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The Brookville American from Brookville, Indiana • Page 3

Brookville, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

irr THE AMERICAN. LOCAL DEPARTttEXTs TIME TADLE. White Water Valley Rail Road. TOOK EIFEcfTpRIL 21, 1807., L1AYE-1. AalRIVsM.

Mt'dT'a 7 00 a.m. SO r. Clnolnnatl 80 4 40 p.m. SO 9 OS 9 IS 9 10 SO 11 10 It 40 II SS ii ii ii ii I ii ii ft so Veiu Jitn a so jo i I i i ii ja jj i 11 00 44 Harrison a 0 OH Trenton 7 IS a 21 Cedar rove 7 84 8 40 Broohvllle 7 20 a 7 Metemore 7 03 7 1 Laurel 0 7 30 Ashland 0 SO MI 13 a.m. Ml 00 ii io 4i ii ii io IS 10 JJ 12 OS p.m.

7 SI Ilerlln a 2i IS IS 7 49 Nultown a 20 la ll i III II area 09 10 10 rrtvei Arrive! Leavsi Leaves 4S p.m. 9 QOp.M.OnturiYllU a 00. am. 10 00a.m. Iteildenca For 8al.

Th ondersigneJ offen for 1 hU re ilJence knd lh two adjoining loll, ntualed In Ibt Northern part of Hrookvlllo. The home ia a flood to-itorj brick, with 11 the accoramoda tioni ef i desirable horn. The lot are laid Oat io various kinds of choice frait, the Ire! sit inff romlie of bearing abundantly Ibii jear; alio vineyard of ibe Catawba and I.abelU arlcty, hrmtofore producing luthele or grepea, and promising to bear mora abundant! Ibia jear than f. Thia proper! ia ona or tha beat locations ia tow for a family reiidence, and will ba eold at a bargain for call or on ihort time. Apply toon at thia office.

C. II. Corporation Election. Next Monda is tba lima for the election of Rrookville Corporation OtEcera, Let there be a good degree of iutcrett taken in ibia elec tion, and let ui cbooie tbe right kind of tuen. Get jour ticket! readj.

Farmers at Work. The farmer general! of thia Count have got ibeir re and oata lowed, and are buml engaged in breaking ground for corn planting. ilcCorialck'a Self-Raker and Two-Whsel ed Light Mower. Mr. J.

Sering of Wbitcoinb i Agent for the sale cf there celebrated For fee advertisement. Keliglons Notice. Elder T.J. Muidock will preach in the Trci-bylerian Church next Sabbath at the' usual Injurs, forenoon and Tho pub'to are tl ectfull invited to attend. Ihe White Water Valley Is just row putting on its moat love) appear anc.

Tale a view of it railroad some of theie fine rjaya. It ill compare favorabl with tbo richtet valleji in the West. Curnan'a Hotel. Thia hotel at suite utrxactlni a atopping-place. Tup propritJor is an old hand at tbo business, knowing bow to snt'mfy bis guf st, who will find lit tables well supplied and bis nccnmmodalioiif' ample.

Ilia rrrn are reasonable. When you visit Con neriville, atop with Mr. Durnaii. A Cccd Word for Our r.ailrcad. Tha Cambridge Mirror aar, that lh White 'sicr Valley lUilroad it tbe best and theup- at route, both for puMengf-ra and freight, to Cincinnati from that region of tlis couatr.

May Weather. The merr month of May opened In this region in good it) k' warm, suimhloj wemhrr. is growing finely, even to blossoming in beaut and fragrance. Installation of Magnolia Lodge No. 80, I.

O. O. F. of Fair- field, installed the following persons aa olTieers the Lodge for the present term Ferguson, N. 11.

J. Chene, V. A. T. Ira in, Treasurer; T.

W. llawarJ, R. and J. A. Croolshauk, I'.

Sec Meetings ever r.ttitidi evening. Lecture at Mt. Carxnel. r.e. J.

W. ChaHin will deliver a leeture in tbe M. Church at Mu Canned on t.ext Sal nrda, Ma 4th, for tbe bentdtof the M. Sonda School of said place. Sulji-tt: "The Fresetit Age Its Peculiarities." Admission for adults, ten cents; children free.

It is Lrped tbeje will be a large audience. Arnold Ward. Attention is directed to tho advertisement of these gentlemen, who have purchased tbebuich rring establishment of Ioaus JatTjr Smith, and are prepared to accommodate our people with nice meat at lowest cash prices. Sales of Totra Property. Mrs.

Gallion has sold her bouse and lot on the corner of Maia Burgess and Lean Streets, to Jacob Mastera of this place for $3,000. Mrs. John Lai sold the vacant lot j'ist north cf her residence to Messrs. llejnolds Iteifcl for 13 00. i i Excursion.

Quite a crowd of people assembled at the Depot on Wednesda morning, Ma 1st, to witness the passing of the Excursion Train from Metacora and Laurel. The train war in charge of the gentleman! Conductor, Mr. Jamei, and consisted of seven passenger can full of happ, joous couoteuances. The da waa a pleasant one, and after viewing the cil the part returned in the eveuing much pleased wilh their trip. Gallion Genn.

Mrs. Gallion and MUs Jennie Oonn aro in weekl receipt of all the latest itles of Mil liner Goods. Aobing that ma be wanted In their line of business can bo found there, aa these enterprising ladies are fall up with the times. Their work speaks for itself. Call In, make oar selections, and leave our orders.

Left Us. Charlie Marin telegraph operator at tie lirookville Depot, has removed to Conner-ville io take charge of the Telegraph OlTice llcre. We shall miis lis happ coontcnance atd cheerful compan. Mr. Theodore Pursel occupies his place here.

