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The Ohio County News from Hartford, Kentucky • Page 3

Hartford, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE HERALD. is published EVEKY WEDNESDAY MOUSING, IX TIIK TtlVX HI" wmnn, onio couxtv. kbtccky, JOHN P. BARKETT, AT Tn MICK Of One IMhtr and Vijly mil jvr Imr. Job work of every description done wilh nratnrsi ami dispatch, at city price.

Webnvc a full tine urjob types, and foiioit tbe patr'inngo of the lutinr community. Tkr foi.tiye on rmy cyy oj TlIK llKKALII it prrtutd iff thta ojflcr. Our term of tuUrriition ir fl 50 yenr, hrorittlJy odronre. Skoxil tkr jwxr pmMicatioa, from tint rnntr, ttrini the yrnr, i trill rrfimJ the mh ine on tnbmeriotiott. or fnritifh mb'rri- lr for lie MMfxyiiir.

term trilk jf of tlie tameprtee tkry moy utltrt. Ailrrrliirmrmti of Men rire riliritril. exeritt thone of wnlaov leeie rt oml ilenlrrt im im- tojeieatinj liqnort, rhtrh ire trill not ailmit to our roMMNt tNirr any 4f commamiritttOH and contribution for irfffion mn( 6r mill tteil totht hotter. ComMnnientiomtinteaard jh teorL nnt le oihtremteJ fo tie III In ltnirN.a CrnjkOii Sprluc Kln-lleBlanu BKrill fortlir llrrultl. ntltl nnlhorlinl to nwnf Milsrllloii III Vrajiioll roil ii ly.

General ocnl lcu BARRETT, Ixkwi. Uditok "WEllNESDAY, MAV 17 lS7fi Hit. William Harbin, of Green ville, rncnt a few days in our town last week. Mil Z. Wavxk Gritix hits just opened Iis Sorta Fount, where you can get a nice cool drink for ten ccnL.

Jlit. EnoAit constructor of our jail, accompanied by his wife, left last Friday morning for his home ill Brcckcnridgc county. Tub grand Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia opened ht "Wednesday with an attendance of 2110,000 people. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of country produce, at J. I).

Duke's, opposite the I In rl ford House. Jilt. Henky Guifkin, while handling mowing machine blade Jlondny morning, had his little fingers badly rut. IcEcrwl Soda-water at Z. Wayne Griffin's far (en cents a drink or throe for tventv-five cents.

ltlblirill. How many men lived, and who were they, who held the exalted stations of Prophet, Priest and King? Please answer in next. W. S. Wn Are under obligation? to our -polite and hanuSomc deputy Circuit court clerk, Clarence Hani wick, for -court news tins wook.

Jacob D. Duke, desires to inform the public and people generally, that he has purchased the Grocery Store, formerly owned by L. J. Lyon, the Hartford House, where he will continue the business in all its branches. He will be pleased to see all the former customers of the House and as many new ones, as can make it con-veniont to call.

His motto is cash, and therefore is enabled to sell at a small margin. Give him a call and examine his stock. The dinner and supper given by the ladies last week for the benefit of the Methodist church were largely patron-tied, and everything passed off quietly and pleasantry. The receipts amounted to two hundred and thirt3'-three dollars, which, added to the amount received from the plays several weeks ago, makes a total of three hundred and fifty-three dollars, which will aid very materially toward the completion of the church. We think great credit and praise are due the ladies of town and the country for their energy, untiring efforts, and success in getting up such a luxurious feast, and for the interest they have manifested in having a house of worship in Hartford.

Geo Templar' Convention. The Ohio county O. G. T. convention will meet with Mount Pleasant Lodge, at Rosine, on Friday and Saturday, 2d and 3d of June, 1876.

All Lodges in the county are requested to send delegates, as a full meeting is desired. Geo. W. Bain, will deliver a lecture. Benj.

Newton, Pna. Coanty Grange. The Ohio County Grange will meet at Walton's creek the first Saturday-(3d day) in June, at ten o'clock a. m. All Sub.

