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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 12

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WANTED-HELP. MALE. WHJITE MAN TO HELP IN atst hate A 4 a--lt ite Ao" hours c'ad coal pay. ia WANTElI- AN t1.

5ii4FyFric. TRE1'VWORTY, with of general busines knowl. dg. an.l to come at moderate to hew.n. mast 1.e backed by reearhle recoin after 10.

is at. n.w.. 2d floor. k.L! '4 FOR CIGARS; old reliable bojm a unneccsaary; extra lnducemients to ars; 5 to $130 per month p.ensea. C.

BISHOP St. l.ais. dela--ssim SAL- T7 SELL PEIT other p-al tles by namt ready sellers; goed psay. MSUtI. Snobth bend.

lad. t14- i 1n' 11. (ENERA-L cut, Apply i1 at. WANTJl is. 5 WiTE 31:.

It A. ki, hltel help. lADIk.S' 6I- n.r. DI A WAIST TRIMMER. AT 1' 11 n.K.

AN jAND FOR 6)RTsta rsena. LAUNDRt. -65 sr. WANTEDS i.D WHITE GIRL TI) wah. iron.

mod-for one lady: must attend ires: rsad "omie; wages. $12. Call, after nt I. 1 It ut.W. jail-3t' WANfEJ -A aes n.

TO GI'E L16emas in Norwegian. Box 155. Star offce. W.itI\'1 IUNG (J BOOKKEEPER IN illee; salary expected. which n.u.t low.

t. Star otilee. ja9-St MAL. "'t I L.MAI.E. WANTED STENOGtIAliFRS AND REMINGTON typewriter operators to poaitions; EMIPl)YERi provldd stengraphers and Remhluiwten operator.

no charge serviees. WYCK )F. SEA MA A ittNEDICr. Remington Typewrrter Oue. ..1 sta.

n.w. n12-ete WANTED -STENOGRiAlui': ERS A "ttgraph." Yt" operators. Employers provided allt. --petent stengra ers and typewriter operator. ir.e of charge.

UNIED TYPE'itrrER AND SLPPLIE5 1421 st. a.w. mbll-tf WANThD-bTUAT1ONS. WAN'f TD BY LIGiT COLORED 3MAN. WITH 12 years' experen.e as a driver.

situation as for private family. Cail or addre 1lS es2tth st. nL w. BY A 1 YO'NG MAN OF a p50tirn to work one or mor evenings in the week; best of and homds furuoIel it recluired. Address C.

A. Star WANTED YOUNG MAN, and busines e.taK., will offer services for wek; rate and furnish typewriter; preOer seeretaryshup; rete. t'ouuresumen, tdke notue. EDWAMi)S.

Star oce. WANTED SrITATE'N. BY A YOUNG COILAf1ED min. to work In private family or grocery store, or any kind of worn: good reference. Call or addrew.

1217 Madison at. a. WANTED- RY CHEF. SITUATION IN HOTEL OR restaurant; best ref.renee. Address CHEFP Star edk r.

WANTED BY YtOUNG MAN. SITUATION AS clerk or night watchman: can furnish the best of Box 133. Star oinee. WANTEi-itY CO)MPETENT STENOGRAPHER and Remington ogt-rator. permanent or employment intervals suit.

(Gupensation muderate. City rofs. Address NOGRAPIHEl Star WANTElD BY BARON DE MECK. aituati.n in a private family; best references. A.Iidrea,.

H. Star odee. WANTED BY A MAN WHO THOROUGHLY und-ratnets the and lumber trades and the bidnem. of forwarding freigat, and is an expertueeed a situation of any kind at a salarv: references. A.dress J.

55 Qtoincy at. J. WANTEID -Eo AN EXPEILT STENOGRAPHER asd a position requiring good service; EL ier.tansI patent business. Address T. E. FEMALE. WANTED BY A NEAT COIlAREl WOMAN, as r-eok. chambermaid or nurse. Apply 317 ast. s.w..

Is basement. WANTED-GO TO DICK'S AGENCY FOR HIGHgrade help for all capacities, white or colored; used in selections; records from last emphnaers. Ehtah. 18MG. 613 7th at.

jn12-etf t. ANTEl1 ItY YOUNG LADY OF GOOD, FAMILY. lasitisa with retnad family as camponien to hihiren or wait on aged lady; seus nicely: refereuce'. Address B. C.

Star ince. ANTLE) SITUATIONS FOR SWEDE MAm), Esnmean chambernaid, German nurse. English 2 Swede coat bmen. 3 colored bautlers, 5 general workers; city refs. LADIEB' 614 13th n.w.

WANTltl--BY RESPECI'TABLE WHITE GIRL, as re. Address 1025 12th at. s.e. WANTED -BY A GOOD COOK AND atuation; good references. 1498 11th nw.

WANTED SIT1ATION AS NURSE OR COMpenain by middle-aged lady: rest-class experience an reference. Call or address at present emplayer's. 1301 Yale at. n.w. WANTED- BY THE 1TH.

A PLACE AS NUREE for one child, or as lady's moid; best city reference. Call 20ol et. aw. WANTI24 BY GERMAN GIRL, PLACE AS 'HAMhermaid: giad references. Address It.

R. star iNTFJ BY A FRENCH GIRL, A I'LACE AS maid; good references. Address 1114 19th at. n.w.

WANTED-HOUSES. WANTED TI) BIY FOR (I'ASH AN 8 OR D-ROOMt h.n..-. bet. and I' and 14th and 20th friot preferred; must be reasonable. Addrew It.

E. Star of e. Ja12-3t WANTED-'O LNVEBT ABOUT $7.000 IN N.W.. 1 or 2 boutaw; a.m..: bargain; paying good lateleat: must give details and lowest cash price. Addre- PB.

b1'T Star otlee. WANTE. FoI A CASH CUIrrOMEt. A HOUSE in the 'Ih iy of Lincoln Park; must have odanz--d to alley and bi' a bargain. JAM A.

WANTEI. FebR THlE SEA90IN, A LARGE FUBaishedi henne, elegant in Its appointments: ne-igl-horhood and a commodious stable. jnill-3t T. E. WAGGAMIAN.

51T st. aw. WANTEDb WILL ENlilANGE CHICAGO INCOSME rnerty for pne. rty h--re worth from give loeation. Address SOUTH 511)E.

4tar aiDee. jnab-3t ItANTEI' MODENT AP'ARTM3E'S FOR1 tweek. State prrsand location. Addrea. Boa 45 Ashland Hos.

New York. WANTED APARTMENTI -I RMII. AND BATH: afutr: in the- no children. Addoe.s stating price. W.

It. Star e.4e. WANTEID AfL P'EECSONS HAVING FAMILY HOtels or restsectable prIvate homes with rooms for reat kindly call at Room 15, Loan and Trust buldinic. WANTED klIt'MM A DAILY DEMIAND FOR roomns, this and booses. Let us rent yours.

WHEAT. St'TER A MEZAlE. Ju7-ti 15015 Pa. ace. aLw.

WANTED-LOTS. WANTSIP -A NUMBER GOOD BUILDING I014S at oncee for a cash purchaser; musnt be bargaina. head1nm' full paticolain with lowest price, Ac. J. EJTRAY, Real Estate, 1410 0 5t.

HORSES AND VEHICLFS. Jt dT FROM5 GEORGETOWN, KEN. tuc-ky. 20 bead! of horses, I palr of blne rean. 1 par e'Ieeland bays.

I pair sorrela. 2 coupe lai.t diriving hurses. 1 bay mare (can trot a mJ'e in 2 40.. an be at JtatIN SIMMeNS', 'ehi. tee.

msw. Jail-gt I. SALE A YOUNG GRAY HORSE 5 YEARS old; kind and gentle. ar-A a stylish beggy 2 carts nd harness. jai1 u' WMI.

C'ARLEY. 26th and I eta. POR lALE-lCOA'PE ROCKAWAYS, 2 COI'PElettes, I broauham. 3 wagons. 2 daytonm.

4 beggles: atls. aIg.ahs; nothIng Ia ressum refused, as wat tihem sold. 527 st. n.u-. 'OR ALE CARAGS.

