Democratic Standard from Georgetown, Ohio • Page 1
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- Democratic Standardi
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- Georgetown, Ohio
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IN AOVANCC. I1' WlTHIM THC rtit, 50 At tub cxrittTioN or tbc vta, 3 00 ftfj" Payment will be eonsi'lererl in advance. if made Wilms uireemonms auer mucnuii.s. ftrVo paper will be discontinued, (unleia at iabl heeptioiiol the pubhiher) until all arrearage! CDajri 1 wardrobe I renire chairs Fire set Rug for heirth No. 3, North Chamber I fire set ere oeid.
PRICES OF ADVERTISING 1 anutn M2 lines') three Insertions. SI 00 For each subsequent insertion. 35 For lis months 5 50 For twelve month. 10 00 Longer advertisement will be charted in the am pioportion 1 centre table 1 washsland No. 2, North Chamber.
New carpet Health rug A reasonnble deduction will be made on year-1 Altering curtains ly advertisements. All order for advertiting or job-work must be accompanied with thecaah. except from peisonf who have open accounts with the office in the south end of the Market Building 35 01) 22 00 0 50 15 00 6 50 22 00 50 00 35 00 18 00 275 00 20 00 15 00 Large Dining Room. Bottoming and Tarnishing twenty THE WHITE HOUSE. In Congress, a short time befote the fuur chairs 3 new window curtains New grates and fire irons 76 yards oil cloth limner set entire Furnitnre for the kitchen For Basement 10 single mattresses at 18 each 7 bedsteads 24 Windsor chairs Bedding for sixteen servants at $10 per head 10 feather pillows Common crockery for servants 18 00 128 00 60 00 mi no 500 00 150 00 180 00 56 00 24 00 160 00 30 00 150 00 adjournment, while the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill was under consid eration, the following proceedings took place.
Mr. John W. Allen is the iederal whig member from the Cleveland district: Mr. John W. Allen of Ohio moved the following item "For furniture for the President's House, of American manufacture, so far Washing tubs, pails, brooms, and as may be practicable and expedient, to brushes 100 00 be expended under the direction of the New covers for six parlor lounge President, in addition to the avails of the chairs 72 00 sales of decayed furniture, the sum of New lining silk curtains in circu 48.000." room 150 00 Mr Wi.e.
I want to see a statement Passage stoves and lamps general id lama imroinr that amount. I 'f 150 00 what this six thousand dollars Lmcn for servants independent of fi.r. table and towels 100 00 A a iL. tw artl Al 5Q fl() otner memo ip Toile chamber ware for six rooms 96 00 sell! oy "Jr. mien i mo gut piaieuu uamed in the above extract (rom the inventory of furniture to the ii i rresioenrs uouse, laKen nr ti Uommis- sionerofihe Public Buildings, March 24, 1825, is the same which is now in use I uot pwsesi.
If you expect to receive aay I se.f. The Journal folks stuod aghast over i i iipuiiiuneni, you inouia name ine very ii, ana were airaia to loucn toe horrible thing you want. Then your friends would fraud on Old Tip. Sncb a thing as that, say at once what they thought of your fit- the Inaugural of Old Tip! It is a trick of ness for that place. If you will desig- the Ohio Statesman tome of Medsrv's at the President's House, and that no I nate the particular office.
I will take pleas-1 schemes to play a trick on us. Why, says other has been purchased for the House since that date. I do also certify that it appears from ihe inventory of furniture in the President's House taken by the Se cond Auditor and the Commissioner of Public Buildings un the 2d of Marcb.1839 by order of President Jackson, there were twelve dzn silver gilt deseri knives and folks, three dozen silver gib desserts poon, mid seventy-cine silver gill iea-spona ure to do what is right in the premises. low, very truly, (signed) THOMAS CORWIN. To Cincinnati, one, look at the egotism of the thing; no modest old soldier would write such s'ufT about bis own services in the field Why, says another, look at the paragraph about the district of Columbia there is no wml outwsrds, arid it should fit tbe gut) snugly, and fit the bote.
3d. The finger stall is made of bock skin, or other soft leather, with a cushion stuffed with bair. Tbe vent (t nich hole) should be stopped, by forcibly presin this cuihion op en it while the gun is bJing sponged al wadded. After the gun has been fired, it must be carefully sponge extinguish any burning remains of the cartridge. From the Ohio State -mee.
March 10. OHIO LEGISLATURE. The House passed lite Mil ibis morning to erect a new State House it was And I do further certify that jn stages pretty much a parly vote. sense in it. Why, there is no sense in If this is done carfully with a dry sponge any of it, cries another did you ever see is certain to extinguish any pieces of i all a so long a oocument desk, Clerk's when it was read as follows: Office of Commissioners of Public Buildings.
