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The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas • Page 3

The Wichita Eaglei
Wichita, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Vl nuy--nfafrj2 SlrtypB Site WitWsi gKilxj gagle: iitsclaij gtontrag, Awiarg 25, 1890. 1 I ,1 1 i 11 I I 4 WICHITA MARKETS. "Beceipts of Live Stock at the Union Stock Yards for 24 hours, 39 cattle; 344 hogs. The receipts were very light even for Monday, which is generally a little light. The market for good butchers cattle, stockers and feeding steers.

(is strong and active, although Kansas City quotes a slow market. Every thing in the cattle line seems to find ready sale at good values in this market. The hog receipts were disappointing again today, and hardly enough stuff offered to test the full strength of the market. Eastern advices noted a stronger market and an advance of ebout 2 1-2 cents. Our buyers advanced the price 2 1-2 cents and all of the car hogs went over the scale at $3.62 1-2.


Receipt? shipments Kastern reports noted a dull feeling in the cattle trade. Our innrket active and Mron? to the extent of the supply which was the lighe-t-for some time. Thero was considerable competion and the offenncs sold well. '1 he active demand on good butcher's cattle. stockers and feeding steeis continues.

Everything seenw to go strong prices. Native shipplnc steers, fancy, 1003I30 ips 80 at 20 Ocodto'itra 3 40 j3 SO Good to extra native butcherstcers. 110) KM) lbs 3 00 a.120 Good BuTchei-j steers. faOOSlOOO. 2 75 f3 05 "Native feeding bleera 2 TO Q3S5 Native stockers 2 t) m2 to Choice cowh and heifers a 15 G2 10 Knlr to good cows and heifers 115 (s.2 (U lull8 and stags 10) (t2 54 Canners n.

r.i 32. Stockers 7S 2 li Shippins bteers NOG 3 33 IlEPItESKNTATIVE SALES. The following are tho lepresentative sales of cattle at the stock: yards today: 3C. 4 recrlptlon. Feeding steers Feeding stors Choice butcher Good butcher Good lmlcnercows Cholcooutcher Good butcher Good butcher cow Good butcher Fair butcher cow Good -butcher Good butcher Good bull Fair bull Good bull Cnuner Canners Cauncr Av'ge.

Prlc Mi 2 MJ ...87 ...1070 23 2 ...1117 2 15 2 50 ...1320 2 2 r-l'SU 2 10 1 75 2 (fl l-1 2 10 ...1570 2 23 2 00 2 2 1 1 00 70 1 CO Thorecclptsvery light and the commission men and packers weromuclt disappointed a.s they looked for a good i nn today on account of tho light receipts Saturday, Tlioro were haidly hogs enough to test tho lull strength of the market. The juckers are apt to bid stronger on large receipts ihauon a limited i-upply. Advjccs from Kansas City noted a stronger feeling at the close and an advance of 2)c of haturday' close. Tho buyers hero wlllingfv met tho advance and all car lots vent ocr the scale at S3.C2&. There was a Urm feeling at tho close.

rtEPJtESZN-TATIVE The following are tho representative galea of hogs at the 3 ards today. 2o Dock. Average. CI 2 a) ssT; no aa wagon hogs 12 22 34U snnr.r. Price.

3 t2Ju 50 350 Sljty-nine good f-hcep were shipped out. wqre not offered for alc on this, market. rule steady. Tney Pik-is Oood mutton sheep, tOffilOO. Good btoclc -a ethers (ood to extra lambs 2j4 00 3c nxa.4 oj "lJchita Horse and jrarlcct.

Wichita. Kan Fob. 21. Thero was considerable activity in the market today. Mock coming in more fieely.

liuycr are Quite numerous and all wnntiiiD rri.i.1! btoady ut Quotations, T'irner thippeda car of horses and mules to Atlanta. G.u K-Ura draft hordes Oood draft hon-is Kitra marcs od mares Kxtra drivers Gcod driw rs I'Slra strecters Good streeters Oregon Pings 14 hands "Mules, I4te hands Mules. 13hu "llnle.s, 15! hands Jlnlcs. heavy IGaiGV. hands Mules, plugs $12.

fxirciso 0.1 m. ti25 no Warn 70 (Wt 00 l.V)ll-t22., (0 1(0 l(f4lt5 t0 10 56 Kf 5(1 0 1 atuia. Ciil-J 75(0 75 (0-j (XJ jo (ra no to 03i(ir 12.S (Wrflfij W) coattCJUo Brier Mention. Butz pnrcliHsed twenty-seven bead of cittle today and shipped east H. Mills, Xewton, sent in a car of good hogs.

P. Hunter, of J. W. Regier Elb-injr, came in with a car of hogs. "Fred Mitchell, of Kingfisher, is on the marketbuyiutj horses for the United States povernment.

Captain Woodson, of the reut.lar army, and stationed at Fort Reno, the government inspector of horses for this district, is expected here within a few days, and wilt inspect all horses purchased before they are shipped out. N. C. Kinyon, Gueda Springs, sent in a load of hogs. E.

McKinncy, a heavy feeder from King-uinn, marketed hogs. James Keenay returned from Kansas City this morning. Mr. K. was on the Kunsas City market, for several jears, and he says we have got a much better market here for all the hogs in southwestern Kansas.

J. II. Sparks, Conway Springs, was a visitor at the yards. E. E.

Bnrchinal, Ewell, was on the market with a load of hogs. This is his first shipment and ho was much pleased with results. LIVE STOCK MAEKETS. By Telegr.iph. Kansas Citv.

Jio. Feb. 24. Cattlk Receipts Market slow steady. Steers '20 04 70.

cow a iltsXtJiU stockers and feeders $2 -vj 3 IIOGS-l(i-ceipL Sax, shipments -loO. Market hlpher. All grades 3 73. hulk CarHv. fcHEEP Jtecelpts.VX)'.

shipnicntsS 0 Marktt fteady. Gcod to choice lambs and muttons 50 045 1 1. stockers and feeder 5u)3 25. 111.. Feb.

24, Tho Drover' CATTLE Ileceipts 15fCX. shipments 4JW. Market irregular, Cliolco beeves $4 itOOt steers tt4 fiO; stockers and fecslers 2 OMS Texas corn fed steers $2 35. HOGb Ileceipts l.Ntd. shipments 95(V.

