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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 12

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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mKm VfeftY SLOW Mil. Btffl I've ill my Wtmt th4 tlfhtf A FIERCE ONE to glvt you nacktta 7. do It I down if ifo one you RM last SOME SYSTEM You aay you've been engaged to him four tlmet? Why do you keep breaking with him? me new ring each time and me keep the old one. THE GOOD TENANTS "Of course, If you rent your house to us you'll find that we are very good tenants." ma'am. I've Just got through redecorating the house after the good tenants 80ME -SACRIFICE Jonea It going to marry Mlia Playne for her money.

Nothing mercenary In that. He'd be earning every penny she's got. Kr ill's Ice Cream MADE FRESH DAILY Krllf'g Ice Ctftatn, mhAe by Hairy Krttl, at end Lehman streets, is the best la Uritn, be nnre and place yettf ChfiMmfto order. tOK rfWBAPPtJB All telephone orders will receive prompt atientlot). CANDIES! CANDIES! FRESH SUPPLY OF HOLLIS CHOCOLATES LOWNEf FAMOUS PACKAGE GOODS, SOc to $2 OYSTERS! OYSTERS! Jnst received by express big supply of doe Primes and Culls.

Good fresh Oysters for Christmas. HARRY KRILL Sixth and Lehman Sts. Bell 821-M PraHdeM Wit! cftll fttttg feM afid will tfHt tie Methedwt college. SYRUP OF FIGS Look at Tongue! Remove Poisons From Stomach, Liver and Bowels. LEBANON PEOPLE WERE DELAYED BY FREIGHT WRECK ON RAILROAD REPORTS SWATARA CREEK AT ARPER'S BANK FULL Fry, collfttoral In tho olllco of Uegtetw of Wills Sherk, at tho Court Hotwo, thin mortrliiK tho Crock at Hnrpnr's to be bank full as tho rwuH oT Sunday'n heavy rain.

Mr. Pry In hero from hla hmno In Rast Hanover tnwnwtiip tho wntorn nlmofft ororflowiriK tho barikH of the wlroam. A nnruJwr of Lab aim woro luntvnt; t'ervnsylvanla rn.ilroad pua-I soaBom dolayxl by a w.roftk on Sun-! duy (ironing. Tho mmturh-ti'p of ulmiri! fifu-on frolght earn, occurred at HLafuml, which Is In tho suburban traCflx; of Philadelphia. trackH woro blockaded by the wrcck- UK I and the trains woro hold up about four hours.

Train Dls-pntchor Edpar H. Donlny, at tho called tho local tratji In from as anon an the Harrifiburg train arrived, so thai thfwo jHUMonKent not bo fd to wult for dolayod train rrom tho eaat. Thn lixjal crow Ifltnr roturn- rd to Conpwapo an a train. U) brln.g thu on the Unin. Leaders in the War Stamp Sale at the Local Post Office LEBANONTCAM DEFEATED BY KENWOOD A.

C. Wurrt Ada. IlrinH llcwilts. Hottenstein's Leather Goods Department PROVIDES EXCELLENT (1IFT IDEAS GIFTS TO CONFORM WITH THE AMOUNT YOU WISH TO SPEND Hand Bags of Unusual Values. Pin Seal, Leather, some with straps with flaps that snaps at the front hi shades to match your suit at prides from.

$1.00 to $7.50 ette Cases $1.50 ass Cases $1.00 and better $1.00 and better $2,00 to $5.00 $2.00 to $5.00 ases $3.50 to $14.00 Cases $3.50 to $25.00 Traveling $5.25 to $25.00 Cups $1,00 to $3.50 to $4.25 $2.75 to $5,00 to $7,50 Men's Mufflers in grey, white, black, black and 1.50 to $2,75 $150 to $2.75 M. Hottenstein 614 Cumberland Street With only ono mom week of thn contflHt alifsid, clorks ami mail rlorH at tho lioban'on post ot'flco urn doliift t.hoir utmost to soil war saving (Uanipa, and urging thoin upon thoir and other citizens aa practical sifts. Tho gokl will awarded on New Year's liny. City Onrrlow William Tronkle and George Kliiimc'l and Rural Currier Mnrgul, In the ordor nainod. headwl the 1.1st last wook, the railing being niado on tlio gross walt.w of tho wook.

