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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 7

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SUN SUNDAY NOVEMBER 7 1880 I LONG ISLANDS GREAT FARM ssoo Acnrit WITHOUT FWCJM rRr ALL VXUKU CULTIVATION Italy Ihe Imlrta Ilirchuseil by A mew nrl nd Nnpposeil to be nrrn Illlcil lib the Aid ofNicnm nndChmleal 1ertll IIrThe I JlotiUlon of Crnp mi 4 the Yield 1cr Acre Deicrlbod by Farmer Illnsdnle That pni of tho Stovvnrt property on LOUR Island railed tho Stewart farm contains 2500 ncrcs It forms tho broad suburbs of Gordon City It Is I purl of tract of TOOO acres that A Stewart bought ou Sent 1318C9 Ho had no Men of mnkliig tho purchase two hours before tho bnrgnln was consumumtod Henry Hilton hiul been In negotiation for I for himself and encctcd to bur I but an association which Imil boon formed unexpectedly put In ti bid of HO nn nero anti agreed to tinr t20000 of tho purchase money In cash Thoso woro higher IluuroH than Mr Hljton nt that tlrao foil nblo to bid against Hi talked tho irmttor over with Mr Stewart nnd tho latter surprised him with the remark Sunposo I tnko tho laud Mr I Hilton described tho advnntngoa of tho our chnso and advised Mr Btewnrt to make It The result wns that Mr Btownrt not tho land although I ho had to pay 455 nn aero for It Ho I I draw his check for 391350 Tho sol which leol the came general character ns that of the rest of llotnpstond Ilalas was lone regarded ns worthless I Is a truo pralrlo and boforo tho prnlrlcs of tho West woro discovered bo vIsited curiosity covered used to ns a Tho entire nrenof tho plains Is 60000 acres The farm Is about 100 feet above tho son level It Is tablo land with a southern aspect Tno surface Is gently undulating from west to cast Eomo ot tho depressions have tho appearance of bode 01 drlodup streams In fact on the southern borders ot tho plains streams of pure water are found In tho depressions Tho cur taco sol Is a dark loam from flfteen Inches to two feet deep Tho turf on this soil is so thick and strong that I Is necessary to uso a team of three horses to turn a furrow through It Bo noath tho dark loam Is a layer I ot rollow lonm of eaunl thickness Sometimes clay replaces II Uoncnth this yellow loam and clay nt a depth of from two feet and half to throo feet Is compact sand and gravel At Garden City dense hardtan found by boring through cruet or harhll was borul Ihroulh tho gravel seventy feet below tho surface Tho errivel and sand above the hnrdpnn form nn Inaxhaustlblo reservoir of wator Garden City Is now supplied with water by tho Holly system of pumps and pipes out of ono well and the eater In this well stands only twontyfho feet below the general level of tho plains Tho well Is I cavernous cylinder of brick work fly feet ill illanmter Mrs Btownrt shows rAnt Interest In Garden City und tho farm and Mr Hilton executor of her husbands pstato frequently visits them The fnrmir Is I It Illnsdale general manager of the Stovvnrt property on Lone Island Ho tun fort horses ana fourteen steam engines to help him although nil of these steam engines are not tisod for farm work Four of them ump water from the well described above Two of them are used In brick ynrd nnd throo are used In the cathedral to supply wind to tho four organs that have just been tmt UP indifferent parts of the building and to produce the mechanical electricity which will tmablnone organist to piny all of 1 them at the Kama time wdi ns to strike the chimes In tho steeple When Farmer Hltisdnlo wants to turn up hIs land ho can hitch a twelvehorse power traction trlcton engine 10 a gang 01 ploughs When his crops are ripe lie unloads his wagons with the aid of eteam power Ears of corn are shot from nn aperture In the bottom of 1 wooo by means of abroad endless bindcrossed with bucket boards up Into the top of the Ions cribs Grain Is threshed and the btraw Is stored away In the barns steam A load of hay Is hauled to a Black barbed harpoon Is thrust down through the middle of the load and It la lifted bodily from the wagon and swung up on to lie stack There Is I train warehouse In which grain may be sent up to any part of tho building by 100liorso power engine The building Is In fact a Brain elevator I has appliances to load and unload wagons I Also contains 1 grIst mill A small steam engine drives a machine UU our urauinc grain Taere nretwouort able engines to do miscellaneous work on tho farm Eicent for the two laatmectlonvel engines and Iho traction engine they are nil thriven by steam from the bonk of hollars In the Dump house beside the big well The steam is distributed on tho Holly systom nil over Oar den City for heatIng purposes nnd wherever pipo hns leon mid it mar bo tapped for power well as for hon The 100liorfo power on cluu In the grain warehouse although It Is pearly milo from tho boilers In the pump Iiouso starts Instantly when tho engineer opens the valTo fo a man who rides casually over this rPt fnrm several thlnca willeoom romarlnblo Ho may trot bin horso anywhere In or nut nf the ntilondlil roiuls except whoro tim land tins been broken up for crops The meadow and pastureland offers no serious unovcnness to the wheels and theo are no fences to trouble him Ho will see only two buildings thnt may prop irly be called burns but cribs and wellroofed hnystacku hu will BCD all about him Hiii will leo sheep but no COVTB with the flock of sheep ho will notice a shepherd boy sunning himself on tho crass and attended by nn alert doc The bti op aro herded nil day and i night they nro shut up In doirproot corral Farmer Hlns dale hM strong opinions la regard to fences Ho believes that the cost of their construction and repair consumes crent portion of tho farmer very narrow margin of prollt Hut whnt will farmers do with their cows ho was nslceil Koep them up In yards And teed them on green stuff from the farm was Mr Illnsdnlob reply They thrive well In that way They can kept more cheaply that way nil things considered Them are about a dozen COWl In and abut Gnrjon City but youll not ceo them wandering fxbout over the land But now about line fences 1 I don take Ino pains oven to keep those fences up Each man must take care of his own cattle I dike caro of mine Reran of my nolKhbon called on me soon alter I began hero to my they had heard I did not Intend to make I my ball ot the fences between thor and the Btowart farm I told them what they bad heard was the truth Well said they how abut the cattle Oh 1 theroll no trouble about thatI replied Ill tko care thnt my cattle shall not hurt your crops1 Butsaid they after a spell of wonderment and hesitation how about our cattle Suppose they dnraaco your crops OhI I that will not make any difference to me said I Id just as Hot Hell a crop half crown us to wait and tell I when It Is crown I you choose to feed jour cattle on my crops you can do so Thnt will lie tho quickest market I can have for my produce They didnt lIke It and some do not like It yet but tho majority are beginning to understand the matter rightly and are coming over to my wily of thinking I havehad very little my A study of tIme natural crowths on tho land showed that I chlelly lacked potash There was a large Amount of excellent vegetable mould but I was chemically locked up by nil acidity peculiar to I The open sesamo lies In the use of alkali An application of alkali makes it very fertile There la i a touch unyielding sod filled with Ktroncroots nnd clothed 1 with sedny crass Tho natural draInage Is nearly perfect There Is no infiltratIon Into tIme soil Irom theoconnbecause limo land Ishlch above the see bevel Ills estimated that three fourths of tlio rainfall sinks Into the porous sol The subsoil of clean sllloious gravel anil sand receives this water but allows It to trickle slowly away with the southward dip of the land Mr Hlnsdalo describes hla method ol utilizing this land for crops as flows When the touch nod Is first turned over buckwheat Is own liuckwheat disintegrates tho call I crows rapidly Its roots are strong and pierclbirand its luxuriance covers the sur face and keeps I moist The fertilizer used Is pulverized bone Two hundred pounds per core secures A good crop For this land generally thu