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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 24

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TVW Jr 8 tal sun stNBAL stNDAYMACll MAHCH 22 221Oo8 toos 10 I lilllERSTEItfTELiSABOUflT ji 61 UMM lilllERSTEItfTELiSABOUflTrinn hUMM RSTEUfTELLS UT iT1 iT1I iT1i iT iTGil I I rinn Gil i 4 I nrrin flPFI i I ru fill 1111 iuiis iuiisTI1 srrrr rrrr TI1 imvr II Ir UT iivs7w iivs7wMldnlclit ii 1111 111 111IIdnIht l1 l1lIdlllrllt I Mldnlclit Ttioushts Matcrlallrd Into IntoPttrntt IntoVitrtit I Pttrntt tt 11 Into on Opera Home HomeAl 1I01ehll IIoii IIoiiI Al hll I III till tI riillonui or Middle MiddleIlfeMflliwlii lhI4U lhI4UIIte 1 11lrl IlfeMflliwlii 1lrl 3ht10411 1lhod llrlilml thiSmifSHU thiSmifSHUnwl tht SrrnrSU SrrnrSUId fled Id nth lilt III ftuercM utccIi Not nt Yrl 11 Opera Operafor Oprafor Optrarnr for theConimnn the Common People rCoplrIIKtlll liKIHI Is 4tIII to Come ComeIf COnlrtr ConieIf If A sense of humor Is a necessary quail qualification quaiLcaIIon fication 1 1 Ion to greatness then any detractors detractorsf detractorsOar lor Oar Hammerstoln had bettor bet ieI here hereafter hereatt heresftr after att hold their peace for this IMt touch touchof touchnf touchnr of froth on the omelet soulllA outII of success successIn uecessIs In certainly his hisHe hiliHlproToe hisHeprovetIn He HlproToe HeprovetIn proves It in the thbegtnnIngof beginning of the Inter Interview IllterIew intertew view Iew by leading the wny solemnly sotnmni vin In the theelevator Ihe11ator theelevator elevator and an awed lift lire hoy to ht his hit bigroom hitroom hlRroom room upstairs UPIU rs In the Manhattan Opera OperaHomo OrsIlouso I IJIOUIO Homo where wh rtI hn can talk unmolested He Hehis If ehs I Ih his 1 had a sleeping room bath and dressing dressingroom drcNilngroom dreMingroom room arranged arruiged In connection with this thisroom Ihllroomlut thisroom room roomlut but ut hiui never courted tho wary god goddew goddeM od oddllII dew there preferring to hunk up UI tii at thn thnVictoria Ihl10torll thnViotor1i Victoria whrrp there In I ft tiny Iwrtli In Inwhich Inwhich inrhIch which he ran an hear the hI roosters on the Ham Hammerslein UamIneTIIlen 11amtnejiUeln merslein roof garden nrrltn crowing In tho th early earlydawn Mrl Mrldllwn rnrlydawn dawn dawnH dawnIrA IrA hand tbe Interviewer for TaR firx firxB yellow 110 tinted pencil with which he hs somo one who whohu has dropped out of ofthe the cast castand QQ QQnnd castand and then th Is directors meeting called ed at atthe atI atthe I the same tlm and the request Is made to tohim tohim tohim him him that ho kindly go up stairs and substi substitute IUbetitule subatilute lute for himwlf him lt you get quite tangled up upthinking upthlnklng upihitiking thinking about it dont don you youThere youThere youThere There fs no sarcasm in the remark remarkHow remarkI remarkhow How could there be with that Imperturb Imperturbable I able nbi face and chuckling voloo volooSeriously volooSerloully voiceSeriously Seriously It has been a great undertak undertaking undertkInSC undertskbig big am not underestimating my career careerat Careeri i at the Manhattan Opera House in saying sayingthat sayingthat Ing IngII that I have done what no one else elsein In the theworld theworld theworld II world has ever attempted successfully successfullyI I have fought single handed against an anarray al alI soarray 1 1I array of capital that Is not equalled by byany byany I any city that boost bonstliAD an operatic seaaon I Ihave Ihlve Ilitive I have competed ooml eted with system that has hasbeen hbfofn lisabeen been In existence osllten twentyfl ve jpars jparsEven XJltfIyen XMFIIyen Even yen if I had wanted wnntedo to range Astor AstoraVanderbllts AltOrsVandorblltl AstorVanderbilt Vanderbilt Goeleta Goulds on my side sideI I could not have dono it for they had all allbeen allhoon alllOOn been bespoken poken but I did not want them themI I wanted to stand alone and fortunately fortunatelyI I havo been provided with a good physical physicalequipment phYlloalfqulpment physicalequipment equipment including broad shoulders shouldersLord shouldersI4ord loro Lord oro Ive needed theml There have havobeen hoh haveten been moments when I could have used an anextra nnfllira onvztra extra yard or 110 to on olthcr side and not hare hareknown IlaPI haveknown known thnt I wan overweightMl Yes Yesquite YestlItte 8 8flUltll I quite a 1 feW nf those moments momentsAnd InomenllI momentsAnd I And nd If It I had 11Ilbe been money mon just money moneythat monl monlIhat moneythat that I was after It would all have been beendifferent beenIierent I different and easier too If I bad put one onequarter Onequarter bne bnequarler quarter of the enthusiasm 1 ar4 energy tnll and I just put the last touches on his hi late lal lateat waltz waltzyclept waltzyclepl waltzyclept yclept Louise OIJIIIe and then points proudly proudlyto I Ito to the parallel rows of choirs on either Ill her aide aideof mideof ide ideof of the long centra table which he specks of ofwith ofwllb ofwith with an nxpansivo gesture glll 11 its III the seats seatsof seatsof Itatlof of the directors directorsDirector directorsDlreotorii dlr tors I IDirectorll Director interpolated is at this point pointWhy pointI i ihy I Why hy Is it possible that after all the thogreat theI I Igrt I great Oscar lion been deceiving lvln thn Ih public publicand pubiloand I IAndlhatllkeAndrewInnheh and AndlhatllkeAndrewInnheh thatllko thalikeAndrew Andrew Lang he In notasmglo notasmgloman not single aIIanglomln a singleI I man nor a married but syndicate syndicateYes I Yes f8 the directors dlft lors seats IIIII When there thereIK IK I a meeting mletln I sit it In them each nh in iulurn turn and nodI I II I take a directors fee with each alh one oneSomstlmM oneb 1 1Som SomstlmM Som it occurs ooourslUll1ft to tourn inn that parhapn parhapnit it is I about time tlmetherl there should be a stormy stormymeeting Ilormym meeting tlng that things are going goln along lonR just justa I Ia a little bit too Wol5tnoothl smoothly and when that thathappens thathappens happens I chooeo a rainy rl ny day da and am then thenopen Ihtnoptn thenopen I open the windows and let the wind and storm stormhowl stormbowl 1 howl through I get all the satisfaction satisfactionIn In that way that I could possibly enjoy enjoyIf enJo enJoIf If I was the scapegoat for a whole body of ofmen ormtn ofmen men menS menSpeaking Speaking of directors Ive been wonder wondering wonderIng wonderleg ing since one of the laat bits of operatlo operaticgossip operatlogoulp operatlogossip gossip has been circulated how my friend friendMr friendMr friendMr Mr Dippel is going to substitute for him himself himlIelf himself self when he gets to be director I Iauppolle Iauppolleboll suppose supposehell supposehell hell have to toi hea substituted for every everybody everybod everybody body bod elae and when hea ios rehearsing for I NATIVE DISHES OF ITALY ITALYniVERSinX ITALYmn8SI 1TLYPflLILSIOV niVERSinX mn8SI FOR TilE TnAYKLLFR TnAYKLLFRV J1J JIlVTIVf nt1JTl FOIl T1IKM T1IKMKnt 7111 71111nt TIlaMnttdfleFonndlntheTourtfl Knt nttdfleFonndlntheTourtfl tone to De Found In the TonruR hotels Tilt TneFamous TiltFarooul TheFamou Famous Etch Restaurant at Home HomeFavorite lIoDleFaorlttl ionicFaTorite Favorite Dishes of Naples SaplttTuaran SaplttTuaranCooklnl NaplesTuscanLooking Ttuoan Ttuoancoking coking as a It Is 1 Found olmd In Florence FlorenceFew IortntFew florenceFew Few of the passengers paa engers who are now nowcrowding nowlfOWdlng nowc crowding the steamers to Italy will make makoany rnl1keany makeany any further acquaintance with the cuUlne cuUlneof cul culatneof lne lneof of the country than the various hotels hotelsoffer hotelsoffer hotAJlaoffer offer and that la likely to be very much muchthe muchIbo muchthe the same at the North Capo or in Sicily SicilyThe SIcilyThe SicilyThe The traveller who cores to take the trouble troubleto to seek the restaurants Inwhlch Italians Italianscat 1Illanllcat Italiansf cat will find hU effort worth while whileThe whileThe whilec The average Italian voyager at this thisreason thllIfMOn thisuleMon reason of the year makes his acquaintance acquaintancewith with ith the country at Naples IfhehascroeAod IfhehascroeAodon It he hu croesod croesodi i on an Italian ship he has been In the at atmosphere atmoephere atv moephere of that oountry during the twelve twelvenr or fifteen or even sixteen days of the voy voyage voyage voyage age He has already acquired tome IIOnfo educa education education oducare re tion In the peculiarities iiti of Italian food and anddrink anddrink andI I drink and there are many chances In favor favorof filvorof favorof of his complete capitulation to tho delights delightsof of both If it is an English or Gorman Germansteamer Gormansteamer OormAnIIt steamer IIt mllr that has brought him to Italy Italyhowever Italyhow I 5 however how over the voyage has revealed to him no notraits notrait 4 traits of the country countryThere countrrThere countryThere There can be no doubt of tho excellence excellenceof of many of the Naples hotels and their theirdinner theirdlDner theirdinner dinner will be up to the average of any anyoffered anyfIere anymeted offered fIere In Europe But it will not be beJeapollUn betepoll beeeppUtn JeapollUn tepoll There may ma be a few Germans Germansfthe Oermabltdi GornaOsS GornaOsah ah fthe tdi table The majority of guests haw hawever hQwer haweypr ever er will be English EnglilbADd and American The Therbn Thetime Thet 4 rbn time tItnbupuaedwhen baa passed when it itused used tobere toberegarded to be re regarded roKarded garded as an adventure to leave the hotel hotelfor hotelfor hotelfor for dinner but there are fqw persona personatill pelllOnIIItllI personscUll cUll till anxious enough to see ee all there Is of a atown atown atown town to trouble troublethemseives themselves enough to towander towanderInto wander wanderInto 4 Into Its It I eating houses There aro many ofS of ofthese ofIheM these in Naples aplee that are well worth In Investigating InftltJgaUng inveeUgating vestigating vestigatingMost veeUgatingMost ftltJgaUngMOIIt Most of these places are areentred Centred about aboutI abouttbeOaDeria abouttbeOallerta I tbeOaDeria be GallerU Umberto Primo Primoand and the Toledo Toledowhich Toledowhich which ia I the principal street of Naples NaplesJBS Napleshe I JBS he moat popular of those on tho ho Toledo Toledois is ts the dlardlnl dl Torino and nd from 7 