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The True Northerner from Paw Paw, Michigan • Page 8

Paw Paw, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Legal, Logal Notioos. Advertisements. Agricultural Implements. E. B.

LongwellLivory. 31. C. K. H.

ATTACH! KXT XOTICK.Ktteor Mich-n-un, the Circuit Court tor Vu Uuren county The Vru lhiren Division of the Toledo aud South Company, t. Mury Aim Henry. Not hereby itvi; that the 10th Uay urn'. A. 1 a attvhment mm duly the I'liVltlt l'r the Vuii ul it of t'uo jir.rt-u DivM -t the Tol Si iitli H-ver.

lV.liv-td Com'-Hiiv, the iiauir.1 pi the ii 'i-, I- i 1, the ft vhi i-ai 1 vrt 1-d fl A. i. (i. 1I1I.TDN. .1 vid chut: 1 Inn, 'In 1 the int.

i r. TttT.oo OuiMir. or tf i JmUi iui Ir. ver. in.

11. l' u.iii luliiaiif, I Drmvu r.iA'U I', Miit pen.l::i: Court for tin' county j( Van ry. at 1'uw, uti thy l'tii day of .1 nt t-. 1 In it LppcunuK aihdalt on hie, that the fen la't i urltoii L. UroWl; ni.d tilicia I.

Hrtiwn iii'i i.ot ef thin htate, but ij tin- tthte lf t)u in. 1. Hi chert, complah.aiit' Hoiieitor, it i nr l-rnl that th appcarum of bald uii-ivhi Ir'j a teLianti Curltou L. brown uud I'itii in J. I inteied huvh: four month- the thi r.l and in cum-of their ajj cane- their answer to the til of -mi l-i'jt to 1-e tiled, au.l coj-y to Herveil lieitr, within lift ecu iln alter lie cu of co-iy of bill unit nothvr vi thiii oiiler: in ault thereof, nail dill will be taeu fci j'iit ceil 1 mi leleii 'aut.

it if further ordered, that within twi d.t i tin cn-ise a of hU oraer't.) I it. Tkik NuaTHKUSEK, tt uewMpju-r i ji.iblixhi-1 and circulatiuy in uid I thtt uiu uMn htion be continued therein rui'h wet-k t'r wis weeks in BueccMniou, or thnt he cius-e C'i cf tin order to be mr cl ai.l (VfeUikLt.s, at h-ast tweidy hefiire tLie at r. for tlieir ran ToH.N;ei;M.n, I for Via Co. UL-h. 1'.

HLCKLKT, solicit; r. OHIr.i; I'Olt I'lXAL AC'C'OI'JVT. i' jiinty oi a- so. Trobat- r.irt f'r Mild County. At a Hemirn of the Probata caM county, held at the Probate orhce, in the vLUa.L'e of Paw Paw, on Saturday, the Hth day of July, in the year of our Lord on- thoitcand eicht hundred and Pren i.

On in N. Hilton. Judye of Probate tiiatter of the estate cf Jaon A. Sheldon, de-cetiMed. O.

H. P. Sheldon, executor tf the last will and tustaviient of naid deceased, coiuen luto oo.wt and rerereut4 that i now irejur 1 to his Anal of. at a ei ecu tor. :e.s the it ord-red, that Monday, the lth day of next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, le for ex itninii- aixl allowiatf recount, nnd the heii at law of said deceased, and all other ieioui iut-ivted in naid ehtate, are required to ajjear at a eiou of caid court, then to 1 hold-mi ut the Probate othe in the Mi: of Ptwpaw, in county, and tdiow if any then? be, whv huU accouut should not be allvwed.

