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Democratic Standard from Georgetown, Ohio • Page 2

Georgetown, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JUDGE DANIEL'S NOMINATION. Tna injunction of secrecy Laving been removed from ihe procredinj.s on tin "om'nation, ve fecloumt Ivos nut no'y at lily, but in duly bound, to notice-some the extraordinary reports which are in circulation about "4 which, no i oecotna luiiy Known mo puum. It saems that all riftnner of attempts were mads by the Federalists to defeat the numinotiuii of Mr. Danifl, on Tuesday evenm-'. The mo: ions made by Opposi tiou members to slave nomination till the next day, showed that their whole cmxta were directed tu delay, to keep it ctl'io the last when the nomination could be defeated altoecthcr, by the em 'process of speaking till mltliiiyhi for there being no previous question in the enat tnere is uo war to terminate a tie bate but by laying the subject on the ta ble, which, in this cue would he death ti the nomination.

The Democrat Sena tors iftanimoudj resisted ihe delay, Those Democratic Senators most in fvor of the new arrangement of judicial, circuits, declared that if thero was any at lempt to delay the passage of the bill for the purpose of preventing Mr. Van Bukex fillm the vacancy, they would vote once for confirm'n'i the nomination, of Judge D.ixna.and they ncted according lhnso Smntors, alter having sup ported the new judiciary bill, when they found it could not bo psscd, joined their Dsmocratic friends in bringing in the nomination of Mr. D.yxiel 1: was ordered to be brought on tiie question was ordered to ba taken. At instant, the Federal Senators, headed by Mr. Clat, of Kentucky, (and through him,) announced thoir deti-rminatioi to secede from ho Senate! and actually se ceded in a body, with the execpti two, (Mr.

Preston and Air. smith, ol in diana;) all the rest seceded with Mr. Clay, leaving 1 ho Senate without a quorum, Riirl thus doing all in their power to dissolve tho Government. Report says, (and wo choose to repent it at once, when thire are fifty Senators in the city who can either affirm or deny it) tint excessive violence of temper and speech was exhibited by several Fcdril Sjnators, espe cially 'Messrs. CUy nnd-Si tmiARD, and thai the former, on leaving the Senate at the head of the seceders, had the unparalleled efTVon ciy, e3tdos pro his determination toco, snee rinijly and conlemp'uously In address tho J'resicleiit or the Senate, and (I him good nighl, as if he had been taking leave of a private gentleman at his treating Ihe American Sunate as a mero private body of individuals, borne Democratic Senators being absont, the Senate was left without a quorum, and could do no act.

Under the Constitution a m'nority can only do one of two things, either adjourn, or send (or the absentees, 'and compel their attendance. Adjourn inent was Ihe death of the nomination; to send for the absentees vn the duly and tho right-of the minority. Tho Siirgant-at-Arins was sent for them. Tho soce- i 'ders refused in obey him, mid remained at their lodgings. Finally, at the hour of midtiignt, ban: quorum was out a iinjiloone of ihe seceders haviiw re- tiitne'd.

The nomination was then confirm- injunction ofsecrepy then taken ntf and all the proceedings ot tho night made public. Among these proceedings, we firida resolution, offered dy Mr, Benton, to pen the Spnito doors, and let the American of ihem who were present) bitliold the of tho American Senate. The resolution was in these W0H3: "Resolved, That the rule of the wliich requires the galleris to bo cleared while acting on executive business, be, and Ihe same hereby is, suspended while acting on the nomination of Po-ter V. Dinlel to bo an Associate Jnticc of the Supreme Court of the United States in (lie place of Philip P. Barbour deceased." The want of a quorum prevented the resolution from liei ncted upon, but it was cloar (hat many were in favor of it, and deemed it Ihe true way to prevent Ihe disorgan'z ition of iho Senate in future, as well as to expose the present anarchical npt to dissrdvn the body.