oclock oclockUntil oclockI oclocktutII 4 Until I tf1 10 It la rot easy to find a Beat there thereAlthough IhoreAltbOUih thereAlthough Although the balconies of the restaurant restaurantoverlook rn restaurantoverlook taurant taurantDTerlook overlook the Toledo the entrance la lion on a akid atilde aaid kid tilde street One walks perhaps twenty twentyfeet twentyfeet twentyfeet feet up the Vice Re Tie a characteristically characteristicallydirty I dirty Naples thoroughfare and enters entersthrough enttraIhroultb enteri i through anther rather unsavory unll4vor court Up Upme Uprne Upone me flight of steps is the restaurant ro taurant Ad Adjoining Adjoining I Ijnlnlns joining the main entrance at which thehost the thehost th 1 1Olt host Olt Is I always alwlI standing to welcome guests guestsIs SCUM gilesteI Is I the kitchen Through Its continually I ambition into any business whose only onlyemolument onlyemolumpllt onlyemolument emolument was the accumulation of a fat fatbank fatbank fatbank bank account Id have made so much muchmoney milchmOlle muchmoney money mOlle that I wouldnt have known what whatto whatto to do with it itMoney ItIoney ititoney Money Why the sirs full of itl All Allyouve MIyouve Alloue youve oue got to do Is to think It into your yourpockets yourpock yourpockets pockets pock eta and Its there You can accom accomplish accompllih acoompUsh pUsh more with one good idea than with withyearn withMl1I withyears yearn Ml1I of plodding work but be sure you youget youlCel youget get thn ha idea before the other fellow fello does doesotherwise dONoUlerwlee doesotherwise otherwise its a mighty good plan plat1lo to stick stickto stickto to the hard work workwhlch which you ou may be pretty prettysure prettyure prettysure sure ure the other fellow wont take away awayfrom aW8YI awayfront from you youIve youIe youIve I Ive haq hll the th Ideas hut Ive worked workedharder workedI workedharder harder just getting them th than most men mendo mMI mendo I do in tht Ui course of a whole lifetime to toy toJy to3y I Jy nothing of putting them Into execu execution exeolltlon ezecttion tion I have guarded my health zealously zealouslyI I live life of Incredible simplicity I Inever II Inever I never drink and onrlI I smoke only twentyfive twentyfivecigars twentyfivei twentyflvecigars i cigars a day dayDont dayDont I Dont think in telling you this thi that thatI I Iam Iam I am boasting of my qualifications for a aproscenium ai aproscenium i proscenium box up above for I have no noimmediate noI noimmediate immediate desire to leave my life of use usefulness ueeI usefulneesliere I fulness fulnt88ilere iiere to go to a heaven heavenwhere where there thereis I is sure to be a chorus which I have not notselected notIlIelECted notselected IlIelECted selected like as not with wings too tooNotwithstanding tooSolwlthatandlnl tooNotwithstanding Notwithstanding this simple life I swinging doors one BOOS a multiplicity multiplicityof I of cooks confusedly preparing before a along Along along long open stove the dinners ordered by bytho bytho bythe tho patrons Further forward In the rooms roomsoverlooking roomaoverlooking roomsoverlooking overlooking the Toledo are the majority majorityof of the tables tablesThere lablellThere tablesThere There is no elegance about abut this tds place placebut plce plcebut placehut but tho tables tahlf are clean and the food foo ex excellent II IIrolenl cxcollent cellent rolenl Some Smo of the tables tabllire are tilled with withparties wllhpartle8 withParties parties of six or seven ITen who seem lem to com comprise comprlo cornprise prise an entire family famiy that has come out Olt to todinner todinner todinner dinner The 1lte 1hiete and many my middle aged agedoouplen agelioouplM agedcouples couples give the place pl a look loo 10 of domesticity domesticitywhich dometcity domesticItywhich I Iwhloh which ia not Its Is principal principl characteristic characteristichowever chracterlAtc chracterlAtchoweer characteristichowever however as I there are many mny tables table at whloh whichonly whlohonly whlohonly only men are ar seated seted Naturally Notumly no man ia iaallowed I Laallowed himself The Thotables TbetableR Thetables allowed nlowod to keep a table to hlml tables at which they alt are ar not supposed supposedto suppod suppodto to be filled I I until unti every place Ilc is I taken takenThe takenrhe takenThe The floors for arc ar unoorpeted Inorpeled and the walls wallsadorned wallsadorne wallsadorned adorned adorne with nothing nthing moro artistic arllte than thanposters thanpltel thanpesters posters of vermouth and other aperitives aperitivesHut aperitlveeIhit Hut pltel Ul the food Is 1 as a good god as 8 it is cheap chep Few Fewdishes Fewdilhe Fewdishes dishes dilhe cost cst moro than a tim lra and a quarter quarterwhich quaer quaerwhloh quarterwhich which is II 25 cents or alira alra and half hlt which whichIs Is 30 Spring tprnA chicken In its It it various variousforms varioulforma variousforms forms is one of the dishes dahHlkoly likely to be more moreexpensive moreoxpnlE mooreoxpenaivo expensive Of course CUJ with every ev ry dish dishcosting dlli dishocating oxpnlE costing ollng these thll prices the diner Is not likejy likejyto IkeJy to get out under undlr pro four or five Hras 1m But thai thajoonslclers tbatII thaiIs II not expensive to have the privilege a 0 0eating 101 elpel eating well In the restaurnt restaurant prileje tht that laplt hapks hapksconsider consider etn its best One may also have havethe tave tavethe havethe oonlders Ia lt the privilege offeeding of felng feeding the cats ctl for this thlaprice Ihllpric thisprice price pric prvleKe They wander IIBder about abul the restaurant restaurantand rturt rturtad restaurantand and ad in spite of the prevailing pn1ng tendency tendencyto to stuff them they appear perpetually perpetuallystarved perlually perluallyallrved perpetuallystarved starved starvedIf allrved allrvedI app If the lie diner shows IhoWI the least le hesitation hesitationas hHltatioaa as I to what he wants to eat ot the waiter Im Immediately 1mmodhuoly Itomediately mediately a IIhat brings brnps want out a llle plate containing containingspecimens oontanlg oontanlglrcmen containingspecimens specimens of every ever kind kl of fish lh on the themenu themenu themenu menu lrcmen Of course they are ar uncooked uncookedThere unooo uncookedThere ked kedThere There are a always red mullet mulet the polpl pl pi or orsmall orImal orimall small octopi or devil devl flan fah served rvd In some someof 11 someof of Imal the Italian Itlan restaurants Jlnurant here and usually usuallythe ulllaly ulllalythe usuallythe the classic clulo snlcloln considered cnalder the most mostdelicate mot motdeloatt mostdelicate delicate deloatt of all IU the fishes lhe of the Mediterra Mediterranean Meierra MeierranN Medit errs errsnean nean These ThM are ar boiled bie or roasted route and as assplgiola al alIplgol aspigiola splgiola nN is a delicate deUcte fish it has none of ofthe ofthe fthe the Iplgol strong atrongitailan Italian flavors navorsln In its Il preparation preparationThe lronlItalia prpaton prpatonThe The sauce Is I a harmless harlc compound cmpound of meltedbutter melted meltedbutter melte butter hulrr suoo parsley Iy chopped up and ad slice IUO of oflemon ofItmon oflemon chopp lemon The little Ulle octopi oOopl which are a such a acharacteristic acharacterlto acharacterlatio characteristic feature of of the fish market marketIn make In characterlto Naples Napll are stoweTl In a I species of ass casserole 0 assaerole serole along with oil oi tomatoes tomto Ipe chill ohl and andred ad adro andred red wine aong They must cook ck for a long longtime longtimetoo time timetoo tme tmeto ro too to else they will wl taste more than tha usually usuallylike Uu usuallylike like o1 long strips of tender tMlir leather lelhf They Theyaro Theyarc eae arc well saturated turaled with IIlh the flavor fvor of the thesauce the8auoo thesauce ae sauce wel aa an a oiled paper plper Is placed pl between betweenthe bw bwIhe betweenthe olld the pot and the lid ld so 1 that tlat none non of this thissavory thissavory 1 1IVO savory brew escapes Into the outer air airCharacteristic sirCharacteriatlo rCharlerito IVO Characteristic of this restaurant rturant and ofNaples of ofNaples ofNaploe Naples Charlerito II the veal outlet otle t1 or tntncctt rt ella oUaHiialofa al ellaPlsaiola Hiialofa which ve Is placed In the oven ovencovered onncover ovencovered covered 1lalla with potatoes I pl garllo grllo and te thyme thymeand thymeand 1 cover and allowed 1 to ptlO cook to a degree which whichin whc whichIn in tho Ih Ilow case of the thf beef brf is I sometimes omotm too toowell toowell well done dOlI for an In American Amlcn palate Place Pittaalia NUl NUlI Placecliii alia ala wel Puiatola Pilaila which whiotla Is I In place plc pate of an a entree entreeor et I or the he truly mysterious mtroul friio rile misto mi is I an anunsweetened anunlwetene anunsweetened h8trl1 unsweetened unlwetene pudding pddl ssrvsd with gte grated rated I Iput cannot sleep seep not a peoplft ple peotdItflt ordinarily do doput do doput put their ter a head he on the pillow piow t11 and awa awafor WRY swayloT tfOT for eight or nine hours hour at a I stretch Tim Timis 111 111f ThttIs is one of the joys of mediocrity rmort one on that thaI thi thiI thatI I have hve never nevroxpenen nevroxpenenFor experienced experiencedFour ozpetrlened1Four Four For hours hOlr a night ngh Is I I limit limi and andI lln as assoon I soon ln as 1 turn off oi the light Isht my brain brn beglr beglrto hNt1rto iglreto to teem tm with a thounand tholld million tlon Ideas Idtl whfcl whfclobsess wtchobsess I Iob obsess ob roe When daylight dlytgl comes com I riso r8 ant antbegin and andbgn andbegin begin to work on some 10m of them work work worki workwork workwork i work bgn until unt I find fnd out Ol eutwhether whether wheth the midnight midnlghsuggestion mdnght mdnghtluglton midnightsuggestion crushed Into indnothingness Inlonothnlnc Intonothingness suggestion luglton that lhl will wi not bo nothingness nothnlnc has hI any elements llem ntllln In it of worth worthwhiteness worthwhl worthwhilenoss whiteness whitenessPerhaps whl whilenossPerhapa nt Perhaps PerRp you did not nt know thai man manof mny mnyof many manyof of these thr midnight thoughts thougL are material materialIn mteralu materiallied materialliedIn In the form for of patents patentl I have hao taken tkAn ou out I 107 10 patents pa nll many of which whlo are