And it further ordered, that 'ive uotn to the peoou interve 1 said extate, cf the lendeucy of naid account, and the thereof, lv aiiintf a copy of thi order to be in the Tut Northeunf.h, a ai-r i-rinted and rirc.nlaiiiu iu ald county, three weekn at leant to raid day cf hearing. Ol.P.lN HILTON, A true of Probate. GU'AKIHAVH NALr Ii'the mattrr of the estate of Amelia Oik, au lucoiuit)-tent i-ernoii, Notice i hcrtby thut by vHno of a lictiiMo granted to i by tn Probata t'oiut, for tin-county Van P.ur .1, ot Michigan, 1 will m-11 at juililio vejid'ir, to ti hiyhet bidder, at the front door of tin-curt in tiie illume of Puw Paw, Van Ihuv.i ht of Michigan, on thi Inih of irdit il i tlirhty-thn-e, ut ten o'lioo'i all the- iKht, title and iu- ti of i in s.ii i Au.ilia OU, uid incomiu ti nt i r-t'Mii, hi und following ilefcribcd it ul i r-tatc, to-v, if Thi un'iiid of the went half of the fast half of the quarter of nection i town two M.ut'.i of ranm sixteen li') west, iu the county of Van Unit Hat of Michinau. I'ated nut 'J, J. WILMS NV.

1IOIX1K, (hiardluu of Miid iiicoiui-fttut I'tTHon. fTA kUHAX'S Al.i.--lu the matter of Lf ft-tate of Henry D. Shtrrod, Minnie Wilber Sherrotl, Carrie fcht rrod, aud Vincent sherrod, Minor. i hen by 'iveii, that by lrtue of a llceune granted to bv Probate Court, for tho county of Vuu Luren, htute Micblan, I will m-11, at iu-lic vendue, to the hlxht ht bidder, at the front door of the court houe, in Ulae Paw Paw, in aid county, on the eighteenth day of eighteen hundred and eighty-three, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, 111 the lU'hf, title au-1 interest of aid niluora, in and to the following deficribed real cntnte, tivwit: The nouth nfty-ne (Ml acren of th eat half of the Houth-weht quarter of nectiou tweuty-ciKht, ex-centime a live acre narctd in the north-went comer of mud lifty-rlve acres, ad iu towuMiip threo (3), Bonth of ranirc fourteen 1 1 4 we-t, in Van Hurcn county, Michigan. H.J.

SIIKWiOI), Guardian of nald Hated June 27, ATM of Michigan, Countv of 'an Uuren, hh. At a t-essiou of the Probat Court for tho county of Van Uuren, holdcn ut the robute oifice in the villa of Paw paw, on Monday, day of July, iu the year one thousand eiht hundred and ei'hty-thrc. Preseut, Hon. Otrm N. Hilton, Judk'e of Probate.

In the matter of the of Mark S. aud Lucius II. Woodman, minora, on rt adini? aud filing the petition tiuiy oritied, of Jeor V. Hilton, Kuardian of xai minorrt praying tor reasousi therein stated, that may be Ui fUHeil to il ctrtiiii reul CMtate belouiiiit to sai I nilnot ami In aid ietition more particularly ilemTibul. Thereupon It is ordered, that Monday, the With day of July, lH.l, at ten o'clock iu the fore-noon, be asfiieil for the hearing of said petition, and all pernoiirt interei.ted in nald estate arc required to aj-pear at a t-ession of paid court, then to be holdeu at tins Probave ortioe iu the viilase of Paw Paw, and (how cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should net be Krautrd.

And it is further ordered, that said petitioner Rive uotieoto the perHon inteteited In naid entate, of the pendency of Bai petition, and the hearing thereof, by caiiMmu a copy of this order to be publinhed in the Truk Nokthi rnkh, a newspaper, printeti and circulating la naid county of Van Uuren, for lour miccensive week at least previous to paid day of hearimr. ALl'ltUH J. MILLS, Circuit 70t5oMJ Actiujj ai udge of Probate. cf Michigan, Vt t.ii-". At a f.t-r.-iou of the ir.i,d n-rf f.i- the entintv f.f Van Uuren.

holdeu at tin- Probate, i.i tie viihti; of Paw Paw, on Haturday, th? Hth day of July, in theyear one thousand eitfht hundred and eivhty-thre Pres-ut, Hon. Orrin N. Hilton. Judeof Probate. In the matter of th- estate cf Ivy Loehr et minors.