BUGGEB. BUSNESS and wagos, harness, robes sad whlia, at panic prices for tasb. eet2-ed JARBOE. 3MB Mast. I WILL THE PERSON $11 CASH AND $10 per month for one year who wIll secure me a ladatln apytig not ass than $75 per ath.

4). Star Off, I'EIA)W: HEU WIL.L KNOW BRTTER aest time; he will write as pota to and eschange solidessh for gent eded garssamets We are prat. Ja12-saf JUlI'S OLD STAND, 619 st. W. AUrHlOIEED PRITATE DrEECthee agaey-a iattal psmptattended te; eee open aft bona; beet refa, b.ladsin Ot st.

aLw. FOB EXCH ANGE wo ExCHA Fi OF raNS La aa FPs, smai Str baume la yrat th. esty. Agey essaz.m dtat. asw.

20-18 atCev ee se a w-atd OiINl L. WE AYmne Olaes aaa ea. u3.maann 24aslain gR WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-1OHmvT CASH PONCE PAID FOR OLD GOLD ANIe SILYERSMALEST AND LAItGET AMOUNT BOUGHT; Old and new jewel-y, watches, denist And PLATINUM. FEED.

IWEWENS'EIN. GIM and ver Meame and etC Old Gs and Silver. U85 Rr. N.W., PAT2T O1 WANTED-MARCUS NOrE, 67 LOUISIANA recognised authority on household Bays you can get more for furniture, carpets, DOw than any other time. Have you aag to sell? jam2toep5 ANTED1-2 SNAP.M-4 WT.

14K. CASE, WITH Itockford adjusted movement. $73. 14k. snake ring, with diamond set, reduced $0 to $i5.

A. KAHN, 9 at. n.w. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD 5190ND-IAND lady's bicycle; not to exceed $40. Address, givlag description and price, BEltJA Coat Surrey ecce.

WANTEI-r WILL PAY YOU TO DEAL WITH to. buying or seElog; highest eash price pi for furniture, carpets, stores, bedding. e-abra. large quatities ferre CTION HOL'S. 7th, 1Cand Mas.

ave. nw. j29 WANTED-HORSES TO BOARD; TEtMS REAsoeabie; tarm on 7th st. read; 8 miles out. 0.

H. P. CLARK. Slig. Md.

WANTED-FEATHERS; HIGHBST CASH PRICE pall for old feather beds and pillows. Send us a postal card, and we will can. Address FEATH. KIt, Star ere. ja-3m WAN'1ED-W.

RICE. 1732 TIH UT. N.W.-I WILL. pay the highest cash prices for ladies'. gents' ant children's east-ef clothing and shoes and hats.

Addrum a postal and I will call. WANTED-TRY REEBBR ROOF PAINT. WE step all leaks free, sad charge only for painting; work guaratnead. NAT. RUBBER ROOF PAINT or31 I2 8th n.w.

WANTD--FIiRNITltE MOVED; LARGST 2horse lead In the city, f.f0; 1-horse lod, eprecdhaadtem. I a. t. nw. 'Phone 1566.


TO $5.000. $2,000 AND OTHER sums. at 6 per cent. Immediate acceptance If secntity is eatisfactory. JAMES A.

CAHILL. 526 13th rL. nw. ja11-8t IDLE MONEY WILL FIND A SAFE SIX PER cent real estate investment In the UNITED SIATIN BUILINO AND LOAN AMOCIATION, 1313 at. n.w.

ja9-3t MONEY ALWAYS IN HAND, IN SUMS TO SUIT. to leas on anpeved District real estate. $2,000 to $7,000 at 5 per cent. ja7-tf ALBERT F. FOX, 90 at.

n.w. $1,000,000 TO WOAN ON CITY REAL ESrATE. Any mamomat. Lowest rates. Also Installment pan.

L. 0. DeLASHMIJTT, Ja6-1m 1421 at. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL EITATE IN SUMS to suit froq $50 up; and 6 cent interest.

D. D. NE A SONS, j-6t 89-86 et. nw. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED WASHINGTON city real estate security.

Pririlagas with respect tin prior pajments. HORATIO N. TAPLIN. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, 1407 at. n.w.

je.4-lm* MONEY IN SUMS TO SUIT AT VERY IAIWE Inte eat 66 D. C. real estate security. FRANK T. RAWI.INGS.

Member Washington Stock Exchange, 1505 Pa. av. (Arlington Fire Ins. oeee.) jal-tf MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CURrent rates 01 Isterest on real estate in the District of Columbia. FITCH.


WMrCOTT, WILCOX IIESTON, 1907 PA. AVE. N.W. Loans made without delay. Expenses resnouable.

delt-Ism H. K. FULTON'S LOAN OFFICE. 1218 PENNA. are.

nw. leaned on personal ty. Unredeemed pledges for tale. 1 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL MITATE, AT 5 PER cent; payment on principal in amounts of $500 or more received at any interest period. F.

H. SONS. 1418 at. nw. de18-tf MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT ON Washiagte city real estate; no delay.


The security will not be removed from your posWe make loans of any amount from $10 to $1,000. Payments ao principal received at any time, which will lessen cost of carrying the loan. You can monthe you apply for it. Ali business stricty coafdmatiaL Lowest rates, no pblicity, ecortem treatment Our plan of making loans will please ou. CAPITAL IRAN GUARANTEE de14-16d 02 at.

aw. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Is the District. Secured without loss of time. Interest at 5, art 6 per cent. GAWC Real state Brokers, nel-tf 1707 at.

n.w. MONEY TO LOAN. IN SUMS TO SUIT. AT LOWeat rates of interest, cn D. C.

real estate. Large loasm a specialty. Prom atteatiem. WALTER H. ACER, ao7-tf 704 14th at.

nw. TO LOANON SEAL ETAm TmTHOU I. WAGGAMAN, as-tf 917 at. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON APproved teal estate security in D.C.; special attention given to segotlatle.

of loans for larg amounts. HFR A. GILL. 1719 at. ow.

mn-3m MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CE'T ON real estate In D. C. No undue eharges. HEISKELL McLRAK, moS-tf 1006 St. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM 1.00 UPWARD LOWEST ATE I IERII.

ON REAL ESTATE IN THE DISTRICT. Je17 (0R. 1 AT A LOANS MADE WITHOUT DELAY ON APPROVED thllateral, such as stocks, bonds, buldimng and lean uie lamransele YR wan A sB 40t hudg. agy28-tf WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN 0.61S N.W. Will loan yeaan sum want, large er small, em furniture, pinos, agone, without remoaval ert AWy busins with -s at comyeadeatial, and you can get the mnythe day you ask tor it.

Lans ca be pai i part er Ia fall at any time to suit the coaveniees ef the horrower, and any jrt paid rednees the cast of carrying the WA TOMORTGAE A CO. js16-tr 6S0 Fat. MONEY TO LO NU UPWARD AT 8 PER enst; 10.etc. at 6 peeat on D.C. resl esta.

WM. H. 1407 at. ap28-tf MONET TO IDAN ON APPE3UVED CITY REAL estate at ee test lateest. pealprivileame resetto prior aysta iamne a 130T at.

MONEY TO IAlAN ANDO 6 PER (UNT ON approed District real eae; a. Saem ambp-tr 1418 at. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY SUMS DNiREDh. AT LOWEST RATE OF INTrEREST, ON WASHINGTON REAL. ESTATE, No deiay in closing THOS.

J. FISHER apE-tr 1824 at. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT 0ON REAL estate security In the District of C'ainmnia; no delay; chargan moderate. WASI'N DANENHOWER, apiS-tf 1411 0 et.

n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROYED REAL MTATE within the Diatrict of Cobumbia, In to mit applicas. at 5. 6 3.19-ti EO. W.

KINS, 0 1th t. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW, LOAN. BUY OR SElL real estate, bet mee henr from yea. I emn saye yea timie and memey. J.