Mai ket strong, hither. Allied 54 05, heavv (. SU5 05. light S-' S.V .4 -kips 3 40S3 9t SHEEP Heeint- 1 ufl. shipments Market dull.

eal cr. Nall 5 5 70 western corn fed 5ft5 -L'K Texans to til ST, I.orip. 5lo Feb. 12', fhipments Market strong. Natives is i stockers and j-feeders S2'0CtT.

.0 ranee steers 2 at. HtKih-Kcceints shipment ST.I0 Mrket shade h.gher. Choice hctvy S3 SOvJt (. packing grades m3 SO, SHEEP Itecoipts 7(0. MU.

strong. Fair to choice 3 tu.10 "i lamls5 llJvjti 1U. Wichita Grain Market. WicntTA. Kan Feb.

21. Thero has Lcen a lively business in the grain trace today, 'llio receipts hao been heavy and thippcrs buy loading out for tho i-outhern and east-em market. A wrj recent cut by the ralli-oadsof Sci-er 00 lbs oa grain to Memphis. Tenn New Orleans. and to Little Rock and PinclUulf in has created quite a for Kansas corn at those points and oroers are coming to this market freeb for that commodity.

are steady. Receipts for 21 hours, 22700 bu. corn. 5400 bu. oats.

12o)bu. wheat. GRAIN C-irlots on track: WIIKaT GihhI milling 55jX5Sc, while other grades arc quoted at and down. CORN- No, 3, 1213c. oats 12-iirc.

No.S 20522c Ha J4 50 ior ton: S4 tt) in car lots. GROUND CORN-Chop in car IoU SJc per 101 lbs. AVichlta Wliclc-alc Fruit -Market. WicniTA. Feb.

24. Business 5n this lincopened lively, filling hold-over orders- fi-om 1 st week. and additional order which cjimelnthlsmomlug. If the cathcr holds warm a large business will be translated. The jobbers ha, full and very complete assortments In all lines and prices are very reasonable.

ORANGES Mexican S3 KX33 75 per box baskets 3 75-4 00, crates, fj Mia." 75, allfomia Washington navaW $3 aa5 3 rer box California Riverside 43 SVS 75 per bor, Mes- Iia 7 iJt1 l1 fv.t. iuifmai wjl. ICO per 'figs Layers 15C1SC per lb, 4 oval bexs 13 533 DTES-Persian CO lb boxes, per lb, Fard vztu lb boxes, j2s: jer lb. HONEY California 1 lb frames l.Slse per lb Wichita Produce JIarkct. Feb.24.

There Has been a fair lrislm-ss In tho various lines today. Prices remain much the same as Saturday. TOTATOKS-Kansas 40c per bu. northern G0c. CABBAGES-New California S2 60S3 00 per 103.

lbs. OXION'S-Kansas 51 25l SOperbu. LGGS- Sac per doz. "1U1TER Fancy creamery 25c. choice creamery 22c, choice butter 14c, fair 12c, cookinsr butter Sc.

CHKEfaE Eastern full cream 13c Half cream 113 2c Salic. CHICKENS Dressed 6t2Sc per lb. live $2 503 TUKKEYS-Uve CSTc per lb. dresicd 5llc. Wichita Iieatlr-T Market.

Wichita. Feb. 24. Business opened nn fair and the prospects are Rood' for a fair week's business. The market Is steady.

SOKE LEATHEK-iSlauzhter) 2Ti23c. B. A. 2327 good dlni.iged il6.23c. Kc, L.

II. DOc. Union 2Sc. Hem look 2.x-. CA Domestic Ci! 01.

French $3 103l 55. CUT HALF SOLEb-Heavy3tO. medium S2 light 25SI 72. TVlclilta Provision Market. Wichita.

KanFeb. 24. There is little of note to say in the market. Order are coming in quite freely. Pricc3 about steady at quotations.

SUGAR CURED MEATS-Canvassed or plain-Hams, 20 lbs and up. Italic. Hams, 12J.lb3 and up. lUSMIJic. Hams, small 1031-' lbs, lOJii'a 12'c.

Breakfast bacon (lull width or strips)'8S9Kc Di led beef ham (extra drj He. Smoked beef tongues, per doz, S4 0U. Cottage or boneless liams, 7J- c. SIDE MliATS- Short clear sides, packed, (dry salt), S5 30S5 50 per 1C0 lbs. Hear backs 3 S0(55 73 per 103 lbs.

Long clear bacon S5 C3Jcwt, uiiLvu Miouiueiy, lAJMJJiC Fresh pork sausage, Xo 1 Fi evh pork sausage, (extras; o. IjAItD Choice family Bakers' sjic, I'uieleaf tjjc. Star r.ltc. Pastry Oc. FKl-bU EATS-BHEF Side1? or whule carcass, S3i35c.

Hind quarters 5ci5c. Fore quarters Loins POKK Poi loins rwrc. Tender Loins, 9c Spare ribs Zc. Backbones 2c "Wichita Hide and Tallow Market. Wichita.

Feb. 24. There is little doing and prices barely steady. HIDES No. 1 green 23c per lb, No.

2 green 2c Eer lb. No 1 green bait No 2green salt 2c, dry Ides 43GKo per lb. bulls and stags 114 TALLOW No. 1 3Jj'c ier lb. No22ic SHEEP each: Wichita Flour Market.

Wichita, Feb. 24. Flour Is in fair demand for local and shipping request, nut not great deal was done, sales ibelng limited. Prices about Best patent, per cwt. (standard price 210 ecoud grade i 70 Extra fancy 1 50 Fancy 1 a) Shipsiuff.

bulk Bran ij MAEKET3 BY TELEGEAPE JS'cw York Money. New York Feb. 24. Money on call easy, ranging from to ijper cent; jasi, loans ix.r cent. Closing ouereu at 3 percent.

Prime mercantile paper iiify4. Sleillngeschange quiet and weak at CO day bills and4 bM for demand. The total of stocks today were 237,013 shares. Stocks dull and easy, 4s coupons 122H 44 5 coupons 1C2 I'aclflc os of '95 lis Missouri 107 Chicago fc Alton 12s Chicago, llurlingion fc Qulncy 103-K Lackauannu ii5 I.ako ilOiiTi ZMi-iSonrl Pacillc 27 Northwestern 107 Jf Now York Central IOJJ.J Heading Hock Inland, ox div Union Pacific (i')5 WaUiih 2 Western Union bi Chicago Grain and Produce Chicago, Feb. 21.

