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Shenandoah Herald from Woodstock, Virginia • Page 3

Shenandoah Heraldi
Woodstock, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HERALD V-A. t-RIDAY SEPT. I8V9. at the Post Office, at Wood? stock, as second-'hiss matter. E.

D. B. tonina? I'asb'r The Shenandoah County Bank Organized, 1872. Rc-Org 1808. Deposits and Collections solicited.

SatUfactlon guaranteed. Discount Hate Six Per Cent. I. 1. R.M.

LASTZ, "lie Pre? Merchants and Farmers' Bank, WOODBTUCK, vnuilMA. DIRECT OU-V i J. Hi'piii-r, 0. W. Miniiiik J.H.

Kutiy and B. Koi.nt/.. Tavinneii A IlACsiaiMVN. Alija. Accountssoliclteil ami ti? Kuarautet-1.

Hours' tu Y. MAGKVnElt. I'A-u ii. Special Rates. THF.

VOlloWlNt. SATBS OF AliVKUTISIMl Will. 1.1. I I'OI: obituary notices' lint I cents per line, the casli I the cotiv. Tributes of Respect bj Notices of festivals by chur? ot other and sll meetings for the porp es rc cents pst hue.

ANNOUNCEMENT, 1 resprctfullv snnounce raj for the Virginia State Senate for let of the counties of Frederick and Sbensndoali and the city ot Winchester, to the action ol the Democratic Convention. if e'citcl shall endeavor to fully snJ faithfully represenl all S. I. UTTOX. HOUSE OK KKI.K.i.

I liereby announce myself an Inde? candidate for the House ol gates. Respectfully, Jmo. w. Fisher. Va.

GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. ltj-l blankets 50c Locke's. i it An unusually amount of freight a this Monday night. porte, lard, bacon, c.i-li or trade. W.

C. Barron. We always pay the highest pries tralc of kinds. K. s.

Bro. ike's, Stsunton officials sround for an adtlitional water supply. All brands of coffee at its. per lb cts. per at r.

s. man A Bro. Dr. 11.11- Irwin iin? roving hi? Main itsitleiice by an additional loom at the end of the track build mint? not paid Oct. l-t, will in the hand? of a collector.

P. L. Yates d. Son If to buy a food mm at the verj -i price'no? is your opportunity. VataJ tlieiu oil at the I.

flstlll-S. Tbc Kastern Star Chapter hold their meeting next Monday night. A full atteinlai sied as I a pleasant meeting It expected. I have concluded dollar tea sell lorive riollari and all other ware at cut prices. W.C.

Barron A Urge nuinber of colored people from this place went to -w Mai kit to take part in the celebration of Kmancl tloa Day In that place. The biggest snap ever In this town, A abete box clears 29 els think of it 1 Call and be convine Irwla's Drug store, The Indian Midicino show now ing form nightly In Btrasbnrg, Is to BS giving Im rate and of drawing big crowds. llHOlf ai la tins section. I'. i.

Another -food rain in thl Mootfay? From below Strasburg to W'ui Chester it is have been Issssense amount ol water falling. are Simply perfect," writes Keib't Moore, DetVilt's Little Early Ki-c-. the ''famous little pUi?" for constipation an?) all Ihrer elhaeats. Haver gripe. Irwin.

Mr. Ed. H. Bryan, e.f Btaunton, railway between Washing lea Clifton Porge, was paln folly hint in Washington, last week, tit iras la bat ear when snot her was run into It while being shifted. Ladies' cape? ami jacketl in large rarttleeand the newesl patterns, and style? at F.

a. Bowman A Bra, a new aavaaaaathas been pul down this week in front of the -tore and resi? dence the late P. 3. ravel on Main Ihn bricks the old ana having aeeaeeaatdarabiy worn. We will have- "iir n-nal fall opening.

at which time re served, lookout lor the date. Bowman a. Bro, Mr. Iif son-in-law of Jan. Bodly, of Btaunton, boa insane from excessive n-e if lb was taken to an near Baltimore but inaele bis asaapa and at Last at Counts was still at I have a large stock ol me as and boys Loot? inel -tvinji bolOW COSt.