practice had been to apply leached ashes to a large extent but It was found prac cable to substitute for the ashes tho refuse lime from gas works Thla has all the proper ties of the ush and It can begot for little over belot the coat of transportation Tho limo usually fol ows limo bonn fertlllxir Great car Is IK quired In usIng chemical substances for fertilizers lest one should counteract the effects of another The next crop after tho buckwheat Is corn which Is planted with well composted stable manure put In the hill Tho crop obtained by this treatment is I good the yield being about sixty bushels ot shelled corn to the acre The next crop in order In the process of sub doing tho land Is oats I IH put In with an ap plication of a chemical fertilizer composed of raiirloto of potash nitrate of soda and a suimr phcaphatu of lime These cliniiilcals are not found as component parts of refutn matter but are bought from dealers In clieirlciiln under Kuaranteed analysis They are tebt on the farm ana then mixed by steam pow 1 Th proportion wero dclde upon alter an experience with the soil and notnlthitfndlnc tho formidable names ol the chemicals the cost ol this fertilizer laid down at the Garden City donut I only ts an acre One reason for the fcllcht cost Is that much good ludcruont la used Iu tho purchases coil another reason Is that very llttlu of tho for Illjar coos aereat way The machine which distributes Ums seed ode Is furnished with liiany teeth Kuitt tooth Is 1 hollow AB a tooth 8 dragged through the eoll It makes a furrow vbllB the oats mixed with the fertilizer which 18 in the form of A Powder are depoalt tJd Hiroiwli It Time earth at the Ides of limo little furrow fill II 011 back Into bohlud the tooth make a uftlclfijt covering Ipr the oat In this war Mm numll amount of arlll70r that It used gnu precisely when it will do limo mostana4 lh isfif1 crop III order is I ere Is I lewis In the JilWJta tifljolli1 ttfUud IrUb liD eppJIcat Ibe chemical fertilizer similar to that described In the case of oats In the spring clover seed Is sown on the samo land Homctlmes Brass seed seown nlono that In without any protecting crop AS It Is called of rye or wheat In that case It la sown In tho fall with a top dressing ol compost anti Is ready for tho mower In tile following July After Iho first season mowing the meadow Is topdressed each year with compost mnnure or with chemical fertilizer In which the nitrates rrodomlnnto In this district so nenr Now York ns It Isliny Mr Hlnsdnlo says Is tho most profitable crop and should bo kept up 111 many years as possible All thu other crops described are merely preparatory to tho hay crop Sometimes A farmer will manure for Brass nt the time ho ROWS It with Its protuctlnu crop of Brain sitllicientiyas bo thinks to last for several years This Mr lllnsdnlo bellova to bo An error Thoro will bo an overgrowth ol straw At tho ox pease 01 tho quality of tho grain Tho first crop ot Brags also will have strong woody growth At tho bottom Mid It will hnvo many dead spears At tho bottom to still further Injure the market vnluo ot time flay Tho second crop of hay will bo of excellent iiimllty and probably time Ixdt of tho series From this there will bon Inlllnl 01T In quality nnd quantity until It Is necessary to 1 mlnughi up the nod nnd eo through another course of loan prolltnbla crops lly ill vlillnir up tho manure and npnlylnu A duo proportion yearly tIme ciunlltir of limit erase Is kept good And uniform and tho laud may profitably bo retained ns meadow for from flvo tonovon veers Mr Hlnsdalo was asked what tho profits woro nn the entire capital Invested In Iho Stewart farm with A view to comparison his system of fnrmlni on large scale with that nf tho smaller fnrmnrs on the Hempetoad llaine and elsewhere In the State Ho Hiild that It was not I good business policy to rovcal ones business to tho public Ho could answer time Question however ns far as to nay thnt time farm was prolltnbly conducted Thoro were other timings he mluht say also thnt would Indicate to farm ors tho deercn of success which had been nt tamed 011 limo Btnwnrt farm Ho desired to say first however that thoro wero few appliances used on the farm which might not bn used on A small nrm iilouuhlni ho generally used A cane ot two plotiuliH with throa horses Th Is enabled ono man mind throo horses tn do tho work of two mon and four hornet Steam onclncs could be prolltably utilized 1 on smaller farms Time method of applying small Quantity of exactly tho right kind of fortlllzor In exactly time right place wee wltlilntliacapiiclty of any fitrm or No farmer In that part ot time country needed to nnrrow his profits by building and repairing fences The corn crop could bo raised inclusively with horses Them would ho found hn thought A fairly reasonable profit In these savings nlone The land ho worked U8 excellent Allen time ilnrlst Into of Queens now ot Garden City had cultivated many plots In lowers and bulbs AR well ns III vegetables for tho table Tho results he declared to bu better than on Any other kind ot land ho had ever cultivated As to thn acreago of Iho various crops tills year Mr Hlnsdalo cave the following account Of corn there wero 150 acres with an unusual lyhovy yield Thero would be at least seventy bushels nf shelled corn to the acre beyond doubt Of oats there wero 588 acres It unit not been a good soiison for OmitS but tho yield would bo nbout Ihlrtyllvo bushels per acre This was a better yield than would bo found cist rhero In tho vicinity because the land hint suffered less from thu drought Ot ryo there wore 195 acres Of meadow thoro were 185 acres Ono hundred acres of this wero In Hungarian hay with yield of two tons and A half to tho ncr Of huckwhcnt thero were 250 acres with yield of nbout twenty bushels to time nero Of wheat thorn wero thirty acres with yield of twenty bushels to the nero Besides these crops there wero planted every year from twenty to fifty acres of carrots turnips And sugar beeln I which were raised with tho ordinary methods of fertilizing and with results thnt worn at lenst equal In point of prollt to nny crops of the some kind of vegetables Iu that vicinity Tho abovementioned crops cover nn area In nil of nbout 2300 acres The rest nt the farm Is used an pasture The flock of GOO sheep now grazing on It la to bo Increased From tho figures given abovo the following tablo hAS boon calculated of tho total yield this year of soveralot time crops Oats 3Wlhuihels Corn ishelled 31 MM bushel KuekHTheat bam bushel Wheat OOIU bubel Tho following wero the products of tho farm four years ago Oats 14nooi ii hel Indian corn shelled KUDbushel Buckwheat 3i xitiu hel Wheat Uhushel Timothy urass seed SUDtushel rr nl Hungarian grass seed lOObusiieh fnrrols 3a 11 biishel Turnip CASt htmehem Ioutoei ttn bushcli Hay avitouf straw stocks Ac housed I6uut4jns TOE FOOTJJttt CIlAJlllOXBUll Ilarrisrd liXrisli Colilmhli sit the Xnlo Ground In the Fire Game of be Series The first match of tho series for the College Football championship ot If80 took place on flue polo grounds yesterday It was tho first contest at tile game on the polo field Hitherto these games have been played on tho Stevens Institute grounds at Hobokcn but tho superior accommodations nt tho Manhattan Association grounds cnuse them to bo socute 1 and hanco forth the lending football matches of the season will be played there In nil the games played at this locality this IIon limO charge for admission under the rules of the Manhattan Association has been twentyflvo cvnti On thin occasion however the collcclnnt doubled time admission fee nnd the result wis that not over threu hundred piopowero present ent and I not over forty occupied seals on tho grand stand At thn same charge uinde for tho polo miamI other meetings morn thnn doublo tho number would have been present Ibo weather was not very favorable for the game and the ground was In very slippery condition pools of water appearing on porno parts of tho felt thn result ot the rnln of the previous day TIme Coluiublns were on time titthe Hold but the Hnrvnrds did not reach the ground until 3 oclock and it was not until Ts thnt limo contest began Tho Columbia team were attired In bu striped sliirU