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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THU11SDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1890 FORE1C3 BUDGET. The Daly Revelations New Only to Mr. O'Brien.

MB. MOELEY'S VISIT TO IRELAND. Lord Koselii'rry Denounces the Ar- rertt.s of llir Irish Leaders as Arhi- trary and Garnet Will Visit the Flooded Revelation In' I'ortujjucse Cabinet to Be Formed. LONDON, Sept. in making a uisiH-ction of famine threatened Idistrii'ts of Ireland has proved contagious, and a large party of English and Scotch meic- of parliament has now been mail-up with the same object in view.

Tht iunl statements of these are tx- pecled to i'onn an interesting ftaiiiiv of tlie Tif-xt of The character of the visitors are of highest kiu'l, their words will have f.reat weight with English Conservatives, who are not inclined to accept statements of Irish members as exactly nnprejndiced. Wil! Form a Cabinet. Sept. Ferrao. who wan summoned to Lisbon to form a cabinet, has reluctantly accepted the task and has started for the PortuKues capital.

Scotch Home Rnle. EDIMIUIIGU, Sept. 25. The Scottish home rule conference met here 3'ester- day. It was resolved to to Mr.

Gladstone to join the movement anil give it the great advantage of his support. Lord Jtoseberry's Denunciation. LONDON. Sept. Kuseberrj-, the popular Liberal peer, condemns the the arrest of Irish National leaders arbitrary and unjust.

He says the country expects an explanation from the government. DiKctiKUMl Immigrants Return. Sept. considerable number nf Belgians and Germans -vho had emigrated to the Argentine Hi-public have returned to their homes in a destitute condition, having found it impossible to obtain employment in the Argentine. They describe the country as in a condition of chaos, owing to financial and political unstability.

Tenant Kvietions Goinfj On. DUBLIN, Sept. runs very high in Ireland on the subject of carde's estate, which Lord Claurk-arde is attempting to settle with emigrants from Ulster in place of evicted tenants. Evictions are proceeding with renewed vigor in all parts of Ireland. The evictions in Donygtil are the most extensive since the pian of campaign was adopted.

The Goa Outbreak. LISBON, Sept, dispatch from Rangoon says that the state of affairs in the Portuguese colony of Goa, since the election outbreak, could not be worse. The leaders the revolt have fortified their houses, which are surrounded with troops. Many of the Liberal party fled for refuge to the chnrch, where they were tired upon by the troops anil several were- killed. Revolt in India.

CALCITT.Y, Sept. revolution has broken out at Mantipur. The rebels. who were headed by the brother of Ihc Maharajah, attacked the palace, and after a dejierate struggle with the guards defeated them and possession of the palace and magazine. Many were killed and wounded in the tight.

The Maharajah escaped, and fled with a few of his court officers. Sentences Reversed. DUBLIN, Sept. Waters, of Waterford sessions, has reversed the sentences of three months' imprisonment at hard labor imposed upon Editors Fisher. Kedmoud and Spencer for plan of campaign speeches at Wakefield.

The prosecution was badly conducted and aroused unfavorable remark from the court. The result is thought to be damaging to tin- government's prestige. Krcnch l-'Ioods. PARIS. Sept.

is announced that President Caruot will visit the flooded districts. The chamber of deputies will be asked grant relief for the sufferers by the Hoods. Further reports of damage by Hoods are being received. The town of Aiino- uay, department of Ardeche. and the surrounding country have inundated by the overflow from the Canoe and Deamne rivers and the damage is enormous.

Loss of life is reported from the flooded districts. Persecution ol" the Jews. ODESSA. Sept. Russian ofiicial denials, of the Jews is proceeding very vigorously in certain parts of Russia, and especially in south Russiiu At Odessa numbers of Russian families have recently received orders 1o quit the country are leaving for England or America, upwards ot 700 Jewish families having expelled from Odessa within a few weeks.

Thousands of mostly of the poorer class, have left other parts of southern Russia and suffer greatly from privation and exposure, while on their way under escort, to the frontier. The Republican League. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. wiis sjK'Ut, by the delegates to the Republican Leajme convention as one of pleasure, no business being transacted. The steamer Columbia had been chartered, and they visited many oi interest ou the Delaware river, eoni- iiteiicing at shipyard, and running down the river as "tar ai-I'hcsu-r.

but no landing was effected at the latter place, the hull of the burned Steamer Norwood prevented access the wharf. The steamer returned to the city at 4 o'clock. I'ay Templeton's Jewels. NEW YORK. Sept.

