe, to fit up ons of the s'ore-rooms for a banking rjotn, and to build a vault. i9Mr.

W. B. Houait has resigned his position as teacher in our public sohools, and is succeeded by John Dunham. I9Tiie ofGoial voto of Ohio, at the November election, may be found in another oolumn. SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPTS.

From lh lt djr of December, tr4, lo the Mik day of Dtremlicr, IS04, we have received on auhftcripUon to the Bklxobt of A. II. CnM-reil. AnnDtroiiK'. Mill.

P. lAH-Unry. Newark Hnrru J. R. Moonry.

IVlhi, ae 00 Oil a ntt 00 00 411 en 3 en a oo (10 oo Ml 4 00 II 00 5 6 00 00 a a oo 00 8 It) I UU V6 4 3 5 00 a oo 4 64 00 5 00 00 a 00 4 no oo 9 47 8 00 a oo 3 00 eo 9 no 9 00 9 00 9 Oil 9 US 9 oe IX) 9 (HI 1 00 4 ffl 1 a no 1 00 9 00 0 3 IKI 9 00 A. urri Hilo. Ifutoii, Wm. Dnitford, Armlron(('i MHIt W. J.

Chirk. N. Myron Mt. Iowa K. Barrett, rit Richland Samuel ThralL Fairlield.

Uwa r. Thnburn, St. Clair-ville Wm. Jamea, Jioydaville Jolin Bell, 81. ClaiMville Joint Stewart, M.

W. Palmer, Belmont K. Broomltnll, Slorriltown Otho French, Barnesille M. Allen Natlinn flil'ia, lydavllla Rnltert J. Pollock.

Uniontown H. Pollock, R. Iltirrrtt. Mnrtinville Jain. M.nre, Uuiontown John Roiirera, Chnrlea Kobertf.

Plank Road J. H. rimiiB. Hllaire Geo. N.

Burn, Belmont O. V. Nichole, Barnard'. f. J.

Kvana. Barne.ville J. W. Rrazier. Martin Pink.

St Clairaville J. II. Mnberljr. Demo- Hou N. F.vanw, Cemhridye Jeau Wilkit ton, Demos- Robert Wilkin.

Si. Clair.ville John Nobh, B. F. Rohe. I)jilville WolO.

Wiley, Dillie-. Botiom F.lijeh Comba, Plank Road Wm. B. Kirk, Morrilown Joseph John Slorhuck. Colerain Wm.

Drennen. Morrirtown John While. I). N. Milner, Ml.

Pleaaant Alex. Patton, Uniontown T. 11. McKi-aon-, l.nper, Loydaville Oeorire Price, Bameaville J. D.

Bcnillr, Martiuaville D. AV. Clark. Sylve.tpr K. Ororge, Loydville I.

O. Ilntn.a. Able Chalfnnt. Pelrna. Ohio- Pnrhnll.

St. ClairaYille Nancy B. Fnria B. Hethe-da. Robert Fulher, Wefee- Thoe marked with a an new eulncrihera.

SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPTS. New Advertisements. TheUnited States Telegraph of Ohio. T1IK TOOKHOI. DICKS ol" the above Company are hereby notilicd that there will lie a nieelinr of the Stockholder, and an election held fur thrc- Director ol mid Company at the office of KIRK A CMF.KVF.R, Xo 9s.

Wet Third Street, in Cincinnati, on Wain O.T. THs'aSTII BAT OT JirtCAalT. 13. at 10 o'clock A. M.

It.d al CbiemnaU, thin third day ol Decetnlier. IBS. OF.OHt.F. F. DAVIS, dels it On.

ol. the Corporator. C. O. R.

R. TIME TABLE, FOR STATIONS IN BELMONT COUNTY. Took effect Sunday, Oct. 30, 1864. Coma I ae ftOINQ Wntr 9 0 CD 3 w.

r. m. 10:13 r. a. fttf UuT 8-00 10:00 III B'.

MILL P-M Bei.mpst 7:44 0:44 ItHM a ft5l I.KWB' MllX" 111 14 0:0:1 Wyi Ol.KTOiK 7:1 0:40." HuXAIX. 0.46 Depend upiiii thi. lablu until further notice. J. WKI.8H, AKeat C.

O. R. Gleneoa. "A Gompldto Pictorial History of the Times." "The Boat, Cheapest and Most Successful Family Paper in the Union." HARPER'S WEEKLY, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical Notice of the Pi es.

"The he.t Family Taper nuuli.hed lit lite United ludoil Advertiser. "The muoki. Nkwsi'apvi of our country complete In all the department, of an American Fnimlr Paper HAlti'XH'a wkkklv lia. enrneii lor iihhii a rutin io u. title -A JOURNAL OF CI Y.

Kvenin. Poet. "Thia Pi.r furniuhe tri am n.LumuTiora. Our futur. hiMoriaii.

will enrich themelve onto! Harper'. W.ekly Ion. after writera, and painien.and publi.lter are turned to York Kvaueeliu. UA necaMity in every houneboid." luoaton Trans cript. 'Itiaatonee aleadinvpoliltcal andhiHoriralann.ini of th.

nation." Pliila. Pr.ak Tlie bc.tol it. claH in notion rr.ven.r. IVBICRlPTIOaa-1 aVS). The Publisher, have perfected a af mailing by which they ean aupply the Mininni and Wkkilt promptly to thoM who prefer to receive their periodical direetly from tha Office of Publication.

and other, de.irau of getting uo Club, will be with a handaorae pictorial Show-bill on.nplle.Uon. me poeiafe on nAirmi kkii.t i. whieb mtuM paid at tha wibsoribar'. peal-offlca. Terraa.