and blue stocking nnd thn Horvards appeared In magenta colored shirts anti hone with clo eflttlng canvas jackets The players on each side wore as follows Columbia I dent Oaptsln Trnvers II I Tsjltr rJ Jenkins I Jr fI HruldenJ Wilson and Stearns rushers I llenrv and A Burton hall bsck niu11i Le Poilx and Martinez backs llarvArd Atkinson Captain Clarke A Herd Cibot Pines and 1 Vlnteher rushers II Foster Kent and Keith hair backs and Messrs Leatlierhee and Kdruclus backs The umpire were Messrs leigh and Cabot and William Carlton of Uarvards acted referee The visitors lacked the services of their captain Mr Manning Mr Atkinson acting In his place Time Columblns also could not present their full strength ns Sir Wntsonwas absent Mr Martinez took his place for A abort time but he was succeeded by Mr Van Bchalck who had to rotlre from limo tlnld during the second half owing to a severe blow which hi received In the side Tho ground was well laid out and I plenty of field room was at command Time wind blow from the eastward anti on this aCcount when Harvard won tIme tons they chose tho easterly coal which gave time kick nil to Columbia The contest begnn nt 816 I nt which time Cart Clnrko nf the Colurnblua made the opening kick oil Time ball lit once CRlnll Into play nnd the contest began with the Harvard rushers working the hall down toward the Columblns coal whnrn thero were several scrimmages in the efforts toads to secure possession of time bull Thu Harvirdc crossed their New York adversaries close and after A quarter of an hours rouchnniMumblo work tho Columblns were forced 1 to touch the bnll down for safety a point which though not counting Against them on tho score really lells in tho story of thn iiiAtch ns a defensive play Oneo or twice the Columblas managed to get the bnll out from their ground toward time centre Henry made A good run twice end another Columbia man rondo telling kick but the Harvard backs were always equal to the occasion nut the ball was soon sent back to the Columbia ground Four times did Iho Columbia hal to touch down for safety so closely were they driven tn their goal ground by thu Harvard heavier At last after time contest had lasted twenty minutes line run In by Matcher yielded Harvard touch down and on the try at the goal by Keith the hall was sent between the post and Harvard scored Ibo first coal On time kick on Kent secured ctinnco for a good drop kick and away wont tho ball close to the Columbia goal posts but tho ro sult WAS only poster Time wns called Atone minute after 4 oclock nt which time the ball was in Columbias ground At 412 lllay was resumed and this time the Uarvards Slay the westerly goal with tho wind against them As before however thn contest from the kick off WAS mainly In Columbias ground the Harvard playing a strong attacking game and forcing the lighting from the beginning Tire times within fifteen minutes were the Columbus obliged to touch minim for safety the last Imo being when Van bcunlok collided with Ilord and had to retire Northruo taking his place After the kick out the ball was sent lack to the Columbia ground and by a bad pans II hanco was given lloyd for a touch down In tIme corner Owing ton dispute the Harvarda punted the bnll out and catling A chance at the goal Kent by a good kick sun the ball between the posts and another coal was recorded In favor of Harvard Shortly afterward another wool was scored by Kalth the score now standing At threo goals nnd one tnurli down against nothing In favor of the Harrarda It was now getting dark and begin nine to rain and when 51101 was reached tho commit ended Mutual chiieirs were given by the teams and then all wended their WIIV homeward It was evident after tho first rjunrtorol an hours play that Harvard was too strong for the hometwim On the 13th the Princeton eleven will moot the Harvards at the polo ground and there will be a tug of nor In nrnst The Vales do not play here until UieaJth In a came at Wlnttton 2 yesterday tho Princeton College football team detod tint frlncetoD UnlverltT loam the Irlncston players jtot Cal toUch dorrnand ib PIIDDrl ronl A men fAiled timers a toll AN EMIGRANT GIRLS STORY WIlY JUSTICU oorrr VAHNKD TIIK CABTIK aAItDKN COJlMIHlJIONBI18 An Incident that Hnr lie One or Mnny 1crll Aolnt uklch lh Comml tluntr Ciinnat 1roTlde Too Many Mnf nnrd Offlcor Groilon of tho forco under tho Commissioner of Emigration nt Castle Garden yesterday afternoon camo to tho Tombs Iollco Court having In custody Henry Iloycrs of 0 Beach place Ilrooklrn Closely following them cnmo Ulzaboth Doll young German girl of modest demeanor Officer Orodon addresslna Justtco Duffy said This young girl Ultaibeth Doll camo to this country from linden two months ago Hlio arrived by tho steamer Itottordam llolna perfect stranger and not underntandltiR the language care taken that sho should bo well provided for A situation was obtained for her In Drooklyn and thoro alto remained until two woeks ago Hho was then taken to Holts Hotel Battery place Thero this man Henry Iloyors ascertnlnliiK thnt she wasnn Ignorant coufldinu girl got Into conversation with lior lie told her that ho could obtain for her a Rood situation with kind people but that she must not tell any one of his Uolnc so lio engaged her to accompany him that night Elizabeth Doll bellovlne his story wont wilh him and ho took her to 102 Canal street whoro lip sold her for 1250 There Officer Grouoii found her lockml up in room This Is terrible charge officer exclaimed Justice Duffy Now toll tho Court exactly how you found this clrl Complaint having como to the Commissioners of rmlKrntlon that this girl watt mleelnir I was ordered to find her I went to Holts Hotel and them learned that this man had CII tlcod her from tho lintel and taken her to Dora Bchnlkoiis Iiouso There I found him and arrested him Who Is this man 1 asked Justice Duffy Ho Is man who makes business of on tlclni womuii to such housis How do you know that ho received ray for brlnclnc that girl to that house 1 Ho told mn so himself Justice Dnftir then ordered 1 Court Interpreter KlllltP to take the stntotnunt ot Elizabeth Doll and Clerk lowors to take It down Elizabeth Doll sworn snll My father died few month ago leaving I my mother myself nnd a louneprslstnr In destitute circumstances Friends told mo that I could make good lIving III this country and could save oiniuuh III little limn to brine out my mother nnd sister I eaton out alone by lImo steamship Rotterdam nnd on itrrhlnc hero was taken charge by the Commissioners of Kmlcrntlon situation was obtained for me In Brooklyn where I iu mnlned up to two wcoks ago Thon I cnmo to this city and while visiting porno frlouda I Ins taken to Holts Hotel nt flattery place Thorn this man accosted mo amid naked me If I wanted loo situation Ho told mo ho could procure ino ono with kindhearted Kcntlcman and lady who would treat mo like ono of their family Ho warned mo not to say anything about It to any one In time hotel That nllht hn beckoned to mo ns 1 sat at table nnd told mu to hurrr up and accompany him I went with him to that house III Canal street I could not understand when I got there why they closed Ibo doors on me 1 saw him receive some money I was taken to room up stairs A girl In tho house was tho first to speak to me and when I told her my story she burst out crying and said I was ruined Just then tho woman came In and beat that girl I was then locked up Inn room 1 could not get out nnd the woman told me that If I cot on tho streets the police would lock mn up Bho then told mo I would haVH to submit JustIce Duffy Why dldtit you cry out and call for the police I did cry out but they tied ma down and threatened to kill me and 1 became frightened Elizabeth Doll then cave a history of her ton daB torture In that house Officer Qroden recalled said thnt when ho wont to the house ho was at first told that the girl was not there but upon searching the homo he found her locked up iu room When she saw in continued Groden shin fairly screamed with joy mini clung to meant cried I then brought her lurc Henry Un crs acknowledged his Inline tho Ctrl to limo house Justlco Duffy then held him In 13000 ball Turning to Officer Grodon he handed him a warrant for