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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EVENING STAR EdMor. Lirgest Clrrnlai'tf ii the District Beading Matter on Every Page. warhinoton oity: TTWBAT Warrh mhI the Water Wopply The Moore job killed in Boer ot Aldermen night, as it serve to he. Moore, (Inllck, Chase. Champion, an took against thia attempt to force an ar.J high-priced meter upon the water consumers of and it tailed.

great It to the loss of temper of of It? over vea'ou? TTilg the water-meter Ml sect tt wa- very properly placed by the I revions action of the whereby the Wa'fr Department was instructed to test variou- oi meters in nse. Th being and the Moore meter amongst the number -elected for trial. We trust will the last effort to a job through the Councils tor the bereft ot any particular meter. There is no li.trtnsic value in any water-meter to ja-tify the tavng the water consumer heavily by their forced purchase at abifh price. Oar conviction is that the ase ot the water-meter? at be restricted to pouts When there is ei' eptioi al waste, at e-tablisbments, hotels, livery railroad and we believe that that tjtty would all that could be employed in the city.

Spirit and if are necessary. because rit and gas are coetly and ooramtrceintbem precision in measurement Moreover, the wasteful flow of spirit ar.d of would be pernicious. while the abundant rlow of water desirable under aimoet all ti Gas meters are of simple and i beap construction, and well. are too costly tOr enlargement to the capacities of water Water and air should be freely supplied to all animated beings a- to reject the of measurement. A flows by our city which the thirst of the entire world could not exhaust.

The tncreao of its throegh this city, to render meters unnecessary, will than the meters. In a recent official paper in the records of the Patent office, the following suggestive pasoage The water meter is in the domain of banal invention pecu.iar in this, that itseeepleor viola is void of all intrinsic coet or value. Kree tail ineihaustiblv abundant as the air reat; e. water accessible to every one who will take the trouble to dip it from the river tile cittern or the well. The water or rents of cities represent nettling more than the servant's wage- re i aired for its transportation, this transportation be effected by the engine, the water whedl, or the distant atid aqueduct.

Considering that the coet ot tuili oiieoliaatcd water-freigut, under skilful mechanical en a large -cale. ia comparatively a small Junction (or negative power) of the euantttv carried, every city should be provided wuh the convex very ot this necessary element in a- not only to render the well as percentage of a matter of entire indifference but sectre a constant uireut in the by the cea-eless flow trom I ab fountains. It it be said ttiat this hararely teen attained, then to this extent there been a great lack of an intelligent and i providence on of municipal astl.ocities, and a want ot engineering comprehension on the part of hydraulic and the report to water meters Is but a poor and ectiorable remedy for the mprori? tence. A very -imple calculation will that the aggregate cost of any durable and resale iorrn of water meter for all the consumers ef any considerable would rurnish in per? 'van increase ot supply, rendering such met- is worse than u-eless. It to be notwithstanding recent ot.s, that the very lar distant when i- to be accuratelv doled oat by t'te I 1n a besieged and starving No how heap the rate, it would "initiate a lamentable of economic training and make the poor mm kef that the -ry enj ot water for a special i harge ti bis and that every time he t- framed trom waaLing his hands lie had saved The alleged inequality of the ordinarv v.

t'er a trlval inconvenienoe in conj a- -on. and is sufficiently compensated by the ii-aa! of charges for different an-? cLaracters ot supply. If there be any force i i considerations, no special stimulus I t-hocld be offered to patentees in tlim line by the grataitou-, extension of anr patents tor watertce'er- All the varieties of oscillating, rotary, diaphragm meters have tor a long tnue Insen pnOlic property, and the imeroiu existing patents in these different embrace fcut mittor id arrangement and the ot construction. 1 he wonderful diplomatic mares-nests that the Washington correspondent of the New York TV-- discovers frequently are -lUite uniformly vouched for "by two prominent gentlemen high official whose word will be freely accepted by the country, but whose nines I am for thepreeent not allowed to use These two mythical gentlemen of high position and unavailable are as familiar to the of the Pat as were James' two solitary horseviento the novel of twenty aje. and we would suggest to this correspondent Hie' it wonld help his style abd give and rraisemblanee to narrative to vary this term occasionally.

Th? Fastim the House of lxwds last night Karl Gran villa announced tbe conference on the closed. The treaty had been signed at the tot. un abrogating the restriction or. the aJni ottoreign men oi war into the and The Porte mav, in tme? peace, admit into waters the raval vessels of powers whenever needed to enforce the treaty of The Uanub an comm.ssion is prolonged twelve years. The protocol evprcxoiy declares that no power can itself of tbe obligations of the treaty it out the consent of all the signatories.

The Kmperor William has set from Versa les on his return to Berlia, accompanied by a large and brilliant mite ol princes, of the army and of the Cerman v. rt.ment party They reached Kpernav, France, at noon yesterday, and were received with great enthusiasm by returning troops, with whom the city crowded. The jonrney will be direct, the condition of the Kmperor'? health rendering it inexpedient for iiim to lengthen the trip by a visit to any of tbe Princes of tbe empire. Uratz Brown having been elected (Joveraor ol Missouri, as a bolter trom the republican party, by the democrats, now tm himaell embarrassed by being called opon to detine poiifical He says he is a republican, but not a republican, and thus he pleaaee neither aide. New Hampshire leads off in the spring State ele( 'ions to-day.

A Governor, throe cd Congress, fl and the Legislature are to be chosen. Tbe can been ftvtive. and the are confdent 1 been rather a poor week Tor Nathan Only three hare been discovered since Saturday. 1 1' OP PYTlian 32 SrSeSl Uo acrlbe at to attend T7' r. WW 'tlT UOCbUa vitJd to 'ratsmally la Bf order nf the 0 a naavvv i A CA9TI1.L, aauattaif cf tag lisTlVHak CAFITAL KSTATl MWCUTIOI.btm of will be Jlarinls HaR.

9lt TUIJIJ IsAV KVhhlBO.tb* PHIL WKLCU aecrfrr. COl'hCILOr AM? 5 rceolar OonvccatKia will TTE8DAT.7S OfflcersaaS Hoate-s bsretov fiihsd to bs in attabJaacs. wuhoet fortb. B) rdar of the Ooasril KXtWlS MASOH. ntSSt I Bectnler.

tfcAL BgXbPfO AMOC1AMCMI. sixth monthly of will at Uitr Ball TTBsOAT S-t at joii lUUllilW. rfjp-TWBBTfETH sM 'JJI will at ih? corner ot street and iTfnw, on TUES DAY. H'h instant. at 7S clock five De! to Itt COBTcCtlvn Dilff'H to Cor ere" It' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THIRTEENTH DISTMIC'T-MOTD The RATIC VOTERS tbeTHIRTBBN TH DISTRICT tr? at L'ni'iB tU oa Tl F.Bl'AY NO at 6t? to a nidiltto Delegate to Coneresa By Of tb? -ltive I I 7,.

JON II or tiii biuTTth tf DISl Bra te at UVr on car THIS t'Tf for th? pnrp a tepnhlicaa club By ord ol la; President ol If tlRntCM i or the TWISTl El DIMBICT By directtou of the Central) omml'tee. will be a ir of all th? ReiviWf in this Di-tri 111 IS lues-iay ISO. H'h ii'tsnt. at the Mission School ti 'in, opp B' W. KfetWeea al.d tor the poip' of organizing Ksp-it an Ola'-.