Templeton. through her counsel. Dittenhoeer tV; Gerber. tiled a in the States district court, praying for the release oi her diamonds and fan. which were seized recently by the custom house HHthorities as smuggled The claimed, that she pawned her jewels abroad, and was unable ti redeem them until she returned to tiii; city and enough money to se cure their Reformed Board of The Executive Council of the Board of Missions of the Reformed Chnrch of the United States in session at Columbia, yesterday approved the acts of the Executive Council for the past year.

H. Seibert, of Harrisburg, waa re-elected treasurer. Rev. J. C.

Bowman, of Hanover, was elected to fill a vacancy in the Executive Council. missiocs were reported to be self-supporting. A missionary meeting was held last ever, ing, when several clergymen delivered addresses on the cause of missions. Grand Central Sociable. The Grand Central orchestra will Rive another Social in the Sons of America Hall, on Saturday evening, September 27, Admission 35 cents.

All respectable ladies invited. sept25-St The watermelon season is on the wane and what are left are not choice. Wny It Popular. Because it baa proven its absolute merit over and over again, because it has an unequalled record of cures.because its business is conducted in a thoroughly honest manner, and because it combines eoonomy and slrcneth. beinp the only medicine of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is these strong points have made Hood's Sarsaparilla the most puccessful medicine of the day.

Hold it to the Light. The man who tells you confidentially just what will cure your cold in prescribing Kemp's Balsam this year. In tbe oreparation of this remarkable medicine or coughs and colds no expense is spared to combine ouly the best and purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to tbe light and look through it; notice tbe bright, clear, look; than compare with other remedies. Large bottles at all diuggisU', 50c and $1.

JSUSTNESS LOCALS. BEECHEH'S PILLS act like magic on a Weak Stomach. Go to Ross Waddell'B and see their stock of Carpets, The Iron City brewery's beer on tap to day at the Columbia House. A nice cool drink at the Columbia Houpe is Lebanon Export. Ask for it.

They can give you the best prices on Garrets and Oil Cloth at Ross Waddie's. sep2-tf Coal in immense quantities at Mish Seventh and Willow streets. They can not be undersold; get their prices. A cough remedy which is harmless, palatable and at the time effectual, lias at last been found in Van Wert's Balsam. For sale by J.

H. Garman, druggist. Barbey's beer is pronounced elegant, and is a popular beverage at the Columbia House. Go to Ross Waddles for yonr Carpets. 6ept2-tf A splendid article is the Iron City brewery's beer, ou tap at the Columbia House.

Have yon seen Ross Waddle's fine stock of Carpets sep2-tf None but the best and choicest malt, hops and spring water used for the PURE LAGER BEER of the Iron City Brewing company. The astonishing success of Van Wert's Balsam proves that true merit is appreciated. For sale by J. H. Garman, drug- Experience has given us tbe pick of tbe coal regions and wo have bought largely from only the best mines.

Take a trial ton and be convinced. We will satisfy you as to quality aud price. Mish Seventh and Willow streets. None but the best and choicest malt, hops and spring water used for the PDRE LAGER BEER of the Iron City Brewing company. Old things are not always tbe best.

The truth of this statement is strikingly exemplified by Van Wert's Balsam This is a new thing, brt it leads tbe whole list of Co-igh Medicines. For sale by J. Garman, drugging Secretary Hans Elert, of the Lebanon Browing company, is a "dandy," and tho Lebanon Export at the Columbia House is popularly voted ditto. Frank H. Erb, merchant tailor, No.

Nonh Eighth street, has just opened a large assortment of Fall Suitings ant! Trouserings, aud don't forget the fit if guaranteed. Water Melons, Canteloupes, Sweet Po taloes, and all kinds of Truck and Fish, wholesale and retail at J. H. Shugar's Giooery' 023 and 625 Cumberland Street. augl-tf Lebanon Export in little or big as you the Columbia House.

