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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 15

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Fos WOR SAL.E-THIS 18 I8 DUIDI.DLYBER ofered-N. J. 2 etarm Vodt 4ph $ar a 8 e. rnoma. bath sad tumsh ro toretoV boa in rear; lot k14S.

-f. froit rking; 30nal cash. balance atR per cent. all -sdb 0. U.

BRYANT. Wardet' 9th and-F. FOR SAL-RWPYNG FMO 3B.1 PEA MONTH; -toyadcellar hey In sp id lition; 4th anot air from 1D Park; goad lot; pmue alley. 0. X.

BRYANT. Warder bldg. 9th and F. FOR SALE To rent-payers and homnseekers: If you are tired paying rent call at 1403 n.e. Have 4 nice t-room bricks: a.m.i.: good neighborhood; near 3 car lines; only and 3 per esot money; terms to suit.

FOR SAkLF-BRICE 1101-UE THE OAFItol. on street: renting for $14 per month; price -aaly $1,500. And many other bargalna. Act o. Mr.

BRYANT. Warder 9th 4nd F. FOB SALE-1421 BINNEY MT. PL1SANTW; nearly new' 12-room dwelling; free on 3 sides; large reception hall: hot-water heat; cellar, lame porches in front and rear. arden, chicuea home, with or without furniture.

Jal7-3 FORl WELL-BUIlJr 7 ROOMS AND BATH BRICK HOUSE. 102 QUINCY ST. N.E. $3.001. $200 $80 PER MO.


B. WIlMER, REAL ERSTATE. 1220 ST. ja17-St FOR SALR-WOULDt EXCHANGE2117 BANCROFT 2111 8 15,000 1719 OREGON 11.01 2110 12.009 $. .,500 $6 N.

J. ....000 CALIFORNIA AVE. 19TH. S.E. 11.000 AVE.



ja17-3t FOR SALE-IN CHEVY CHASE-THE BEST BARgain ever offered in this ideal suburb-A thoroughly modern and handesmely nisdl residence olS rooms and bath; porcelain tab, electric jhis. house 70 feet front; lot 100x125. cc. If sold thLi month, $9,500. Could not be duplicated for $12.500.

Address Bo 28, Star ofce. FOR SALE--ON MORRIS ROAD, ANACOSTIA. 6room frame; good lot. C(an sell to colored sa Price only $2,090. FRED.

W. ja17-3t 617 14th at. n.w. FOR SALE-BEST INVESTMENT IN 'WASHINGton-House 9 rooms and tile bath, n' p.e.; jist been pat In pesfeet emdItioa; stable; very large lot; must be sold to settle an estate. House about $7.000 to build.

Price, $4,400. P. EV ANS. 006 13th St. n.w.

Ja17-Ste FOR SALE-THIS IS A CHEAP $QE2-story beek: rooms and bath; an 12th at. n.e.; very easy terms; near car line. Price. $2,300. Ia16-9t 4ASCH 1107 et.

FOR SALE-ON CAPITOL HILL, WITHIN ONE square from East Cap. house No. 30 7th st. n.e.; pressed-brick front; a.L; 6 rsomts and bath; aery centsnient Price. $.400.

Ap to owner, at above number. jalS FOR SALE-AN OUT-OF-TOWM PARTY, NOT deslirig to retorn to Wsmhinytnm will a rge. home ao Prineats Columbia Heights; mew house: 3-story; 10 rooms; tiled bath, porcelain tub. This hoase is a model home. I wI sell for $7,500.

Address Mrs. M. Box 222. Star ome. FOR SALE-REDUCED TO those lovely houses of the north side of Wallach at.

bet. 13th and 14th; 2 stories; dry cellar; 7 large rooms and bath; lot 15290; alley. ja16-3t STONE FAIRFAX. 806 808 at. n.w.

FOR SALE-CHEAP AT LOVELY NEW house on a lettered near gov't printing ouce; 6 rooms, bath and cellar; lot 18x90; alley; worth $4,000. A good investment. ja16-3t STONE FAIRFAX. 806 805 at. n.w.

FOR SALE-VALUABLE PROPERTY AT A SACriflee; mast be sold to avoid foreclosure-2 comparatively new 3-sto brick houses; well rented; can be purchasd for recently apraised at $12.000 loan now due. 16-3t STONE FAIRFAX. 806 808 st. m.w. FOR SALE-WILL EXCHANGE FOR A RESIdeuce near 17th and price not to exceol 320.000.

We offer as part payment a 12-room house- lot 22x100; on St. near 14th; value $12 free and clear. ja16-3t STONE FAIRFAX. 806 808 et. n.w.

-FOR SALE-A VERY CHEAP HOME--A 2-STORY, bey-window brick dwelling. 6 rooms, bath, cellar; good lot. Room for stable. Within 2 sqa. of Iowa t'irle.