Tlie'se arc no fake W. iiiirron. Wait and F. S. liowiiiaii it Bro'? new i-tock of goods, being ha the largest assort mein thai ba? been shown on this market.

By a general order from headquarter? th next regular meeting of tin Oread Camp, Confederate Depart? ment of Virginia, will be held with the James Breatued at 1'ul October 11,1 ft and Mrs. Williams will resume her Music Ciawthe of Sept. Yo'iug children 3 ksijoos week instead of 2. Apply tor psrf? nng.1 Inss. Cards arc out for the marriage of Mr.

Hugh and Miss Grace known and popular of this place. The inter. W'" on Tuesday morning, The Con federate Hontiment. The monument In memon ol t' Confederate dead buried in Moasanu leo ci terj Istoek, ill be ve cd. en Tbnrsd ij, Del 10th lion.

John W. Daniel will de live i .1 Btora Bjrturea tor salt to? i jf fates Bo Hlsi Hammond's millinery store wl have an opening today, Friday, to coi time until Monday, Ladies wl Und goods to please t'n m. adve list incut in another column. Oysters90 and cents per qnar W. C.

Barran. In our last we -poke of a ca from our friend Dr. T. L. Rlchardsoi of Baltimore, bnt the compositor made mistake and not it Rlchardsoi whi.h i- ii i Tom's name by right imai Know lllg the want- of tin' people, I the secret of our business.

You will a way? find what von are looking for, an in tin- best anil lie-l of all. Ill ll rlichl price i.t P. S. Boa-man Bro. Renn ii Brsl of Vate a t.iii be tbe ti imlsol want los'ttle with the parties then 'lice.

Samuel Bowden braucht us lot of elegant Catawba grapes fei jo. 'I lu eleclde i'Jy ihe bet of all table Oneof ihe bnnche weighed pound and two on on tin- niaikfi- for con i'oldi inn) ail 'bronchial troul croup it has no llenrj It Whiiford, South i 'a 11 a.m. of Oil? Minnie Cough Cure. ii. Irwin.

I ilstricl Board, il with hers to teach In District, on Saturday, Oct. 7th. ofB Wo KistOCk a ai 10 o'i wi 'I-MAX. Clerk. F.

S. Bowman, of the Brin B. Bowman Bro. is now in the Eastern markets purchasing their usual larte -tick ol fail ami Walt them, it will pay you, largt Chester II. Brown, say-: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case ol Indigestion; can recommend it tt) all Digests what yon cal without aid 11 the stomach, and cure- pepsla.

R. Irwin. for the mai daughter of Mr. k. and Mr, Frank 11.

Chandler, Pass. Age i Southern Bai urg, at Emanuel Lutheran church, Oct. 11th, in. Tin qua it cents per dozen, Mason's glass fruil Jars. Pints, 4.1 quarts, 5 I I 0 cent rocks i Ion gallon jug? 1 lion jni uts.

w.i barran. A very interesting haw?) wa? the Reformed church here Son day morning. The sermon by Uev. N. II.

Skyles, the pastor, wag es appropriate, the tothctn. The church was uiosl taste corated the prodw ture in the form ol wheat, corn, n. king a pretty picture. Von assume no ri-k when Chamber ain's I holt ra and Remedy. R.

Irwin lund your money if you arc nol -ati-iie -i after using it. It is everj win re admitted to be the mo-i successful remedy In n-e for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. Ii safe and reliable. ii ele" Philip Weathe much i. -i ii teil colon citizen oi Strasburg, die .1 lasl morning at 5 o'clock, aftera few days though he had 1.n in i ithei a number ol yi ai He was well kiitiw in lids place In re he re allied for some llnic anel had the sud kindly regard ol all our was a truly good man and a devoted Christian.

Hi- end was pe We will sell you cent molasse-; ir 20. The very Mew Porto Rie 51.titea molasses al 10 cts. Potomac bering lu et nt- per dozen. W. Barron.