Try the Iron City brewery's beer at tho Columbia House It's bound to be popular, and the Beck brothers know how to keep it in flavor. None but the best and choictst malt hops and spriug water used for tbe PURE LAOEH liEER of the Iron Cily Brewing company. aug29 Water Meiuus, Canteloupos, Sweet Po tatocs, and all kinds of Truck and Fish, wholesale and retail at J. H. Shugar's Grocery, 623 aud 025 Cumberland Street.

See the new Carpet Store iu Greena wait's building. The wise man discovering a rip in his clothing repairs it instantly and saves the garment. The same man, when be con tractft a cold, procures a bottle of A an Weil's Balsim and saves bis life. For sale by H. Garman, druggist.

Boils, pimples, nnd skin diseases of all kinds speedily disappear wlien the bluod is purified by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. It ius no equal as a t3uie alterative, the results being immediate anl Bit ibfactorv. Ask your diuggist Inr it, ai-d take no other. No high prict-K (or coal. Bros at Seventh streets, are selling their immeuse stock of coal at greatly reducc-d prices.

It will pay yon to sna their stock For nil kinds of Fresh Groceries and Canned call at H. StingnrV Growrv, G'23 and GS-j Cutnbeilaud Street. augl tl You will xare 25 per ci lit by examining Mish stock of coal aud getting their prices. Seventh aud Willow. For all kinds of Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods call at J.

n. SLugar's Grocery, 623 and 625 Cumberland Street augl tf We dufy competition. Get uur prices before l.iyiug in your winter eml anl you will see tve moan business. Mish Bros, Seventh and Willow streets It wili pay you tospe Mish etock of IK-fire laying in fur tho winter Seventh aud Willow. Coal! Coal! at rnck bottom prices, at Mifh coal yard, corner Seventh and Willow streets Coal from $2.50 up.

CORE UUA.RANTKKD by Da. J. B. MATER, 831 Arch street, PliiUudl- phia, Pa. Ease at onoe.

No operation or business delay. Thousands cnrod. Scud for circular. july80-ly Water Melons, Sweet Potatoes, and all kinds of Truck and Fish wholesale and at J. t'liiigir's Giucery, C23 aud G25 Cumberland Street.

ansl For all kinds of Fresh Groceries, Can- nrd Goods call at H. Suugar'sGrocery, 623 and 625 Cumberland Street, augl-tf For many jears Mr. B. F. Thompson, of Des Iowa, was severely afflicted witb chrome diarrboja.

He says: times it was very severe; so much so, that I fcartd it would end my life. About seven years ago I chanced to procure a bot'le of Chauiiinilaiu's Colic, Cholera and DiarrLcei Remedy. It gave me relief, and 1 believe cured me permanently, as I uo-v eat or drink witb out harm anything I please I have also used it in my lamily with the best results For sale by Geo. Ivoss Co. ALL MEDICAL authorities agres that eatarili is no more nor less than ac iufliin- malion of the liniuL' membrane of tbe nasal air passages Nasal catarrh aud all oatarrbal iflections ol tho head are not diseases of tbe blood, aud it.

is a t-etious mistake to treat tuem as such. No cnn- scietitious physician cv attciLpts to do so. It is held by eminent medical roon that sooner or later a specific will be found for every disease from which humanity surfers The jattify in assuming tbat for catarrh V. least a si- tive cure already exists iu Elv's Cream Balm Capt. W.

A. Abbett, who has long been with Messrs. Peroival and HaUon, Real Estate and lusurance Brokers, Des Moines, Iowa, and is one of the best known and most respected business men in that city, says: "I can testify to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. Having used it in my family for the past eight years, I can safely say it has no equal for either colds or croup." 50 oent bottles for sale by Geo. Ross Co Fruit la Abla.

The bamboo is still grown in Pekin with tbe aid of good shelter, moisture and favorable soil, but it is not found naturally growing iu tbe forests in North China, as was its habit 2 000 years ago. It grows now in tbat part of tbe empire as a sort of garden plant ouly, so far as ia known at present. It is in dzecbuan that tbe southern flora reaches farther to the northward. Oranges flourish there under the protection of high mountains and, with the aid of the mild olitnaca enjoyed, so also the lichen is fouad In the neighborhood of Shanghai oranges do not grow in tbe open air, nor can the trees weather the winter unprotected except on the great lake near New China Herald. Lutheran Syliod.