Price reduced to $4.250. Rents for $27.50. 1OE FAIRFAX, ja15-3t 906 808 FOR SALE-A CHEAP PRettRT IRSTclass I'reetmeat-Cost owner, leaving town, wIlI take $6.750. Rents for $5); should bring 30. West of 15th at.

n.w. en a through stret; 10 rooms, bath, elegant furnace: newly papered: Arst-class repair; lot 21x90; alley. ja15-3t STONE FAIRFAX. 806 808 at. n.w.

FOR SALE605 ST. N.W.-A GREAT BARGAIN. rnoms, bath, concrete cellar. LOT 19x104.6 TO PAVED ALLEY. Teres to suit.

H. CLAY STEWART SON. Is1S-8t 617 14th at. FOR SALE-OR EXCHlANIE--1822 NEW HAMPsire ave. Address or apply after 4:30 p.m.

1308 16th st. n.w. Will exchange preferably for mprored salt water property in Maryland or Vtrgiuls. Any reasonable offer whatever will be enterta ined- ja15-ta FOR ABOUT TO LEAVE Washingtvn offers following desirable investments: No. I-SrrTARLE FOR CONGRESSMAN; fronting Capitol grounds; 12 rooms and cellar; brown stone and btrick 25 ft.

front. 1O0 ft. Seep to paved alley; modern, well built a In perfect crder: $13.90. No. 2-BUi fINFS8 ND; small brick store and dwelling near car.

8th and Pa. ave. e.e.; $2.411. No. 3-Nearly new 9-room on are.

in best neighborhood 14.500. 4--Desirable and st sle dows town, fronting Smithsontan gtwends 2 Address "ARCHITECT," Star ee. 114-6t FOR SALETHE SENATE BILL TO EXTBND 13TH AND 14TH AND) 16TWH STS. IS IOhMING THE SALE, OIF I4 l'S AT NORTH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Yo.

must buy before fnot after) the eatension gthese greet thorougbfare If you wish to ret'e the large Increase in taine that is sure to' folloar. This property is located one square north of "H-led Manor" and eatende from 14th St. extended (not 14th 53t, resd) t0 Brigtwood ave. Lots 25 to 100 feet OntI by 75 to l150 feet deep to 15-foot Prices. 8b- to SMe.

a ft. Termar 810 to 8100 ca to 820 monthly oa each lot, or one-thitei cs, lance 1, 2 and 3 yeare. per cent off for cash. loamed te build at lst tates of Interest. No exchanuge etdeydfor city huu For full part'iclars telephase.

Drop potal ermcal for mn 4S.gUge astrated Carriage free to see the prapesty. FULTON R. GORDON, flM 14th st. n.y. BROKERS.

ATI'ENTION1'hn! an582 (OFFICE OPEN AT NIGHT FROM 7 TO 9. IN ADITION TO UMUAL DAILY HOURS. aM4-7t FOR SALE-OR EXCHA.NGE3-story, 119-om, bay-window brick un at na. het. 15th and bath In good condItion; -nr ey eIrV.

lal-tf E. W. HLMEN. 617 14th St. FOR SALE--CENiTRAL LIANTIO Maine.

1005-100N at. new, modern throughout. 14 bMlliard room, hot water heat, electric Ights. Comnut A. F.

FOX COMPANY M9 St. n.w- ja11-St FOB SALE--ON CAPITOL IIIL NEAR STANTON Square, one block from etuset ea seat fret; 9 rooms ad bath; tile-vestibules and bath rooms; porcelatn tub: saalary plumbing; 2 marmbe uweek. standa; elegat eshlnat Pries and gen tieulara at aese et de3l-tf D). D. THOMPSON, 1i n.w.

FOR SALE-THIS IS A BARG3AIN-8MALL PAYmeat eash. tuilsee to sntt--12th st. bet. ad m.e.; 2-story brick; 6 mooms and bath. Price, tieaeoffer.

D). D). THOMPSON. 12251. FOR SAtLE-MUT US WLD TO AN stat-1s0, 1332 and 13I6 I Ut.

nppsgite lbaaklla Park; huts 12 ft. bd14 ft. D. at EGDN. Executor, 1st at.

FOB SA1-10 YALE Sr. NI.W.- WRITEB MAX Ma Beset 18seem; two tiled bh; uteamn heat; ba et-clas edtisn. and nl amoem THU WA3KON LOAN AND TUgrW asal estate ATEANTIC CITY 3rATE. Atlantic City, N.Ja. ROlEI.S AND COlTAgEg FOB RENT AND SAL.e -o J.

A VC. mo su Aases B1Tynon PROPEUTY. FOR -ERmgTma cassenr. Nil' 5 PER GET gN UT FINE SMAUPIECE RUMgEm PUgnBRTL, BlEaT PART OF 0 gr. 3t.00., PEYlIl 56 PER CENT ER? OX ONE-F1r1rE 0a.s OR gm (ggT ggg.

CQUNT FOE AlL A 3. 3- W1MUE REALe EMA lfl GUSr. 3a17-kt A CAIH PVUAEE-A PII et peeperty beteeos Sih ami se4ti, t. awe. and 0 at.

