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The Lubbock Avalanche from Lubbock, Texas • Page 20

Lubbock, Texas
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AFTER GRIP WINTKK COLDS DAD HLOOD You are pale, thin, w-ak with litUo vitulity. Your liver hIub mart nl the bml blood cnum-s your stomach inuwlra lowi thrir elan- ucity and In-come Hubby unj weak then iiul.iri'nuiiii. lr. IVrce'a (Jolih-n M-tlicnl I)ift-eovery, mails from wild rmiM ami barks, ami free from alcohol or narcotics, tin (mat and power ul blixKl puriVr of to-dny ent pnntt- cn wraejHT. This" tonic, in lijid br tubli-t forfn, is just what ytyi rui'd' to gwe you vim, vitfor ana vitality.

Tak the 1 fry' as directed antj it will aearci OiH impure und poiuonoua mutter, thfousliout the system and laminate it through the natural cbutuula. You can prrtctte 4 tr'wi package of the tabUM. by MriiHnif 10c. to the Invalids' Hotel, Butfalo, N. Y.

Oklahoma City. 0ku. "Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has been a family remedy in our family for yean. My father had a severe cough following pneumonia, lie was told to use 'Golden Medical Discovery' and by following it up faithfully to the extend of four bottles he was cured. "Last winter when I had a cough I took the 'Discovery' and it cured me in a short time.

In fact, all our family use it whenever we have a hard cold or cough." Mrs. R. D. Rose, 419 West Chickasha Street. AFPFLLATE COURT Of If A NO.

AKOO HELD SESSION A trial by a Jury of twelve in which ths court assumed authority at the u-ri-me appellate court of the prov. inro of Kungaroo, convened in spec-ml session liixt Siiiiilny evening? with Hun. G. K. Wiitkin.

local jeweler, as Yt Honor. The ruse was whore an unknown I'liitntity charged Elinor Herd with the olfcnxe of "rohhinir God of loth time and nioiiry." The case wnt hroinrhl to trnil tin- Cumberland Itcshyterian rhurrh Mt 7 whfn hoth union reported ready for trial. Selection of a jury of twelve hoy iiml irirln was hurriedly made. Tho dertfense summoned Mischs Irma I'ryor, Gladys Collins nml Klzada Orcaser as witnesses. Cross-erunnna-tion of tho witnewes wm stringent.

Carter Collin home the prosecuting attorney. Attorney K. W. Groce ex-iimined Misses Ruby Seek, Viririe Karhart, and Ethel ltrcsser, also wit-nesses for defendant and mnde a vigorous defense in behalf of Mr. Herd, the accused.

After about an hour the cane wn turned over to the jury which unanimously pronounced Mr. Herd not iruilty. Evidence waa offered that proved that Mr. Herd was tithinfr and that he was conscientious church worker. Court was then adjourned.

STOP THAT ACHE! Mart Key, Terry County fanner, as here the first of this week at tending to business matters. Mr. Key states that good rains fell over his portion of the country last week and that farmers are very busy indeed planting crops. NOTICE 1 Repulartservicewill be held in the Episcopal qhurchTiext Sunday morning. Commhnioy at 10 a.

m. Morning prayer sit 0:30 a. m. The public is cortli.gly invited. WM.TARNER, Arch Deacon.

"A Wonderful Woman Doing a Won-Jarful Work," Now la Our City One Week. Don't worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid of that pain and lameness Use poan's Kidney Pills. Many grateful people have used them and know hoy effective they are. Ask your nefyrhbor! Here's a convincing cssaf Mrs.

Taylor. Main Pa-ducsh, Tenuis, says: "Last spring my back and khiQeya- were in awful shape. It waailjiost impossible for me to git up when I was dowti on account xuarbakk hurting, so and there wat just a kteaafy acne there Jtwair tas-for me to ework afd tnttiTTte I kiif Lke. Jains would the WnaN my iack. making it hard Sr me to -jraisl up sgain.

My kidneys pere lrrecular in action ana tnere wsye omer annoying symptoms of kjdriey ilmprder. I thed different rentedids, ilfeout help until one of the famlj sVive me Doan's Kidney fills. TW first few did me so much good, I continued their use. Ore box of Doan's Kidney Tills cused me entirely. I have had no return of the trouble." 60c, at all dealers.