Mi. i larence oilstock. ha- become I with Ids brother, Mr. Bane Btishong, in the ncrship and anagement ol irg New Both these gentlemen are well equipp for the newspaper business, Ihe senior had a esperi in tiic editorial harness, Thvii patrons can confidently expeel I ably conducted, bright and newsy papei in each issue of the 'Jiews." We wish ihein every IUCCC8S E. Turner, C'ompion, was pib by DeWltt'? Witch Hazel Salve after guttering year? and trying over twenty remedies.

Physicians and surgeons end r-e it. ware of dangerous counterfeits. L. R. Ii win.

"Bud" Nichols, the young man wai In fight by Bird Kick'iid at an apple butter the home Joseph Runion, at O.ik RIB In Page county, died al Runion'? honra on Thursday night, lasl week. I be ililll' ulty occurred oyera drink of wine. The verdict of the coronets jury wa- that Ni? i-aiue to hi? death ing in the sbdo neu with a knife by Bird Rlckard. If we arc not miitaken or both of the young men were employed at th factory of Mr. Ben Borden at Overall's, and had Rli kaid now III le Lu? Jail.

Little I arl- rs per li put ion, blliousi and woi m-ont -c anil legulat? the entire -i. Rmall. is.n.i. i.evi'i Irwin. Tbc Baldwin District Fair on the Fsir grounds at Staunton on Oct.

3rd ami continue four days. During thai time there will siso be 1'rades Carnival In Siaunton each day during the fur that promise? to be one the attain that city hat bad. Of the many feature? a public mar? riage of. a couple oosn elersted itsge Will DC one Of I '-I There will be slong the itreets, elevated stages wlthdai formers, music by ths Stonewall ami other Ac, Tb trades parade i.l take first day. Hie lloral parade the -eend day, the military and civic parade the third (lav, the human's parade the lOOlth day.

The tournament will lit? 01. the fourth followed by a ball in Hall at night. Ki.iiol urc isa eoaspound having t'ie eadorseaienl ol eininci't physicians the medical "digests what yon eat" and positively cures M. A. Ket roii, Bloomingdale, Tena-, it eared in of of ten yean stand? ing.

L. K. irwin. PESONAL. Mis- Lilian Jobs is teaching in Lnray.

I tin- lamily ol 1-, at last s.i-,n-,..> in i fund iv port News riti in lamily of Dr. i Mr. Prank Qrabill was quite day ht but le now much Improved. Mrs. Nellie McCann, oi Edinbaig, was in dstoch Stella Kinkcr visit, 1 bei my, hist week.

l. ii. Chapman and .1. II. Williams were in Winchester, lasl week.

Mr- Jot vvai in Cine, last week, "ii as, Misi Bettle I.ant/ ol Edinbnrg and Miss Eitle Lantz, ol Pennsylvania were visiting Misa Rebecca Rtnker last we ek, II iur attended the un veiling ol the Moaby monnme nt lasl Sat? urday at Front Re yal, Dr. P. Btcphenaon left for i Va. iasl Wednesday tt rial appointment, Mr. Marion Kvcrlv and Misi Kintna Crl'maii -in-lit several days in I.uray ihe first of the week.

Mr. .1. Will, republican candidate ase of Delegi t. was among lo- it ck friends, tie- lirst Ibis week. Mi.

Mali.m Everly, win. his 1 relatives in pise and Strasburg, returned to Mooretield, t- day (Friday Mr. .) ir. a ho ha- been In pirt of Virginia for neatly two y. ar-, arrived re 'J on a visit IiU parents, Mrs.

Dr. ('. M. Hollingsworth and children "I Harrisonburg, returned h. Thursday, after a visit to Riverside and otbe Mrs.

has. Cle of tins place, who bad lier sly injured last wee went t-. Winchester Monday to treat? ed by Dr. iGuire, the iculist that city, We are glad to know that after a the Doctor was hope lui of saving tbe sight, and late reporte by phone Btatt that her condition is favorable. I'll? at tliis- Light trace- of frost were -ein some low places at an early hour Wed in and Thursday mornings, f.Glenn Locke's big sd.

in week's Issue. Our i- all made of pure oak tanned harness leather. We do not use Hemlock leather. A. .1.