New Turnpike Itoad. The citiiens of Fairfield ar agitating the question of building larnpik road from Fair 11 Id to Libert, on account of Libert being much the best market for I Vin Js of pro luce. Vbj it so? The Odd Fellowst Celebration at Fairfield On the 26th of April was a luccesi. Brother Mitchell of Aulgtoo delivered an Hddreaa on the occasion, which was listened to wilh groat interest, after Which (he proceition marched to the dilner tublea, which wire failed to over flowing with the luxorlei of the land, and all partook of the dinner without none and wfth out price. In the evening th held a aociel meeting, which wai addressed Uro.

Mitchal and Uro. It. Cor, after which there was a lupper served in the Hall, and all present seemed to appreciate theit connection with the Or der as being most agieeable. Visit to Conneriville. On Saturday we made a fling visit to Con nersville.

and found It a verv neat little cilr. Tbe ousei aro built in modbrn atle, with an eje to ootntort and, convenience; the streets regalarlr planned, with rood sidewalka. Tbe place haa a thriving business population, full up with the timci in political sentiment, with good school and man eburchei. We vir rauch like the itjla of lire at Contersville. More Millinery Ooods.

Min Jennie Tarnen has lust received an other select lot of Milliner Good -some later itjlei of Hats, llotirjeti, llibboni, flowers, la a very nice assortment. She receives new goods ever week. Call and aee then). 1 1 if For Sale. Mr.

Joa. S. Wilkinson offen for sale a deii rabte pieco of town See advertise meiit lu another column. Scott Baker. This young gentleman, Mi Jshipraan in the Na val Academy, and son of our worth townsman, W.

S. liaker is getting along dual at the Naval School, Annapolis, ranking very high in a class numbering 141. The class has been divided into four, boats' crews, of oce cf which be has been appointed commander. He writes that his class will start nlout June 1st proximo on a cruise to Europe, and be expects to visit the Woild'a Fair at l'arii. Jl.

Ii. Schriehto. Attention ia directed to the advertisement of the Drookville Marble Worki, to be found else where. Mr. Scbrichte baa gained an enviable reputation as a manufacturer of Tombstones and Monuments in the best style of tbe art.

His woik needs only to be secu to be appreci ated. Killed. Ambrose, son of John Colson, living two mites East of Fairfield, was killed the rail road cars running over hi legs, on the 20th near Milan, on tbo A.C. road. He leaves a wife and one child.

Fruit Thieves. Fruit growers in Northern Ohio are taking mrasurcs to prevent the robbing of orchards and melon-patches. Wonder if our people Lad n't bolter adopt similnr measures. To steal meat is callul stealing; to steal fruit ii called hooking." i I7cw luiJdingi. John King is putting up a couple of dwil-in houses on two of bis luts situtitud ncrlli of his residence in the uprmr part of town, and fronting on Muh 1'urgess Street.

The are Io be bull in (J itjl. Goilicb Kii'seW has commenced work on iii three story brick business bonne fronting Main, Uurgrss Street on the norlbeat corner opposite Jncob i W. W. Davison Son. We uttention to the advertisement of the Harrison; Woolen Mills, to be found on adjoining age.

These M'lls are well, and favorably known in our County. Their popu Sariiy is becoming more extended. All kind of Woi-lin fabrics con be obtained there at manufacturers' price. Tha Messrs. Davison I oy spcciul attention to Custom Work.

Don't Shoot the fq'iirrela. Gentlemen who are fond of bunting should not shoot squirrels daring thii month, fur at (Lis lime of the year none but old squirrels, busy wilh (he care of their young ones, ran be found. Wait until June, whn the young squirrels will be large enough to take care of themselves without their mammas' aid, and then it ill pay to hunting. Auction. I will o(Ir my itock of Dry Goodi, Cloth ing, Hats, Cop, Hosiery, Sic, at public my sture in II rook vi lie, on Saturday, Ma 1 Ith, im, commencing at 1 o'clock and, continue it every Saturday until it is nil closed out.

ilo positive. Terms cah. Jona U. Coolit. Death.

Misi Ediih Dole, daughter of Iter. J. W. Dole, died quite suddenly last Saturday morning of malignant fever. She was an interesting young lady, a successful school teacher, and highly esteemed in our communii, where she was well known.

Her funeral took place on the following Sabbath morning. Services were held in the M. E. Church, where an appropriate sermon was preached by the lie v. Mr.

Tinste, followed by the reading of a biographical sketch by the Ker. iVof. Martin. A very large number of people were in attendance. Whitconb Items.

DT. S. Jaques and Wra. Myers have just received at their new establishment a lot of Fancy Dry Goods and Groceries. Eli Myers bat juit erected a new dwelling.

Leonard Murch is making an addition to his dwelling bouse. M. A. Covington ia repairing his house, putting up yard fence, ic. John A.

Colescotl anL-many other citizens of Whitcomb return their thanks to the Hon. Geo. W. Julian for valuable public documents and papers. tuTThcre is a good opening for a tailor at as Mr.

O. W. Adams, tbe former tailor there, has removed tn Green. burg. Aaci, Citrus, oa Iktksmittrst Fsvaa ewred, orthamonsy rsfundsd.

Da. Wm'a Ague Tills are totlrtljr a new utsdicina, and having: btva trltd ia over 1 200 of the vor wont and obstinate easts Cbiils and Fsvsr, sad not failed even la on ras to Boot a spssdj cure, tbe proprietor Kuaranlses tbeut to euro srorj orsn after ail olbsr uodlcloss fall. These suffering should lui moJiaUty pjlve a trial. Tboy aro warranted to euro. Vor sale bj or sont by wall on receiptor tbo price, $1.