On realim: au! fi'JLk the i duly verified of Thorn is a nil ah cf xaid minors, praying Ii.r reasons ptatel, that h- may be li-ceused the ite beluEin to aid iniuors. and a. ia sail -tixi ll.oie parti-uiarly dtMi-ril'id. Th. iv is or thkt Mondav.

tiie 'j'th um t. 1-s'i, st ten o'clock iu the forenoon, be asiin.d for ti hearintr 'li'l petition, Lie I- hohhn at of 1'aw, and Wliv til'- oru Vrr of the i i i that sid i ivt ir-. ot the ii ti 'n, i in pri; te i and ai. i.t it i-t ptcxiiis i aid "iay of 7st.u OHIIIN N. oi' 1 r.

day usnii persons iuf pear r.t a ses-i'Mi i tiie nhow it av tetituner i And lunh. notice t'i thr i pelliieiiv of i tit by a of ti. the Ti. I F. 1 Hl l.Nii: en i ul i' i i i i-iiiu Hiei i.t it haiiii.

IIIMSTKATHIX the -Jl matter of the estate of Arthur W. Harbor, deceased. Notice id heceby Riven, that by virtue of a license ranted to me by the Probate Court for the county of Van Buren, state of Michigan, I will Hell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in the illage of Paw Paw, in aid county, ou the Hth day of Srrtemer, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, all the rurbt, title and interest of the said Arthur W. Uarber, deceased, in and to the following described real estate, to wit Tiie north-east quarter of the south-west quarter, section alo the north one acre of the south eighteen acres of the north-west quarter of the south west quarter of said section 3:1 alo the undivided one-half interest iu the south seventeen acrea of the north-west quarter of the south-west quarter In said section auhject to the life estate of Mary Uarber, all of said Uuds beiurf in tawn one (1) "outh of rane fifteen 13 west. Dated July 'Jlst, A.

1. COUA AO 11, ifonuerly Cora Harben, Administratrix. In the matter of the VT o. 1. lilidden, minor.

Notice is hereby ttiat by virtue of a license granted to me by the Probate Court for the county of Van Uuren, state of Michigan, I will sell nt public vendue, to highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in the village of Paw Paw, on the tir.ittlay of Sejitemi ewhteeu huudrisl i.t ten o' lot in the forenoon, all the rhrht, title and interest of tiie said minor in undto the fol-lowin' (lecl ibed estate, to wit An an.Lvid'-d one of the -mitii-east quarter of the of section tw nty-thre i'2'.) i iu township two rj; south of rauye fourteen (11 west, iiu Ihireu countv. Michigan. Ltcd, July 10. OLIVLI; I. (iLIUULN, 7t7osl tiuardian of Said Minor.

uv ri tiiAi or Niu i elr-'iii, iu e.han.u-ry i I i ha ti i -t hi. i 1 i i mil' v-. J. Clark 1 1 at oi. i i.iri..

ot i.l i -i i i nn i i Van ii. i i I i iii. W. V.W.:, tleuU of On i 'o'! licil'iri, i r.on-rt I' V. mov'l'n heir lullof cr.n.

Hel I 'U III that I i i iA the matter of the e-tute t. Mark und Lut ius II. Woodman, miner. Ni tn' i- hen by oven, thi.t by virtue of a liceife k'rant-d to i Court for tl-e county Vi.n of Michian, I will sell, at public nd.i-, to li.he-: bi.i.b at tin1 front tloor t. i 1- in the ill.tu- of Paw Paw iu t.i day of Kci ei-'h- t.

i i.l-.l.ive, St ten i -'clock 111 ei, t.Ce i. int tin n. 1 i j. if. n.ueir, ia at i i 1 1 1 1 -t ati to-a :1 i.

v. 1 b'i Ml: 77 il. i i i' 'n s.iv ti W. iui' '-'-1 iu i e'' oi i- trial i Iv.n-i i 7. .1 t.t 1 villa r.i.

i i. 1 of t. al- in i 'i ah ci.d -tat v. iiiii i 1 it iti oi nod ii.ii. or.

i. iut i rdered that the upj defendant, I'aniillh Haz. le entered herein, T.i:hia t.nir the date order, and iu of that caue tin I'lamt t.i be tiled ami a to: tiiereof to be he coii.plainiint's solicitor-, wit.iin t'. service on them a copy of sai i 1.111 and (i ie-tir is order, and iu default bul will iUt-a confessed by said i.on-it bir.M. A-nl it is further ordered, that vrithi-i swonly ti iv.