February 10, 1841. Sik: in compliance with your request, I have eideavored to ascertain what amount of appropriation will be necessary at this time to purchase furniture tor the President House; and have the honor to state, that it will require, in opin ion, the sum of six thousand dollars, have the honor to transmit herewith, cs timates to the amount of $5,359 50, the greater part of which sura will be expen ded in furnishing the bed chambers. I have the honor to be, Respectfully, your obedient servant. W. NOLAND.
Hon. John W. Allen. Waahington City, Feb. 12.
1841 Sib: Agreeably to your request we have examined the rooms in the President's House, and consider the following articles necssarv to make the lions comfortable, viz: North Chamber. 8 chairs $22 00 Wardrobe 50 00 Marble top work stand 18 00 Fire set 6 50 Dressing table 35 On Curtains for three windows 60 00 1 feather bed 45 50 1 curled maple French bedstead 25 00 1 curled hair mattress 45 00 1 centre table 25 00 1 set chamber toilet ware 16 00 $348 00 348 00 348 00 45 00 45 50 50 00 22 00 18 00 00 110 50 00 col 25 8 6 15 16 The same furniture as above for No. 7 south The same furniture for No. 6 north '1 hearthrug for each No. South Chamber.
1 feather bed 1 wardrobe 8 chairs 1 washsland 1 centre table 1 fender 1 fire set 1 rug Chamber toilet ware JV. 2, South Chamber. 1 centre table 4 feet diameter 35 00 1 fire set 6 50 4 shade for mantle time-piece 10 00 iVo.3,SoBi.Com&er. 1 lounge, with feather pillows 60 0 I centra table 75 0U No. South Chamber 1 dozen chairs 32 00 1 wardrobe 50 00 1 lounge, with feather pillows 60 00 Ante-Room.
f. 12 chairs, morocco seats 100 00 1 centra table, marble top 60 00 Brussels carpet 275 00 Mew grate, and fire irons 40 00 I pier labia 50 00 mirror 75 00 9 sofas) 150 00 Curtains for 2 windows 60 00 "Hearth rug 20 00 No. 4, North Chamber, i waahstand 18 00 1 dressing table 35 00 $5,359 50 With respect, vnurs, JOSEPH K. BOYD, Upholster. CHARLES F.
WOOD. To William Noland, Commissioner of Public Buildings. Mr. Wise desired to know what had been done with all the Termer appropriations for furniture. Why, was not the furniture already in the while House siif- ficient For his part, he would not vote a single dollar of the amendment.
Gen. Harrison had not isked for it, and he, Mr. would not vote until Genera Harrison did ask fur it. Afier some explanation from Mr. Lin- coin, Mr.
Alford moved the following sub stitute: 'That for furniture for the President's House, the President elect be authorized to sell the gold spoons, and other such lurniiuro ns lie may deem extravagant and unnecessary in lite President pniclmso with the proceeds of the sale thereof, such furniture as he may deem proper and Mr. Duncan. I desire lobe informed if there nrr the Pies- KIOHtH House: Mr. iicolil, exclaimed thai he d'H not know tnat there were any such articles ns gold spoons among the Presidents furniture. After some remarks of a conversation al character, from Messrs.
Cave Johnson and Lincoln on the subject, Air. Johnson sent to the erk'a deak the following extract ftom the inventory of furniture in the Presideni'i with a view of allowing how much rea- son there existed for the cry about "gold spoons." no gold nr silver-gilt knives, or forks, or fpooii, or plate of any description has been purchased for the President's House Mr. Van Buren berame the chief MagisUate of Hie nation. W. NOLAND, C.
P. B. I do hetehy certify that I have examin ed the silver-gilt knives and forks and spoons in the inventory taken by the Se cond Auditor and the Commissioner of I he Whigs aiguing that the old house is not good enough to make laws in that a 'tetter and more fashionable one ought to be erecled. The Democrats said they thought this an unfavorable lime lo launch into new and extravagant expenditures-taxes were high already, and Ihe Treasury not overburdened with means. Hun dreds or laborers on the public works had been almost in a state of starvation the Puplic Buildings on the 3d or March for PaTi nd nothing yet nunc ui iwpujcu iur ineir reuei.
i ne Honse had professed itself even too poor to print documents of ihe greatest importance, that the people might see what i hey were doing, and be apprised of the condition of the State, and they could not vote for such appropriations under such c.rcumstance.-.f tbey were not log-cab- hlt en tu of DtctJ t0 rlS hii real designs; and of course be round the present House very comforts- .1 l.j -lL aVCI on Ll 1 1. I aiwara liau IU iilag iuue nuvuca a.u the substi.uie as modified, it was rejected 11 enou8 long addresses, or the rat would be dis- ayes 61, noes 06. eovered in the meal tub. Without any Tbe question then recurred on Mr. Al- a C0.n directness of character or of mind, he has len's smendment.