Address Da. Witt, Do 611, 'mall, Ohio. CT tt. nowWiJfOil by Pbyslolans, Druggists, an 1 joJj olio who evsr used tt, that I)r. fcHrL.ti.od Couatr Dalsam will eoro Coughs, CoIJi, Asthma, aa all hsass of tbo Throat aad Lungs, qulcksr and bettor than- any other romiy knon.

Wo would roeommoad oaf realtors to try Ibis great romcJ, kbwlog It to to A ISO. 1. TWO-WHEELED LIGHT K90HER With Doudli Jointed Cuttch Dar, LirTiNd Lsvtn, and I'atknt Tilt-iNti Lcveii l'on Setting tur Cdttino Edoe at ant an. OLK WHILE IN RA Till MOTIO.V Warranted to Cut nil grand iii the wont placet and comlitiont Closet, CUanrr, and Fatter than any other Moxa er in market. Offered on trial with any Other Mower through the This popular maohlne has attalnol a posttton and eharaotsr, ssoond to no othsr tieparate Mow irlo tht onuotry, and now rivals tbo tJolMtaker Io popnlarlty.

Our Mower Is light, nsst, of sasy draft, eotn paet, simple and durable. Two driving wheels giro continuous motion to the Kalfeon tbo rough-it ground. The euttsr bar is doubtsd Jolotsd to euton tboap slope of a hill, walls tbo wbools aro In tbo hollow, or oa tbo down slope while the wheels are on the rlJgo, and fulls up wtieu not euttlag. TUt FATXNT TILTISO LIVER. ttl beflullaf feiture Is the ssoonJ lever eloietat tbo driver's whloh tbe points of the guards eao bo tiltsd up or down at any angle Instantly, and white In rapid enabling the oporator to lower tb suiting lgs and plea up every ipesr of grass la hollow, or to tilt up the edge and pM over a stono or ant hill Utting where others dare not venture, and keeping the edge of tbo knlfo auharinad from grulhihf among stcnes and dirt.

C. li.McCOItMIOlv fc 111103. J. C. BERING, Agent, Whlloomb, Ind.

Ma 3-2m. wool! wooir Harrison Steam Woolen Mills. nAVIXtl more than doabled our eapnelty for nianufaeturing, (having put In our will a large amount of the latest improved machinery,) we aro prepared to do as good work as any au 111 tn the ouuntry, such as CqrDIpjj, illc'itnog, Set. Wo have on hand at all times a large slock of our own make of goods, vis. SiUlnc.Us, Joans, ajasslmcrcs, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, PLAID AND PLAIN FLANNELS Stocking Urns, Ac, Whish we will sell at ths lowsst markst prices for van, vr id ricunnn ior 001.

AVo are thankful for past lavors, and ask a con tinuance of the same. Cash sid for Wool, and work done at the shortest notice. Fpsclal attention paid to all kinds of Cm torn Harrison, May1 3, HEEFI HEHF! flMIK undonined having oieasd a regular Meat s. Storoln LrookvlIIe, will furilsh their custo mers moat nt all hours. Wo will pay tbe market prioo for I ens and country Usoon Terms Invariably Cash.

Mar Stf AUNDLD Jt WARD. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. A tlood Frame tlouao and Lot ia Mt. Curiuol for snle. JIouis contains three roonr, good lot, and In a pleasant curt nf the town.

The huuie Is In sT'od onlur. l'rlr $A00 io psyiuents. For par liculars, enqulro nf John lltou, Mt. Citruial, or adJrwss Jsmes Dalton, In Cincinnati, box 2211. ap 25 3w CO-PAUTNEKSHIl'.

HMIR under. Igned takee pleasure In Informing hi, rrtends tbot bo has amoatated with him In tba Wholeralo Liquor builno's, Mr. Uvorge hehlspp, under the Drm natu of i rank A. als Jl leorgo c-M Thankful tor tormrr pntrensfo, ho reipootfully tiks fur a transfer of same to the new firm. l'HANK A.

WALZ. Brook-Iii, Apr. 19, IHriT Sw W'huhtalt. 1cahrt in Ionign and Vumtt- Tic 11 tuet and Liquors, perlfully tnforra Ploon Keept rs and Groeors IV et Hrookvlllo and surrounding country that they are prepared to furnish theru with the best anilities lues and Liquor at le.s than tin-oVmtl SHee Vinegar lorsaleby the barrel or half Isrrel. 11 A A.


GRAIN WANTED! AT 'Villi U. l. HValOT! The undersigned is prepared to purchase all the Wheat, torn, Darier, Kje, Oats, AND OTHER GRAINS, that mny lo brought to markst. Having just erscieu one or FAIRBANKS' CELEBRATED SCALES! be is la readiness to accommodate all wbo may want ecrrevt weights and tasnturts. Farmen can do a little better with their grains at tbo Depot than st any other plnco In Drookvtlte.

Try the espcrl-meut. apl2-tf TUOS. JOHNSTON. MOTHERS! MtKa roca own This jou can do at a coit of IS cents a-pint. Warranted equal to the best In aso.

Approved by the highest meuTtoal authority. The r.eetpe, with full Instructions, sent to any address, o-n-re eelptof Jlcts. Ad Iress, U. J1. HrsKsatcaav dt Co.