MB tor transaction of other Luiiaafcs Be fce jrt? T.t- S. ATE1N0OB. GRAN District KB 1 WI I.LHI SI PPORTED a I Lntii Ulvt of the Twelfth District by ailJ-2f FBlfSDS. I-Th- A51) CONJJf bEHV.VIlVEe* It-Strict ars hereby on mat at 7H Hall. cjrui-r of Ntfvlii.ii and 11th otre- t.

for tne purp of fi? i card.da'" for Br mlt it TU THI ANB OON8BB Jy9 VATIITfc VuTKKS or THE SEVEN 1U unjn'wtiNl to corner at -ni onTl'BSPAY. 14th, iyt tu th" of tj buoiinBte OBii for irNi. By order EX El I'll YE COMMITTER II THE ABD CONaBRYAJs5 T1VB vol AR3 ot th? KtH M8TRIIJT wtIT O-rmac Hall en TCKslMY RYENINu. th? 14 mutant, at fl'JCl, t'i Klve to in nami iiBt? for to By ot tb? BXBCOTIYB COM M1TTBR. or el XI KENTil ulsTRlOC.

BALLY Th? ot Bh, District to tba Oonnctl ''hamltor. Oitf Hall. TLBBDAT EVBB1NO. 14tli inat in the pnrpoar of for coming impaim. 8 H.

WILLIAMS. inU Yl. U. SLATER DISTRICT. Oon-arratirM will mm! at Hall ob TL'EBDA Y.

the 14th ot March tt7H o'clock p. B-. to alect to In Convntion at ''aruai tb" lint iastant, to tjum to Bl Bll EKNTH DISTRICT DBMO J3 ChATIC aud CONSEKYBT1VB YOTERS cf th? Blfhteentb Dintrict will nW at the Powhatan Hotut, corwrr of 7tb and 8 DAY BVBHIBO. ltth lnatant, at 7H o'clock, to Bra to reproaent in tb? convention to a candidate for to Con By older of ffpYWbRTEBNTH RLBCTION DI8TRK 13 Dtmocratic and Oanaervatire of tba IttBDIi ItTh Dlnrict ill meet at Scho)l on ptreef If on TCESDaY EVEBINO, luL at 7H o'clock precisely, to ale it Eire Dole to the Convention for the Momination of Dal? ta to to hel on the 2tat instant at Hall lly order ot Committee tall I ROBERT W. rENWrit K.

Ud Voteraof the lot Dia trlrt are repeated to meAt at uucratic llall. Monroe and Harriaon atr-ata. Dniontowa, TUBbDAY. the 14th nt 7S for the firp'taeofae acting Eire to a Convention to a Delerate to Bf order of the Executive Committee. i J.

r. YOPNQ DISTRICT. the and Cc.r.aervat've ht-f fiutated to lac-t at Oerma'i Hall, on 7t ft rant. TCBSDAY. Mtk.7'.

ni for thf purp ol FiTe ti n- nifnate Candidate fur order PQWBINO. mil RAT1C IK OMsRRVA13 VOTYBS of the DISTRICT, meet at Hall. Petinayh avenm, 17th -treeta. on Tl KSDAY.the 14tb intt at 7'a ni them in the convention to nominate a to Congteaa. N'ne but voters with are incited.

niil Si Br order Lvecative VYXTElNTli DISTBI'Jr! V-io-rat ant I of 11? S' trtntn Ihi'rt't. Yonr that there will be a meetir? at (Jlnrk a Hail. tvton 4'j Ith Htore.i on EVEBINO. March ltth. Kl.

ai 7', o'clock. the pnrp? I ptntm; nxe a co nvention to r.oinitiBte a CBSw iMe for tv C'itBfrnj. By order mllSt- BAMCEL P. r.OBEBTS^B. BOTICB DV.MuCRaTIC and SEBVATIYB VOTERS of th- Diotnct are hereLv to meet TT LSDAl K.N 1 NO.

7X o'clock. Mr. School atreet. betwetn lot and IVlaware Of. to elect to the Central ConT.ution.

OEOftuK Jl'BMMANN Bi. ot mil BPBCLAL NOTICE. oinctor NATIONAL rRBFD a EN a SAVING AND TRUST COMPANY, Be 07 7th tlie Poet Office. BIX PBB i INI. paid at the Waahing ton Braniii of th? Erenlm-i.

a and Company tor tho term anding Jul) 1. 1471, i is the time to vour account. nil. 11 WM.J WILSON, taaliur. 0 1 A of the aeverU Warda bar com pitted the Annnal for the year Ml, they will meet in the Weet of the City Ball, on the 14th pay or and ait aa a Board ot fra the tttb du of Febrnary to the 1st of April.

excepua, to hear eomplainta and the abovtmentionod Aaai aaui nt or fonfler of naetiiMt. from a a. to n. m. fe PET BR HBPBURB.


of Ontario, Canada. Mr Carswell ia Be ot the fineat on the continent, i it ailing even John Oough in mimicry. wit, bnm and reserved tickets 33 sale at Ellis Musk Pa av near 10th where a dtaram of the hall can be v-tn. alsa at the hall on the uigkt of th? Lecture. MMBB MEDICAL EXAMINAT10BS Drs.

DRIBRARD and B1NO will reopen tli-or for private medical inatrnctlon in the Baticnal MedicsJ College street, between ISth ar.d 14th streets, on MOBDAE. March 1.1th. at 7 o'riuck and continue than nntil the 15th of Jniy. For particulars BDBINRARD, 614 ltth street, or A. A.

KlB'i. M. I i I4tn street. ni2 Iw 111. SELRB.

I TEACHER OF GBRMAM IB THE rLBHO SCHOOLS, Has In German at the WASH INUTOB BUSINESS COLLEGB, and in German apd French, at his residence, Al'2 TWELFTH STBEBT, between and strxeta. fel ly 33" STOP THAT COUGH I Use DOCT TIN DELL'S TAB BL1XIR. CaAS avenke, Wbalsesalc lebl an for District of Columbia. EAL LVuNS BLACR SILKS. 40 PIECES LYONS BLAUE SILKS.

raceivtd lrom tbe importer', terTnrd JOS MAY nhl4 939 Peuasyloaaia aveuae. A TTBHTIOB, CARRIERS T' Bevponsiblcmen only wanted to aerve "IBE CAPITAL," the Popular and Bacy I iterary Paper, issued in WaabtDgton city MORNINGS, diten by PI ATT and TuWBSBND. Seven thou sand copies of (Be first aoM in the Diaf-ict of olumbia. Apply at Bo. 4SW 11th street, between and the Avenue, to 14 it BL1SHA J.

Publtaker 'HE OOPABTBBBSIIIP HEKBTOFORB fating batween B1SCOB A LCYTBBLL is this das dlsaolvad by mutual conaent. H.L B1STOM, M.C. LUTTRELL 1 HATE ASSOCIATED WITH ME A. Dl BNINGTOB Yirjunla, and will conduct tba OOMMIMMOV' under the ctrU and name ol LCTTBBLL DCNNIBOTON. at the Old Stand.

Bo. aad 11th STREET S.W. ah 13 St' M.C. LUTTRBLL. hundred bnthels of SARLY BOSB POTATOES.

Apply at cwroar and Mtk streeta I. B. mil St" PBTEB CPMBIBOHAM. BO Srat daaa heavy DMACGBT BORSB Apply at MetropoUtaa.f^J^? corner 17th afreet aad Bew York 1-JB rpxiB mhll St' BIWIRQ liCHUII Is THE BEST MACH1BB BVKBCOBSTBLCTED. CaM at office, Sib STREET.

and eiasine it. Sold oa monthly instalments or Ten f. B. fcLLIOOTT. mhk; ly Aaent.

LAWSOH rUBNACB. ezuiiaa tkla WDllAl'E Mora ran select one. ftsftaa. S7KWAKT STUfi ITS le? tf IPSA Faaaa. ava? MHB add Utk ata.