I very suoecesful suo suoccesful IUOrlful rlful ccesful Tho fl most mOt lucrative lucratht is the te cigar cigarolling clIU clIUroing cigarrolling rolling machine the basic model moel for whlolwas which whichwu I Iwu wu roing my Invention Inventon and on which Whih I still stilhave IIU stillhave have hve patent lonl rights rightsAnything rlghtlAnyhing rightsAnytiilng Anything for the lb theatre thetre Well there thenwas therewnl therewas was Anyhing that wonderful wonderuJ Invention Innnton of mine fo foshowing for forIhowlnsc forshowing showing oil 01 paintings pnlntnAI on a screen In their theloriginal theiroriglnl1l Theiroriginal original colors olor It I would have turned tume ou oubeautifully out outheutuly outbeautifully beautifully heutuly It it I hadnt bant been btn that tho heanecessary heat heatneccssary I necessary ncclry to make it work 1or was ha hl grca grcathat Jr great greatthat al althat that it molted molEd the oil al oilI I have 1ias written rlln four operas Oprllmllllc OprllmllllcI opirasmitsielibrettos music musiclibrettos I librettos lbreto everything rvrlhll Mince AlnN Commi Commisloner ommil ommiaabner I sloner Alonlr Binxham nlham came 01ml Into office ot I hav havstopped have haveIltoPlfd havestopped IltoPlfd stopped Has lu he heard htAd them Well Wellhavo I Ilao Ihave have lao stopped Ilopptl There isno IIn earthly rlHhly ressorwhy reason rlun rlunwhy reasonwhy why one Oltllhouid should run rn in opposition oPPlIlion with the thiauthorities IhllaUlhorltll theauthorities authorities aUlhorltll if he can avoid oli It ItI It ItltudI itSI SI I studied ltudI musio in 11 my youth oUlh and per perfcctod perfectod 1 1fected fcctod myself msl on three thre Instruments Inlrumentplano Inlrumentplanonute Instrumentspiano Instrumentspianoflute piano pianoflute flute violin oln Naturally Naluraly my tastes lu led mi mito mcto to the undertaking underting which I have finally flnalljaccomplished finaly finallysocomphished I accomplished aolopll and which through all al mjtheatrical my mythratrical i I theatrical Iheltrc ventures was the one great greatthing grt grtthing greatthing thing I had ha in I mind In twentythree twentythreeyears twentythl twentythlI twentythreeyears I years lll I attempted nttempte four times tm tim to put on orgrand onscrand ongrand grand opera for tiie tilt New York public publicI publo I have opra had hardships halhpl disappointments disappointmentssad dllappolntmenls sad weary 11 heartrending hMrrendinlC times tm and the thebest IhebpIt thebest best bpIt thnt 1 have hlo gained out of It is not the thesatisfaction thentllfacton thesatisfaction ntllfacton satisfaction of ambition realized rllzrdone one never neverhas ntverhal neverhas has that In the nature of things It is animpoasLbliItyno an animpossibility anImpllbltyno impossibility Impllbltyno impoasLbliItyno no not IOt that at all hut the thephilosophic thephl0ophlo thephilosophIc philosophic phl0ophlo attitude attude that comes rme to a man manwho manwho manwho who has hA fought such a bitter bite fight nlht reached reachedmiddle relched relchedmlddlo reachedmiddle middle age and a knows kows that nothing lolhlnl that thatcomes thatcomes comes to him cm hurt hIm bm In the thelel least can canmako canman canmake I make man him either eiher glad ad or sorry sorryWhen lOr sorryWhen When Whe a man ma has reached reche that thlt age and andhas andhas I Iba has ba provided for those tbolo who belong to him himhis himhis I Ihil his hil family famiy so to speak Ipuer queer word Isnt IsntIt It and queer utr thing thng toothen toothtn he haa no noresponsibility norCRponAlbl noresponsibility I rCRponAlbl responsibility except tscept to himself hlmlelf nod rnll such sucha Ilrh Ilrha a man who thinks thlnkl only of making maln money moneyIs I II I II beyond my comprehension Can an au ho hotake huko hotake take ko It I away with him Can I look at this thispllo Ih1 Ih1plo thspile pile plo of bricks without Ylthout realizing rel7nK in the best bestmoments bst4 bst4momenta 1 moments mometl that come to a man mn that thll cannot cannotpnck csuinotpnck lRlnot lRlnotplc plc pnck it away 010 In that tat little IUle narrow nllrw box that thatIs thatIs li Is going to hold me some Ime day day and so know knowing knlwI knowIng I In ing that can I do otherwise ottrl than Iha bellnve bellnvethat bIAe bIAethl1t iwiinvethat I that It Is a trust lrlt to do de something Ilflhlnl for tho thofuture Ihofulure thofuture I future me so 10 that tho good I do may live lvr after afterme nrtr alterme 1 meWhen When I Mid Id that a 1 man m11 finally nll riwIiM riwIiMtime rlhMI I A time of life when whln nothing notlnl ran In hurt liiri lia if ifhe ifI ifhe I he has 111 acquired nlllre philosophy ohlolphy I forgot one onething on onthing onething thing I will wi retract relral the general Rtnerl statement statementfor alnlllnl alnlllnli gtntpiiitntfor i for the one Instance Inlltnnc He le can CII bo hurt by bytho hythn bythe the approach apprach of old age ageWhen aReI ageSVlmen I When I hear he people rail milI raetlicoM cue Ih lid I man manI 11 I I I cant rAt describe drcrbo to you how 1 feel ffl the old oldnan tll tllmn oldman nan mn the term trm each one Rch one of ua lB has 181 got 10 to tohear 10htar tohear hear some Nme time And we men who are aretil areal areall all al of us so 1 much vainer than women IIorell in inreality Inreall inreality 1 1htn reall reality how It hurts hur I us usWhen us usWhen When htn a man gets to be SO I he In II ju JUfl jwt be beginning hI hIIlnnln heginning Ilnnln ginning to live 1 just beginning heglnnlli to enjoy enjoythe rnJojthe enjoythe the fruits rrlle of his labors and then tltl Age All the thethief thl thlthlel thethief thief steals upon you ou so 1 Imperceptibly Imperceptiblykou ImperCptlbl ImperCptlblYou You used ua to have rosy rOY cheeks chrk You 01 think thinkthey thinkthe thinkthe the they are still etl rosy and 1M some morning ring you youlook YOl youlook look In the glass and find nd that the thf rose has hasumed hal halture hasturned turned ture to yellow yellowThere yrlow yrlowTer yellowThere There Ter are horrible horble bags bls Under the eye eyeuid eyeiand YM YMAd and Ad what was 11 once onc a dimple Is now a I fright frightul rrithl rrithlful frightful ful ul cavity cviy Personally Pefnaly I would ouM like to totve toIV tolive live IV to be 100 10 and anI I would woul be willing wllnR wlilingto to work workUl workI workall Ul I that time tmo butwell hut ol Ive got ot good goodnany jod jodmay goodmany many may years erl coming mn to mo still How IIH do doknow doI doI I know Because my mywork work isnt done yet rll rllI 1 am a not satisfied IUlfe then Satisfied SatisfiedbVhy SallHncdWhy SatisficdWhy Why should I be Success SUC is a tpectrc tpectrcffhlrh tpltr tpltrhlrh ipectrwhich which does dO not chain clln you to spot hut Imtlogs huldORII hutdogs logs your restless rete feet ftt on and on nod ld on onEvery onEver onEvery Every Ever thought created erMt breeds bls nnuther nnutherPeople Inolhrr InolhrrPop1e iiiotiurPeople Pop1e People say ey to you how wonderfully IIonderrlly you youlave Y1 youhave have lave advanced avanc but by your side lde IK the Ideal Idealf hllal hllalof bleatof of what wht you hoped to do which lute lis little littlereal Illl Illlr IltUereal real resemblance rrnQlnc to what you have uroom uroomillshed 111 111pUse aeniipUshed pUshed pUse pUshed3atleule4 illshedSatisfied Satisfied 3allfiN for the Ihl moment mOltnl you are dii diilatlutled Ii IiatlM hisatisfIed satisfIed atlM the next lest and alli you dont know knol why whyiou wh whYou wijyYou I You wish will it were wer otherwise otherla but bu it Is not nolI cheese cbee anchovies anchovlla and tomatoes tOllO stewed stewedwith Ilewedwith stowedwith I with thyme thymI Cottelet otelel trlfolatl will wil appeal appealto ulpal ulpalI uiipealtothe I to tothe the he lover of ofgarhlc garlic forthe rorhe foal oaicutiots cutlets are arehighly areblghly arehighly highly seasoned Ilaoned with wih that tht typical typicl flavor flavorand fvor flavorad I Iand and covered cve with wlh pes pf or occasionally occasionallymushroom occasionallymushrooms lonnly lonnlymushroom mushroom Another entree Inlroo of then thei cpea cpeaand ct CI CIand nes nesand and mushroom luAhroor 1 made Iv putting PUttlllJ them themInto thefl themInto Into a shallow IhBllow pan 1 covering tOer nlC them thlr with withchewe withchfe withcheese 1 tnot cheese chfe and Imi allowing them to cook well wlll but butnot butnot not dry dr enough IloVlnf to solidify loUdlfy the cheque chrKe and andbutter Ili Ilibuttr umibutter butter buttr melted mlrd In II the dish Them 110 Is II a sue BUBpicldn BUIplcdl suepicidn picldn of garlic Klrllo in the tomato tOllo sauce UCO or stew stewto plcdl to 0 be oaten 1 an accompaniment of thisdish this thisdish thisdllh I I dish dishThe The frilo rile mltto 1140 elao in different dltrn parts II likely likelyto lkely lkelyto to vary ary in Its I it details Iletalll Naples plt alwayo alway In Includes Includelomool includessomool cludes cludelomool cludessomool somoof Its Il wonderful wondrfullolltO tomatoes in the thecompound theI thecompound compound comllnd and some of the shell fhll fish leh or orwnyote orrngle ormnvole I wnyote rngle which whlh come COIO from the bay They Theyare 1hfYIro Theyare are Iro like lke little ltle mussel llel which are pinked pl kl up upIn uplarjo upIn In large larjo numbers at low tide tlle on the rooks rooksThey rudilThey tockafhisy They are ar used to II tluvor IIor saucot 8UI for meats meatnHuh meatl meatsflab Huh llh and macaroni macroni and a soup IOUI Is made Ilde of ofttmi orIhn ofthorn thorn Ihn TheN lher of co ccurH in among noups 10Up the themlitMlrone Ibl theminestrone minestrone which is the vegetable soup soupthat soupthat I Ithlt I that thlt changes chn es leant In Italy Hil Ine 1 tie heMml same soup soupis soupis i iIs 1 is known klown fn In different dllerent parts pr of the country countryunder cOlntr cOlntrI countryI I I under different dllernt names nam but mtnexlroncretains minestrone tine minestroneretains lrn I I retains Its Ia title and nd character chardcter In Tuscany as aswell a asweliasinthe well wellaln weliasinthe as In the tle south southThere louth southThere I II i There Thor are ar pastries ptrle at the Olardini Cardlnl dl dlTorino dlI I I I Torino although alhough fruit Is II a popular 10pl1u way of ofending ofendlngthemeai fnding endlngthemeai ending the meal Then there thereis Is the most moetbe moetbeloved be beloved I I loved of all 11 Italian