Buffalo, N. Y. ZSK "yl rnouuuNO 6- HEFININC (0 all the tinil do my hod stooped catch me is CANYON COUNCIL Have your head examined You'll be sorry if you don't What are yu c'd for. Preacher, Farmer, Doctor or the law? Go rTnime Lilla D. Windsor, if.

I'h. U. ire at erfihrenolo-Ix-i turer krftTinous Author, ind have herC your taltfits. She kill tell yojrwhat trade occupa tion suifeed in as your life i 4orlrrThis in invaluable. iV'n't neglect Stub opportunity, as I thk rijfht way lads to heulth, weulth I anifiappinethe wrung way to mis-1 ery, 'vetkry and poverty.

Which way wt'r fiiu (fl Consult Madame i Windsor at oncel aa she is only in i the city for a fi davs. I.earn the facts, make money. A few dollars Bpent now means hundreds in the future. Se Madame Windsor and learn the secret" of life, happiness. and success.

Bring your children, the yount'cr the child the greater the' benefits of a phrenological reading 1 Phrenology savt the lives of old and i young and makes you a xuoress. I Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.

Call to-! day. Prices to suit all. Investigate free. Merrill Hotel Room 52. Program for the Canyon Commun- ity Council, Eridey evening, June i 4th, 7::0 p.

1. Music Mr. and Mrs. will Green. 2.

Reading Miss Hazel Green. 3. Music Prof Toney I. Dyess. 4.

Discussion The Lubbock County Fair, Ceo. W. Briggs. 5. Muhic Mrs.

Will Green. 6. Discussion The advantages of a county fair to a community, Pat Nix. 7. Mimic Prof.

Dyess. 8. What the Canyon community ran do to help muke the Lubbock t'ountv Fair a succesn, J. P. Wehb.

9. 'Music Mr. and Mrs. Will Green. 10.

General discussion. 11. Music Prof. Dyess. Henry Webb, Secretary.

FTP T7 A TN II 1 CHANCE I In the whole field of medicine there is not a heuiifirefrMdy that will repair damage to toe fli'Vi more quickly than BALLADS Vn'OW LINIMENT. In cufc, youiifcs, sprains, bums, scalds and krheia.iatism, its healing and pejietfatin power is extraordinary. JUJyrill druggists. F. Boyd of Crosbyton, was here last Friilay and Saturday attending to business matters.

District Court convened Monday morning of this week in Post. Piles Cu OrnatflMi rv (and toturp luJliiiiL UliO'l Instantly lu Of course, if the cost too much for you, you a hunger strike and let ment feed you by force. reJ 6 to A Days NTMEVT faii Awnilinjl Pur Sai yju iving gets declare govern- Imitators of None Rrif Special Strictly a crrenl drinlc special man Rrif made it so. Reif's spr-cia) Imitates no old man cereal drink and is ompounded brands of would-be imitators. 'fire-proof" because brand of from all other F.

DStockbridge, Mgr. Lubbock, Texas To Buy Stock in the Ok-In Producing Refining Company at Will Advance on June 10th Shareholders in Ok-In Producing: Refining Company are entitled to and piven an identification card which, when presented at any Ok-In station, a discount is piven of one cent under the market on EACH GALLON of gasoline bought. Further, the shares participate in all properties the company now owns, including the 2000-barrel (daily) refinery now purchased and soon to be in operation at Fort Worth. BUY NOW For information see local representative at Hotel Merrill or write Postofiice Box 911, Lubbock, Texas. OK-IN PRODUCING REFINING COMPANY THE TYPE OF MEN WHO ARE MANAGING AND BACKING THE OK-IN PRODUCING AND REFINING COMPANY The officer of the Ok-In Producing Sl Re fining- Company are all men of wide experience and of h'h moral character und f.rutn-riul standing GEO.

WHITEMORE MERRILL. Pres. and Cen. Mpr Oil Producer and Refiner. WM.

LEONARD PROPST. ec'y -Treas. former Banker and refiner. FRANK W. RICHARDS.

Vice-President, Coal Mininp Capitalist; Terre Haute, T. M. ELKIN. Vice Pres. Texas Banker; PufTau.

