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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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SANON DAILY NEW? ti torn ft. scttttorp, frfcws Established 1864 HAWS President and Treat. J. K. R.

SCHROPP, Sec. ifi ifit ot Lebanon, an 8eeoad-ClaBi Matter the City and County WBRMS OF SUBSCRIPHON tWlf deltrwed by carflwt at ten per itflMrttipUonn, per yean payable in advance News, $1.00 per roar, payable la cbanif ng their old address are requested to notify Ihli toy ttttt fflf telephone, stattni old at well new ad drew. Drafts, Checks, Postofflci Orders and Btpreu tosdo payable to the order of Lebanon NewM Publishing Company. A very Merry Christmafl to all our renders and is fealty and earnest wish of THE: NEWS. It will be, undoubt- i moat joyous Christmas in years, for the Prince of Peace resumed his scepter in a broken world from which He was mulshed for a while.

But tho bloody yearn have panned, and tho Hlfiea Sing truce across the shell-torn fields of Franco, where lage only recently ran riot, and tho iron throats of the Runs iilent, Many of the brave American boys are buck apnin in tflte hptnefi, and many others are ready to come. Surely, there is abundant reason for rejoicing Thero aro homes, of course, Which vacant chairs are a constant reminder of the horrors of for, and yet the fact that poacq again reigns will bring the bless- I of joy even to those whose hearts are torn by tho separations 'til strife entailed. Thero Is also reason for rejoicing that tho losses were not and surely the fact that the ancient of lust and power failed Prussia in her" hour of need and was flunj? into the "Oblivion of eternity with Odin and Thor, and that the Prince of 'Peaeo has returned, is compensation for the sacrifices that were In His keeping are the dead who died for liberty, as onco died for tho sins of men. As they emerged from tho reeking twnches it was His face that tho worn and wearied soldiers saw, now the annual celebration with a more than ever firm -realization of His goodness und mercy. Tomorrow should, therefore, bring the gladdest hour the world has ever known since that hour when the star-guided Magi trekked the desert trails with gifts of frankincense and myrrh.

i To feel gladness to the full it is necessary first to have known pain, And God knows that the world has known now such pain as It has never known before. Like the waters of the sen is the blood that has been sheri Hke'tho sands of the shore are the lives that have been sacrificed. K. Things that men wrought out of tho dreams of their very hearts rv'ttild In the visions of their souls have been broken into dust. Eft 1 Yet, there Is solace; there is still compensation, rhoso who that the-world might be free are now folded in the Lver- nff Arms.

The Gates of God swung wide in welcome for ,1, The humblest name among them all will never perish from fh'Isendless memories of earth. and Louvam that was stricken pnaruua need not mourn the loss of them. After Keywere but wood and stone and plaster. Ihat'which was of them that was Immortal could not be and this was that they wore sacred to the memory of ce of Peace. His footprints are yet where stood their arches and their shadowy naves.

us rejoice, MMfliuitEB Bt" th et and ctrmberland arid taeorn id And Walnut Wftlfibt Stt. i ftrtfl and Cumberland BU. U4 Walnut SO. Tioorlnnd anil Old i and Cumberland But. mid Willow and Tjcoaat Sts.

and 8UL nyiri cwrtwriand 8ML and Ctrmberland BW. and WMrlman and Bta snd Gull-ford Wftlnut ITI tb fttid ffW. and Lehman and Church Rnth Mlfflln arM church Walnut 9t- St. pnH Cornwall R. H.

and Maple Hta. and Wntfr and Morth and Bc-till Sin. and oak Wnlnot and StA IrRt and MtfYMn SIA Rfl- -TlilrrI urirl OuPfnivi 8M. Ninth arid ml ford BM. ----fire Company 507 XOft son 102 801 803 AMKIUCAN Union I.ltwrty Ooorl Will ccn i nm and rom.nent public not for publication, but aa pvldonrn fnlth.