WPEC1AL BOTICB -Tke aaraoa who kaa tba LOT Of MEROHABDISBVaoir with for the laat twelve aontha, wfB take Bof away by the ftrat erf lBBAPs aaIff LoaaOftcai OS" REGISTRATION MOTIi'B TO Tam TOTBBS THE DI9TBIUT Of COLUMBIA. The Board of Regridfeatioafer the Di -trW at Oo tumble will ho 14 MMtox from 0 'Iwk a. A. tfl To'clasB p. of each day the pnrpoee regteteragthe in the DtetrKl of Columbia.

at the loUoWia; DISTRICT All that part ot the of eu? the limite of the of Washinctin Ml town, lyiac ea-t ol LId.oId aid Bunker bill onTlil UlIUT. March I -SI, at h. F. Mar Hotel. I'aloatowc.

ct At! that ot the county if Wubiut the of Washington and lytn-s o( Lmr In a 6 road on FRIDAY. March IT, U71. at Cavil Park Bi wood. THtfl) All thai part oj the city Ijioi west of stieet or. SATURDAY Mar.t> Ilali, briJg" aud Potctuac rortiH Ali that part the city of Georgetown iof on MONDAY, Match 4U. the J'ftn rioruellt Mo. between BeaU tod Da a'oar; a streets. Georgetown. F.fiH pIXTH (STt'CTS. A It part of the city of 'H lying ot Twenty f-rst street west.

and all that part of the city of ashinicu.n I) ing wnig jf afreet north. Fift i-nth str--et ai.l first TCESI A March 'J 1. at 1 notth. between Twenty first ar. itstj af nii west, Wsikltigtoi asp EIGHTH All that part of the city of Washington tweet.

itrw: north and street north.and Piflwth str-et west atid Twepty first street west. and north wf N.trtw Fourteenth strr ml firft all that part ol tUa rtty i lyfrt north of atrret north. tt and wot.f.n WlhM'hO', March i-CI. at Hi 14 north. Fi jd Ftft rtrwtii veai, Waatuncton KlfcTH AND TENTH A il tbat ot tbs city of WaabinKt-iu lyir.a north and north, aid 'wt-en wf-at and went: and all that part of th- ritr cf Waahiojton gtrf't north and caual.and traar.

oi TBI March Uni Hall. weat. atrMt north and -v Icrk Waahinfton ELEVENTH a Wlf TWFTFTH TT? All that part of the ity ot Wash ton lying a "ith of the canal and weat of BUhtfc atreet w-Mt. act all that part of the city of Waahiiurtoa between afreet and atreet weat, and street iwrthaod the canal, on VKlOAT. March 44, at the Oentral Ouardhouae.

Louisiana aver tie, between Ninth and Tenth west. aabinytoB. THlllltMU Ali that part of the eity Waabincbm lytuc be tween Seventh street aad Biaventh weat between afreet north and street north, and all that part of the city Washington lying north stret-t north, between Oapitol street and Se esith -treat wear, on HATCRDAY, Man-h 44. Wl, at hoaae of J. No.

101b Sixth street K. street north and lew fork atetue. aalilngton. FII AWI? PI'TttCT-. AH that part of the city of Waahiugton lyiue betwien Datreetportb and atreef north Sarth Capitol atreet and HeTrath itrtt vtst, and ail that part ot thecitr ot lyioc North ai.d Couth Capitol aad Heseotli street weat and between atreet north and the canal, on MONDAY, March 97, wiug Oity Hall.

Washington. EJITEFNTH iHTTKNTH All that part of the city ef lytnc between 0 street aouih and the canal, and betwsrn b'jiith Uapitol street and Ejarhth street went, and all that part of the city ot Waahtagtoa lying aouth ofO south, between Oaei'ol street and BUta'h street TOKBDAY. March 49, H7U-1 at tlreenleaf Coff-e Mil's street aonthf tween ifonr aatf-a half and Sixth stru ts weft, Washingtou. a Altn TU'ENTlETH All that part ortbe city of Wanhinctea lying north rf street anrth. between North Capital atreet and th atreeteaat.

and all that part of the cify of Washington lyiag ronth of atreet north Berth andjh'Uth t'apitol atreatsand Fourth street on Y. Mart tbeo(Bce McBlroy A Van Klswick. 400 Naifiuul arei between Soc md audi Third stree WaekInt'ou. Twsstv-nisT All that part ot the city of Washinctefi lying ot Fonrth ataeet and betwt en straet north and atreet sna All that part ot tho city lyiug stre-t ar.d eas- of Toarth cn THUBs DAY. March ItTl.

at th? honse ot Labgley. correr of South Caroltaa and Ninth street JOHN 8 CHOCKKK. It M. HALL, GBOBOB M. OlDBON.

WM HABEEK. hAM'L OWBH, 1 HOMAb WABTlts, JOHN COOK, OS WATBB8, JAMES COBNELD. CAKI'EM F.H. ttlill tt STEPHENJB GOLDEN short course in art of HHOKT HAND withoat charge. First les-iu Tl the 14th, 6 ni 'it Ivt'J 7th street, Dr.


MAY, 14 'ttif Petibs) Iraoia euue. I HOUSE Of COOKSS Oc WAbHINOTON. Under authority from the Secretary of are now to roceive to 1KW LtAIS OF THI (7. 8. Information at all furnished.

lw JAY COOKF: A CO. rjUBE NOT It f. WORLD akould raaicaiber that tha beat vehicle to triake their wanu. partlcatarly la the Dis trict of Columbia. a bnuday paper, aid tfce Sunday paper of the Cheaapeak- region "THE OiPIlil Ed ttii by DON PIATT and UEOB'iE ALFKLD TOWNBBND.

In the Capital city eTerybady reads minutely and ttiorouKbly only ou Sundays. eEaminlm; airrttisemebts. am' getting even with the pact week THEBBFOBE ADVBBT1SB SI DATS. and to reachafirst rate daasot AKYKBT1HB IN THE CAPITAL. The CAPITAL come to stay' and to engraft itxs-ltupon the materia, and ileal mtereata of the Fidcral District.

It is the only literary paper pubItaLeri htrewtiicb a wide clrcu'ation itfth-- North and Weat aniong Influential claasea. Jt vuanicceas before It beinij ampir prorMed tor with ip- ana wirhlriends. it hex iu evei ind City of the country, and THK TIME T'? SECIKF PI.Al ES IT, AT THE 04 THE VVEKK. The oflce of THE CAPITAL at No 4 4S 1Kb street, between Pennsylvania and street. pen from tam ml 4 It That has obtained from the Supreme Court of the District of Oolnmbla.

holding a Special Term, let terr T'-tsnvntary. on the peraonal estate af JARRs MACKBOY. late of Waabington county, deceaaed. All having agailnst the said decraeed are hereby warned to exhibit the nne, witn the thereof, to nb scribee, on or before the 11th day of Rareh next, tbey may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit ot the said estate Given under my hand H'h day of March. 1871.

MAKY I her mark I HACKBOT.Bxecutrix. Witress WEBSTBB. uihlt lawlw' pBKT ORAXD OP THIS SEASON II MII.LDiEfiT AND FANCY H. MAbONlC TEMPLH OF t-ABHlOS, Corner of Hiatb and Witl open on WBDIBBDAT. Rarch 1971.

at 9 o'clock 0PB1NO IMPORTATION OF Brnsaeka and London PATTBBK BOBNBTS and BATS. Also, la FBJ GOODS. 2t The Latest Hovelti't in FBBNCH WILLIAM BBCBBT, Pimservmmm and Omrdenrr, atreet, between Mtb and streets, WaebtDgtea. D. 0.