time arrest of Dora Hchnlkon nnd ordered the warrant to be served at once and tho woman to bo taken to the Central 1ollco Offici Elizabeth Doll Justice Duffy placed In charge of the Commissioners of Emigration with strict instructIons that she should nol be exposed to any Intimidation Justice Duffy remarked to Officer Groden Whllo I believe tho Commissioners ot Emigration ore anxious to do their beat yH I think they should exercise greater watchfulness over those hotels where tlieso unfortunate womnn are liable to bo approached They should watch such hotels closely nnd nbllco them to kop a register ot what becomes of thcao women I hale no doubt sir that thero nru many Instances nt poor emigrant girls ruined by thee tmoplo Officer GroJon ensured JustIce Duffy that emory car was taken to protect tho Imlgrantf but It was Impossible to look after thm wlmn thby had loft Castle Garden Dora tkhnlkoti wan arrested last night Tho case conies up again Monday llrcnverlnjr hlo Speed In Dream James Paul a resident of Oxford Furnace wide UhrUtin in a fiehl trine time emo tuiMenljr bit Ml lower ol ffcccll Iliiilcinn were unable to rrndrr ihn emmy ttrliunec ant he Krlcrcil over the pros rrctrir Wine rocchlc for lire Rrrr nllv I in it trf he thouitlit I lie rtiovLrrtl i iii ipcrch ntul tmn erect it i tile wile pou nwnkeninit he lound tilt dreamt tlicmlty lulfllled He crull talk tll ai rter nn hi lisa tlnce rLtaiucd the pu rul vicich I A Queer Street Scene A curious scene was witnessed In Willis street rattrton 3 1 on ThuriJ afternoon AHIioi there Were many xrplft in the street paMlng to And fro twoowU Inl hAWk flew tHlltI Ihrouich tht street tim a roe Illor a chicken A ventfeinin Hho wee on the eliot rjuickly got htn yun mitl shot one or time owls It it a tifnuulul neamcn and ery Urge The other owl and tle hiwt eic ped pedOtRlll tiil Shot by IlumUr BOSTON Nov OJobn Gordon 33 years of ace was latilly eliot In hit Ijoinllne housj at Quinc uIs early thi ninrnintc by a burglar who had entered the ious amid slum nhom he was itnucllnir Tho burglar escaped tlordott II alive but cannot rccmcr IAALJ4L IlJ chiUItC1AJ New York atsxk Ezchssace I Nov eslyac ITave city snaps UN ltXVii l1 I aeimiclam i 1iTenn Cs m44 4l toCI 24SUh I I bsMlr I IIU il 1 Troll Us new 4Vr i III 4s tie 1 4i Tenn Us fr 45 DistCol 3JJI lit Vu dsf II ss la consols auMil 1 25 Ctissitax3Jcl Us nun 3431 UIUO Mp Orege eons its elIIIltl 30 Alio Ii Sims 2 1211 Km n1 Tea 24 07 a Am Ihk a 111I1114 431t 1111011 12 AntilmCk A Immmimas I lIt Li 11101 1111 In 4i 42t 21 II Inc 711 41111111 1 07 rdAJIIa isItt7ttti4 32 Ihu I se 1 Iu get uI II lI 72 41IAolI 47CloOUlL hI 1 102 def Cl rt I I Msrh 11107 WI ui i im Q7sEi7tti5 il mclemmr ttLO iI tllIot 7K 1 lyi it ti 1 ge t23h mu 1 lit i I irmas etOqlt ur 01 rcU I III1I1IIH I 12MiI I mt I cm 12 72 IC 101 t9 i 21 i I a A IIIII 4 tttlt Iac JlIr 1011 St 1 II ttii7iia 0CCl I Chll 14 IL 11101 11I31 to Cf elms 959i 11 Ioh lit a Ot a I iLiac45 ii 0110 remit 101 1 dem cr5U I i5 Met I II II 1 ii I 1111111 I hLJI itch I MGI I tia ikti A 1111 COIIIIIII 20 tetb Ccl I I I Ia I iLti I 1101111111 I ErIe at mist i SJ CetO lIme Pil I IIII 141IX IJ bj YL 1 A a 10 ilL WL 2d Uf 2 4 1Ia AI Jm4iov tail1 IJ ta IlIuaTn UIMJIIII ilL mtaO3 rI1 i III i I 7imtm 2 nLHI mmml 1111 I III 2 Iont 117 1121 I 21 i kJGI7 it Uhlo hI 10 12 lit III a 11 II I I tIbIa cn inc 5el57 lmic lIlIaoII 111011 t1 III I mel 4Ion1I1I let 117 II lIotlII 1l1JL 21 ItMh1me5 1 In 7 til72i rJr tl11112d 1ln 7t 2 01 Inc 10 tott 1114 lub tiC let I Imma lit it IMt hI lit tlJ I it 1 2a let It Zd timelO 12 lmtYjiiilj I i stf 2 imlil I 5 lip 21 mmmm itm St 1t ci II HII 1 Li 1r it nl E7 Bf 5 kgsPac timIMiC till1 127 lix tte it i 2 Koole 111111 ttf II I IIHIlIII 11 aoIWdn 17 i21iTea Pie I it Inc 71I5 1 linNJlh mu Kemi rae mm 4 ci tUi 1 12 itmI Siam Jlo I 4 IIIIJd1I1 1 Tultrab eommcv mb 1 lU n7uon mm ls toe hI 114 ai IIIQIII 2 tIII IIU iAit ROAD Aam ornn iOCIi ni Ad FSII II i IH laAiulchfen twaio7 I MM Alt A Iia24s4 IIIU Mob A 23 44d1 Am rime 74 lUIIIMor ABs llbSullil Am Kip ui Mete a mil 4111 20 At AT Tel 41 I5HT NJ Central 7Ml4t7il Ml Am Ex Ilk Ijn jJIv t4sbm31ymjith i 3V Host A tit 46044 lON Ely Ill IUBC JLA IB 3iil Xortli fac 2u IrVXI I i A I ILi14t 121 rae Dr NO a 0 A I Olmtlmth 7JIO I North flii4Iti2b all Cii Sodit t7V mvihorviipr Iii4ij7 xiureniral il 27 awniahloA MISS nyt 6 1 loI 4UCentral His linn A tun pm7s Ti I inu7ft Cent ractmlmmjm44 i 1000 A Cu tat I T71 rti A All I43i lt7 1 41it lint A sstVV Mi lHVIitiHAQ IMISiaM ubiUtueL A lOUlioUeo A Er a KiriietAOlst 7JIO raetac MsU47 fl Dr 25ltZIlI imp I A Nut JJiJ 2JI CUT API I mnisua 4lAlqUmckiitver13t3 JIKVnl Ita54iSl4 41 Pu I Cnsl 2IJlJ I tin UiaJ 1111 lirtli 1 illlft Rsadlns Mri II 121mUsL A Hud tsk57 this 1 iriocHsl tsiSiJI ttll nllt 34iun UctL5wtatbrbt 4 nuorllortimont fliaJI ynt Van A 74i s74 4 tomb St A 04111 44v414i I Krte commm44 ia41 4 IHI it a 4t1st En it74m471 IIi in KxceVr 4 dlSb LAS pIes II an Sll04 1011 ill at Olitll IJW a It JD laamylst PsuitOjljtUab4 iif oIl lull SC PaI tC I lltmb lllUSATsiJ3u7l i IWllKt A OHI44VJIII KIUlUlent IIUallT MS II A irH4ljs exao elI Mnuaiflif 111 land IIln24i l2t rills Eec A TnlllIoIf1 smiTiss Ise 31 liVU I UK itTjaJii 00 If Kip 1011 IttOT Lai mt1I5Sil1i 4VX tTlon PsaO33fl5 4 JIJtUimua 2 4 0011 Wb A Pce425m4lZ 620 nOOIxiu uinbn Idssag3mf2osco i72iflO 1KI77A West Wabi UT rpf77lji7 IXI4 f7Ji i StiMermattalat noel sties 34Ofl4 mars CUOXet KLU3 I11 I Ex dIvidend ctoisa yucca DM 1inl JeU oIf IT ci MtrrJ Imma 1Ihlln FI 11I1 so VP 5e eor1I2 1U3 MunCltl2 I i2f Cs SIrIII4 im44 hIictusetrtttt44 1001 Ie 111104 lot Mil A Sb IIUIUI4t IO4t usaist 1 rIUI III 1111 A 81 1 p111 1101 II I ii 101 Mo 5 Tn 111 117 1fPI11t I III 1101 Ohio 22 2J4 VS glrIJO 1111 I MoC Zn I lO4 IIU ha tlerllU7itmfl lW Nest rt fl Igl Ig I L4emiia11tbtt j2 lie 1 IIIall Isa lSCiir itaio EIIIII ma fI Alt AT 1Iu 31 3 or tue 211 2ibt Am Pub Tel 71i 74j Nor lscitlc pr ia In At A Isc Tel 411 41 orthwemetn itS 114 Canada south a7tf is SorthI ciJ4 lab I II CC At IHI II liii hY llm cc A cl 1 I titi ieJb Ohio A liii 85 1 11 lhlcII a I5H 1611 Jllio a tilL pI 7J 7h Chic A Alton 143 i4m1 lIlnc Situ 47J 474 PelI Attest 1 iii iltlt4 UIklIr ItJi Del A II Can N8U MJ 0kllIr pf rol rol llenr A ltd 74V Reck I iitanj 121 isl4 Irlellallnnr 41 1 44 Iteetmeg caf hrle Railway pr 74 sin yrsncleo i 4 41 I tie 11 coIls ti74 Ill Sin Fran p1 au4 02 11 2Alm 1i Inl i Man A Bt Jo 4li 4it itt imttmt I lilt tl4 41 HanAetJobr Mi 5114 HI Ioul A pm 1 l8h I st Illinois CnIIHi 1I0 1 soul TllnnI I 11 I Iron Mountain 4HJ 40 111110n 1lnc oi 0 ASsili171 17 Wb icc 42I 42 Llt1 Vest Js 32 Wb1 11pf 77 77 Lake ShoIIG lib i 111 Un Tel 111 i54 SATUIIDAY Nov Thoro was variable nnd Irromilnr stock market until tIme second board when much buoyancy was exhibited with cnnsldorabln activity In suph spcclnlltlrs as Weftnrn Union Telegraph Denver and Itlo Grnnda and HID coal shnrcfi except Iteaillnc which receded nearly nno point from the highest Utturu of tho day Manhattan also lost part of the onrlr advance Tho final dealings were active but nt irregular fIgures with exceptional advances In Chlcaco nnd Aiton nnd II and Quincy lho mora Important changes for the day were ns follows Advanced New York Central Northwestern common i Metropolitan Etc vnteil 4 1 Manhnttnn Klevntrd I 2H Western Union Cnnndn Houtlirrn 2 Denver nUll It i Delaware and Hudson 114 Ctilcnco anti Alton 7 Illinois Central ltO II tint 9 Jersey Central Ii CCC nnll1dl Hannibal anti bt Joseph eoinmoni Kt Iniil 1 anti Om common 1V St Inul nnd Om preferred 3 i Wnbasli nnd 1nclllo preforrod 111 Declined Iron Mountain Governments worn steadier but loss active Southern State bonds wero active with it further ndnnce In Tennes ocn Hnllrnad bond were fairly nctivo with Texas rnclricft dearer Money on call 31 cent closing at 3 Illds for bank stocks nro America 137 American Ixchnnce 118 liutclifrV amid Drovers Ill 5 Cintrnl 121 Chnnn 132 Chut linni 110 Ctiomlenl 1701 City 200 Citlzns 107 ommerco 141 ContInental 118 1iilton 141 Hanover 120 Importer anti Traders 200 Mnnhnttnn 130 Market 11U Mochnnlra 143 Michnnlra llnnklni Asuuiclntlon 70 JIo I ohnnlcs anti Traders 102 Merchnnts 131 MerchnnthKxchanisoJDW Iilrnpolltnnina1 Nassau 100 New York 141 Ninth 