RAKIN GADMUBY, 5a6 18at jill-t FOB SALTE-MTRCELLAWNEOUS FOR SALE--A RELIrABL PUitCH CAN 53cure a nearly ne-w $400 mfe eu eay terrme to seit Star einee. 3j5 FOR BARGAIN-ULIHTLY-U53) Saote upright pian; will sell vrlew. Beantitu mguare piaso, carved es; saesy terms. FTIFF BRANCH WAROOM 52ER 11th at. near at.

jes-tt FOR MAIL--WR ARE CL.OSING OUT OUR ENIBE stork ot osgas at greatly rednend Sie and os the easiest teems aver 4uoted IpWgl. F. Mrf, 125wee. 3.6-M FOR SALE PA UE, lIIGIN CANaEs libst. aw.

BOARDINO. Booses Wan eaS Wesn FOR BENT-BOOMS. FOR REN'l-NEWLY iLR. BOOMS; NEW HOUSE; steam best; electrie light aM bel; tiled bath sate in bust localty 11 city. Apply 3u 28ah s.w.

ja12.St. FOR LABE COMMNVGiCATLNG ROOMS an 2 and 3d a and sisely FURNISHED; with brat beard; terms reasoable. 40 a aw. j.124a FOR RENT-1113 S1. N.W., TWO ROOMS ON 2d moor; southern exposare; a.m.L;.

steam beat; Brat-class table board; reference. FOR RET-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FLAT; a rs. and large reception ball; entir new; or will rent single rooms; board If in strictly private family. 14th at. FOR RENT-IN SNAL.

PRIVATE FAMI1, bautiful second-foor rooms, furnished, en Suite single; desirable location; terms reasonable. 1521 9th at. n.w. It. FOR RENT-3D-STORY FRONT ROOM.

WELL lighted and weB heated; two, $3b, room and board. 629 2d at. n.e. FOR RIENT-1011 12TH N.W., 2 LARGE COMmunicating rooms, 2d oor: well heated: private family; prlee, with basd, yong 1) a preferred: also a large hall rowm. jal1-3a FOR RENT-FURNISMD ROOMS, SINGLE OR en suite; southern exposure; private family.

1708 at. n.w. jail-3a' FOR RLENT-BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS in new homse, with aln m.L and tiled bath rooms; hot water heat. 1287 10th at. n.w.

FOR RENT-BRIGHT; HANDSOMELY FUR. suitable for member or senator; suite of 2 or 3 with private bath; 1st and 2d Soos; near Arlington Hotel; private family. 1014 15th st.n.w. FOR RENT-1233 MASS. AVE.

N.W., LARGE bright third-story front room, southern exposure, with hoard. FOR RENT-1312 ST. N.W., IN PRIVATE FAMlfly and desirable location, two large communicating rooms with alcove, on second flour; ball sem on thinr door; terms reasonable. ja9-3t FOR RENT-ALL PERSONS DoUIRING FIRSTelass rooms or board save yor money and time by calling at Room 15, Loan and Trust building, 9th and F. Information free.

FOR RENT-1435 ST. N.W., A FEW VERY leasant rooms: private baths, references. 4-12t' FOR LENT-FURNISHED ROOMS AT 206 N. J. ave.

s.e.; entire house entirely renovated and newly furnished. ja6.13a FOR IENT-1209 AND 1211 ST. N.W.. FURnished rooms, with board; double and single rooms; southern exposure; very desirable location; near Franklin Park; also table board; refs. de3O-12a' FOR NT-PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT rooms, within one square of cars and Capitol 101 2d at.

n.e. ja2-tf a UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, large and comfortable, with bath attached; 2d story; 467 1 at. from the 16th instant. FOR PER MONTH ONLY FOIL 2 NEAT rooms; one frut; to party without children; at.

bet. 6th and 7th as. n.w. Apply 705 1 at. ja12-3t' FOR RENT-AT 715 BISMARCK ST.

N.W.. 3 UNfurnished rroms; heat, light, and gas for cooking; $15 per month; or, without heat. $10. FOR RELNT-UNFLTRISHED-THREE SECONDdoor rooms; large front alcove; suitable for light housekeeping; family of adults; convenient to cars, departments and Center Market; heat, light and bath; refs. 1002 St.

s.w. FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED. A FLAT OF FOUR back rooms; $10 per month; water in rooms; second floor. 1022 7th at. n.w.

Apply 712 7th at. n.w. FURNISoImD OR UNFURIINISUED. FOR "ANT SECOND-STOltY FRONT room; very south and east exposure; furnished or unfurnished; also two communicating rooms. 1401 K.

FOR RENT-FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms at the Hamburg. 7th and I sus. n.w., from $6 up; board, $4 per week; steam heat; electric annunciator, etc. ja7-St' FOR RENT-FLATS. FOR RENT-FLAT; TWO FINE UNFURNISHED rooms with private bath; private entrance; good closets; new corner house; exceptional rooms; south, east, west exposure: no children; no light housekeeping; references exchanged.

1757 Oregon cor. at. n.w. FOR RENT-FLATS, 1231 ST. N.W.; MODERN improvements; central location; near Pa.

ave. and 13th at. Apply to OWNER, 1328 at. n.W. jal2tofeleo FOR BEiNT-BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE FLAT; SEVEN rooms, bath, large clothes preses; opposite s.e.

corner of new library. Apply to OWNER, 518 A at. before 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m.; half heated by furnace; in first-class order. FOR RENT-A NEW 6-ROOM FLAT, ENTIlRE 3D door, with glass balcony, bath room, outside winlows; frst-class beating; $30; cooi in summer, $25; good permanent tenant desired; 5 squares above Thomas Circle.

OWNER 1712 14th st. n.w. FOR RENT-7 ROOMS AND TILED BATH; TWO doors; new house; heated by hot water; window shades, Janitor, only $40. 400 at. Apply to W.

F. NASH, 122 at. n.w. ja8-1w FOR RENT-FEB. 1, 1SF AND 2D FLOORS, 21ST nrar Pa.

ave. 23d near Wash. Circle. Apply to JNO. MO)RAI.

2128 Pa. ave. JS-tf FOR RENT-NEW GROUND-FLOOR FLAT; ONE of the nicest In the city; every convenience; newly 16 minutes to treasury steam heat janitor service: very healthful. THE BERwic 14th and Park. ja2-tf FOR RENT-STORES.

FOR RENT-STORE-- 1130 Pa 1429 Pa ave 1905 7th 430 11th E20 st 811 14th 1907 7th aw, .25 1000 at nw, 2203 7th at THOO. J. FISHER ja12-tf 1324 at. n.w. FOR ENT-1324 ST.

N.W., HANISOME, large store, plate glass front, $45. 2007 at. a.w., 3-story brick, store and 5 rooms, concrete cellar. $20. Keys 1322 at.

n.w. ja12-3t' FOR RENT-STORE 1009 ST. N.W.: CENTRAL location, being near all car lines; suitable for any busines. Apply to OWNER, 1328 st. n.w.

ja12-toteleo FOR RENT-TWO DESIRABLE STORE, COR. 20th and suitable for any business; terms ret sosable. JAIE M. GREEN, ja9-St 711 14th at. FOR RENT-STORE AND CILLAR.

1423 N. Y. one of the most desirable store rooms in the city. A. T.

COUMBE. 1425 N. Y. ave. jail-St FOR RENT-STORES AND BJUSINESS FLATS IN the Abert building, Nos.

1200, 1211 -Pa. ave. n.w. Stores, $200; $78 per month. Apply at 408 5th at.

n.w. ja6-ti FOR BENT-OFFICES. FOR RENT-A DEaIRABLE OFFICE ROOM ON groand floor; only $20 per month. 1005 st. nLw.


jail-6t FOR RENT-LIGHT, WELL VENTILATED OFflee rooms, single or en suite, with janitor's services, elevator, electric light and steam beat; me. ad up; a. estras. Apply METZKlOtBUILDING, 1110 at. jaS-Im FOR RENT-FIT STORE AND OFFICE ROOMS, balle and inige rooms in the city; steam heat, electric lih elevator Term moderate.


FOR REN1T--RRICK STABLE; 2 ST-LL-, WATER; pved alley; $46 per mouth. Inquire 027 at. FOB BENT-WAREOUSES. FOR BENT-FOR STORAGE OR OTHER BUSInesm-the large warehouse RIGS Water Georgetown. East, $300 a year.