A rather dull and easy feeling existed in wheat during most of the session Trading was principally among local operators. The closing was about ic lower than Friday. In corn moderate business was done and the feeling prevailing was easier. The close was XC lower than Friday. Oats were fnit I3 active, weaker and lower, due to mild weather, fair receipts, the decline in other grain- and also to the selling by longs.

The marker closed steady at the same as Friday's last sales. Only a light business was done in pork and almost exclusively in May. Prices ruled ahoHt oc higher and closed steady. Lurd was dull and there werenochauges to note. There was only fair busiuess in short ribs.

Prices arc a little more favorable to sellers. The leading futures ranged as follows. "Sis AnTICIXS. a Wheat-February 755ft 71; 74J4 May 77h 77j4 77 Tuly 70 70 75 Coin February 275 May Z'Si 2fis July. icja1 it)- Oat'.

1 February lal 19J4 Y.H March May 3h ICJi; UK Juno io, ju4 ayg Febniary March 75 .) 75 70 It 70 May 10 (U 0 Wtv 1(1 () June 10 ft) 10 IX) 10 W) Lard Tcbiuary Marcti 5 724j 6 75 May 5 5 5 "vS a o7 June 5 PU 6 ir. 5 'M 5 IKS Short Kib January February March 70 4 7 -4 70 4 75 Mav 4 i-0 4 S2'i 4 774- 4 K'H June i S5 4 jiVJt 1 S7. Cash uotattons were as follows: FI.OUR-Diiil and unchanged. Winter S2 CCXf S3. WHEAT No, 2 spring 74S7o.I';c.

No. 2 red iQ 75W. '-He ltE 42U.C. 11AKLKY Nominal SE(3t57c. FLaX SEED 1 3.

"11MOTIIY-S1 1S31 13. PORK-S9 75. 7.XJ5 77ly. bHOKTRIRS SjIDES-'M 00.24 75. salted 1 15Q4 25.

SHOUT CLEAR blDEsj-55 OOiJJ IS. WHIbKY-Jlte. SCGARS-Cutloaf 7G7kc granulated stand-nnl A AKTICLES. Receipts. Shipments.

Wheat 11.W1 Corn 171.110 KS.OO Oats ItYslXH BUTTER Firm and unchanged. Fancy Elgin Creamery flno western il.a'.'oc: flne-t dairy l'ArJc; line illSc EUGS14u Kansas City rro.lnce. KaSAS CtTV, Feb. 21. Tho Dally Indicator reports: demand for top grades, except mixe land car lots at present prices.

Prices in round lot-, are nlxe the views of buyers. XX tVic; XXX 7c; family ft), choice fl 15; fancy SI 40; extra fancv tl 4iiwl patent 1 75-il )J. WHEAT Steadv. No. 2 hard cash C2Vfe.

February C2bid2.4C a-ked. No. red cash -Sa bid, CSc asked. COKN Weak. No.

2 cah and February aOHc CATs No. 2 cash and February 17c bid, 17Jic a-ked. RYE No. 2 cash and February a'c MILITUFF-Wcak. LEAD (julet but steady.

Desilverized refined S3 6iW. -oft $1 57J. COKN MEAL U- CORN CHOP-iSc HI5AN Dull. SUTPSTI'KF tfta. 11 AY-Very weak.

Good to fancy i KVgj 51 poor FLAXEED-Jl 2J. 15UT1 Ell Firm. Good to fancy Creamery 21 21c. dairy good to fancy IV'Ufc. CHEE-sE-Fnll cream twins American I1V4IIC.

western ivtit. skimmed 4i EG Firm at 1 L1VE POlLTRY-liulet- Choice hens 2Z3.2 53, rooster tl 50..1 75: spring chickens 1 75CJ2 iJ. lota higher, HA IIS i.e. BREAKFAST BACON-SfC DR1I.D HEKF-Sc DRIED ribs sides jj long clears S7. yhoul.lers S45J, short clear J575.

SMOKEI3 MEATb Short rib sides id STK, Ion? clear? 25. shoulders S3 KHj, short clear sides -p" 73. PORK-J11CU. L.VRD Tierce pure $5 25: refined J5S7" it. rroduec.

St. Lotris. Mo Feb. ZX. FLOCTi-Qul and unchanged.

XX ais: 33 amllr 2 4'W; diulte 53 ui2 73. fancy j3 2EQ 3 extra fancy tOHS'l. WIIKAT 1.0-Aer. No. red cash t54TVc; Hay TJJsC nk ed.

July 73-cbid. August TBH 6fd. CUUN Lower for oil trader No. 5 mlxuaoah Uic. February bid.

Alar ic hid Jnlv y'Ale bid. iJ, OATS Lower. Xo.2 casli 2C'Sic, May "5Jc bid, II 1 r. uauiiit. -j jsj UARLEY "ivuconsts ii4, jiinnesctAi'lc BLDRIDGB WICHITA UfflON STOCK YARDS, WICHITA, KANSAS.


Cattle Salesman. Hog Salesman. Our office is in charge of an ex-1 Our jirivateyanl man is alivays perienced hoolc-lccejier. ready to receive and care for stock. WE SEND THE DAILY EAGLE TO OUR PATRONS FREE AS A LIVE STOCK MARKET REPORT.

Special information by wire or 1 Correspondence always has letter free on application. prompt attention. LIVE STOCK SCALE BOOKS! Three Forms, STANDARD! HOWE! FAIRBANKS! When ordering form is wanted. state WHAT ATTOENEYS AT LVN. Taos.

C. WlLSOX. Jos. a. Brubachek.

City Attorney. "WILSON EEUBA0HER. Attorneys at law, 51 North Main Street, Wichita, Kunsas. Telephone 'o. 11.

dl(B tf w. P. Campbelu jas. l. Drutt CAMPBELL DYEE, Attorneys at Law.

Wichita, Kansas. JOGtt H. C. Sluss. w.

E. Stanlet. SLTJSS STAJfLEY, Attornejs at Law, Wichita, Kansas. HAEEIS, HAEEIS TEEMTT.T.TON, Attorn eys-at-Law 111 Main street second lloor. J.

K.Hai.lowe-.l Late U. S. Attorney. J.E. HD12S HALLOWELL HUME, Lawyers, 142 N.

Main staeet Wichita, Kan. 141tf P. H. E0HEBATJGH. Attorney at Law.

Attorney for Western Collection JSmeau ltooms 17 and 1b, No. 154 Nor Market street, Wichita, Kansas. E. B. JEWETT, Lawyer.

Hooms 2, 4auu North Jlaln tr Wichita. Kansas. 104-tf John W. aajis. G.