108 lark 12Si 1henlx 102 Ilepuhllo 131 Ht NIcholUB 110 btatoof New York 115 i Union US Gas stocLs are quoted Now York 10i to 106 Manhattan to 185 Metropolitan 130 to 135 Mutunl 8to72 Municipal 170 to ISO Brook lyn 110 to 112 Jersey City l5Sto 165 The weekly bank statement compared with last weeks shows nt 30 Air II Ittfertneu IAlInetStTS i2cn 354 370 jno Inf41I sPecie ro37 Ice IOCWITUO ino aiino icni lenders uinnTui IKIIKHI liec lirT lai lcro li sirVHMOi I 177I7W inc Osi4r i Circulation 1H1HUMJ ltlUJIHUkl I Inc I 46JU Tho following shows limo relation between tho reserve and tho liabilities erects KM TO 4111 trn ro i TOO inc riloano 1 UBaunJcrs udlOTu II IIMIUU lec 11r 1 7 luo Total reserve 7U U100 TrVMI3IM Dec 7U7HU Kesre requl anLitcpotlts 7SG43S 70DIU17i Excess ol re erve ahflve U0al reure mints 3743571 I73J ISS Dec rOll 0 A year neo the statement chowed Loans 270I17G BOO specIe 33821 800 liunl tenders 2A480000 ilHposltfl J231927100 deficiency of reserve 1071100 Time np pn nml legal tenders have IniiHiisid about 20000000 thn de Posits almtit t75000000 and the lotius about I54UOOOOO The receipts of national bank notes for redemption for tho week endlmt today ns compared with tho correspondIng period last year areas follows 1873 10 1 New York auto in f2i I un Molten 711 Hit Nm rhllftldidiln MlM 77 ID Mltcellaniou 3Uu 3 Mnu TolalJ SJSUW f74U llccclpl today ItaL 1 Tho Treasury now holdi 339435I50 In United btntcs liondo 10 Scuribank circulation honda deposited for clriMilntlon during tIme week coiling today tl71390t bonds held for circulation wlth lrnwlIlurlnl the wrek 2026 IOO Natlounl hank ilrculnilnn I outbtitndlnc eutrfiicy notes 342355720 cold notes ll1419CS Only 5000 of Cs of 1880 have hcon olTurpil to time TriiHiiry In Uioiii tr thin Sncrntnrys bid of 10275 for tl5UUUOO this week Tim Ikinds are iiipiiCKcd In 100 held by iruHna and rxeou Uirf nnd not likely to bn iiresented fur riiteuip lion before their maturity A fovTOf tho bonds of 1VI 818C1 commonly known as the fivt of 80 have bell fIlet It Treasury Diparlnient for imymonton the last div of nxt month Mr Mionuan Is do firom of InMtlnk tho rturpus rnvouuo in thiHn Imnds oieh week and hio rfiinid mis biKh ns 102i I fur thlOlII IIH I lolim thuir tnliin I whin riiloaiiiwl two 1501mm Its hencu lint I Mr hlu mlln illS holdeitt ave uot shown disposition to eel I tlimn ut this hlclili I tirotltntiie rate During time summer pitini toanon from March 1 to Nov 1 tho Cit mcuo piuk iH handled and sailed 2873 000 hOI Thu wintir packlnu pcneon ttjcun on lie 1st Insl a ltd si nee then 150000 hogs have been converted Into pork Dimming the week ndlnu Nov 0 1S30 thoro worn IIAlrlhntp 501 4Jrt standardnllcrdollnrh iiknlnxt 327282 durini tIme corrcspoudini Week of 187J Internal munuo receipts today 503051 I cilMoms IC02 342 I The foreign cold Imports during tho week I amounted I I131U600 maklnu time total since Aue 2 H273U500 otfnlnst 51UJ8750 durlnc the corrl ollll1nl period lust your Tim bullion withdrawn from lime Hank nf England yesterday was 111000 In American eagles nnd tens for shipment to time United Slates and 100000 In sovr ri lcns for shipment to Canada Tite ori ductlonof anlhrsilln coal last week was C5151U tons aunlnst 577417 tons thocorre ppoudlnt week of 18711 The totnl production Irom Jim 1 to Oct 30 wns 190f 9123 tons nunlnst J1585CI7 tons for tho liko piilnd nl 187J showing a docrenuo this year of 2516519 tons Tho Imports for the weak were Dry goods 1220975 1 nut merchandise 7251373 a total of tH418550 The sudden nnd laren advanco today In time KhnnH 01 tho Chlcaco und Alton Mini of Ihn Chi caKO Ilurllnuton and Julney ItMltoad rompn nlis watt lilt to reports wlileh wo could 1 not verify nf npprnachini stock dividend Thntoj tho Chlcnco and Alton Is reported fill cent and thnt of the Chicago llurllncton nudUulucy nt 20 cent Tho track of time Atlantic nn IicihV llnllrnad Is now laid to Lncunn Now Moilo 54 lullen from limo ill 11011011 uf the New Mnxico and Southern 1acllle lUilroad Twoho miles south of Albu iuer uo thin uraders aro slattern all alone Urn lino to now Fort Wlucnto coil tho track is going down nttho rate of a mill a day being impacted to lIch time fnrt soon alter NswYinrX A dcMpnteli from Clilcncn states Hint time Chi caco hock Inland anti 1aclPc Ilallroad hits maduiiH I ndii from Cit ltag I II KHIISH City ill I Instead of til ISO It claims that In muktnu this rancllnn It Is only tnorllni thn rate of time ClilCHUo and Alton which ullhnuuh nelllne direct tickets to KniisiR City for 1480 mnkcfi arntiiof Vi tobt JOUB to muut lliorrtiiof time Illinois I Central and then sells tliUclb from ht Ixmlfl to Kannnft City for 5 Tlio despatch concliulcH that another general war nn 11110 PIIr rams Is pridlctod From trust worth nies In I thl Is cm It Is learned that the inrdletlon mentioned In tho despatch If I likely I to lx 1 fulfilled Attempt to iirrniiKnilioditalluot I thn I aKi mont of peneo entered Into by the Presidents of tho Southwestern roadu In this city two weeks ago linvo not both nmknblo or succrsslul limo CMICU tlon of time trllIS ol tho nijreeinent was left to the mnnrurersof tho roads and they lmn ex perlenied illfllculty In Illtorlrptllll IInIlIlIIllOUS Iv the trlllll of lh iiKriunent Astoilntea of ill Gould lln I tho Vt abash road say that I that compniiT became a pnrtv to tho peilfn nirien ment althoiich Its nftlcnrs were opposed to soiuoof Its tiims beeatiso Mr Goirid was In favor 01 It In event ot nnnthor war which the pi rson ronsldcr prolmbli ihoy say that it will I I tio morn bluer than I the former one lull that tIme Wabnsh will not become a party tn 1 peace except upon morn iidvrntwiriouB terms than It obtained this recent nirreurncnt It Is announced nt tho offlcn of the Philadelphia and Kimdlni Hallrond Company that Urn schema pruvIdInir for lime issue nf deferred income bonds has boon npprovudbylho Ionumuy flme tltne for the Piiusultullon of the Aniirloan comniltteowllh tht rnunkanlailvit I of the I Km I I Ish Intnrrsu I now In I this oounti Inis not yet been llxud Tho wlininnlo dry Bonds IOIIH nf 11 liar wood of Minneapolis I patRed into I the I Imiida of I Ii ii BhfrllTrejiirdjir itt tli I Hal igmttimt of time 1l rat Silt lonal Hank uf MlnnrnpollK aim ihm hold aroufwslon nf jiidcinent fur H550 Dm Inn Ihn I year ito I nrm monfoiyett i judumunt in I tho rollowlnupiiniRto i Nw York er dlioirt I I llMnlo I of I I it ry I letttt i 67737 I I I I Clmmiim mm t1L I 125711 hi 16 7iii hlremmmer hInts Co t247im2 tobLmoi I 1571 A I Jmillllsrmi 3912 ilstn Btmuhijmry 12 1j tO lirtum It I mu I imibi cclrk I 1 461 Cli I yin Iginr II Jttiutm SW 1t13 total I1C820 Tli lioiikn linn IICPH diilniz I a biuliiuia Hinounlltiu Iu a million dollar a i rand the dtsasier i aims Lnonuht about In iwrt Pr the death In Janunrynf listiry Jleatty of Now orkwho had Ipaucd Mr Harwood Inrce stimn miami Sire In April lust which wiped nut About Hl 000 worth of ixnrxirty yi0 IlaWlltlci nrc said to bo over 1200000 and the assets will nearly reach that sum The Fall Illvor printing cloth market baa been quiet with no business reported but quotations steady nt prorloiis figures or 4Js and 8o for rrspiictlvely Ci rquariS nml GO br 60 cloths rroilncllonH for the week 145000 pieces salon 231000 pieces leaving ns stock 420000 pieces or reduction ot 23000 pieces compared with last returns Time London KeonomM of this week says The rate ot discount for bank hllln CO days to 3 month Is Vi cent nnd for trrilo hill GO dnys ton months 22f cent Alter tlm holiday on Monday tho Block Kxchnngo nldod by ease In the money market reopened with general firmness In tho foreign riotmrtmunt which has since been well nustnlned but homii securities relapsed In consequence of tIm export of gold to America nud tIme less favorable Dank of Lngliind return Kvon American antI Cnna illnn rnllromla lost some of tholr buoyancy American railroads close trrtgultmrly Ht Louis and Han Francisco mire 2 higher and do pro furred 5 Xrvv Im Market HATtinrjAr Nov 11FLoun Ann Mri Flrtn with brisk demnnd flour No 2 tt4bv44m superfine 4na4T extra serums I RKW4 mi VVestitrn si ring XX and XXXK Mi Western winter shlppinit eixtras It 74f5 luIde Xstd XXX2bfi15tllllaIetl ItbOt CilH MI cllt shlPMnit exlrai and rnncies