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The Abbeville Press And Banner from Abbeville, South Carolina • Page 3

Abbeville, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SCOTT'S LITTLE (ilANT CORN AND COB MILL, Patented May 16, 1854. THE nttentinn of Planters, Farmers, and Stock feeders in general, nro respectfully called to this Mill as the most important article of tlio kind now in use; not ouly well i ior grunting Cob Meal for Stock, but Grits or fine Hominy for the and especially Bread Meal from corn not vnlly ripe or dry in tlio fall. In setting this Mill, no Mechanic or frame work is'wanted, only requiring to be fastened i to a floor or plntform. Easily adjusted and I used bv any body, even a child. The LITTLE til ANT has received the first i premiums at the late Agricultural Fairs of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and other States; and that in the most coiiipliinentary i manner rs well as the most ready common- datious from the thousands witnessing its per- i formancc.

i These Mills arc guaranteed in the most posi tivo manner nirainst dofofcets hp I when properly used ami No. warranted to grind 10 bushels of per hour with one horse, ami offered at. the low price of $55, all complete for attaching the team No. at grinds 15 bushels per hour, with one horse; Ifo, 4, at grinds 20 bushels per hour with two horses. The above Mills may be found at the Agency for thei Manufacturers at Abbeville Court II0U6C.

llKNliY 8. KKUlt, Agent. June 11, 185C. 0-lf SAVANNAH VALLEY RAILROAD. AJIKET1N (J the Stockholders of the Savannah Valley llnilroad is culled by the President, to be iiehl tit Cillhoilll's ITIills, on Uic 20tli at 11 o'clock, A.

M. WM. A. CII.KS, See. Tresis.

Lowndes S. June 4, 1850. ST11AY KD from the snbscrilwr on the 30th of Slav, a Sorrel MARIS, hind feet white, blaze face, high spirit- ed, seven years old. Any person taking up said mare will confer an obligation by'letting mc know, and will be paid for his trouble if desired. Direct to 1 AS.

ICS. June 13, 185IS. G- It SlOO Reward. THE subscriber will give the above Reward to any person or persons for the opnre- nenaion, with sutlicient evidence to convict I thelncendiary who set. fire to my llousc, on the night of the 21st instant 1)11.

II. TIRADLKV, Mapletoti, S. C. i April "20, 850. fi'J-tf "HEAD "quarters; i 6th Regiment, S.

C. Militia. ORDER WHEREAS F. W. K.

Xanee has l.ocn ap- pointed assistant Quarter Master, lie will be obeyed ami respected accordingly. By order of Col. T. J. Ronr.uiw.

J. J. ADAMS', Adj'-t. April 20, 1850. 52-tV JAMKS S.

COTIIKAN, Attorney at Law, ABBEVILLE C. S. C. May-be found for the present in the Commissioner's Office. i.



T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan 18, 1856 37 4w 10,000 PIECES of WALL PAPBRtXO, 1 600 Papers of Transparent Window 1 with Pictures to match. Merchants mid Planters from Abbeville District wishing to purchase will do well to cnll 1 at A.

BLEAKLY, Augusta, 2, 185C. 52-ly JUA.CON AND LARD. 1 LBS. Fine Tennessee BACON 0 and LAllD in gtore, arri- vine, for sale at (he lowest prices. n.

L. CUNNINGHAM A CO. 1 Hamburg, April 20, 1857 8y AMERICAN HOT 0. P. SCOTT 3 Centre Street, HAMBURG, Mrty 0, 1850.

1-tff Strayed, iin inc8(1 ay morning, 27tli ltOiJJiE, blind 9 Jjn right oye, and about seven years old Any ooo taking up Baid Ilorso and returning to mo, or giving information so I can be, pun! Cor the P. M. MULTJX, Jtoltt fctf Di? C. 1 3uht Supply of BON- JSF at CHAMBERS A MARSHALL'S. AAA order, -will bo i AjWU itf dilr by 1L S.

iCfcRR. March lg, JL i1 0d3 Morocco ISELTVS. raviNGewenB. 4 i i jgp K. WAR IN KANSAS! LET T1IEM FIGHT? NOBODY wiiuKl say to nil persons who liavc Wheat oii'linnd and want gootl Flour Tor it.