At tbe Lutheran Synod which met at Columbia, the past week, Rev. J. A. Singmaster offered tLe following which was passed: "Whereas, Intemperance continues to be tbe source of untold evil and woe, ravishing tbe land and despoiling the cburcb. "Resolved, That we pledge ourselves anew as individuals aod representatives of our churches, to do all within our power for the suppression aud total extinction of-the traffic in intoxicants." Middletown was chosen as the next place of meeting.

Where BOOK Agents are Unpopular. Book agents are a common nuisance iu Bucks county. President Judge Harm Terkes has banded down an opinion stating they do not come within the peddling Act of Assemblj of 1S82, and tbat the constables are not doing their duty if they do not throw them heels over head out of tbe county or run them iu. The book agents days in that county are numbered. Donations to Orphans.

Thomas M. Tundt, Superintendent of Bethany Orphans' Home, Womelsdorf, acknowledges the receipt of one piece oi gingbam from tho Mite society of the First Reformed church, this city, and five aprons from ladies of Reformed chniob. Annville. The Fi6h Bugincsp. Charles Moore, tbe euterprisinz buck ster, 331 Spruce street, comes to the front with the announcement tbat he is paying special attention to the fish buaiuets, and that patrons will always find his different delivery wagons licb in their abundance of the walery Unring the suason Mr.

Moore will constantly have ou hand a choice variety, fresh from tbe markets, and the public will do well to wait forhiB cheery call along tbe highway. sept22-lw Tbe Lfchanou Export. This celebrated beer, manufactured by the Lebanon Brewing company, leads in popularity in this city, and in Philadelphia aud New York it has gained great favor. Lebanon visitors to the-e cities will find the Export ou tap in Philadelphia at the family resort of Mrs. C.

F. Holly, 45 North Sixth street, and in New York the good old article ciu be found at William Hnbel's 192 Third Avenue. Coal just received by Win. B. Eokenroth, Eleventh and Forge streets.

Witb these addition to tUt already enormous supply on is detetmined to bold bis record for carrying the largest, clean est and best assortment tit coal in tbe city, which lie is disposing ol by bis motto oi quick sales and small profits. sepl20-tf Five Hundred Cars. Mish Bros, have just unloaded 500 cars of choicest grades oi Coal which they will sell at tbe prices Big bargains for early bayers at Seventh and Willow streets julyl4-tf SURE CURE. A CLEAN AND PERFECT CURE OF HURTS AND BRUISES. A gaw It Lawrence, Kansas.

Aug. 9, less. (Morgt Futenon fell from a window, IfoundhlmudngEl.Jaoobi Oil frefly all over htt hnrtt. I hl-n next jXmlDK at work; all blue cpota bid nine, IMTlng neither pain, soar nor cwelllng. C.


Hi. Itaces at Gravesend. NCTT VOUK. Soiit. race, fc Fjtrrmv.

1: Mcriilen, Ballston, 3 Time, 1.15KJ. Second nice, walked over. Tb'inl nice. Husliruuck, 1 Time, 1.1'IW. Fourth race, 1 Kyrle Lndy Jane colt, 3.

Time, 1.43. Kiftu race. Harrison. Tanner, 2: Eola, 3. Time.

J.i.V.V Sixth race. mil-. 1 Lord Best boy, Time. I.16>4. Kac'es at Gloucester.

GLorcESTElt, N. race, Bellevue. 1: Marie l.ove!i, Jay Dee, 3. Time, 1.IS. Second race, Daly.

Battersliy. Golden Hod, 3. Time, 1.24J4. Third race. 7 mile Lights, Ofalece, Louis Time, Fourth rai-c, chat ter, Passamorf, Time.

l.Oi'i. Fifth race. JIarsb Reclon. L- online, Time, l.l!»v,. Sixth raer.

Oracle, 3. Time, THE MARKETS. Prices on the Slock, Produce and Petroleum ICxchanjrerf. PHILADELPHIA market was quiet. Pennsylvania Reading was strong, and there was a Kood demand for the general mortsage 4s and preference income bonds.