ft HIKJSU boiilh era bakers and tanilly hrands fSHPJ7i Southern ship linn eitras t52bi tfS75 Rye Hour Stinernne A 7oa slim CornmeAl VeiternJkcj moiG 1 ill Hrandyrtlne r1 40 VV heat lecd 4 ton coArse JI7jJI i nne Sill atio iiucks bent flour loo In ii 10541235 CciTTo Spols unchAiinrdl nitdillliik iiplnim tlrl no iiuiir 1H4C1 pood ordinary uplands u4ci sales I 2t111 bulge Inturei were a inllc hUlicr rlnMnit nt in for Novrratierli 81o fnr December lixtilc for January i1Ec fur Fehiunrr llc for March II I iJ3c her April ll47o fur May sal II i I VV KjrJllie isle 7ll4i5 belea luullts St time ports todav9IU4bH IrtoTiiiois 1oik MAS In mel export demand alIbi stetdv malts on the spot I loo bbls mess 1151 luturo deliveries chill and who ly nominal llncon llrm I INc Inr luiijrckirHU loo lor hair AutO linlli isles 2O oxest ilo lorDecenhcr delivery here 7Jcc lut incuts qnlcu 105i I Fresh liNins suit ntsc llcef and eel hainsijulct InnlAhout Mindjr and fairly Aiihei sales nn the spot 371 let Including prime elli Ktlc i off gride He prlino OMOtn nuotil H75i31 lit 2ill tel do Inirrlti HIKIM for luiiiro i delivery sUc 121x11 I tc lucliilliu Nnvonilier 8 52lio55C 1 Deceml er8 4JlnH 4 cl Jnllll ary 8 42Jrv IV KebniAiv84ii3 47c March KM 0457fc seller vear K4Ola425vm bujer year H70 MllrrUinontll H4 138 423 i rellred to the rollllliellt 8uv llrcibdl lues riijiV4c latter for plus Iluttcr filrlv Rctivti And firm lit i ilnu lots new htnte palm Ac Xlfict crenmery 24alJci VVcilern Hairy HWic inetory lupine Cheepo quiet Slain inctorv mtics lie skims 5lcm i Western mt54t2c Lfpiilcmly at Ja7c lor Western and Mate iliuit Wheat vrns inovterAiel acllrc at asllchtAd rnnco lull Zt 54115 lusm hliicliidiiiiired at fl Hr I it am which p1 1 nt Ii 1l ami No i at 5il7tl I lt4 white Ii 1ii2Qtt7 I tflcmmtitig tin I while at It04w 1117 ninINo 2 mit 1tt5eIlhfr NnU mlxi helter at tt15 1 ror future ilrllvirt mles IMKX hush IncluJ InitNo 2 red ntfllTirifl 17 lor Xntelnber clniliu at 111141 do for Dirrnilrr nt 1 lOijafl HI ant do rT Jannart at SI 21 infl i Jl i No I wliltc at Ii in4fifl I 111 lnrNoveinberfi i71wttm5 mom Dcctmber gill ltit for Juntiiry 130 ailu timttc ram ilcinfllul onus isi a immim nt I ol for Mnle nnd 1 HI I Inr raimda fur Noveni her Hurley llrm salt 3jixo bunli nt mac for nil urudetl rtnadfi nnd tV7 tor fnurrnHfd KtaU Oils nero fairly aeilte and Inner sale at eb3lz4me for mined and 40Ciinjae mom white tncludlntr Nn 9 crndtd nt41c for mixed ami 42l1Ic for white nlso Nd2tor Noveml At 41 He Inr DeceinberMt i Gll mIll lor J5tlitry lit 421r542c Indinn corn WA utrl aeiite nnl higher snlcs 212 uu hu Iticliiliiu No a mixed at 7l4Cu7j4e ungraded 5707be ant for iimmmmre delivery 4Uiu ihiis i Nn a midd at 07tm7T6c for November and wUj Jic for litccmber uw5Ubc for Jnnnnrj IlKOChKic Rio 0010s was moderator acthe end cnslrr nt llc fur lair carsoes sale 5247 bbtOi mild crades i eru null nnl nnchnliKed Klco HAS moilerately aclltc and linclianited Mnlasws was dull anl tin ctiAiized Haw Ducats was In rnlr demand still firm at 74c ror lair rrnnlntf sales floo hhds IJOKI reroons nnd 1H Ii baff incllidllitr ht Uotnin At MJjl llilc nulido nt o4e And llolln nt I refined quiet but llrm hnrds I li 54lc and stun laid An4e htMiitiES Navid stores store qiurt sill nnchanffen nt 4Vc Icr ilirit imirl COllie 501 UlHiKSfl 8 lor slrslned torootl strained rn ins Ietroleum WMM quiet at 12c fnr rcrlned In liii 1 crude certificated quoted tite Tallow stendv at Atl1 ritenrnm moilprrttely ntliro at tic lliwrd nil I 7uHc VVbUket Ii 1 15 Alcohol Silo ociin freights ere quiet hut eemrally stcad grim In I Uvurronl by steam 7I447II bacon 37s txl chetse 455 butler Us grnin to Cork for orders fis 7sl refined petroleum to iiennit or LeKhorn 4s 3d Sltambrats nni ttltOJ3 POll IIVAIIC AMI IIVMIUItY A duty connecting CACh way tslth Danhury ani New Harm lutlroads Steamer AMPIUCUli leaves Mer22 fullon Km 246 1 ul st hast Hirer VI Ire 33 cents excursion Ucketa OIl cents PII ItlVKIt IIMXTWO UOLLAK8 to A 1IOSTON ror upecUl limited tickets Hteamcrl HKI8TIII ant fKOVIOBNCB irnn rier2it alootof Murray stdsilbund Included at 0 1 A 8I0 1O ribs AM KKTITIIV nit IS i lilhM LINK New steamers8AATO IAand CITV OK TKHV dully except Kiturdav slIm tree Pier 41new No 411 It loot Leroy at tIllA1lH lIis IIMF ro reduced Ia tuONh POILVR ll fon Ncn Vnrk andAlhnnytn clnuor ntvlatlnn IMS Inr 1ier 41 It loot or Canal I dorm tck div 1C 1 XI CJO TU 1IO4TO via Hloiilneton line blceant PA steamersdAlIt except bundajsjat 4JO Urom In r33 Itl tilt nf lay st pnoviDhscB LINK StIR BOSTON rreleht only ittebintorl rein Pier 211 It loot of VVarreui at daily extept bundnys at 4 VI 1LNiSIVtPit KAIIUOVll I OKKAT TIIlMv LINK ANUUMTIII bTAtrH MAIL KOUTK Trains leave New Vork tin Desbrusses nnd CorllanJt htieets Ferns as lollotts Ilnrrltlnr 1niljuieh 1ioUeit an1 South with Pull limn 1nljce Car I allached A and 8 30 I IhS lillnmsDort I ck linen 1 A ha I Cnrrynnl hrie at hi i connecting al Cnrri lor Titustllle I ctroletlin Centre and ttiu Otl Ilenlons Ilnluniore Vim lltcti all Ihr south LlmlUd Wash inct111 Kxpre ii ol Pullmin Parlor Cars dailf except bundat Ill A VI arrive vt liluiton 412 i Ifesu tar st 4 ao CII I 8 A vi 4 and 10 1 Sunday lur I vi Ixprrsslor Wcrtililvlelphli 4107 31 31 fllinUm Hid II I I A IIVI4 i 44 0 II I 7 mOO and HIP i VI i ant IJ ntLht Minilni 4 Ji slid 1 A 07 Jj and In I vr nnl IJ ni lit Epres tnr Ilult i iphl via Cninden 7 30 A and 4 1 exct pt Mlndiy Itiuls of Hrn iklra Annex ronncct ttilh all throueli trains nt Jfrit 7 Citt nirnrdiiu A spnd anj ilinct IrinsVr for Itrnukltii trntel Tu In arm i ri mi murkli I 7 10 41 A VI OSa I VI ilut and dnlt ixcipt vumdiit rrnni Vtanhliintnnand Hillini ire Mt I A VI i Ml 4 VI 5 I HI IIP 1 I sundit II Jl I I VI 1 nun nnlilrlhli VI ti Ml 7 ID III 4bi II 3IV I 3011 4 hit 5 i il so SAt ti Ii I alt 10 vi I Iblmmllay 1104 7 Id 411120 A VI miso II I rpo IHIIAIIIllIMIIL I V1V rRNNSYLVAMV ItVlLROKD Tllh OLD 1arAUIHIIFI HOI Ti AND fallORT LI SB llhTVV blS SEW YORK AND 1lllHDLmiU 18 TUVIVS KAril WAY DAILY KXCKIT UM VV ukruTS IN riuiAUUriiu IN Ntw VUIIK DOtnU TRACK TUB Vlosr IVIlROVKD KJLIP JILNT AM TIIK 8TKf T1VIK dlNslllTbNr WITH AB80IUTK SlEETY OS AM AKTFIl OCT 4 1RJ1 Kxpress Trains eaie New Yrk via wsri sei and Comb Unlt Mncu hurries as lollows 4 a iII 75 Hitl ti lull Liniited II I A I 3311 4 4 40 5 7 HJl and IU 1 nut 12 nleht Kunlay 43 I and 0 A II 7 852 aud IU il ems nuht Express Trains heave New nrk dill except Minlaynt 7 ao A and 41 il runnin through via Trenton and Canlden Hunts 01 Itrooklrn Annex connect with all through trains nt Jesl5 City ntrordiiu a speedy and direct trans er Inr 1 Hrookli traeL Iteturnln trams iesve West rhltsdelphla 1201 345 42 7 7 JV 14 55l and II A Iniiilel hxpress I I I VI 2 4 40 7 and 7 JM I 0mm Sundilj Ul 345 42lIt HJJ VI 4 and 7 1 r1 vt Ua Chllj ilelhll vlaCaiuUuu A tinJ 601 I VI dallyexcipl hniulai Tic etontces 60 and 4 Hronlirny 1 Alter House and toot nt lesbru es nnl Curtlandt alt 4 Cnurt st ami Hn oklyn Annex Depot hot of riiltnu st Krnoklyn 114 lIe aud lix llud nn stlluhnkcn Ikpot Jersey City Iiiilcrnnt Ticket Ollke I lliller i I more The New I orb Irnnsier Co tip uiy will call for atU chct lnukaje frIll hotels and residences tllANk IIIUUSIIN I I FVItVIKR Orncrnl ilansier Renl Iassetuer Agent nppIul CTATK TlVKTnt1ss lttcrinl llelrnsf not si Ixipitonderrv from Pier Ion i i Citnat st It MIIIV Slit RilAV Iiicnci ot lliroiuh rales 10 nil ltauimc mirs i lnrni Micriue Ei A lion 14 11 U1U i ii vuiiiu 13 Ilroadway innncitl UMTIII rvrvTrt ivnic ATin ti COMM iboilt5 Nil York Nov 5 183 Notice Is I rely iteii thnt tile hal for suucrl tlnn to tIe capital Hurli il the LniUil 1 lntes Intirnalmnn I Ciinmliiinn will IMI I oielied nl tie i Sic tl Hie I PiiriiM rs IINIII and Trust Compnii Vl i iclutue ilace i ol Vtidnu day IHh November inttant Scum tcrccIl ul I the liilioit subscript must be paid at the lime uf inliiriillon and the renintnimt nliiet percent as Inllntrs vu Ulliin pi rccnt il tOt I Ut Vlnteh itl rtlleeti im rent nn the 1st VIn ite Mlleell Icr lent nil the 1st Jm Irrtl Hfuin percent nn thf Itt ipml er 1fl Piltien por lent on tin I 1 VntembiT tSt I rilteen pi cunt on the lit JnnitArv IHJ I VV I STUOMI i hair II Mf i HIIIN rn llent lxientiv Ciiminlttre