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The Dalles Daily Chronicle from The Dalles, Oregon • Page 3

The Dalles, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY, PEC. 19, 1890 LOCAL BREVITIES. The special pawenjier will leave at o'clock this afternoon. The tax levy thi year in twenty-live mills for anl whool purr pones.

The steamer D. S. Baker, wan taken to Crate's point to-day and placed in vintt-r quarters. The day has been one of the arly spring variety; a mixture of nun-chine and of showers. The A.

O. U. will have a Christmas tree in their hall Christmas night. It will l4r fruit principally for the children wf themeiubers of the order. Two tramps were arrested last night for UVng out after hours and were presented with three days work by his honor Recorder Knaggs.

Mr. C. E. HaighfH name apjiears aunong the United States trial jurors summoned to appear in the Circuit court to Partland January th, Some teamster lost his led (not the wagon's) on the lower road yesterday evening. A gentleman coming in found Hand left the same at Moody's warehouse.

Masters Ed and Vivian French, sons of J. V. French who have Wn attend ing school at Berkley, Calitorina. ar- rivl home last night to remain during the holidays. Eighty families passed through the day on one train.

They came from Arkansas and were lxiund for Jray's Harbor. Dr. Shackelford, Alexander McIod, and J. O. Mack, have been appointed by the Probate court to appraise the prop-rty of the late Daniel Handley, and will commence work Monday.

The ladies who are conducting the Methodist church fair announce that it will be continued all day to-morrow. It has been a success so far but many articles remain to be sold, and the excellent meals continue to be served. Sixteen oiie-hwndredths of an inch of rain fell Sunday night and Wednesday night four hundredths. The rain did not extend south any great distance, be-ingconfined to the country near the Col umbia. Mr.

Joseph Wilson, of Hood River, made us a pleasant call yesterday on his way home from Grant. He is secretary of the Hood River Townsite Company, and informs us that property is moving a rapid rate, about 1,000 worth being by the company this week. The deed of Mary Ijuighlin, B. F. Iaughlin, W.

Lord, Elizabeth Lord and 15. C. Laughlin to the Oregon Railway Navigation Company, to lots 2, 3, 4, 5 6. block 15, Laughlin's addition to TXdles City, was tiled for record to-day. It luA leen recorded once, but crops up agaia for record.

K'lfjfine 373 which was in the collision art Coyote, with the tank of engine 449, -and the tk-rap pile and wreck, passed through to Albina this morning. One box car, was on top ot a coal car placed there in the wreck, and ulupped to Portland just as it was. The engine was badly demoralized and many of the cars were convincing evidence of the force of the collision. Victor Marden, Iio Schanno and Leo Bruen all arrived home from Bishop Scott's school at Portland last night. The young gentlemen are looking well nd in their tiearing show their military training.

They will, no doubt, enjoy their brief holiday with that keen zest which close application to their books will lend their temporary freedom. The Dalles is justly proud of her Ikvs, and these three will, we feel sure, add to her pride. Three deeds of The Dalles Mill Water Company, to Dalles City were filed this morning covering all their rights of way, and water right and the mill ite and mill. This is the end of the question, and now that it is settled, the quicker work is begun and the upper portion of the city supplied with water, the better. The matter has kept our citizens in a turmoil for along time, and has seriously retarded our growt h.

Xow that it is settled let us accept it as it it) and drop the subject. Mr. Lewis Stump and son of Camas prairie were in town yesterday. They are the boss bear hunters of the state and have a pack of seven hounds, all tirst-class runners and good bear dogs, and when they get after a lear, followed by "Old Stump" and "The Kid," bruin has a very poor show for his life or liberty. They have killed this season forty-three bears, not counting the one that Charley Haight and W.

K. Stewart surrounded, or the one that tliey didn't. Yesterday in the hurry of going to press a galley, of type got in its deadly work, and took up its position in our -columns without having been interviewed by our proof reader. A short paragraph that belonged under a marriage notice crawled up under four carloads of sheep and one of hogs and calmly rode the brakebeam, so to speak, I'l through half the issue. Another article i "had the word "mill" for hill, "creaiu- ery" for cannery and contained so many other private brands and ear, marks of the omnipresent intelligent? compositor that we reprint it to-day.

according The county clerk is engaged in extend ing the assessment roll for the sheriff, and it will be placed in his hands a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter are expected home soon, and they will settle down to home life in the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Korten.

Our Portland Visitor. Dr. Wortman, Portland. C. A.

Bex by and wife Portland. Mrs. Durfey, M. C. Merges.

C. A. Nelty, (ieorge H. Mrs. A.

R. Stringer, Iiev. E. U. Wheeler and wife, Portland.

D. F. Stanlev and wife, J. W. R.

O. Bates, P. C. Brown and wife, Mrs W. Miller, Ferd lhitzel.

C. W. Miller. Alfred Vurper, and daughter Albina. II.

M. Beall, The Dalles. Merle Johnson, Oregon City. W. C.

Johnson, J. C. Reed, East Portland, Mrs. W. C.

Johnson. Oregon City. Wm. F. Burns, Portland.

O. A. Thomas and wife, Forest Grove. M. D.

Martin. W. D. Karnes, M. E.

Thomas. I). C. Miller, C. S.

Bettv, Portland. Presd. J. F. Ellis, D.

D. Forest Grove. Carl W. Ellis, Mrs. Josephine Ward, Mrs.

Sarah E. Miller, Mrs. E. W. Haines, E.

F. Sox and wife, Albany. J. Stratton. McMinville.

If. .1. Little, McMinville. Thos. B.

Kay. McMinville. A. Field, North Dalles. H.