Druggists, Pine Orsnjs N. V. Apt 3 tu. CAimiAOK AND IJUdOY A IM FACTO S. Q.

TtOpmn, FAinriELD, INDIANA, 10 eitenslvely engaged In the raaaufaoture of Carriages, buggies, Kulkle, Spring Wagons, and all other kinds of vehicles for tbe eoufort and aooorotnodation of the publie. They have the largest and ronst enmplete ea tabllihmanl for the maoafaeture of these articles, and aro prepared to turn out an order Io as short time, and IB as worktnsnllke and substantial manner as ean be had at any manufso'ory at Clh etonatl, and at as fair and wore aeeommodating terms. They employ a eoinpetsat set of bands throughout all departments of the business. All work warranted. Rr pairing doae ea short oottoe Bales-room at We have la eonneetlon with our establishment a lsls-rottn In Urookvllls, to the wareroou In.

mediately la the rear of Rockefeller's store, and opposite the Valley House Ltvery table, where wo will keep on hand at all limes, Carriages, Hug. gles, of tbe most approved styles on eahIM tion and for sale. Persons desiring a good article In our Hoe ean bo aoeommodated on good terms. In our absence at Urookville, Mr. Aivm Tue as will sell for as.

apSA 4m MT. CAHMLSr, STOVE AND TIN SHOP. v.U-.'" LaRuo Brother WOULD rerpeetfully direct the attention of all persons in want of TIN WARE OltSTOYFS OF ANY to theiratsortmt rjt.atthetrSlrp in Mt.Carmel where tbey keep eot stantly tin bsnd a Urea sto of everything In their line of Lqiiaeis. Ibt will also put op to order, TlnI.oonn?,CuncrInp; Srcntlrp. They are also Agents for the isle of Adams's rumps.

Also Agents lor Mswald Alctatlio boles and It eels, bu they will soil cllber wbole isle or retail. They nlfar all articles In their Ptore at most rtasonablscash prices, and their work tawsrrsnt- ed to give satlsraclion. Orders respectfully solicit ed. Also, put up LIQHTNINO RODS at Ucts. per toot and i per point.

Apr 10, New Marble Shop, JiUUUIVVlJsLK, IIANNAN Have eommenred operations at tbelr new Marlis Works on the Et Ida vt Main Ilurgens Street, sbutn or lue ruucbqusro, wnere laij aro ready to du ctdsrs ror MONUMENTS, TOCBSTONES, i tias 'x a and every thln, elre In that line of hulncs. Itelng both practical workmen vt intny yesrs, experience, tbvy ptoial.e to jjhe sntiifaoilon to their customers. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. XV rmpeoirully eolirit I tie pelrunage of the publio through our traveling a-enti, J. U.

Dole aai A. J. Uvaiuui. JOSEPH HANNAH, JU11N Still Lh II Apr 13 1867-1 iron aaawtMBieaBi LATH, SIUXCLLS andJ)RY L13IBER of the beet qunlity, constantly on hand and fur sale by A WAMS A UltOTll Kits, at their inw Mill 3J utiles North West or l.aurt In.lUna. ADAMS iUUUIlIEItS.

Mar 29, 1807-lj AFFLICTED I SUFFEIl NO MORH. Wben by the use of DR. JOIN VILI.E'S ELIXIR you can be cured permaritnlljr, and at a trlaing coat. lbs sstonlihing success which hssattended this invaluable moJioine for 1'hjsical and Nervous Weaknets, Ucneral Debility and Prostration. Loss of Muscular Energy, any of the cunietjueDcei ofyoutbful indincretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered.

It will romove all norvons afTrctlons, depres lion, excitement, incapa' Ity study or baiincss, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self destruction, fears of insnnlty, An. It will restore tbe appetite, renew tbe henlth of those who bave destroyed it by tensual exerss or evil practices. Ytung Men, be hum'juergod no more by "QuAck Doctor" and Ignorant practitioners, but send withoat delay for ths Elixir, and be at vnco restored to health and hspplness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in erery Instance. Price (I, or four bottles to one ad Iress, Onebottle Issudlcicot tocQcct a cure In all ordinary eases.

ALSO, DR. JOrNVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and pcrmaneut euro of Gonorrhea, Oloct, Urethral Ditrhnrcc, Uravcl, Stricture, and all affections of the Kl ii.eysaud II i. n. .1... They aro prepared from vegetable exir.aots tlrfeT are harmless on tue syetem, and never nauseate the i loot Ich or tiiiprcnAto i Ii No change of diet I nesessary whilo uor dots thoir action In any mannet wirb business pursuits.

Price $1 per boi. Either of tbe above mention) I articles will he sent to any address, ctonely sealed, and pout-paid by mall or express, on receipt of price. Adircas all order to DEUUER, SHUTT3 A ChMtt No. 2ii Troy, S. V.

fcbl5 1y There rometh glad tiiinf of Jot to alt, Tn young and in old, to great sod to small; The beauty which once was so precious aud rare, Is fieo for all, and all may Lo fair. Dr tur rs or CIIASTELLAll'S. WHITE LIQUID For Improving and licsutlfrlrg the Complex ion. The most valuable snd perfect preparation In nso, for giving tbe skin a beautiful pearl like tint, that Is only found In youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Piui les, Itlotcbes, Moth Patches, Hallownens, hruptlons, ami all ltn urlllcs or the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the skin white and clear si alabaster.