the couiplaiuant cause a notice of this ord -r to li-published in the Tut'E Northeksek, a i.rinted, published and cir. in mid and that said publicrticn ci rdu.iiHl therein once in each week, for six weeks in s-iu-cess-. or that he cause a copy of this order si rved on said defendants, tw-nty ihiVH fore th.e time aboe 4 to: their ap;'i.ot. 7i t7oJ ALFl.rD 1'ITCK, Cilciu: Jl. C- tint la in.

ud's I A vl t.if Coiii ump, n.hior. N.Mi-e i lierebv iiven, tnat Ia Lse n.e by the l'ri'bjito Court tor tbe county slate i Micl.iLi;. 1 viil h-11 at pub-, t- the liix-hest bi.hl. at ti.L ln i.t door of in thr 1, ill aye ri' Paw, in said O'l'v, the dry of Se; teta'ut-r, eighteen hundred v. I.

ialitv-threc, nt t'-n oM-kI: forems.n, all ri and interest of tlie said minor in lit to tin desi ribed estaie. Ui V. A iorty acres of the fjaoiionnl turn ir.ree ji 111 ion ci s.iutn county. e-id the 1- Ot' Mich In 7 7 (1) in Vim Uui'l Jt: 17, LMILVA.nVAN, i t.1r.1ian oi J'iin bavlas leen lnade in tho of a certain ir.dohture of inortRajre bearinp: date I KcLruary ii.Vb, A I). ISst).

executed by Arvilla UnuerLiil acd nacruiii, or an naren county, state cf Micbisan, to 11. Hawkins, cf l'aw Tuw, iMicbi-jaa, and recorded in the ollioooftbe register of deeds of Van Uaren county, state of Micbigan, in Liber No. eeven-tcen of Mortgagee, on page 501. on the second dab cf March, A. I).

1330, and the amount now claimed to be due and unpaid on said note and mortgage, bein five bundred and forty-four dollars and forty cent (S11.10,)and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity Having been in-utituted to recover tbo amount now due and unpaid, or any part thereof: Now tberefore, notice is hereby that by a power of sale contair.ed in pud mortgage, there will be sold at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, at the front door of the court Louae. in tbe village of I'aw, Taw. Van county, state of Micbigan, on Saturday, tb fifteenth day of September, 18h3, at twelve o'clock, noon, of said day, the prcinitc-i described in bald mortgage, or so much thereof as shall bo cocofaary to satisfy the amount due on said note and mortgage, with the interest and coati, said premises being described as follows, to-wit: The south half of the north half of tho north-west quarter or section seventeen, excepting ttvo acres on tbo west end of safd land, in townobip one south of range thirteen weot, in Van llaren countv, uiate of Michigan. 7i-t-13-o-N5 V. LTAWKINS, Dated May 13, lbisS.

Mortgagee. 1 lttir T3'. tatr cf 1 V.I1I a Se ol the o'lrt for tin county of Vi.n al the i olh tiie Paw Paw, on I i i luy, ti ry of July, iu the year one thoin-i .11 1 1 1. ti Hint Orr.n N. Hdtou, Jude of Prbat.

In tin- riuroi tee-tate of Mark H. and Lncins H. Voo lii tin. minor. l.tir lo.d nli'iu' j-i-Mt duly 1.

of 'l. Hilt fciuirdia 1 n.incr-. a. for vr stnu-d tint may be liee-i-ii to rtu: t1 stnte lon ii it to the of hoi! ti mi' iti al I pMitiou, inoi- Lilly il'-m ribed. Th reupotj it i-.

ordt-red. thnt Monday, the l.kof AuV'ist, J- at ten 't lock In th4 Jorenoon. U-n 1I1 In a an I p-r 1 ti t. ret I in si i 1 Jo ap. .1 of said Tooif, tin I hol ht t.i-- 'i t- in t'e if av i.J if m.v there b.

the riy of th-p. 1.. .1. 1 r.P I'd 1 I ti'ii'T v. Jnti I ir.

1 tstnte, ttl 1 tl." ii itinu 1. tT r. t.i he pill lisi.t II- Vitt-M t.t -spajr. rintnl 1 1 tr nl it s.rid ty U. i ss r', 1 p-a-t i 1 ol liA.ti):t(i;.