(wcr ucn Mr. lVi -t. "dvocates of big houses and fashionable ru ana nna tnern to be stiver-gut or I covered with gold snd burnished. ROBERT KEYWORTH. After the above had been read, a member called out: 'Now, where are the Gold-SpoonsV Mr.
Alford then modified his substitute so as to say "silver-gilt spoons," instead of gold spoons. me question men being taken on ith so few ideajf Aoo tier made tie full discuveir tlui was a hoax beciuie old Tip's name was not to it, forgetting that the Presidents never put their names to their loiugursls says another, runs all through it, in violation of all propriety oh. Us a ho ix a disgraceiul hoax. A whig of a title more shrewdness than the rest, cried out, I would give fifty dol lars if it were a hoax. And we can speak for hoss of others hey would ve Jifty dollars yea, five Umr-npy if it were all a hoax! Hut.
fere it is. spresd before the world and the peo ple will make their oa commonts. The election was a fraud humbug; and the Inaugural is in perfect keeping with tbe whole. Gen. Harrison has ever held many of the highest toned Federal doctrines, of thi Wel-ster stamp, while Democracy was upon bis lips hence bis appropriation was ag edfor.
Mr. Allen answered on the author ity of the Commissioner of Public Buil dings. Mr. Keim said that he was a member of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and nothing had passed between the Commissioner and that Committee on the subject, and 1 hat Mr. Allen was nol a member of the committee.
Mr. Allen auid that doubtless all was very true which had been stated by Mr. Keirr; he did not offer the amendment as member of any committee; it had been usual, he believed, for some friend of an incoming President to make such motion and he as the friend of Gen. Hariison had offered thu amendment rnilure so soon after their promotion to power This presents about the features of the case. Marce, 12.
Tbe currency committee of the Senate made two reports yesterday. Mr Faran I rom the majority, tenoned a new bill. It is of great length and contains, it is said, numerous restrictions to curb these swindling institutions. Mr. Vance, on ir i i i i ki pKUrin ui ins wings reported nacn Wye Bill as it passed the House, with Several amendments.
In the Huiise, Mr. Jenkins reported a Bill to incorporate the Sarety Bank of Franklin. As it is new in many of its provisions and restrictions and guards and Mr. Graves inquired ef Mr. Keim, of not very long, we shall endeaver to pub tho Committee on Public Buildings and Itsh it.
So much fur llio Bank bills now Grounds, why it was that that commitee before the Legislature. had not acted in the premises. The Senate has passed the bill from Mr. Keim answered that if any thing the House lo create township assessors. had been more distinctly decided in the It is to take enact in the spring of 1842.
late contest than any other, it was the ex- The House has been occcpied in part ravagance which had been practised in lor the last two days, on a Uill purporting Ihe President's House; and that it was tor lo be a bill to piv the contractors and to this reflson I hat ihe committee had not prosecute the Public Works. But the recommended any ihing for the amendment under discussion is any thing dent's household. else it is a bold project to sell the Stale Mr. Gravrs was about to make some out hag and baggage, to the rotten, remark, when he was railed to order swindling Bulks. Mr.
Bariley met this under the resolution which precluded p'oposition on the threshold, and exposed debate. its i.iiqiiiloi'S features. In fact, were it The amendment of Mr. Allen, annro- not for the Senate, our State would be been inefficient, and meandering in all positions in which he ever was placed, and they will now shine out in their full mag nitude of inefficiency; and so palpably has this trait been exhibited in his first address to the people after bis election, that his own supporters have pronounced it a hoax! but it was by that, and the eg otisrn snd "Curtli and Decti" and his "profound reverence for the Christian re ligion" en Mai public occasion, that we could easily trace out its genuineness We are not however patticuiar about style if we get the substance, but when both are deficient in a document of such in decent length, the people tbe whole peo ple, are necessarily awakend to the deep dishonor that must attach to their character for intelligence, and a straight for ward purpose and- action. The effects of the humbug or skins and hard cider are daily becoming too visible not to shake the canfidence of many in the stability of democratic principles of our constitution snd government, we burning flannel.