25 Asst trea est lams them 100 deep A tm hew td rs Id w. p2.t FOR 14mc lf. alsmmene p30gnst am wsF a asmd isti te; -Ms 1300 agi36 an 3 g. amw.


B. WIM2, 9E5AL ySAU, 13 ja1T-3t FOR SALK-AT ONCE-LOT 48 FT. FRONT, 20 n'o is CamWII' rW 4.Uo0 to pay OWNER, 218 I at. a.w. FI 6-8 FOR SALE-TWO VERY XNIO el lots, eerb 18 ft.

fonat i il rty vall bot sides; N. Ca near ave.WR sea at a H. L. RUST, qM 14th at. n.w.

FOR SI2L-Tr CIBE WrATE-NOrwn AST corner 8th sao ste. 21' ft. ronst on 8th tt 215-fast on 4t. at a det Sevent dlt ir a-t nr at 80c. per foot.

groud a.e. for price. THOMAS J. ISHER $16-3t 1414 at. U.N.

8a1-BERF S1 ION OF CAFZIL HILL ihen A' st. s.e. between 7th gnd ry" feet front. Sindhar late in this locatin old es a s. "one foot.

'rice for this to ft. Particulars or Ia154t Tel. East 02 at. n.w. FOR 8E1ATE BILL TO i 13TH A 14TH AND RTH 8T8.

I THE -LOR AT ORT OL EIGI1. You must buy before (not after) the extension of these great $borughfsre if you sto rcelvo -1 In tcrmse in value that Isure to follow. Thu property IS located one square north of Manor and extends from 14th St. ettedded (not 14th st. toad) to )rightwod ate.

Lots 25 to 100 feet front by 75 to 150 feet deep to 15-foot aleya. Prices. 300. to $. a so.

ft. Terw: to x100 cash and $15 to $20 monthly on each lot, or one-third cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. a per cent off for cash. Money loaned to lbuild at lowest rates 92 iso exchan considered for city houses. For full prienlars telephone.

Drop postal or call for new 16-page Illustrated booklet, plat, etc. Chrriage Tree to see the property FUIrTo B. 4ORDON. 704 ISM at. n.w.


wide, for ONLY $00 TO 4800 end inside lots. 80 ft. wide, from TO 6009 EACH. AM with hot. parking and 10-ft.

sidewalks laid, and all city faclit From the property yes LOK DOWN ON 8R MRIA UM YHTS. 3a8-t W. S. MINNIX, 1427 at. n.w.

SUBDRBAN PROPERTY. KENSINGTON-415 CASH AND $15 PER MONTH will purchase 6-room new cottage; latrobe, range, water. large lot; central location. Follow Mr. Carnegie's advice: "Buy a home." M.

L. LITLEFIELD, Kensington, Md. FOR RENT-7-ROOM COT'TAGE; STABLE, POULtry yard; also garden land; on Rock Creek (Burch rea near Stett's station; Metropolitan branch R. Inquire on premises or address E. O'HARE, Woodburn, D.

C. FOR SALE-CHOICE WIS IN BRIGHTWOOD, new Subdivision; 20 or 40 front by 120, to alley. Small cash payment only required and balance monthly. Near electric cars. 3.17-Ut LOUIS P.

SHOEMAKER. 920 n.w. FOR SALE-CHOICE ACRE AND HALF-ACRE lots on Blair road, north of Brightwood; near electrie ears; water, sewer and gas. ja17-3t LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 920 n.w.

A SPECULATION. In proper banda will yield a profit of 200 per cent. One hundred (100) acres of land subdivided into about Ave hundred (500) lots; in the prosperous village of Hyattsville, Ave miles from the U. 8. Capitol; steam and electric cars.

This proprty is naincumbered; will exchange in prt for Washington city property; easy terms on lance; water works just been installed. No fner water in the country. Contract made for electric lights. This will ho at a positive bargain. See us.

Goroe en for eling. ja16-at LOUIS D. vINE 0., 1304 at. n.w. FOR HOUSE AND with 2 acres of land.

't North Langdon, D. on City and Suburban R.R.; rent cheap; open for inspection. Mrs. MARY SHERWOOD. FOR RENT-7-ROOM COTTAGE, BRIGHTWOOD Park, vacant Feb.

1, 815 per mo. F. S. OOL. 703 12th st.

n.w. (near 0). jaS-StI FOR SALK-IMPROVED PROPERTIES RANGi npiefrom $1.600 to $5,000, in hloominga secti on, Eckington, southeast, southwest and stoe on it. n.e.: terms to sitt. jal4-5t F.

D. FOSTER. 907 at. n.w. FOR SALEChoice Montgomery county farms, ra In sie from 25 to 100 acres.

Prices, to 100 per acre. Tg With i. H. Warner no9-tf 916 at. n.w.

FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGtE-SBURBAN LOTS. FREE OF trust. If your house Is about to be sold for the mortgage, let me hear from you-or will exchange fer gond equities. FRED.


y. This lot Is on the handsomest rkway is But. talo, and the cash value is Will exchange for desirable real estate In the District of Columbia; a dwelling on the heights preferred. For further particulars and plat of lot appiy to HENRY C. STEWART 617 14th at.

n.w. 10vuTRY PROPERTY. POR SALK-HEES YOUR CHANCE FORL A BA. gain buys farm. 23 mles outhealthy location; good land; plenty timber; running wster; 10r.

bouse, barn, stable, dairy; Investigate. Ron 7, Bank Wash. bldg. OIR ACRES; NEARLY NEW 4-ROOM house and harm; Moetgmery 16 mes from city Insured for FOR AML-SNAP-FARMI OF 174 ACRES Li Fairfax coenty, dwelling and six eutboiM-' ings; 2 horses and farming utensils; water InquIre 6101 a t. n.e,.a72t FOR A FINE RESIDENCE farm.

15 miles out, 1 mile from B. and 0. Rt.R.; near electric ihie; 2 mils from Laurel; 101 aces, large buildings, fine shade, good iwater. one-third cash. Apply to NICHOLSON.

Iosret, Mid. YOR SALEr-TRACT ACRES ON DANIELS and ROCK CREEK FORD ROADS, diretly opposite ROCK CRnERK PARK; CETY WATERt con venient; fashionable locaftlon for summer home; few mninut-es from car line. JAME 11. GREEN. 711 14th at.

dell-Tht OCEAN TRAVEL. CLA RK'S CRUISE OF THE THE LARGEST STEAMER IN THlE WORLD. LoEMediterranean EOrient FEBI'ARY 8 TO APRIL 22, 1902, 74 DAYS, COSTING ONLY 4M00 AND (UP. Somne choice berths left at and up. First-class, ineluging Naore Excasona.

Guides, Fees. Hotels, The dheapest and moat, attractive tripe, leavn the U. 5. this Winter, cotedfthe most grudand stording mnes The magaakeut White star Uae sew twen.see steamer 'Ceitlt" (.8 tans), a loatin aae draeea fer te sme i. eg 700 Seet; bred 75 feet; nine decks; SRsine rooms, A 18 DAYS 11N USYPT and the Same, th.

he. A eomse.f Tiche.e...d to jf eternlate em the "Oesialec," 111l Broadway, New York. CERMAN LLAYD AKe F. DSOOm', Amnerican ine NEW 2. 1am! St 10 lam St 25 Wrsa I I2, 10 am

agsa noos Faderiand.Jan. IS. nes 2. eb. 12.

nes LNTERNAIONAL NAVIGATIONI COMPANY. F1eas 1d 15 3 fLW Omr 8 Bsmadwas N. K. WASUGT s. Sa eceptios dahl at 7I7 I at, f8h PARTmE 'Phone Wet 10-d.

Ma. an -PAWNBMROKEg inesS RONY ANIN 4" lT tear estatZ attoeseses tirt It. w. WNY OR A ISMT Wlet aealc mtoe ato ewelostaye with WletouWE HA A 1130115. FUND WE CAN LOAN 7 111 ILL (w).

1i WRY WAW FOR fATl)4T We advance money to employee with less tear. ble and eia rrassmnt tbaI bdretofore. Wt give the bonest emgioye who Is bae'sd from the band lMited' adeouplodatiosp on 4 fair bsl. We slie loid money in Mte 4t atfctl legal taite. TrNN GUARANEE 602 ST.

N.W. 6 MiONEY TO LOA1N ZN SUIT ST CURrent rates or interest on real estate in the 1)scEH. '0 ROWN. 0 a.w. 4 e.

an ste rd out sol ti. i MIONEY WANED SALARIED PROP'LE. RETAkm Brdlngbeusks, ifithut Raif0 3 prncipal cicp 1QNE LOAN CHAF4Rteasonable raft; edlMentlal. SUlL'Yr iEpjn 1, Waner bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON DISTRICT REAL ESTATE at current rates of Interest.

RENTING OF rTS tea speel" attentlop I na7-t HER BRT A. (IL4 1319 t. n.V. TO LOAN ON CITY ELESATS. Lowrt rsteg.

a16-tt- 0 St MONEY TO 0t ON OLD LIfNE LiE INSRpes staelnd begds, Watebonne receipt. otMoney furnished to parties desiring to pureliase bomee, payable beek is week or monthly in atalluents. 2, W. ST Roon Metserott 1110 2door. gc26-78t-8 EY IN SUMS FROM 300 TO ON SEC.

ad trusts, life ins. coltateral and indorsed mats 9 delay. TEADW EL 00 St. rw. MONEY TO LOAN.



a.w. Lens furniture. piasos. without te. moral, publicity or delay.

Do not hesitate If SIX you want money, as you can make your own terms as to repaymntn of loan and weguarantee all transactions strictly Our TEN rates are low and so charge or expense if los ia not made. Call and get rates and method ef lig and we can assure courtena treat. F. meat, always.Ityuaealonwtay otter comay, and desire more money, gve ys a call. vateeces.

WASHINGTON MOT GAGE LOAN 610-F--410. aust-13d DO YOU NEED MONEY? WE HAVE IT FOR YOU. You need go to no trouble to borrow from friends. Be I dependent of asking favors. We will leud you on your furniture and pianos or ay household goods or personal property.