I VrilV J. MILLS. 'bruit le. A ti JitdB-e cf 1 (Lenira rLOi -and 1 1 1 of ne within the Corporation. SACK iu'o.

a Specialty. Li if or.W Holmei A. Splcer', h'. re our I.IjuL" iti lor that purpose. GIMSTS CiUOlJXI).

I l.l.'.ic Ue-I't'Ctfuliy holi. itt d. PAW MICK. LLT AVISL. ') J.

U. hMIUI Walker Hon. flrass hake, siy: Wo flu I Uiowc Iron Uitiera to be all tint li for it." DO. HllCIfS MIHB1I OF 1SI. The followins: tercons ar tome of the xnanv whom, Dr.

lleudrick Las taken from tbe of otlier physicians Tbe Toorman family vi ho were poisoued. Miss Edgar, Adam llamphrer- Miss Mary Jrtrnett, Charles Langdon, Willie Cro3sMr. Wtu.Engle, Mrs. Sanger, Columbus Engle, Misii Sarah Uabcock, Mrs. A.

li. Eaton, Mis. Julia Freeman, Dea. Hopkins, Mrs. Jand Ilrown, Mrs.

Thomas Hnckhout, Mrs. M. Erkenbeck, John Harrison, and "Hilly" lloodemaker's child. By changing doctors they changed ttnir fortunes, some of them even saved their lives. It has come to this in a wide range of territory that when an afflicted one can get no help elsewhere, ho comes to Dr.

Hendrick, and tbe above list shows with, what success. Such things are facts which speak for themselves, and are tbe highest proofs possible, of a physician's skill. No amount of lying from envious competitors, can blacken such a record. It is known and felt that Dr. Hendrick is the sick one's beet hopo.

This is what gives him the widest and best practico of any f-bysician in the county. attention given to diseases of the Lungs. Liver and Kidneys, l'rivate Diseases, 1'iles, Female Complaints, -to all Chronic Diseases. Oftice over Longwell's Drug Store, Paw Taw, Mich. HTCtf.

Lucas Jones Furniture. FURNITURE TIE NEW GOODS AND 1TEW PRICES. REMEMBER- OUR OLD STOCK IS ALL CONE, and WE HAVE JUST FILLED UP WE STORE WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, WIIICII WE SHALL SELL CHEAPER EVER. We are continually adding New Goods, and always have a complete variety of all goods in the-f urnituro line. Call and see our new BUREAUS, LOUNGES, CHAMBER SETS, BABY CRIBS, STANDS.

SOFAS, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS, TABLES, CHAIRS.all kinds PICTURE Frames, MIRRORS, BRACKETS, Etc. We manufacture our own Chairs, and do all kinds of repairing, such as Reseating, Recan-ing, etc. WE WILL NOT BE AND DON'T FORGET IT. Call and Examine before Purchasing Elsewhere Furniture Warcroom, opposite Court House, Paw Paw, Micb. 1130tf Lucas, S.

II. Jonls. I if -v It I'EALERS IN REAPERS, MOWERS HORSE RAKES, And AU Kimls of risnlta! totalis! -REPAIRS- Of all kiuds can lo bad 1j applying to us. Also a Stock of C. R.

Avery Dry Goods, 1 1 is if I And the Celebrated BURRELL WAGONS. All of which we will soil at the Most Reasonable Prices. DO HOT FAIL To give us a cill before you pur chase. All goods guaranteed to suit, or no sale. Threshing1 Machines, We are agents for Gaar Scott and Nichols Shcpard Threshing Machines and Engines.


Holmes Spicer. if AT Dyckman House Barn Having put in ever thing pertaining to a First-class Li very Stock, I am well prepared to supply the public with all kititU of tarn-oute at rwisonable ratt s. I also have in connection a Feed, Sale, and Boarding Stable Farmers will always find the U-st of llay and Grain, and reliable bustlers. Hack iu connection. 1:.

ii. i.oxavi:!.!,, irop. Hardware Free Martin. 1TOW III IS YOUR CHANGE To Bny Anything and Everything in the Lin-8 of Sholf and Hoavy MAJRDWAKE! Everything Reasonable. A Fiuo Lot of SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS.