Itlan deesarts de in the rabajono rabajonowhich 1Ibono 1IbonoI anbajonowhich which is I a sort Rrt of froth frt of egg Egg and nd sugar sugarflavored IUltnrfavor sugarflavored I flavored with wih wine and ad usually uully served servedhot lIene servedhot I hot favor hot Marsala llrala la likely to lx the flavoring flavoringof Ivorln Ivorlnof of this wine dish In 1 Naples Naplell aples although Athough the thewine thewine thewine wine differs dllolll In parts of Italy IalY In Venice Venicewhile Vonc onlocfor for Inl14lce Instance the pa wine of Cyprl Cyprus Is us used usedwhile while whlo In Florence Florno three th wines are mixed mixedXabajone mixe mixedZabajone Xabajone Zibjone nutritious Isnutrtol is butltis buttlundoubtly buttlundoubtlyeggy but it I undoubtedly undoubtedlyeggy eggy and excessively elcsslvely sweet Iwet to American Americantaste Americ Americantaste taste tasteThe tle tleTheUeinaditla tasteThe The TheUeinaditla ReginadItalialsa la a similar IIlmlar restaurant restaurantwhich relaumnt relaumntwWch restaurantwhich which Is also situated Iituat on the Toledo Toleo and anddiners ad addlnrs anddiflers from the Olardini only in the diners frm Oanl oly ex extent extnt oxtent tent tnt of its 11 popularity populaty and ad the size IZO of Its Itsrooms Itaroml Itsrooms rooms The Gambnnus and Bavaria aa aawell uwel aswell roml OabrnUI DavGa well wel aa A the PiLsner PI1ner are a restaurants rtaurlll devoted devotedto devot devotedto to the sale slo of beer br from Germany Oen They Theyare Thorlre Theyare are lre frequented fruente by Italians Itlanl but bt are a In 1 the therosin thamain 1Mmain main much lees le local lol in character ctr than thanthe thanthe the wine restaurants flaurt They Ter often ot have haveas bavern havea a certain Genan German cbter character 1 In the cooking cookingas ong ongaa as well wel rn and ad are 11 not to be selected altt to give givethe givethe the guest the best bll Idea Ide of Neapolitan N8 Ut ive iveIhe lifeThe ue life lifeThe The Th get Restaurant Milanese lanO ia devoted deoted to tonorth tonrb tonorth north nrb Rtrant Italian 1t oooklng cking which whcbo can be best bestenjoyed bt btenjoye beatenjoyed enjoyed enjoye In I its It native nUvop plaoo A typical typicalItalian tlcI tlcIItia typicalItalian Italian hinoh made up of native nativeto aW dinhea dinheat Itia to be bad at the 8ttol 8eottocao 01hama 01hamato Dvo whioL seems seemsto i a to UTe only from the c1ientee of Tlt ylaltor ylaltorto to the museum mum 01 and ad sndthe tha te ct clerks employed employedIn eploe In the vicinity TIclt of the Galloria oer fiincip dlNajolitnwWchitiss1tuited dl dlNapoll tt Napoll NaJll NajolitnwWchitiss1tuited NajolitnwWchitiss1tuitedCrtalnly In which wh It iult situated situatedU Crtalnly one of the most tntereeting tntereetingeatiug es eatiug Cry pla places in Rmt Rome I La mo BuD Buoc4a a although althoughIt by no means the most mt elegant ele or ex expensive 8 cxve i pensive ve It I ls Ilt situated la I the oldest 01 pst pstof pittof of the te city just around from fr th the Pantheon PantheonBuod IsntheiIliloci dttJu a Buod might be considered analogous to tothe othe the Buo old mgt Potion Dr1o establishment etUmnt etUmntb ont Ca that vr uso usobe Mb be In 1 ol Fulton Fton market lie Is the te PI8 prl prlfish pzint1 pzint1flab fish flb dealer deler of me Rome Rme famous taO espeoiall espeoiallbis eepeoiaUfer eepeoiaUferhis rbll his zunpa marinara marilr and an other oter epa prod prodof prodit proditof of fresh fr8h pp and salt alt water wale In 1 the wi wiimonths wimonlhs wimonths months 0 the an officers omo who form for such a It Itpart 1 1of Ipart part of his clientele olpntle must eat et In I lathe the rather ratherituffjr re ratherstuffy stuffy IIu room of 0 his little UIlt Utti hotel botol but bu la turn lu lur 1 5 4 4S cp I JUST THINK MONEY INTO YOUR POCKETS You 1ou grow with your you Ideas Idu and ad yov yo con conhelp ct cthllp cant canthelp help it because us you and it I are a all 11 pirts pat osomo of of6QIM ofsome some wonderful wonrlerul scheme seme of thing tig whose whossecret whoe whoeeet whosesecret secret eet you have not unravelled unravelledThat unrvled unrvledI unravelledfliat I 1lat That is why successful IUOful men make rkb such sudr IUc suchbad i bad husbands not nt bad ba necessarily nOrly Lt Ltnegletful Ltneglectful a aneglectful neglectful negletful Indifferent IndUerent selfish alfl They I ari ariselfabsorbed are areselfabsorbed eIlfbrbd Ilfbrbd selfabsorbed lfoentred Inlr and the thou tlioueand tIOU tIOUend thoueand eand end details detnl of family taly life are a impossible Imnosslblito Implble Implbleto impossibleto to them People Plple hound them to thelihomes their theirhomes 1 homes homej and if they do not ideas Ide do and andthey andthey I they are just as subversive 8ubersle to family famly peace peaceua pt ptII ua II thfl presence prRnce rnco of a human Intruder IntruderWhen IntnlderWhen intruderVhin When I commenced omfnC to give grand gd opera operato to the New York public publo It had come to be belooked beloked belooked looked loked at as 8 an antique antque form for of entertain entertainment fnteln fntelnmenl entertainmnent ment given at a place plat which whic I believe believeused be1ev8 be1ev8uBed believeueetl used to exist elat at atwhere where was W8 it 10oh oh yes yesFortieth ye yesFortieth Fortieth Forlolh street Itret and Broadway Broaway It I is I a aplaoe aplaoo aplaoe plaoe with wih which whlo I had ha slight IIlght very slight slightfriction IIlght IIlghtricton slightfriction friction ricton when it really nllr existed Now that thatit thatIt thatit it does do not dont lets talk about aUl It ItGrand I itGrand Grand Ord opera ia really rely only in Its 13 infancy infancyI I expect elpet to live lve to see I the time tme when every everycity eer everyiity city Ity of considerable onaderable size in the tie United UnitedStates Unie UnitedStates States Htt will wi have hlTe an a opera oper house houl of its IL own ownwhere ownher ownwhere where her they will wi have the beet singers Ilngers and andthe andththeltoperalo andthieheetoperaa the ththeltoperalo thieheetoperaa best operas to be beprr procured Tomorrow TomorrowI romorw romorwI I expect Ic a delegation deegaton hero from Denver Denverwho Denverthto who 10 are lre coming Cmln to New ew York especially plaIT to toask toash ask 01 my opinions regarding rpgonlng some Ime project projectof proJet proJetof of that Ihlt kind on foot fol I know any alY sugges suggestion suggeslion lion 1101 regarding rejarding grand Id opera opr that any anyone anyonewi one onewill onewill will attrntion attrntionI wi attntlon attntlonbtllee make mae to Boston oaton will wi receive rtlve grateful gratefulattrntion gteful gtefulattntlon gratefulattrntion I believe btllee that these thN opera houses hoU should shouldhe Mouldhe shouldbe he built hlI1 with ith some regard rgard to tho needs ne and anddesires anddrlrr andtheatres desires drlrr of the common cmmon people When WhenMozart When107r WhenMozart Mozart 107r mUck many other composers composerswrote rompo composerswrote rs rswrote wrote operas opr they wrote wlo In the firm fr belief beliefthnt 1Xef 1Xefthnt beliefthat thnt they would only bo listened lawnr to by the thewealthy theolhy thewealthy wealthy olhy cultured culurE classes classesTho cl8 classesThe The 11 Governments Ooerlmfnls that tat subsidize lublldl7 mont montof mo moatof tof of the UII opera oper houses houl in Europe certainly certainlyhad crtalnl crtalnllalllal certainlyhad had lalllal that Idea hll and the spirit of decay dl that thatvan tntwas van 31 altncklnic IlltkllC grand Imnl opera oprn In New York Yorkwas YorkW Yorkwas was partly pnrt du dice to tl the 111 tim faulty rRUlyn ti i ruction ructionof rcUon rcUonof ructIotof of nil tl 1ti wrn hoe which hllh IKI I1k wk I much muchnot mUIhItl mu1tdote not Itl dote of showy arrhlfh iirclilteutii and too 10 little littlef ltle ltlef tln Iht ili comfort tfrt of Cf jt the great rft maw of people peoplewho pople popleIfhl peoplechii Ifhl who chii Ihlld Sb Milt tih i 1 li Considered ConsideredTake oi 14idlre iiicltred iiicltredfeiki Take thMp I 1t Kuropemi urOtll opera oplr houses houll with withtheir wll withti4r their Illir howy 101 favJde ra I and Ild inside tier ter after aftertier nfterrir afterher rir tier of IKJXOO hO each Ilrh aehi designed dlwllnt1 to hold four fourieoj rourIflI fourieoplt IflI ieoplt ieoj wh are supposed IIPIIIt1 In a majority ofcasts of ofoa oflalUI oa lalUI casts tn to wear elr their eyes 1t In Illhl the side of their theirfacet Ihtlr Ihtlrfal theirficei facet fal Crlllll etrteulll vrtninly not where nature allle put them themThii them11t1 themllieii Thii 11t1 the Ihl lrlon simtnon people polle are nr shoved Ihovl up upInto upinto upinto Into Imt OfllC oni 10r lofty oft gallery galer Even ftn a moderate 1QItrl Ie income Incomt will wi not help helpmatter helptiLitters matter 11111 when the beet 1 planes plaO in a house huunearo hOUNar houseare are ar secured llrl season IC6Qn after arer season In by the theclans tit titCIII theclass clans CIII who have been bfn allowed Alowe to believe believethat heltt helttI believeI that grand opera Is something on which I I mer there 11011 are much more mor appropriate apprOIrate eur eurroundingx eurroundlnK suerounclirmgs roundingx roundingxBefore rounclirmgsBefore Before the hotel is the fish fab market It Itla I Itis Is quartern qlartfrod In a I long Iron Irn building buldlns A Aboth AI AIhoth Atboth both end ondl of this rectangle rNl gle up to a poin poinabout iiointabout about ten feet frt from the centre on each sideare side sideare Ildt I are white wbie marble mlrble nlab IloI on which the flat fluhlie ffh ffhle flatlIe lie le during durug the morning moring After Aler the noon noonhour noonhour floathour hour the remaining rfralnlnK stock IM put on ice the thaslabs tbeIIlnbs theslabs slabs am or tloodod otl with water alcr and there re remains relins toToning mains lins no 10 visible trace tra of tho stock IIlok in trade tradeof Iradeof of thn house hotlle of Bucci Between Uetwtn tho tables tableswhich tahileswhich which are spread In the centre cntro of the build building buid buidIng buildlug ing and IInlllh Drl8ra the marble slabs flab are small 1111 bushes bushegrowing bUlhe4 bUlhe4grolnj bushesgrowing growing In II pots 1 potswhlchsorveto 1 which nerve rve to hide almost almontentirely almoRtpllrlI almostentirely entirely grolnj the two ends end of the tht market In II which whichbUHlneM whichhjllt