Granges in the county, not having united with the County Grange, are requested to send delegates and at tach themselves at the above time and place. Done by order of the Grange at Goshen, April 17th, 187G. D. J. K.

JIADDOX, Master. R. P. Hock Sect'y. pro tern.

J. W. Davis informs the public that ho is located on the Hartford and Barrett's farry road, and is prepared to do a general business of- horse trad' ing. Will buy, swap, or sell. Give liirn a call.

n-13-tf Hon. I. A. StuiIiliiiK. on; well ventilated the air passing Hon.

I. A. of Morgan- from all with a bountiful field, Union county, candidate for supply of water to keep the cells free Congress of this dNtrict, addressed a from filth or unpleasant odor and it ap-largc audience Friday evening, at pears to thi jury a matter of huninn the court-house. His speech was of imiosibilitv for pri-oners to escape the true democratic ring that which 'should characterize every Democrat in the state. Ho spoke of the great errors of the President in the appointment of corrupt and unqualified men to office, the perpetuation of the same in office, and the evil reciting there from.

That instead of the office hold ers being the servants of the people nml the offices belonging to the people, in many instances, were used for the benefit of the individual, and that the people were made the servants of the office holders. That the public debt since the war, had, by fraud and mis appropriation of the government fund Itccn increased, instead of being de creased. The utter destruction and ruin of the country if the same is not checked. That the governi should only control the general affairs of the nation and that each state should have the right to control its own affairs. And if elected would do all in his power to reduce the public debt and thereby alleviate in great measure the heavy tax that is now upon us.

Mr. S. made a very favora ble impression here, and will receive a good support in the count. below a list of Common wealth oases which have parsed off the docket, and the penalty annexed Tlios. Bell.of color, for carrying con cealed weapons, 825 and ten days im prisonment.

II. Jf. Stevens, fornication, $20. J. Loyd Barnard, for olislructing public road, S.

R. Beaslcy, for grand larceny, one year in penitentiary. Alio Bosquet, altering ear Jesse Whitlnkcr, obstructing public justice. $lii. Jno.

Griffin, for standing stallion without license, $25. Crit Parks, of color, carrying con cealed weapons, $25 and ten days im prisonment. Tin: Grand Jury adjourned last Saturday evening aflcr returning the following indictments! Tol. Tichcnor, breaking store house. Same, for carrying concealed weap ons.

H. Kelly, for failing to keep road in order. George P. Jfiller, for same. George T.

Wade, for same. Davis, for same. Wesley Berry, of color, for hog fctcalinj'. S. li.

Bcasley, for grand larceny. Thos. JlcCrans, for selling liquor to a minor. Ned Edwards, for same. Jno.

Wiles, for giving liquor to a minor. George Brown, of color, for petit larceny. L. T. Cox, for keepling tipling house.

F. Taylor, for same. Win. Tilford Jr. for carrying conceal ed weapons.

J. Loyd Barnard, for obstructing public road. B. V. Fitzhugh forcible trespass.

A. C. Ellis, ft 7, for allowing gam ing. J. Warren Barnctt, ct al, for same.

Owen Plumber, for keeping a tip- ling house for three months. Itrport ol the Grand Jury. Ohio Cincurr Couirr, Grand Jury Boom, Hartford, Jlay 13th, 137G. The Grand Jury of Ohio county would report to the Honorable James Stuart, Judge of the OhioCircuitCourt, that they hnve made a careful and thor ough examination of the Court-house and jail of the county, and would state that they find the roof of the Courthouse in an unsafe condition. They give it as their opinion that the mechanical construction of the roof is defective in many particulars, chief among which is the inadequacy of the supports of the main rafters, and that tune but adds to theso defects.

The Grand ury have had skilled mechanics to inspect the roof, and they report, in substance, as above; nnd they (the Graud Jury) give it as their opinion that the roof can be made secure and safe, at compartively small cost and thoy would suggest and urge that the Judge of the County Court take im mediate steps to improve the roof, and re-plaster the Court-house, which is needed very much. The Grand Jury have closely examined the jail just erected by the county, and they proudly assert that it will stand a monument to the humanity of the people who erected it. Jlr.E. A. Bennett, the constructor is entitled to special credit for the faithful execution of his undertaking.