Inquire 900 Ia. are. jad-1m FOR FOR RENIT-NEMINGTON TYPEWEEEEBS AT THE REMDurwON OFFICE; monn. machne; perfect esdutiMu guasatmans with stand; delivered free in city: ene month ahssa pebase of se de19s-ti Owr. ttig and I mrs.

SUBURBAN FOR aLr 5S Am EESE ARL1NGTON. ase 3f and P. 3.R. pepat d.eease TO spaCULroE 3FEamALLY. lOS SALE-Tm.

of the best of 30 aes ssa ceer egsed ha the libeat- mse aitanted as the pinet ofEast a lnt.Hdh; eaedd Uomep iss 8ts esgaty 8 at see, GWse. FOR RENT-HOURR. pgmnggggggy, FOR RENT-NFAR (N. AVL-172 21ST-1 rooms and bath; low rent per a aie N. M.

15 Eam bud Bath, $17s a 30th dgee espltely hrnbbed; epf "at. 1600 16th t. a.w ENAT--FURYUMom HOtggsINAd DigMRA1EE AnrMlS OF THE Q4'T AT PRICES RANGREG FROM 0 TO FRMOiNh. SOME CAN BE RENTED FOR SHORT TERMS. LIST ON APPLICATION TO WM.

H. SAUNDERS 1407 ST. N.W. jes-t FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE, BY OWNER; par -at taken far room and board of SOn if deaired; terms reasosable. 220 3d St.

S.e. ja9-3t FOR RET-TO SMAL FAMILY OF ADULTS, handsomely furnished 6-room house; bath; butler's pantry; large bay window- crystal good stable; suitable for 14.C. OWNER, 1223 8 it. aW. FOR RENT--FTRN1SHED HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS.

n.w.; a.m.l.; kitchen on it floor; r.outhern excure; linen and silver included. Address Box Star ofBee. FOR RENT16th bet. ani. 8 3.

L. ave. Dear 14 st. feer 17th room at. near 11 125.00 3ol6-tf GASCH 137 0F at.


N. HUTCK, e17-tf .1505 Pa. are. IN EIMH ED. FOR RENT-1333 N.W.; 2-STORY.

6 ROOMS and bath; good tion; only $21.50. M. M. PARKER, 1418 ja12-3t FOR RENT- 1712 15th at, .00 1714 at, 1744 it, .50 1315 Vt are .30.00 1312 I st. ..50.

1333 at, 16 Fla aye, 18.50 130 at ne. 184 at He. 639 Acker at ne, 7r.15.30 18 Fla av ow, 150 st ne. 158 st ne, 221 at ne. For full list furnished houses, offices call at office.

M. M. I'ARKER, 1s12-6t 1418 at. n.w. FOR RENT-EXTRA COZY, MODERN STYLE brick, with heavy stone telamii; No.

1831 Ourcoman 8 rooms, reception tiled bath, furnace, cellar, all in complete repair; $46. Brick No. 1533 at. n.w.; 9 rooms (3 on floor), with la cellar, new plumbing, good repair; 13. ja12-tf ALBERT F.

FOX, 920 at. n.w. FOR RENT-SOUTH WEST-BRICK NO. 18th at. s.w.; 7 rooms, bath.

near agricultural grounds; repair; $25. Frame 612 at. 6 ja12-tt ALBERT F. FOX. 920 at.

n.w. FOR RENT-GREATLY REDUCED TO A GOOD tenant. 435 0 it. 9 rooms and bath; just papered; large front and hack yard, -with stable; new range; only $25; stable might be rented for tenant's benefit. FOR RENT-REDIt'ED FROM TO $30 PER new 10-room house-south front; cars pass door; near Dnpot circle; heated by furnace.

Apply loom 4, 1 at. -1 FOR RENT1335-31-39 st nw. 46, r'r Lowell at, 1r Wesley Heights 8r35.00 609 14th at (13y the year. $95.00.) 2233 nw lOt iProvidentwe.Sr.25.00 1825 10 (Furnished, $35.00.) 1113Mass av nu.12r1004.00 1906 4th at nw. 7r.26.00 905 at nw.

1614 8th at Bw, 6r.25.50 723 5th at nw, 520 Spruce ow. 1811 at nw, 16r.66.00 711 .1 at uw. 80 4th at nw. 1924 Nth at nw, 6r.22.50 719 8th at ow, 1614; 8th it nw. Or.21.50 1738 st nw.

123 4th at nw, 6r.20.38 1736--2 at nw.10r.50.00 1123 20th at uw.6r.20.20 216 Ind av ow, 4011 ith at nw. 1743 at ow. 816 I nw.Or..20.00 '738 at 50.60 1315 10th st uw.8r.20.00 814 I at ow. .45.00 917 8th at nw. 131:1 Circorn, 11r.45.00 4021 8th at ext.

Sr.20.00 28)20 St mv. 725 22d at aw, 218 ay ow, 8r.40.60 1920 4th at ow, 214 av ow, 9r.40.60 515 Cap at 1216 at nw, 711 at nw, 837 Mo ay ow, 13r.40.001713 at ow, 1101 21st at nw. llr.40.00 517 Cap at 2107 Pa av nw.12r.40.00 1113 10th at aw.6r.18.00 3006 St ow, 1803 nw. 1410 9th at nw. lOr.35.50 1303 at ow.

2006 14th at nw.1Or.35.00 i at Wesley 6n7 rt ow, .15.40 200 at ow Or. ...30.50 1612 4th at nw, The above is only a portion of the property on my books. For full lIst call at oilee for bulletin issued on the 1st and 15th. THO1. E.

WAGGASIAN. 917 1' St. n.w. FOR RENT- 2034 Hillyer pl, .40 1411 St, 11r, ler 619 ave $3.000 smith shop I 2025 'oo road. 1634 17th at, 1411 at aw, 'Flat 5.

1011 Conn Av, ''25 11th at nw, 1006 Av, '742 at, 1717 I at, 1336 at nw. 1745 RI av, 13r, 1000 at ow, per mb hy 2430 14th at, 114 13th at 2428 14th nw. 6211 13th at uw, 80ONC 18t30 avaw. 12r.125 1702 Ret, 3043 at nw. hr.

..126 1700 st nw, .35 1729 ow, 1905 7th at, 1300 enva are, U100 A St se. 10r. 5 1601 16th at aw, 1r. 100 1202 at, 1343 Fla- avp't 0.100 1818 Fla av nw. .35 2017 Mass av, 100 1907 7th St.

Takoma Park, rrt 1916 15th at ow, Dr.30.0 av. 1235 12th it, 1436 St Ow, 13..: ,100 1235 aw, 1833 Jeff pi, 1126 13th St, 1227 Conn. av. 1r. 1210 3 at nw 1725 DeSales st, 11r ..75 Up 0t 783 7th ow, rr.30 617 13th at ow, 1 .10 it.

1610 14th st ni (iere 1580 20th at aw, and dwelling), 2406 at .5834 28th st 3023 at nw 1848 Wyoming Flat 1, 4, 1621 21st at nw, lOrt .65 817 11th at. 7......25 618 Eat ow, 840 11th at se. 3025 at ow, st aw, 3027 at nw. 12.... jUP pt 824 12th 502 at ow, ..60 532 6th se, 1819 at 1502 6th at aw.

1711 lath at ow, 1747 8 it, 2233 at nw. .65 1443 Pierce p1, 405 11th at aw.2r...651816 I Ige 1918 at, at me, 1315 20th at ow, Flat 4, 1815 13th at nw. 1st at Sw, 1015 at. .60 1524 29th at. 930 ave.

1104-8 14th st.2r.20 1224 are, 10r.A.5140135 8th at nw. 220 ave 29th at ow. 1248 11th at, 29th at nu, 1634 at ow, I at aw. 1524 7th at nw, store 516 7th at aw. and dwelling, 7 rms.5012209 7th at nw.

2014 Hfllyer p1, 2207 Tih at ow. 16 2238 st, 1007 at, Sr frame.15.45 2428 14th at uw.lOr.87.50 1029 3oth at 1411 20th at aw, 30th at- 1848 Fla 1stL850 1087 90th st nw.5r.12.0 Near Statt's ttton a24it at cv. 12.30 80 ta. Sehuentze. Pk.large dw.80~ 635 Pomeroy 517 12th at aw, 12r.