Hi arena Wewlt, one year. 4 00 An Conv of either the Vihlt er M.nni'aa will be (rali. for every Club of Fiva Si'BH at- bkiu atct 00 each, in one remittance) or biz vopie fortUOOO. HHP.

muniier. e.n lift at anv lima. Tha Annual Volume, ol Hiarxa'a VVkkklv, In neat rldth hiiidiug, will he eut by free of expenoa, forWearh. A complete Set. compriiinK Eiuht sent on receipt of caali at the rule of 94 60 per vo Ireigut at expeiiae ot purener.

ncwree. Franklin Squire, New York. Administrator" JVatlee. OTICF. i li.rehy givea that at the Prohat Court f.

Countv. Ohio, the onderniirned wa. nl- pninied and qualified a. Admimtrnior of the e.i.le of Parry Huiw. deceawd.

late of uid Coumy. All Ihoae IIIO- ilea to UMieHaienre pBllrMvu pnymenl and llioae having claim, aialii.t iH m.ui are notified la preMnl Uim for eetllera.nt wuhiuouayear Uommuiu.w. JOShU'H HARRIS, Adm r. Nov. 10, 1804.

Attachment jYotice, Samuel J. FJlifriU. PhU OTICF. i veil to tile de-l feiidenl thai tlM nlainliS; S.muel on the day of October, a KH4. Mf ftimehiMent lo ba iuued aaamet him, batore Xely, a JuMic of lb Feaoa Pulmey Towiwhip, Belmont tor the iiuiaS b8 aatount and aon Nov.

16, 1004 Airy tor rn a. Revolvers! Revolvers! A CHOICE lot ol Ravolver, (or eher at OKOHOB BROWN', aM Bt Clairavitia, onwk CHOICE WHISKY. bava ou hand a choic lot of Pattoa' Col Duuiied Ry, warranted Medical aaea Fanuara, wudilmr a good anieia. ar requeued lo c.u ana axaanaa. ror hi oy rauon of of "Unqueationably th Best Sustained work or in Etna in tue woria." HEV MQHTHLY MAGUIHE.

Critical Notice of the leu. tt It the foramot M.rarino of the d.y. The treaid. never rad more deliir.tful romoai'lon. nnr the million a more eidcrpring iri.iKl, wan IJ.rp.r'.

Magaaia. Nlethndiel Proteniaiit. Ilalnmiirn. The mart popular Monthly in tha world. (New York Observer.

We mnl refer In term, of enlo.y to the hiih tone and varied ejeellence. of llARen'i Maoivb a (ourii.l a ith a monthly circulation of about ITtjono copies in whnna patreii are to he found same of the choicest lirht and jencrnl readioe of (lie d.y. W. epeak of tin. work a.

an evidence the America People; ami the it ha. aoiaired merited. F.ach nambercmiteln. lully 144 pore, of readiitK m.ttef, apprnprinlely lllna-Iratad with ood wood-eul I amt it eombinea In heell the racy mnmhly and the mora phil vophical quarterly, blended with th. beat feature nf the daily journal.

II ha irrrnt in tha di'iemlnaiinn of love of pure literature. 'I'rubner' Uuide lo America Literatura, Lomlon. The volume, bound eon (lift of Ihemaelver a llbr.ry of mincellaiientt readin(r auch a can not b. found in the cempaa. in any other pubLation Uiat ha.

coma tinder our notice. Boior. Courier. BcnscniPTioiva-i sea. The PnblLhet have perfected a tytrtern'of mallinft- by which they can npply the Maoakix and Wait.Lir promptly to thoee who prefer to receive their periodical, directly from the Odice of Publication.

The poM.ire on IIiifki'i Maoazlvi i 94 rent a year, which must b. paid at tha wLeeriber'a pot-oSice. Term). nara Kaoazise, on ywr. 4 00 An Fjttra Copy of either the Maoaxiv or Wtrmrr.T will lie irretii fur every Club of Srnatui-naa.

at 94 00 each, in one remittance; or Sil Copiea for JO 00. Hack Number, enn be died at any time. A Set. now cninpmiii. Twenty nine Vol in uent cloth Itiit'Tiinr.

will be w-nt by freicht at expeime of purcltHer. for SJ 96 per volume. Siucle by until, pnipaid. 'l 00. Cloth fur binding, uo ceilU, by lunil.

poiapnid. Adilreh. harpkh nncrniK.Rs. Square, New York. Excelsior Planing Mill.

HAVING fitted up my etublinhinsnt with th I.ntent Improved Machinery. I am now prepared to furnish at my office in imilXiKrOKT. (tha same that waa formerly occupied by Sttwarl ft Keeline,) hough and Worked Hoard, Flooring. Weather-Hoarding, Door. Hash.

Shtiiplft, helvin, Cornire-Boardn. Shuttcra, Mnuldtitf-s. Valinva, Paniiel PtufT, Frame, and Uuilding MaiehalaGenertilly. All work del 'vc red fr of charge at the Cleveland ft Pitithnryh LVpot, and nlo at the Haiti trior Ohio and Hempfield R. R.