Bailder, Blacksmiths Housekeepers, Inspect Our Immense Assortment. Learn our REASONABLE PRICES and follow your own Convictions. Remember if you want anything in this line, vE HAVE GOT IT AND YOU CAW GET IT of us fop LESS lyiOMPY than any other anrt don't let it escape your memory. Froo Martin. JiUlJllllUD i-V 1)1 It MILLIONS t(it.

H'-rti 1 A 111 Hit A lii.i- biv- 1. 1 r.r.d -j." Id (': t-- 7.V;-. Ta'-lf Li 'ad w. 7. wit ct I.

l.rx I'ure oin- a i ('(, G. O. i .1 rl.17. vurth liiorc nt v. LvIt -uL-.

tSOLIJ AGENT FOK km Seviug iainsl Has no Equal. An Unlimited Written Guarantee given with each Machine. CLARIOrCABPET WARP Finest in tho World. For sale only by C. R.

AVERY, it- Nicest 1 1 r-fr OF THEML. WP. For FLORISTS anfi! fif Dutch' BnlbP. Jaraa UuILp, 1'rcncli Lialb, AmoricAn UuibH. Also) I'LuiL1 or GroeiAhrit-rurf Ec" "I'j oL 1 1 i A ffl I 0 i Lata oguo v.i.

srxpfiirN, FREE I a- vS r.ocicctcr, n. y. a ci-o, 111 ,4 Osborn Woodman. DskaaWooikii FURNITURE. ArenU for tho Celebrated J.

1'. Fowler Mills! WOVfiK WiRR SPRINGS I ho in tho Market. Ask to sto onr Elegant, Marblo Tup Chamber Suits, r.t A few moro Ilab It ft, which will bo clusod ont at cust. A larr-o line in Window l'ule and King Comici A No OIIMI l. itT.i' nxTrxntv-i.

rii.Triti: ric.jr.s.r Stock Always tho Jnrest. alweys tho Lowe-it. OSBORX WOODMAN. Jfresiest, Neatest Stock of Groceries ever offered in thi3 market Canned Corn CANNED TOMATOES, Can'ed Poaches all untie Wo Aim to Kt-ep il Lis la- I Of Everything in Our line. THE DEST BRANDS OF TOBxVCCO CIGARS.

Everything Fresh and of Ecst Quality. For Unttcr, Egrjs and Frodnce. GOODS DELIVERED FREE (vIVE US A CALL! And We Will Trv aud l'leaso You. mil a 11 jjinr ti: wmmm CHICAOO. ROCK R'Y nrn nn iii jun lujjuiiuui nun iu il Cilia the nttonMoa of travelers tho cnifal rosi-tlou of Ita line, the Eat and tho Wont t.i 9 nrortPbt ro.r.f, a-ict carrying ri'H'i'f'Mi lUiout tlianK-j of betwoon Ciiionco Jd K.mi.

City, Counc'l T.lulfa, Lcivriworlh, Aitli (moh, idinncnpolM Kt. i'aal. It conneo: In lepot vitn all tho principal cf roac' bcteu the Atlantia anl thu Taciflc; Ocnns. Ii rqtur-ment is unfivalcil and niairmftoRiit, bci corapose cf Most C'omfortaoit- nil Ileaut.l'.. Day Coa "tic, Wasrniftpcin Ilorton C.iair Can.

Bl.vpintf Cms, an lira: 111' or D'nirif- In thj Worli. Tiiroo Chici.To mi I Miinoui r.iuta. Wo Train ChloaKo end Miunoapclii and t. laal, vlit'i 3 I'amoua "AUJERT LEA ROUTE." A Nfw arid Direct Lino, rli Pen cc. and ht rcecntl opnwl bctviea Uicl.ino'id, ewi, Ciiai tanoctra.

At' A uma, mv.lle, Ixinii ton, 'ulianpnlia n-nl Jui'Lyctte, and U.n c'y and t.t. T'nuX and rirrin All XrouK'-i r.i'aju'iv.ra Travel 0.1 i't Exyrosa Tr.nni. Tjcaetjfor aal at all ri''ictpl Ticket Otticjia thf Vnited Urvgig? chromed ar.d rntrfl cf fart al wny i a- lew as coiupotitoia that cilcr Icia aJvaa 1 cr iilod inf jruitlcn, ft 1 th IJap and Tud era o( th CHEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your n-'irr-'tt Ticket Offl '-o, or n. K. CABLE E.ST.