The structure is a model of mechanism.and the cells, which will accommodate sixteen persons, and in case of necessity, as ninny more, nre largo and commodi- withont the knowledge of the jailer. To Mr. 12. L. Wise, great credit I-due for the faithfulness with which he discharges bis official duties.

He prompt, and attentive to his duties, kind and humane to his prisoncrs.furn-i-hing plenty of wholesome diet, and 11-ing all reasonable efforts to make their unfortunate condition as pleasant as possible. The sanitary condition of the jail is good in every respect and once in the history of Ohio county the Grand Jury can report a jail from which prisoners can not escape, and a jailer whose humanity will ever extend to the unfortunate inmates all the attention and comforts that prisoners in a christian land could reasonably ex pect or demand one of which the Grand Jury would respectfully submit. From Icicle. Si'isiNo Lick, May 14th, 1S7C. The mercantile business in our town for several daj's has been very good.

There arc shipped from this station daily from two to five car loads freight, a majority of which being tan-bark. Dealers in leaf tobacco are not ship ping any at this time, hoping that in the future they will get better prices for the weed. Jliich excitement exists now among the buyers over the scarcity of plants. Last week some crops sold at the handsome price of ten dollars per one hundred" pounds. The fair weather for two weeks, has afforded ample opportunity to the farm ers for planting corn and doing other work on their farms.

Wheat and oats since the rain are looking quite prom ising and now bid fair for an abundant yiekl. The saw mill owned by Dr. A. R. Bycrs has been removed from its old stand, near John JIcDaniel's, to John a short distance from GofFs crossing.

They arc prepared to fill all bills that may be sent to them on the shortest notice. B. Itcnrcr Diuu Letter. Beaver Dam, Jlay 5th, 187G. There has been periods in the hisloiy of the world that were cool, but the past few days has not been one of them.

The thermometer has ranged with a considerable upward tendency, nnd finally made Sunday afternoon the hottest of the season. It so chanced that a-few of us took a stroll, and on our return passed a house consecrated to the Lord by our African brethren and, oh, my! what nu odoriferous puff we iuhalcd! Well, we have found it the redheaded woodpecker. The oldest citi zen of the town, Col. J. JI.

Doom, was out gazing upon nature's beautiful scenes the other morning, and found the above-named bird. I had no idea when all the Kentucky papers were advertising for the lost red-headed woodpecker, that it would be found in this community. Nevertheless, the Colonel has found it and will be exhibited to the admiring public by appli cation to W. H. Barnes.

Ho! ye that thirst for a sight, come, and your ad miration shall be satisfied I do not mean that the Colonel is the oldest in years of our inhabitants, for ho is only twenty-five ycar3 old the ladies say but that he has resided longest inside the corpirate limits. Jlr. Wm. Bennett, residing in two miles of this place, had his barn burn ed down on last Thursday morning, containing about two thousand pounds of tobacco, and fifty or sixty bushels of corn, his entire crop of each. He is a poor man and the loss is sensibly felt.

A heavy rain fell south of this place Friday night, which will prove of great benefit to the crops. Five hundred barrels of salt were re ceived at this place last week the merchants sell it cheap. A Gregory meeting is spoken of for next Saturday next fish, oystcrs.etc, in abundance. It will be our meeting nnd not his, remember. Barnard Riley and A.

H. Kahn fc have shipped several hogsheads of tobacco in the last few days, also, W. J. Tilford of Cromwell, has shipped several. A Sunday School, superintended by Jlr.

P. P. Walker, assisted -by Prof. Howerlpn, ha3 recently bceij organized at this place. Jlay it redown to much good in the community.