I nil I comini sion It ti i KillMOV Challn I llhKhVUISK Tieas bill limit Iuiuiiilltce Lxientlte Committee UTAMIAIC1I VATiK SI inriit COVIPtNV MDfk UOUIIP AM KOIII IIY VIOIlt i ft 21 iisr ii A 5 Tnilllmlnnllifloltiir I nnc lilulltb hr tieS aecominiidiitloii tile ndiertin si 1mm klvn fri imlmm i Iat CIII ill lltit amplo sreilrllt I enter all rlk Ad diets 1 i box llll Suit mmke C31 i6tht tttIi2lsia 3 car will IMII tslnry bilc Isle 5 ilad Itlo KM lunl let Hn nil linprnir nn HIM cln Ii IN iiiti ihi od inni inoiitlnA tviru ail JUU IlOX 47 lmtmbtmmlcy stJnie tim la91 nnb ltlt1crit1 ruIII I tillS nt ji AMI It NsItgs ir eHIUUUU mip lilMl VhS i co i I I Chliuie Jal Anew an II 1 lot lililiu ciiu1 tin i urlui1 Ac Si 0 vuiiij Jl riiilon iitueen Muter mid li arUis lIti3t IKKAN riiiiilard hiliinrd and poll tsiies mete All SCI 101 hand at krint tirk ittu nil I ui i terms II lilll Mill ill IM llralxni eiinri mil lAT 1iOICCb CIIKAUd MKrlnr diirt Cook fount HI IL Oat 41 IOHJ Ulnn ml jo Jnhn I Jnn i mu Klleii sirrl Hun Dr Alruimlcr etirli cauiv ndulltry nurlij guU icrlliMi gfluftbtm3tf 5 A VrTOWV AIIVlIHTISIIItsi it Stey leave ttmehr Par rem iig SUM St tl54 only so tttrld tptown advertlaetlgIlt n5gee iena iirondutmtV cortr it 311 ct Ott I St and lImPS iM mali at ceriier 1 SlIm imv lilt 0 i II Silo AT corner iii 47lll St llll 8 I UJ IASI Hui st corner Union tquare llll 7 exits CtiIrge 5 A Avtvrrn A A Operators on ladies felt sxlrta AtCaity work mid good pay ATo bet lianla lianlawrvgn JoXA514I 4COi VM iIraIhnay A It 1IA I 0 14th sf anl Uli nv Ja vtnnts experlcneed nierntnri on mills nnl dIll melt ulilierwearm opporiiinlit 5 III also bo ci eel ii I jonnff inisscs tn lenrn Iho finest work In this briuelii I Hll iIisChuiflr I are run liv seam pot ciA MTFKN IIICIII IllIts rrnillre nt oner eOl 1 ernl snlesln liis in their limit In sis nnd mnjillea cowls OlIn rtlt lIt thov havli Inn i In I nlin city louses ptelerrcd Appl alter II A Si at UM 551241St A NTIIKN IlllOtll TICS nqnlrc nt cure sev I 1 ChIll salesladies Inr their Innimiu inllllnrr depnrt immeni Only Ihoie Inn Inc eximenre In lennln city llolmals neeil SPIt alter A VI nt Uatl VVet2ld i IAICOr nmnlernr In shill outdoor oticrntos on 4 a ladlesnnderwiir at ftrst ehs prlcist nlso cxnmin em DANNHAUMIIA VIoNrlllKIVIIU lb Holllh Mil nv A A number or orernti rs on VVImler A 1 a Wilson and VV Illcnr A lllls fuse hi ei on lidles undirnear lOut it ACOHnnd udrrene st A VM 11 iil of niwrntord ant lenrnura uii Indies un za rifniin nti it nut Inner MHJih ItKOlIlhllH Ib3on1 los Scull Sm til ftv 111 1lI 5 1 Ilt 11 itNhVamtlt bull uiak 1 era sinalltinixt a finl icorners I TitAtlIt A utiTN 007 lhroadway A COO oprrntnrs on tlonks and ulsters Court A ft corner of filntc llrooklvn branch of JAOKMAN A OtlARA AKT1FICIAI FIOWKKMilnnds on slipped 11 rose 11111 bloMoms learners Apply Tuesday nt 149 Store it tuiistnlrs S1 II AN lit on relits tie bows sell bows Also 11 i learners tteuity work aiullrooinehL near Centre ICTI PIII A II riO VKIC inakeram elm learners A ta by Shelter at htraus Leeif A Cos 1U7 vivrcur st 1ii5 1IHO1I hair i nblnet VV I ccler It Vihcn sew lux maehlno lItI tie new lorflJ ert Hast luth sL A A A Kxicrleneed cloakmnkers root wages A II AYH Allimt I A Ul 43 1 and 45 ortll st A Illtl ritKHtodroHsmsklng 434 Vcsl50ih st Ex I 11 I 1C121 folders and itltchersw anted at Jl Spruce st TM ICvr JIHi liHHl frners wanted on satin ivork JL also A lew operators nn VV A 1 machinn NhVV OIK NOV IlTV 10 and Thonfls st I IFIV seal PiCkerel hliheit price Ill I Aiplynt 1 MUllOIMlimmiUBtrOBSSUllriMiilwiiy lIClNUi Et Etis lilt tueset malter sylmitdd 8 YAft8 tun iin admiy IMICHILIANH 1 hands on lnei goods wanted at I CLINTON II Ml 1TI1 A COS 4HJ llrnome st GUII1 shirt roners wanted to learn corset prcssllijl Apply 111122 West20th st lourth iloor IIN on VV A VV machine batters and OIiiCAl4 ImttoMhnlo mnkers on tlncst vtlnte vest 2r lot binding 18u amid 130 tCt duo lor buttonholes 217 tail Mlh it ivsi dishes Ac Tall bctnten mu and II I A Glltltiwaihdlnlies VI ut IICNKY A COXH 52 Montjomsry It Jerey City OIIMCATII Its to take out callcoilurli experienced hands Mlth references II VVAItACIIfl hONS 320Ea t53dst PAIlK IIOXrH Girls wauled on ittne and pa le orkai25 Howard itS iVIO BIACIIIMXNcw Home Uomesllc and all kinds weekly payments or chcnnfnrcAsh tn rent exchniiRe or repair warranted BROWN 2HJ Irand st near Korsjth KUlNO MACIIIM ill kinds 171 warranted lorO years ant repairing 3IH Ent Hroidnar lunc tlon tirandjaoi I iiroomc st between hhahcth nnd Mutt SI flIAN bipcrlenccd oncrnlors to run covers by ftenin rwtner also linnns to put tm Appli to tKlCIITWANllhU A JAMLil MiUe St UMIIKiiIA hr VrHH on cliuhim Omlli silt steady work to good Imuls AVIASA LON b7H Hroadway WAVIKII Ulrls to learn on numherlng machine must te cot at arithmetic and writing Addrex Iu own wrltlnir statins rffe and vta cs expected bra 174 Sun emCee TATii Parties to take out mom In large qunn UUcs best prices paid Manhattan Cloak and Hull CoS3 Worth st WANTKllKxperlcnccit lore handi on fine work VT only steadt employment BATON THrnroadwny opposite tewarts 1tE Experienced timid on fine upholitcry fringes alto caterers and nntnltrr on ta iflt WEINJJEIU1A SON 710 liroaiwmmy A TKI FlrJt cl lusdi on linen alpacfi inS cuttonido coat iiul tilflt5l i steady work and Rood price Appl 4ThouaBt31 floor 50 TI1IV Bins over 13 to sell photographs nnd pictures tJJ Monday Hernhardt Uauar 7iJH Broadway A TilE 1AUOIXT assortment on earth ol 11 metis overcoats I 1511 1S Jnr7 JH oin to Ill mens ulsters in 1 10 hoys otcrcoatsan I nUters fiVI rf fl sa 10 tod chlldroirsurcreoaufj t20O totot DAViES 17J llcldge st lirookl A I DUMMVKV co9 and 31 Fulton st 1 beln ecu Water and Ieatl stf legs ul all kinds cnlfie pure slea Ac at hall retell I rices Ill orsind lurtrleellst lmab IN7 Acinls wanud ecrvwh re STiilN ItltliTlirlCS require terernl sales 15 men In I i their curtain and npholster department ontv tlio having expt rli nci in leading city houses need appl alter A alJJil West CM st I itttI IIl 5 a P1ltlI 1 ITYmm lVlt ltlti4ONToe eiffes Ac belternndchruur thnn nnttliiiik Mt tOil hrommi It Cull or send iir price lit Aenls wanted A IHI IT iTli lIEU III omit or mnnand wife fecn ft City prelcrred Call all hal MII diy nr Uluic IU nuk days LAM110KIIJM1 i itt AIlXs nereoAls IHCOIII haiulTf i7 a3 51J I suiis tf iitf flo Iamernn Act KJ Svnd it Hkltn IAN who understands manufacturing ulentiiarin tn Tine Mules ilar Ad Iress I box 154 sun mice A JINTH Sanh llernhnrdt Honk Immeinc pnilt 12 Nassau Nous Acency 111 Nasxti touiSrw Ill btl til 1101 boon ApplJ U8I fclmst AN cxicrlenced licker of uncj coods Applj ut 51 2 llercer BO IN VAVITII soiersl Miiirtlio sanme 7iT 1 cers waces fl per week until Ilto I nnl flVI Iherralter Apply Moiulai DUMLMIU TblHjlAIIl Ill I4S HroAdwqy BO who unJersuuils niteidiiff hero Iall Utu cam ID and 12 A at 1IKMU A COX 5J Vloiilcomer st Jersey City BOY to feed snmll ilnrdon press nt Uilon Square i Criming Co 47 East 13th st COMlANY OIX VrHT Nov 10 Irom the t2mmmmllmemf Aid toctcU 1U hull 4lh tt Iour lamillts with chlllren assisted to reach the West Ilom Itisbo nnd girls provided with homes Call at once IiKIZnKll on small prestos wacesf7 113 I Nnikiii I JAIl HtMliN IJviKHr4i AK icileru wanted on ladles clumlm suits 1 god wajces 278 4th av GljAS4 eilisicr Hauled one thnrouichU compctenl on YOitibulo work AmImmy at Ji East 21111 st 1 tAMS CUTTER to lire one used to flashed glass sT preferred Apply utia KJIHflth O1L3OX riiiiiuN wanted 20 White ut 1 IIOV MOIIIIKIIS and imtlcrn makers cencrr1 1 mnehlnery first class ucrkmeitonh apply toNationa Iron hVorkp New HrunswIckN NKW ouise for aiients city or conntrv fall or Li write World MIR Co iti Nassau st Neiv York RUIIlliU IKKiilNVanteil few first I 5 elass workmen Inmlliar vlth the follow imm hranchcs Hard rubber moulding and flnishlns acid curio AIU druxitlsls and stalloners sundries Ad Iress Molt HIS atitrtiey at Ian ill Monucue st lirookl CTKIO IIIIO IlIKIIH 3231 VVesl2 it renull several packers and panel wrappers inly mlbuam hnvln liitl experience in the dry Cools business ncei I lIllY litter A Sllni Ill A II Mine nnpirs best mil chrapTstTn I JhocMi JHIMI I I VNJjmvmiam Cur 1riikiirt TAlMi tllTsx llnml lenifiiTimi