From this simple, the public may judge 'what is to bv the condition of (he American Senate hereafter, when tho men are 'in power who have done such deeds as we liavu horo it faintly ske'clied. Globe. ud trflina in his couveieation mcapu- ble of profound remarks irfcbectlo to a great degree delighted that he is elec ted prehups maLiou.oi nimseii unable to discriminate between good and bad advice, and the evidently helpless tool of a set of mem iwhotn tho people would noftrust, and whom rbey bave f-ten discarded. Tho Tennessean alluded to, expected to find in General Harrison some of that energy, and some of those ennobling traits that shone out so conspic uously 111 Gen. Jackson; and could not ronceal his mortification and disappoint' meni between the magnificent Tennessee warrior, and statesman, and the Cleric of the Hamilton County Court.

not be ii: by the advancement of any claim, or tension upon their part It which our hon will not us to ui Gen. Hull said when be sur rendered the American army to the Brit ish at Detroit! Statesman. Manhattan Bank. Wo make Ihe followinn extract, for the information of our readers, from the report ol the tape cial committee appointed by Judge Potter of the 13ih Judicial circuit, fox the pur nose of closinn uo its affairs. It does I 11 01 look as though the bill holders woum reaVzJ any considerable aunt upon Ihe bills of the Institution.

Toledo Blade. Among tho assets of ihe bank, the undersigned, found two certificates of de-posite; one made by Calvin L. Cole, a stockholder, and ihe other by the Bing- ainpfon BanMndrfrstood lo be controieci by tho aid Cole, the former for the sum 01 five thousand dollars, in specie; auo tho lallor fur the sum of eighteen thou sand dollars, redeemable af er sixty days notice, and subject to the payment of in-teVes', at the rate of six per centum per innuiri. ins'allmentg, every sixty days These certincatcs appear to navo oeen placed irt lo represent its stock in lieu -of specie, and although utterly unavailable, for any legitimate have constituted in part, ine oasn 01 mo issues of tfie bank, and the security of (he public. They biso found balances ol ac count on the books of the bank, agaiusi Mr.

Cole, and other principal stockholders amounting lo forty nine thousand dollars and making an aggregate of no less a sum than seventy two thousand uuiiaM contracted in the course of srxty days. whilst the entire amount ot capital stock paid in, includini! (Iieae curtifkates, was only forty -five th tusand six hundred and seventy five dollars, being less, liy mote than three thousand dollars-, than the mon ies drawn out by the stockholders them selves. Facts have come to the know I edge of the undersigned, unnecessary here to state, which justify the tear, that of this enormous sum, not less than fifty six thousand dollars should be considered so cxtromely doubtful as not lo be relied upon for tho payment of debts A comparison of the former leturns of the bank, with tho statement sntim tied herewith, of the condition of the hank on the ID1I1 July, will show the increase in the amount of circulation lobe nearly, or quite, equal to that of the debts tontrac-ted as abovd staled, by the Stockholders. At that time the amount of the circulation was eighty-nine thousand, two hundred and eigiity-three dollars, whilst the amount 1 of the stock actually paid in, was only twenty-two thousand six hundred and seventy five dollars; and tho amount of specie, and othur means available for the redemption of biicIi cuculation, was only nine thousand three hundred and five dollars an fifty five cents. No attention appears to have been paid by the officers and agents of Ihe bunk in Ihisfltiiisuul expansion of its issues, lo the security of the mere stockholders, or tlio public.

In loaning tho monies end issues of the bank, to the stockholders who controlled, and, in some instances, to persons not known to be connected with the institutions, not only where no adequate measures were taken to secure the payment, I ill the only evidence preserved of the transaction, were mcro entires mado upon the books of the bank. And in one instance at least, which has come to the knowledge of the undersigned, even this precaution was omitted. On the luih ol May lust, no less a sum than sixteen thousand dollars, of the small bills of the hank which had been redeemed from circulation, were forwaided to Mr. Cole, at which were not even charged to him, unlit thfl2Sth of July following, and which now remains in this shape, a dobt against Mr. Colu.

ABOLITIONISM OBERLIN NE-." GRO RIOT. The practice of neuro stealing seems to be on tho increase, and when the. negroes are ouco within our borders the Abolitiomsis are determined lo protect them; and we must say. that siuco Ken tucky electioneered arm and arm with these Abolitionists, for "old Tip' Tom and Ty," we have less sympathy on the subject iban formerlv. Let the Ohio and Kentucky Abolition Whigs fight it oui for the present.

The Democrats will see that there is no injur done to the Republic, and that the Red Oik amalgamation schemes of the Ohio Abolitiouist are frustrated. StuJesmun. The following we copy from the Whig paper at Elyria. 07Thrkh Slave Catchers were arres ted, a little way from Oberlm, on Wednes. day evening of last week, hurrying 08 iwo colored p'rsons to Kent icky, with out due form of Jaw.