Urpot. exoepting toll. irrOrdvrf promptly aitandefl to. GMRGE KF.KT.INK. Formerly of the firm of 8 taw art ft Keeline.) Bri4eport, ltelnMl Oo Ohio.

jelO-ly NOTICE. THE RTOCKHOI.DCRS of th Firat National Bank of St. Clairaville are hereby notified to meet at their Banking Home on 1 LKSDAY, THF. 10TB DAY OF JANUARY, ImOS. at 1 o'clock r.

forth, purpoeeof electing fiva Director, af said Bank, and Uan.aotbig other buaitte. deS-4w H. C. WF.LDAY, Caihier. ESTRAY.

CAME to the premixea of the suhaeribar. reiiding on McMahon's Creek, ahout three mil from Bella ir, on or about the lat of 8eptembr laat, lifht yellow tSieer, a bo at two yean old. The owner requested to come forward, prove property, pay char (tea. and take him away, or he will be void, aeordinr to law. del-3t TH08.

THOMAS. TO TUB PUBLIC- J. H. WEST DKSIROUS of returiiiitfr their thankato their uuineroui cuiiomera for pat favor, wifth to inform the public that they have juat received, and are coiiatamly Ja-ceivnig, freak aupplie of Drugi, Medicine and hem leal Vlo, PAINTW, Dry And around, tn Oil and Wnur, OILS, VAHltI3HBS, FATBIfT MEDICINES, llyo Stufh. Fine Tellet Saaps, PERFUMKRIKS, BRWSHESFANCV NOTIONS, and everything generally kept in a well regulated Drug Store, all of wnieh thoy will ae 1 1 al low rnlt.

In connection with the above, we alto keep constantly on hand a complete aiuortinent of School Kookfl, Blank Books, STATIONERY and HARDWARR Houaebulldrr and Mechanica need' Jrinit anvihinv in the Hardware line fmOm would do well to live um ealL aa our aloe of aoeka, Hmg-s) MiMtitca' TMla, 4c varied and complete. Our arrnngemetHa are now auah that any article wanted in onr line, thai we may not have on hand at tha time, ean be ordered and forwarded at ahorteat notice, with out nnv additional expenae. inUon't foreettheplac. WrertlyoppoaltefteLewia Houae. Al) order by mail or otherwise promptly attended to.

rjyiui J- wkst ft do. Ellreka', Renovating Fluid, FOR removinr. paint, tar, ereaM, from cloth, wilhoet aw lea.t iiuary to the I'abrie. Prepared and WKHT'a. 8et Amorloari and Flno ALSO, Cutter' Superior Shoulder llrnce, for both Ledie.

ami (tentlemen, fur at WhSf't, opposite the Lewi. HOOK. TIL'RF. INSF.F.D OIL AND WHITE LEAD Alto -L Painia of all eolora, dry Bad ground in oil. For and ground in on.

J. NEWEST it at To Wool Growers. VY WUkiaeaa- beet Ska.p Shear. To be had at J. ft.

wrJSl' uu. a. COW8TITUTIOW WATER, AND HOOFLAND'B EBMAK BITTIES UST raaairnl Brushes. JT received, a (reah of Hair, Tooth, Clo shoe, White Wh, Scrub and Home Hru.hea. at J.

H. WEST attachment P.ler T.llm.n 'I'HR defendant I. hereby notified T. I 1 ill. the plaiatift, on th 111.1 Annania.Ia.kionJday af November, lt4, caueed an order of attachment lo be iaed againal him.

before Andrew Alexander, a Jailice of th. Peace of Richland Town. hip, Belmont County, Ohio, claiming judgment lor eto ana cone. r. iAi.umnn.

December 1, 1(04. COURTS FOR 1865. XBIOSC DISTRICT. TITK 00 HEREBY Ax tha time of haldmf Court th Kightb Judicial Di.triet of Ohio for Uia year lMdKM lOlatrla Coarti Mu.kingora County- Monday, September 4. Morgan Thnradav.

7. Nohl Monroa Belaiont Saturday, Monday, 11. 13 Friday, IS. to. M.

antauia Plea. (fiiernaey Tuwarawa Hnrrion Jed'arMin NOW. eonnty, Taeaday, January 31 1 Tuetd.y, Mat TueKl.y.Ocloh.,3 Wedne.d.y, October U. Muraungum, monaay. reoruary ij, luonu.jr, mj Monday, October 91.

'Moitroe. TueMliy, F.bfu.ry 14, Tueaday, May Uelmont. lae.nay, reuruary ai, iut.ji Wdned.y. Octoher 11. OurriiMV.

Tuudub May HarnMin, mouaay, rounwij -i day, Oetoaef W. MOBitay, aoruary aw, monuay.may Mond.v, Octolier 30. JelferMa. Monday, may nonuay, juum Nqveialieria.

Dune at BteubeHvine, inn an u.y ubaHVIIIe, inn twin u.y 01 sepwi EZRA E. EVANS, 1 JOHN W. OKEY, GI.O. W.MclLVAINR,) in Duurict. copy, ord.r .1 Mjt Ol.i of the Coerl of Common Pl.a el Jelfcraon Co.