im lulled tl POM A PI 1ST Oraiur Intl IMCIVrilC A gomi llrtOlrtbll i lir nn lent work willair to sssit hi i makim up tIc 5 au si fir a Itaymrsmrlesscumlime ituikrri tuTu 111 TT JtisnMlK hai olthih cilnt not to employ aim UK II teliiNirru II i mill rnbim imakoiV I iiiuti we lilt ml Itt 11 Hi IMPII tt lli tiuui a A itay tOil II ammo a Mtck hat uurK Ana uuuI I nkrn tN1Iicu mMtcr must Uu al lo to lian lU loolt mil do lila ill 0 stIll 1mw All real klvutii nag rvliniir ciii 1 liosi ages iiuirtf 1 MHSAriHMTTS box 1A Sun rfflce lrvrru LiMikln trltm frame nidkcm cnricn tent niti cnlliH ininkor Smelt Murk tu good mv icr millet nun Applvnt1 i I tK told Mnnniftcturcr cf lf I Ktiiii tilniKi IU llurAtii lUli it ttml sill tT A i 11 tiAim ItiultKcnt 1111 ill nun Wumi I InV niiiLC Iii the bo VI liutuitc tiiius out wlinuill lioarl with pnrtner iTclcrrirU AlIt CCIi ItooKHINDKU i ibiS IDI iuuolTcc lUAA I lA reiUltlc man who UliI ii este filth liinirvftt lii i the lame rile I one I ho uiuli i sin ita DM lnniuisj tloruuRhl AtUrckii PATCH hut M1 Mm ir A jlIilllya to JO jrari oil ci trhurspli TT iiic oiutri Ajih with relrre rice at I Temple si rihfit IJJ HruNiiua Lituien i mill I lUA Muliilar UMiitK Mi smuicj Foil MAKTI its Join the a opi milt Loluti lxla iiAlinn st 2 Jo to ilit nt 141 I I I Hilt st noar II ttay iCes 207 Ill st Ur AVrHII I tto iMierirellc Catholic 3011111 men of 1 5 ki nd addicsi lo tkke ell irue i I dlnni mi our 1 Ub In I iiliin I 1illlliKj tili lihi ri st NTH1I Saleimmrnr ladi Slit ellsry 70 tu Ti mitt ahil expflise iriiiits alIt lit i sample IA HM11 Sm IAM I IACIUUINU CO 1 thlrnio i Kil Snh siiieti anil ttuinen Inr cln ik and suit ileuiltniil only ixiirli ncid Imnds lurd npgly ml OJt I II A I I l7 Otli sw rrllliii Ux hirl lilai biiikliiir ln TT inn nl I lie bmlllns loot ol Adams si llruokltn nr 1 1 IlllMON 1T A NIlumsi Ilttlinil kliile iiittuis on hnlits TT i Initks UAiilultall Cult i fIll Hilt Co 03 mumIll VI mill UAXTI Hiliklnters At nnoi nt hilt llW HI I tliiy lliiiinl ht Maiks and lloJinur nvs 11011 I Ii UTA Iril I A iiress CoIn tun II I lur intlni i nntinT at MON fllfNf WOHKh TJghlloiiav iruik lu I I mu 1 tIT 5 riilllo cud girl to lIeu is 01u51eltiribiC i lit 41 55 RliliI A I 140 ihiriiisl lf ANTIIII 2 ttlre ttnrkrrs Aiiplt laclirj Hun TT inurniiik vv iniiKV a i llamcile It WANTED Ornnmeiiter oil chlliliTiTrTvBe lImit I hobbv horse irork Mmnln st IIVIIK I EJlntritb JTrtx sTts1lv Milt IIKhAmferiairoodniMi trill lrsv WIXHOW I FUliSIl A KIOKi ITIMliiul st iT t5IEiPk lirasaiiioiil let WAVrKII NAThAN lIUbYytP IDfitll st KR A 5 ITl ilA sOil truker an I bnr linvllt ro no WA ol his trade 211 West 47ti st SN ilJil Two machinists general worUnim Allil I tIOtlt If atlt I I Itt A IT i I isA Intel Cutler on Wnildunsmuihlne ii i 22 ititiekr em JsTiTllliint ChIle milder al 41 Dry it up stairs IllUN IIH pure mixed lei fit tvorih 2 fi pounds rttrc Jarnii tea eli 1 ITU lit llioliiU 5 piiiin14 pure Oiiloiu tee si 11 iirth ilnnttlp A pound I ue ctipn ten Ii 11 I nrth ilouhlo beat if I HtJOr I im pun nd loner UMII eUi where hAMrilTKAju igy I purl mil Ill iu iIi it 01 I ii i i driKiKMl lmlya to nttvnd ton I a nnd hoi I nJ so ni s1 icIly mlnry nnd comniUfiliiii 7UHirvny ffl lit IS wuiitetl Iron 14 to HI ur of itiei In JV creased lta4a Apply with reiouiiiiriidAllons ta inerkiin Dit kt Tele irn Ho I AJ small iili ir ifil3ti3lt3 JilitnltD VX2 Cneilc want riiiiiln incut er sue klni A lest or relircIlre 74Jilijliicc llroukj ti oTliTiTIO niinlcil ns lion eknHr ly I i cclaliU intddle peit lot I pooit role rencee Aculrani KK I lLtTA miLl hut riim iCIer Cpu ItoS UVUiiNliiiAllimvaiiicdby etenil5 JL ynnnz ninn nn second or third hand oti blend Ad lrcs lIlt tlrnuel mm VVlNIlil Uy American a ponlilmi us hoota ktppcr ctintu tent to tIlts entire chnrtio or asin id nurAe or to Inkc SIC ol mi elderly couple tRootl coi I and KnmitrcMUitn lurnlh I the Iwntof rrirrrncpinu ib rcllon tiilliecoiintr A Idre Mrs WiLLiS but 172 Sun cifflce or llrookljn rontOliko 5lli i fl ism 2t1rti NT Imminent woumi i U7 1111 take uiulilni ami Irolilni at 75 ceia Pam doziii und go not by the day l1l1i A NNV A I sit si tS the Jiincllrs tsnciitiOC It tIe rmuonirt Aineitity Rooms2 JI I nnd291 lInt r5 Oil 1 IBM liCkeli illlllltililt ft gomlllemnsn lull ladles MIC Qlusitil Insltumtms A 21V sis iiAMi ivruri IIAXOI 11 at very prcnt birKshu some ol them used but a vcr short lime hv our lest musician nnd really almost a KOCH as new inllv warranted In every respect 1lflasi call at the lilllll waiehuusf 5th ar ay loth st CiIdAT VAItirlV ol ncir nnd second ham A plnnoi lOll organs at very low prices lot renfnin Installments organs Irom I 1173 per mnuth nnwaril Ofeil evenings VATBB 14 lqat I41H st I tmllexceltltiIIuilly low prices on arcimi lit if reinos ATnnexcepttoimblv 0 oreans 20 rcnt fl Chlckei InK uprlilitilamx IIIIIIK If I VVaverleyptncc nenr llroadwitr mm HTii AY IlAMi nt a vret sicrincd up ti rinht clirlili i bit 0 12th st near IlroadHij 3d loOt HIU1 erand snuiro 7Jorh piano nnd steel 010 1 rvenlnii lIOLUaVllrilrt id lllteckor st tIss1uiiios 110 5tI 7 oCtave 73 up Bt1w 1 largest assortment ot ne1 nnd Meond ban pianos cl celebrated inukeri organs 128 upv ank in stallmtntsund rentinit a HiecUltv IKIKAUK ATMS A CO Mil nrooilway PIAAO Irom C7 up on ensy nn mentt to rent new plniius at innnuiAClurrrs iirlces KKKALliII No 40 Union square fiictorj 2tO ast20ih st IC I illllKiOtlNtm bTFIMV 4V VVlBlitl hand STICK KtAlin DICKIlt IIAINIS pianos and AM Aim irrilKli noull V1AKKH Tin orgimi onl strictly second I tO tie ails nil make organ room In i Nett York cxirnordlnarj botlKlit sold tinnralnH itlcred curry Instrumint wIt exchanged ranted five years with prlt Iliac of clmuK rebuilt i IllS tt lib in six in nnth or mnnet reitindiu received on VIOSrV lOASLI Ininos rvbuilt tuned snl8 and nn and repaired Plcnsu call or mal STOItAOl plslat I VI StAhVmiL 53 Rail 1311 it near Wallscka l5 I lOX tins OUOvNH tom parlor I cchool or titMi vl liS arc mIt bcit reid nr nui ninJ Miimntutl lirtMtnm I brllliunt nn nt iMnuiiltil in I mile linmtsatno cares jirtcis lower titan ii uiy oilier ln tnll incuts taken Uriio easy four lien ors ui A tulle Hop worn will be lolt ery low W31 A luND 5 CO as Unlnn squire CT HA4lliri4i 7 octave oicrstrnng lidim 1I now 5 i ninnthlt oriinns 121 Inducements i PlllUjP4 11 lUsl IHtti st blur llroidttay 3jltiiictl AFICii tIANS for Instruction In Miered music 1 1 and opportunity to slnic In clinrns Is opi to youu ladles and veiitletnen Addrcu CHUUlN bun uu Owl IIIcc 1J3H Hroadnay OUfeUZhfll1tt ATHK IMAOKS TO KAVi MONEY itt Ill leg I LI ttN IS CItE OAUIll lllDIIlMI It i ANUS mind STOVrb an JOIIN IA SCIIS tiirnlture Warehouses 304 MOUTH AVKSU betttcen 25th amid StOtI itt anlt JHUTIIIItl AV NUE nenr VStn st lirmsmsdi to suit on VVCHKLY AM IIMMIA PAYVIKNTK JUli Tovihlts treated whIm atteiitiun and illegality an NU lOdOS MUEl ATIn ThAN ACCTION imtigitsuirklnc dIed ti racket this tteeL oiiivln parlnr suites bedronm bile carpet and oil cloili at I IsllhK Bug otery Itnruir lOwery exactly oprosltc Prince st Cflcnrpils sluhtl silled Cut this out It will pay semI lor cash unit Ito tiN EU a ii KltMandoecupnnti of filed SkI A noticelie Ion Inlilnit tour cnriitsollelollisnl inanities call nl IIISlAlla Ollait Cirpel tlore IH Kullon st baeincnt floir hesest place in i New York otr Ultb 031U FIV Isles Shill gentlemen nccomnuilalcd tvltl I I good Ion ri nml lens Hit rObinS 221 ilhst Aliro hnll hedrnom to let tu KMilleninn or Ifldj IL Blfl U5er I tteik JUVVVit I Hill Kt I lion 114111111 nnl UIIIK Hnclc a1 iluuhle HVwr week lul Uraiul st bctwieii Broajwuy iinI Hottiiy fn I ilTXl INnccoiniiiodntedttllhflrstclassboiril 1 rlimkordoulilu reoiusil er ttee Indlesi 149 Vlndisnn st I A VlKII Fur nllied front rmlii for tn nnd if vv for Poll ii kitllimi 1 remIt 10 or IJ inlhlt ltSO J7 hi lntl5lli 71 ail VVanli nnd IltlUi jrafmTchtnlc 1 Ojniirdrnm nrtntilc rooms cnud frOlic tihln but nI i VOIt It INCa centlcmen can hive btnrd liuhl Si rooiiis bill ihlf hinl 220 Iisii7iu ct jllsccIitnilLl3 DIVO1CCU I without puhlicitj tlritiikenii dent 11 ni AC aiin tree elrculnr sculL American Ijiw AK uc 7s Astor lluue DtVllItlls olitalned tee moderau Apply at iJ 1I1IV 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