whichhitisineas pllrlI bUHlneM hjllt I transacted Imnlato This open air din dining tll liftbig al big IIK room rom for It Is almost nlmo out ou Olel of doom doomHO dooreMly HO easily eMly may the glass glf walls wallof walleof of th the market marketIM Inrket InrketI IM I tei opened fpntlrllkM openedmakes make a very delightful delthlrul re retreat reo reoIrpalln retreatin treat Irpalln in the Ihewarmthof thewarmthofthohtomanaumniner thewarmthofthohtomanaumninerThere warmth of tho thoUoman lloman summer summerThcru 81111er 81111erTheN TheN are a deep dOI plal plates piled ple with fresh freshwater fnAh fnAhwaltr freshwater water waltr mussels IIMI prepared with wih a rich brown brownBauro hrownsatl brownaatice Bauro called cled prlr zuppa inarinarn marnn which whichand whichmight satl rllth might Ire servo A as soup or 6Qld solid 110 thick thickanti and rich Is I it It The tuppa di peace lt or fishsouti fish fishsoup I soup Is II made of no 1 many IPp kinds of linnet linnetand tInnedanti nnNi nnNiI I I lul and aI scaly mao crentures orlur that it correspond correspondmot clpondl correspondsmost mot mOt directly to a boulllabaise boullaLale Dory Dor red redmullflt rodmulletof dlrt mullflt mulltof mulletof of the kind so 1 popular pQula at Naples NaplescuttlofUh NalltsICltofi Naplescuttiofish ICltofi cuttlofUh lobster lotr whiting whltnlt murenna mUrelna and andthe andIhe andthe the fresh flh water mussels ls are to I be 0 found In InIt InI Init I It and they rest rlt on an appetizing founda foundation foundaton foundaIon Ion of toast tot Cuttlefish Cuttefilh afptlzlng fried rre in oil 01 which whichhas whichb whichhas has ton a 1 very long name In the Italian Itnlln language languageIs lanRuae Is another of the Bucci Blolpeialtle specialties specialtiesThe specialtiesThe3liiano The The3liiano Mllono lano si Iluot eltuatedin tuated the Piazza Plz Colonna Colonnaserves Colonnaere Colonnaserves serves excellent nollent Italian Ialan food fo to the Romans Romanswho Rmal Romanho who ere ho flock there ther although alhough few Americans Americansare American are to be found In the plaoe plao Veal Yel Is I the theeating theIItle thestaple IItle staple a many dlh dish atrtve attractive a of ontItY1 central terms italy in ad and thP these I it apJOln apJOlnmany opposes Roman Romaneatn Romaneating in inmany I eating eatn houses bol Borne Bme of their other othr special specialtlesto II specialUosW tlesto take the Mllano Miano as a I type Iye of Its Itsclaw 11 Itsclassare chUaare classare claw teto are very young lamb and goat got stewedtogether stewed stewedtogether ItAJWed ItAJWedether together ether with wll ver anchovies a kind of pet ptd ptdof 5 5of of macaroni maconi which comes to the table in inthe Inthe Inthe I I the form fon of a pie a ome species pells of macaroni macaroniwhict macroni macroniwhl macaroniwhl small balls of and andIs andLa whl whict consists oonslta of Imal ball pasta Is boiled and served sred with melted mele butter butterand buttAJrand butterand I and I boie cheese cbe green peas rolled rolle in ham hu and andboiled andbelied boiled In that thaI Irn way and served lre with wit buttersauoeaU butter buttersauce butor butorauOa I bie sauce sauoeaU all these varieties nriete are a added ade to the thebill thebi thebill bill auOa of fare fa te at the te Mllano Mlnolnadlton tlJlnolnaddition In addition to the thechicken theccen thechicken chicken bi entrecote entte cutlets and ad other Con Continental Cootnent ConUnental peculiarity tinental ccen tnent dishes des with wit no markedly medly local localpeculiarity loal loalUty localpeculiarity Prices Uty at At the Mllano lllano which whch tft la lion I on the opposits op opposite opplte posits Po side ade of the Piazza from fr the Colonna Colonnaare Cona Conaa are plte about the same as the rate prevailing prevailingin nrvalnsc nrvalnscIn prevailingInNaplos a in InNaplos Naples Nale aut A Aduihwlhicoatahouthaifsllra Aduihwlhicoatahouthaifsllraand dish will wU cost Ie about aut half hlf a lira liraand 1m 1mand and a quarter quer although chicken chcken may be behigher behigher higher The restaurants rntl of tho class cl described do doIb dosoribed scribed hghe rarely have bve such luxuries luxure as game gameon gameon on Ib 01 their t1 rl bills bUI of fare le although athou they ter are a pe by byno byn byno no means the cheapest cheapestOne cheapestOne One On mu strikes srb the te Tuscan kitchen Jt in Flor Florpoos FlorT lIarnes poos nes Tuscan eating eUnr houses bO are a advertised advertisedever aTertla 1 LA Ben ad and Naple Naples ad and one il therby therbym thereby therebymoths moths aware ot JtllU It supposed 8oolno excellence to toItl toItalitoL Itl ItalitoL To The averljAeric swarage American wlow wloweeolerfeUttlederencefrom willhow willhoweverobservevery eeolerfeUttlederencefrom everobservevery ever observe very little difference from what whatbe whathehs heh hehs be has had in I the to other othe two cities dtO There Therean Ther Thereare I an a less 1l tomatoes in the color olor scheme emfl than thanNaples thn thnN thanNaples Naples leaon affords for tort forthat that vegetable le is Iluol Iluolof a special specialof of the southern luthm city The Borne 8e thingswill things ihlnplmr thingsmay mr may be called led by dent different naet names epe epec espe espeduly duly the IUPI soups but nothni nothing tt that he ell eats eatswilt will wn make so 1 much muc impression ipron aa 8 the thl way in inwblcb Inwhc Inwhich I which whc thelisbn tho ae are a a arranged anp on the bills bila they have hT an a exclusive nolllv claim om The Te houses housesbuilt hous housbuilt hoae 1 1the In Inthe Inthe built for the production prucion of grand ga opera op the post have not taken ten into 110 account unt an anbut any anybut anybut but this one patronage patronageThat patronageThat patronageThat That is why little ltte by little lte those thol wh whlio who whohaTe whohave haTe had ha their fingers tlnge on the pulse pull or pnb pnblb ppb lio 10 lb feeling felng have noticed notc a gradual decline declineIn delne delneIn decline declineIn In Its Il popularity populrilY I believe beley that the opera operahouses operaboust operahouses houses boust of the futurewill futuewl not be mere archi architectural ao arohitoatural will have less show showand showand tectural tuml abortions abortlon they they hve le sow I and ad more merit In them a consideration considerationfor for the clientele clenlele of the common cmmon people peple will willbe wi willbe be manifested manifestedIt mtMted mtMtedI It I Is the belief bller of mine that tt sll 11 classes classesshould clale claleshoul classesaliouki should shoul receive reive an In equal amount amoull of consid consideration consldemton consideration eration emton that tht lout hA been en one of Ole elements elemet of ofmy ofmy ofmy my success IUO I am devoted to the Interests Interestsof Ittrtt of every over one who Is I connected ronnct with me even evenin evenIn venIn in the lowest capacity and in return I get gettheir gettheir eL eLtlel Opty their tlel devotion devoton The one on condition oondton Is a sure sureresult eururulL euroresult result 6f the othor othorSince othorSm otherSint Sm Since the night that the ManhattanOpera Manhattan ManhattanOpera Mhot Opera Opra House 1ou1 was 1 first fll thrown open to the thepublic IhepUhllo thepublic I public I liave I1v6 never witnessed wHnee a perform performance perorm perormInc performonce once Inc either el her from the auditorium auditorum or a box boxIf bolI boxIf If I you should want to find nd me any an time timeyou tme tmeyou timeyou you wont onI find 1nll me there but bt in back bck In I the therush therlh therush rush rlh of things thlng among amon my IY people pplIf peopleif if you youlike youlke youlike like lke to call rl them my people pple I think that thatis thatIs is the thl place plac for a director dlrrtor If he wants wata to tokeep tokcep tokeep keep in II touch tOlrh with wll the Iht working order orer of ofthings oflhlng ofthing things thingsI lhlng I have haV never miwed mlRf a 1 performancethere performance performancethere peromlance peromlancetlere there tlere but bt I flatter faltr myself mysl perhaps prhpuuly prhpuulythat jwrhapstmnrluly jwrhapstmnrlulythat unduly undulythat that I am not obtrusive I do not go about almutspeaking al aboutspeaking lt lteplklR speaking eplklR loudly 1 do eo not IO try tr in on anoffen anoffensivo offen offensive oren oren81vo sive manner 1111r to II pump my ideas Ideal into any anyf OiY OiYlx anylxxiv lxxiv cisen rl III litsi di 1 1if lx i if you 01 have over IV or IrioJ to I 14 do that you youwill youwill 01 01wi will wi agree a Krel with wih iti inc Inelht that it is 1 an undertaking undertakingonly und undertakingdIlly rlklng only 11 to be npprorehel nrprolhll after Uer fasting futl and andprrycr andprYtr antiprrytr prrycr prYtr not lot strenuously ltrrnloully I have exerted e1rte a aprrt aIr agrt prrt Ir Influence Inlul itfluen but it hasbcvnasubtleone hasbcvnasubtleoneThu hll beun a subte one oneTh Thu Th morn rrn wh carries 1rrll4 a 1 piece plo of scenery sceneryfrom Ireery Ireeryfr sceneryfrom from fr from 1 one Pert of if Ihe ho stngft 1t1jf to the other the thechorus thedlor thiechortia chorus dlor clrl ilrl the conductor onttllor all ni anti oach oth I IImvo Ihlvt Ihinvo Imvo hlvt trittl Iri by the thl quirt force forc of esrple example exampleto to 101110 mako fool rllhe the rllt iiiril lrll of the performance performanceAnd PlrOrrlnr I And I have 110 succeeded lutIod The Te nights nlghtl we wehave wehave weInve have Inve given The ht Cobbler and the Fairy Fairy1that Fairythatold nlry nlrythnt that thatold old fashioned roehlone rollicklngcomedy rolcking comey every everybody everybody everybody body has hl been btn In a hilarious frame frllle of mind mindJokes mindJokl timindJokes Jokes Jokl and nd laughter IUIRhler are lre plentiful plllrll Occa Occasionally Uro UroIionallyyou Ocosslonahly sionally Iionallyyou you will wil hear a whistle whlll from one of ofthn ofIIb8 ofthe IIb8 the workmen The 11t stage ltnge manager is In a agood at iigoosi good god humor so is Islhe the chorus chorusTills dioritsFhiia Tills 1111 has IIII hi a direct relation to the stage stageperformance stagt stageperformance performance prrorlnr Everybody erbody enteringsoheart enteringsoheartlly tnlerlnglheart tnlerlnglheartly I lly ly Into the Iht spirit 8pll of It I given lrl It a go without withoutwhich wihout withoutI 1 I which the tl entire tllro performance perfonnnce might be ht a aflat 1 