take it to WILSON'S MILLS, formerly known nsDonnnld's Mills, on Turkey L'rcek, one mile from Gcntsville Hiese Mills innke more Flour to the busliel llinn mill in the District, and nil who may favor liini with their patronage will find the proprie- Lor neeoinmodating, ami cannot fail to he pleased with the Mills. 15, 1850 Um ABOLITIONISTS IN KANSAS! Drive Them Out! Give Tlic Wisrarers Rnmn I tlioso who have so liberally pat- JL ronized us in "our line" we ton- Bin) ilor sincere thanks. Ami we take this method Hnying to them, and to ritirji body, that we linvc just made additional improvements in machinery for grinding Wheat at our Mills, I Hockv Hiver, and also on Calhoun's Creek, the time the new crop is ripe, we will be prepared at either place, to make a superior article of Flour. For "turn out." we can mi. I ilouhtcdly take from bushel of Wheat, till that it hi it, nntl "the host enn no more." C.

V. 15 A UN ICS, Co. May Bacon Sides and Choice Leaf Lard, AFKW thousand pouuds of choice 15ACON SIDES, and 1,000 lbs. elioiee J.KAl*! LAUD, just received aiul for sale fo easli onlv, by U.S. June 4, West Molasses, 6 111IDS.

W. 1. MOLASSKS in best order, for sale low by llogshcnd. low more of imittiblc STRAW CUTi'liKSniul CORN (which have rosilltcil in so niiHih good in the way of giving food ami time,) for sale low II. S.

KEllll. June -1, 1)550 JAMES C. CALHOUN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUHEVILLK C. WILL attend promptly to all business on- trusted to his euro. liny lie found for the present at the oflice of Messrs.

Wilson, Luiuax it lladden. 5-tj i l'LAA IA'l'IUM AM MUROES FOR a. TI1K subscriber having nurehas- Jv? o.l lands in Florida, wishes to fei sell his Plantation lying in Abbeville District, near Dorn's Cold Mine, 011 Buffalo 1 Ureek, containing Two Hundred ami Fifty 1 Veres, of which arc about Unc Hundred and Ninety Acres Cleared; One Hundred and Fifty Acres nro Fresh, and in good re- 1 air, and in high stale of cultivation with a Dwelling House on the sainc with two jood brick chimneys to it, with good out buildngs and a good new (Jin House and Screw, ill in good repair. Any person wishing to purchase will do to call and examine, as it 'Will lay open 'or private sale till the 15th of October, ivhen I shall offer it. for sale at.

public outcry, ogcther with all kinds of Stock and Crop of rain, tourcthur with 17 nay be nold nt the fame time. MITCHELL COX. June 6, The Attention Those indebted to the subscriber, previ- i ojjs the first of tilts year, by Xote or Account, will save trouble nml cost by paying ip nt onee nnrl those who have running ae- I omits on this year's business must also make layinent. I am obliged to have money to neet the demands against me, and I intend to lave it, II. S.

KKItlt. Abbeville, May 2D, 1850i 15 at The iiumcrou9 friends of the l(on? F. MARSHALL, being eiitirily untislicd ivith bis past course in the Senate, annouiioe lint again as a CnJidate for re-election. HTV The friends of Dr. JOHXVW.

HEARST espectfully auaounce him Candidate for VIUVUUW. XJie of T1IOS. THOMSON-, announce him Candidate for re-election the Legislature. pfe'" The friends of Gen. S.

Mi'GOWAii innounec liim Candidate for re-election to lie Legislature. We nrc authorized to announce Maj. I t. A. (ilHFFIN a Candidate to represent Abbeville District in the next Legislature.

The friends of LUC IKK II. respectfully announce him a Candidate or the Legislature, at the ensuing election. EST numerous friends of Col. T. .1.

lOliEllTS respectfully announce liiiu a Canlidatc for Sheriff at the ensuing election. VI ira.ur.j n. nVlMIUUD, respectfully announce liim nsn Candidate represent this District in the next Legislature. CjfiT The friends of EDWAIID NOBLE, 1 innottnee himUW ii Candidate for rc-clection tins Legislative at fehc ensuing election. 63T" Tlie friends of II.