W. C. Jones. G.W.adajis. ADAMS, J0HES ADAMS, Attorneys at law.

Office, first stairway east of tho Wichita National hank. HG-tf EATT0K EUGGLES, Attorneys at law, Fletcher building, opposite Occi-densaUiotei. yi-jt W.II.nrtiDExnAucn. w.ii. SACcn.

BELDENBAUGH EATJOE, Attorneys at Law, Rooms 5 and 7 at 235 North Main Street. dCO PHYSICIANS. E.E. HAIDLTON.KD., Krroinltips! of -JSs Eye, Ear, Noso atid Thi or.t, Catanh and llttlnc classes OHicoi''? N. Market street, Israel Myers block.


1 121S Noith Market Street Piofessloiial Calls Attended Promptly. KS-tf E. T. L. MEKSELL, M.

Ds, VS DR. II EililA CODn. Femnle and children's diseases a specialty. Rome for Ladies dating Confinement. Mrlctly private when so debited.

Letters of inquiry confidential snd answered immediately on receipt of same. Home, 711 fauuth Ida aicaus; Wichita, Kansas. H3tf DE, CROSKEY, Eye. Ear, Surgery. Office Hours 9 to 10 A.

M. 1 to I P. M. Sunday ta C'-V. Room 17, Fechhelmer Building.

W. M. J0ENS0N, M. Homoeopathls- Ofhce and residenco over 117 N. Main St.

Office houis to 10 a. 1 to i p. m. and at night. d53-lm VETERINARY J.


Graduates of the Chicigi Veterinary Colle-rr, members of tho Chicago Veterinary College Association. We are prepared to do all kinds of veterinary work, including canine practice, dentistry, and cJl surgical operations. Hospital accommodations for all patients rcqulrinc sneclal care. Calls by telo-phone. telegraph or mall will receive prompt attention by day or night.

We use an operating table instead ot throwing horses. Office. 114 North Lawrence Avenne. Telephone No. 71 UW-tf BUILDING- AND LOAN ASSOCIATION.

PATENT ATTORNEYS W1L J. HUT0HUJS, Patent attorney and solicitor, mechanical engln ccrand draughtsman, ruii resort of patents to date. 13 years of practical experience. Preliminary examinations made. Room- 11 and 12 Firebaugh blt-ck.

151 North Market st- Wichita. Kan. d49 tf ABSTRACTERS. A. J.

APPLES LTE, WithA.D.Mallory) Alistncter, Convejaiicpr artil Xotarj Pnblic Fine draughting a specialty. Complete abstracts to any land In county. Room 216 Sedgwick blocK. Can be found daring business hours at county building. 105-tf PHOTOGRAPHERS.

E0GEES, The Photographer. Pictures In all si-u and strles. He also carries the assortment of picture frames in the city. Give lura a frleodly call and ci-cmlne isajnnlcs. TAXADEEMIST.

All kinds of tasa aermist wori dote In order. Deer heads pat up. Itsysmsde. AH kinds of birds mounted, etc etc end orders to J. L.

CooPX. lit S. Jlaln at-, Wichita, Kan. Sl-ti COMMISSION AGENTS. REAL ESTATE AGENTi P.


Eye. Ear. Nose. Throat and Hf -3S3aP Catarrh. Rooms 11.

13 and -V '-'OJ North Main street, "kjCswS-ia--7 Residence, lao South Em. xsr yuiio. CAMPBELL REFERENCE: Bradstreet's Report. Citizens Bank. Kansas National Bank: ccDrarissicxsr MESCHASTTS.

SPECIAL. Our Scale Books are printed on good paper. 500 receipts to a book, bound and perforated with stub gives on each receipt a table of legal weights. PRICE LIST: Single B-ok Three Books Six Books Single Book by mail, prepaid. 2 CO 3 75 S3 Address, THE WICHITA EAG-LE, Wichita, Kansas.

E. P. Murdock, Business Manager Orders by mail promptly attended to. DE. 0.

WILS01T. Dentist. AH work guaranteed first clan. Ofllc US K. Dniiglas a enue.

over Paul Jones A drug unugl wich: More, ita. Kansas. 131 tf DE. E. E.

0EEDIT0E, DENTIST Ofllco 144 N. 3lain, over Smith A Storer's. Vltaliieil air administered. Hesldenco MS N. To-peka avenue Wichita, Kansas.

81 tf ABCHITECTS. J. E- LYH0E Arrhltect and Superintendent. Sedgwick block. Office, room K3 107-tf 0.

TEEEY, Architect and Superintendent. Ilitllngbleck. Wichita. Kansas ltooms IS ad 17, W. E.

McPEEESON', Architect. Room Wichita, Kansas. 13. No. 200 North Main Street, 117-tf VT.

T. Proudfoot. O. W. Biiid.

Architects and Superintendents. Office is Feloh. helmer block HOTEL CAREY. $2 to $3 Per Day. SCHOOL PRINCIPALS- Just completed and for sale at this offlco "ReecL'4 of Teachers Ability." for ua by Superintendent end Principals or COMMON.

CITY and GRADED SCHOOLS. Can bo used in any cltj. The book fl a convenient site to carry in the pocket. Bound In Cloth. SO ccnu; Flexible Sent by mall to any address upon receipt of 51 cents for clota an4 Jl 07 for double binding.

Orders by mail mail will receh prompt attention. Address THE WICHITA EAGLE, Wichita. Kansac. Three hours the quickest to St. Louis-Missouri Pacific railway.

124 tf JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. For the use of Justices of tho Peace, we crry la stock and malts '-o order all kinds of LEGAL 11LANKS, DOCKL both CIVIL nd CIUMINAL, Filing Envelope, Transcripts, clrll and criminal a lth and without caption. Stray Blanks, Blank! ccd In Civil and Criminal Case. Justice Receipt 1'ejis. Law Books, in fact every kind of a book c-f blank used In a Justice's offlce.

Order kyasail -will to promptly a'tended to. Address IUH WICHITA EAGLX, WICHITA. XANSAsV THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Tlrav have just unearthed in Kansas the remains of a turtle which must have been in life at least eighteen feet Jong by twelve broad, and have baen capable of floating a draj horse across tho river. A Berlin professor while dissectinjr a shark found in in its stomach a dolphin, weighing 12S pounds, forty-three Osh, a decomposed seal, a human arm and four human logs, otwithstandin-j this the brute was probably af tr a bait when ho was captured.