Follou-ingHre the closing bijs: Lehish 5- m. 3. pf. 5s. 63 N- 1'ac.

jif pf. 5s. Pennsylvania o.l pf. 5s. Heading -M'j H.

A- T. ZHi Lebigb Nav 5J H. T. SI. Paul tM- W.

N. V. i- Xcw York Prixlni-e Market. NEW YOHK. Stale western flour steady, quiet.

extras. city mills. city mil's Wheat ie-1 ionffs selling; Oeti.b<-r, -i: December, Sl.H3->.ial.U4'.i-Ii;; January. S1.H5<2!.U.VX: May $LOSSUW13-ifi. rirm; western dull: lower; No.

2, steamer mixed. dull; jslate,; extra iness, Pork-Dull, mess, 11.50^12.25; extra prime, Lard-Quiet, we i steam renderel. $6.45. Eeps Firm, fairiy nelivc: state and Pennsylvania, anadiau, western, iee hoUsr'. Oil Market.

Pmi.Anr'.rn'A. "i.rened at d. i close noon. Flilladelphla Money Market. STOCK QUOTATIONS reported up to 1 by Ucllaven Townsend.

bankers Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Stocks and sold and carried on favorable September 23, 1S90. Bid United States 10 jk United States 4's Coupon Pennsylvania Railroad Lehlgh Valley Railroad Lehigh Coal and Navigation 52 New Jersey Central Missouri Pacific Northern Pacific, Common Northern Pacific, Preferred Oregon Transcontinental. Union Pacific 57U Western Union Richmond Terminal Louisville Nashville Atchison, Topeia Santa Fe Western.144s Hew York Sxfew England o'clock No. 423 bought Ask 9 9 5a 8oJ6 44J? ROTHCHILD TOO SMOOTH.

How He tteat a Committee of Communists tbat Wanted aim to Divide. a revolutionary period in-Paris in 1843, says the Chicago News, committee of seven Communists called at the Rothschild establishment and demanded to see the famous banker. Rothschild appeared, as suave as you please. "Pray be seated, gentlemen," said be; "uow, what otn I do for you "Rothschild," said the chairman of the committee, "oar time has come at last. The people are Commune is ou top "Good the la com- mane!" cried Rothschild, gleefully.

"The time has come," continued the chairman of the committee, "when each must share equally with his fellow citizen. We have been delegated tocall upon you and inform you that you must share your enormous wealth with you countrymen." "If it is so decreed," said Rothschild, urbanely, "I shall cheerfully comply. At how much is my fortune estimated?" "At 200,000,000 francs," replied the leader, boldly. "And at what is the population of France estimated asked Rothsuhild. "We figure it 50,000,000," was the answer.

"Well, then," said Rothschild, "it would appear that I owe each of my countrymen about four frances Now, here, gentlemen," he continued, putting his hand into DH pocket aud producing a lot of silver, "here are 28 francos for you. I have paid each of you, have I not? Please give me your receipt 'therefore nnd so, good day to you." The committee retired, and th'e Commune never pested the wary financier again, Odd Fellowfblp. The Sovereign Grand Lodge of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows conclud ed its annual convention in Kansas City, Missouri, on Saturday. A resolution was adopted depreciating the holding of National Conventions by f'e Daughters Kebekah. The Grand Lodge declined to take action in the matter of barring saloon keepers from membership.

A proposed constitutional amendment prohibiting them from admission to the Order was offered, but, by a vote of 92 to 62, it was left to the discretion of the subordinate lodges. A tirrat Surprise Is in store for ail who use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lunge, the great guaranteed remedy. Yon will see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Get a bottle to-day and keep it in your bouse or room for immediate or future use. It never fails to cure acute or chronic conghs.

All druggists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large bottles 50c and $1. Great Cnt In Prices of Coal. For the next 30 days Mish Seventh and Willow streets, will sell coa at a cut of from 25o to 75c per ton. Come early and take advantage of low prices.

July 14 tf MARRIED. the 22d Inst, by the Kev Theodore E. Schmauk, Mr. John William Weiss, to Miss Ida Fryer, both, of Spring city Chester county. Pa.

Wednesday, Septembei 21th, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Knv. W. H. Dunbar, Mr. A.