Tbe sponge should be forced down firmly aga'nst the bottom of the bora, and this position it should be turned round two or three times in each direction. Care should be taken not to use a very wet sponge. If sligb If dam-pened, it may do no harm; but it is far safer to use the sponge dry than when it contains water, for tbe water is squeezed out, and remains in the bottom of tbe bore. On inserting the next cartridge, its lower end gets thoroughly soaked, and the wet powder does not burn on discharging the p'ece; but is driven into the p-jres of the woollen stuff, and forms a kind of match, which nut oaly retains fire, but is with difficulty extinguished with a sponge; wheras, a dry piece of borning wollea is easily extinguished. The free use of wa ter in sponging is tbe frequent cause of accidental explosions.
If tbe piece flash, or the priming tuba blows, it should be approached carfully. The person who reprimts it should ap proach in front of the axletree, to avoid being injured by the recoil, in case the piece goes of from fire remaining in Ihe vent. None but careful, sober men. and well instructed, should be allowed to sponge a gun or serve the vent. The foregoing instructions have been prepaied in obedience to the directions of the Secretary of War of this date, aad are resbectfullysubmited for his sanction.
EiJ. HUUEK. Captain and Secretary. Approved: J. R.
PotnsKT. ftVTbe editors of papers throughout the country are requested to publish the foregoing. From the Albany Cultivator. VALUABLE TABLE. Messrs.
Gavlokd ii Tccxaa A few days ago I was in want of some dry measure of capacity, as I had often been before; but this circumstance had nevci led me until then, to think of the vast numbers of housekeepers, especially farmers, who suffer inconvenience from the same; in fact, I do not believe I danger from the imbecility of hou.ld 09t in.eveT priating $8,000 lor lurniiure, carried ayes DO, noes 51. was then sold out by these inkers, and ruin and disgrace would follow. Ihis amendment to the bill pleads the condition of the rotten banks that surround us, thus: "In order to afford tbe banks of this Slate the same facilities in business which Extract from the inventory of furniture in the President's House, tukmi bv the Commissioner of public Buildings March -etui. ioio: French gilt dessert case. 36 dessert knives.
36 do forks. 36 do spoons. 33 teaspuuns From the Statesman. THE OFFICE BEGGARS. The following extract from a letter, da ted at Cincinnati, mikes some singular! are enjoyed by the banks of the adjoining neveioutneni in ine mucu seeding line.
States. The letter of Gov. Corwin is singularly. The Banks of Michigan have "enjoy unique1. By these things we have a clue 141 pieces.
i large elegant gilt plateau, with seven pieces, and seven ornaments and nineteen branches for candles, damaged. 1 plated rim plateau, with ornaments. damaged. Note Tbe Furniture in the Presi dent's House having been seven years or upwarus use, is, oi necessity, more or less injured or defaced, notwithstanding the utmost care and attention, have evi dently been paid to its preservation. A portion of it hastily collected for Mr.
waaison in ioii, at auction, never was suited to the white house in which it is placed and where it has been altogeth er useless. Taken from Exocutivo document No. 2, of the 1st session 19th Congress. -ELEAZER Librarian. Library House of Representatives, May 22, 1840.
I do hereby certify that the large elegant to the working behind the curtain. Gov. Corwin very freely adiniie that "APPLI CATIONS FOR OFFICIAL STA TIONS ARE NUMEROUS BEYOND ALL This is the patri olism of me hnnl cider brawlers. 'Well, the office seekers are off! And how my do you stipMse have gone from iho Republican office Only foub-C'ol. Todd, who is an applicant for ihe Consulship at Liverpool Joseph Ura ham.
for the Consulship at Havannu Henry E. Spencer for Mr. Flood's place in Texas and O. Looker, who I sup pose, wishes lo be the bearer of despatches to some foreign court. Thus we see the sincerity and patriotism of these office hating patriots.
"But the most amusing that has come under my notice relating to these Laza-roni, is a loiter received by one of the office haling whigs of this city, from Gov, Corwin, who had been applied to, I suppose, for a letter of recommendation. I herewith send yon tbe following which is a true copy Columbus. Feb'y. 16, 1841. Dear air: Your letter of the 15th has been received.
The applications for official station, as you know, I suppose, are numerous beyond all example. I have found it utterly useless to give general letters the kind suggested in your letter. Such would be no service to you. Gen Harriton knows you very well; of course I could give him no information concerning your general qualifications he does ed facilities," have they not! Biddle's Bank enjoys facilities no Kentucky and (ndiania Banks enjoy the same glorious FACILITIES! Are these Bankers mad, that they propose such insulting measures to ihe Legislature? The Ddi'j'icratic Stale invention which metal Harrisburg on ihe 4h, and re-nominated Governor Porter, declare ilint their State difficulties were caused by ihe re charter of ihe ('. Slates Bmk, which threw the Slate on ihe mercy of that institution in matters of finance, and hence their total prostration.