Jeremiah Smith, of Morgan county, has a cat which is known by tho neighbors as "solar spectrum." From the tip of its tail to the end of its nose thero are distributed all tho colors of the rainbow. Ita noso sbinos like a carbuncle, and thero are several shades of violet on the forelegs. A remarkable little animal has been added to the London Zoo. It is a deer, though ia size but a trifle larger than a full grown cat. The cloven hoofs proclaim its position in tho mammalian world beyond denbt, but it has no horns.

In the male two Ions canine teeth project from the upper lips, and these, perhaps, serve in their stead. James Robinson, a farmer living near Jef-fersonville, is tbo owner of a carniverous horse, which wants nothm; better for a good, squar deal than a fat pig. Whenever the horse sees a pig that it can get at it grabs it by the ixick of ihe neck and shakes it to death, much as a docf would shake rat. The horso then devours the pig with great relish. Mr.

Robinson is very careful to keep his pigs away from this hore as far as possible. A Bombay piper relates an incident Ulna-trative of the sagacity of tha elephant. A battering train had to cross tea sandy bed of a river which at tb tims contained but a shallow stream of water. An artUlery--nan who was ted on the rinibrel cf one of the guns accidentally fell off, and would have been run over by the wheels had not the elephant, whica was stationed by tho gun, Instantly, without any warning from its keeper, lifted Dp tho whel with its trunk and kept it suspended until the carriaso had passed clear of hhn. rrotmbly "Wa.

QtrLz Ercr troubled with absent ntinded I neii! Pizz (ragaely) I forget wheCbcr I era was or aoc LnyeD ADVERTISE TWOtCENT COLUMN. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Your Wanfcs Supplied Tlie foilowing rates under the different headings wijl be charged. 53-PAYABLE STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No ad vertlsem ints taken or les han 10 cents.

Oca line advtrtiscssents charged same raus as two lines. NO ADVERTISEMENTS TAKEN -TO RUN UNTIL FORBID." Pi Ices given under classified heads ia this colnmn applicable only tolocaladvertioments. No foreign advertisements taken at prices given. iVnswers to advertisements sent in care of the Eagle once should be called fur within Wdavs alter insertion. When adiertUers wish replies forwarded to them stamped envelopes must be sent.

Reference to former advertisements shou-d give description and date of Insertion or copy of the should be sent. Not jeponsibe for advertisements gi.encrdls continued by telephone. WANTED-FEMALE 1TELF. Under this head 2c per line prr day. Domestics.

"VANTED A girl In family of tuo. Wlilto pre-" ferred. Call at c5.Z!muierly block. So 2f WANTLD Immediately, strong whlto girl to do cooktt-g. Call at dining hail corner secoad nd Wichita sis.

Si. WANTED A competent houo girl, good waged in small family. Call at 633 Soutn Market tt, WANTED A good girl for general hou-ework. Reference required. Call at 1J15 N.

Emw-ria, WANTED A middle aged woman for general housework in family of two. Inquire at KS S. Emporia ave. KJtt YV ANTED A good, competent girl to do general TV housework, oood wages. small family.

Enquire at 50J, N. Waco. Capt. F. G.

Smyth. fct A ANT ED-A good; at 1154 N. Topeka ave. d5btf JSrurses. Laundresses.

Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced -nalst hands. Hreckore, Flecher block, room 15. L. E.

Si ti SITUATIONS FEMALE. Under this head lc per line per day. Domestics. Ho usekeepers. ANTED A situation as housekeeper ty a middle-aged lady.

Intelllcent, economical and capable. A widower's family preferred. Citv or country. Address, "Mrs. general delivery.

SsCCi Miscellaneous. WANTED MALE HELP. Under this head 2c per line per day. Trades. WAN1KD Ten cood coopers for tleht barrel work.

waei; constant omplojment. Inquire at. once of J. Wichita, ulrectiyeastot packing liou-es. i'j tit T7 ANTED Paper hansrer who can Kaisomlne, VV for a small Job.

A jjood man may apply at KH, N. Main street, today. If "YANTLD Two harness makers. to A. Graff.

WelJliiutou, Kim. Apply at once Bookkeepers and Clerks. Boys. Salesmen. XTaNTED Salesmen to sell our specialties to YV the tradn exclusively orasslde line; samples and case furnished; e.icluslvctcrrllory: aood pay, permanent situation with chance to build up a flno trade, Model Ledger bouth liend.

I ml. d5r 15f cod WANTED-Two experienced cigar saltsraea. 11 None other ned apply. All communicaUon strictly confidential. C.iflon or ad a re-3 U.T.

Iluii-opibOC. bO tf Coachmen, Teamsters, Etc. iscella neous. ANTED Man and wife without children VV at our stock farm 6 miles houtli of Garden Plain, the woman must be a good cook and housekeeper, ace A' to 10 preferred. Call on or address J.

A. Windsor. Eagle block, city SI UA TI ON MALE. Uder this head lc per line per day. Trades.

AY TANTEI A position as cook in a board Ice house or by a young coltred man. Address, tls N. TopcSa Wichita, ei A Bookkeepers and Clerics. Boys. Salesmen.

Coachmen, Teamsters, Etc. Miscellaneous. ANTED Situation by amanand wife to tufcs charge of a farm cr ranche. No family Com petent and experienced. lieferenccs If required.

Address Lk." care Eagle. tiV Employment Agencies. Under this head 2c per lino per day. PARTNERS WANTED. Under this head tc 11ns per day.

AGENTS WANTED. ULder this hd 2c per lite p-r day. the ti coffw pot o-au Svrha.t over ail others. If yon jlon't believe step In and see It.c. patentef and manufacturer agent, vn Douglas areccr.

ki AGENTS la -Tery city tswa nd vll.ago in the Ceiled SUtes (except ll state of Kns) to Uke intitcrlptio-is. Postm-tit'rii can make moary. capluu reqolrfd. SarapM copies free. CAb commU-dons.

money can be sa'l" by geUlnj cubs. AddrtM tae "rt kbit Eajl V. Ichli. jCo. 71-t: AGENTS WANTED In every cty snd tow3 In the United State xcpt In iut of Ksasju sell to lawyer.

jn the boot rt'TT lawyer z.tim. endorsed by lawyers everywhere; Mlj irbt, se dfhiys rtcessiry, booi csn le d'llrereJ whn tsic 1 trade. ii'iCinuatii: b- itic 10 furnish rtfereace --ftec required. rul ptrticnUm fre. Addrts the WSchlt Eagle, 71-tf 11 ANTED Miscella neons.