-They were brought un before Judje hont, at biyrtf, on Tnursday, and their captives held tulijecl toalccal investiL'ation. This business over, they were arrested, and on Friday Mr. Justice Birch bound two of ihem over in the sum of dollars each, to answer at Ihe next term of Co.nmon Pleas for ibis county, to a charge of assault on Mr. Page, ot Oberlin, and threatening to kill. Atlas.

The Cleveland Advertiser, a Democrat ic paper, gives ih version of the affray 'I'l. L'. IV lima rnA in lti. 1'lie Kentucky Whir's can read in this the kind of Whtgerv then brethren of Ohio profess. But it is all fur old Tip! "They, fthe negroes were cla med their identity was proved, and they were arrested on a warrant issued in compliance with the provisions of Ihe Fugitive Law A unit) soon collected, amounting lo about rive hundred in number, composed of the "Peifeclionists" of Oberlin, the students of tho Colle-'e, and llieir associates, the legroes.armed with guns.cluhs and siones who assailed tlie officers of justice, with yelling, threats, and imprecations, and attempted to rescue tho fugitives from tne hands ot Ihe law.

1 hey were, liowerer unsuccessful. The negroes were kept in custody, in spite of Ihe exertions of the friends ol order and ihe stability of our "institutions, to rescue Ihem. 1 hey are now in jail, at Elyria, and their cases will bo tned at ho ensuing April term of ihe court of common pleas for Lorain County A MAGNIFICENT HUMBUG. The 11 ir: ford Tmes thus notices tho disappoiii'inenr of a Tennesseo whig tmsm'ier of Congress, on his fust visit to the P.esideut elect. The Teiinesseiiu will not stand solitary if alone in his amazement.

There was never such a Immbtij before attempted 10 bo peJmod off upoiv an intelligent poople "OrA whig member of Congress from Tennessee, who has been ardent hi his support of General irrison.called on Ihe President elect afier his arrival at Washington. On his return, one of his colleagues inquired of him his opinion of his candidate. The gentleman did not conceal the severe disappointment, be experienced, and declared he never wished io say a word on the subject; but being Dressed for his opinion, finally said." it tits most humbug the world ever witnessed'. whig members of Congress who Jiave the wiiepemlejice to speak at all on the subject, do not conceal Hicir sap poiutnieut in the person of the Chief-Mag isin'o elect. Some express their morti- ficstion and regret i the delusion they have helped lo c'rpate', and lament" the 'voting they haye' Inflicted on this He ia represented as garrulous, weak VIOLATION OF CONTRACTS.

inkers seem to violate contracts with great facility. In fact they stop at noth ing, In gain their ends. 1 he VVhtjis in our Legislature are of the same kind spoken ol below. The House yesterday passed a Bill by a party vote to relieve the Uanks ol the state irom the tieetve per cent penalty for refusing to pay specie, which was as fair a contract with the hoi ders of the notes us any that be Tide. States.

From tht Globs. There is no wrong in violating the Con stitution of the United States, which en joins that no law shall pass impairing die obligation of contracts, when banks are concerned, 1 Mokh Rruef wanted. A memori al is in circulation in Baltimore, praying the Legislatur of Maryland to relieve the bauks of that State from the twelve oer cent, penalty, during the suspension. why not ask to have the banks relieved irom all their liabilities at once! Phil. Ledger.

JAIL BROKEN OPEN, AND ESCAPE OF THE NEGROES. Eyria, March 5th. 1841. To the Editor of trie Cleveland Adv. Deak Sir On Tuesday night last, gang of Ohurlin, fanatical, abolition an archists, with Ihe assistance of their ad herents in this place, made an attack our jail, and with saws, axes, Cite, prepa red for the purpose, liberated the negroes confined tuerein, and carried them oil in a carriage towards the Den, about the hour of midnight, in great gusto.

This move was somewhat anticipated, as the abolitionists were heard lo tell the negroes they should be helped out; but we were not prepared to see law, with such impunity, so soon trampled tinder foot by these non resistant. This plain ly indicates what we are lo pxpect from this "all the decency and nil the religion putty as they alout are concerned. This being only a fore-taste of Oberlin "Per feci tho present indication is that wo shall have enough of it beforo we come to the end ot these, things. You will have i.oticed a short sketch of tho negro excitement in this county, in tho -Ohio Atlas. Notwithstanding Its brevity, it contains numerous bate-faced falsehoods; but at this I have no occasion to advise you, as the editors intimate and most familiar acquaintances huvo never, believe, even suspected him of blunder nig into so gross on error as Ihe 1 UU 1 11 111 any of his editorial matters 1 am, respecirully, Yours, -iflE- STANDARD.