Jlessrs. Warren Pate and James Clark, commercial tourist from Cincinnati, were in town supplying the merchants with goods Saturday. Jlr. Oscar Stevens and Jliss Emma Wile, of Cromwell, were in town Sunday. Jliss Carrie Gibson, of Hartford, is vficif'itr.

lint. Yir.iwlt! linwt TTi'vnr tilt A Y.SOX COl'XTY ITKJIM. Xensof the County hyOiir Kckii-lar Correspondent. The Whiskey trade has received complete backset in Litchfield on the hill, ami also in the hollow, all licensed gin mills having been closed on account of expiration of Uncle Samuel's coupons, so that it if now an impossibility for the thirsty Litches to even "wet their whiskers." Driven to desperation the old sap-suckers resort to the L. P.

it S. W. railroad depot, and jumping the first train in any direc tion are swiftly wafted ton more eon-genial locality where the juice of the corn flowcth freely under the fifty-dollar protection of our glorious American Eagle. Hero the stimulating juice is partaken until "They are no' Ai nor yet sae fa' But jest a drappi i' their when they again returned to a home that lias now lost nil its wonted charms. Since their ideal of regal splendor good King Alchohol has been hurled from his proud position into the mud and mire where we sincerely hope he may abide forcverniore.

A monstrosity in the shape of an honest radical politician has been discovered in one of the Fejii Islands. How he came there it is impossible to surmise unless he went Steinbergering nnd failed to succeed on account of scruples. The curiosity will be on exhibition at the Centennial if the railroad monopolists bring the fare down to anything like excursion rates. The Grand Jury of Grayson county have found forty-one indictments at their late session. About two-thirds of these arc for selling or giving liquor to minors and in all probability "will not amount to a hill of beans." According to good railroad authority jrr 12.

A Bunch has shipped from his new steam saw mill at Jlillwnod more lumber over the L. P. S. W. railroad than all the saw mills in the county during tlie past and present month.

Attila was called "The scourge of God." Why not call Tildcn the scourge of theives? Friend "Henri," of Beaver Dam, should have said "musical Swamp An- of common In theEnglish language there is noth ing that expresses forgiveness so well as these simple words of Jesus Christ "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Jlr. Ike Deweese, living two miles west of Jfayo Park, this county, had his dwelling and smoke house com pletely destroyed by fire one day last week. Everything in the buildings was consumed by the devouring elc ment. The fire was caused by a defective stove-pipe setting the shingles on fire in the absence of the family. The loss falls heavily on Jlr.

Deweese, and no insurance to make it lighter. Talk about venerable "heathen Chinese" indulging in the boyish pastime of kite-flying but the absurdity of the sport is eclipsed just now by watching a dozen middle-aged Gray- sonites engaged in an exciting game of marbles. The political leaning of Grayson county is towards grandpap Tildcn for our next President. We hope the Herald will fling the name of Tildcn on the breeze also. THE LAST 11 ALL QF THE SEASON.

Ths last ball of the season came off at Jlillwood last Wednesday night. It wns rather a rough looking crowd of males that assembled, but the femi nine portion were rigged out in all the gaudy paraphernalia of tho backwocd girls of the period. The band consisted of one old rickity fiddle with three strings, the caterwauling of which com pletely silenced the bactoricn dwellers of the stagnant pond that lies opposite the ball-room door. The ladics.though few in number, seemed to relish the exciting exercise, as each stuck to the lloor so long as the three-stringed mu sical monstrosity held out. Sraight up and down Swing 3our partners and the boy who was run ning tho orchestra came down heavier than usual, when snap went the cat guts and the ball was over.

Home ward all! and the frightened whip- poorwill again began his monotonous song where he had left off before being interrupted by the last ball of the sea son at Jlillwood. PERSONALITIES. Insertions under this head 10 cents a line. The dazzling beauty of Jibs Stuck-up, of Foxcraft, was reflected from the mud puddles of Slinkup last Wednesday. Tho Hon.