Dysatl I v. ife of Mr. Illiie- Wt'-t of Mt. died lasl Satniday after a Mr. ('has.

Mill loscpli Marshall, Woodstock. 'I lo- Shei ai.ilt.ah i ouiiiy Bank has jn-t tin ir yaull a new tlmi ol ck woiU anangcuicnt so that when it i- locked un a certain hour it cannot lie open? by any out thai time. ill goods WC don't bill dm lor Ihe purcsl and best un? adulterated goods that are on tin- mar? ket. W. C.

Ban the new advt li-ciueiil of T. Gicnn Locke, in which In advertises hi- Immense Mock of new fall and winter Hi- -election Is fine and bis g.I- at prices, whicl' pare favorably with those ol any men liant in tl While oui c.i hunting along tin in iliutaitl oppo-ite Be -1 Hank- a shoi i. Mr Ed. Bochm kill? a i el i hui weighed -11 pounds. During III? eral i (he were I Itieii by moccasin snakes, three ol which the) Boufleld, I am siil ject te and have use ,1 many remedie but find uiebe nis lin all." W.

I. Yates, liai ge --If a man should wear hi- so long that when? In- aj peared on the str? he should in- obliged to reach behind and grab of die -lack or bas? incut and hold in up, won.i.n't tin ladies laugh?" from lliis- place a rote to Atlanta Constitution Inquiring about Mr. A. K. Ha kes.

the optician, and received the follow lug reply: p. 25, '99. to yum- of Sep. 22d Mr. A K.

Huwkea conduct- une ugi in tiiis cliy. He regarded by the people here as a first class optician. Your? very iitily. i onstitution Pub, Co." Km- wound-, burns, disca-i and all Irritating eruptions. nothing and healing a DeWttt'i Witch Hazel Salve.

Emma Bolles, Manon Englcwood Nursery, Chicago, of it: "'When all bise fail- in healing our will Ii. Irwiu. Mr. Henry Ilaiin. one cf I oldesl and lic-t knoivn residents ol tins section of the county, and who.

as our reailers ill remember, fell from buggy ks (go. wii? more rerely in jured than at first supposed and considerably, one rib wss torn loose from the sternnro or bressl bone and be via- painfully bruised. We hope ill soon be l'iin-i If again. The pain ol a hum or scald is almost iiHtantlj relien by applying Chamber? Pain I.aim. It also heal? the in? quickly than any olhcr treatment, and wlthoni the burn very a For by II.

Irwin Druggist. Mr. Ili.l.t. Klliler tin in weighed much pound and two h. A little colored boy whirling an uni iround on the pavement ranted i eon thai Mi.

A. R. Holllugsworth wai driving along Main itreel Mondar, to riii. away. After going a tew yard? the hoi se turned and fell, breaking one of tin- Had Mr.

not inen a g.l driyerthere would baye beeil a bad collision with a tree at Mr I' Supinger'l with asiroiis h- There'? Slways hope ulule there'? One Minnie Cough Cure. 'An attack of pneumonia left my luugs In bad shape and I was near the stagesof eota? lumptioo. One Minute Cough Cure com? pletely cured me," write? Malen Mo Bismaik, Gires Instan) relief. L. It.

Ira in. I mil? tel bj vi a UrabUl. ha? taken atxnifse oi in Min I incton Kindergarten Normal, ami Mis? l.iln I a graduate nt Ibe inusual deparl ut il. than) per i A number ol children have been insumo.m Wed morning, butt hi? im- beeaonlj of giving mi exhibition tin- Kinder garten method of leaching. Children from it i.

Parent? and ted in kindergarten Instni? tion are in.lted t-o visit tbeli school, on Mon Belt trom ami atterwards on nul. yr Makes the food more delicious and wholesome prmtitR THE MOSBY.MONUMENT. On last Saturday, Ihe nirvivors Battalion unveiled a moni. at Pronl Royal, in memory of -even thcii comrades who were executed aft thej had surrendered on 3ep. 18? A la i ye number ol veterans wert attendance Over 200 of the survive i.f Mosbjr'i Battalion were a mmotuoui dinner served to ail veteran-.