Its uso csn not te detected by the closest scrntinr, and being a vegetable preparation Is perfectly It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and Is considered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect tollat. t'pwsrds of 30,000 bottles wore sold during the past year, a) snmclout guarantee of Its efilcacy, Price only 7i eents. Kent by tnall, post-paid, on reeslptof an order, bv ItiiUOEll, Sil UT IS febl ly 2tO Hirer Y. K0TICK TO FAUUElfs. HIGH EAT market prlc for Corn, Re, at the Droektlllc DlitiUrrr.

yrlJ-tf. r'n w. i r. THE PATENT MANU A CTO A ARK ROOM 8 1ST and 1S9 Bower)', (alovo Dclutipy,) NEW YORK. MANNER CO.

ii.Tivn pvrv.vM i.u.ri nvn tm.ui.- tie Impruveuuv is on Planus and added Urgsly to i pii rvT i on loneiTe iru nie ir uiin.ii. tarlnir. are fro hrenared to luroish to tho Trade, or at r-tfll, tbelr GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PATENT Ah I ON PIANO FORTES, Which they otter with all the usual guarantees, In competition with tbe rteluway, t'hlckerlng, rr any other flrst-elass piano, believing as they do that tha Arlon is superior tu any ollu'r. Read below the ArtloU fiout tbo Uroukln Dally Times. Mr.

Abbott, Orgnll of the CU'iroh of OurSav lour, says of the Arionl Mssars. Manner A Co. have critically examined and sevetal times plnysd upon one of your Arlon PI ano Fortes, and It affords mo much plea. ere to add my testimony In favor of your superior Inttru ments. For elasticity of touoh, for ths sinking qua Itv ao much sought for by artists, and for rlchneas and purity oi lonait Is unexcelled by any piano I have ever used.

J. M.AUHOr, Organist of ths Church of thoEavluur of Druuk Ijo, M. Y. Trof. John W.

Henry Coroll, editor of the American Educational Monthly, saysi Listen, however, to one of anuther class, for example, one of the Arlon Pianos made by Man ner A Co. Dow ur head as tho lass sends forth Its riches, elosr and unblurred) observ the sli.g-ing, swelling melody that In Its middle octaves so wondrensly represents vocal eipieamon, end which predominates above even tbe silvery billllsncy of the upper treble. Than reflect that this is a sctsn tiflcally constructed durable Instrument, and if you hare at homo an ordinary, (mirth-rate Piwtio, whose beauty of tone bad vstl.bed socaer than the lustra of Its varnish, ehlde not your child tor lack of esproxslon, nor wonder when your wife Is playing that she seems t- bave no soul. The In strument as well as the performer must have pow er of expression; a piano, it may almost be sal as wtll as a singer, must have a soul." From "The lirooklyn Daily "We will say that the Arlon Piano Forte Is a very elegant instrument of the largest class and very highly finished. MuHeally, it has a full, lose, and the most powerful that we have ever lUlened to.

Ithas In ahlgbSr degree than any piano that we hare mot with, the sihg-Ing quality or character, that wulcian so much admire snl seeK for in a piano. The boss-notes reminding you of the deep toned notes of a larg organ. 'I ho Mid lie Octaves are more clastie and clear than In most other lanos, owing tu peculiar arrangements that we shall speak of hcrcufier, wiiiie toe upper or trebio note, possess mat purr, distioct, be II Ilk eleafnexs, that Is so neceary to tne correct rondcrintf of dimrult pieces of Mu sie, and that also lunds such a charm to melody. 1 tie Arlon 'Scale Is from A to (., i as to meet all the rtquiroments of modern uiusio, which a seven oe'ave piano will not do. "To obtain power yon must hare sfrenc'h.

hare aitnlccJ ibis in the peculiarity of the frame before alluded to, and in the in tbe diiectlon and on a line with the heavy steel stringing under the 'over-strung 'ibis bar passing beneath tha stringing and running diairou ally from the front right-hand corner, to the buck toll-hand comer of tho ease, gives strength where most necdo I and where most ether pianos fail: In fact tt might not inaptly be termed the spine or berk bono of the piano. "They stand In tune longer than other pianos, io cocci wnica we are a gum enable! by the of our irou Iraiue, to use short pins so that the piano Is strong rloetothe tirert-plnnk; tnusalmost doingaway wilh a leverage slr.uu on the tuning pin, which in soma planne. Is at least three-quarters of an Inch al ovo the pin, c.iuMng the pin lo looKtn, and often bringing it in cor. tuet with the Iron plato. Iho construction of the rct-plank has also a great advantage over llioro of other pianos, In Lcinj-firmed of four sections of hard wood, laid horizontally and nrmly glued Sod f.istcned, the grain of euch sotion crorting the grain of the one next to it In a different line or direction.

So that the tunlng-plns hare the pressure 6f the end wood against tticiu in iirocrion, innklnj It impo.sihle fwi the to loosen itself ai it does wncre it ns a prcssuro ngninst tas sides of the gruiu, as It has la all oth er linos. This, too, pruvett! the rplilllng of tbi wrest plank. "Tho ccnitrurtion of tho c.uo and tho eo.nUna tlon of tbo iron frame therewith, wo alto eUlm as aleaew and, lubtuved. ll'e loft lower cud i tho frame, being Imbed lid orrti in the.ll I wood, or we bclievo (to uho a technical term) hutted nj-ninat the wrcrt plunk, at oint and on a tine Ju.t lii.l lo of tho line of lfm tuiiing-pln, by which mSans fust, great aidltlonal strength Is guined, srcoiil, tie I rmne being so sunk In thewojj, al Iowa tho trlnglnj (aa before dc.crilicl) to lo cloao lo ino amtthirJ, tbe gr at so I on sought fur by tho trinlc, a lull iron without a posxilility of the tuirgliis evmins: in coniaci, un is ga nel. "Our arrangement is another great itn pruvciaiiit cflcfteJ io a ilmplo Lut ftij ciior aiun ner.