JOHN, u.ulMir, 1. 1 6 1'. CHICAGO. lonna On rcason.ii'b l-artien havine money to loan or wishing to procure, inny tind it to their ftdvantner? to oddrcs-t A. 11.

1IEIU.ON", Ileal Estate and Loan Aijtnt. Tim Table. -Hay 1 1, 1 H8f uiMxn 1: ast. STATIONS r. iiHiti tou Lakn Mi.

hiai! City. New iiuffulo. Thn Oaka DoiA-fitfiac Ix-f atur I.antoa Mattuiaaii Kalamazoo biiitlt Creek. Mamlull Ar Marshall Albion Jacknon UraM Lake Dextrr Ann Arbor Ypsllautl Waytie Junction Oram! Trunk Jo Arrlre 'i lit I AM. AM 1 Mi if 0V I'll 4 IMi 11 10 (.

4 I i't to ji; in ji) a I 8 4T. in 5J I 21 11 7 in jtm ai I 1' 4" 11 52: 7 I 1 uo Ivnn 7 40 O11 I 1 4'. ill) 4V12 3S, 8 2H.12 M' 2 (5 111 11 45 -J 32 II oi) a 57 II BS! 9 '27i a 1 12 oj: I i 112 1 10, 2 03' 3 52 Woi mm! 1 I I i 1 2 3.1. Jack 2 4i 4 37 'J 4 1 3 no, 1 Lv 2 3 Ex 3 07; 2 3 41 a 3 2'i 3 '231 4 -23 7 4 h) 3 52 7 48! 4 33' 8 24 4 57 5 27 8 43 5 22 5 15 5 43 9 03 5 37, 5 4)i ti 03 9 2f 5 50 17 ill 02 fi 22 fi 33! 20 6 40 AM A SI 1 02 1) CO 23 l'i lJ 54 fi 32, 7 OH, 7 28 11 51 7 43 i 12 0-J 8 03 8 50 A 1 O) GOINQ WEST. STATION'S.

t- 2 i a i la 33 I A A Ml MP 11 AM I)patt 7 2) 9 55 15 8 20 10 111 7 20 Trunk Jc; 3J I 'Vavne Junction 8 13 10 44 7 00; 0 03 11 C-l1 8 41 11 08; 7 23; 9 30,11 28' 8 2.i Ann Arbor 9 05 20 7 42! so-ll 32 8 Dexter 9 2s 8 (UilO I4I Gram 110 10 8 43' 11 00! Jackson 84 12 35 9 50 11 33 1 1 051 9 CO Albion 11 24 1 101 12 131 1 42, Ar il 50 1 3 Kal Marnhall Lv12 10 1 50 Acc jl2 40 1 031 12 3 2 13; 1 08' 2 27ill 28 GalpHburif 1 13 A 1 4)! Kalamazoo 1 33 2 5ti! 5 10; 2 03; 3 07 1 ii 10 Malta wau 2 04 3 3rt 2 32.. Lawtou 2 12 5 45 1 Decatur 2 2" 6 0 2 37, Dowajj-iac 2 ti 22i 3 21 1 3 131 4 20 7 05 3 47 4 33' 107 liuchanan 3 27 7 l' 4 02, I Thre.Uaks 3 52i 7 4'JI 4 32' I New 4 071 5 07 8 00 4 53! Michigan 4 33 5 30 8 23 5 32 1 5 4-)i 3 30 I-ake 5 15 1 ti 15 9 14 A 11 6 38, Keusiiifftan ti 10 7 10 10 7 00 i 7 30 5 20 Arrive 7 10 8 00 10 7 50 8 2Jj ti I Ml AM A Ml AMI O. AV. Ill OGLES, II. 1J.

LEDFAKD, G. P. T. Chicago. Gen.