The procession was formed at -J p. i lindel command of Lieut. Ion. Palme who rode a granddaughter of 'I'a-hi." ihe hone 'hat Purguse rode when he marched to Prospect i-emetei where ihe monument wai unveil? i The monnmenl is twenty-live feel hls with a bate live feel r-quare roug granite with the names of Carter.Overbj Love, Jones, Willis, Rhodes and Ande: inscribed on it. Among the visiting camp? were Je Stuart Camp, No.

36, commamled Col. T. D. Gold. Berryville; Camp, No.

20, Strasburg, commandedb; i apt. R. Punkhouser; Turner Aslib; lamp, Winch? stcr, comm indi be Lieut. 'oin. Ilottel, and Win.

Richard son Camp, of Front Royal, 1 oin. Geo. Mi atee. Majo Richardson in an eloqnenl and manner told of the engagement on tin 29th of Sep. the capture of -ix commues, two of whom were hang ed and four of the subsequent killing of Willis in Rappahaiiiiock iv, all aft.

they were prisoners of war and of the.retaliation which Col. Inflicted lipona number of Coster's men said that alter a careful lion of the snbject, In- leid to Iht conclu -ion thai Gen. i 'nster, who had en held responsible foi iiii- act, nothing whatever to do with it. Col. C.

Ii. LOWell, of Ma-olia -i'tt-. who had ci ni wai engaj ib the exe? ution tl subsequently killed in an engagement Among the visitors were a .1. several sisters -f ol. Mosby.

1. piel In wit ol? by llmi. II. II. Downing and Gen.

ne. 'Ihe 11. i i. i zed with the -Mine iy was a ind the i the a-ani. Kraeetltii tail Victims to r.i at well a- women, and -1, backache, nervousness, head? ache and tired, inn-down feel? ing, lint the that.

Listen to J. W. Gardner, Ind. He are jual tin- tiling a man when he all run n't care whethei he live m- dies, It did more to give me new strength anu III ntllel take. I can now thing and have a I life' Only an cent-, al B.

Sclllllil Evcij i. il i THE nONI HENT. The handsome monnmenl i lu- unveiled ai Massiinutte i Itlth of 0 non approaching nder tin- ful workmanship ol Jas. i ne of the hc-t ble ciiltci Virginia. 'nmniiflees of ai i i-oftiit ni nit mn railroad trans on, and on appoiiited tbe imp anil are now, we trust, actively al A large num? ber of veterans are expected to be pres? ent and the ladies of Shenaiidoah will have the opportunltv of ii lion well we can entertain them of oin citizens should acchlently he (indited by the committee on prnvi-ions, they have the righl to Iheii con tributions, d.

on Tliur-ikiy morning Oct. 19tli to the Court House at Woodstock, if contributed lu a raw should be to the com? mittee 1" day- -a Lot ii- all go earnestly to work and while paying honor tu those who give lives to their coi ntrj, Ici at the -a me tune-la the living heroes ho? lieai tily we appreciate their i to glye their live? the cause. This will Interest Many I.I.I I.m Hi II Dl li i'f our readi a- i pi iinsliflu I) Pimples, Katiug KcleniH, i i I(h'iiiiiati-in, Catarrh, Conl Hnlson. 1 Mouth oi Throat, or am ntlicr Blood Taint, will i it. th.

free ol charge an I prepaid, Trial li. i It. B. hV il Ulm) i Halm a cure ill A- are II it. li.

i. thoroughly foi II ind in that time h.i- i allothei tn at mi nt? lia.I fiilled. It. II. undoul lllood Puritlei of the agi Ifert nt from in) nt in iii.11 liecausc it.

li. It drive? loan tin- im- an I Poison? thai the unsigl oi liad and a cure thi It. It. im M'e I ever? ''m i it SI i bottle, bul o. aatisf) jroui idem that II.