Will charge less and make the most Vatent termsn you can make your own terms. Call and tou Priva before yoecrie whc to borw COLUMBIA GUARANTEE 18 at. n.w. MONEY LOANED ON RF ESTATE. LOANS negotiated.

Amounts to Iht. Lowest rate, of Interest. B. WAR', QC Se25-tU 91 at. n.V.

sCiGE TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT AND 44x'; payment on principal In amounts of 500 er mars received at any interest period. THE F. H. SMITH 00,, 1408 N. Y.

AVE. je15-tf MONET AT AND 4'i On D. C. Real Estate. Prompt aaswera-4mall commitssion.

fe-tt EBERMANN HAWN, 1808 at. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED REAL ESTATE within the District of Columbia, in amounts to sat appiants, at lowest rates of interest, 3a194t GRO. W. LUNINS, 800 19th at. a.w.


OD 00L AND SILVER BOUGHT. Jel-4tf LOANS ON REAL ESTAtE4, 4) and a per cent, GASCH tett-4tt 1307 at. S.w. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON ST0CES, BONDS, bldg. and lean ass's ebarss syndicate and other approed collatera old line Llt pot.

tis bangbt and eased apes. No cb ts ta 4 aiity ad ermnt semred. C. A. BAKER, 0o 1 10 Fit.

Take elevator. deltt.S IN ANY 11Ts AT LOWEST RATS 0P RHOS. FISHER Ieoegerated, 203" 1414 at. b.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVD CITY RBAL estate at 4.

41 and 5 pet cent fatienet. F.tai IF YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN, R1 mie on real estate. I cthnsae ADYth t. nw. MONEY TO LAN eat tat nt LO -0 elstate.

Larg --7-----------------704 1t at. e.w. the Uullg and Loss Assen much less than yo ay elsewhere, a allw you topayi atin ay sire noes you desire, osswit the lnes P.Md et and msse de16-18tt 625 at. m.w. MONET TO LOAN AT 4 AND 4P CENT.

tate; pay olper cet andd 6 cast loans ad boIan ratttan eres al ra feterroes WM. E. SAUNDRS Potemac River eueWinte On and aftee "December 18 the steamst Potemas' will leave 7th st. irbarT every Thursday at 4 mornngs.

Alrier Wrih msbe prpl.B! Uoe.Philadelphia and New Yor rgts. lust-class. 1EPRNSN a Asa E.3. RANDAL, POTOMAC RITER laA 00. DAILY STEAMERS FOR RIVER LANDESjI.We satd or I ce rd.

set a -cmss dre Ud reus Idps CZAR osmdtteig, hu. ntr ee Datulaj dew Sunate. apart Specilist oa th7es5e et a andia an wes. E-F rLYobNNt 1786. 1al-Ut-4 IraL Ruocert.

ry 4.151Wt Sa-8 ugt i tan' curetea a MaColmia (luiar Of usc. r.HSt. dio -b Pat, oldd 12 PRA romo apn sel a 63 claa of. alge. ewr M.PUH xN ar i ae btc Oaeesycn Schol, ar agtcttsAt andrcem ang.

Fwuo Maly at 011. Mdolin.6 Guita B.HTIaj 12E PRIATE FRECHONa' TCOL ansy ao. reUIS L. OOE A M. aa-aa agrammesadr.

atigfst. 1teW ia 'ow de2l-2It Miss BENTH. Ws.A. TiE WASHNGTO SCOOL 441 WITST.SI ANGE ONNECTIUTo Read)U. A rigary and boardingisaho Dfor baps a.

Frny ape rmaIS pE Anish, Hetca IMOA zHpo IfIoa 8. 140 N.ho Z. see.L lwaus rrzwa AI Ie ceelsa Tpr dcio ad sic. 1U20 Aa 01511 at Sp i. a IL nd -M 4t09LT Prmar.

ambiccsa sovetat Da rtment. Frenc. 1'or mad Sanish, etc.01 Mehad ed two Honld a.nd I) spa m. redatr aller of egn' of Wmbop Oer iE thi Is :at.t ad SCHOOL. Teas poducton an rn an 14d Pae ''roato6)Pngke GAeorusse fo iRal Lifeb 1881..

fori 3ami and ta ry ums90. BAIRRCI estsPals to t43 it thqet allt rnts re addng otd san eaing -asowtenat Wue ur to ieo husint. sholtm 45.1I RohLea. sal-l G1 1INV- -d l3pa lef oOaa ODLa tcay. fe.Tu.e,'e WVI' esrm eu, U.

Atlantie City9 New Jersey, The teli gn Pipasure Resort KV-Th Atue ti'i4 Toh and PleasIllustrated Booklets and All Itiforniation Can Be Secured From Any of the following. Atlaptic City's hotels: THE SAVOY GALEN HALL ewe.r- rTHE i.EWORTH HOTEL DENNIS N-w oeem 340 C- Gooi au at e- We a- su t--- THE DUNLOP HOTEL WINDSOR opo the aw Rbmert T. b.o onE aW the per, G. Wate. SEASIDE HOUSE THE NEW RUDOLF HJn BRIGH ON eo h- e.

eer. V. a So. HE CHALFOT HADDON HALL -eooo an te jear. Lesa a uapneott.