A. JOKES, respectfully nnnounoc liim as a Candidate for ho Legislature at the ensuing election. 1 fyy" Tlie friends of J. H. VANCE, repeat fjdly announce him as a Candidate for the legislature at the cnbning election.

-y Mr. Suitor: Wo take the privilege of I innouncing Mm. R. A. GRIFFIN, without conlulting him, na a candidate for the It the next election.

MANY ME" Thcfrieiids of P. W. IIAWTUOKK re- ipectfolly announce him a candidate for Sheriff rf Abbeville next MANY Voters of A few of the friends and neighbors of wui. a. njuiiu mhhmrico him-u a Candidate Co in tfc? ensuing Legifc.

1 attire, 1 CITY DRUG STORE. WM. HAINES, No. '21? (North Side) JJroaJ Street, AUGUSTA, GA, Wholesale and Retail Coaler in UllUGS AN1) MKDICIKB8, TAINTS,, OI.AH8, I'trrv, VARMSIIES, KTC. 1'Kltl'l'MEItY, JIAIIl 11UU8HKS, COMBS, TOILET SOAl'S, HAIR OII.S, POMADES, HAIR IIYKS, KXTltACTS, KTC.

All of which arc oirerqd nt low prices for Cahii. 1'nrticwlar attention paid to the preparation of PUKSCllIi'TIONS ami the of Family Medicines. A uksoitinent of Krcali ami Wairuntud Garden, Grass and Field Seeds. ST-5?" Oiflces from the Conn try promptly attended May 2, 52-ly JOHN jTCLAY T0N, DKAi.Kii ix mm READY MADE CLOTHING, WjJ HAS now on a large mid fresh of fashionable sritlXG AND SllMM Kit COOHS, which will bo sold on very reasonable I onus. No.

l'J7 IJrotul Street, utuler the Angtistn Hotel. Augusta, May 2, 1800. "to fa ii en and others. U1)'S Patent Portnlilc Anti-Friction llorsc Power, The Host ill Use. Patented July 11, 1854.

I'M MS is an invention by which a largo ion of the power of the liorsc is romleii ed Available than" by any other arrangomcrtt known. Its parts arc few and triple, not liable to dcranireincnt, readily adjusted for workinsr, ami with ordinary care very durablcand clliciciit, Tl ie Machines are manufactured with threat exactness and all precisely alike, so tiiat in ease a piece should broken we can altajiys fusnish a piece to replace it. It is designed for one or two horses, and ran bo used for a great variety of work, thereby saving a large amount yf labor, expense mid valuable time to the Farmer, Mechanic and others. Bv reason of its portability.the owner readily locate it wherever it may suit his business. It can be used to good advantage for ilriving cotton gins, threshing machines, circular, or other saws, planing and other machines for working wood, driving mills, of various kinds, for grinding grain, paint, straw-cutlers, lathes, grind stones, und for churiiiiur.

wnshimr. mimninir for irrigation, or draining, and nil other to which a lforsc I'ower is adopted. We also keep llie most approved Spike and IJeater TIIHKSllKltS, which van be driven by the above Towers. FAN for Hand or 1 lorse Tower. S.Ml'T MAC1IINKS, (iraiii Cradles, te.

SCOTT'S LITTLE GIANT Com and Cob Mills. CAUM1CHAEL JiKAN. in I In nl ware, Cutlrry ami Ayrirulltt-T'll Augusta, May 2, 1850. 5'2-Gm CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. The friends of S.

(' DILL rcspectully announce him a Candidate for Sheriff, at he next Election. C3T The friends of respect announce him a candidate for Sheriff at he ensuing election. 18f)5. 65jT The friends of NIMROl) McCOltl) re announce iiim us initiate for jherilT at the ensiling Election. pK" The of Capt.

S. A. Hoiiukh rcstcetfully announce hiiu as a candidate fur Tax 'Jollrclor nt the ensuing election. 63?" The friends of Wii-Ros rcspectully si it 11 co him ais candidate for 71m Colrclor of Abbeville llistrict, at the ensuing elec ion. CS9" Wi: are authorised to nnnounce tlie Rev.