II. II, a real cure, we bottle lo. nfcharge and prepaid, to anyone writes Il vin reailpm will describe their i i. Person ut li.

Sill le II st i in. Qa. liftiii iiiiti Day The busiest and mightiest little ibing that ever was made Is Di. King's Hew Life Pills. Every pill is sugar-coated globule ol health, thai changes weak? ness into strength, into energy, brainfag Into mental power.

Thej re wonderful in building up the heal h. Only Sac per hox. Sold by Schmitt. Special Notice. Tin- Joint nu eting iha Teachers1 institute and Co-operative League Sbenandoah county will be held on the and 2-tih of Octobe Instead of the llllh and 'Ith.

1'hla change has been made neewsarv from the fact th tt the ounty Court will he in MSSiofl on the IOth and 11th, which was not thought of when the In -I an noniireiiii-ni wa-m Very truly, 3. it. atelnturii, Bup't, J. II. Kcihr, of League.

Presbyterian Church Mobce. I 11 to make an ruMfnai on Iha 'Tan Presbyterian Council'' on Thurs? day nlgbt, Oct. -'''I'- ami would like all our people to hear It, in ihe chapel, All fiicnils Invited. D. i PHI ii wl last an.11 an i Immense sale of es, we ha ea tine assortment we an at cost.

L. Yates A Son. I COMING A. K. ilau ke-, the f.iuion I 11 I Optician, direct from Ihs besas olBos of ihis great Optical ons of practical will remain si the ni lu- sgenl U.

MeClsnsban im I day? hcginlngOi't. 'jNt. Thi? will give tin-citivin? t.f Woodstock and vicinity a ran- opportunity of having eye rdght letted kkkk by tin ned a- well reliable Optician? in the Halted Mr. Haukes basall UM modern ap pliances for the identlflc adjustment Spectacles and Eye Gltunes to the eye. There no Optician lb? United States who enjoys the eonfldens of the that Mr.Hawkes.

Ills name fanii'iar id thronghoul a -cclion of the ountry Inhabited by over twenty five million? people. Mr. Hawses has I probably liit'-d glasses to the eye of more people national ami national fame than any Optician living. luceesa Isdueto hi? grade of glasses, ami to the cuiiti leiice UK people have in hi? ability tu a practical Optician. Thi- linn established in 1870, nearly thirty Btto.

all early as he positively remain but i days, be ha- other engagements (orlater dates, i action: fam? ous gia-si'- are nevei peddled. Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that Contains Mercury mercury will destroyths of ami impletely derange the whole system when entering II the uni. ici- -Ulf Mich articles should never used except pic- from physicians, the damage they will do li ten f.ild to the good yon can possibly derive from liu-lii Catarrh Cure, manufactur? ed by .1. ilien? Co contain? iio mercury, ami is taken in? ternally, acting directly upon the blood ami mu'ou- the lu buying Catarrh Cure be sure you gel the genuine It 1- ti.k.ii inter ally, and In Toledo. Ohio bv F.

J. i hen? i o. t. i by Druggist, price 75c. perbol Hall's t-'amilj Pill? arc the he- PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE.

s. Tavenner and M. Walton Will -dl at on A II RDAY. Oi T. 28th.

if the Court House. k. a three of belonging to l. containing fjuai 17'? act es, and 2 three Por further par? -lui to commission? for copy of post? Sep Ot. We have ju-t a largi nient robes, our y.

II HOW hale the opportunity Ing from lai ire .1. A. Dysarl a. Goinc Down Hill. People ling In.Ill Kid? ney I i gradual hill of Il and vital? ity.

They line- in trying Kidney Cure, a preparation. ii r- Rone hut i Milieu need appl) jai nit ADMIRAL RECEPTION. Vf i o. I.

2-3, athern railway li -it- im. 2nd Hing Haiti? Uni, tinal Oct. 4. m- tic round trip, from Warrenton, m.I return. si ol Mr, Saml il.

pner, ats, bad the forel i hand cHUirhl ni a wheat drill rru-l lo iras brourrhl to town and Dr. Irwin amputated tie- mangled portion, a rail ol the linger. found, At-'sdnie, -ton-, a marvelous i i 'ire for all kidney complaints, lieivmi? exhaustion and female weakness. It i idin-y Cnn Coal Coal! A- there will prpbablj he consider? able advance in the price of ce i would advise uiv customers to perchase theil i cal at I di-r- can now lie promptly filled, II. B.