11 Be'stel Co Reopenosat 1st JanaD. NEW STRAND HOTEL THE WILTSHIRE one all the je6. Weirira Roa eaes awst Fep a. Phoeb. HOTEL MORTON MARLBOROUGH HOUSE Open all the Fer.

Mrs. N. R. Baines. oVns amb w.

siah white a nen. Via PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Delaware Bridge Route. The only all-rail line. Through trains connect at Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, with trains through to Atlantic City, avoiding transfer through Philadelphia. ATLANTIC CITY.

X. CHESTER INN. New York are. near Beach, Atlantic City, N. J.


Every modern appointment and comfort. Hot and cold sea water baths. Golf links. Write fer illustrated literature. LEEDS LIPPINCOTT.

NEW SEASIDE HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. This ocean-tront hotel I open throughout the sea. EevaorSun Parlors.

Hot and Cold Sea ater Baths in house. Covered walk to ocean. ete. Capacity, 300. Golf privileges.


J. Open throughout the year. Hot and cold seawater bath. in room and every other modern com. fort and appintment.

Illustrated booklet mailed on request. Capacity 450. Golf privileges. TRAYN RE HOTEL HOWARD WHITE, D. S.

WHITE. ja10-6St-10 Manager. President. HOTEL LURAY, ATLANTIC CITY. N.

J. OPEN PAVIION AND HEATED SUN PARLOR. DIRECTLY OVER BOARDWALE. Poeches on a level with and joined to boardwalk. Oea and freah private baths.

Golf privlees. JOSIAH WHITE I SON. Hotel Strand, 'a. Atlantic Cit, N. J.

New and modern. Salt-water baths. Geesa view FAIRS AMN IA Owners and Prpe MISCELLANEOUS. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOT SPRINGS, Asheville Plateau. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL, Hot Springs.

N. C. New ownership; new snegemaent; remodeled, refitted; in beentiful mountain-locked park. Hiot mineral baths and drinking waters. Dry, bracing climate.

Orand scenery. Orchestra. SwtmmSig pool. (11f Tennis, Bowling. Livery.

Booklets mailed. EbWM.L COBB. Prop. ja2St-10 tion of the switch as an outrage. They declare that the section of the town volved in the matter is one of the tti residential sections, and such -ac would disfigure it a construeMr.

Harry Ph entertained a large number of hiS at his home here Wednesday night at a smoker, given in honor his twenty-first birthday anniver. Quite a number of the participants of the evening's enjoyments were from Baltimore and Washington. At a late hour a collation was served the guests. Mrs. Phelps were Miss Eva Phelps and Miss Edna Beall.

Falls Church News. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. FALLS CHURCH. January 17, 1i.L Mr. W.

N. Lynch having declined to aocept membership in the town council, to which he was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. T. C. Quick, at the meeting of the council Monday night Mr.

Eli J. Northrup was elected. He has not yet qualified. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs.

S. E. Smith for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Margery Louise, to Mr. Henry Rawahurst, the ceremony to take place at the Church of the Holy Comforter, Vienna.

Tuesday evening, January 26, at o'clock. Mr. M. E. Church has sold for Mrs.

Kate T. Brown of Washington her house and lot on the corner of Washington and Great Falls qtreets to Dr. T. C. Quick for $4,009.

Mr. J. M. Thorne Is in Richmond in attendance at the state convention of the AntiSaloon League. The new house of Mr.

Gordon Gott is nearing completion. The Alegandria County Publishing Assoelation has organized by the election of Mr. M. E. Church, president: R.

C. L. Moncure, secretary; Resin Darby, treasurer: Frank Lyons, vice president, and the foilowing directors, in addition to the officers: A. M. Lathrop, G.

H. Rucker, J. E. Clements, Sandall Mackey. Rev.

Robert McInturff of Accomac county, who is visiting his cousin, Mr. C. F. MoIntarff. will occupy the pulpit of the Batist Church Sunday morning.

Snams of the Baptist Church gave a sociable at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Northrup last 3dght.

and a pleasant time was spent by the children in games and ether amusements. Miss Emma Seaman and Miss Anna HIM entertained with salsa. The members of the Christian Endeavor Bociety will give a selaMe toaight at the home of Miss iaszaret Nourse. Boye's uE vieiatty. Special Correspodee of The resing Star.

9OYD's, January 1A 1eS. Mr. John aira, a n1 ia a iisity of Gegmbowu, this eount, lest a dratt halt yeostt7 afternen as a 1e1it et a runaway. lb Mus fauas at NS. Mr.