Anonymoui win tm ignored. AMBITION PILLS For Nervous People Thp groat nrirvo fa- Into ncrvotin tlrod out, nil In, despondent pcoplo In a fow days. Anyone can buy a box for only BO cunts, und DoKf-r'n Drug Store authorized by tho niiiknr to refund tbo pnrchaun prim If anyonn la cila- gatlsflcd with tho first box purchased Thousands pniinn ttmra for Rnnoriil debility, IUTVOUS prostration, niontal dr-prcHslon and un- struiiR norvee caused by over-Indulgence In alcohol, tobacco, or overwork of nny kind. For any affliction ot tho nervous ayBtom Wendell's Ambition Pills are unsunpasNod, wJiIle for hysteria, trembling and nwiralKla they aro Rlniply splendid, conts at Duger'n Orug Store and' dealers everywhere. STATE NEWS IN BRIEF GIVING.

wo niinRle with tho pressing in, Vearlnesa of and- flnlsblng iiielr Christmiaa look almost In vain JIglrl Joy of tho truo pill. thing to com- birth of tho Christ was to nifiko manlfoot the ttoo unlveme by freely InisoU for otlioi-u. Tho IVOi wWoh He ropresentod, 5 oounta tUo good of )Hy any pttrsonnl oatieneo of Ohrlfftmaa Ifl out tho boatowal ayjor Banana Way to Rid of tfo you Ofllr I Wmr TVwW. 1 I ill up on, floor ri wj pop. Jurk and oouaa i or Corn- yoa wuin.

of giiftfl, however rich, booouicm inoro- ly a fofm of BolflshneHfl; and the oschnngo of fflfla a convonUonal burden. It we lay aside our aoU-o-lisorptlon and turn our thought to giving choer and happiness to othnrs hut onco a year, that tho blessing of tho Ohrlstmue aoason. But wo Jnok to that the rutth and worry of (jolootlon and 1 proparatlon dooa not take away tho ffood will whlnh la tho first plft and provant glad, poacoful sharing of naif. Aud, abovo all, the prodigal ChrlsUnan holiday should not moasuro our spirit of un- BolfiBhnoas and limit our thouRht aud for the happtntws ot those about us. The genuine spirit la not in us If It flnda erproaslon only onro a year.

Forty-itwo PM-HOTIH havo In Reading within week from influ- enzji und pnounion-lu. Tho don Wo funeral of former Coaaellinan Monroo Kciwor aiwl lila ttim-Ui-law, Howard F. Ohrlst- jniin, In I'ottatnFwn on Sunday. Her father rnfuslnR to to 'Ivor inm-rylni)5 Wllliaiji K. Ilatiok, tigkxl "0, Kt-rtzog, 16, lusluKl tho Court at Roadliig for OpuratlivK In Chr-lstnuut crowds at Reading, plckpooknta rubbtxl Martin M.las Mivry Jonos and Mrs.

liu C. niinavua, tholr Joint losses totaling Berks county n-siilents h-avo noar- InvosHod in inort- WaK'tts, JuilRnie.nLs, bonds, notns und Ntocks, according to a roport prepared by tho County Commissioners. hWAVF rr SHANKS. Gou, Shanka has charge of tho task of getting the Arnorlcan goldlor homo utter he has arrived from Franco. It him an omnloun sound and rather suggests a IOIIK walk, but we are assurod that there Is nothing to it.

MY HONMli. About thousand women workers now In France aro due to return at onco. Seeing the girls homo should continue to bo tho most popular of outdoor sports. WIRPAIWHWRSS The War Department of our beloved land' announces that It hats over four million overcoats on hand. Tho aclminlsrtrtttlon ls prepared for a hard winter; but about the of Father has out the string around' his bank-book, and is thawing out taftUfUluU? la of C4iri6t- RVBA TWKWP I Plump and Pleasing Wouldn't you IQYO to bstho picture of hs.ihh you sco so often In b.ito UOTCF Jet yoursell on account o( jour thinnest.