A hollAW bar, east with Iheframo und oren Ing on tho underside and estvntllrc alo'iirthe llneof the tuning-pins, Ims Quod Inf it a revers ed wooden bridge, in vil li iho bridge pln are In-vrtO'l. This rtverreil Irl. Ice. Lcin a trillo lower than th nre.t'i 'utik, glrs an tii ward es i aisu a i ii a ot.ri.'ig io uie ami ty tuts admliaLle arrsnj-emtht tn is oklnined that gives a firm po.nlun to the airings that no blow troin the hammer ran iH-laie. A similar Ian on on iron hediltng bus tx-cn i i fre nttcuipted, but ulttsys ta connection pith tho complieitlud under-dstuipers, wUlch aAtWAf baujuie dirpluecd uud out of order.

"In tho Arlon Piano we mo the Prenyl damp. or, universally ceknowledged as tlie bp.t, rt-l'ng iroin their own welgtit alone, liiey ere firinly hinged, ami tun movo neiiher to tho rl'it imr to the left, but oalv in the direction rrqn rd. Thus it will bo scon that ur acr.ilfe arr.inj-tmsnt in complete, if only in Jtuclf it in all i.s Cur. nso- tlon uh other parts or (he action. "With other ogrcflcs now in vir, there are sev eral diliiruliics that can not be itmttHcd.

Hrt, tho ire firings run throush an eye iuthet'p a or pin, ainl murt lit tte exactly; it will crvato an uiifilo i. iot, s.itiid. The snino dilhcully Is apt Irr hen, lioia ton si ant sifiiitr, th upon the string lessens in its size, or the conitsnt vibrjtiion uh the iusido of the eye veora the eye larger. "Tbe screw or pin, too, for the sstce rcsson (constant vibrstion on it) will at times becomo loose and cuu'o an unplenant jarring to tho chur In. one of thene duadvant.iges can happcu to the Arion Sf-rafTe." We lime above c'vrn Mr.

Manner's claims for tho superiority of the Arlon Piano Fortes and hi objections to other Uno, in nearly h's own t. ar.d bo was very rciiy to taKe ui throu-h out tho fjc'ory and ctplnln all tho dITercnt de- paitir.cats of it to us. Ho had a fjir ehinca of judgicgof its met its, and think tbe claims of the Arion nre well outed. it Is at least uns ol ihe very lest planes b.foro the public. uiiy imcs.

A II of our Pianos will be fr.i.ked withtLencw self-acting prop tiok UdI up Iho top of tho P.aito. The patent for Lit-h, n. n'rt tho t-cet for tSa Arlon, tjowno bv us lor Illu5trated Ptice List. MANNER tO 137 and ISO Dor.cry, npr l'J-Uu NLV UHiK. Laurel to (lie Rescue! ATTENTIONJZVERYBOOYl I have now on hand and ant for SkU A largo assortment of Clocks, "atehc3 nml Jewelry, Finger Kin, Thimlles, Silver Tea ami Tabic Sjioons, and SPECTACLES TO EDIT ALL 6I0UTS.

Persons In need of any of the bove goods will do well to eall and cjsrnit.e my sluek lefois purchasing elsewhere. I ein furnish farmers with a good, durable weight CLOCK, Tor fiout 5 to if 8. llCDalrlnc of all Kinds Promptl)-Attendi-a To. N.D. I will pay eush rr work for Oold nnd Silver.

LAWRENCE It I NO. novB-ly n. iL a Croo Ic i fl vd i Nil Mi I NER SHOP. Mrs. En In Miss Borrkkninn, Stein Firrel, three dbois Eouth of the Coltcse, Call and see th.m.

aplO-Sn A BARK CHAM 10 INYtSTI rhlIK telng dslrous of changing his J. buslne'S and oraMon, will sell at poeltively ruinous prli'cs the following valuable Town Piop. erti Tbe and Tin Storo Hulldlnk. situated at the best lusine.s point In Hrookvlllo, twenty-one fuct frant and forty Ave fee. deep, three stories hlh, an I bhill of ths best brick.

It la well adapted to any klod (f btmlnca, and affords a rare chance to wake ptflog tavestmeiit fur rent ur uo. Aim, The Fudge. an entire new building, three stories containing thirty-two rooms, all well and newly far nUhed. It Is the nearest Hotel to tho Railroad Depot, situated In a favorable location, and bas the best run ol patronage of any Hotel In the country. Persons (toaltinir to niter Into the business will be unable to find a Leiter ppurlunlty than this. Four Vacant Village Lois hingen the main street In tho upper sod of town. These lots con In one and a quarter acres of ground, and ate well sot with trees and shrubbery. Thoae Intending lu build or anxioue to so euro property Its advancement in value, should not ncgluot t-Is oppnrlunltv. THE TERMS OF FALI5 will he ma le ety, anl tho price of eaeh Uoa ef property which ill be sold separately or together, lo snlt purchs'nr, III ha put extremely low. Addrtss or enquire of JOIIV U.

riTDIR, or HENRY C. MANNA, iMf J'r'-vWvllI, Inj. nr ALL' SUFFERERS "vT3 wTVosm 1'ulmbnnrn ftliinr, Ximi Ullllm mu I it II ttr 'hrHn tHwrili if uinf notnrr, ami nil trhn 'ihl t'nt-m ire irirtrJ, rHihrlwj nrfimrj Ell VOL'S TO AU IS VIOOJt AlOlt, aas nms'Tiv vo ia ran 'ill WIS A. HYPOPHOSPHITES tux srscirie Utui tv 10 isr stj i1 ist 1 NERVOUS DEOILITY. aero Tula, Ait'ims, D-onehilit, Dytpopsls, Paralysis, Less or Aoptite, Chlorotis.