Texas C. C. BAILEY, Texas Ranker. For information see local representative at Hotel Merrill, or write postoflice box 941, Lubbock, Texas. Home Office Fort Worth, Texas (SO "Ofi.

LUBBOCK MAN SEES CUT SALES IN KANSAS CITY J. E. Harris. i of this city, formerly in business here, returned the latter part of last week from an extended visit to Omaha, St. Iouis and Kansas City.

According to Mr. Garrison there is much restlessness and uneasiness among the firms, especially dry poods, in the cities visited by him. He says that nearly every establishment in Kansas City started a cut price sale of goods more than a week ago. In speaking of the almost unanimous cutting of prices by the merchants of Kansas ity, Mr. C.arrison says "that one morning one of the larpe establishments put out advertising matter telling of a 25 per cent price reduction.

The next day a competitor advertised a reduction of 50 per cent, until every store in the city was advertising cut prices." Mr. Garrison states that business is no better because of the sales and that people are staying off the market awaiting heavier reductions. LAWtr SILK HOSIERY AnothrAini'ment just received by L. E. HLNTlfc CO.

481 The Bet Harness is Made in Or Shop HARNESS, BRIDLES and LINES Did you know that we are putting ovt section of the country? You will rt torn 1 I of the finest HARNESS ever sold in this red if you will call and tee what we make. IF YOU DID NOT TAKE ADVAlpAGE iOTHAT EXTRA GOOD PRICE ON UNES AND BUND BRIDliA ADVrlRTIilDlLAST WEEK, YOU SHOULD COME AT ONCE AND BUY. YOU wII.LI.IKELYJJOT HAVE ANOTHF.R OfTOR. TUNITY SOON TO BUY AT yJ-SE URF3. MOORE BROTHERS North Side Srare PHONE 89 1-iJikMHk, Temae rur Miliars And unnUill At Mimmv I'rtaee Before oft Build Whether yoji arMannin busints house, residence, barn, paragoor anythng, come in and let us figure the bill.

Our wide, and by the aid of practical plans -nave in our office, enables us to save you money manytimes. If it is building matey al, we have it. A. G. McAdams Lumber Company LUBBOCK, TEXAS DISTRICT CONFERENCE IN SESSION AT LAME3A I ReT.

D. C. Rosa, Re. Ceorre W. Shearer, Tom W.

Rrabham and Re. J. T. Griswold and Rev. C.

E. Lynn, all ministers of the Methodist church of this city, left Wednesday morn- ins; of this week for Iimesa where they will be In attendance at the district conferrnre. II. it Jons.Jlhe ate-n man, now lo-rate ijJL-ilffr north of Huick f- Mrr Weater, Tpivis ami Catch-ins: of I'roaby delepn'ee to the Htate I onrn'n, pnssed through hers this mTKw home. Get yur dr at our II stftimes for Sun Hunt Grocery o.

Wiltlns an I of Hdver ton, wrr hi-re VV l-'l of lha ek in lm and alirndmtf Is tus-lna niallxts -r I. Ml SI III lITit fcf III NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Our plant is runnirt? daily mnufvefViring coca cola. Whistle, cream soda, orangt soda, strasetcrry soda, rhrrry julep, lemon sour, sweet lerrjrjiar'Tofi' prange smash, peach bounce, (rape conrfcrdOokfaffgrape mtri fcny flavors you may call for in the soft UnnLtneWcXll me glnd to have you call at our pUnt Uny aAilreUle goods made, as we use nothing but thaiifniresl of tuvf etrrts and colors. When in need of anyfhg iii op line, rail 7-3. LUBBOCK CREAMERY D.

StocKhridge, Manager Mrs. William l'c of Concur, Kansas, sister of L. T. Martin and mother sf Mrs. J.

Nuon of the I'armers Nstlonal Haal, hers Tuesday and will spend several days iilios" ft He'd an.l wifs Tsh.i.4. is hr wdiidy sf this IraiiMrl ins loinM an. I vuilmg uk pen I II II I rat.l flrt-r sign man, now lo- north of Huick fa- Hoffman, of Kloydiid. was hers una or days af this Hk silrndtug to enaiaeas matters. Hiirrii and at dl.nn, are Sera Ik's mlin( wilh.

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