O. Ciml Omn Bt. CtAtawfita. rWnhel ia 1B64. I certify th above' to he a true copy of the original fnrni.h.f Ihi.

1. F. CHRLK9WOrli H. Clerk af the Cart nf Common Flea el Veluwitt Ce. Novuabcr It, loH.ow Belmont Common Fleas.

John H. Wiley, plaintiff, 'PHE above named (Wend-t. )X aal is hereby notified David that, en the Md day of 1M4, lb above named plaintiff Aled a p.liuon ia saxi Ccurl againal said defendant prayiiik torjudgawid ii.hiuiani lor Mv.n hundred dol- i.nL with iulere front April 1, 19)0, for money, of the nlainlut belor that and about the win oav oi Beotember, tfaw, eelteeted end noeivod by eaal defaad- sud d.feud.ui i required lo auawir aM petition by Jiaaar, CHAKLESWOaTH, O. ft Cowan, AU'T let H.4,l4.-w Sa BONDS. THE 1st NATIONAL BANK or ST.

CLAinsVILMJ, OHIO, Kpion hand ind for wis Three Year 7-30 Notes. Alro, receive aubucriptlon to th 10-40 KoisrDs. oell II. 0. WEI.

DAY, CaeMef Clothing Kline Ai" mm. Vo. 151, JIain Street, WHEELING, WEST VA A few door abore Harbour's Carpet Atorr. WE would rpci fully Miiouiife lo tha itizn of Be I mot it and adjoining counties that wo have jurt received A Large Fine Aflftortment mt READY-MADE CLOTHING, wbtrli wa inlid to for cah cheaper than any oihar fttoro in this cny. We liavr ilia Finest Lot of Overcoats aver brought lo Uii part of the country.

AIk, Fine Casslmere Sulfa to match, Coats, Cassimere, Flannel and Linen Shirts Drawers, Gloves, Scarfs, UNDERSHIRTS, CARPET SACKS, HANDKERCHIEFS. TIES, to which we invite the attention af ca.h buyer generally. we feel that we can BalMy them both in price and quality. We have aim on hand a large aMortmaoi Boys' Clothing, auch a Coat. Te.u, Ac Country Merchant, would do well to csll and examine our Mock belore purthiudiing elsewhere.

Jib NATIOISAL BANK. UNITED STATES LOAN. 5 Per Cent. 10-40 Bond. Intereet and Principal parable la Cold.

FIRST NATIONAL BANK, BRIOCEPORT OHIOe DKIIGXATKO DEPOSITARY AND FX-NANCIAli AWENT UK UNITED kTATKI. Ilank i th to the Belmont Branch nf the Slate llauk of Ohio, and i. now doing a general Baukii g. Collection and Ivxchauge bu.ine.. It ia a De.ignated fiepoaitary and Financial Agent of the United Matea It ha.

authority from the Secretary of th Trea.ury to receive to tb 111 40 loan authorized by the act of March 3d. 1W4. Thee. bond, are dated March lit, 1864, are redeem-aole al the plee.ure of the Government after ten yeara, and payable 40 year from dnte, in com, with interest ut 6 per cent, per annum, in cms. Subscribers will receive Regi.tered or Coupon Bonds, a.

they may prefer. Registered bond, will be i.aued of the denomination of mou. SI. (Ml. im.

and Sin IK 10 and Coupon bonilaol 5f. and SI.UOil. The inlee-t on the 30 and H(l0 bond registered and coupon i payable annually; on all other emi-annimllt. The bond, bear interest from March 1st. and the ae-crued interest from that day to ibe dale of mlwcriotion must be paid in coin, or in United Slu(e and National Unnk adding luereto 60 per cent, premium onlil further notice or.

bonds will be issued drawing iuterem Irom the day ol aub, riplion, it the option of the sub-aeriber. I tender aed Bank: or )gM dralu on New York and Philadelphia, payable in Malloiial Currency, will be received ill payment of aubscriptiou. All bonds subacrilied for at this agency will be delivered at this Hank free of expense. Tn niianlinna and olhera holding funds in a fiduciary canacitv thin lonn furuihes peculinr advanlaites. It is a profitable.

The interest being paid in (lold mab.i It eriitfi I In an fi nor cent, iiivnslinent. Many person, obi ect lo the-time the bond have to run. Tins is no i netr mar.ei vmue enn realized at any time without the interv.nliou of Juries. which often occur, ill the collection of loan, made on real estate aeeurity. Come on, then, with your aubscript'ons.

JOHN C. TALLMAN, Cashier. Bridgeport, April 14, WEST VIRGINIA Bible, Tract and Religious book: oush, CTo, Whkellngi now receiving and will keep constantly on hand a enmnlele list ol all the late nublicationa. which will be Hid al the lowest publishers' with a libaral discount to Ministers and Sabbaih Schuola. Orders ad dressed to C.KO.

V. 8TON ER, depositary, will receive prompt attention. jeO-Sm Bellaire Property For Sale. LOTS numbered sixteen (10). seventeen (IT), eighteen (IB), nineteen (10), and twenty in Work num bered twenty-three (29) in the town el Bellaire all fenced in one lot, with a good hoard fence, and having a very comfortable DWELLING HOU8H thereon, wiD ire oi at privat aaie, on application aiiuiaouaee.

FRUIT TREES FOR SILL THE Propiletorof the MEAD NURSERY offer, the larveat atock of Pruil Tree, he evef offered for sale. of the most approved varieties, and warranted all te be what they are represented. Apple, Pear, each and Cherry great abundance. Tli subacribisr. afar 40 vmmH experience, think he will be able to five general aauifaction to all who call on him.