Under this heid 'jc per line pr day. ANTED To bayahcrsc sa'tabJe for a lady to ride and driv. JIn be: K-tind and ctniT. Give prJc and descripucs. Address, A- care Eagle efflce.

ts Of-tyoor cjan: or retalml by tsc Peeriet Sfov corser Oac and Lawrence. It i tte las and diexpett pUc Jn the ty. All work gnaraatd. 5 WANTED To Let One cprtgst pUio oa organ. Call far addrre 1 -skiaaer.

TOO JscltsonaTente. rfU AY "A NTKD Some g-ocd. fxall7to uie Lrirht. bealtar boy S-re yttx tM. io ri.

EnqnlreaixtieBarltt toaic. 14T NcrUi EssparU ave. i5 rANTED casil typrBTttr: cs al- VV mctcrqu3Je worn oal wiil awrr. Prite scstbi-BOtnlaa'. AdcrcM Gra B.

Wlctlta. P. O. St VYTANTED WoaTdlliea tfr Udy rTepood- VV rats Cassa girts prf erred. Addre IL Feeder.

Trooj 1, Ut caviry. Ft- acpyly, T. at li; ANTED A cnea? asrs 2ii ren lii'a. dj-ir WANTED Houses and Rooms. Cidtr til bead 2c a 5te per ir- tXtJLyTKO Taice cnfitrsi-ie-l tmssis.

4.ftt- tralirlootieicsaTcaieat to can. w. tiscs. 3 2 iT oooY TEE PEOPLFS COLUMN. Your Wants Supplied WANTED BOARDERS.

Under this head So per line per day. "TAXTED Baarders with or wtthoa; rooms. VT. North Tope ave. BUSINESS CHANCES.

Coder thU head tes. line per day. MUSIC TEACHESS. FOR SALEHorses and Vehicles Under this head 2c per llao per day. TO aORSEMKN YOl NG HOIJSES SALE Any one deslrinir x.

barvain la nn-ly brrd yearling and S-year-old colt-s tooth exe-1. unbroeu. may obtain them by visum? the farm oa Bluff creek, near Caldwell. Sumner coaaty. where tner are IcO head of as fine colts a can leacen an whero.

sired by thoroughbred and standard brrd stallions or Mstx merit. These colts, when dev oped, will be stvlhhandfatt drivers and good saddlers. Don't fall to come and so them. They are very tine. Tn Amfricaa Pastoral company, breeders.

Ct FOR SALE Farm Property. Under tills head 2e per lino per day. KALE Good Improved SedcwlcE county farm, Ita acre, prlco Tvrms: rt0 cash. per annum for years. on or before tea years.

Deferred payments to draw per cunt inter-et. H. W. Lewis. if FOR SALE City Real Estate.

Under tait head -c per lino per day. IrtOIt SALE The St Lawrence lor alo 00 ac-cou-jt or "orlatit illness In tlit txnitlj the furniture and business are for sale. The Lawrenc has the cry test of reputations, centrally located and will always command the trade, Mrs. man oCers it very low ni she obliged to taVe her daoghler. Miss Selnut.

to another climate, although herc conalderol hopt-'Iess. St auy giv her short life yoms lellet and mke her jast mouien's a pleasant as posiule, 'tl tf I "OR SaLK On monthlj installment plan, several verj" desirable residences, ranjrmg in price from MM0 upward. Well and centrally located. IUrt chance to procure a homo on easy -terms. 11 Lewis.

tf FOR SALE Household Goods. Under this "head Cc per line p-r day. FOR SALEMiscella eons. Lnder this head oer lice per day. OK SALE-Uuildtng N.

31ain. Inquire Eagle cornice or-is. itnin. si is" FOIl SALE Second hand ga'oiin fctoves for sale as good as netvpy thrl'eerless Sto.e corS ner Oak and Lanreme. tj 6 SALE At .1 bargain ncomplete soda water JC factorj.

N. F. Nlederlauder.v. Co. t-A tit SALE A nut of It furnUiied rooms centrally located; be-t buslncs of any house in city, and wilt lie sold at a low figure.

Low rent- Tim will bear Investigation by parties who mean business. ZX) Jlaln, room 1. Sj 2 SALE A good tawing machine for sale a '0N. st. -BC J70H SALE Notice to all sufferer-'.

Sam Choi with his famous Chinese medicines, which euro both private and contagious dismses. can bo found at No. V. Douglas Wichita. Sedgwtclc county.

Kansas. 77 FOK PALE-Decd. mortRages and all kinds of legal blanks.blank receipt book, note books, etc. at the Wichita Eagle offlccOrdersby mall promptly attended to. ll'J tf "TTOK SA LE Scale bootcs.

short hand writer' nots Jj twokf, blans receipt and nots books andlrra! blanks of every kind, iiall orders promptly attena- a to. Call or address the WKhlta EAQl.t, Wlch- Kan. ltutf "ITIOK SALE A handsome lithograph map of tho JD city ot Wfchlt-i; gives names of streets, public building, colleges, park, dz 12xlj on linen paper, price 5 cents each; 3 for 10 cents, cents per dozen. Address the Ichlta Eagle. Wichita.

Kan. liT tf FOR RENT HOUSES. Under this head 2c per llnnperday. KENT A goal four room nouio ana turn on bhermiin avenue. Iniiulrti Eagle Coruico hG ht" KENT Residence TiU South Lawrenco ofS rooms and hall.

In excellent reiuUr wltu citv water and gas. Location very desirable. Inquire at "IMfcouth Lawrence aii enue. FOR RENT A handsome cottaso on College IIUL Inquire at the Kentucky bat store, WT East Douglas. hitf 17OR RENT Residence Hat of four rooms, nepar- ato hall, bath room water closet and coal Inn, In new brick buildlnir cornor Emporia and Elm.

Apply to N. Biid. 5.1) North EmporU or 12- N. 3Iasn. Kt ft" FOR RENT OR SALE-Reslrtencs In nil part tik city right Co.

East ot postotHtc 14 if FOR RENT ROOMS. Under this bead leper lino per day. IrOR KENT Furnlhed room. 3Ialn. Reference squired.

Inquire HOT. S. ixi lit lJOH RENT A cry desirable furnished room at JL; No. 1H N. Emporia.

Si i' TJOR RENT Furnished rooms snlte. Elegant meal next door. Enquire 412 North Lawrcnre vc. FOR RENT STORES. Under this head Cc a lino per day.