636 Pomeroy st, 4r.10.30 2144 at, 1219 H1 av (rear) .10 1638 17th Nw, .45 NB cor 38d and Proa1518 0 at aw. .45 19 100 stnaw, Baldwin's row 0 981 Pa pt, 3 0s.45 and 81, 1st and Ed, Sr.S 911 8 st, 115 st se, Sr.S.. 1710 Corcoran. 11r. .48.50 927 Nalior's al, bet 0th 732 12th at aw, Dr.40.50 10th.

O) stE 0 8 St. For a foil list of furale ad boossa 1y at eale, ja12-tt 1324 at. FOR 710 1 ST'. 1.E.; M.L $15, 500 8th at. s.e.; fiLl.

E. ARNOLD, 488 La. ave. FOR DWELLING' rom; al modern improvementa; bay wianbow; wide parking; cool vault. 218 3d at.

nLw. Apply at corner, 227 at. n.w. ja12.3t* FOR RENT-929 ST. N.W.; 12 ROOMS, ALL mod.

438 at. n.w., 10 rooma, all mod. 616 15th at. D.e.. 7 all mad, 15.00 1523 17th large store, stand.

25.00 619 3d at. 3 11.50 ja12-3t A. T. HOLTZMAN, 1321 at. n.w.

FOR RENT--MI ST. N.W., 6 ROOMS, 40Lst. s.w.,S6roomus, Rea of124 1th t. 4rooms, 8.00 j.12-3t WM3. F.

HOLThM-AN, 13421 St. nLw. FOR RENT-223 A 8.E.; 10 ROOMS AND BATH; large yard and stable; half square from LUbrary; $45 per moeth. Address 1333 15th n.w. FOR REKNT-GREAlT REDUCT'IONS--NEAT, COMfortable dwellIngs; convenient to cars, markets schools and chilroee.

at $5, 7, $81 $12an ChiR in mornings on E. A 'TIRE, 23 Cn.w. jm8-16t FOR BENT-60L ST. N.W.; NEW, MODERN 3atory, 10-room end cellar house; In perfect order; cheaply heated; no faults; very cheap rent. Key with OWNER, 12 at.

ja93t FOR BENTBrick, No. 808 10th at. 9 Brik No. 205 12th St. 8 room 25.00 Ohio eve.

n.wi.,*j 13.00 hikStore, No0. 915 D) at. .00 Brick atore, No. 10th at. Frm o.omE st.

5 8.00 jaS-StIS P. SHOEMAEER, 590 FOR SRUCR 14 DROIT Park, cellar, sooth 712 at. a.e. 9.. 821 Sth n.

9 I j.9-S WtlIlt 8593 ESt. FOR 30BN 447 ITH ST. 8.W. 635 aw, am, i.630- tWl13th sW.11r~andU5.0 1MT ow, Tv 1488 ow, lv at. .208 800 36 eSr.d3.3.00 00 us, 851 1.

.18.0 1451Paw, 310 30 amI.2. 4l0 se, anf.17.0 500 5 4p 811 ow, Si ai. .14.60 111 se. Sr Hs, wa.12.SS FOR 132 FOB RENT-HOUSE. T-JORN WB 1 Pad8th is.

a.w. 14. 172! 14th aW see.5.60 Nt aw, 4 4th 3w. ir, 1413 asr, 46 14th. 1411 nu sr, 1 hav, 1....

31 .1 3.18 fi, 5 A to 38h FOR RENT--1446 B. 1. AVE N.W., 12 BOOMS 1737 17th at. 11 rooms and 1408 21st at. n.w., 9 rooms and bath N.E.

cer. 12th and sta. store and dwelU, 8 rooms anit bath. stable Howard Mt. Plemat, 9 3207 17th Mt.

rooms and bath. largelot .30 largth om ah 186 Part; ML Pleasant.6rom anba. large lot ...................30 1833 Vt. ave. a 9 rooms aad bath.

4...30 909 18th at. n.w., 9 room and 3 013 at. o.w., 8 rooms and 642 6th at. n.e., 6 rooms and 1026 15th at. n.e..

9 rooms and 1349 S. Cap. at. s.w.. js9-St REDFORD W.

WALKER SON. 1006 F. FOR RENT-BY JINIUS J. 607 13TH. 621 at.

n.w., 12 401 3d at. n.w.. 11 rata. 50.00 Con, ave. and Bancroft 833 4th at.

n.e., 8 18.50 FOR RENT-A BEAUTIFUL HOME NEAR DUpont Circle; low rent: $35 mouth: formerly rented 0 mouth. Apply CHARLES EARLY, 615 14th at. jag-13t FOR RENT-OEYERAL OF THOSR ENTIRELY new brick and stone honnes on Hopkins street; just fnished; 3-story, 10 rooms and bath; cabinet mantels; open plumbing; bonses papered throughout; rent. $50; hosses open. B.

H. WARNER 00. FOR RENT-TWO ENTIREY NEW BRICK AND stone hoes in Phelps place, Washington Heights, adjoining the handsome of Mrs. Jenuess-Miler; 10 rooms and cellar; sanitary plumbing; bousms papered throughout; rent, $50. B.

H. WARNER Co. js9-St FOR RENT-BY HENRY WEX, 501 7TH 324 11th 1357 sw, 714 my, Tr. i ..15.00 727 8th 7r. aml.18.00 914 7th sw.

6r, w.15.80 910 sw, Or, 930 14.30315 7th ow, 4r.ami.15.00 711 sw, b.13.00515 7th 729 7th sw, 43 le sw 4r, w.8.30 817 12th sw, 620 1329 Union et.6r,w,g13.50,452 Sr ja-4t FOR RENT-BY JAS. F. SHEA, 622 PA. AV.N.W. 808 East Capitol at.

10 rooms, a.m.1........$40.00 012 13th aw, Or. .25.30 233 14th at w. 1873 sw, 136 7th at ne 682 2d at no, 2243 12th at aw, 3r.13.50 450 Eat sw, I at sw. 431 av ow, 6r.15.00 1406 A it se, 1003 I at Se, at sw. Sr.

...10.30 946 7th at se, 1017 av se, 328 at sw, av nw.sto.8.00 ja-tt FOR RENT-ON WASHINGTON HEIGHT8. ONE. of the inest residences in this section; 14 rooms and bath; every known improvement; elegantly decorated; must be seen to be appreciated; rent greatly reduced. R. J.

MARSMHAL, 308 11th ja93t FOR RENT-ONLY 1725 N. J. AVE. brick house; 8 rooms and bath; all mod. newly papered and painted; Key next door.

713 It. I. ave. n.w.; brick; 9 rooms and bath; in perfect eondition; fronts on two streets: reduced to $25; key next door. R.

J. MARSHALL. 508 11th nw. JaM-3t FOR BENT-916 ST. N.W.; 3-STORY AND basement lay-window rooms and lath; modern conveniences.

224 13th at. s.w.; 14 rooms, bath. Apply to owner, CHAS. C. DUNCANSuN.

9th andl tas. n.w. ja2-12t FOR RENTA. S. CAYWOOD, 933 9th at.

n.w. 319 ow. ml. 2030 0 ow. ml.13r.$45.67 48 1 at ow, ml.

10r.40.70 908 12th at uw. 13r.37.00 507 at muw, ml. 9r.35.50 421,8r30.50 204 0 at ow. mi, 313 at ow. .25.50 936 French 945 Md ay sw, I 901 Fla av,7r20.50 531 Fla av ow, 1513 4th nw.

ml.8r.22.50 2141 ow, ml, 7r.20.50 813 Fla av 7r20.40 319 13th s. mi, 7r.2t0.30 1416 ow, mi, 1r.2):30 1241 5th at ow. 6r.18.00 2lI6 7th at Or.18.00' 45 Warner ow, Or.1x.00 1115 8th at ow, 1st hseott av 43 at ne, 10832 Cap se, 1235 2d at ne. 1810 34th ow, at ow. Or.12.50 711 Sheridan nw.6r.11.00 2201 ow (store.5r10.00 tNFURNJISHED ROOMS.

av.2d ow, 4th 439 11th at. n.w., room 13............... .6.00 SORES. 11 at $28.501479 aw (coal I it. STAII.EN.