It will be so every where and the scheme is one nf utter madness, and should not be en tertained a moment. Ii is lime the people had taken up these subjects and examined them, and legislators taught that they cannot sell out the State as a mere matter of barter, to suit their own cupidity. are in more our public men, in whose hands the des tinies of millions lor the lime rest, than from their stern character and honest purposes, who ask for nothing but what is right and submit to nothing wrongX Are we not to understand General H-trrisnn as saying, that foreign Goveruments ask no-leing of us hut what our honor would permit us to yield. There is sn alarming import in these words which sre enough lo arouse the Mood of every patriot of the land. What are thn t'aimi of England? Are we sold to that nation sure enough? Who will answer? Would to God that what is before us were a hoax! Statesman.
HARRISON'S INAUGURAL. Having thrown this extraordinary document of the "elder Brutus, and of the Curtii and Decii" "of Camilus and the Scipios" "of Octavtus" "and Anthony," before the world in advance of the lazy whig establishment of this city, the whole tribe of federalists declared upon honor that it was a fraud, or hoax. Tbey pointed out passages which they declared carried the hoax upon their face Many or them went so far as bm five dollar bets that it was not the real genuine, pure and unadulterated thing it- Wa publish some rules prepared by the order of Mr. Poixsett, to guard' unskillful gunners against the melancholy accidents which too frequently occur on the firing of cannon. Globe, Wa Defabtment.
March 2, 184 1. The frequent accidents which occur by explosions of can occasioned by care lessness, or mismanagement, render expedient that instructions should be given for the use of persons who are required perform the duties of gunners. The Ordnance Board will therefore submit to the Secretaiy of War for his approvals, suc'i instructions aud regulations as to them may seem best calculated to protect nMrauna ihus engaged from the fatal acci- dsnls to which they have been heretofore liable, in order that the same may be du ly promulgated. J. R.
POINSETT. Ordnance Board, March 2d, 1841. Tho accidental explosions of cannon, by which many lives and limbs are lost annually, are generally caused by frag-raenta of the burning cartridge from a previous discharge remaining in the gun, and which are not extinguished before the next charge if inserted. By observing the following directions, most of these accidents may ba prevented. 1st.
Tbe powder should ba contained in a cartridge bag, made of worsted stuff or serge; tbe material should tie entirly of wool, of a close texture, and the bag should ba sewed with woollen yarn. 2d. The sponge should ba made of woolen fringe, or sheep akin, with the hundred. Why they continue to do so, ihey themselves can best tell; but it oe cured to me that I might perhaps render them an acceptable service by publishing a list of boxes in a square form, which 1 made out for my own use, to contain the following quantities, to wil a barrel, half barrel, bushel, half bushel, peck, half peck, gallon, half gallon, and quart. The square shape was preferred, as being far easier both lo imko and calculate, and Ihe list was immediately sent to my friend Mr.
RufEn, editor of the Farmer's Register. But as many rerd your Cultivator who never see his paper, I now send the same statement to you, that you also may publish it, if you think it may be useful. A similar table is not to be found in any book that I have ever seen; although it is perfectly obvious every body that it is much wanted. The advantge to buyers especially would be conciderable; fur they could always ascertain whether tbey rece ved tiitir proper quantity of any thing sold by dry measure, if they would only carry the table in Iheir memories, or on a mm random, together with a small rule in iheir pockets. TABLS A box 21 inches sqire and 23 in.
deep will contaiu a barrel, or 10,752 cubic inches. A box 24 inches by 13 in. square, and 14 in. deep, will contain half a barrel, or 5,376 cubic inches. A box 10 in.
by 10.9-10 in. square and 9 in. deep will, contain a bushel, or 2,150.4 cubic inches. A box 8 in. by 8,4 in.
square, and 6 in. deep will contain one peik, or 537.6 i-bicin. A box in. by 8 in. square, and 4.2 in.
deep will contain one half peck, or I0S.8 inches- A box 7 in. by 4 in. square, and 4.8 in deep, wilt contain half gallon, or 131. 1 cubic inches. A box 4 inches by i square, ani 4-2 in.
deep will contain one quart, or 67.2 cubic inches. These meausiires all come within a small fraction of a cubic inch of being; perfectly accurate, as near, indeed, aa any measures of capacity have aver yet hin made for common use: tba diffi culty of making them with absolute exacN ness, baa never yet been overcome. Sep. 130. JAJ.
ji. uuuran-r..
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