J70R RENT Brick i-torc-noin No, 411 Ea.t Doug-J. Us Ilnecfncc and -itcrepln room. ugd Iiartios very low la Klchland block. liartie) A-ou, AJ7 Dougls.1 nventie. KENT A gooil flare room within one-half JD block of Dougla.

aenue on good ImjiUtes ttrect. Apply to I'. V. Ilcaty, 122 R. DougLi ave.

037 tf FOR RENT Farm Property. Under this head 2c per ilnj jer day. UST HE SOLD-Farm on Fall ri-ter. (rwl as In ttio stale oi Kan-ai. Two hundred and eri-ty-nveacrrat SWIlrr jicr- Appl to IJank of all Itlver.

Fall H'ver. nan agent. SS Ct Iron RENT I-aJin of KOacres roo 10 city. Enquire at once at 204 Douglas aie. t4tf FOR RENT Miscellaneous.

Under this bad Jc lino per day, FOR RENT City Real ICstale. I cder this head 2c a line per dsy. FOR TRADE Under tbl head 2c per lino dy. WAf-ls Lli-T -110 acr-. 2n Knna, ArT i adjoining county Mat en two to trad- for WichlU property, elrAnt WiJjita property, clear, 't trade for form near city alsu elar city and farm property in osthesiTn Kn for Wichita property and urn- alo rlty propf-r-y and fern.

deer In 0.ln tr Wlchlt prcyer'y arid farm. rn'-woibriinc'. Com" and list ywir pnpertr barsajo. lm the WichlU and tsrsv property rll bed rock pr.e-. Arai opportonlty to -tire a ano farm suitjOleTor stock ra.

sg 3 2cr In Elk county. Kun. Atut Wf xcres t-otunn. tYk water in abundance. Timber, house, enrtag.

flco orchard ber. a faHIcf fprlng. will trade for rfood wjrniu propf rty or fArtn near rity. also 0ftcr? trsxt of school latui. tal siKit.ot;y mlb-i froa.

cflnr.ty seat, iroud land, atit 2 pr acre to lay on -rti'fh yer" time can lo had vr can be pcld any Utn Wit: trfcrte-rjalM fr V-tiU taprofrt) A Wsan. Reel Estate block WicaiW. Ka. dM tf OR TKADE-Farrc in rnirl IliltKH for Wrf.hl property.

tl. DuBoW County balldiag.dUu-tf STRAYED. Ccd thi htA icptt line per dT, ISCELLA NEO US. Under this htid 2c Use per ilay. A LADY open a teiect school forclMr3 en JicnC-y Jierch i.

Per t'irtkrsltr inquire tt V. Waco Taae fC istxn rtittm rwjnlring 2TOi to J-CrtJ cut Aj4-dres Loci Bars S. Ln4ugc, M. A IF 1 coaM pai a coaaty mlty em nitttAiifa ut Wit bitA. -rb4a rs the ttiextttm.

Tm best I can do 1 to irt'e rellaJW jr-fertnxtlae abemt iti ralnraJ Uad trtrt. Aidrets Lode llux. sa. (r- Uvince. Ha.

ti D1 R. LJw" PVrkdSeai PSK lb grew Freaca rtToftr. it AhrxXlT on tie tae.trtial Ttra iid prllUtiy rsro cjprea of bc-. jnear-iiln. j-thi nbocld not ti taca dartar Ats.

nil Co royity prop-. ja. S2. te-t-li piifi Ca-i. Liwrrofce, X3 E.

i-aczle. Wtcilt. Kia- wsetewk tfiii ntut ataai 2rr Tlf Ekarec-aunrnaer-i fir 1 few gwrt fArss to sxyJjrwiek owaetr. Ao nsc catesprs-rd UzO. i STOLEN. lliifcea Sc a. pcr Uy. LOST. VritrihAi heA 7c trBae vaCsT- LOST- A 'Sir tae. JUiera II "-Js wrttlc tts rflw mai of WJc Jia oa Fetersury csrly.

rrrJaa -t-sr Aos. atwert sasi- Norta Mte. tirt irsK. Tttm X. zl STOItA GK.

Dfcr tii tsad Xc ystxj. TEE PEOPLE'S COLOM. Your Wants Supplied FOR EXCHANGE Utdertlil3htdcpcr UaperOay. PHONE NO. or S--UC.

Israel rel and rcnt. 2 ENGRAVED calling cards at the Eacie aTUw; i can print your curds from the evppcr plain. a jcj tt COU EXCHAXGE-10 seres sroand. 3 room fcousf. v0 lV:" S1 ora.

beftrinj: orctord.inabarhs of city for residence north of Douglas. Box lii, city. j-t T71OK EXCHANGE-Anic rwidenco propertyla ot Albany. New cclc state, oa the line of top AN rooms, gtioil earn nd other ontbuUdmr-i. a Sot or frost -hide uws and surnbbery.

etc Will cxclun-ni inoaDv-ve propertr rur property or rood. Property must v. On 'uia uurr. jy INSTRUCTION Uciler this head Scperllceperday. TEACHERS-Ttct llghta'cc rnetbod of u) rcadlnz mu4c a domontr4tel bv odd and.

even liunilxTS, showing the only scale published clving- an easy and stasple idea ot tho position of the individual tones of tho scale In sound note, and i tho sante tlm formula by which oc cati rcfid all trans poed Mrale-t In all staff music at flri sight. No new character repaired. Copyrighted canvas chart. 2ik feet, for leachlmt in ciivi, Sunday echool or cfcarches furnished it esxh. Individual charts, wiia ruI- nd explanaUonm each, tall or address, No.2ioN..MJn strret, Wichita.

Kan. FOUND. Under this head te per line per day. FOUND A atch. Owner can by prottnc property and pnjing ctarcvN Call at 21a Wabash ate.

S2fi Under this ccad So per lino per day. "rONEY TO LOAN-For lone short Ume. Kates reasonable. (.11 at room 220, sedgwicJ-. blot S.

5 Kt- MON onTl I kinds of security. PUno. organs, furniture, horses cattle, etc by J. T. Ludlum, cor.

ilala aati First streets. 6 tf MONEY TO LOAN-On furniture, piano, organs, horse, mules, etc In amounts from IU up. atreasoaabte rate. Dickinson A Cc, room Ml jedgwlck Woct. ft MONEY TO LOAN-On borw and nil kinds of ltestc.c II.