Iajiks Mcxjui: as candidate for re-clecKonujs (hx-Col lector Cot- Abbcvi)lo District, at the Vn.riing eleotion. EST The friends of JAMES M. VANIHVER vspectfnlly announce liiin as a candidate for Viix Collector of Abbeville District, at the enluing flection. NOTICE. 1 100,000 Tcjiucdsce Hoe roitnd, fiO.OOO Tennessee letups, well cut; 500 Backs Superfine Flour; 150 lixtra Family 10,000 Libs Lard, in cans and barrels; 1,000 Bushels Corn; or sale by G.

L. AN 1 Reynolds street. Augusta, May 8, 1S5IJ ltf A. EOXII, RETAIL DEALER- IX Main COLUMBIA, S. O.

Qounlry tcmmcIfully united and faithfully Jilletl. lOtf FROM: ABBEVILLE TO WASllItffrfetf. A HORSE loaves ABBEtSl VILLE oft. Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday. jjcuvua usiHiigmn, on an inorni.ngs.

Washington at o'clock v. for OFFICE at the FtplT OFFICE. JOHN McBRYRE, Agent. Abbeville C. April V850.

-19 4y AND 'P? Umlcrrfgned has opened a 600K XJSBjlpOKB, NiWbcrry, where he keeps sorffctantly on hand a fine of fiiBcellaneoire and School BOOKS. J- i'" 1 iroui aianince wiii bo BUtdittlui ihortest notice. W. J. DUFTlft Newberry C.

flWtffce. A LL itidiutfed totftfrJetato of John" XV deceased, notified that payment is Also, poftoons said! Estate aro requested to present them tBUwtit y. I Si 1 -JL-4 Ju -A. JtL lO Kj3 .1 (f lotting. Cktl RICHARDSON STREET, rpilK undersigned would respectfully mijioitnc JL joining Districts, that he lias now in Store tlii! Season) a well Selected Stock of SP111N(J A sot! as cannot fail to suit, lie won in ire pcriormcu 10 iliucjiuro rle would, therefore, any his friend in the tJou ah lie thinks ho cuu make it an objcct worthy of in eonneetiou with Clothingmay be a (Joods of every description.

Also, flute, ft line assortment of Youth's and ChiTdren'a I'lot old up. tlio J8K, Richardson Street, 1 Columbia, S. IK, IKS ft. I) I) l) 111 WOK AT TI1K OLD STAND OK mm. mm rpiIK Undersigned, thankful foe past I I.

lion of and tlie public of one dozen assorted HUtSGll also say our that weliuve comti Hickory 1 Soinetbihg new, ami greatly admired by bave also on band a large lot of ntrnvi W.MVIIALL'" ONK CAllll Suitable for Travelling or Hacking jiurj? cci'tlinplj' low. As wo lfic BE.ST SET OF HANDS Wo cnn snfoly venture to to order will ilo any amount of IIKI'AI any oilier l-'-stablislimoiit in (lie State. All Work METALIC also linve on ltniul a large lot of F1 nir-tiglif, for protecting tlio for prol or any purpose, wliieh wc "We will all" Hake Coffins and send to a Dcitiroil. Wo liuvc wliii 4. C.

if, April 22, VALUABM toOKS, CAONSlSSTlI'sO in pnrt ot larifo of JSIRLES, HOOKS, COMMENTARIES, POETS I SCHOOL fc and MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, Particularly to Public I.ibrnrjos^ Also, nnjl Wrapping PA ranging from 50'conts to $5-pcr EN VELOPES, of nil fV.os Qualities, 2( INJfS riutj 12ft T. liift "Sf-Kiaw" -r Wholesale and Retail COLUMBIA, fcV'Wi WOUU) Kcspcclfully if ft. call the attcntiuii of tlje citizens 0f Abl)e i 1 le their large and well assorted stock of jtt GROCER IKS, which thoy-qffer at the market prices. In the heavier articles usually kept in a Grocery, keep a full stock of Ti Yv; fj, iftcludiqg almost every hrliclc wanted in the nn Persona funl it to their advantage to give us before making tliflr purchasers. II.

MULLEIt. R. I). April 11,1850 49 "ly A. 0HEAP CASft FUR FUTURE STOlUfe, Main Stgreet, VOL I i 9 awnjrALTUKhK AMU GKREft.VI, IIJJKCR IN Fine and PJain FUR JHANOB, CUA1 GHlLr DREN'S Ac.