AdilrasA, Were. P. Belmont Obio. oeia-lnv JOSEPH HUFFMAN. VALUABLE HOTEL FOR THE LEWIS HOUSE, t.

Clalrairtlle, Ohio. IS offered for Thi. Hons, has always had good an of custom. )t i lurge and eonunodioua. and in good repair.

The Barn is TSTo. 1, in every particular, and will ai'coninioclala 90 bore Th. Well, and Cimerna are excellent. Thi property ia locatrd iu Ik centre ot town, oppo it. Hi Cou(t House.

terms appl) to th nndersignso. St. Clairtvilie, June 1964. Choice Crape Vines and Strawberry Plants Free! I WANT 100.UOO petsoii to apply to me for of my valuable agriculimal and fruit growing paper, the Ru.l Amebian. Uiice.

N. Vol. (a Ue.utifnl aeini-tnonlhly.) which will li sent from July, lo Januury, lm.5, iot only rtrrv cnia, and every subscriber will receive in Sepiember, traaa, and potpaid, the full amount of his subscription III HtasicLL'a Oiur 1'Bourio Muwu Plants, whicli a the largest and most prolific in exineuce. bearing from liuu to 'Juu berries on a aingle plant, some of which are aa large a. hen eggs! Or subMiilier.

may have a fine Delaware, Con cord, Diana, Rebecca, or li an ford I'rolihu grape vine, free, if prelerred. My specimen paper, are sent free, post paid, which give the full detail, of all my liberal oilers, in vines, he, to subscriber, and club agents. There is ne neiabug al all ia this matter, aa I have an immense supply of plant, and vine, growing en uy farm, in Clinton, Oueida N. YM where all leiier. must be addressed.

Money sent et my risk, aim not one letter in a thousand fail, to reach me. Twenty thousand vine, and plains were sent free tosubscriber. last spniir, all of wlneft are growing finely. I can furnish all the best varieties of grape vine, by th doien, hundred, or thousand, also the Ruwell tttrawberry pleats, all at low lauSJ T. WINtVR.

1 Administrator' JVotice. NOTIOS i hereby givea that at the Probate Conn foe Belmont Cooniy. Ohio, the naderstgned was ap-oointed and quslihed as Administrator oi the esi.l ef Hion.break.r. dee'd. late of (aid cooulr.

All thoee indabted to uid are reauested to make Immediate payment; and those having claim, againal said are notified to praeoul loam for eauleuwiit wuhia one yeai from usis aaie JOHN MeKISSON, Adar. D. E. HOWELL S0H, Mnnf.aDrer of Copper, Tin Sheet Iron Ware. And Dealer la Hardware, Stoves, Grates, Flowi and Agricultural Implement.

ftStor Room iwo door I'aH nf tb Hill, act BHIDC4VOHT, OHIO. Sale of Real Estate. IK ffUfr ot art onW wTnn hr (He rmfa C'otiM of He Itaonl CmitMjr, Obio, I will offr-f Uf ei ptibtie anrU4Mif on ih Hnjr. tb 9th of l-lh tmmk. tMftween (Ue houri of iu nn 4 o'clock, upon ibe prcmiaa, the (ol lowing 1e-rrihfl rrnl ntaia.

ttuaia In the County of Hf Imont and ite of (ho, lo wit The IVMith half of the Houthfn quarter of Section 5-1, Town ah ip 9 and Raiife Ocohiaimirg s0 or TKRMS OF O-ie third in han1. one thin! in mm year, and oue-thiril In two year from lh day of pale, with intercut; the pay menu to be afeuied by mott-ien upau the preiniMe aold. AX A OARRKTHOV, Adni'r of Wm. Orimei, dec d. Nov.

10, Assistant Assessor's Notice. OTICF. I GIVKV lo all whom it may concern, thai any prraon reaidintr inihe Townhrpt ot Wayne, horncrtet. VVarrn.ohn. Kirk wood, Klutli iMfr.

Union and Richland. deihnf to take out a Jiren (or any of the trad. btiwiieM, or oecnpaiiont r(iairin( a liccite tht-rfore under the F.xcrM Law, ran be ac-commodated by tatiitprin a lettrr tire occupation or bui mm and nature of auch for which ihry may deir licenae and I will fill blank application, and aeod the aame by mail for their iffnatur, which tfcey ean return by mai at UclraoiiL Beunont U. AleOMO r. MfffF.R.

Aaaeapor 3d DitUIo, loib Aaaeaameut Diet. OaiO 1 LEWIS HOUSE NU ClftireiYillo, Ohio. saimufj! i.Kvim, L. WOOD.MANKt; 1 HOV.SR HA Bf; KM-ARfil'D by thead JL union oi a large ui.i.w nAU. ana a auiie of Bedchamber, artd hn ben (her-oiiKhly ffpnirfd and furtuthrd ae a Fiarr Claw IIotku The rroprietore aawre the trarelin? pub liethRt iNev will dim re no paiim or expense to make their uenu comffirtahle aad tusir billi modoiaie They hare rreenlly erected a fin New Htablo, one of tlie heat in Ohio, which will always be aUendV by carrful and attentive Oatlera.

THIS 4KLK wa formerly owned by Steele Bmith and known aa the American. It ia mtuuted oh Uir North weit eorm-ref Main and Market kiueeia, imreeii aiely West of the Coan House. Ijowis Omnibus dtiru this Hou every mornitur (Sundays excepted) fof Whecliu at 7 'clack, and retunung am res at 6o'oloeH. P. M.