A. Kky. rvont 1. orer 110 NortU Main street. 6 jst hae cntamera for good national bonk VV stock Leavo Hits and opy of last pul-lished W.

T. Naih Co above llo N. st. 75 tf MOXtV-To loan In small amounts oa hor, futnltnre. plaaos nnd all Rtndt of good security V.

Nash A Co, over 110 N. Jlaln st. 74 IS ANTED Borrowers lor We loan VV money on all ot good, security atthn lowotrate. Geo. L.

Route. Co, lloom MJ A- 2UI c.lwlck block. dK tf MEETINGS. Unlr Ibis head 2c per line per day. "RAJLROA1) 'mEWTABLES.

"nsuKnfmPiTCitT TllAlSS I AUUIVK I LCAVr FortbcottTKsns-ks city. 5t. Louis and eastern ex Fort Scott, Kansas City, Louis and eastern ex Conway springs. Anthcay and Kiowa ex Con-ray SprltiKs, Anthony and Kiowa ei Hutchinson, bterlluir and Unncsee pitssenger ICimopofl, l'i9blo and All trains run dally 710 a flSTM far i KS3AM 'SOAK tiOru 400 tk 740r4j 74SAK UtCAuj 133 rx Depot Second and WichlU street; ttaket office K7 North Main E. E.

rsnenger and Ticket Aat, NEW TIME TABLK OIICAGO nOCi: ISLAND PACIFIC RAILWAY. Rock Island In effect on nnd after Fbruary 18, lea TltAIvs- I AHKlVie 1 LKAVC GOING NORTH AND EAST. No. 2 Colorado Sprint. Denver and PaclUc Coant Express dally Na KansjiCUy, it Louis and Chicago Through Kail and x.

dally No. 4 Ha nuts City, St Louis and Chicago night ex. dally No. Hi Accommodation, dally except ooiNo sotrrH. No.

3 Kanas Clty.M Loi and Chicago x. No. 1 Kan City, St and Chlciwo through mail aad ex. dalty No. til Accommodation.

dally except hunduy AUKIVKS. LEAVES. CO Ail AM 40 AU 45 FM 11 4i AM 915 fit Eis ru 40 AM TOO AU 7 43 11 roo fx 8C5 rt Jfflpu EU-rsntfreorecllnlnrchalrcanon all tmtn. and Pullman sleepers from Wichita to Kansas City unit Chicago without ihan-re on nlsht train, llckets fOid and bscgng checked tlirouch to all pnlnU north, outh esst ud wet, and steamship tickets sold to all European points at lowest rale. City ticket oOlct 10O Eait Douglas avenue, comer M-Un street, pnsenrr station corner Douglas and lliul t.

A. RtrTntnroKn. Ticket Agent. J.NO SrilASTIAN, O. T.

A A Chicago. Ill bT, LOUIS bAN ritANCIbCO K. ft. ARRIVE. LEAVC.

Onln Wiii, pa, (to ElLs- worth) Golnr "-t p- stopst Rnrrton) 1 Going Et, pnger Going Kst, pts-nger izism, 4'ir 11 XOOA (Hri 10 34 pm CUl'iilonTlckctorsceI in North itn street, and Union Dpot. Oak street. zj: a eer WICHITA WESTERN R. R. I ARIUVC I flolng Wt, 1 cjoIb? ffnL

I Gnlne- at- r. I 7 olag Lst. jTreight MlfcA )t Union Ticket ofSctlK North mn tret, and at Union Depot. Oak ire. W.

Mtmwoc. D. JL Freight A IB Mala. Mipt.cor Its aid Deugls, ATCHISON. TOPEKA t.

SANTA FE R. R. T1IAJNS AtmiTr. I UATt MJKTII AND CAST. TeiR expretii EaitTti expre Color-tdoand CaiifernU ex pre Chicago ex res OWTH AN wr.rr 4M til tuA 1 10 ru I'M 'JO AM lllilM 4 Mr lA ive ru lAr lUSxt 'Urn T-tu A Pacha-idle eipresji 'M A Mi 1 Il Lipr 41 I'M City Unloe oCee.

xn North la re-. sod Lniou Depot, nr Jnktret Old papers lor sale at tbia cilice j-tr hundred, 2 -23 ct 23-t Cobs for i-ale at th? Zephyr Mill, per load delivered. Telephone it. CO-tf Take slags for Still waUir at Orlaa-lo W. W.

Sayder. Manager. tlii tf New Fall Cat on the UitU tween "tV)dili aid JmIi, Th" Atch.soc, TojiekA Sinus Fo railroad are now runntn; in their night train leaving Wichita at OiS p. m. a new combination Pullman aleeplnjc and chair car, "Wichltn tobt- Joseph, through Top- and Atcb'-'on.

hi car arrive at at 4S a. Atchbvon ot 10 a. rn8Dd t. Joseph 7 o'clock a. tn.

The Fe It the onlT line having thlt rrangta9a5 from Wichita. W. MuTtDOCC. SS-tf 1'a-tenger and Ticket Ageat. Cfc art r.

Elant charter, ard all kind of Ug blanks for ala bv Tee Vfjairrx EAatr, tin tf ksj ROYAL FLUSHES. Q-rti Vfcle-ris nrv-i an sr-m4w of 2M iXXr dsj. Hpe-ln'x UKl fctag ha aa hacotae ct oat miil'-ca dollsc a jcar. The Ia Kpraw Angtta Wt Qvra. Vlo-Urrta a rpi-jjtd joidLfcr cactisiax th -ord ForrreT set pree4t-i -c Ts caiprrsmot GrrsMaf k4j-lal todjr r-sard oi wcotj-fcsr of lit tal bat teas ia it, with, five tsd cAoers ta tsatcc.

Tbo Ktti arduiscb-s- EUmktk wrl ZTtAtcsS ttdram ia ita n-orid --tm cf iSt tie d-to-TBtr ci ti. laim a-fcTt-sa-iV; crtrtr- prtaom oi Aaetrk- Tfee ipercr "WlJai hm braed -r-f -jibi- crUer that tn stcrs ao ri wtrti-gg ec of tb rejrsl liaHr 'er -Ir cr ded; an to wWa ur pdbLe fs4 isx Tbti ei-t of Takfe-rfjr gjobe) dt e-ca kicb ti rct atrt tfc vtrU wffl by r-woi izcxitx. Pr-aa-wwlllJ-adkurffcyt-ypi'-b, Eaglxad by rahie, llzxd by 4d ha or All tb KAt rr)XL be rtytKSted Uf "VKTj..

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