E. Baker, to Miss Helen R. Shirk. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR STORE a good offered for sale.

Apply at seu-ljyrit THIS OFFICE. WANTED AND Kooms to let. Any one in want nr Board or Mce, Cozy Kooms will do well to call at W7 CUMBERLAND STitKET. TO IS Heavy Dry-sand Work. Steady Work at Good Wages uuarauteed.

Apply immediately to MLES TOOL. WORKS, Hamilton. Ohio. sept2ft-2w OF HE YOUNG LADIES vs-ho was present at the party at the real dence ol Wm. W.

Wenrich. last Thursday even ing, dropped a Gold Bracelet, which the owner can have by calling at aept-S-lt THIS OFFICE. OR THREE GIRLS IM mediately to sell goods at the Tea Store. Must come recommended. Apply at once at lEA STORE, septiM-tt 906 Cumberland Street.

A GOOD BAKER, WITH SOME CAPITAl will hoar ol a tine chance by addressing agra-tf -BUSINESS," NKWS OllSce AN YOUNG MAN WHO understands polishing smalliroucastings on Buffer. Ayply to juneai-tt E. H. BROOKS. IN NEED OF GIRL! for General Housework to call at 1'ENN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, jime24-tf 805 Spring Alley (Ely's Building.) Housework; two Cooks, at the PKNN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, septl7-tl 805 Spring Alley (Ely's Building.) NUMBER OF MODLDEBS IT at the Myerstown Foundry and Machine Works.

Apply at once to JOSEPH PAINTER SONS, sept9-lm Myerstown. Pa. OB SALE, SULKY and Road Cart; both In good condition For particulars call the office ol DK. P. HARVfaY near William Penn Hotel, auggj-tf Seventh street.

Lebanon. Pa aug21 "ACTIVE, NEWS Office. R. W. M.

BEAKDSLEB, moval of office to No. 38 North Ninth street, Lebanon, Pa. Nitrous Oxide adialnii whpn dmtlrnd. feb25-tf TOOK SALK LOTS, 2Ozl65 City Limits. Apply to KKUBEM H.

SMITH, Alderman. 3O9 North Ntntn, Street. mart9-tf Lebanon. OR No. 15 NORTH NINTH street, formerly occupied by W.

H. Householder. Apply to FRANK JS.MEILY, Attorney-at-Law, or H.C. GRiTTraGBB.Cornwall. FINE OFFICE ROOM ON J.

Second floor, in Laudennllch's Building on Cumberland street. Possession given 1st of April. Call on or address. J. K.

LAUDERMILCH, 842 Cumberland Street, Lebanon. Pa. H. L. K.

MILLER, DENTIST, Graduate of Philadelphia Dental Colleee re moved to No. 812 llfow street, (second floor) Lebanon. Pa. mar6-rr pLBLIC HAVE DAY purchased the team which formerly oi longed to Henry Zeller, of Heidelberg township. Said team consists of Roam Mare Harness, Buggy and Cart.

All persons are cautioned not to interfere with same sept22-3t MRS. EMMA WERNER. TfLECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY STOCK. The Edison Electric Hlnmlnating Company offers stock for sale to pay for the enlargem-nt of the plant. The Company Is on a paying basis.

of lans-tf PLUMBING and GAS FITTING In tbelr various branches. All city and country orders promptly attended to by skilled mechanics, dive me a calL All work HARVEY SELTZER. VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate of the American Veterinary College of New York. Calls made to all parte of the city or country, at all hours of day and night 17SOUTH SEVENTH STREET.

5 6IES OS HEM-STITCH MiCHLNES. Hands Paid While Learning. APPLY TO KEIZEOVSTEN, septi-tf The Quality of our Clothing is always rising. Con tantly learning from experience and inventing new ways to improve our Every button, every seam are tart, fully inspected as the work comei trorn our workshops, and no garment finds a place on our counters that doesn't -come up to our high standard of manship This Fall, while Qualities have been rising. Prices have not advanced, and we offer you the Best Clothing in Philadelphia at the lowest prices.