Tho Cambridge Omnibus l.eaTe this House daily, for at 10, a. and ee waeeunff at 4 oioea. r. m. BOOTS AD SHOES I J.

W. LIPPINCOTT, A VINO epeaed a WEIX BklXCTtD STOCK ol Lm $H0ECt BOOTSAND will be pleaMd to ace hie old enstnmers at his aew stand, Northwest corner of Mill and Main streets, MORRISTOWN, OHIO. Cash paid for Wheat, Oftte, Barley. ITlax Heed. Sto.

Also, agent fer Woods' Prize Mower I Price $111 at Motrlaiewn'ijand PALMER'S PATENT IIT0HFOBK for particulars see tills ami ap23-6m lea-ll i.iiJi;" TJ. B. 7-SO LOA.IST. rpHB Secreiary iKa Tfeatfury givrs notiea thai sub rtfriptions will ba received fer Coupon Treasury Notea. payaVle three yeara from Aug.

15th, IttM, with semiannual interest at the rata of eeven and three-truths per cent per annum, prineipeil and interest both to be paid In lawful money. Thee notes will ha convertible at the option of the holder at maturity, into six per cent gold bearing bonds payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from Iheir date, as tha Government may elect. They will he insueri in denominations and 85000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple et fifty dollars. The notes will be trantrmttetVlo the owners free ol transportation charges an poan after tha receipt of tha original Certificates of Deposit as tbay prepared As the notea draw interest from August 15, persona making deposits subsequent to thai date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Variies deporting twenty-fire thousand dollars auJ upwards for these notes at any one time will ha allowed a commission of one-quarter of oiia pe cent, which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the re ceipt of a bill (or the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made.

No deduction for commissions must be made from the deposit. Special Advantages of this Loan It ut A Nithcul 8a vino. Baxi, offering a higher rate of Interest than any other, and Tin bkst SECcarrr. Any savings hank which pays lis depositor, in IT. 8.

Notes, considers that It is pyingn the best circulating medium of lb country, and it cars or a in anything better, for its 6wn asset ar either in government securities or in notes or bond, payable in government paper It i equally convenient as a temporary or permanen investment. The notea can alwayshe sold for within a fraction-pi their face end accumulated interest, and are the beat security with banks aa collateral tor Oonveatlble) Into ts Mia pe Cent. S-SO CaVold Uotid. In addition to th verjilibera intereM en the note lor three years, tliis privilege oi conversion i. now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the current rate for 6-S0 Bonds is not less than Villi per cent premium, and before the war th premium on six per cent.

U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent It will he seen thst the actual profit on this loan, al the present msrkel rate, is not less than ten per cent, per annum. Ita lflxemption rem State ow Alnnlottv XixatJon. Bui aside from all the advantages we have enumerated a special act of Congress marn Alt.

bosd ard Tmas-tnrv koto fkoji local taxatiox. On the average, this exemptiou is worth about two per cent, per annum, ae cording lo the rate 01 uuaiicn in; varioua (pans, oi the country. It Is believed that entflles arte so great1 Inducement, lo lender, a. tho.e issued by the government. In all ether form ot indebtedness the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, i pledged for paymt nt, while tlie whole property of Ihe country ia held te secure the discharge of all the ebligtiiona of tlie United Stales.

While the government offer, the most liberal term for loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will to the loyalty and patriotism of Ihe people. Duplicate certificates will be issiysd for all deposit. Th party depositing must endorse upon the oatsiMAL certificate tha denomination of notes required, and whether they ar to be issued ir. blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded lo the Treasury Department Subscription will be received by the Treasurer ef the United Stales, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurer, and designated Depositaries, and by His First Notional Bank of Bridgeport, O.

and by all National Beak which ar dapoaitarie publlo money, and Banka And Rankers throughout the country will five nnoer niormauoa sss afford every facility wibwrtbere. ull UVERY; STOCK fOB SAtE OIES. CARtUAOk-S, HAHNfcSS. Ae. Kev.

KM SOMETHING NEW W.T.&J.J.PICKEEINO, (oeeesMi W.ld.y 4 Celem.n.J DEIGMSTS it ArOTHECARIE. Od Door West of tha WwttvHooM. Main Street, St. Clairsville, 0. nAVfXO rOrvhatwd the entire sinck of Drc.

Md-irinea, and ixiurea, and replenished the same, we won ak the a'tiititi of Py -tri ana and all pranne wmtnnf pure atii reuaiM mnicina. ami rpcifofly oiieu a euminuanra oi an im mi anatnmers. Onr atock conisi. in part, as follows 1 1 ttetd Surgical Instruments, of tha latest and noat aporared patterns. Gold and Tin Foil, Teethe of Every Variety, All ef which will he Mid at manufacturer' prices.

Aha), PAINTS, 0IL3, DYE STUFFS, FAMILY DYES Or ALL COLORS, Perfumery and Fancy Articles Of ell kind. ITJTM3 VrtWlfl UQTJOBS, For medieinalpnrposea. Also, PURE GRAfE WINE, for aarrament.l DENTISTS ire particularly invited to call and examine our Mock, and will find it to their advantage to favor us with their We have a fell and complete Meek ef all the POPULAR PATEWT MEDICIW 3 of the dav. and every other article esu.lly kpt la a wU furiustied lirug Htore. We scored the service, of Mr.