R'r 929 at R'r 319 it Bet aw.1h.00 R'r 910 9th at LOYTS. Lot 8, eq. 231. 15th st. s.w...-..............$10.00 Part lot 7, blk.

2, south side Trunnull t. n.w..4.00 A. 8. CAYWOOD, 933 9th at. n.w.

FOR RENT-FULLER. 504 11TH. 1747 Corcoran, N'r Chevy 631 3d ne. 406 Douglass se, Sr. ja9-tf FOR RENT- m2 12th ne, 7.00 1225 ow, 619 I ave.

r. ...16.50 1521 Vt ate, 1537 6th ow. 684 123 1 ne, 1737 Oreg av, 034 15th ne. 328 ow, 2150 8th aw, 35 ow, 1203 3d se, 13 ow, 2619 I uw. 231 12th me.

808 14th ne, 319 5w, 42 Fenton no, 77 aw 423 Wilson ow, CAYWOdOD GARRET, 13th N. Y. ave. n.w. POR RENT-928 8TH N.W., 10R.

1449 Core's, 453 1st se, 118 Fla av 40 aw, 22.50 16 NC av se, Howard br'k .6.00 RALPH W. LEE, 006 14th at. n.w., na-t cour. F. ja9-5tf FOR RENT-LN GOOD REPAIR AND REDUCED 7th, sir 1464.

cor, 1202 sir 719 120 0 1004 26th, 1334, cor, 631 3d 1409Mas av.1 1006 ave.6r&b....13 SJ9-3t GRAHAM C' PBELL, 017 14th at. FOR ItENT-634 2D ST. S.W., S'ORE AND dwelling; .00 485 ow, Sr. 923 6th sw, 13.30 70 sw, Or. water 18.306 125 10.30 77-73 sw, 11.30 205 s.

9.00 134 Va ave tw, Sr 10.30 611 Va ave, 13.00 305 sw. Or, 13.30 32 sw 12.50 818 ow, Sr, 12.001 B.LEONARD.530 S.W. FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE HOUS4. 1227 15th at. n.w., 12 mod.

931 at. n.w.. 12 rooms, mod. .0.00 1228 14th -t. 12 mod.

50.00 1726 15th st. n.y., 12 rooms, mod. 80.00 1304 9th at. n.y., 10 rooms, mod. 1530 15th it.

n.y., rooms, mod. ja9-3t A. T. COUMBE, 1425 N. Y.

awe. FOR RENT HOUSEN-ATTENTEON, SENATORS and Congressmen, to two of the finest booses for enteretaia oges; 18 large rooms, 3 baths, ME BHON123 0 n.y- die-tt P03 RENT-1413 ST. N.W.; COR. HOUSE; 2story bay-win, cellar; excellent reSpair; nw paue and aint; $30. Apply 1216 5 w.ja-6t.

FOR RENT-ONLY $11 FOR A CO)MFORTABLE S-room and cellar house; stable; lst her papered; on cag line; 014 7th at. do24-tt CRETIt. Boom 19, 613 14th at. FOR RENT-GRE REDUCT2ION IN RENTSthese two unfaaihed house. redneed as follows: 1311 st.

n.y., 16 roams, 468: 1916 16th mt. n.w. 11 rooms, $60. Apply to ARMS DRURY, it. n.w.

ja66t FOR RENT-BOOMS AN HOUSES IN ALL SECtions; far, or nir. wth or without heard and for tbonse Nocearge. WHEAT, v'iXPa. ae. ju-t FOR BENT- p140.

.22 Min. nw. rr. mi 4 04....38 Tr. $66..80 Kramer, Sr.

35.0....214 ow, 5r. ...213 Wilaon it, 4r. 43.50... .819 4th as, Yr. ow, 4r.

13. .1283 8th ow. Tr. Tth aw, Or. 51.0..

.508 Fla awe. Or. 88. .28 Fenton ow. 4r.

P250.3380 Prospect, Yr. 06.513 Sheridan it. Or. 62.0. .1247 9th ow.

9r. Gr. ..515 Sheridan, Or. Fia at. Or.

.......228 13th 2r 0..37 3d aw. Yr. ...1528 6th ow. Sr. .0....33 sW, Sr.

2.. 11d.11. .30.1214 hal at me, Sr-P rd, 11r. .30. .35 15th ow, Sr.

18.1U3 I .0....47 3 sw, Sr. g.B... Se eSr. .80. .8 hmmmaw row, Or- .....196 0th.

Tr. 10..2529 Mesa, ave, Sr. 4..956 euw. Sr. Foun pl, er- sw.

Sr. Sr. 6th 3w. Or. 0..

Haron at, Sr. 10th ow, Sr. 0.30.. .68 13th .343 6th aw. Sr.

o.30.236 Parke ne, Sr. .50. .27 awe, Tr. $10.30.1966 Wawerly. 4r.

.0. .1847 9th ow. I. Sr. 1.20..1480 I av.

3m-. Mape at. Se. 3..2303 Va awe, 4r. 20t ow r.

28 at, Or. 5 aw. Tr. 1...226 aw, 4r. ....54 12th 4th me, Or.

at ow, atr. .0.. 2126 10th 51,, aw, ..416 ..11266 obn, T. 0. .240 Erent et.

6. Pa aiiM ow, Sr ...1712 Siro aw, Se. ..22.1.... uesla6, Ir .1123 FOB RENT-HOUsE. 302 RLT-BT 3.

0. REAL iae aid I. a1r4ubr.lth aid 3 4 Saa 11. eZ9 0 I 1112t a 1240 0 1412 at. am se ....12.6 me.

40 7h ma. 1710 a.11r.0.o 11 a 147O2 Wa es 9th We. 14 t. 3.....5.00 5 Ot we. .0 lat mt.

.0 15 lot 14 a t. 18.....10.00 0T 9th se. Tr ......110 121 9th se. 11 15 at. 10: a.

40 19th St. 45 1217 ae. 808 19th t. er. 452 1 aw.

4.......17.00 205 14th, 221 14th a. s1sil at aw. 224 24 ae. 16.95 1ma t. 125 I rt.

10......40.00 1l50 3. 14.0 1340 iggs it. 0..40. Ea ...14.00 327 mo ta dates. Rm.

12.0 1021 9th mw, 6S nOiam as. 1 th uw. th hw. 101h at. De.

021 dr. FURNISHE It av a 17th. av and Scott derat. per a in eti. -r.

16th Dear R. 150 D. Sales m'r 17th, 0r.100 Eh, cear 14r.2 b.l1 4 7e0r 17th. 16th ear 14th rear ter. b.00 Dear 13th.

75 9th M4 av me.7r.65.0a 11sat reem Derable eam ht Grep eet. teu tie Gemst LUs. bene-. to each. aR fMt and 951 mer.

3 .4 En.O. 1 $10 to 470 are. $10 a1.01 .75 each. 610 at FORBRT-44 UT ROMB CK 11thaG aw.3io.em 0.a tuts 00.0a 1020 omo .00 214 4t at .0.08 10 Os :27 leth at leM0 Casa 927 $11 3 RD. Mass 3r.12.

jai1 S. HO; em lerAN. ath ad Pm id sow. FOR RIENT-614 ST. N.E.; BRCK: tiaptevement to god endettem; $16 a smooth: ey at 612 ut.

me. F. W. 100 at. a.e.

c0-a4m FOB RENT-FNB RrST4NE8 1112 11T 9 room; conservatory, bath ream and gpad rea tly desirable. App to O12 A 1t before 10 a. e. after 8 p.m. FOR RENT-6 0 I ST.

N.W.; PER MONTH; key next door. For further parteulars write to owne-r. THOS. BLAGDEN. City P.

t. 146. F1O RENT-2100 ST. 48 Patterson ae. 4r.15.00 llr 18212 Vta.

55 av nw.9:eb. 1252 3d me. Or ......10.30 3084 7 4....10.30 1500 Ca. 008 Blr et a 1212 Cap.