Klnimol Us the loader In tlio gonernl conlcnt, and lias sonio but la lulling no chanccw, and otliera aj'o Ki'auiHHl him in a nip! iwul tuck nux) wJUch will I not be de- c-Mod until tho ond ot iho woek. If some of Lho oltlzcois invest tholrj cash ChrtsLiiKia gifts In stamps thrro limy some startling changes in the line-up during tho A. of Harrisburs. took a t'nll out of a Lebanon high school team In a guino of ball played oh Saturday oventng on Y. M.

C. A. by the wore of 25 8. Ttho Red and Blue toiin, without tlie of Capt. Miller.

Trttirt and Hilly Qiitnn. could not. rom- with the viMtorst. who played a fiuit fluor Kfiinci Ijiirlit.J^a former lied awl Hluo Htar forward, wm--. a inrmihcr of the vlnltltiK team, its irrtncJ'pul The te.ivm msido jjp nf Iln iirul Wolf.

'lories, cen- tor; f'ohf-n and Trouiniati. cua.rds. Corporal Miles Fink Honorably Discharged Accept "Calltornia" Syrup of Figs for the name California on the package, then you are surp your child Is having the bent and mogj. harmless laxative or physic for thw little stomach, liver and bowels, i Children lovo Its delicious fruity i taste, full directions for child's dosn on each bottle. Give it without tear.

Number of Arrests On Saturday Night FJarly CThristmas celebration. on Saturday oveivlnR to it nmiibor of arrow! s. Krotl IlalnoB, or "Hensch," wiia ono of tho unlucky As ho was lot off last wool; for H. siinillur offonso, ho drow druw $10! or thirty days, this tlnio. and boiiiR without thfl wliorowltluil.

WHS sent to tho ciuitlo to spend Ohrist- Corporal Mllos P'inTc, R( in the limtinvnon (InpHitmont at Camp tor Inni: time, and who came home Itwt to visit his and nUiiT relatives and friends overjoyed on Sutnrday evening whun ho a loiter from his military bnadquitrtors, m- eluding an honorable rttwhJirge from Ul-o sorvlco An h'ls father, the Ann- vllle taikor. dlixl rocemtlv and the plant also the lows of its foreman, Fink was badly at home, and now that him been discharged, ho will at onco take opiivnuind of the and minium thi: establishment for his mothor. The military discharge en mo as a must welcome Christmas filft. PRES. WILSON TO DEAL DIRECTLY WITH PEOPLE DARKNESS ON SUNDAY NIGHT Generator at the West Reading Plant Out of Service BACK TO OLD DAYS Two Birrested for drnnkemicvsa i and disorderly woro $2 each.

Another victim, who resisted arrosl, iind hit OlfU-or Ivor ft on tho flnti'tr, wfvs finad Two motorists who purkod their i machlnt-a In front of firo hydrants, paid $2 wttch at fhe court thii.s morn- 1 Uig. i Robert McGilJ Here on Biennial Visit Robert McGilll, formerly of nou, wiio hits spent the oloven years on a farm near LeUind. IlHnots, I and Who comes homo every twx) years, la horo again on his bionntal to relatives apd friends. He Is thw guost of his parentSv Mr. and Mrs.

Jere McQlU, ot Ninth and Maple, strottU, He was given a most dial welcome by hla hosts of friends. Ho remwhi until Uio first week in January. Strength for Miners While devoted to the patriot of pouring out endless streams of fuel, a miner ought never neglect the important duty pi keeping up strength, SCOTTS EMULSION abundant in element keeps the body well nourished and helps resist the denmoj.Qt weakness, fiveiy hswsfit By ROBERT (United Press Staff dbrrosp-ond'ent.) Purls, Dec. Wilson, pursuing his policy of tho freest dtacuBtfion of poaee covennmts, will deal directly with the people of the Allied Thus will millions participate in preliminary and make their influence felt at the Versailles congress. To reach this audience.

President Wilson will make vast speeo.hes in England and- Italy, It became known todny, In addition to speak- hip through t.he -mudin in o.f the press. Ho will pursue this course while conferring with the Allied statesmen. That President Wilson la already potting the ear of the Allied peoples is indicated by the hundred's of letters he has received from all classes, expressing sympathy wlth'hls policies and promising him support. Curing his week in Paris the President made three speeches and pave nn Interview to the press, all of which were Intended 1 for public consumption. He has given the heartiest approval to phins for him to direct to the people In industrial communities and elsewhere, in England, and to a similar program for hie trip to Italy.