GEtjnGETOWN, MAKCH "JrTlE L0G-CAB1NITE6. The first pige of this paper contains a sketch of the proceeding! in. Congress. when pen. Harrison's friends asked and voted or art, appropriation of $3000 to msketha IVh'ue House "even comfort they Every one who read a whig paper last Fall boa beard of tie costly furniture thai abounded in Ihe President's house.

Gold spoons, silver plates, knives and forks; the most costly French bedsteads, chairs, carpet, were said to have accumulated under President Van Buren's administration beyond all treasury had been drained 10 furnish the Palace11 at Washington; and its oc cupants were revelling upon the hard earnings of the American people. They have elected their mail, and there is now nothing to be gained by keeping up the delusion; but, on the contrary, it is feared that the new President will never forget how often and long he was compelled to sit in log cabins on rough buckeye chairs, miles he be now furnished with lounges, toilet, Sfc. Therefore a new discovery must be made. The President's House is again visited; but wl)at a change! In a few short months, this kingly lurniture is worn out; the gold is worn off the spoons; the rich carpets have become threadbare; the mahogany chairs are worn out, and the Ftonch bed steads have become rickety The President, instead of rioting in luxu ry, has been living in a more des.itule oiid it ion thrn Gen. Harrison in his log cabin." Such is the latest discovery of those who have been peeping into crooks and corners at the While House for the past year, and miking public tbe result of their researches.

To make tho results of this last search appear consistent, it was at first asserted that Mr. Van. Buren had sent off the best of the furniture to Kmderhook. Bur this story proving rather too improba ble," it was abandoned, and another set afloat in its stead. This lust is that the President wilfully left the house 11 pro tected, and it was plundered of all the most valuable furniture before Gen.

liar rison took possession. The following ex tract of a letter to the Cincinnati Repub lican (a whig paper.) will expose the falsi ly ul is story. It was written by one who visited the bouse while yet Mr. Van Huron was in it- Dated Feb. 23.

'1 see in the personol character of the sovereigns, as well as in the mutual interest of our own and of the Governments with which our relations are most i intimate, a pleasing guarantee that the harmony to important to the interests of Ihetr subjects, as well as to our citizens, will (CrA Very intprestino discussion lining on in the Jiumal between Ihe Whigs, whether Ihe "sweet meats" of of- fice have been geographically distribu led in Ohio. Poor fellows, if they had thimble full of honest principles they would care but little about his location so that he was honest and capable and faithful to the constitution. Statesman. and cowardly." Mr. King left the Senate chamber and soon after sent Mr.

Clay note, intimating that he might have an pportunity of testing bis courage. Here their friends interposed, and both were bound over to keep the peace; which ended the affair. Our exports to France in 183i, amounted to vThe principd rtil cle is cotton. Rice and tobacco form a portion of the exports. Our Imports, during Ihe same lime, wore (he principal articlosof which were silks and wines.

When we arrive at Ihe point where; we may have an equilibrium of imports and exports with dilTeienl countijes, we shall find one of the powerful causes which produce commercial fluctuation will have ben removed. Fhojc Texas. The Galveston paper of Feb. 4, says: 'Congress Adjourned on the 4th inst. The private treaty with England guarantees peace between Texas, and Mexico in 30 days after its ratifi cation, now made, reaches the capital of Mexico; Texas agreeing to pay England.

as her part of tbe debt due Mexico, 1, 000,000 in 50 years. "But I was more disappointed with the interior of the White House, than with the appearance of Mr. Van Buren. I had heard so much of Ihe costliness and splen dor of the furniture, that 1 could not cred it the rumors of the emptiness of the mansion. I was only in three rooms of the second story.

The first room into which we were ihown, was a kind of an te-room, tho floor of which was coveted with a Brussels carpet, worn thread-bare there were one or two crazy old tables, and a few chairs which had been covered with morocco, but this was torn, with the hair sticking out, in various places fiom Ihe seals. The room was a small one, which seemed to have been occupied an office. It was furnished like the oth er. With the addition ot a few shelves, up on which were placed some bound vo nines of the National Intelligencer and a few books. There was an old sofa which had also been covered with mo rocco, but quite as much torn as the chairs.