Judge Pomposity of Law-yervillc, made tho corn juice of Steam-burgh diminish rapidly on his visit there last Thursday. Look out lor the Itcil Murk. Subscribers who sec a red mark on the margin of their paper near their names may know that their lime has expired. Wo Iiojk! all such will renew at once. From Cen tor (on ii.

Jlay 15, '70. Editor Herald As nothing start ling has occurred since my last writing, I am almost as much at loss as friend "Nemo." Corn is coming up well oats look rather low for the time of year, and tobacco plants are to a great extent destroyed by the bugs. The people in the vicinity of Point Plcns- ant report them nearly nil gone. Mess, Bishop and Tichcnor, living on the Hartford and Point Pleasant road a mile and a half from Centcrtown, have a fine prospect for plants. They will have enough of sufficient size plants to set five or six acres in about two weeks.

There was a vagabond passin through our neighborhood last week who gave his name as Leigh, that pre tended to be in search of employment, Ho was about fifty or sixty years of age, and seemed to be a fit subject for the poor house, or soma other good place. I think tho authorities should see to his case, and prevent his goin around frightening the women and children. Your Grayson correspondent raises considerable objection to the grand jury and comes out in hard terms, very de nunciatory indeed, but fails to give good reasons, only that they do nothing and arc an expense. I think grand juries, where they do their duty, do great good in hunting up crimo that would otherwise go unpunished, and I know of no substitute that would work as well. Oh is it not awful, dismal, miserea- blc and horrible for Lamont to be visited by a snow storm in the month of Jlay? It looks like judgement sent upon him, but may have been sent down to kill tho ticks.

Burl's buzzard might have gotten a bait if he had at tacked tho right one, but the question now is, did not Lamont partake of the bait in the obituary trap set for him, and thereby burn his fingers. In writing names of poets, I intended the letters T. and G. to represent one name only, and they should not have been separated by the comma. And I now hereby ask Lamont, (if the "extent of his ignorance" will not prevent jjrim,) to tell us who was the author of that immortal poem styled, "Elegy written in a county church-yard." Who was the man that indited his own epitaph, Noble Butler or JIarcus Wilson, can tell Jlore anon, Alfred jr.

Itosiuc. Rosine Jlay 15, 1876. Editor Herald. Our community arc on tho vive, expecting a rare treat in the way of a lecture by G. Bain, the noted favorite, and popular orator of Ky.

No man since tho days of John B. Gough has taken the tem perance subject in hand and been the means of restoring fallen humanity, and in arresting the giant evil of intemperance as has Bro. Bain. He is meeting with most remarkable success and his powers over an audience are said to be wonderful. It is hoped as many citizens of Ohio county as wish a rare treat will hear him at Rosine, on Friday evening, Juno 2nd, 187G.

Prepare Tor the "Centennial." At the great Clothing House of Winter cor. 3d and llarket, Louisville, you will find all the leading Styles and sold at prices that defy competition. Best Calicoes 5 and 6 cts. a yard at E. SMALL'S.

I have arranged to take orders for pure Lake Ice, and can begin to deliver by the first of May. Parties wishing to contract for ice, will please call on meat once, and make contract for the season. JOHN S. VAUGIIT Will H. Murrcll is our duly authorized agent at Beaver Dam, to receive subscriptions and advertisements.

He will also receive subscriptions for the Riverside Weekly. Clothing sold at half its value at E. SMALL'S. You Will Snvo Money, In buying your new suits by leaving your measure at J. Winter cor.

3d and Market, Louisville, they never fail to give a good tit, and sell at a moderate price. Sodii Water. Z. Wayne Griffin is now prepared to furnish this cooling draught to thirsty thousands. Prices in all kinds of goods etill falling.

Call and convince yourselves at E. SMALL'S Feeling called upon to serenade his gazelle he borrowed nn accordcon and, after getting bo that be could squeeze a few doleful noises out of it, he posted himself under her window one night and began plaintively howling, "Oh, whisper what thou feelestl" She poked her head out of the window at the third line and said, "Oh, U'b you, is it? I thought it was cats. And you wnnt me to whisper what feelcst, hey? Well I fceleft tired, that's what. Been working a hard running sewing machine all day. Gel me a Light-Hunning Domestic and then I'll know von mean Ladies' Kid and Cloth Shoes and slippers at 00 to 1.23 at E.