1I aflat flat failure lacking just Ju that indescribable indescribablesparkle IndrlrlbJhle IndrlrlbJhleaparkle lndcaribabiesparkle I sparkle lion ton that III makes mlke for a Hiiicensful HllHfulrrodlo HllHfulrrodloton produc production procluclion of farenot fart not the bills his of fore of course courseat courseat orI at the hotels but In the restaurant rtllluralltH Tus Tuscany 1UI 1UIcy ltiaI I cany cy rejects the Ihl arrangement arrnllrtut that In good goodenough cot goodenough enough Ilolh for the rest rs of the Ihl world and ld refuses refusesto tfu to begin with wlb sours lrl and end fd with wih coffee coffeeThe lre colTeeThe The be food fodl on 01 the bill hi of fare are divided dlvldt In InaneordamHt Inaerrdnl inareordnriets aneordamHt aerrdnl with the way they th ar IUP are cooked cookedThus cockedThitia Thus hull fish fh may IMS 1 thero under Ilder fried boiled boiledBtewed holltd holltdHIIu boiledstewed stewed HIIu or roasted rlled It I takes Ilkellme some practice practicefor prsl11 for the American Amerion tuner Ilner to avoid eating eatlll a adinner adinner adinner dinner exclusively exchl lvlly of boiled loll dishes when he hesitH heail hesits sits ail down downThat downIhsat That 111 danger dujcr ii 10 not nl nresent nrllt at Melllnls Melhinlswhich Melllnlswhich Mtlnl Mtlnlwhlrh which II iwhnjw lh local mo 1 popular pIlnr1111cal pIlnr1111calllnl popubrIuicaz popubrIuicazettling Tuscan Tuscaneating eating llnl housn in in loretice IUKXIUKO 01 uotie uotieof 8ne 8neof sorioof of the dishes di8hf ar Mi Wt lt down do in Imith tNlh Mel Melliiild Melhitii III III1llt 1llt hitii liiild which streicheu flrtirhE from tb tl the Ma i iii alms Cnltajoll CalII almsjoll I II joll jol to thtt th sqiiii 11 Ii hPl IH bug loul divaim dlvlll along Iloll Iloll1h alongthe I 1h the walH al and it i supplied IIIPhd Uth ith ih liar ba at atwhlH titwhich lt I Iwhlh whlH ices I nnd uld fakt lakl ikes art MWed IlrI1 Tim Timbill ThuLull hl bill bi of fore farf changes hlIN only onl onc a day II One Onemust 011 rio rioirtust must IUlt eat at I lh the same AUf for lunch IUllrl mid IHd dinner dinnerThere dilntr dilntrThor dinnerThore There is of variety rnouzli Thor emir CIJt nollzh to toneioct 101flot toseioct neioct 1flot from tint bill hil two mvil nod Is without withoutrepeating IIt101lt IIt101ltrrfnlnr I Irepeating repeating rrfnlnr the tl dMiea ih but hllllrl nn serial I prepara preparation 1In 1InI tion ton tori i rnada for tjieiveninn cnllll visitor visitorIn isltii isltiiIii i ItI I In II the lie fcum 1111 tiiie 111 street and equally eqI41 native nativein in its patronage plron and nnliiti 1U cuwlne CUIHlle is I I lit A I Toe TORrann TO Toeeanhl rann Ian There Thrt the fish is il I iroueht Irouahl from fromIieRhorn frm frmrhorn fionileghorn leghorn rhorn nnd 111 the arttllc arftr which Is I not un unlike 11 liiilike like Ikt a nmwl IIOtl 1 esixvinlly fllolr prtlood IrA od hy hyIM hv hvhtrofls IM htrofls I Irons tronllf of the pliee ll There Thlr are Iro of course coursemuch con CUn CUnmuch run runmuch much more 1 fashionable falblnnnhie restaurants rMtJlraoll in oth other othrparl otherPark rparta Park parl of the tjwn WI but they Ihp ore nr wholly whollycnntinentil whollycentinentil hol cnntinentil cntnenhl and tVro thpr I scarcely crel a 1 trace traceof trnror traceof of the Ih Tuscan TI8cn cuialne C1 hIP There Tllro ire not notmany riotrUI notIIiany many really rUI local loc1 dishes U1b in Florence FlortlC Fowls Fowlsare Fowl Fovistire are especially ll good there th nnd it comus comusurout con conI ConiuSstout 1r I stout out that tlal giblets Ihlrt stewed 8teP in white wine winer wineare 1 are a specialty slallYlr of the th city clr and beef bll liroM liroMcooked lrAI lrAIolt hiroIcooked cooked olt with wih tomato has ling been Irn a afavorite arnvorle afavorite favorite rnvorle Tutcan 1lfcn di dlh dish Thou bll thwe thAlt are nreIIJ nr arekidneys IIJ klde kidneys with 11 hlte wine I and 1 1rognoic ctpo4 caUr called calledrognoio rognoio Irifolatl Irifoal noodles noodlesi noodlesv nole WJtb ith i merit sauce nauochopped IUO sauceor or lutt uttOr suc sauce plSt Iastry i hall IItunf stuffed with withchopped Ith Ithchop chopped chop up meet mA11 or choose cho and ald called calledIn Ql calledin dIn In dlfterent dl pnnt ur part of Italy HalV Italy ravioli rvioli or cam ca caleUI eanalotti futl Icttl or agnolotti agnololt In II Florence lon they ar arknown art are areknown known koln by the first fl title titleThen tie tieThen titleThen I Then all ni the Milanese Mlanle dishes dlh8 have bve been beenbrought beenbrought brought into the Tuscan TU8ln menu so 10 that thatchicken Uat Uatchicke thatchIcken I chicken chicke is I Lajirepared prepared prproo with risotto roto or rice or ornoodles ornolM ornoodles noodles nolM Then there are the various kinds kindsof Id k1jdof I of veal f1 cutlets cutets which Include one that Is Isstewed Isstewed stewed In red wine wlneand and another aother more exotic exoticstill exoto exotolt exoticstill I still lt Itewe I which Is I surrounded lurounded with ham then thenput the thenput put Into hatter and finally fnally fried and served servedwith servedwith ene with wih lemon lemonIn lemonIn non nonI I In Venice there is 1 the same interest await awaiting lIIalt awaitlag lag Inl the explorer In oooklng okll There are areseveral areIveral areseveral several Iveral kinds klni of fish fsh that thlt are famed as aspart MI aspart part of tho classic Venetian Yoetln culnlnv cul ln nd ndthey odthey dthey I Pr they of course CUNO never find their way to tothe tothe tothe the table tlo of any hotel ho 1 supported lupprlr by Anion American Anioncan can and English ogILh guests g6I The most mO famous tommiereetauraIt famousrestaurant faous faousr8taunt AIOr1 restaurant in the lagoon laoon city cly Is German in inIts inname r8taunt name and Cmorltnn cosmopolitan In tbe tie chaler character of ofIts I 1 Its 11 cuisine C1 le Thotwo The to places plaM on tho plaxza plaxzaespecially pwz pImzaespecially especially Optllly Floriana Fornl Are expensive and tIm thocafi tbocrt tImcari I cafi crt named I indeed Ilde famed famo uph as the most mostcostly mol mostcostly I costly cty In II i1 Europe Europ It I has ha few fe eatables eatablesAt otablOll otablOllI I At the juadri Quadr opposite oppile moro Demons pelt dine dineand die dieI dIneand I and lunch Ilnh although alhough It is 1 I scarcely arly purely purel7enetlan I Inellan Venetian nellan any longer longerThe Ionerrho i iho The ho Cappello Cappelo lonlor hero 1ero on the other hand handi hanll handwhich I which i Itndl stamis 1 nt ln d0 tMorceria Otranctl entrance 10 Ihf the theMorcerla Morceria 1rtrIA under the clock tower back of ofSt If ofSt St Mares Mar is i purely Italian ItlI So am orl the theBella thl theHells Hells la Venezia enel and the Aocademla Aoela although aihoufh aihoufhIer althoughthey I Ier they a are en Je lee pWtl prtsntious than the theS On the contrarywhtnfelleM th ipe and nd Me MesaadehMbesnglventh Men Menanae Mefissnaehas trRht saadehMbesnglventh anae ssnaehas bsjengIenthtmoaphoreOt atmosphcreof of tin tinwlnp Limit Limitwings wings Inp is entirely lnUrelrch bn cTe changed IC te There 1er a feel feelIng fel felil feellag lag of sadness of gloom loom People go 8 about aboutwithout aut autwItout aboutwithout il otl orllom Ptplo each other sadly sadlyquietly sadlyquietly without wItout spooking ocnS to oher tl tlqullty quietly qullty sombrely sombrelyThere imblf imblfThe iombrei iombreiThere There The If I nevfer nev a a laugh laU heard even from fromMiss fromMl fromWas Miss Ml Garden who laughs easily Everybody Every Kverybody fTC Oae Jauel body is 1 In dead dM earnest mes Everybody Eeb Is Isabsorbed IIar issheathed absorbed by by Jhe tragedy of a thousand thousanddetails thousd thousddetll thousanddetails details detll ar those thO details detailsI amity a1y the te tragedy tgy tlgey of the climax olmax of ofthose ofthO ofthose detai I do not want to assume aume to myself IYlelf the theresponsibility theresponsibility thernalblt7 rnalblt7 responsibility of produclngthat pruclnl prodtmcingthatatnmoiphere prodtmcingthatatnmoipherebut that atmosphere atmospherebut atophere atopherebut but eenoe there In bajHi always In Inharmony Inhaonylt Inharmony my presence pm Mce thert il8 nay harmony haonylt Ir with 1th the scene to I lie le depicted depictedcertainly depletedoertainlybu plotL certainly cerinly oertainlybu has Its I ta direct dIre result rl oh the tempera temperaments ttmrer ttmrermenl tempersmeals meals menl of the singers ange That Tat la what It II means meansto mNII mNIIto meamatobealeader tobealeader to a leader lePr That Tat ThatisihytPlan Is why it jnan 1a becomes becomesa Imt Imta a director diretor because eua ho haavthat 4L Inherent Inherentpower Inhnrontpower inherentpower power within him hlmtolmprdlll to Impress Ids thought on onottfers ono onoters ottfers oters He is a keynote keynoteI 1 try always ahv ahwaysto Je YI to make rkev6by makeeverybody every body feel ffl that tliathe tllt tlltbe thathe he or she Is 1 directly diety responsible rrptlble for the theBUOCWHI te themaceM BUOCWHI of the undertaking unetkig I do not de detrac detc tIett54 10 trac tc tt54 from frm anybodys anyby work nor I do dont donttompt doat doattempt nt nttompt tompt to selce all the Uurel laurehyr haurelwreath5 wreaths th that Ih tnre tnrewaltn are arewaiting arewaiting te waiting waltn to be claimed olam I am am aninot not waiting waitingpoised waltn waltnpoll waitingpoised to call meout me meout rnoout foe for some one poised poll OH one oe f11 00 rl out in front tn fronof of the te footlights footlightsOnly follh follhOnly footlightsOnly Only whonnn wh nnn exceptionalijifcumstanus exceptionalijifcumstanuswarrants etopto exoeptIormIicUm5taflwaranta tcumllnO tcumllnOI I warrants warnl It do I answer alwer th thl kindly kidly applause applausethat apllaule applausethat 1 I Imake Imake that showsmy my efforts etorlatnJPtclat etorlatnJPtclatmak efldrtaac appreciated tt ao make mak my piibllo publo pubhloaoknow1ednibit4 acknowledgments acowlege tl when A Anew 1 1ne a anew new opera has ba bee4invdu4 oeori produced when a star starhas stnrb starhas ne oe bJPuO has appeared for the tfrJla Irsjb time timeI I aper want the other obrpoJ otberpo1etobavo tfttle tfttleI pooploto have the credit creditfor olt oltfo it itfor for fo their ti work TJiaydeseryelt Tiedee de rvtt lt The Te con conductor ooDduor eonduotor ductor duor of the orchestral or tr the th state tce manager managerneed ranllrf ranllrfne