The dUUrenct) between you and viliil you ycura be cua easiljr bo all kuow that sorao ttjin people ara healthy but tho treat majority ol tho uaJor- ViciuUts aio ftpt to bo uccvoutt vllalizutl. If you are one of these unfortunates, stop plnluE lor tbo sadly, needed health and plump' post. Go about getting them In the wir rifbt awar. Kotblng ever was so easy, CKKTONE TABLETS will work wondrous chonfo In your appearance, YOU can then "chucl" the padded cloth.os thtt Jully tried to fill out humiliating bollowj cbaraclerlstii: of tbo thin and scracer iriam. for CEKTONK will abolish ueui to tuake up your Watch ti'li trow plump end pleisiny once mote.

Watch that sallow scraKglncss vanish. Watch rour iaco taka on ii't natural lines stain. When CKKTO.NE wares tbo wand oj proper of repair- ID; cibausled blood and strength- iiiaUug and body-building. QEKTONE Is NOT a patent medicine but aspocial nourith- mcnt of tbe highest lortu of uutrigntf extracted from certain bijb calor)cd foods, precisely combined, corn pressed In tablets. CERTONE brioetntr ixiunds and pounds of health, beauty, and jell satisfaction to a multitude of users.

13c lite them bcinff a beau polo. Treat yourself to -CEKTONE. It is pleasant aud easy to take, TRIAL BOX 60c, REGUUAR SIZE VoucantetCRRTONE at any drug store or we will OB tocelpl prico ta CIRTON1 COMPANY, 90? World Building Niw KS.IO by the and Dr. 0 K- Jl. C- Ktoth, S.

H. MoQowan, JUMUftervir Rupture and Pih Treatment Prom Every Wednesday fVbtt to 7 M. Do not this opportunity of fteetng one of the fcreat 6t thld country, who twenty experience in Itne of Work. If you are with or rnp; turc. come In and be examined, ana I cannot you I will cheerfully tell you So.

DR. W. 8. YODBB, at Pott HoiplUl. Piles Rvery person no afflicted should Investigate our dissolving method ot trnatlni; these troubleitome afftctlona.

This troat- innnt Is one ot the urcHtont dtscov- erica of the person has any excuse for sutluring with pllea while this treatment'IB so easy to obtain. iilir.nliiti-ly to cure every case wo undertake, and we further guarantee do BO without giving ether or chloroform and without putting the patient to sleep, and that the treatment Is painless. We do not UHO tliK knife, aud no acid Injections or milVHS. If you are suffering trom plica or reotal trouble of ji.y KiMiI, an not 1'all 10 laku uclvan- in linn wonderful irnatnmnt. These are given every by a specialist from IMilludolphtfi.

Lebanon, I 1 Bopt. 3, "I been troabk-d with pllos for Borau ye" rM 1 seen an ad In anon Dally of Dr. Yoder'a truattnnnl on painless and a poHltlvo euro. 1 gavo him a trial and tho second treatment 1 woa relieved. llu.v« liad no clteota since, i u.m uure very glaU for giving him trial, and therefore do ireo- ominund Ur.

Yodor's truattnent on plica highly." T. U. SA.TTAii.\JIN, 645 Canal Street To Whom It May Concern! i had bean aufferliii; with a rupture on my Hsl't sldn for fourteen years. I number of tnmaca and other without any BUOCCHS. I read tho advur-llHemont of Dr.

Yoder, tho I'liiluilulphla Rupture Spenlallat, and nuido up my nilna to try his Irnatmnnt. After only onft treatment jnv rupture did not come out and I um glud to that I tun cured. HI. 100 North Tenth Street Myerstown, Juno 18, 1918. To whom It may concern: I linvu BUffurlng frotn piles for two and had beau taking constant truntment without roaulta.

I ulHo took treatment from four dlf- fniunt doctors without receiving any beimllt. I noticed tho advertisement of Doctor Yoder and decided to give Us treatment a trlaL I received just two and can nay that I IITII absolutely well. Tho treatment was palnlosf. Harry W. Hftckor.