SMALL'S. I'olnto Slips. 1 am prepared to furnish Sweet Potato Slips at the price of thirty cents per hundred, delivered fresh and in good order. I can furnish the Southern Queen, Bermuda, or any other slock of swt et potatoes desired. Orders respectfully solicited.

April 2G, 1S7C. S. WircuiT Men's white- linen bosom shirts at 75 cts. to $100 at E. SMALL'S.

I'nriii Tor Sale. I desire to sell my farm of 185 acres of land, about two miles North of Hartford. There are about 80 acres cleared and under fence, good dwelling-house and out-houses, three tobacco linrns, good stables, crils a good cistern almost completed, a young orchard of over 100 trees just beginning to bear. There is also a good coal bank within a hundred yards of the house. The coal is the best blacksmith coal ever used in this country.

Forsaleon reasonable terms. For further particulars, call on John P. Barrett, or G. B. Hocker.

Hartford, Ky. n8tf. Nice line parasols 35 cts. apiece, linen fans 15 to 75 cents at E. SMALL'S.

I'll nu lor Sale. The farm known aa the Crow farm lying in Ohio County, on Rough creek, five miles from Hartford, containing one hun dred acres, more or less. About one-half of the land cleared. Good improvements with a comfortable dwelling, barn and other buildings, excellent fencing, and an everlasting well of water. There is also a large orchard of apple, peach, pears, quinces, cherries, plums and a great variety of small fruits, all in excellent bearing condition.

This farm can be bought on good terms For further particulars, address, J. W. PATTON, M. D. Buford, Ohio County, 1st 1870, nl7-5t Poctrj; ami Prose ol'Spriiifr.

the clones or spring time has ever been a favorite theme of the poels. They glow with rapture when describing how "Spriug unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil," but forget that Death rides on every passing breeze, and lurks in every flower." Yes, the vernal season ho-vever bright and beautiful it may sce.ii is fraught with perils to the human race. In our climate it is the most dangerous to health of any portion of the year. The sudden changes of the weather produce Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Rheumatism and Neuralgia, while the poisonous exhalations arising from the earth, induce deadly fevers. At this perilous season the greatest care should be exercised, and tbe Seven Seals or Golden Wonder, that speedy, certain and effectual cure for all ailments brought on by variable weather, or by inhaling miasmatic vapors, should be kept where it can be brought quickly into requisition.

Ills Invention. Loyd, the famous map man, who made all the maps for General Grant and the Union army, certificates of which he pub lished, has just invented a way of getting a relief plate from steel so as to print Loyd's Map of American Continent showing from ocean to ocean on one entire sheet of note paper, 40x50 inches large, on a lightning press, and colored, sized and varnished for the wall so as to stand washing, and mailing anywhere in the world for 30 cents, or unvarnished for 2j cents. This map shows the whole United States and Territories in a group, from surveys to 1875, with a million places on it, such as towns, cities, villages, mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, gold mines, railway stations Slc This map should be in every house. Send 30 cents to the Loyd Map Company, Philadelphia and you will get a copy by return mail. New York Illustrated Christian Weekly.

no-li-lt. Club Kales. We will send the Hartford Herald and the liivfnide WeeMu, for one year, for the small sum of $3,00 and in addition thereto, each subscri ber will get a premium of a splendid Lithograph. The ii'ircrsiife is devoted to Temperance and Literature and is one of the best family papers we know of. subscribe at once.

Papers for Sale. Old newspaper that can be used for wrapping paper and various other purposes, for sale cheap. Call and buy them. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from ac tive practice, having placed in his hands by nu East India Jlissionary tho formula of a simple Vegetable Remedy, for tho speedy nnd permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, nnd all throat and Lung Affections, also a Positive and Radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful cura tivc powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows.