The floors were strewed over with papers, both the rooms looked more like the sitting rooms of some dilapidated tavern after a rain, than any thing else to which I can compare them. After waiting a few minutes in these rooms we were ushered into the President's silting room, where we found him engaged in writing. The furniture of this room differed but little from the two former; the chairs were mahogany, covered with black hair cloth, but so much worn, that a private citizen would have seut them to his kitchen. The floor. was carpeted, but strewed over with books and papers.

"I have not space for further if these rooms are a fair specimen of the balance of the house, Gen. Harrison has much more comfortoble quarters at the Log Cabin at North Bend, than be will find here." LEGISLATIVE. ie bill to create the office of town ship assessor has passed both branches of he and is a law, lo lake ef fect next spring. It abolishes me ouice of county Assessor. Tlie biirforlhe protection of camp .1..

meetings, whif-n nan passea mo iwuw, has been pissed by the Senate with sev eral amendments, and seat bacK to me House for its concurrence. The House passed a bill appropriating ten thousand dollars to be expended on the new State House: which was Indefi nitely postponed by the Senate. Those who voted for the bill said that their ob ject was lo give employment lo idle con victs in the Penitentiary. Mr. Spangler, one of the Directors of the Penitentiary, says that there will be no idle convicts this year.

Speculation was at the bottom of the move. There are propeity holders in Columbus who fear that the seat of government may-yet be removed; and hence their anxiety to have the new State hobse raised, however embarrassed he State may be. The old State house, with a new. roof, will answer the purpose for which it was built for ten years to come, as well as it ever did. On the 15th the House ordered to be ongrossed the bill authorising the coin inissloners of the canal fund lo borrow money to pay couti actors on ihe public works.

The majority of the committee on elec tions of tho Senna have reported in fa vor of Mr. Holmes. The minority have reported in favor of Mr. Wright. The committee on the currency have reported back to the Senate three bank bills Mr.

Nye's with a few amendments, and two others. Hon. David It. Krtbu was re-nomi-ualed as candidate for Goveruer of Pennsylvania, by the democratic 8tale con-vention, which assembled at Ilarrisburgh on tho 4th instant. On tho 10ih the whigs held a convention at the same place and nominated Mr.

John Banks, of Berks county, for the same office. Tiri Amistao cask. The Supreme Court has decided iu favor of the relei se of ihe negroes taken on board the Amis-tad. Hoesk Thieves. On the night of the 8lb instant, two horses were stolen from John Free'a stable, in Fayette county.

In the morning pursuit was and the 2 thieves overtaken before objht, with their plunder. When they discovered that they were closely pursued, they left the horses and took to the but proving less awift on foot than their pursuers, they were soon taken into ihe custody of the lawful keepers of such, rogues. The RIcLrod Affair. there are many rumors about the correspondence that has lately taken place at Washington on this subject, une is mat Mr. fox has demanded the release of McLeod; and signified his intention to go home, if the demand be refused.

He has sent special messenger by the steamship Pies idem, which bss just started for London report that McLeod had been re moved to Albany, is contradicted. He wis to be tried at Lockport 011 Monday of last week. In a few days we will proba blv hear of the result. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESI-: DENT. By and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, to be Secretary of State. Thomas Ewino, of Ohio, to be Secre tary of the Treiisury. Johx Bell, of be Secre tary of War. Georoe E. Bapokr, of North Caroli na, 10 be Secretary of the Navy.

John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, to be Attorney General. Francis Grander, of New York lo be Postmaster General. These four were mcmbere of Con gress at the time they wore selected, and the determination to appoint them made public. Gen.

Harrison wished to be judged by his acts. These are acts num bers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and of the new admin istration. It is intimated in the inaugu ral that in a few months all doubts wiib regard to the principles that aro to govern the new administration will be removed So fur the principles are at direct variance with former professions. The profossed principle is opposition to proscription for opinion's sake. We have pretty sure indications that proscription will be carried further than it ever was before in the United States.

The work is already commenced by removals from Ihe Departments at Washington. The U. S. Senate. Immediately after Ihe Inauguration, a resolution was introduced into the Senate to remove Mess.

Blair and Rivea, who were lately elected Printers lo for two years, and bad entered inln bonds for the faithful die- charge of their duties, and commenced the printing. The resolution gave rise to a debate which was continued several days; after which the resolution was passed. During the debate Mr. Clay applied some harsh epithets to Mr. Blair.