All offline (Bade and and Shrubbery VHB fumUhwl and planted, pre pgr it Sfculiil to and apddcd. AU work carefully attended to. aad having bad thirty experience with the late Peirce, I can guarantee aa-stmasS 143T PENNSTLYARIA AYBNUB, Baa just opened several Broadway Spring Style 97and 98. mto st CHINA. CUTLBBT.

ABO PLATED WABB We are now recnlrlng large in.oiceeof above Ooode for the spriag trade. to we invite special attention of all As we have our mannfactuied to order, it enanl? to sell rood articles at low arte bi WEBB A BE RBI DOE. Odd Fell 'We' Ball, 7tb atreet. ft A A SOU BOSH ELS NORWAY OATS. F'w St' yo, PBU'B AO PKB Bi'SBBL est rcct it cd and for sale by COS PBNBSYLYABIA AYENVB Bill 3t Opvoalte ReuspoUtaei Hotel, WANTS.

YV VRl'O LftIK Aaa-y 11Ol Ttk ttrNt, eoraor t( i' Vi'A NTID-A preterrad. MTU Mil). ranMb? a good waeh M.d ifoa App'y 11 19 Ittli street mil VV'ANTltf-A wh. uaAer'? ttiLdo A ma. a ureal VV HOBSC BUu-JY will par Apaly 991 street north wet.

to 5 o'clock mil U' ANTED- By mi to do Mi plain or keeper df-es Star Office. by th or month. Thoroughly nr. crttunt dothr-. Ad Georgetown Post ('flic.

Hoi in It SITUATION Hid gi s.oee. 1 by pouag nu'j who ha? had in Utn well rv 'in App kent;" Orttce. sM-)' .1 vv BAKHKH. Mi) Pennsylvania betweeu Wlb lllb H' PAIL BONAVIBEa well nnanled WOMEN to Imp paid trim th- Ap ply by letter. AJJrtH- L.cV 10U.

City nibre. tciiii RN1SHI1' housekeeping, or a ntni.h-i llouv. i 4tb Mid Hud aa I a i stating t- rm? and ginr.g kxv.ioa aad de acriyti L. U.r UBM ttrwt. WANT ED-BOOMS for housekeeping; partly fmrnh objection To itinly or enbort's if to A ldreas, prico an at.on.

B. 0 Star Ofti e. Kit St rent. by Aprii lit. L'a FUB ISU ED jo by i ycuii? a st'i.

couple. Location ivkuis Addrs-n Bok OSIcr. 4c. nihil tt a ronnc coiorMi nun. a 8ITCA IUB coar or Can raal and rK aini! 'in Willmv at ho.

171a N. W. mil WAhTKB-HorsK byUtoC April.b?If md 7tli and Itili and and with an or r. uai? wat- Mid ata PBBUAJSBNT TEHABT. HIT mil UL'AkTtD-Rr If jrounx SITU A acn-'k.

aaaUt in watblLf it would do dicinK room work and aaaint in wvh int. w. nld 1 aTetue cilr with any coauax I.ark axaio. and ia capable of taking car of a for th? a and or would Mll.or wait on a lady uo to tba country. Uood iriVsn Ploaar call at Mb and 1 Noae Lint a pritai' tauiily apply.

mlt a lady foiix to San Calltoraia. a competent BUB8S. Ad.lreaa Star mbU if A Bakar BhlS-it' WABTBD-An OPEBATOK on i Bewiiij MachlnfH Apply Mo la anU W. mil INTELLIGENT MBjTHen gaga in a ligbt outdoor couatantfm Slornient. Applr at B.

1 7th at Hir. A 10 a and an I 8 ni mI3 WHITE LACN a wfcife Oirl or iman atoic WOMAN wbo iiiideratandndfing acd Ilk Appiytur addrraa at WOT at. W. ml." U'AKTRI old of a PAHTNEB with tt go Into a tnarnfar'aring biit'neMt with name. Poet Boa 5il.

in It ilia 1MU inatAat. two BooMH. -tuitablfl for in Donth Ad TEN ANT. Box Star Of'ca. and location WANTED-EMPLOY? BBT by a Ad or at No.

ITSi lrania aven tie tn lltt' A PI'S'? ITCBE aii had a by applyii.c at No. Pinn-ylTai ia ayenne. anhlo lm" WANTED? An AtiENT or will 'Wlpitent right foj Mirtlntid, Virginia and D. C. Apply to W- BOOlNE, corner QlaryUtid an4 lOtti atrret.

talJ to the Pinkie A Lyon Ma hint), theoulf one in nae that baian InterrbanguAbfc Ptn-d and BaJ -a's Belt 3t Qenoral Ageacr Pann a are. f-JT lm" W'AlfTll) TO a reip from tfce flrat of November neit till a large, well bntlt, unfttrtiished HOCbB.inacou central ItKation Mnat have ar th? modern imprux and be in fi rat rate ord-r A house lat iuc aonih. and with a good yard, tnuch prafetrrd. Addreas, and locati McLELLAM A BEI.L. fef tu th a No ill ED TO BOBKOW-MONEY.

Uimma ot aeren to Are thou-a'id. Ttia Ik real eatate givea Ten per ceut per anutia paid. AdJreaa B-'X No lm" and CAST uTK CLOTUINO. OUNt). BEVOLVEKB.

DIAMONDS, at A. COHEN Loan Office, KM 1 7th atroet. A r. by mail attended to A.COHEN janJu ly WANTEP-New and caat oB CLOTH 1N(J, DIAMONDS. WATCHES.

OLD OOlD and SILVER. GTNS. BEVOLVEKS. and all PEHSOMAL PBOPEBTT. The price will be pai.i at OLD CUUiStIAN LOAN OPF1CC, 314 9th atreet, betweeu anJ avenue.

KOBEUT ri LTON A CO. ANT for one or (Jo-jI i and for the benefit ot tb? wotkiag people Address immudiatel)," A. B. No. Mtwaouri avenne ocg Mid CA8T0FF CLOTH I NO, ATCHES.

BEVOLV BBS. Ac Ac, for whuh raah be paid, at U.K. Fl'LTON'S Loaa Offica, 14H4 Pa. avenue, between 12tb aad 13th ata. ocl7 GENTS NATIONAL CAPt A TOL LIFE INBUBANCE OOMPANT.llO? Pennsf lvania aveoue.

Hon Emery will give employment aa Special Agenta and to geatlemen of good Waantngton and Georgetown. Apply at the office. jy7-tt Bepub. and Chron I BE the iMgealrea, at HEMPLEBS Optician Store, near National Hotel. aaU-tf LOST AND FOUND.

amAll light brown DOG, (puppy.) white apot on fere head and I re itt A reward ot EX if retutnad to No. 711 4th street betw. en and H. -Cr IVOl ruapmeiiig on the pretniaea ol the acrib'f. onThe 3d inst Hl.atlK COW.

vary thin in tteali, and giving a Iuaatity of uiilk from thrao teata. Th- a a i to come It rward. prove pay (bat get, and take her awar. JAMB4 AKNOLD. mlil4 kburn, near Good li BEW from my prtmiaei.

on Mli inataii t. one red and whit ipott-d OOW; loiig rna Any person that will any information, or retain bar to mv preinl Sbermaa ai enae. abowe the between tli and K'tli atrtets. N. receive the aloie reward.

mil JOIIN KEEFE. Saturday evenirg. 11th of March. betwe. 1 -tra -ta on 6tl? street, a pair of OOLD 81'BCTAI LES marked Herbert The tirder will rewarded re tarring to thuowuer HEUBEBT.

ttrret. mlt Sunday. March an ASTKAK AN a Kt'B Bt'A. The finder wtll be rewarded by iB4 it at 1 street mil BOARDING. BOAKD1NU -With trout or reM BOOMS, tingle, or en tuite, can be had at 1 ft 1 4 old numbei 359) street, between K'tli xgil llth sts ml! Eligible and comfobtable booms.

near the Denartmentt, With Brst-elaaa Board, can be had at No. 1419 1 atreet on reasonable terms. Also. Table Boarders accommodated feJ tf F1BST OLABt) BOABD, WITH PEASANT TBONT BOOMS, to had on terms at 1901, cor. Pannaylvaala avenue and 19tb atreet.