To whom It may concorn: I had been Hiirferlng from plica for ten years and had taken very many different kinds of treatment without Kitting any Iiolp. One of rny friends iTi-uinnicnili-d tha truatmeiit given by linvtor Yotlt-r at tho Conlra.1 Hotel In and I decided to try It. I took three treatments all told and I liuvn not boun botherod with tho pllos Hliitui. Tho was painless i and I can rocommcnd It to anyone tnilTerlng on I did. MlUi.

LiKVl 1UTTUB, M.t. 551on, Pa. l.s not necessary for you lo wear trusH all your life and to be In constant danger of having a strangulated rupture, which Is nearly al- wuyu fatal. Our method of treating rtipuu'u K'vtis rosulls In eight out of every ten caaus. It closes up Uio upeiiing permanently, and you can throw your truss away and again fuel Ilko a reul man.

Our fees for Ihcsu treatments are very small, and aro reach of every ono. 1 will absolutely Rive a lifetime guarantee with all CUHHS of pllos I accept for treatment, and does not cost you anything to lind out what cau bo done In your case. In reference to rupture, I can Bay thut In my experience of twenty years 1 have cured more eight out of ton cases, 1 also treat chronic Mlsenaes of men. Philadelphia Specialist A DR. YODER Central Hotel, 8tli niul Cumberland sts.

Office Wednesday, December aetti--Q to 12 CARROLL BIG TWO-DAY SALE OF BRITISH ARMY HORSES The big two-days' Kale of British army horses hold under Um muimge- ment of tho Piss, Dourr Oarroll Cinpany, in Jersey City, ou Tuestluy und Wednesday of lust week, attracted a record crowd of buyers. Vivo hundred liiuut wero soltl to the highest bidders during the two days. The horsos were un exceptionally good of tlioir kind. Oim of the dealers remurked that he hud pever boforu scon such an evenly good bunch of horses. Kunnors and country dealers aud lociil sptvulators fairly ale thorn up, as they say In the trade.

Owing, no doubt, to the success that attended the two sales already held, the big Twenty-fourth street flrm bus, been commssioned by the British Government to selj 600 head more on Friday aud Saturday next, December 27 and 38. This Mill also be held at tho stock yards. Jersey City, beginning promptly at 10.30 a. m. See advertisement lu today's tSpectel to bj United 'Philadelphia, free.

thati a. score of persona Injured when two cars carrying Hog Island -workmen collided near Nineteenth street. jftfared 'bad boen transfrred to another cat- a third oar cam dashing through tog and hit the relief car. Diamonds Valued at $100,000 Stolen From Store at Can. (SpeoUi to By Onlted Montreal, Canada, Dec.

fila- mcmdfl to the value of $100,000 were stolen from the store of I. L. Mlchael- eon Son by thieves, who bound and graced the nlghtwatchtnan and blerr open the with nltro-gly- Cerlne. FRANCE TRAINS MUTIUTED MEN to Nnws by United New York, Iiec. France, with the aid of In making It possible for men mutilated In the war to earn good livelihoods and ho Independent of charltyj wn.s told lucre today hy Hornard J.

ShonltiRor, former president ot tho American Chamber of Commerce in Parln. He Is In America for a brief stay. Shonlnger, as pronldont of the Union of Forolgn Colonies ot FVanco hail much to do with starting the schools for mutilated Ho Bays about 1,700,000 Frenchmen worn severely crippled In th'5 war. "Schools were started throughout Franco for theso cripples while tho first of the men wore waiting for tholr a.rUllo,tal limbs to b-a fitted," Bald Shonlngor. "Wo tried as far as possible to havo tire man returned to his form- err sphere of activities In his physical condition would permit.

Otton he felt that he could not return to his former occupation. One example of this is a tailor whoso right arm was We talked him trying (o learn to sew with the left hand. After four weeks UP could make ii puir of trousers, in months ho mudo a suit of clothes and in 3 months he returned to Algiers, to roopen the tailor shop that he had closed when tho war started. "Wo graduated from our schools alone, over 5,000 for all of whom wore found situations. We obtained feenerous amount of money from America in the very beginning.