rilanagerneedall need needall all al the encouragement enooug ent that tt they theylet can canget ctnget get ne After Atr one of the Uwoerss 6peras per this winter I Imade Ime Inude made me the chorus roaster mutr go 0 out and bow bowA bw bwA howA A great lrt deal dol of the success IUO of the work workwas workwu workwasduetohim was wasduetohim wasduetohimMake due to him himMake Make others othe smile wie andyouwill and ad you 1 ihi smile smileyourself ampileyourself 11 yourself Remember that thatWhen thatWhen When Wn I Rebr heardJPelloas lte tt and adfoIMnda adfoIMndat Jtf Mellsande Mellsandethe li ande andetho the first ft timeIn time in Paris JLsald fld saidt tp myself 1111 at atthe atthe 1 the end of theseoondapt theeoontl Par 19t not There Tht lnothlng lnothlngIn Inolhlng InolhlngI In I tills thl eq to bother bott hothert about I am A glad 1 to have liaveseen lT lTn haveseen seen it I because bOutmat tho thematter matter is settled 111 It I is ismere I ismere mlr mere muslo mllo without witout melody mey that Iht Miall MiallThen ii IAahlThen I Then Tn with my mymlnd mind perfectly pereQty at rent I 11t 11tbck I not notback satback back bck and listened ltned to the third thir act and nnd the thefourth Ihefouth thefourth fourth fourthThen fourthThen fouth fouthTn Then Tn I wta 1 ea not so sure lir I I will wi hear hlar It Itagain ItApn itagain again said Md There Tre Is certain ortalny oertalnjy a won wonderful wonderuiltory woimderful Apn derful deruiltory story there ther wonderfully wond rfllylnterr Interpreted Interpretedby by time 110 music mulo I heard Ilro It the second 10nd time timetho timeIhG timethe the third Ollr and nd the tl fourth fourthBy fourthOy fourthfly By that tht time te I had decided dcdf1 that tht the to New NewYork SewYork NewYork York public publo was going gon to have tle an oppor opportunity oppottwlty opportunity tunity twlty to give Its It opinion What Wht the opinion opinionwould opInIonwould opinionwould would be I had absolutely nbohely no idea You 01 i can tell tlllolhing nothing about al aboutaew ut a Cew ew Yorkaudlenoe Yorkaudlenoeclenrhedlist ro YorkaudlerioeIt a dllno dllnoII It will roMe receive you 01 wltz Wit I opn op arms al8 or ora oractnh a aclenchie II clenrhedlist ctnh clenchie i I1t list one ole or the thl oYh dter i which whIclione whIclionelot one oneyou you YOI cannot nnot tall tallOf 11 tallI I Of course UI I received rerhd lots lot of advice llvlc on onthe ontle onthe the tle subject BubJet but bl any IlY one who offera orel mo moadvice moadvc mooadvice advice advc uuually lul doep dO KO 8 at Um ciA opeL coot COt of mfriendadii my myfriendship mf mfflilndahll friendship flilndahll I anI perfectly rrfcty prilling IU illing to lUten lUtento 18tel 18telto histeitto to arguments nrgmenl but bI not tojalyloe to st11ce h1 Buccess Buccessmean HUl1 HUl1mlnns iuecxssmeans mean that you havo darrdto dW do 10 some somoi something I i thing IhulC that no one else tl dufod 1 ti cig advice adviwI I I mnana that people peplo are nr trying tyng to make you youwalk YOI youwalk I Iwalk 111111 walk in the tl beaten bl track trackI trak 1 1I I It I was WI8 Wauuim a chance chnc of course Chlio but when wln a ai aTitan i man Onn has taken tlken the chruico of ml a 1 million mIllon mIllondolar itmihlipimdollars 1 dollars dolar worth worh of contracts Nllriotidur eorItrucbLtira for a sOiwon aasonand aasonandz and Anlt 7 1 fapello spello pelo Nero TJien llm there tllrenra ore eating Itnl slior sliorunknown IIhop shops shopsunknown unknown to the average IvefK6 traveller lrvel where ncan he he1lllnd 1lllnd can 511 find the Iheaeamp neampea a fresh flh water ller fish 1Ih no nounlike not notunlke notunlike unlike unlke a very small III crab crablnd and a I peculiarity peculiarltof pullriy of Venice ellloo the flab 11h soup IUp made mde of tr the Ihl little lltthwx III littleIs Is wx 1I not unlike unlke the same Ime shell Iht1I lieu 18h thawere that tlmtere thatwere were ere served erv 1 at Naples Nlple and ad Rome ine by Bucci Bucciand nucc Ittiedanti I Iand and above all ni the ha large larlo el eels ls from om Com Comtnachio COUI COUImorhlo Cornnalio tnachio which are broiled hrole stewed ItAJ1ed or fried friutIn fri friedin 1 In I liar leaves 111 as the guest UMtiy may hut select celcctUIMK Ielelt IeleltUli selectIJI1It UIMK Uli wuAVr IUJ rT rnnqn jJlIZW AUAIS AUAISClill MiU MiUlHI 41 4I 4Iiiti Clill War Time lurnlture Imlture Itlpiiril 11111 Apart IDI tart tnKiipplythe to toHnPIIIthe toupplythe Kiipplythe Ihnunil IhnunilIt I II I It Isnt Ilnt alotie alule Snlo Santo Domingo 1llnl5 mnlioROiiy mnlioROiiythats laholt titaliogflnythats ny nyIhilt thats Ihilt getting gtltlrg so 10 rare rre that h1t a dec lett decemt pt plccu plccuuf ple sof I of It I will wi make Jab an old furniture furnltl sharps sharpseyex shiurpseyes hurl eyes IYI sparkle Iparklt The humble black bnk walnut walnuthah walnuthtja olut I hah hJ htja come rle into its own at last Illt and furnfture furnfturebuilders fum furnlttirubuikleiw luru lurululden I builders lulden who are making IBI1ng single reproduc reproductions reprodtclions lions of old 011 Italian ialan and Spanish 8pnl antiques antiquesare nntlul are lrt buying up UI some Ime of the heavyand hM711 ar artlfillcally Ir IrIRtcaly artiatlcally IRtcaly tlfillcally atrocious atrOlol wardrobes wnrorob and nndl tables tablesand tablesanti and sideboards IIldebordl ofthirty or thirty or or forty rOTy years yearsago yearsago lr ago just for the wood woodThey wo woodTliay They tear ter the things apart nprtj and nd when whentho wlit1 ithe ithethe the walnut walut reappears roappearwlt rpparflt It is Labs to a design deatgnwortlm deJn wortliy wortliyof ortLt 1 1of of its Il quality qualy Home 8mo of the liuhdsprawt liuhdsprawtand hihdsomcatand lMSQ i 1 and purest pl furniture fU11uf now 110 prpducodis prpducodismade produc prodij I Is Ismade made mlt up from lumbering lumbrng arks ark which lllch just justafter justalter 11 after lerthe the civil civIl war wereInstalled wereI were installed tald togive togivetho totive togivethe i the tlO final fnal touch oC grand Brnd amid ad dismal dll un unsightllnoss Unsightliness 1 sightllnoss Ilcltno to houses hoe whloh fomroemprate fomroempratethe Lmmorale Lomnmnemoratethe i ithe the worst stage of American Ame tsttmOo tyiato tyiatoGood Ib IbOod Good Ood Oo walnut Wal al ijld id PIit ti11ifthi Kfth avenue avenuefurniture Ivenue Ivenuefuriture avenuefurniture furniture furiture makeris maker IA I worthmore worth mor nure tome tomethonmahogany to me methnntnahogany 1 1thlnmahocay thonmahogany thlnmahocay We can on fake the mahog mahogany mh rnabogany Pe 1 1Y any but uotthwalnut uotthwalnutAnd othwl ut utApd I IAnd And the thewalnut1re walnut walnuttrees trees ab abut but 5ut tu tbl tbecomntry tbecomntrythat country countryLA ntry ntrythat LA i i iw i rfetch that ued used to be ho hoed down1ahd pon ponvortedmnto v8rd vortedmnto to wo wood forI for the klt kitohn atovi atovifetch stove stovefetch Pnl Pnlv8rd fetch all kinds kntO kIndaf of money I Iki1nr know bw ajnfn ajnfnwho aJnnwho Jn Jnwho who has a llttIehiiislde little ltehl hillside de farm far attn over In north northern no noem aotem em Jersey JelT who for foryrars jpars etaggewdalong etaggewdalongtrying atageedalohgtrying ig al bg trying trng to fe feed a big bJgfamly family and ad a sniall sniallmortgage i Irmallmortgage I Imortgage mortgage at the same time timeThe tl timeThe The family famiy grew lrw steadily ItMdly thinnerahdi thinnerahdimore thlinfr thinner and andmore andmore more poorly porl clad cadbut but fhe he mortgage mortgageseemecj mortgageseemecjto seemed seemedto to gain ln In health heth with every eve succeeding succeedingyear IU subceo tlpg tlpgyear pg pgyer year yer By and by I noticed noICtha notlcedthat that conditions conditionswere cndltot I were changing changng and ad oneday onedy one day I met me the Than toonon Thanon I on the road ro He le was whistling as he jogged joggedalong Joged Jogedalong joggedalong along in his hi hi cutter cutterYou Ctt cutterYou 1 You seem am pretty prety good lo natured natu today to Rowley Rwloy says 11 I IGood IOood Iaooi Good reason rllO sayshe Ijh He unbuttoned unbuttonedhis Ubutoned Ubutonedhil his overcoat and fished fhis fhisinside hil overot flhed a paperout pprout qfhls qfhlsInside I Inside pocket pocketThat poM poMAt pockelTht That At damn thing he said 11 shaking llng it itat itat ItI at me has been taking the sloop off I A bn aop my myByes mylyM myeyes Byes lyM and the hair hl off my head hed and the clothes clothesoff oohl off or my back bck and Ad the victuals Tlcu but Ol out of my mymouth mymOlth maymouth mOlth mouth for years but bt now It wont do it any lons longer for Im gem goin oln trf 10 burn I up in mykitchen my mykitchen I ktcen kitchen stove Itoe tonight tontht and celebrate o1ebrate with wih wihlGeme a asquare asquare lGeme square meal for fo the1 th hull bu family fnU Thati Tl a aI I 1 illS e0 thno or Dlna becoming aOJtlT bSOJutely bliJiIt nipt rpttl the leaser lMohO chances ohanotware ar a included Includtla IncludtlaI Includedgreater Im Imgreater TWasnt greater greaterWasnL lr lrW8nt I Wasnt W8nt I the least let bit bt afraid afrid Afam Anl Aft1I I 1 do not know kno what wha fear fM Is any alYlnorl morn ftjj tI 1 know the thl meaning menng of pride prde Fear Fpride 6 1 1pride I Ipride pride are absolute IIMolul strdngera trng to me 1 hlotrlnd hive trained myself myelf ti ireet ureetemergoAoy Irr TV TVemergonoy emergonoy fmergo oy I have this folMw fllw Hammer Hammerstoln Ilun IlunItoln ttirm ttirmstein el stein tinder undn perfect pret control cntrol Th Thn Theo II wdrcumstanoe becircumstance of Ufo In which I circumstance crmstoof whch would wojand IIoul nand 1 and run rn or stand BLnd trembling tremblng and andThere uncerttu uncerttuThere IJnOl1 There Ui moment when it would wouldto Tel I no mOlcnt wien lld occur occurto Or Orto to me to throw thro back my llY coat no 1 to toelicit 0 np jstick stick IIlck my thumbs IhumL In the armhotrwaistcoat flhlll armhotr lp a aaIsteoat waistcoat 11MI aIsteoat and amid strut trt rut about plnasMl witi wq wqachievement il nachievements achievements achievementsI ahlevomenil 1 have vn fundamental fUlldamentnllllrr belief iief 1 th the thecome out outcome ot come of tny Inylnlerent Inherent ability abity but hii I Ideceived aq Ri BO BOdftcolved ao deceived llvN oven in that My priintn prinll koov koove kD kn knedge edge lge of myself Ilf Is II quito quio different dlruon from fromthe 1 uthe tIhl the Ihl public publo thinks