Good location aad accessible mMi-ly PROFESSIONAL. YBPEPS1A AND LIVEB COMPLAINT-'lM POBTANT MEDICAL NOTICE -Dr. ABM ST BONG A from Medical and Surgical Univer 41 tiea and Hoapftaiaof Edmburg. tiew Tnrk. PniladeipLia.

have opened an office at 4 1 13th atreet. coiner Washington, D. where they are prepared to enre the ab diaeasea by an eatirely new mwth'd without Alcohelic Spirits. Marcury, or starving the patiem, or nnpleaaant medlcinee, and in a mooti shorter time than eipenaive travel, change of oil mate. Ac.

The climate of Washington aa wall as tta society and stnToundlags. makes It the most desirable city in this country for tba treatment of claaaof comnlainta. from a diatance boarded reasonably The majority of the ilia of lite arise from Drapepeia and Liver Complaint, we hAve cer tilicatee ol rnree frOat the oidest, wealthiest, and moat respectable citizens of Waahlngtan and other dtiraicaaea ot loac standing nippoaed to be tweurable I Coutoltatlon fee, 92 OU. OoasultaHofubr Utteralso. mh? DB.

THOMPSON. temmU 108 4H atreet, south of Pennsvlraaia atrenua. All ia need of a reliable and eiperitneed Phrsiciaa sboald call. Immediate tucceat insured for a moderate charge Twenty years'suecees. tn att.ndaaee.

rVM 0. M. FOED HAS BEMOVED HIS or uJ Ace and residence ta 134 Peiuity Ivaaia avenue, between let and atreeta eaat PJAMES B. WLLLTAMS, OFFICE SOUTH B10E LOUISIANA AVENUE ha. 4B4, batweaa 4S and 4th streets, a few east of Barb Law Buiiduig, WASHINGTON.

D. 0. Law. del7 tf JOHN F. HABNA.

attobney AT LAW. BO. 9 Young's Law Bailding, deS-tf P. 0. sr Fonr-ana a half street, Waahtftrtcm, 0., Pi.m*utee claims Cnlted etetuiv ely before the Court of Claims aad supreme toun ol the Caited Mates.

DWABP Li (Late L'. B. Distriot Attarnsr.t attorney AND COW'BSBLLOB AT UW. practiceiu tbe eupreme Coatt of United Gonrt of and all the Coatts of the District. Prompt attention givn to tue of Claims.

Office, 444 Ol'r Hail. QB. OAOLE1BLD9 CLASSES 410 IHBTEOMENTAL BOTIO, Al IMOI FOR SAUI AJTD RENT. Ml B.hall Kclmxl-ri M. tut.

p. 1466 Rhode I L'ob sent-a rtutt Bo II. WiWMl lit BtM 1 i UlJ. all L'l'B SALK PPLANO I of IM with sapr for SvIm Pa rr. Apply to Pr.

ANTIbELL. Mill and m. mhl4 HorsfroFirsT and part or the Fl BM1I KK FOB 8ALE-H onse N't dnoriBTtkot an.1 gas to LaTIMKR A 1 LEAHY, Antlwnori ati 14 tf i betw? en )oiP i I -'6 nd son Hi. ted H. A nmr, of (or lim it or II fin? Wxhi'tton.

ic MINS1N 3c BARCLAY, mill! OB -81 BUBBAB eh. two AT MOUNT PLEAHA ST. an of lend d. well f-nced in with a stable. tyring payment.

B. BHWN, corner street and Sew iuM4-tr I Mi! IrOBRAlK iCT8 OK OK BABY LAND between and td east Ih-aeare bliM'U lata. i I'atk. and the resi b-nc 11 Dim aaJ In lg'? Artly JOHN ANNA. it Lew.

mblldtl Lit' Btiitdtug FODBhTORY BRICK "IF. AND LOT. with a atory butMir.g am-, thirteen rocsa, with modern impr metts. being a first lass and in a trouiDg betwww. MrHU WMt.

We House Any -hing information abont pries til car. tail on GRBEN WILLIAMS Auction coiner 7th and nihil Iw rPWO FURVlhllEU I FOR RENT-Suitable for Applj No. between 4th and Sth eta. nihil FOB REBT-A BLACKSMITH an! BUOP la BU'bnub'ire. Ud In iBiro iib the prmiwii.

oi OIlAb PAR KKR. lid. mil 3 K. nmnicaltaj BouV rl, aa lor twn Mlw-piuc Buoai.i. hot and with or withcot Board.

lull It" Li-OI! itori BKKJK UOl'tE bitck 4 with all th" itopr P.iw?mi?d April l3t. Reel 9 to K. LA V. IJIIj Dlj ItJ to purrbw HOUBB, eight and watar. K.

Alao. two BRICKS, A Llfc Bn.l Lot 4uiU? OBO. A. LANE. Kgrwt W.

BiU If BBNT-A atw BB10K HO USB. eontaminp oiaa and rooB.will (or tiOBitf for Diati and wfto. On and wstor front bmrk and bar window. Meinw By piaoo and oil painting in Mi? on the 1 J3 1 Tit W. mlJ Cm KBNT -Ob? PABLOBoo th? fnrmitbrA, ati4 two aittiog room and bonne; water throngb.

from tlie No ftb and Ui h.B..nth Washington. ml66t RltS1DENI 1 4 i' VtKKKT yUB 8A LE AT A Lot 114. an corner of utrset ba? ewjht and bath and kircbrn Jroctsaontb and eaut, witli u. trout aad at iiC Honai- rear1 SO? -j Iaw balanra in two, and four yean, with 7 Ct-at. I oh Inquire ot JA8PKB SAB Hit an lh?" prw.iwt.

BEBT- BRICK. DWELLING 4 7 street, Ij i i re l'J4 streat nil il' t'OR BBNT- BB1CK HOLsEof t-n Slo 1 If'T ob I4lb W. Ml'RPHY Giocei. No. 945 atuet, Conx-r 1'itU, B.W.

mil BEN1-BRIOK DV ELLINO. 601 I and 6fh uortbweat. 9 roouiii; i. ta 9'" ra Apply to Wit. HCRLKV Real Af ftil S'i'i I street northweet.

mil fMiB HOVsl of ait roov. lot 13x4A Maryland BTenae and id to J. il KNOTT. in 11 N). 1000 corc 'r l-1 h.

FM'R SALE- ft.000 asK will a BRICK BK81DBNCK. ten ta'b io4 water and Baa. in good cidBr. Addreas. aitb name.

521, Post uScs 11 it L'Ok RENT-A thrr- story KKA.ME eood C' odition. containing rooms, on the b- rtb side of tlaa-iachnsetts between North Capitol 1st street W. Sli per ni-titb It iO rt Bt street N. ni 11 L'bt RENT- hol'SB. of four rornis woC'l shed, large eardeu between 11th and IStb E.