Snider's eployep were la nlng Ice With a tsar-torse team. ani ons of the became i lbe at obhd obijet 5eltb flub mu at te tn, irs stu ya -l E.oine fa whe toma4of a i sappt eta The masa uuas and Of fs thes hore wes Uu B. Riad tMms a A240.mtEactar left for vis. aa tins se near that as Jmme Waltom, thegqin mest ass atmetP HAGERSTOWN XEWE GRIST. Items of Interest Prema Washiagst.

Cooaty and ielalty. Special The sZeing star. IIAGERSTOWN. January 15. 190.

Mr. H. E. Van Demon of Washington, L). Is perfecting arrangements to mare Hancock, this county, his home.

He has discovered that immediately west of Hancock Is one of the finest fruit belts in the state, and being a botanist and horticulturist he has decided to establish his home there. He is now in charge of the division of pomology in the United States Department of Agriculture. He was the Department of Agriculture's special representative to the pan-American exposition. He will conduct an experiment station at Hancock. The new Western Maryland double track between Hagerstown and Wiliamsport has been finished and the first train run over It on Monday last.

By the building of this track the grade has been cut down considerably and much heavier trains can be handled than before. The track will be extended through to Cherry Run. On sunday 750 loads of freight were hauled from Cherry Run. The 34th New York Regimental Association selected a lot Wx00 feet in the rear of the old Dunkard Church. Confederate avenue, on the Antietam battlefield, where a Maryland market now stands, but where the regiment intends to erect a handsome monument.

Rev. J. J. Welch. pastor of the Lutheran Church at Frieden's.

Somerset county, died, aged seventy-one years. He was a native of Middletown, this state, and was ordained In 161 and was a writer and pulpit orator of force. The Cumberland Valley railroad has decided to abandon the proposed connection at Winchester with 'the Baltimore q. Ohio road, should the authorities of insist upon the placing 9f 'hat the street crossings. at A total of 000 rainbow troa, trout and fish haWt are being hatched at tmore.

ery In Druid Hill Park. Baland will be ready for distribution i ne various Maryland waters In about ten days. A remarkable haul of fish made in the canal at Two Locks, by Thomas H. Smith, with a dip net. He discovered a large school of catfish under the ice in the level and after cutting a hole through the Ice he inserted a ten-foot net, and at a single dip he caught 20N fish of average size.

John L. Johnson, a veteran of the civil war, having served in the Potomac Home Brigade, sustained fatal injuries by a bank caving. on him at the West Virginia ore bank, three miles west of Harpers Ferry. He was well -up in years. His remains were Interred at Sample Manor, this county.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Humrlckhouse will this week leave "Springfield," their countr home for Washington, to spend the witerwth Senator and Mrs.

L. E. McComas. Mr. and Mrs.

Humnrickhouse are the parents of Mrs. McCamjas. William, the son of C. B. Thurston of Hagerstown, an assistant inspector of buildings at Washington, has been appointed a page in the United States House or Representatives.

Miss Florence B. Spessard of Hagerstown is on an extended visit to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Feigley and daughter of East Antietam street, this city, are home after visiting 'relatives in Washington. Mr. Richard Bussard has resigned his position In the southern railroad office at Washington and returned to his home in Hagerstown on account of the impaired condition of his eyes. Messrs.

Harry C. Smith and H. R. Buck, who were employed with the United states Express Company in Washington during the busy season, have returned to their home at Tsego, this country. Mr.

Edward L. Smith. clerk at the Merchants' Hotel. Washington, is visiting here. ROCKVILLE AND VECINE'E'y Meatgemery Cmaty's iewedentagsts Fare Well is LegeIdatare.

Ipseial Coreetra daet cts The EveMs ROCKVILLE. January 16, 19O2. Montgomery county's representatives in the legislature fared very well in the committee assignments which have just been announced. In the house Mr. Johnston is chairman of the committee on engrossed bills and is a meimber of the committees on Jua corporations and insolvency; Mr.

Robertson is ekhirman of committee on tovaluation and assessment, and is on committes of te'mperace and internal ianprovemaet: Mr. ma Is on the ways and masas, rads and highways, dvRi service reform sad plic rends enmmite. and Mr. Bses on commitees an agricutueas. caims, hygiene and militia.

Senator Jones Is chairman of the isaae committee and is a member of eauttie on gares. Mr. Fosgded NaJemain Johsea of Nora. and Miss a Stevens of Barnesvys, this esaty, were mared here this bav. C.

uDsy White, pastor at the 'i -mur in- Thi ceremnmy was the nelahes paraosage is ha prsenoce of two friaend of the young Mr. Eawed W. yra of Washington has cbs the er at oi em tem bnM Mv. togmm toimsetai twoe gem tarElmettasatheOther for ---w oe es au eta Is. a of a thd 4e'Mhp as, PiscusS TAXATION an gaoe tis Uwde i iE BI RIUT IAII General Government'sObligation to Pay One-Half District's Expenses.