Most of it through the Influence of Mrs. Edmund Baylies, chairman of tho American Committee, and it was due to her efforts that several millions of franca were sent to France. It was Mrs. Baylies who Interested Mr. Edward T.

Stolosbury, of Philadelphia, who founded one of our schools and has turned tho money over annually to it sinco 1915, amounting to about a yoar tor tlie running of that school alone. "These are not small schools, but regular Institutions comprising aov- eral buildings, ifar example we teach all trades that would bo used in any small country town or village, such as those of cobbler, carpenter, caib- Inent the work of the handy man about town, and repairer of lockfl. For those who are unable to learn these trades we have schools for teaching typewriting and stenography, English and French. Our teachers are persons who have been mutilated in the war. "Then wo have a wonderful farm school a 5 miles outside of Paris, a model American farm of over 100 acres where we teach farming of every kind, from planting and 'harvesting to catching rabbits and preparing tlie skins." i Two Cties Wish to Harbor "Vindictive" Ixindon, Dec.

S. 2 Mail). London and are vleliug Easy fo Make This Pine Cough Remedy Thousands of families iwew by prompt mulls. IneipcuaHe, suvte about ot a fted Cross Obrist- oj You know that pine ia used in nearly all prescriptions and remedies for coughs. Tho reason is that pinu contains several peculiar i-lementa that havu a remark- ablo elteet in soothing and healinc the membranes of the throat and chest i'ine ia famoua for this purpose.

Pine syrapa aro combinations of pine and The "syjup" part is usxiftlly plum granulated eujrar To make the best pino cough remedy that money can buy, put ounces of Piiiox in a pint bottle, and' fill up with home-mado sugar syrup. Or you con U6o clarified molaBscs, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, you make a full than you can buy ready-made for three times the money. is pure, good and very take it eagerlv. You can this take hold of cough or cold in a way that meaus business.

Thu couch may be dry. hoarse and tight, or may be persistently loose from the formation of phlegm. The cause is the thla 1'incx and; Syrup combination will stop in hours or less. Splendid, too, for bronchial asthma, hoarseness, or any ordinary throat ailment. Pinex ia a highly concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, and is ffttuous tho world over for its prompt ctlVct upon coughs.

Beware of substitutes. Ask your drug- ist for ounces of Pinex" with, and don't accept, anything Gujrwutesd to eive a.b»lute or money ity Duty on the Play Line, Mother" TO MOTHERS! Keep your little pets physically fit, smfling, feeling best always, by giving Cascarets, the candy cathartic, occasionally. Children love to take They are sweet candy-like but just wonderful to correct the little white tongue, feverish breath, stomach and colds. Cascarets gently "work" the bile, sour 'ind poisons from A child's tender stomach, liver and bowels without griping injury. Mothers who depend upon Cascarets as the children's laxative save trouble, worry and cost.

Each 10 cent box of Cascarets directions and dose for kiddies aged one year old and upwards. each other for tho uKltnato possession of H. M. S. Vindictive.

It Is proposed to bogln the work ot raising their heroic old vessel, sunk at tho easrtern pier In Ostcnd harhor. To got hor to tho surface will ho ono of tho hardest UiRks salvage men have had. The hundreds of tons of cement which were placed In her In tho hope thai tho would not he ftblo to remove her make the problt-m of salvage a great difficulty. However, exports sny there Is little doubt all obstacles will be overcome, but some months may elapse before tho old warship, beloved of all Britons, Is got to the surface. It was originally Intended that hor ultimate destination should bo the Thames, but now Dover has put In a claim for possession on the grounds thati she was manned by men of Dover and she put out from Dover on her last famous voyagt.

Late Wallace Zerbe Left $5,100 Estate Tho late Wallace C. Zerbe, deputj internal revenue collector, of city, loft an estate of $5,100 whtcil will bo shared by hla widow aoid datiRhter according to the of thr- IntPBtato laws. letters ol ndminlfitratlon wore Issued Monday afternoon to tho widow, Laura J. Zorbe, at RpRlstor Rhork's office In tho court housp. William B.