In ijtrtre of Dr. U1TE, 15th street. tit- fc. Treasury. nihll-tf L'oh BENT-BKITk HOUBE.

11 with Brick Stable, ou tat street between Baud sfrtets north B-rit per tn B'rats'ote r-rner KBd 1st streets. OALLIOAN" l'J7 ljili H'rett west, between Bad street- north mil It" 8ALE-On street, two I N')rthf-m twe -story UOl'dE. with basement. brick front. 9 bl.

1 (as. stat to a Si I pared alley Must soli i of H. TLCKEIS. iOi street N. Vi near City Hall.

11 L'Oli BEE BT' 'BT FHAME HOL'BE on itb itreet road, this eide of Howard Dni rertlty.ct.titaibins 11 rooms. ataMe.cBrna^e-b.nse; with cue acre of gronnd tilUd with trait Ac. 1UREB 8T0RY BBK HOISB. No. 14ST -t.

between atid streets, with 11 ms, bathrc-om. a id water NEW BB1CK HOl'SE. No lli'Jl Tith street between and with 6 cellar. and THBHB BTOBY BB1CR HOCSEfN Sth street and stresia. wltb rooms.

PRAMB Hol'fE, No 1110 street N. with 4 and cellar. BRICK HOUBK iB Philadelphia Bow. on 11th street eaat. with hot and told water, Ac.

Beat In'inire ol JOB. BELLI. V. Real Bstafe Ae ut. No.

90U itb street N. Bts. ill 3t L-OR BENT-A very handsome BOOM lnyttire at 4b3 atenne. between and 6tb streets. mhli) BALK-BABE I of five wtth lot, on street north side.

utb nnd 1Mb. only 91.7U0. 16'down. 9tS monthly D. WELL8.

419 7tb opposite Post Offlcs. ten room BBICK HOI situated on Utb straet aud on In.piire of JANE PABBHAM. 1103 strBet W. mh9 BENT-PBAMB house. thFM storiea.on 1 22d street, went side, between Penn'a avenue tnd I street, adjoii.UKalley Bent 25 per of J.

bntwlble orer Stinemet7's Hat t' ie. avenite. L'OB No. 313 Pa a first class stand tor a restaurant or store. has Pa areni.e.

Metrepolitao i- adapted Ms boarditiR house. In.jnire at 100? 1 street. story FBAILE HWUsB on H'th street, southwest corner. Also, two twotiory Irsraes and ba? nn-nt HOUBES. on tirset, bttween snd N.

Also, one STORE on street, between Utb aud sts Apply to JOHN ENTVk ISLE. Pean'Barenas. eolt" BENT-HOI bE Street. 11 rooms, near Treasury Department; water and gas In imre at 131M Rent per mouth Mclaughlin ms BRICK on Turner street: one on street, six rooms each, at. 1 one on 9tb street, ten rooms Terms easr.

lb mire at 919 street. HOCSE witb ten rcnims. stable, Ac with htteen acres oi land, on the Washinr ton and Alexandria turnpike the cars stop opp-'Site to the door; it would be a sit nation for a garden, dairy or drover's yard. Apply to HUM AH W. BWANK.

m7 L'l SALB-A four st ry BBICK HOUBK. in a (ttitral part ot the city, facing Pennsylvania avenue, containing 16 rooms; gas and water, large, sued cellar; two story Baok BwUdiag. aud Stable for two horses aud carriage. A DEBIBALK BUILDINiJ LOT on PenntyWaala avenue, between 1st and 2d stre ts east, ruumug back to street aomtb. For further sartlculara.

ininire at CBABLEB the City Hall, mh 7 1m rvrricB rooms fob bbnt. at bob and A07 street. N. one suuara west ot Oity Hall. mh l-tl FOB BALB-Two BB10K H006KB on between lltb and lMh.N.

price BS.7W. Alt two FRAME HODBBB-om at one at WO. All on easy terms. Apply te LITCHFIELD A ACGBKRTON. Bnilders.

mht lm Corner st. and Hew Tork bt. F'OB BALK? FfFst-ckaas BUILDING LOTS 'anting the targest circle in the city; hare an original terrace oftra feet; rna hark to a wide 'fulKl sn the southeast corner mJ-tw BTOTZ, corner lltb and streets. mh3 L'IBMbHED PABLOB8 AND for rent, from fl to BIO amoatb. without board, at 319 Pennsylvania avenue, between Sd and 4H streets.

Btagls rseaas and board, B5: bosd ssid ledgfag. 3i per wBek tehi PRIVATE hsaatltul BBB1DBNOB called Dunbartou on the road from Marce's Mill about tH miles from Waahlngten, DC. Tie place contains ahant twenty 4hree acres at land, tm proved by a mansion house, containing eighteen rooms, and two snail ootmges.woe Matainiag aix roooss and the other three; ice barn, Ac There are about aeven acres of grape In bearing. Ctrs, peaches atd other fruits. The view Irom the tise is one ot the fineat In the District.

Any one drsiriog a fins country resldeats would do well to call and examine this property. Fur terms apply th? or by lettBr addressed to J.B KB AS BET, Washington, D-C. fe? tf Thobk dbbTbIno country propbbty will Atd it to their toca'la: the Na tional Real Estate AgeMf fOlBct nnsyK tnia avenue, where an axteusire of will be fumisMd. feJJ tf OLABK A CO. FOR SAU? 49D RENT.

To bo tfltillM ILLIHOi etore Martav of 4fh wdHfmti.l 1-4 nail low Tb? WD 1 fa In tMftoBBe, aad will (Mr ia J(AlK WIDtl. Bu. L'OK MikA i-tj BUILDINO I ia earth of ft 1Kb I irk Bireet pa-1 Jn (ront; alleMr fiu 8 1 r-Mrt Awn rw? 4 ym oaea. to be ench Applv at I.IUTthwM.h W. inhJ iw L't'R HALF AT A BAEGAlK-A durable etoty COTTAGE I lath afreet.

ted P. rontammi rvia? tc1 bath clvwti lbr.u*n?at Mow lateat 'tvlegea a-M IWr by Its feet. to a aha.1* M.d treee, Ac. EjH'B BAI.8? I GW-? th-.

new rchnetrei, r--ni. twop.rth?a irmt.a tnil UM iht 1 ft Mh III Oft atalia. x-cnpi-4tT Thorn 1 J. 4 ftrdT. TTV 1.1 Uiin.on aorta.

betw-ea 9inftadLb Part of LOT 3. it' 8J llathl. itwi. and T. TB aub II iM T5 ajear 3N II.

-n atreeta. KIM'ALL tul DWELLING W. AprU 4 PI.AhfcON"8, No. 4 A Builiiaf. atreeta.

fe 13 Air bt room OOTT AGE part 1 lm. ft HU( I'M. uil tt. (ith. ro.

ru HUHSKS, 22 fit mon'h. Dt VAS ttfdiif. n-W lm" WTOBBfcOOrf. With wl'fc out 8TIAM I to FOLKinUOBN WO tm 6th 7th. bALK-A hm- BBICK HOL'SB, 12 M.l ur.j- k-bhi'i.

lot IV frott. ob O. PfK'c PUB SALS. ft atorr BBK'ft HOCBB.I on llth Kctwreg oa IjOI tiBoWicbMf. B.

HALL. ibll 0 F'OB th? ro ja br.d aortbwMt Bor Ura to LATIMKB ft CLBftBT. ftoct: Km! Batata BrtkNI. 1 GKM WILLIAMM.U 8 A aod of tb? coai'itt mHMHbiati h. thi'dtr.