THE ASSOCIATION'S BANQUET Taxation, personal and real. was the theme at the regular monthly meedng hi the usiness Men's Assoeation at the Ust Barton last night. The meetag, whlch was largely attended, was called to order by President Mitchell Dyrenforth shortly after o'clock. Secretary BIen Butkisy read the minutes of the previous meeteg-. which were approved, and then ptesented a circular l4tter whi has been addressed various merchants throughout the city In the name of the association.

requeetin their support in securing an amendment td the new code which shall increase the penalty for shoplifting. Kr. Bulkiey explained that at the present time the penalty for this offense is entirely inadequate. The amendment proposed provides a penalty of not more than PSI) Ane nor more than twelve months' imprisonment for a person convicted of shoplifting Both fine and tIprisonment may be Imposed In the discretion of the court. The amendment was adopted by unanimous vote.

Henry F. Woodard, chairman of the apeClal committee appointed to examine the prosed personal tax law. in a report coverfag ten typewrMten pages, showed that the ptisnes of the District are being unjustly taied. and that the United btates goverament not bearing Its proportion of the assessments. Mr.

V. Baldwin Johnson, a memtber of the commeslte, made a supplemental report. attacking the law. Dr. Robert Reyburn presented a resolution autharising the appointment of a committee for thconsideration of the personal tax question.

which was adopted. Mr. Daeis' Address. Mr. Henry E.

Davis was then introduced. Mr. Davis announced as the subject of his address the relation of the United States to the District of Columbia. He said that he was opposed to a personal tax law. and believed that the crisis through which the District was now passing should be met by the government assuming its proper share of the expense, which was not one-half, or three-quarters, but at les seven-eighths.

He urged the members of the sesociation to agitate the matter and go before Congress and urge the assumption of the proper burden of expense by the general government. In the beginning, he said, the federal government understood its responsibUilty. For a time the government assumed complete control of the city and administered its affairs as it saw fit. In 1818 President Monroe called the attention of Congress to the fact that the government of the District was not in accord with the republican ideas upon which the United States is founded. The matter of representation was then agitated and Congress gave the people the right to elect 5 board of aldermen and the alderme'; the right to elect a mayor.

Date ef Agreemeat. Mr. Davis claimed that the aestion of the ratio of payment of I District betwecn expenses of the ernmente general and city decided in 11, when sut- first allowed the District. It was that Congress agreed to pay onehalf of the expense and the the other, and not in 178. as some of the government officials proudly claimed.

Congress makes this city one for residence only. and it should be made to pay for the luxury. said Mr. Davis. It does not want to be surrounded by the working c'asses.

The seat of government was moved to this city, and this square of ground was staked out so that the government and Congress might be free from mobs of workingmen. who. in their ang.r at some supposed injustice, might areck the public buildings and perhaps assassinate a few of the officials. Mr. Davis said that this was a very brutal way of putting the matter.

but that it was true. In concluding his address. Mr. Davis urged the members of the association to call upon their friends in Congress to enact such laws as would make the government take up Its share of the burden of taxation. When Mr.

Davis' speech was. concluded. a general discussion of the personal tax question was engaged in by members of the association. The Perseat Te: Law. H.

H. Daneille. assessor of the District. explained the features of the new of which he is reputed to be the author. creating a new basis for persona! tax assessments.

This bill is now before Cor.gress. The association unanimously Indorsed the bilt which passed the House yesterday authorising the acceptance of two paymeants fer District taxes annually. The association uinanimouasly decidedL to give a banquet January :8 to the memnberu of the District committees of the. senat. and House of RepresentatIves.

XE. K. H. REcTIEn. Sueceeded en 4-hicage Reeeed-Keente by Nae.

M. ueyes. A dispatch from Chicago. lii yesterday says: H. iH.

Kohlsaat announces his retiremeet from te editorial management of the Reeord-Merald, and thereby terminates his career as an editor. His abeandoament et the editorial pen for commnercial life ma ike another Important change ina the C'hicage newspaper field. That Mr. Kohisant still retains his mncial Interest In the pa per is shown by the editorial announcement which will head the editorial page tomorrow morn'ing, and which reads: "With this issue of the Record-Herald I wish, to anneunce that I have turned eve Its editorship and entire bsusiness mangment to Frank R. Neyes, who as publisther has been associated with mne since the cesentdation of the two papners last Apri.

"By this step I telease freem then exacting duties which for seven years lien otngressed mny time. to the negelet et other matters and Interests whisch now deinnd a large sbare er mv seeeet shall still retan eiese and initimste eelations with. the Record-Herald as president of the emanya and owner of ever per cent of its stat. 'It is a srce of the grestest to me to be abl to eanmed whc haveUbeenffas gsme and extended to me. I could net attegt mny ese high appreciation et his iedsiug we mae unequivocally than by the which I hereby ina wEBC rm em 66id 66e 140es nd Wne (GaseW A ditch fiesn resterdqe savst A 4e egae banie leet unde Pound between ore thieveg and gad trasted esgdya Osserd ln the 4 atle Useusain, seiw.

Istes lg ad eseesty-ve easin 6 etween tahe epeleg omts. Lee Glocmr, a mensr et time einpunmmt dere was abet twice, huat net serusty in2: -gh waas haees 4e sn se.s aatt. ise.

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