Mr. King replied that Mr. Blair was as respectable as Henry Clay. Mr. Clay then attacked Mr.

King, and said, "for the Senator from Alabama to put me on a level with him (Mr. Blair) is false, untrue To Correspondents. was re ceived too late for last week's paper; and would be mil of time this week. The communication signed "Ann" is inadmissahle. We cannot consent to make ihe Standard a vehicle for traducing private characters.

fa the Virginia and Nk York: co.t-TRivfusr, about the surrender of the slave kidnappers, it seems that the slave- holding Siateb are likely to make common cause with Virginia, as will be seen from what follow: Missouri LE0isi.ATrjrRE.-The Speaker introduced iuto the Legislature of Missouri, a series of resolutions, in relation to the course taken by the Governor of New York, in regard to runaway slaves, stigmatizing the reasons of the Governor as fiivilous and unstateamanlike, and con cludes with the following: Resolved, that goods ia the hands of merchants in Missouri, manufactured in New York, or brought from thence, shall pay a higher excise than is levied on oth er goods, save that such discrimination shall not apply lo goods imported at New York into the United States, and brought hern in Iheir original cases or packages. The speaker introduced theso resolutions by a speech, iu which he dvelt up on the advantages likely to follow ihe di version of the trade from the Eastern cities 10 New Orleans. Chaucnll ii Kent has givon, in his Com-men'aiies, a very clear statement and opinion in regard to the controversy between Virginia and New York. From Kaiu'i Commentaries, vol. t.

Note to pnge 37. "The Constitution of the United States has provided for the surrenderor fugitives frem justice betweeu the several Stales, incase of 'tieason felony, and other but it has not designated the specific crimes for which a surrender has beeii made, and this has led to difficulties as between the Sta'e. Thus, for instance, in 1939, Ihe Governor of made application the Gevernor of New York for ihe surrender of three men charged by affidavit as being fugitives from justice, in feloniously stealing and taking away from oneColley, in Virginia, a negro slave property of Colley. Tbe application was madn under the act of Congress Of February 12, 1793, chapter 7, sec. 1.

founded on the Constitution of the United Statos, Art. 4, sac. 2, as being a case of treason, felony, or other crime, within the Constitution and certified as the statute directed. The Governor of New York refused to surrender the supposed fugitives, on the ground that shivery and properly in slaves did not exist in New York, and that this offence was not a crime known to the laws of New York, consequently not a crime within -the meaning of the Constitutor and Statute of the United Slates. Tne Executive and Legislative authority of Virginia, on the other hand considered the case to be within the provisions of the Constitution and the law, and that the refusal was a denial of right.

It was contended that the Constitution of the U-uited States recognises the lawful existence of slaves as property, for it appor tions the representatives among the Stales on the, basis of the distinction be tween free persons and other persons, and provides in Article 4, section it for their surrender when escaping Irom one Stale to another; that slaves were regarded as property in nearly all tbe Slates and proteend as such, and particularly in New Ymk, when the Constitution wa made, and that the repeal of those laws and renunciations of thai species of property, in one Slate, does not affect the val idity of the laws and ot that specie, ui property in another State; and inaniioru-fusal lo surrender felons, who steal that property in Virginia, and flee with it, or without it, to New York, on the grounds that blacks are no longer regarded as prop-erty in New York, is a violation of the Federal compact, and of (he act of Congress thereon. This case, involves very crave considerations. I have read and considered every authority, document, and argument on the subject, mat were within my command, ana in vrny numoie view, of the question, I cannot but be of' 1 1. nt Iha ri op'nton uii 111 wia-ui iM ma iiw, wi Virginia wxs well lounrteti and entitled to be reeogniserl and enforced.1 1 I The Cincinnati Enquirer. Messrs John Charles II.

rough have pur chased of Messrs. Dawson Fisher the Cincinnati Advertiser and Journal establishment. They are to take possession on the first of April, and continue the nublication under the Vtllo of the Cincinnati Enquirer." Another Search by a British Cruder. The editor of Ihe Salem Ob-ser has read a letter written at sea, on board the brig Cherokee, Capt. Webb, of Salerr, dated December 27, 1840, which states, "that a few days before they reached the Cape, the brig was overhauled by Her Britannic Majesty's brig of war Curlew, and after a full examination of the Cherokee's papers, her hatches were torn open under pretence of searching for slaves'.".

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