Manager, Detroif. Noutli UttTenlllTlMion. a 7 40 8 20 9 00 9 15 9 20 9 40 9 50 10 00 10 10 10 23 11 00 a ui ro 3 30 4 10 4 P) 4 50 4 5 12 ft 20 5 32 ft 37 5 47 ti 20 All Trains Depart Arrive alamazoo Alamo Kendall I'lne Grote Ooble llloorainKdal lierlamont Columbia Grand unction. Geneva South Haven Arrlre Depart Daily except Sunday. a iu' 11 10 10 20 9 9 9 2ti 201 8 58' 8 4: 8 30 8 23 1 7 50; 7 15 a mi 5 40 03 40 2ft 22 01 00 47 4.1 30 3 00 in TOLEDO SOUTH HAVEN liAILHOAD.

GOING EAST. No. 1. No. 3.

No. 5. No. 7. STATIONS.

f-A. M.i A. M.lP. M. Hartford Leave 1 9 05 Lawrence Leave! 1 30, i'aw Paw Arrive! 1 10 15 Leave I 10 55! 133 Lawton Anlve' 5 33 11 in1 1 OOINl- WEST.

stations! Lanfoa Ia htc Paw l'a Arrive Leave Arrive i.ji i.ui'i P. M. 4 30 4 50 ft SO 8 30 8 43 No. 2. No.

4 I No. ti. 1 No." 8. M. pTsI.Ip.

M. 5 45, 11 33 2 12: 30 l'J 10 9 7 35! 2 30 8 lOf 3 00: 4" 3 30. Trair.n on the M. C. H.

leave Lawton an follc-fM Goln Eat Mail train, 11 :55 a. Kalamazoo 9:27 p. ii. Goin ent Kalamao Accoinnioriution, 5:4." n. Mail, 2:12 p.

Freight nin No. 19, (taker, and leaves pafsene rs at ftatioriH between Kalamazoo and NCem, p. m. Trains on the Chicago and Went Michi'aa Lailway li-Hve Hiirtfurd in follows: South Chicairo Lxpresfi, Niht Ex-preM-, 1 a. Fruit train, 5:35 p.

Mixed. (ft a. North Mail. Exi res, p. il.

Nk'ht Expre, 3:15 On six-uale, Truiii3 No. 2. 3. ti and 7 will fctp at Ey.ia'-. The any reserves the ri'ht to vary from tljin Card, at plea mire, Nctice.

JOHN IHI.ING. CJATARRf-3 ELY'S ViVToi "JlJ vhire- 'I-. -J i III' icnosK GOLD. s.l iCi.i! it t.i. V-KTKTuTJfffr!" It r.l i --a al-orbed, i pa.aj;--i of caturrLul ca-xiij ealtLy It allays ts the in.

linhit-i cf" th Lead frcfi Iricnal com lrt-ly lu al.s the on ar.d -(n the n-iio cf tcKt av.d -mh are realized I a few application. A TIIOKOUGH TREATMENT WILL CUKE: Vneualed for Cold intthe Ilea Headache and Deafne-, cr any kind of me'mbranni irriti-tion. Setid fr circuaar. Hy mail, prepaid, 50 cent a packatfe Htomi'i received. Sold by all whole-Hale and retail drutrvliti.


1419 Garvin Johnson. Health is Wealth Jar Hi rr 1)11 II. ('. Wr.ST'H Xr.HVK AND IlltAIN (runrnntCHHl ipecino for lljtcrjn, ('onrulsions r'lt. NerTu9 NcunilKia, Henil.ichr, Nervous cjiusc'I by tho um 1 of alcohol or tobacco, McntAl l)o-I Hoftonintf of ihn llrain rcsultinj in nnd laditiir to miry, -Iccny nixl denth.

l'rcmnturo Old Atp, p.i, Lof of power ia cither pcx. Involuntary Ikw'm nnd orrhr.i cauped byovcr-4'xertifi of tlio brain, plf. abusoor Much box contain." 01m inMitir box.or ix by mail prepaid on receipt of j.rioo. 'w i.iai:ati:r hix noxr.s To euro rtny With each onlr received )ry lor fix boxef.

nccompKr.ied with V(? i.nd tVo purchaser our written to fund tho money if tho treat does not. hV.t a cure. Guarantees by Dnncombe, fi(rns A po! autbr-rizaiL gents for Paw l'aw 0.

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