Shaak, is tho attorney. Roads to Prosperity Planned in Illinois (Special to Nwws by United Springfield, 111., Dec. Illinois Is going to "kill two birds with ono stone" by taking care of Its surplus labor resulting from the war's end and at the feme time building a $60,000,000 system of hard roads. State loaders foresaw tfcat tho end of the war would create a labor surplus. At the same time thero was an agltatlop.

on foot 'or a statewide system of hard roads. The two propositions were combined In a hard road hill aud passed by tho last assembly. Tho legislative act Immediately was received with flavor because It not only was planned to solvo Illinois' after-thfi-war labor problem but at the same time satisfy the demand of thousands of autoists, farmers and manufacturers. The proposition was planned be- for the voters at tho November elections and was adopted with but little opposition. It Is planned to construct approximately 4,600 miles of hard roads touching every County the state.

The division of highways now is laying plans for the opaning of work probably next spring or as soon thereafter aa labor and material conditions warrant. Harry S. Baker Sold His Farm at Cocalico, Lane. Co. Harry S.

Baker, a well known farmer of Cocalico, Lancaster county, sold his farm and will discontinue farming. He has a fine stock and will dispose ot it on March 11. PLENTY OF ORDERS AT LEBANON VA'LLEY IRON AND STEEL CO. PLANT That the Lebanon Valley Iron and Steel company i woll stocked wlt'i orders for the next year is apparent from tho fact that there will be 110 holiday shut down. The employea will have tho Christmas holiday to themselves, of course, but jordera have been Issued for JT resumption as usual, on Tnursday morning.

The mill departments particularly have plenty of work that rhjist gotten out ns quickly as possible. Left Today to Spend Holidays at Leechburg 'Frank W. Hockley, and son, H. Alfred Hockley, of 2.12 street, left on tho early train morning for LeechbtirR, 'Armstrong county, ivhoro they will spend tho holidays, tho guests of Mrs. Hockley's sister, Mrs.

T. Lee Van clesen. MARRIAGE LICENSES Wilber R. Raish, son of Albert Rush, of Chester, and Miss Miriam E. Yoder, daughter o'f Lillle Metherell, of G22 Hill street.

H. Herman Hostel tor, farmer, a son pf Harvey Hosteller, of Ann- vino, and Miss Helen C. Uoyor, a Rufns R. lioyer, of Lebanon H. F.

No. 5, For head or throat Catarrh try the vapor NEW PRICES 60c, $1.20 Sold by Boger's Drug Store, 1808 TWENTY YEARS AGO 1018 The 21, J808. A very fine surprise was tendeied Hey. T. W.

Shields, pastor of tlia Moravian church at his i north Tenth street, by a lurpe number of the members tho congregation, Tlie Lebanon Branch of the Nccule Work Guild of America met at Jhe homo of Mrs, James -Lord and elected theso officers: President. Horace Brock, vice president, Martha Boss; treatmor, Mrs. liv.ry Boger. secretary, Mrs, James Lord. Airs.

"Joseph Hoke died of heart diocase at her home in fc'ortb, Cornwall township. Slia wa about 70 ycais old. TheKing'3 Daughters of Zlon Lutlir eian church and those who paitlel- rated the SVewl," were handsomely entertained at the residence of the Misses Patschke, 234 South Eighth street, a special program was arranged. Mrs. S.

P. Light sang two charming solos Miss Bessie Mease played a fine piano selection while Mr. gave several recltailpns. Harry M'-liard and Samuel Bell, 4s tb stone quarries In Bur.khorn, arrived here yesterday and will stay until March 1. Mrs.

Klizabeth, wife of Ixiiiis Soul- Hard, was stricken with pararysis at her home oa Church street, at Fall alley. Supt Orth, of the Mt. Gretna fee company, began storing seven inch k-e, which was formed on Lake Cone- wugo at Mt. Gretna. 7 should Headache.

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