Mr.rnus Ws.tin, Liver an Kidney Rickets Dvtbility sif IS or. ing onit l'rernsocv( end ail Asrvous and llloott Eyelf uts. tTT Tits Ticmr-dy has been tested for vtiih, kh tuPASALlsiso I a sua skxal or MKiitcixs." lis action ie two-fold and Hrannci on the mo iNfa.iio tas raitfrir-ia that conatiuti UVOfi KN KTtdY end on tU oilirr.aiethnl(wr I'OWKKl V. LI.OOl) AOKN'IH KSOWX. 1 a li.e'i ass of It in the tn-iiMl ttatrt of CoKavvrTin.

ia the Heia, and tho Lxrr.rTiuX." IKY ll. rT rr.ICnS: In snd TWtl.a,l snllench. 'I kl ee Ivk'i er ais null lUillies, fr I I jr J3T Circulars nnil Advlco Kree. j3 8 ild bj: all rc.p"Hiih'e Drinn-ixt, snd Whi1cals at I'm Koli lie in tho t'nrte I Hutra, tv the klinufno-t irers, J. Wlt IIKSJ1 l.ll iL 1 Joua bt, M.

tJ wUoui all ordvis ahould be aU.lrcswd. OXTocr Store. a I I A A A II A In the I udye lhnhlug T.nnr on hand and fnnala IA. Vte.h KUh, Cutter, tgs, Apptrs, dried and green, I. anion, reaches, driod and canned, Oranges, Prenh Rye Drond, C.raU"rs, Maj.le tSugar and l'lckles; Potatoes', Raisins, Prunes, All kin Is of Nuts, Pried Currants, Alt kinds of Vegetables, Hum's cut to suit mar2r-tf FOUTZ'8 CXLSSSSTID norso Cattle Powflers.

This preparation, Inner and favora4iljr known, olll thoroughly rrluvlgorat brokendoan and Insr-SjilrlUd borars, rtrrns-llicnlna and rli-ainlrr ll.e stnniadi and lutes-tlnrs. It Is a sore fr' Vrntlve tt all 11. en-a Incldi-nt li ('! siilm-l, dirh as Ll.Nf. IE LR, 0LA.l)RS, (', II A. II A Krt, i il ll 4, ls.

KM I' Kit. m. Kill" urn )K a I AMI VITAL K.VKKiiY.ko. Us uij Imjirmr. tha wind, gWfS in ii i ii noil mr wjj gv skm and ju.r-J0S uii' tho wTutUTei r.iU.rnble skiKt Into a f.iip looking and spirited I.

j. -pr of C'oa this rn-sratlon Is InvsloaNe. It iocrixios Hit ijuaurlty uud improves ll.e iiatlly Mii eiailK. it lias provn by actual exierlrarnt to t.iy of milk anl mm cnroi tarntr out. snl niosw ihi butter trm snd ra-rtt.

Ia fultrnlng Caltlr.ltKiveatlirm ffJy IT. 'J "Jfr en appetite, looeena rfir CHiciiiJ-ii: aaakea them thrive much utir. la all nf Swine, such as Coughs, ITcers tQJ iriia nri.r.e as a sreiac. a -J til tfMwJaaWassaMsa -Vi will ba eradicated or eiHlMjr If rfren in t'ine, a certain' and cum lliu lloj Choleia. r.lo C5 Centi per Pane-', or 0 Tap en for Si.

IT at Trent wn.r.rstin Rnrti ad jipimr rrror, Ks. 110 rranklin Et, Baltimore, Tor HnS hy lirnral'ts and Storekeepers throughout tiid Unlkd Biaus. WHOLESALE M. W. IIAILH, Rrookvlllei.

JOHN H. PARK, Citclnnall. novO-Iy CKISPER COrvlA, OL! she was and fair, lih starry ej es, a.Id radiant hair hoe curling tendrils soft, entwined, Lushalued vht fery hisrtf.nJ nisri: For Curling tlic llntr of eiflier Fcx Into avy otiu tslor l.injclcls or Heavy Masfivo Curia. TT n.tnif ihta article Lndies and Oenllaman ean ii Iii ihrinaelttS a tllOUrsnd fold. It la the only aril'-mill ma worn, oin mu can piruigoi l.ulr.

a ml I Ihn aama time fflvalta beautiful a-lna. i l. I. III I appraraiiee. The Cilsptr Coma not only eurls me nair, out iiini nni rieanaee it; la l.lxl.l and r.

perfumed, end Is i i r.k. I i.j -M- I nr llio-v co injuria iiuiw 'i i ii et er Ol. ort ii ti tha Auieri 'im The Crlpef itna will ie eiut to any nddrers, realt'd u.d postpaid for 41. Ad lreis ull orders to W. CLARK OofniMs, No.