Thed It.m 142 8th w. to good eold teda ta. 4.2-1' H. L. 600 lath at.

m.v. 'FOR RENT103 12r, 220 ......14.40 EIreb.35.50 222 Va av. Or. wa.14.M 94 22 aw. pa 507 2418 w.

3212 r. ....13.40 2516 I. 2d. r. 4:0 se, lord Sr E-ases, 13ther.

627 0 se, se.for white teneuts. 715 20th. House. for esltred tea509 20th. 7r.

ants. a. from $8 Ap. de21 GIO. W.

LINKINS, 800 19th at. mw. FOR RENT1184 Corcora t. 1912 Sunderland p'ace, 10r.ab 60 411 at, Tr.ab 14.0 241 Va are. 10 reams 10.

I. L. GOODMAN. de17-tf 005 13th at. FOR RENT-1330 AND 1352 9111 sT.

N.W.; 10 rooms. with ain modern dighborbord: reat very kw. FRANK T. OWNING. 416 5th st.

ma2T-ti FOR RENT-444 N.W.; SIX ROOMS; HALL. WATER; BATH: LATROBE- LARGE YARD: PARKING; PERFBC2 REPAIRk. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. $18.50. dem2-tt FOR RENT-LW--OFFR WANTED1341 Corcoran 9 rooms, many South front: to pert order; a.m.1.

422-1i Address L. H. PERt.EY. 00 uam. FOR RENT- 1275 Dican me.

Or. 15.30 Laner Heights. 12r.60 Brehland. Oak at. Laier Btmkland.

Tr, THE MIcLACHLEN REAL ES. AND LOAN de20-tf 10th mad t. FOR RENTThe best 5-room beke dweing to this city for the prire. $12.80 per math; papered throughout. and in Ortla repair.

No. 651 at. s.w.; south troat; frnt and rear yard; em and near car lins. DIGGES Real tate. ao5-tt 613 12th at.

FOR RENT-UNFUILRNMHIm18th and 510.00 812 18th 1373 10th 19th 1311 1320 9th 1510 2d 1745 I 161 6th at. .0 Coa 418 17th 2024 a 75th 611 13th 1414 35th 1728 .00 411 12th at ..16.50 1212 1th 16 4th at 17M3 14th t.stadw.6000i105 4th 14.0 41 0t1t 1 at near MHas av sear 14th.221.164. near 12th ....10.0 19th at ar Dup (r.208.33 Kemesaw av er 14..87.7 Vt are near ...200.00 190th at or Du Gr.12.00 at near Coacera irla mass av near 101. 1.22 PITCH. 201 a BROWN.

dA5-1t 1400 t. now. FOR RENTThe ha 5-ream bech dwering to this ctty for the price. $12.0 per papered throaghot. and is L-tdms repair No.

63 at. s.w.; south tront; fest aad rear yard; on awl near ear ie. DIGGES 63 12th et. maw. FOR RENT- 1319 9r.28.00 1455 Mass av.15r.$1.

57 Qutney as. 3848 Wyomlagav.16r.0. I0 2019 Hattes it. 2 Mara av aw. 9r.50.00 IS Dingman eta.

224 13th sw. de2-tf GASCH 1307 at. mw. FOR RENT-DRmaBLY ARRANGED HOUR a peet order; 6 mie bed 2 baths; hot watrheat: 2106 it. reaimable ret H.

RUST. 008 14th at. row. ao7-ti FOR RENT-BY C. H.

PARKER C6r. and ats. sow. 607 7th 4 Va ar, 639 s. 8r, yF sw.

7r. 1106 6th sw. 9th 6r. ami.16.00 1007 6th sw.6r.wEg.14.00Q aW. 45 ow.

Or, 38 my, Sr. 922 sw. Or, 421 sw. 338 aw. Or.

wAg.18.00 441 Del av sw. 447 iw. Or. wa.12.30 3a8r sw, store rm.15.00 825 3d sw. 5r.

517 11th Srami.SM.5 6112 Va av iv.5r.w1.l. 817 3d iw. br. wa. .13.50 320 M1 sw, Sr.

Mean sw.6r.w22.30 1214 3d si. Or. wa.10.55 528 24 sw. Sr. 114 iv.

77 0 sir. Er. .11.00 618 3d sw. Or. Wa.

.123478 iv, Sr. .11.00 813 7th sw, Or. wa.15.301 704 sw. Or. wa.

.16.40 FOR RENT-BY REAL IRAE LANS AND(4VR 1163 PENN. AV3. 161B at. 132th Ut. 1T21 I aw.

lbr. ta.2501 1813 Ut. 1206 18th at. .151746 Gerta it. 16r.

1310 it. 14r.1.... I1 21st it, .26 1212 COrs ave. 1420 it. 1744K i t.

17r.1.. 1726 16th mt. 172 Cam. awe, 1402 mt. 1238 aws.

ISI st, 132 19th it. 1138 COrersea it. 1005 22d1 st, Caeren mt. .5 1606 13th it. .141 15 O.eaen it.

.0 132 Yav. 2ERP t. 1821 t. t. 1821 Osam awe.

11r.22.3B~ 1813 RM 128Gerceam it. 13r. 1113176 i t.1 1001 31st mt. 27 st. 2i13th it, st.

2620 18th it. 0 19th Mt. 1714 Caroaram Ut, lb. 12 Pa a.e Vamsav betl1th nd Car 3 1 ae amE 18th mts limsj.43000 15th RlIave bat 7th at Inolibemia ese bet Con aw (with 2Sit amE Md 16th at bet ait Cir MRm sae het 18mb a 0 it .615 ad 16th .16 carth9 a carera.2:. De an.

it bet itth Iarebet17t at mt amd Corn awe (with I ar itabe) .........40.22 (A GaraE ea. .15 3 ave bet 14th 'iOsset het 1th Came are bet aid 20th bet 0 aid P' 40s.22 but Comm mae bit 3 amS 21st it bet iid 0.35 1 Obrmram it bat 11th 13th mmg Oifem 40 it adN (ecrier) awe nisr Whse- ave bit it i 1.... aid Depiat it bit 0thanE it blit 19th I IMh bit 14 and 1sat ad 13th it bet it bit 20it amE Sit 3Mit 9....... mE be Hist bat 17thA 2618t.13s nis bt st bet 17th auI aad se18 18th -r i8 bit0 limb ame1 1 ht5 mt ss. WR bet 26hm lamb9t Gam se -etB ss ..........100 Uthtbit U8 t1ti aaG 3 law.

9t sim 26 esth Ilm ee bit 06 oE ...........0 a se et oha 11u 3tt amE i FOR R1NT-HOUS. wM war- Ji 12 fr. 141 549E. SS.4S iL 3 tur 1th M. le.e M.

ell. mt.em.il38 e. 1417 usr. aln.2. 112 ame. 446 tawe 414 1 nesta. 255 ...:0 a. 133 N. 13r. Ir iwd.

Or.mshw.1. no 5 U. no. 40.00 4th. Or.

.......16.08 on 0.1 at4 2k6. Sr. ..14.39 1125 3gar eees.c 40.00 256 Or. 14. 2212 a.

....3 3e3 Ya m. .6 2137 K. t. ceu. ad.MA.

eet. 10. til ath.1Tr. MMh lot. Sr.

aIs Pa avIr. 2732 P. I.50 415 17t. 1r. 363 sr M17 Vi Tr ad, .32.4 iav.

Sr.w.13.50 1m I 3 I 6r. 213 i. tes N. Or. ath, 200 are.

2438 Pa 1222 2th. Ir. 2414 K. Ir. 195 Ioth.

Sr. d65 Is av.Sat.3r..a.a0. So N. .12.36 1717 1 .5 2123 tr'r). Gr.

w.12 30 23 mt .....2553 26th. 4r. u. t2 8142 Gamb'dge. $3415 X.

4r, tch. stese.w 51. r. 11 .30 1M Eag masa.r.mr2I.54 914 27th. Or.

14Q 11th. Or. :15 Va av. 4r. 14132 or.

e-er tr.r.35 Ali 25th. Sr. 1 24th Ar.cel.mI 1.34 33; 27th. 4r. ..9.

Takema 1t, Chest 234. ae, ta awe. Aa S. 23. fr.