A goo4 tvnbst vtu ba tha of ft I area ftad vftlBftbMi ooUacttoc of oti yftlntings. 44-tf F'OB atory BltlUB HOCBB.a^bt roona. Bo. tti strait. North CnlM lat ratr of tb? OfB'a Beat 98 par aoatfa.

o( P. LVA HV-aaitdnor tf yUK BALE Una BBYcft UUUsB. ITJ4 l4tb itrMI r.jrtbweat Twj BRICK EOViZS oc Tnra-f batwaaa fth and lOtfi anl an DMtbwoat Oua HODBB oa atroaU Mvmi 4th aad HA. Oa? BBIC'K HOC8B on 9tA Batvavn uo borthwaat Ona BB1CK HOCbB. la BOW.

oa Cftftitol Hill. Oae BHIOK HOCSB oa atraat. batwaea lllc ac1 BB1CB HOD9B on itmt.bMaMtle* Jaraar avaaaa aad lat a- atii AM witb molern tmarovaoiauU aoA caw T. Aaaly TUOS. TBOHPSON, BoU tf J9i 9th aorthwaat.

F'OB B1NT-A ftad HOUSB, wttb all tba modarn altnatad oa tba corner of 17tb ftod 0 atraMa. For lanua ftud partltiUari 4ST Pannarlvaols ftaenaa. ooll tf OB 8ALB-A daaIrabU DOUBLE HOCSE. all modern tea rta on Id the city. Apply to SOS, ocV tf Ooraer atiaataodM T.

ftTenna FOR BEHT-A ftna OOUNTBY BBAT. fall tbe citT. w.ili trrea. Ac Bent 11 ALL A BObb. Beal Rrokera.

ftpll tt Corner 7tb a- i It atr SALE OB KX? HABOB. bO.OOO ACBES OP LAND Maron nnatr. N. Bine Btdze tbr v.v.i It in cnnntf.H a' flae landa. and itb choice fruit liftoate.

apple. Alao, arrea in SbanT on and Will for pr pjrtjr. or part cash and part in M. 8WETLAHD. Blorfc.

tnhll tf coiner ani) PABLOft a and CUAMBEBS, in ft with all^rc tmproTement, aud in a baantlfnl aitaatioa. aontfc nt. la tbe Elrat Ward. ooruar 1Kb and ttreeu: Bu. SOOt.

oc 19 dli FOB BOOMS In tba Hbepherd Bcildiac. PenntTiTania atda feM-tf BOOKS, STATIONERY, Etc. I'HE EDlSfclBGH REVIEW. TUB LONDON QOARTERLV THE WE2TM1NS1BB BEWIW. 1HE NORTH BRITISH iary, ApriUJuly.O.

tober 3 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. A h0 -mull y. TERMo for any one Beview. 5 4 00 per aatnm. For aij) two 00 For an) ItTirai 10 CO all four OO For Blackwot.4 a 4 on K.

Blackwood and one RrTiew 7 OO Por Blackwood and any 10 00 acd tUree 13 00 For BlMkwood aud the loar Raaiewa. 14 00 Single lumber of a Review. 51 single of BiackwooU. 34 81BSCBIPTION8 RECEIVED BT BLA1CHABB ft BOBl rOBNER PENNSYLVANIA ftTKftUft AND mh6 tr 11th STBEIT. Ol'R OIBLB.

by D10 Lrwra. Opportr.nitiea. by anthor of Wile Wide World. The Open Door; or. aal Liberty.

5m.tb. Westward bT Ball. F. Baa. Cbipa from a detain Workshop Curtin'a Hiatory of Oraece.

Fol. I The Daact-nt cf Man by Darwin. Ad Cleram. by tbe amber o( Bcra Dena. Tba Two and other E.

Buknateth. For aftlr by WM. BALLANTTN B. mb4 tf 40it 7th nlding Beb. r.



PBBBSrLTftBlft ATB30B OR elecast FCBNITCBB tor aale ftt Bo. 310 atreet, between 4S and Sd -treeta. Ibquirpan the pramiaaa. iftUftt IT S. ftPPBAISEBB ST0BE3.

PH1LADEL I. PH1A. PA OFFICE OF March. Kl SeaJed Propoaala will be received at the Office of tbe Baperifttendent antll IB a. ol the STih or Makth.

US? 1. for nttiat and Put 1 Skatteri aa4 Doori ting Is Place tba Iron Shatura aad of the C. Appraiaerl Storea. Philadalptua. aa abown br Arawinga Noa.

8,11 aad 15, the achedale aad tbia advert iaentaat will ba mada monthly, oa the aatimate of tbe Snperintendent of the value of aucb work be cemaleted and ia place ta the baildtu. the rate of 90 per eeat 10 per canfc to be withh I 11 ofr tbaToeiric The work will reqnlre to be all completed and put la place with ia three moafha after tbe eeaUact ia and the caatractoraai been notified to on wr the work. Plana and of the ahnttera formi far tropoaala can be obtained oa applioati tA the Sop. rinteudent. Blddere will alec be ormitted to submit pr poeali bAaed on their own explanatory agd apeciflcfttiona of aluch most accompany the All be accompanied br a penal bond In thftt tbe bidder will the aum of tea tboaaand dottaro, that tbe bidder will accept and perform the contract If awarded him the anfficiencpof ibeeectiritr to he rartiAed by (J.

B. Judge, clerk of tlie U. Court or Diatrict Attor iter of the diaUwt where he neidia. Tbedt-partment reeerraethr rigkt tore.ieot ftnyorftll if it be deemed to the fotereetef the le and any hid that la not made on the printed 'orm to be obtained In thia oftce aad Aoea 00a form in every tbe of tkie advert iaement. will aot Lecooaidrred.

neither will any peeala br received from who are not ihtni-elvaaeagared in maau'actara of ebutWa. aad who base aat iheaeoeaaary faci gattiug oat tbe work. rrcpoaalaamit be Ftra preof 8b 11 tero.Apiraiaet#Storea. PalladelpAjaj Prua.yl vatia CHAftLAB S. CLOSE.

KhUWt saperlateadaat. BUSINESS CHANCES. A pIlk cTot-k AM) lit B-gh low mhW A bakb cba jobb BrxllIM BlDB BCt IBBPSatlacb-d. e. IB IhaKet lOi a im tl Ib rtf rwn.

With re trade. the prefect cttrr biiM (tx 'Bait Wo Ml'f 0 InilT' it u4 Kt b- iln batwaaa and By atraere iocm untiu pat I AM to win PL ia tb? or Pn (fl e. A TO fW.JOB. OaBBAL IMATI BOTE- rTt, Apply to A UAlMtai A I44A drH MkLt rv Or. i ery ctHnm Bt and corthweet.

Tl.eoapei of ta.l<*?Ft. mhll Citf MMv.m ABKBPONTiBLB I'AKTI. HAVINO caa tr It Is it. th- r- try Mint NaBth Itril. DMr IcL LoABe klUnTiATII.

Wi.l.n* to R-al not ia ii if' All the n-c. Mai pn-'? at my Partiea havirr may p-ieeihle ii. rt.M I lltv A BM'M. I calling me WsHO BT CO 51 A 1. M'? BoltRRR.

Hi kar, lot roroer at I Btb 'I'M II A I IM. i'S kML Apply to a parneillE. niH tl TO LOAN PrRNM 1 VaMA OOt? Uv uri rth rtr JLAB BJYLB Co fel tf Alt 7th atraat Cr HI TO I1.9M TO to piaee in a paying aad* var I aoAMttioe XIX UtCAOO AHD tTT LOUIS TBOrBBTf I oflar o( riBMTCLABB rBorBBTT In ctrtaa for roal la wall HALL KLAL hSTATk. ff corner 7tA iTli A two Iriacb roof BOWIS Mt IWI for two lata.

fr mt aacb at.d kit? lor tba na a la MAIL. JlbTU PAID FA IB PB1CBS Ladlae and rbiMmia ONO A I'BOBBOLOTM 1MU. mOEfe. 1c 41B 9th atraat aiid Tlh lotohrnM pr uiBlr to It B'wd at BACK Wb) IM BO HIMBCti-Tha UTBBB Of Ihe ki(Lwi M- an mt lititl. bulht woiilnTCl rhaniiu L'kt.