While in Eng- Innd he will also confer with British statesnven. The President believes such a course will clarify the American position and make plain Araertca's alma. He is confident that by this means he can people that the American program will be developed 1 so ns to assure a Just peuce for all. This program, he believes, will appeal particularly to tho liberals and thinkers of Europe. The situation of the small European nations deeply perplexing.

Many factions are seeking th6 President's ear. believing he can best serve their partlettiar The President will adhere to tb-e principle of pOiiBting out that those factions etoouW get iocethor and determine their uutted aluiB. The conflicts between the aims of the Italians and ami- the Only for Short Time, as! Trouble Was Soon Remedied. Tho entire city was plunged in i dark news at 10 o'clock on Sunday I evening, when an electric generator i at tho Wosi Reading plant of tho Metropolitan Electric company went to tho bad. Reading was also dark during the fifteen minute cessation of operations.

On Sundays, when the riVmnnds for current are very light, all of it comes In Lebanon from Reading, so whon that plant went to the bad street cars stopped and all local oloctrlc lightB went out. Phone calls from this city to Reading were impossible because of the lack of current, operate the telephone system, and of course ttvere was a heap big hullabaloo at the local plant. On the Job. Charles Forney, the local master mechanic, and the night engineer got into actton with their assistants, like tho crew on a torpedoed ship trying to reach port. Boilers which were banked were fired up and 1 before the average bystander could just what was going on, there was sufDcient steam to run the plant, and then the big dynamos were set in operation, and righting was re- pstabllnhod.

The local plant was Just about In operation, however, when the Reading trouble waa overcome and the juice came again from the main plant, and the local auxiliary subsided'. In Olden Diiys. i While -the trouble existed, how- over, older citizens engaged In onces of the olden days whon there were no street lights, and when the services was cut off at 12 i o'clock. There were many people on the streets at the time, ae the i rain had Just about subsided, many persons therefore had the experience of groping their way about under conditions which prevailed before street lighting was established. Kxlra iiine Being Strung.

It is said that a recurrence of such trouble will not be possible often, as au extra line is now being strung from the Readiu-g plant, and when one is out of service the auxiliary wire will be in use. After each meal eat one and get fijll food value real stom, ach comfort. Inataslly relieves hearj. bitted, fy acidity, repeating iffla stocaacn misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the Stomach sweet pure.

EATOHiP cent two iJw to it You wU wUh The Good Old Unite States Will Surely Have the Merriest Christmas In Its History. Christmas is almost npon us, yet this Store's Huge Stocks assure limitless variety to meet every need and always for the lowest possible expenditure BALTIIIOU, MB. Make Winter Safe With a Good Overcoat instant you slip your arms into one of our coats, you feel a snug sense of comfort. The weather-defying weaves, warm linings and substantial tailoring are insurance against the bitterest weather. yrvr coats of the slip-on type, .4 i.

for dress, great coats with the ulster's are sure of style and unfailing service in these MADE BY STROUSB BROTHERS, BALTIMORB, MD. We owe much to these makers in winning the many friends we have made for this store. In-all the years we have served this community Strouse have never failed us. This season they have outdone themselves in snappy designs, smart fabrics and everything that gives a dollar's worth of clothing value for every dollar you spend. In this weather, such unusual coats are certain to move quickly.

The sooner you select yours, the greater variety you will have to choose from. Are you sure that Suit you are wearing is good for the rest of the winter? We can fix you up right away with the best ready-to-wear suit to be found in Lebanon, and it will fit you, too. ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS. HERE'S A LIST OF GIFTS "HE" WILL APPRECIATE Suits Overcoats Raincoats Bath Robes House Coats Mackinaws Sheep Lined Coats Fancy Vests Hosiery Gloves Handkerchiefs Suspenders Belts Umbrellas Shirts Neckwear Hats Fur Capa Caps Pajamas Underwear Blouses Auto Gloves Mufflers This Is the Ladies 9 Store for Men's Gifts Join the Red Cross Curry yovir heart and your dollar with you until yoo get a Hed Button to cany instead. Answer the Christmas Roll Call.

Every American, good afld tirje, is going to "join up." FRANK W. BOTZ THE STORE OF REAL VALUES i 31 SOUTH EIGHTH STItEET.

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