Actuated by tills motive, nnd a conscientious desire to relieve human suflcring, he will send free of dianje) to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Sent by return mail by addressing with tamp, miming tins paper. IV Munroc UIotk.M racunr. S. Y.

gnnounmncnte. For CongrcNK. We nre authotized to announce IIoTF. IONATIUrt A. SlULDINO, of Union comity, aa a candidate for Congress in the Second DL-trict of Kentucky, to sureced Hon.

John Young Brown, Subject to the decision of a Democratic District Convention. For Juilge Criminal Coarfv We are authorized to announce Hon. Gno. W. Ray, of Owenslwro, as a candidate for Judge- of.

the Criminnl Court, recently cstahlislisd by the General' Assembly of embracing the counties of Hardfh, Meade, Breckinridge, Hancock, Daviess, Ohio nnd Grayson. Election, August 1876. We areau thorized to announce Hbx. John Allen JIurray, ofBreck'enrfilge county, as a candidate forjudge of the Criminal Court, recently established by the General Assembly of Kentucky embracing the counties of Hardin, Jleade, Breckenridge, Hancock, Da-vies, Ohio nnd Grayson. Election August 1876.

William F. Gregory, of Ohio county is a candidate for Judge of the Criminal Court of the 5th Judicial District of Kentucky. Election. August, 1876. For Nherlir.

Wc arc authorized to announce Stetiiex Woodward asaeandidate for Sheriff of Ohio county. Election August 187G. W. L. Rowe is a candidate for Sheriff of Ohio county, subject to the decis-sion of the Democratic Convention.

We are authorized to announce C. W. PHILLIPS as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Ohio county, subject to the action of the Democratic convention to be held on the firstMonday in June, 1876. We are authorized to announce ARM-ISTEAD JONES as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Ohio connty, subject to thenction of the Democratic convention, to be held on the first Monday in John P. Morton PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS and Stationers, PRINT ORS BINDERS, 156 LOUISVILLE, AT.

Z. WAYNE GRIFFIN. HARTFORD, KT. Dealer la Dntgs, Medicine and Chemical, Fine Toilet "Soaps, Fancy Ilair and Tooth-Brushe, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, Trasses andSboaUer 11 races, Gnrdpn Seed. Pnro Wines and Liqnori for medical purposes Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyt'Stufs, Letter-paper, Fens, Ink, Enralopei, Glass Patty, Carbon oil.

Lamps and Chimneys. Physicians prescriptions accurately compounded. not ly A Stray Filly and Mule. TAKEN op by William W. Ami's on bia premises or place of residence, within tea days next preceding the data hereof.

The tlly is a dark bay, small, threa years old, and rained at forty dollars. The mala la also a small dark bay, one year old; Talned at twenty dollars. Tha Austin, resides about two miles and a half nortb-eait of Ilartford, Ohio connty, Kentucky, on thollines' mill and Clorerport road. Qiren under my hand aa Polieo Judge of the town of Hartford. Ohio county, Kentucky.

This Maj 1st, 1378. Jr. i. V. J.


anOCEIUES. HATS, CAPS BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEEKSWARE, Ac. Which wo will sell low for esjb, oreichanro for country prodace.pajing the highest market price. nol It VIRGIL P. ADDINGTON DRY GOODS AXD GROCERD2S.

Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Caisimtrts and Trimmings a specialty. Best brands at Jeans always on hand. I will sell for cash, wool, feathers, eggs or Will also eat and make clothing In tho latest stylo and on the most reasonable Remember tha place Market street, next door Hartford IIoujc. T2-nl-6-m New Goods! Hew Goods! Just rcceired a large and complete stock of spline ana summer uooaseonsutug ol Dry Goods, ClotMng, Boots and Shoes, Notions and Furnishing Goads.

Tbft Latest St of 3DBESS A fins assortment of Ladies', Ji9o' and Children's A fine ascortmtnt of Parasc's. and oTcrr- thing kept in a first class Dry Uvodi store. .1 Give us a call. 2so trouble to Goods. L.


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