thnkiit it IK IKOftontimcA Il isOftoatimes OftontimcA I nfl nl accused Melid ac isd of If A I udignity tack tackdignIty rk dignity Ufllty Tim 1ln word dignity IUlnly hw tcismeanings ha tnuj tnujmennlngs 11 11monllll meanings monllll according coring to ho tll standpoint ft1olont etho ctim tim Interpreter Intrprlor To I ono Ol It I moans oaUI nwho rni rniwho who walks walk walkeby by hlmsolf hlmelfn in the Isolation 1101110 hroj hrojabout ttJRhl ttJRhlhoul rojgkt rojgktalmout about houl by his own OWIIIUJnrlorl superiority ax ni li Ii he pe peanti yy nand 1 and his hllllU belief In nkllowl knowledge greater Jrralr thai thwthat 1 1that thaithat that allowed all1 lii hlllor hits poor fallow lolow croit crla creite i rI 1 I hare not nlt hint thlt kind of dignity 11p1 tiigtitu Thw Thwagain na naagahii again ala1n it may 1M jiican I wearing wrlrlnl yf yeit yeityour ir I Ir jr on1 on1yournhouldura 0 yournhouldura your your shoulders houlder or cyeglawxw tyrghtM nn md ot br fs fshwny tf tfliwoy liwoy I I RY look I havn 110 none Inl of ih nTho flr aids aidsThe The 11 simple slllJle inui InUI I havo hl VO always IK I 11m 11mtoday I am amtoday mtoday today and always nlwAllhlll shah be 0 and RII if ii iiI Mip pHII pHII111ynonymO tis 111ynonymO is I synonymous with wih ulck lack of diemv tI IM IMI th thI I shall shl uovor 1001 be 0 dignified tUgIII I feel lcl quot quotvbnced uto ull MJ MJVlncc OQ OQvlncl Vlncc vlncl vlnclWhe vbncedVbon lVhon Whe Vhon ono Is engaged rnlgld In the batt battbrains batte battibrains I brains bmn ono luw lL but little Ittl tlmo to II trunk ltnt ltntonoa tUntones tones ones personal persona dignity dignty as tho publi 1 the theIt tt ttit it I although his hl real dignity dIgnty of mind and RndI tod todm soja a he hI knows knowl it In his solitary solll connnunlup connnunlupmay comrnunor cominunimpmimy may I mimy 04Y ho perfectly tlccty opfeetiy preserved preservedSUCCCM prCervc preservedSu wSu SUCCCM Su cmol8 cess moans just lt that I hal hattinbrftlns fbrains luck brains brln There Is I no such thing Ihin I a aluck Cluck jluck luckThere There is no such thing as had lyk lykWoare lu luVuare kWo Woare Wo are so oormtttuted Lltuled that sntnptiiM sntnptiiMwo Annft Inmnetiy Inmnetiyo wo 1 think moro clearly cclrl than at othorj othorjmental oth othiermoiital or ormClal mental mClal procctwon lrO firocts wt arc lr depomlcnt drl ldf11 on ni noplisical fr frpliystcal Il pliystcal condition wliich wl ch somntlinwiallo somntlinwiallous OmrtIIMall OmrtIIMallstoandrra oinetI tore toretj us tj stoandrra to wandera little UiI from tho pAthnr luhofWatc PathotsIralg PathotsIralgforward iraii iraiiforward forward foronl clear cler pellucid pellucd muotiing rsO I in ant bj bjdors Na h4 h4do dors do ensue Then wo 0 bit i around arould nnd nndabout inIabout Id I about but Our lr bad luck luck1fhe luckhe luckrt1e fhe he laborer Ilborer who drives drlvC a nail intn intnthumbinstead inn innthumblnslelld ntnt ntntthiumbinstead thumbinstead of tho board bard is 1 tin I ti via viaof I IIluclq iof of ill Iluclq luck he is II the victim vicim of In wn wI ivt ivtof lr iw iwof of foresight fur nil man who makes Itk ItktOll makestakes ra ratakes takes tOll does dO so 8 because beu he 1ms hnl all nlw alIrwed wnj wnjgrip bgrpon I Igrip grip grpon on his mind to become hroml IOORWPIMy IOORWPI IGt1 IGt1Iy loosetelMy My Iy next patent alfnt will wi probably lie of 11 ft ftpsychological tpsychologl tpsychoioglal psychological 1 order It I is one 011 dtignMt dfinl A DJBECTOnS DJCon MEETING IErO AT TnF TOr Wl Wl1IATTAX tiLlUATTAY 1 1IATTAX uAr assist Mllt the the ho single an I weak ok point polti in Nature Natureoutfit Natureoutflt atun atunoulft outfit outfitliy oulft outfltally ally liy lya on effort of the will wi ypu pu can cn close cl jrw jrweyelids 7 7eold yeeyehiIa eyelids eold and shut out the world You Younold ct ctnVold casoid nVold nold hearing hering by stopping stoping up your tiu tiutYou I IYon ccyohi Yon can clnrlo8 chose your Olr mouth and stop talki talkipat lalklt makiat pat at Jeast east nst some Imo people pple can but bu you MS MSIryas rtr1 camlrru Iryas tr1 hard han as you 01 will wi you ou cant unt tie tiethinking I Ithlnkln it itthinking thinking thlnkln and no I It It behooves beboovl all of us is to 10fure tosure tpure pure fure that Um thinking process proCfe is carried carrie carriedimiorig calong calong along the te right rht lines lne otherwise othrMIo rom com1shipwreckand romIhlprckan eonshipwrockand Ihlprckan shipwreckand when hen the tle shipwreck coir coredgrut coirdont I dont dQII sit 81t arouud And nd say lY that youve bt btbad hab himbad bad luck luckYou Ilck luckYou You 01 havent Youve missed ml the tarp tarpby larJhyour tarsby by hyour your own foolish folsh blundering hludroj You Yourun Youtilt IU IUfl fl run ou the shoals lonll on account Icunt of your our i iability Iabity Iability ability 10 osteer steer abity Iler clearly cea clearlyAnd And if you ou wont Wlt to keep kl your nr rowti rowtipowers mtntIOwtr macatI I powers fairly clear dont tont think tlilill of rou rouself fO yotself I self iu all Illhe the time Think of otlini I I mortgage lorljage that In II an I hope hOI youll U1 nn nnhavo nave ncritavo havo ave one oneVcllyoiirfarmliasdone ImeI Imeel umeWcll I Wcll Vcllyoiirfarmliasdone el YOlr your farm tins dOIt doiie prefr prl prlby nby a aL by youays you IY cays 1 1Farfn 1 1nothing Farfn 1AIII nothing lIotlhj says fYII he spitting Fpilli wteniiHiiouslv eI cotlmtIIOURh I teniiHiiouslv tlmtIIOURh over tho 111 dashboard tlhhort and IIhl rar rarmlng rarIln tarI I mlng Iln the 11 jiaper 111r down In his hil pocket poker Fir TarnothIng Fr FrI Firnothing I nothing I paid pail that mortgage IOrll with ulc ulcwailut Lilac LilacI Uwalnut I walnut walnutWhy1 wailut wailutWhy Why iiy flays f1 I I didnt know thersii thersiiany thtr titers 11 11an It Itany any an timber tmbIlu to Hpeak oCon oLn your YOlr place placerheylmlnl piactl laC rheylmlnl lh lioy hnlnl hinln sayshe S1 ta a he Jwulinluy wUlu wishi IIlY1 IIlY1Il thyl thylII ncounty II 1 Ii WU was aU hlnrk Iolllt walnut Id own 1Itlg 1Itlgcounly llergcounty Il county by this time timeNope tle tleNop Nope Nop Itwas Itwal piece pl luck tin Ihl ruts wi wian Uan VLan an It I only 01 shown Iluv how easy It i to tosuccess mtitr mtitrsuccess 10 10IUCW success IUCW If 1 Ito a munti rM1 only got guinn glln twusnt twusnttakea lgh 1 1Inkt1 taken Inkt1 holt hol of I chanst chalt when wbln it i I put rip ripunder rt rtnuder under IILer his hl noon I built buit A llttl llttllioiido ti lit II ti tihouse hl hlInl house Inl out 11 tlxrr twt and had hallo to buy hu i w1 w1lumber Of Ofro litlumber lumber for ro it itwell I itV11ll V11ll well I when whlII 1 went Into tin lotui lotuito cdl cdlto to pay up I heard helrd tho clerk cerk iclkiti Ilki 10 In Inbo iihose py hose bo 10 over tho th tele 1lephoo tlephono hono Tlie IIgcwas hC ill 101 101wnslick wnslick was sick an1 nn the young youn feller wu wee clhi HID 110 wwhat hiwhat what was WII in tlm mail mailHeres mnt mallIieres Heres lere a letter 11101 from 8onnd SoandM Soandche MI MIhe Jhl he and 11d they want to know kno a ui itwInut hif hifalnut htwjlnut wInut alnut What iIat No they tIle wan wanioy 111 WitIiThtv I In InThl Thl wjlnut Thtv ioy want blnck walnut 1111 tr trne nn llflt4 llflt4anif 101 i ianlt anlt pay any kind of oc or a fair pti ptiand 111 pii tt Pand and do py tlir thl thiecuittin ciittln Clt themselves Ihellllve pr iW 1Ii I ttrc Itf Itresejit trc tf tresejit li big hi enough to saw 1 up go goThat goThat pOI I IThal That was wn enough enolgH for mo mC I I lA11 i I rbill I bill an got out I put up my mysons lY un 1 1Ion fl flsons sons Ion stable nn took Dolt the thC fust flt 10 I Icatch cffU cffUcatch I catch ctch for the city 1Iy just as I was I hunt hunttip hnt hntII hurtlelip tip II that Ihatluhe lumber tram rml over on thin Ihl thinan ttew l3 l3anVsantered dI anVsantered A an santered in on says Mf I lIs lnllJ Is they any anymarket 1 market mrket for black bllck walnutr walnutrI I guess easso so tho thofehlerai idler fdler I iTtlh I Iih Kl klh gityou Kit 0 all you want Wift Wiftus 1 tt mol1 mol1e Wsays says I but lt youll youl have ve to cut ifWe itWe it itWe We want to toout out it I iL says ey he heBefore hrBron hueBefor Before Bron I i quit Id signed signe an anto ore ogreen ogreento to give them first chance on all 116 time Ill il 1rl bce 01 al 1 1 could co ge flity an tho figure mite re icer tF rr knew kbe where whe thero was 1al Jr a lot IJ 0 Id dd tr trscattered I Ile tiN tiNscattered scattered le arouhdtno country countnNext onl nrulh Next dav I hitched hllche up I ar arg011 mr rtt rtttftl Scl g011 tftl im om it courl course all 1 the tMM tMMsell fo f51qntrI f51qntrIsell II sell 11 em and glad 1 togitthe to cit the rmnev rmnevbind I nI nc I had to do was 10 pai down 1 a jotr jotrhIn iotlar iotlarbind bind hIn the bargain braln and pr git A bill bil i fthen 111 PliC I Ithtll 5then atamp then thtll spend pnd two cents cnla now and nn flatamp i iatamp ro I tell tel you I kept era Irony Iml an I lid 1ldlcare lidcare Id Idcre care cre whether I got Iot my m1lorn corn a In nIn MIn I In or not lot Tim 11 boys bo can li huk Mfar rformnow I Ifarm formnow far farm no nob Ivi 11 got a 1 better betterlittle betterlittle I 1 little IItellparemoeyanIhIIOIU si spare re money an Imgotn Im goin i ithey rrit rtsr ler tsr btck black walnut Iii the time 1110 gthey 1 ro rothey they wont bo a walnut Wlll1ut treJ tn tree i7 Ilt ie Mjn Mjnthis jDthis II this bll side lde of the Ult JrratJ ken Or Ii in inv InI liii liiiolng Cotnc Cola olng to a Ftr Fr la a MlMnnrl llnmr Tout ToutFtorn ro roFrom nFro I From Fro lt 11 ffi Vavnt nran raV Couiv COUfV iMinMl iMinMlWlifn Mr4iWhen 1 When Wtn tt the editor edior starts It ru rI to nn rJ in inind inand II II a alad lad ran rn Into a tree Ir In I Ihe mldrtlr mldtlr of ofboinli if aIV aIVbesrils I boinli badl Br Ir up UI und bruise brult hi hla shim shimden iln ilnden I Iden den step trl off of from eIght to ten HirHf HirHfhtm 11 ltii ltiibtm htm I tprswUng Into a pond od of 0 0bere ofybtr rFliere Fliere bere A iIdewIii ldew Idnnl llt oujht ouch to he fi fiHidden poir poiriuddtn Iur Tluddtn Hidden nl rllr ruse In Ui Uf thc walk Ilk lV falls fan an nd ndsass 5rt 5rtMI tile ile sass MI ona OD on broken brkta bort bar and ad then epr eprhr pr Tt rill rillr rIC I Ihi hr alpplnc lUpplnt In a hole ol where Weo a boirdUn Mud bl Ian Ianto tW tWto to wake wit vp ud kb Ui tattrtit tt 5 5r.

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