Cbapkajt. Ihe hilen between factory liar- i neos ami homemade harneas i- thai nearly all Factory harneas i- made of I hemlock leather, wliilr har? ness i- mad, of oak canned leather. Hemlock make- spongy leather appear solid it- true character Is not known until used awhile. When you buy buggy. see that you a homemade oak oatlier haines-.

yon do not. you will learn the difference later. Mi Elizabeth Heller, on? our old est residents, will he 81 years old Sun ilav. Her hirtlidtv will be celebrated bv dinner ai Ihi ln-r son -in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs- W.

t. when- Mrs. Heller has made her boma foi meyeara, ddtea will be nmaent, A Wg Improveaaent and mm thai be greatfiilly appreciated hy the real dem- thai pari the students and faculty Maasanutten ami my others beside, is Um lang -i retch ol new hi ok pavement-mov be? ing down froin tin: Spring Hollow bridge on ninth Main to the Al at the 'Mn-iin- end of the street Th paveraeat is of hard brick laid on an easy grade, the UntT aleog tin- tif the hill belog cut into sufficiently to gel the necessary width and gr ids I wo thirds Iba work is paid for In individual sabaeripdoai aad the balance is home by the town, LRD H)H 3ALF. I have lim- Orehaid Qfass Bat sale. on addraaa, A.

K. Bans? riiuui, 4t defrock, Va. MARRIED Va Itev. i.i. in.

Jaasca in nry It.t, fettle M. Maphls. el it.untr. Why liiir 'pniflUiin flothinir ami nw-r a toll-mi get themtit roil itn.l un I nt-a a ORANDO w. Dudley preached ai Ii gnon ia-i Sunday.

Mi-? Florence Blanchneld i- Isltlng friends at Riverton, Va, Mr. i. K.iieii? building au ad? dition Mr. W. A.

Keiler'? Mi-s unie Keller Is visiting frie mis mai Woodstock. M. Miller ami Daisy tend? the in.vailing of the Mos uoiiumenl at Front in day. Mr. Harry Long, of Richmond, wa? in our (liage lasl S'il uni HU? i of Ml Lizzie Calaliaii lasl Meek.

Our innen now husMing their Tin- mini tliey claim has put the gn und in Hue order. Mi. Milton Vetter the bustling sew? ing lllicliiue and organ man In- very recently put new organ in the Insti? tute hers forth? bcnetJl of the ttudenu '1 he follow ing ale in atlci, danes at the Institute, Orauda: Miste? Arts, Annie Burner, Saum. Mr. Wesley Sa.

and Fred. Mr. Homer Hubert and rJrsden Vetter. ttock; Mr, Hock man, Kerns lOWB; Mr, Luther Browning, Misse? Regina Browning, Mary Orudorfl am! Sarah Melton, Orando; Mi-- Whitt, Centre Mr. II.

o. Grands, tumbo CASTOR IA For Inlauts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature, of 'i a i II. Il VI nigbi. OYSTERS are in season ami Bargcll will hau.lie only the Mme high grffle sail water oysters he handled last s.m.

lid measure guaran teed. lystera iu the Lest style. Private room? nicelj ti up tor ladies and gentlemen, bverythitig ncal and clean, call customer. R. BARGELT, i "I St.

11 lnii ta I We have in It? i es. In bo? i tablet, and pou nil pack. Our Supplies please evi ry an furnish i in. i pe? ell and hare not ad vaiieed the price oi sir rood? ha? risen ii: pi Our new line of Full Jewelrj up to date. Call aild Be are lower than you can i beta any place.

fur pi li bei. pu BAROELT, The Jeweler. iv.i-t.,ck, Virginia. heu ven i ni ni Bargelt h- -m. to be right, Bep i te awe? soeo 1 I The Best of Medicines are none too good for sick fol-ts.