A. C. YATES Co. 6th heMnnt. 13th I hestuut.

The Man With An Eye To His Interest TOl Need No Urging to attend EARLY SEASON SALE TO-DAY. No more of this! Enbber Shoes unless worn iiiicoinfortaljlr tight, jenoroUy slip off the feet. THE COLCHESTER" EUBBEK CO. make nil their shoes with Insltle of heel lined with rubber. This cUntrs to the shoo and prevents the robber from slipping off.

Call for the "Colchester" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." Graff, Son Wholesale PHILADELPHIA, PA. RET-A-IX, AT COHEN Philadelphia Shoe Store, (Ranch's Building) 735 Cumberland Street, LEBANON, FA. tin 1 The Great Composite Me Now appearing in this paper increaaei in interest. Read this Installment The Synopsis appearing at the head wil give you a clear understanding of the preceding chaptera. EB.MAN SIGNER'S POBLJO SALE WESTERN COLTS Will be sold at Public Sale, on Saturday, September 27, 1890, The undersigned will sell at Public Sale at the Eagle Annville, One Car Load of WESTERN, COLTS ranging Irom one to three years.

These Colts are well- bred and consist of Norman and Clydesdale stock. I have personally selected this stock with great care, ana they are of such quality, style, bone, size and action throughout all adnrre. They will arrive several days before sale, and will be satisfactorily exhibited to those interested. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. when conditions will be made known by HERMAN STONEK.

0. 8. MAULFAIR. Auctioneer. sept2J-td FRESH FISH! We will open the Fish sea son on Tuesday next.

We ex peer a Selected Stock of Haddock, Blue fish, Trout and Taylors. Call early or leave your or ders for a selection. H. T. HAUER, FINE GROCERIES, No.

29 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. sept22-tf LUMBER AT PUBLIC SALE! Will be sold at Public Sale, on SATURDAY, OCT. 4, 1890, At 1 o'clock, p. on the AGRICULTURAL FAIR GROUNDS. LEIUNOX, PA all tbe Lumber on the grounds belonging to the Association, including Fences, Posts, Ktc.

The Bandings will be sold separately and the Fences In pieces of 60 feet. Also, Timer, Harrow, Etc. Conditions at sale. All stockholders are asked to attend the sale sept33-st E. WEIMEK, President.

4 Lebanon Bakery For Sale! JOHN A. STEIN Offers a splendid cbance to an enterprising Baker. He will sell his stand on Lehman streei. between Fifth and Sixth, at present occupied by D. B.

Garte, who is doing a nrst-class business Mr. Stein retired from the on account of Ill-health, and Mr. Garte rented tne Bakery. Tbe stand includes Dwelling House. Store Room, Bakery and Stable.

Every- thine new and In good condition. Mr. Garte has a liberal patronage. We will take a reasonable price and two-thirds of money can remain on first mortgage. Apply to JOHN A.

STEIN, Or to his attorney, JACOB E. REISOEHL sept38-lm BAKERY! GEORGE RHINE Begs leave to inform the citizens of Lebanon that he has opened a Bakery at NO. 21 SPRING STREET, And he respectfully solicits a share ol Hie public patronage, N. R-SeveralboyswantedtopeddlePretzels. septl9-lw BALED PEOPO sals will be received until Tuesday.

Sent. 30tU, 1S9C, at 6 o'clock, p. by Harrey T. Bauer, Architect, Tor the erection of additions; and alterations to Zion Lutheran parsonage; Drawings and specifications of the same can oe seen at the office- ol the architect. 31 Worth KtEhth street.

The right to reject any or an bids wfll be reserved. sept22-w i i NT) most powerful alterative i3 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 anj --c. for east'd to cliiklren nothing ebe is so ctfective as this mcuirine, wlr.Ift its LIo JLivor makes it easy to administer. "My liulc Iioy ail larpe son'fu- uh'ers on his neck ami throat from he sullrred Two physicians tiiin, but he grew conuinially liiuler their cure, and everybody expected he would die.

I had heard of the remarkable cures effected by Ayer's Sursiiparilla, aud decided to have my boy try it. Shortly after he began to take this medicine, the ulcers commenced healing, several bottles, he was entirely citied. is nmv as healthy nnd sironir us nny boy df his "William T. Uui.ghurty, Kaiuptoii, Va. In May last, my yoiir.cest child, fourteen months old, began to surea pitlior on its head and body, ap piicd various simple remedies without avail.