KaMlInc I'aat aad Lila, aad healiitc Ac Ac Call at Bo 1TOM frotu 17th (tract n. C. ii I KOKTTNl lukHAB -I a raah. adorer 510 w.thic tw? tr telling KortnriwB, by a that I ai faavw tailed to Mtiafai uup. ai.d bw tta 1 will f-ua I at Wl.

tSat will and at.y to make 9B) day Addr-aa O. Til Third imw. N.w Tark city. V. 1W (VollCE Of or BKB-HIP.

The pffrtvrxh'p herat' fore in the nana HIHT CAMPBELL. Blei tua g( HI 1 JO A AM HELL, if thm di? Dih 11 JOSEPH HBIM1 DK LEOB ha. retr.rijed to tbecity th'a inc. alii Boa Lis atcniH. mhl I LAI'Y who arii lr- -J aticuld aea nir alNtant Oatn il Caa? ai hbxeti.

ot rara leaiCB (cueaunlad aoyvhore n.h9 liAi' T'BIB' E. rtreal. Kti I 1 kkkC'H. r-n-' i'l tff Mt Hmm. can a ah time at 6th a at I mh A KB TBB BEPT OK IT 5u ANH SEE 'Ll? dabby>:'a 4 Pa aTaaiaa.

ptt I rtu? all he pi omlM lor lad ea. tw 1MPOBTAMT Tl HBEB. in Ottif All IB ahlacall. Baecaas maured when all Bo hunit'iurciBC wttk a-orthUaeniedlcmaa: Mu.AO 11- I'HK FKEBrtt FBMALE PILLS OB will hafoand tba aaaieat and certain ij that cau ba tor all Diffimitiaa, Ac Ir whatenar aua It la acconnt of thin that thai aid tak- by prrgtiftBt tt-malea tha flrat tbraa ni' aa it certain be Othca lis attaet. B.

bat fth lJth at I Ktl. tell MBB HAWTKR.Ct're^di:. H'tt AT'ii'am, caa ha tad at har Ha. 312 7th at Inland, betwntn and all naiiieaa. and futore IVBBTBD-Bverybody to Eaow, that tt KlCHABDbOB canootwBitoB Eyerrh aa virday.

with hla Loaf Lard at Paitar Pukled Park. 1X'? canta: Sofar Onied Bb ildara. L.S or It cut. Bugar Curad Ham Brvakfaat Bacon. Bat will ba (lad to a'l ttioae I c.

aid not or. at tha tima dunivc other (laya of the weak, at th? aaui' aad Nor there BatEeta. fe." i pi M. i. ruaci'i LO.l.V OFFICE, lb PBBKaYLVABIA ATIM'B OF STAUkS.I BAZAK FOB THE BALK or UNREDEEMED GOODS fal tr OBPEBBEATH.

1'HB BBLDAL OHAHBBB BB0ATB FOB 1 TOCNH BEB- odgreat BtPClAL BV1LB aod ABTBBB, which interfere with ABBlAUE-wltB nraBaana of rellaf far tha Brringaa.d I'Btorlnnata. diaeaaad and debilitated Bant fraa la (JOMSC raveloaaa. Addraaa HOB A kO Ninth PBItadalphia. Pa jait fca LT Dt LBOB. 14 Bnh atiaat.abowa PecBarlrMilaarrBtia.

Ha gaarantaea a epaady cere of all Venaraal aad B) phlutlc Diaeaaaa, or bo Tb dealr'tj aimeBt aboald 1b the Doctor at onoa Ha la tha oXtft phyaMtanfor aacfe in the City, and hU treatment the moat with OEUAH1C BAB Esrv aad the many kindred afllicti arialng It a Bablra at imprudence, are oflered a permanent care in tha rteat time wn' fm par man. Mn: to 1, to to 8. Oorraapondence -a. Aentlal. deU OBB te BBOW.

that tba Ooaipaoy a Office lor the stager lewlag Bachlnaa, at T17 Barket Spaoa daU DB MOTT'S TRENCH POWDBRs. ChKTAIX CURE for SerToaa Emla aioca caaaed hr tadlacr-tiun. Ooaorbaa. Scrofula, Bkin Ptiaaai. Syphilia.

la all iu toraa. apeeAUy cured. a Vkparta nf Unm'1'4. by mail to amy part tbe coantry ia a aaalad Ckage on reoeiatof ft. the prio- p-r hoi AdBtPr.

H. BUTT A Co, bos 44T, Baitim I MA. jit lf I th aa who Talae their atght ta If knoa that the I-eat "ONE O'LLABbPEOTACLE ia the onutry ia accarataly to tha eieaight by II. HEB PLEB. th- Optl.

ian. 4S atreet aad ateuue bapot tor of all kinda. jail MlHBBAM HOODBV-B ao highly raoommetidad by good BAI FAUTOBT, 4B9 Ah atraat. Utwaen aad K. aa lP-tf A Hi BBBBABB FROM THB aale at a barcaia, bound of tba OOLVBBIA CHBOB1CLB for tba yaara ISM aod 1417, aad tha rBEBBAB JOCBBAL for tha UU ami la good Laauira at tbeooaattag of HB BVKB llO STAB, wbara tba vol btmrtil.

)B4tf LAIIBB BLrrBBlBQ TBOB IBBBOULAB1 Aar ooaplaint aarallar to tbatr aa. aboaid cocbda la DB. LBOB, tba only reliable aad oUUtt uhMiiM Phyaldaa for each ipaclallf la tba city Lad lea daalriag traataaal oaTrapoaa to baa the atmoat cod Ad? ca Ha aapacially a caU baa thoaa wba kaai baac deceived aad awtadled by the many hambaai aad atlN taaiBi lafaattag tba cuy A apeaR cure ta gtiaranned la all oaaaa tyranriiau fm jtiib nrtaaaa atrtctly Boara-B to 1, I to 4,1 la araaaa. BlBi I will act aaad anything at all withbe ainay oa band Bay pMann wBUnx aa order pleaae aaad th? nev aad aa basada. BOBBOT.

50,000 II hara oa baad BOO URAKD ORlA thia trom oue foot to tani taat nigh. Price 11 foot I yaara eaparlaBca to wu that April la tba beat ttae far plaatiag Bagriolia. I aaat trtea before oaly aingla ordar. bat I loat aevaral. for reae 1 will not aaad anything at all with oat to giva me an anawer will ba Borlolk.

Boi 31B. BINIATUBB PABLOB PAW FT TUB11B AMD tAL 1 Aigi'I L. BILI) A BBO.B tacfcmaat for iBantmaletll figntea into life by ittik. Maautartared aad for aaje at 4KB 11th atraat between P'aiKylraala avenue aad atraat. oaly tLW.

aad Mill BBBK BEEF1: VFO TO TBI OORBER OF PlXTH AND 0 atrewtaB.W.TV* TBB BBBF ia tbactty. aad at tba Uwaat TBUBTAB4.BB caa ba bad there alao abl Ua LIBT ABD RAO flABPBTA WOFB 1 TO OBDLB at lartoty. the tjar af aajr Ctearbtore. W. BRABDBBBUBU.


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