-m 5, I 1214-16 24h. 3511 54th. 223624 I. Sr. ml.

.22.50 eft 9tlt 1.......10.6 236 l. Sr. veA. ml.24.50: No inserionm aiar .10. "-23 40th ma.

1214-10 1i1 I me. Tr. 2126.28 H. Br. Se Star tar oar ether list.

W234'nTT WHA1 X. 1907 Ps. av. pF1R RENT- 817 Me Oa m. 16rte.26 106 34t6.

mi.6.50'36 4th me. 224 w. tar. ami.37.50, 6U ar. 13'60 401 aw.

10.r aml 37.50i 726 12th er. 1416 Osteamm.Tmla.29 10 40 Oias me. 474 0 mw, lie. mi.32.'o 1205 me. 703 me.

Sr. .5 1109 Wylie me. 35 71. Eth me, Sr. aml.20).0g 1120 me.

160 20664 mw. 7,.....10.50 1377 Fin av me. Sr. .3. 5 s0 a.

mw.Tr.em.25 43 Feutom. de-t2 ROBERT BRA 'EY. 131a at. FOR FOR AILE-- IN 2122 IT. N.W' Barg brick.

with lot feet In soal! ttwo. locatimo; will make a desirgule bmaue; garce only 37.500. Al Ra2m' F. ems IF rt. m.w.

FOuR SALE 4'4-RNEt Hti'vE AND BAT. 14016 Va. are. a.w.; pri.e te than Tan hours can to built am lot. Call at 303E at.

W. II FIaR StALE-A HWOr'N AN1 EAIT ON 8tT. 51ET. amd 0th sos. a.w.; to ettle am estate; will be -id at a bargain.

t'. BtIYft 1is1N. 1412-3t FIR SALEr-MY 11-ROOM ANtD BATH R1ISIENI'R om apitel 111. use square from Splendid lot. OjsmfortaMe.

roomy bme. Price. Addrs ('ARRmLSW 3. P. O.

FOR RAIN-MK CORNE HOCS IN THE FAittiamtahle part of the northwest. ene Wsa frnom electric cars. Will se1i for heraue I seed maamery. ftsaafwttyew home: 3 tie; widegia ltes ene get a tsM2aas A armamsl Ais Otst.ER Star ae. AlZ2-At FOR SALK--FOR THE RIGC YT RID O(ER A treat of 54.16.

hecuttful. new dobes brick, 00 at. m.w.; 3s ft. fMeat; bited by het water; 10 rems ad bteth; handsme mantels. It you hid only 6.450, and theme i.

so blgjme.1 within three dys. it is yores. W43ML Wl'ftRTE 56,610. W. S.

MINNIK. 1437 n.w. Jall-tf FOR SALK-M DI ST. S.E.: NEW, A-R. BRICK; sauth frust, and faeing fear streets aned four rreerratlios: anest location in Southeast: dsa led roams: cabinet mantels: electric lightla: cellar and froace.

W. E. IEGHT. Owner, Ja9-St 610 at. S.w.

FOR SAL-NY RIsENI'E. INi I3RABIf neighborbnod 3-story, cellar: It large. bright rooms: lmck statir; lot 21t10; wide street: large parting: grice. 54.730. Addresm Star emle.


PAR $1.700: BOTH WILL RE'NTl. WM. H. SAtNDERN J9-2t 1407 IF at. o.w.

POR SAl--IF YO' WANT A CHEAP HOet1-. AT FROM $7,500 Tt $17.15. IN THE FASIHN uNABLE 1L9110N. WE ('AN IT. WiM.

H. SA'NISE ja9-3t 1407 at. m.w. FOR SALE-NW. ('0.

STH AND Nf. N.E.; Improved by 3-atory and cellar famame; 3 resme, In good ledltiom; lot 74111 to 13-ft. alley; a map: terms to molt. ja9-3t AR W. WHITE.

1114 at. FIR SALE- BOANT PLACE N.W.. ANis enaemmst, preme-brit. bay-wiadow house: 16 roms; a.m,.; lot 20k15 to 10-ft. alley; a tarJai-It (atCAR W.

WHITE. 1114 at. FOR SALE-MR 1T tiP land sear IUmeals Pat. mtaarmemhrd. far boesse in ay part of the city.

Apply (AIBL EARLY. 615 14th at. S.w. Sai-3t tIR SALE-WIL NEAR E. OWNER LEAVing ity wil selt his 2-story and haswot hume.

al! tompletely frmished." at price paid for Ja-I3t R. W. WALKER ION. 106 n.w. FOR THAN (1ST- tOWNER MI'T sell-New 2-story and cellar brik lsme: 6 roms, blth and cellar; all mod.

Glh mser n.e.; lage lot; eap JIS-st R. MA 166 m.w. FOB SALE-A PEF LT A11 LB HOME: SIX onas; bath: prettily eised; 62.005; near 29 and s.e.; It coot 52.750; mast nell. Addres "OWN5IE MUNT SElL." Star wee. JmB-It FOR SAIE-VEY JOW TO QUIKV Ea Handsome reddesce, 10th at.

ear DIpet A modem rase; tam rooms. Bame. steps and dat story brwa stane. Cabinet mantels in every geam. T.d bath: porelins tub.

Crystal bamdeileus; electric lightig ad beas. Beautitally eand decorated. Einmac ae lmmets. Price. 67,0: 1srth $16,650.

jai-St 0ELINS GADDIsO, bit 11th at. S.w. FOR at. m.w. bet.

12th and 13th set." Desirable labesten property. freating 21. feet by depth of 125 feet. l9Seald epport ty to tecure down-tows bestsen site at a very reasonable Srite. For price.

tertas, Wih RtlT. HIERTON. 197 Pa. ave. a.w.

FOR "Smal cash payument and $14.50 monthly paymets." We have seveaal new t.rnt dwellings near Pennsylvanla avease southeast tor sale am the atite terms. Houses hare 7 rooms and bark (open lppeed; besautifel mantels and gas ixtmures. ce .........3.20 WMSLTW. WIAXK 1I TO N. Ja9-3t 1997 Pa.

ave. n.w. FORE SALFI "Mass. awe, bet. 17th and 154k ms." Dlemigable stae dwetllsg, with Image tat ard wide alley in rear.

Homme eostatis 16 aegins and 2 tiled bath Beaifuflty decornted, palnted amd papered. Offer wasted. Price only WE00'IT. WHAoh mirONr. Jes-t 1367 Pas.

awe. FOR SALm--TWo tF THE FixtlT DWmiaENGS isto smas Obilege ehbdivisim, cor. lath. asad 12 eachme; uaiaeeatty Omisha-w- ja2-12t FOR uSAE--ONLY A E.W NORE L2IFT (IP ths lme beht oottmge at est et Lamar place and Margam ave. Bdmad Manar; Ste stmt-' mun: fromn 14 at.

camhe eem; they have han. bitches and butter's enmlr Smor; louSied -omad tile be seem mnecemd er, and age attite over an; emlire bhsse heated bsy furmace; coemle ear; eand' tiled a-ertbale; dlate root; three gen, wihe paint. beg. beh front and aae Mals; 64.6. 6.796 and netems.

address to OWNER. 1821 Tale at. mwv. btattIng what icn got ad he wiE canl ad tabs gun to aee them, or yam ca me earner at 60s1 3' at. sw.

(Si-OSary boutl. ay day usam 4. POB haaIL 30C IN 11.W1. whtuin pay good imtemnt en iseestmemt. hbuss is Brightweed 61.230; moanthly JIIN T.

ENOtT pneta hesmhtas wl be ai a IG lw a rice 1O i 'Pbmme 27. U. C. BAUMraman 1436 a.w. FO A FASHIONABLE inmEmow- WuEEE 44 DT.

mw003T. 21341 5. 'X'EiN. ATalUE Rl." (im. damt FOB SAKE-A SOE EN T21E REART OF THU aity 3.

4-mtoy 00OE SAIE EW 013I 0MIOl, 133.7 mama it 2586 sms ead hem. Mo son aee. 3. L. OGinISmaN UDE sEsa-in gviamaaamre ow the asethment see wet year beme, e.

-ss the We oma. s' mm. emens.

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