It is bid enough to he sick without running with second grade drugs. That's the reason we buy only the highest quality of everything. It's a great satte? faction to us to know that every prescription we send out is just as good as good drugs will make it. No matter what you paid for It you couldn't get it any better. ESTABLISHED 1824.

i B. SCtiniTT. Druggist Woodstock, Va TEACHERS. Km tin- Hkk.w.I). The Teachers in conirutlon I 0 t.

14th ami not lo in- prese I in League ai Instltu'e or tl bei tht public as w. a- primarily to ad? ranea tin: Interests of teachers pro? fesslonally, Their eaasa la that of their patrons also, tor both should h- equally interested in in The new of study1 aiithn bv the county School srel II -i ind questions of arm a III be All who an Improved In a i.i lie In artily by the teaefsets, who an- struggling to raise tbem? elves under the burden ol I ichool system long tJaoa eat of joint with the need- of the time-. Better a-her- and better -chools do oil want! Will then, we trust, help the Teach? er-' League to secure better acbool lews, by encouraging their movement. Lend n- your aid hy your nrr-eiice least, at the meeting called tor in October. Ministers, llditm-.

Doctora, Meclianics, Parasen and Lewvem, yes too. are i ortli illy invited to attend. Efforts will be made to secure reduced railroad rota for teach? ers. However, let no teacher be absent. United we stand! LtTTHata KlHI.EK.

Not the Wisest Wav It is not alwavabeat to wait until is needed before buying a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy. Quite frequently the icin-dy required in the very i ii- est -ea-oii or in the nlaM and much Inconvenience and siitif must be i.orne h'-fuie i an be ahtaj f( osts hut a trifle a- compared with Its real worth and every family can well afford to keep it in their home, It every? where acknowledged to be the most r-essful Hedlclne in the world fur bowel i Por sale by L. Irwin Druggist. Sear-lb? HaH BOUjut Acts gentlv on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CLEAN5ES THE EFFECTUALLY iiUMU pERMANENTLt Buy VMS GENUINE MtN er a a KAI Su IU Win. Jewett and Minnie Jatkson, a colored couple of Bttasbutg, were tnar rled in Mr.

fJeo W. Mlley's in this town, on Wednesday, by Rev, J. Itrowo, pa-tor of the colored church here. Closing Out Sale -OF OUR mm Stock of Goads. Having determined our SEP.

9th. we will sell our entire Etock ol AND BE-LOW COST. nt hr cotton 6c. cent cambrick per I 4c 10 hose shirting 16c. underwear 37 2c 4c.

30e Best prints, light, fJc. 19 percale 'Hit gingham 4 1-8 lo Allotonr lawn? at one half Our entire line of drc-s goods tt) per cent oil'. We will fell everyihirg at and BELOW COST.commenring SATURDAY, SEP. Our stock consist? of Dry XoticoB, Boots and She-ee Groce which we will keep aline, Glarswere, Tinware Queens cents, and RDADYMADE CLOTHING remember, we will take all kind? of trade at You will surprised liow cheap goo Is- will il i Como in, Drice and you liny, at the prioesthnt ffOodl will go in rash. Cell early and get the bargains.

All settle their account? by Oct. lat Ul checks will be redeemed at former for P. L. Yates Son. Sept.

R. Bargelt St DEALERS IX Organs and Bicycles Herald Office, Woodstock, Va. Don't Spend your MONEY When yon bay even, thing want for trade at lese prices. Our Stock ofHtnn Qnsnn GoOBS, is the only complete line in town By buying in large qmuitities the advance, we can un l.rsell them all. icc.ivo.l ouiloade.l shells, paper shells, powder, cartridges, caps, juiiiii is, etc.

Sl'KCIAI, I.AIU.AINS IX FRUIT were 55 and 60c. Doz. now 40. ami Mo, Dozen. Knives.

Awls. Uristles, HiMWj Nails, Rasps, etc. twine, foddfer rope, corn knives ami Call early and get prices. All kindi ira le taken at highest nisrket price. W.


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