The sores increased in number and discharged copioush'. A physician called, but the sores continued to mviltiply until in a few months tLey nearly covered the child's head and body. At last we began, the use of Ayer's Sar- Haparilla. In a few days a marked change for the better was uianifest. The sores assumed a more healthy condition, tiie discharges were gradually diminished, and 'finally ceased altogether.

The child is livelier, its skin is fresher, and its appetite better than we have observed for M. Griffin, Long Point, Texas. "The formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla presents, for chronic diseases of almost kind, the remedy known to i he medical il. Wilson, M- Arkansas. Upr's Sarsaparilla, PBEPABED BY Of.

J. C. Ayer Lowell, Mass I'TVC liutlk-K, bolMe- THE ECONOMY Building Loan Association of LEBANON, PA. First sale of money, Monday September 29th, at 8 p. in Room No.

4, Court House Shares payable on or before fourth Wednesday (Septembe: 24th). Now is the time to subscribe for shares. Apply to either GEO. STANLEY, Treasurer, Or JiuOB E. REKOEHL, Secretary and Solicitor septl9-lot TIES! TIES! TIES! OVER 1,000 TO SELECT FROM.

you want to see the Latest Novelty call at FRANTZ BRO'S 775 Cumberland Street, Leading Hatters and Gent's Farnishera THE STOCKHOLDER OF At a special meeting o( the Board of Directors ol the Lebanon Trust and Safe Deposit Bank duly called by the president, and held this day the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That the Boara of Directors of th( Lebanon Trust and Safe Deposit Bank deem i expedient to have the charter, corporate rights and franchises of said Institution renewed extended for the period ot twenty years, anc that proper legal steps be at once taken to can Ibis resolution Into effect. Resolved, That immediate nolice by publlca tlon be given to the Stockholders ol saia Bank In the Lebanon Dittr NEWS and the Lebanon Daily Times, two dally news-papers published tn the City of Lebanon, lor three months, of the adoption of foregoing resolution by the Boart of Directors; and that an election will be field a the Banking-house of said institution. In thi City of Lebanon, by its stockholders, on Friday December 26th. 1830, between Oie hours of 10 o'clock, A. M.

ana 12 o'clock, of said day, to vote for or against the proposition to revive and extend said charter, coporate rights and fran chises. BOBT. H. COLKMAN, D. RISK, Cashier.

LEBANON. PA Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1890. sept24-3m BE SUSPICIOUS! I tell you tbat I have too many Shoes in my Store, and offer to sell you many of them jflLTP COST! We make them and get them on hand, and want to eet thi cost for them. Other Stores may offer you Shoes Just as cheap, but not half as good.

Call at our store, try and you will ba convinced. J. H. MILLER, 848 CUMBERLAND STREET. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! BZCEIVED DAILY AT JOHN H.

SHUGAR'S, NO. 833 CUMBERLAND STREET, ASD SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. All the Best Varieties ol Oysters received and ellyored to any pan ol the City in Latge or Small Quantities. Opened or in Shell. Salouumen aud dealers supplied at Lowest Market Quotations.

Don't forget to call. sepi3-H IT HILL BE A SPECIAL COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST, BEST, CHOICEST AND MOST POPULAR. FALL AND WINTER STYLES. Just tell us the price you wish to pay a new Fall Suit, and then watch us lay before your eyes a line of Goods that will surprise you. We are making improvements every season, and our own production in Suits and Overcoats proves this conclusively.

Black, Blue and Fancy Cheviot Suits AT $1O, $13, $15 AND $18. In Single and Double Breasted Sacks, with Binding or Stitched, Side Stripes on Trousers. See this Line of Fine Suits. Examine Workmanship and Trimmings. The Newest Novelty this Season are the AT $1O, $12, $13 AND $15.

BEAUTIFUL FALL NECKWEAR. Ours is not only the Largest, but the Handsomest Stock of Neckwear in the City. It includes all the Latest and Choicest Novelties in Teck, Four- in-Hand, String Ties, Bows, Etc. ISAAC WOLF, One-Price 828 CUMBERLAND STREET, LKBANON, PA..

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