Ally Warranted. April 11, 1850 S'V BOWSPv MANrKACTUBRK AND IN wi FlfmOPtURK JfM Every Discriptioii, 8tvl? CIQtf'Q MlCMiTrn utttrio v. WS I RtH? DUTCTflL Qpponte the Corujaret House, 9 S. C. I AppU-11, 1866 40 ly 'V rp? hire by the yeor a number of able bodieu hands to work JM V'.

I iiing, Clothing, COLUMBIA, S. C. (138.) to the Citizens of Abbeville ami tlic (ami will continue to receive throughout NJ? SUMMER CLOTHING, which lie' will Jfave it distinctly understood, tlint nil ho iun nil who patronize hi? Establishment, try, (ogive him a visiting I'olumbm. a tvial. apod nMoi'tment of (JeuUoijaen's Furnishing Rarnul Bags, Umbrellas, Ktcl; Etc? Iiiiig of every Style and Si7.0 from throe llvvt ninl Shoo Store of G.M.JOHNSON.

1 GOly I (fartiaot i i 7 I M. II. A. 1 32 9 DB V. respectfully invito l.lie iilU-n generally, ti? llieii' largo stork of 1WGCIES, ES.

SftUKAWAVS, it-c. Wo would I ii'Mcvd tlio inaiuifiictiiro of i i il'ST i nil who liavc booii tin; work. We ml Work; consisting of liUCGIER, AND Y-ALL, of which wo will sell oxI IN THE COUNTRY, nuy Vehicle in our line of business. (i III NCI, kIhh I. notice, us iw rn.iaui.eil.

I URIA.L CASES. SK'S METALTC BURIAL CASES, ungetl interment, for transportation, will sell exdCclingly low for CASH. AX. ui me uiHinct will go free of oimrce. CHRISTIAN DBALB.

51 tf 1 TJIKWOOD. WM. IIENKV SMITH. I BYTHEW0M) SMITH, Uoiu in issi 11 HIcrcIiiiiitH, Foil TIIK SALE OK cotton, flour; grain, AM) ALL MANNER OF Produce and- Merchandise, )4 Kqw, Richardson Street, o3Hj ITT A ffiril 11, 1868 ew Spring A v.Slimmer At No. Granite Range.

"tifcYMBBJlS A MAItSIIALL are now reJ. Spring and Summer Goods, 'licit wilVbq found complete, with every nov- 1 -of. Che Season i Itsan QOOTHS, SILKS, MA TILL A 8. EMU It OWElilES, HOSIER OLbVES, OANCY, KG'JIOltN NEA HOLITA A XI) CltA I'E HONNETS, i A fine assortment of llONiNET ItlliJlONS, VII FLO WEliS, anil a variety of which have lieeit fcelccted wifch I rind to which wo inoBt rcsneotfuJty rite the attention of tho citizone diP this place the but rounding District 1 A'pril 8, 1850. 80 tf April 11, 186C ly Piano TllG Subsoribtf keeps on inn's A (Tmrk's nn4 notion PIANOS, also, otlier ifeODKONS, which he 11 soil at New York- tUiivfrxi at the.

pot. S. (JjgtDNER, A few above Bank, April 11, 1866 ly HAT HABHIFACT9EV, 1 tt 8 II 8 189. Vppajite Jtotp. April 11, 18B6 49 fy.

1 YAMM ii to Thornton Fait, nf 1, A r.3k' u' Toum 9 A RELIABLE JYLEDIOIfcFE. THE CELEBRATED i a KJ A Purely Vegetablo Preparation AND A SOVERKIOX BKMEDY FOR DYSPEr SIA. BITTERS nrc purely VEGETABLE COMPOUND, and aro offered to bo public under tin; fullest. conviction that will found a snfo sovereign KEMSDY for DYSl'Kl'SJ! A. They have been 1 rnunpliantly tested, not numerous families ami Physicians in lie South, wlio have furnished atopic testimony as to llicir exccllcncc, but also by lie proprietor, who, for ten years, suffered all gloom incident to that stubborn and diajfssitig disease.