JO. A. AMAH te fill and superintend the filling of all order, and inrlK W. T. I.

J. PICKERINO. (JI.ANTATID.N. Iloe'etlsr'. Robaek'a Hrerhav', and Moorland's Biiters.

at I'lC'KKKiNO's. (1 r-iMi. ui w.ti Brushes, for s'ls at' I'lCKKRLNU'M Drng fttore. COMCKNTRATKD I.VK. Huh Bricks.

K.mily Dye Colors, Sal aoda, Cartmn Oil. Itlsek- ag.itat noaco ana Hug roison. at flue r.Kl.Nt s. VKH'S. Mott's RoLark's.

and Pills, for riCKhlll.VU's Drrtg Store. St Clairaville. Farm for Sale, CONTAINING ei.htv acres, on Mi M.hon'. rcek, one-lialf mile below lwia' Mill. Terms Greeo-bncks.

Apply ou premiMa. JNO. C. PARKKR. irl his Farm ii not When it i.

thi. advertisement wih be withdrawn from the paper. JOHN O. PARKER. FOR SALE CHEAP.

TN the town of Maninavllle. ACRFJ of GROWND, J. ou wincn uiere i. a URICK UOURE, liable. There rm mbmnt VAA wim m.

rooa sreu oi wnier. ana Vine (4 Anil 3 vein aMI set out mi lite3 For lermi, aLpJy lo Uia subrriler. on the nremises. no3 Jm li K.N J. 8.

HARORAVK. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Jclv 93, 19M. NOTICK is herebr jjven tliat subscriptions will be received by the '1 restorer of the United "talee.

the several Aa.istHiit Treasurers and Designated Depositaries, unit the National Dank designated and qualihed as Depoiuiariea and Financial AffnU, for Treasury Notea payable three years from August 15. IMI, bearing iiileresi ut the nf seven and turee-lrnliia per rent per auiiuin. with semi-annual coupon, auached, payable in lawl'ul monry. Th se will be convertible i th. option of th holder al maturity, into per eet.

gold hearing bonds, redeemalil. after five and jiayabl twsnty year from 15. 1M7. The Notes will he issued the d.nomination. of fifty, one liUMdred.

liumtred. one thousand, andfivatbou. and doilnra. mid will be issued in blank, or payable to order, as may be directed by the subscribers. A II subscriptions must be tor fifty doliara.

or aom multiple of buy Duplicate cernSea: will be issued for The party depo.iuitg must endorse upon the obtoi.val certificate the denomiiuiliou of notes required, end whether they are lo be issued in blank or payable tn erdor. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer reeeivuig the deposit, to be h-irwarded lothis Department The note, will b. transmuted to the owners free of transporttitioii charges aa soon after lb. receipt of the original Certi Scales of Deposit as they Can be prepared Interest will be allowed to August 15 on all deposit, mode prior lo tlrat date, and will be paid by Ihe Di pertinent upon receipt ol the original cerlihcate. Aa ike note, draw interest ftom AugiuA IS, person, making deposits subsequent lotbat date must pay th interest accrued froea dale of note, to date of deposit Parties dcDosiiina twentv-fivr thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at ary one lime will be allowed a commission oi one-quant oi one per cent-, which will be pnid by tlii.

Di paruneiit upon the receipt of a bill for the amount certified lo by tlie officer with whom the deposit was made. No deduction for commissions iuuhi be made from the Officers receiving deposits will we that the proper endorsement, a'e made upon the original certificate All officers lo receive deposits reqnest-ed lo give to app ira ill. all desired information, and afford every facility for making subscriptions. W. V.

KK.SKNDF?f, Secretary of the Treasury. fnefubcription. will be received by ihe FIRfTNA-TIOXALj BANK OF HRIIXJF.I'OR T. OHIO; also -ul srriplion. received lo the Ten-Forty Five Per Cent.

Cold Beajing Bunds. JOHN' C. TAM.MAN. Cashier. HIDES WANTED! THF, liit-liest Wh-eltng in cash, will be paid for Hide, end Skins, delivered at my Tannery ia Bt.

Clairsville. UrJ W. ASKEW. HARRIS' NEW TIN SHOP. ALL rERSOXS, CffprfeialJj those ahoul to commence so- Housekeeping 1 1 will find an excellent assortment of TIN WARE AND STOVES of nil kinds et HARRIS'S TIN SHOP.

North side ef Main street a few door East of Marialla tret, St. Cla ravill. Ohio. Central Ohio Rail Road Uo. A CiRKF-METTS for capitalization of the Xa.

dent, ana ot ui. wnnw i bbi aai i R. R. Company, preparatory lo in re-orgBiiiuoii. will be found in the hand ef the following gentlemen Belmont County: Wm.

Kannon. Jr. 9t Clairaville. Jame.Ho.mer, Agent -Bellaire. John Welsh, J.

E. Hant, Barneaville. Ira Vail. All pereon. Intere.t.d era requested to cell end emina it It i.

important that ell who propose lo ace of lis una. should do so without delay. Ift Solon Robinson's Book. "Facts for Farmers." AI.HO, for the family eirele. A compost of rich materials tar all land About doraeatie ani mals ana anflsesue economy, iww iiuiiump-, K.I..KI, orchard and vineyards, end all farm tools, lenses, tenitiiatiee.

draiuhif and irrigation. Illustrated with aiis steel tlsravings. Failed by tolon Kolun-on, Agn.altaral Filter ef the N.Y.Tribuna.and author annuls work. A ouaxto volume, pp. 1034, price S7 ti.