Weal l'syetle bt'eetf,) irte, N. Y. ly TO Tili: FARMERS OF FRANKLIN CO. I am about starting r.p my Dislillery at Meta-I'lnrn, for the- purpose of leaking pure Hour lion Whl-Wy, RhdtViii prepared to pay euli for all nludsnf ilrairr-ai'd'SilOiU vcllMf -lOllS COLTER 1 1 TV Sr4v 2 New IotIiinsr r. vocjici HAS JI'ST CPEN1V A feLOl IIINO in Maiweil'a LuiUing, wksia he Is low exhibiting READY MADE OTH ING Of every dsairlj lion, i Ceileg It at rlslrsasea alio pi II also has all kinds Gcnlleincn'ri FurnlsLlrp; Unt, Cnf, TruiiUs, CALL IN THERK AND rKK II IN noOP-itrn KMPL0VMKNT FOR ALL Or Imc Mitke rT $5 t-') A gems wanted la every Flats, eownt, town, village, and harutel, In the I'.

H. aud Jini-lh provinces. Any entrrprl.lug man, wvuiso, es child ean average Ibe above au.ouut every Orettpaltl light and pleasant) u. travel siihserlptions. Full Imtrueilvns sent to any a 1-disss on receipt of 33 eents.

Tho.e out eui ploy (neu will dud this aa IJaes ufierel. Address, ''Awesiota A I'viatj. ss." ApriJio Pfne lu. Oisnge NT, BROAD GAUGE C)RTTf Hi ATLANTIC GRKATVF.aSTi:iS: RAILWAY! Jr UlUMNA, Or Oai'iN, AlANintLD, or Ol COLKf, or to CU itOU rirrsnuhofi, ru I lad l.i.riiiA, a. WAIIINGTUX CITT.

This Is the only oute to the Oil Regions or rrniujlvanla! PASSKNOKRSwho w.h a Q.t ck and Con.r.ita. bio Trip III appreiait tho and Xetfeel' Track, the Luxurious tbe Mag-ill'-cent bleeping Coaches, the LxcelUnt Lining II Iis, with ample time ior Meal, od tue Prvnpi Time and t-'ure Connect rons I tha Atlantic Ct. Weslcrn Ratlns-. Faro as low and Tim as Quick as ly any otaef' Rouie. Through Tickdi afld fiofyaje Cheelt No.

Broadway, Nw York; No. IS Slate trees' and 3i School Etieel, floHoni lirpi and L'aioa' Ofliees, Clevelandj Clark K.e liiag: In Cincinnati, at No. Writ Frar'bMrrcli N. K. eor.

Droadway and Front tstrett IIS Viae Street; et U.U. Mull Line Sionmer Lairing fowl, of Vino (Street, and at New pari en p-r the Cincinnati, Hamilton St Dayton Railway) lo Louisville, at ft. W. por.M.l'n o.d TllrcY Fouith fftieet, Inl atme I feces if P. MrL AREN, Oen'lCepf.

FULLER, (ien'l Tieket Agent. marl ly ASTROLOGY. Tho World Astonished AT TIIK WONDKi'l lM. RKtift k4Ui( MA DK liY TJl (i UDAT I f.tffc h' MADAME H. A.

the reveals secrets no mortal ever knew, fhe restores to hapidncrS tlri.e who, frnm doleful catastrophes, erofe In Ii a vt rela tions and friends, loss nf mcnev, e. have neeome tcspondunt. hhe Ii retaer tit fp arated, glvea Infi filiation coteti stseMliirinls er losers, reatores loit or sinluii lin t'i rly. telle you tbe business on are lest quailed to pursue and in what you will oo most surees mi, csu.aee speedy inarilsges and UU jou ll.e teiy asy a will marry. irie you ibe tism.

Iikeress ant characteristics of the renon. bhe year vory tbougM, auii tier ain int aitf ernstarrr. powers unveils the U.ttk and hidden myrteries ef the future, rrotn Ihe start we treioiDO r.rroa. nent the inikfie stars that oveiccms or pirdon Inate In the cor.f.guratiun fn mibe rrjctsee4 positions of the pUnils and tbe id tU la ike heavocs at the time of birth, ska tttvet tb f-mre destiny of man. Fail Dot fj eotfJlt III greatest Astro'cgirl oo eattV.

It ct ta you but at liiflc, i you mny ricv'er igsin have so rsvr.rable an dpj rt luity. Cuneultatiou fee, With IrVenesi uid all l'aities living at a disttnc can eor.ult the AI da me by loait with enual and satisfaction tu themrelte, as If In persor. A fuilaiid licit chart, written out. with all inniilrii'S answered ar.d hkeness closed, sent by mail on reecipt of price mit rtt Tho stiictsi eeeie.y will Ie mail Isicrd, an ail entree onilctn rrtumed or lrit d.

hefereneea ot the l.ifel.ct triter ii.ti.WI to HrO Jttkirlnc tin in. sites plainly tie day mmith and ljr in ehich you eie lorr.trrK r.g 4 fui.ill 'x cl hair. Address, JW A. rr ftb22-Ty T. B.

r. esss ADAMS IICIIRY, QliP.uoK vii.i.f, Office over Goilions Store; r-srll-T aT IC AT LAW, 0 0 1 IMHAKA fc-VuOflce over WelUr'e liaidaare bteieV Janil-y. FUDGE UUOOKV1LLE I I) A iN At II RE31V, liorillKTOR; aug.S ly. DRY GOODS) (ai'octiifs, ATOOlTEtVS CORNEfit SAF.IUEL COLTER HAVIMi jurchorct i.iIm. Ii ti ri l.i t' ii at Colter's t'onmr, i- st frotS 1 biltioilj Iiis a iaio I.J Uiut L.tonll i i.l tah cf "till which ho at the lowest ma.ket i-e.

His' as'orliiieitt of C'p. are, Juc ii. Walt', tlrorerrt 1 ei liipU to lu In 1 1. te supj livd I. t.s l.iiU'.'.

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