TheCOI.bKTON HITTERS' are also a Car for cholera Morbus, Son Sickncsx, proceeding mill wljfttcv.T cause, of TKwntK itv. Heartliiirn, and Stitches in It resist. Tin? above Mcdieine is highly recommonded literary students, elderly people, uid others of sedentary hftbita. "I do hereby certify hat have known and ised your celebrated compound COLLETON ItriTRRS 111 my family for more than fiftcon f'ears, ami I do verily believe it to be one of most and Plantation Medeines in use, having wit nessed their beneficial Heels in ho many instances, that with truth it nay be atli ruled, they well deserve the lligll Mieoinimns which they have the ittlieted who have thciFlfJvigprainir health-restoring properties. Signed, Ci I AS.

(J. CAPERS, Planter, St. Helena, S. The undersigned, wholesale agents for th'o lyove, pleasure in imiitely with of he "Coi.i.ktun llriTKHS." houeo tliey donot hostate commend the articlo os possessing ftiro irtues, iiiiiI Wo 11 nffonl relief in Dyspepsia and Kindired Diseases? Retail Price 50 CentB a Bottle! 'or which sum an incalculable amount of-eufering may ho arrested. The trado will bo applied on liberal terms.

Orders he addressed to II AVI I.AND, IIARRAL Special Charleston, S. importers of llnigs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Uruahcs, sale l.y WARD LAW A LYON, Udieville; F. (5. PARKS, Greenwood; GAItY fc. GARY, Cokesbury.

I iuno 1 '56 iv AGRICULTURAL AND MBCHANtQXC IMPLEMENTS! Machinists' and Builders' HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AfiD HOUSE FURNISHING WE have now in store, will continue to keep a largo ussort- TT Xtf ment tlic MOST APPROVED VGRICULTUUAL IMPLEMENTS, for fl' southern Une, Xj CONSISTING OF Silicic nml two Horse Turning PfcOttdHS, l.r>" Varieties; istsuifii: iiiitiiiic Monld Board, and Hilt Si Jo PLOUGHS Sub-Soil PLOUGH, suv.cral kinds For man's Patent PLOUGH Jultivjitors; Harrows, 3 kinds Corn Shellera, Cutters, 10 Bices and kinds; lloud Scrapers; Horse I foes; Ilorsc Towers nild Threshers, varieties of'eijeh; 'an Mills; Grain Cradles; Gross Scytlios and Handles; Smut Machines; IJush Hooks; Pruning and Hcdgo Shears; Pruning Saws ami Chisels Sausago. Meat Cutters StufFcrs; Boilers, for boiling food for stock; Churns; liny and liases; Hay and Manage Forks; Iloes, Spades, Grain Scoops; Wheel Bprrows, Fielct and Garden Iiollertf; Gottt Planters, Scales; itore, Warehouse, and Depot Trucks; Wellypd HoraS Buckets; Puinp Chain tnres; lloek Salt for Stock. Wo keep Extra Points Ibr oar PlottghA, llld will fnpnirtii nf iivvigU) Duoaj 'loughs ftnU other Implements, fii'niay ranted to replace broken pteees. icntlcmMis' a ml Boys' Chests, Wo arc also Agents for selling the following SCOTT'S LITTLE GIANT CORN AND, COB C11USIIE11S, Iniversally.admitted to bo the Best CrailiMft inVonted. and in tW ceiling stock, a saving of one-third is mitila ins been pro ved beyond loo ami Welch Griffiths' CihoulAriSAWS and SAW GUMMER8 Stearns it Marvin's Celebrated Burglar l'roof A LAMA ER A totary Smoothing nitft "-'Alcohol.

ioVnmily should iks without ttu? irticlc. All the above mfcoffered for egular in connection wlthfftto ivo stock of OflMIIOHAEL Vsi. P. Caumiciiakl, 1 A'ngusta, Bean, Adam. May 2,.

i 191. H. Fnrnitwe and Chair 135 tfichardimto Mreet MJtf 1 Subscriber; rooms ami Worksnopa, is now keep on hand a Imracr AaWftk, STITUKK una CHAIRS, of hi9 own itoao of thg best Northern mnnnfiHilrwiS Also on a Jairje nrrtinTliiiST '-4Plill, all of wttlte mhjh A Ail. It examination oconvinenbd as to qxtalUv afad elketmStt. -April 11,1856.

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