Thi valaabl work Ia not for aaie In the book storea. I ftOIrt Only DJ r.w. ana will ii. b.r. at pabli.a.i.' by th undersigned, who is th only authorised agent (er thi.

County. JOSEPH WOODROFFB. Sr. CTiie, Sept etu. Probate Court, Belmont 0.

John Lisle, Adta'r ef Moses Travis, dee'd, vs. Robert Travis, Jonathan Travis, Mary Anil Carpenter end Thomas Carpantrr (her husband). Julia Ann Moore and Joel Moore (he hasband). Ja Travis, Enieiue Moore H.rrison Moor, (her husband), William Travis, John Travis, end James K. John Tr.vis.

Mary C. Travis, Sarah Travie, Harriet Travis, Mary Oalten and Huldah (iallen. (miner.) THE above lumed defend.iit. are hereby notified, that en lb ill at day of November. It4.

the a.iAv named pemienei filed a petition in the above named Court asking fer authority to convey, on behalf ol uid d.lendants, bei-al-lsw of said decedent to Sampson Milho.n.aboat three acre, of land in lb Southeast quarter of Section Id Town.hip tt, Range in aaid county, mare particularly described tn aaid peuuon, ia perlor insure of the eontraet ol decedent Said peiition will be tor hearing on Ihe 81st day of December, leo4, el 10 o'clock a u. iMiuiio. J) T. ouwEIf, AllT for Pel'i. Nov.i4,18u..-Sw Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

DtSF.AE of th. Nervoo. fteminal, Urinary and Sexual and reliable treatment ia reKrta ol the Howard Awocialiou sent by mail ia sealed teller envelopes, free of charge. Addruss, Dr. J.

IKlUfiH ION, Howard Associaiioit No. South Ninth Street Philad.labie, Pa. jyl-ty NEW TIN SHOP. TiiK Mdersigned iaforou Use public that he ka apea edeuew Tlse, Copper mma Sheet Iran Stere in the building immediately Westef Ik FMlOin T. CLAIRSVILLE, where he will happy teaeee aiodai Uieaa win anjmuur ta.aii una el eauaeee rMuebif Mt.

hitXsU UARU NEW GOODS! 1 AT REDUCED PRICES Have Jait epaed A Full Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Purchased since the tH cline in Prices 1 Which th.y will sslln eonnectlon wkb their (urmer etocb AT THE LOWEST FlGlBES! USTotw CDsaILa BOOT and SHOE STOBE. Ho, aU ye that are barefsotetV A frUDInf tm parchase BOOTS AND SH0S8I Leek well te year owe sntertrts, sad sail besBip liuV eaaaiiif slsewhere and uiaiu EITT3 PICKEECTO'S New Splendid Stock of Ot ICvei-y if ind and Haaorljptlmn. At A old Drug Start roam mlang aotufhd by Jama W. Collin. Haln Street, St.

THEIR STQfK wlatt of every line si Beo anej Slioe. umially kept in thi market for Oaots TB saw Boys. and Children. Also, full Keek ef GUM AND BUFFALO WflU It ia all of th very best mak.

anostiy Philad.ipkef. custom made work, which will compare very favorable with Belmont ceonty homemade work. Peraonsbuyiiir eueh will receive good, velieble'gtiv) on whfft they buy. To prov. the above true.

yo will only hav to call and ezautlue foryouraelvee. Tneji tock will abow for itself. In connection with the above, they win ANUPAeV TURR all kinds of work lo order, at short aetice- oa mrrs a PfCKiouM OPEJIXfl OF FALL AWimK CLOAKS, HOODS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, DHESS TRIMMINGS EMBROIDERIES 1 HANDKERCHIEFS, j. O. THOMAS, ITS, MA IX T7UEELI.V6.

AVIN'S boutht my Goods during th. name. I sad able te sen at less men tee regular pneeo. Mrs. A.

Hi. THOMAS yil-L op.n her FALL AND WINTER" STYLE Tia-HNte-tm, HATS, en SATURDAT, OCT. 82s, te which invite the attention of the publie. eoU7-aoi WOODCOCK WH0LEHALE AND IsTTArL TIEALERi IN COAL 36 WOOD COOKING STOVES. IIEATHG AND 1AKL0II STOTKS Plow-Points and Landside8j all kind, in aee, Railing Verandah JV.rkj Amalgam Elells 4 sizes WINDOW WEIGHTS.

CELLAR GRATINfl HRat 11KICK, BKNCH F-NfiS. AND FOUNDRY WORK oenf.Rally. WE cell pertieular attention to our Improved No. Buck'. Paieui Cook fiove.

It ia very heave and sonerior any other in use. Our Plow Pmnls irv im us to make. iTa 'A We want farmer, to try our improved eeBsawJBaeaaaT Plow, wittieul pay uuul it give, sauslaction. Old metal and iron taken at Wheelii.e pnoee. aee cell, aprjl-om WOOUOOCa.

A BRV MISS NANCY B. FARIS, ajtMANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, would wnh t' a. aitona n.r ihsss. p- that eh has received aad is now saeaing A. BpanaH Assortment ef Bonnet Trimtningt sajMlsCmf FLOWER, lUUBUPlB egj, it I.

KINM OF TRIMMINOB east I arW ti. kMi. wMh iteemeee aadj essjaie. A.

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