O. Kirkpatriek, Kansas City. Jrr. Ward and wife, Forest Grove. The train bearing the above visitors arrived at 12:30 i.

m. and an. excellent dinner was at once served them at tbe Umatilla House. As we go to press they are most of them at North Dalles examining the shoe factory and enjoying themselves generally. We will give them further notice to-morrow, only adding now that the people of The Dalles bid them hearty welcome.

Council Council met last night. The mayor stated that the special purpose of the meeting was to consider a communication from Frank Dekum, returning unsigned the personal indemnity bond asked for by the council at its last meeting. The communication was read and, on motion filed. Councilman Farley then handed the recorder 1 a communication from De kum and Thompson addressed to the mavor and common council of Dalles city, dated at Portland, December- 13. The communication was read and filed.

A petition signed by W. Lord French Co. and others, praying the council to accept the two deeds offered by The Dalles Mill and Water company heretofore executed, and to deliver to said company, the warrant- drawn against the water fund for the pnrchase price, and that no further covenants be re quired. The petition being read, Councilman Thornburv moved that it be received and filed. Council man Dufur moved to amend to read, receive the petition, file and grant the praver of the petitioners.

The amendment was accepted. Councilman Peters stated that he would not vote for the motion, on the grounds that the deeds provided no war ranty to divert the waters from the old channels. The mavor then stated that he had disapproved the purchase of The Dalles Mill and Water company's plant at $50, 000 from the beginning had from time to time stated and communicated to the council his reasons by message, and that he still disapproves the purchase at tnat price. He said "It was apparent that his dis approval of the measure would be overruled now, as it had been heretofore, by a majority and in order that the property if purchased, might be had at the best possible advantage, an additional deed had been asked, warranting the city in the right to divert water from the Dog river ditch, and that he would now submit to the council a copy of such covenant and a telegram from A. S.

Mac-allister at Portland stating that the said amended deed had lieen executed and delivered." After some discussion the motion was by consent withdrawn. It was then moved to receive and file the petition. A resolution was then passed providing for the acceptance of the three last deeds, and the delivery of the $50,000 warrant. The two deeds are now in the recorders office and one was executed and delivered to A. S.

MacAllister to-day, at Portland. Council adjourned. Killed His Mother. A man calling himself John Anderson has lived in Grass Valley, near Kerr Buckley's ranch, for the or five years, and has always been a steady, hard working man, but at times has acted a little A month or six weeks ago he received through' the land office, the money he had paid on a pre emption claim, it being returned on account of some irregularity. With this money he purchased a ticket for Arkan sas, where, he goes with the cheerful ex pectation of being hanged, he having killed his mother there about eight years ago, and he goes back for the pur pose of surrendering to the authorities For coughs and colds use 2379.

2379 is the cough eyrup for children. Lots at North Dalles at acre price. Does S. get there? "I should smile." S. B.

For elegant holiday presents go to W. E. Garretson's. Look out for the new hotel at North Dalles. Portland capital Dalles.

is going in at North C. E. Dunham will cure your headache, cough or pain for 50 cenls, S. B. North Dalles property for a good in-vestion.

New manufactories North Dalles. are going in at North Dalles now is your chance before they advance. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes Kinersley's. Snipes Kinersly are "anxious to cure your headache for 50 cents. S.

B. Last week something like 110 lots were sold at North Dalles. For bargains in all lines of men's wear go to MacEacheex MacLeods. Fine watches, jewelry and silverware, the very handsomest of Christmas presents at W. E.

Garretson's. The sales of lots in North Dalles last week were big. Our best citizens are buying them. An eastern company will equip a fine electric line running into North Dalles one mile. You need not cough! Blakeley Houghton will cure it for 50 cents.

S. B. We took dinner at Haight's restaurant esterdav and were surprised at him giv ing so good a meal for so low a price. $15,000.00 in Clothing, Furnishing ioods. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, to be sold at cost, at MacEacheex Maclkods.

Quite a partv of gentlemen will come from Portland this week to look at North Dalles property with a view of large investments. The finest stock of silverware ever brought to The Dalles at W. E. Garret-eons, Second Do not forget about the first annual ball to be given bv the Gesang Verein (Harmony) on New xear a eve. One of the largest tanneries west of the Mississippi river will be located at Dalles and at least two otner large institutions in the near future.

All of our Immense Stock must be sold regardless of Cost, as we are Closing out our business mine Dalles. MacEachebs a MacLeod. Lady Apples at Maier Benton's Just the the thing for Christmas trees. Corner Third and Union streets. For Holiday Goods go to Jacobsen 162 Second street, wnere you can find presents for young and old.

at all prices. For watches, jewelry and silverware, in fact for anything in the shape of a beautjful Christmas present, go to S. L. Young. North Dalles lots are selling fast and are being taken at Portland very freely.

This week promises some promising developments. KOTICK TO TAXPAYERS. Notice is herehy given that the taxes for Dalles City are now due and payable at my office for the next thirtv davs. Afterdate (December 31st, 1890.) tliey become delinquent. J.

S. Fish, December 2d, 1890. City areas. A Bridge to North Dalles. There now seems no doubt but that the great bridge which is to cross the Columbia river between North Dalles and The Dalles will be built before high water is again reached as most of the money has been raised.

Livery, feed and Sale Stable. Horses Mzbt and Sold on Commission. OFFICE OF- The Dalles Goldendale Stage Line Trucking and raying. Baggage transferred to any part of the City. OAK A'1 FIR WOOD FOR SALE.


PAUL KREFT, Artistic Painter House Decorator. THE DALLES, Oft. Houe Painting and DeroraMnK a specialty. ing wurK at me lowest prices. SHOP Adjoining: Red Front Grocery, THIRD STREET.

FOR SALE. HAVING BOUGHT THE LOGAN STABI.ES in East Portland, we now otter our IJvery Buune DUHiuess in mis city lor sale at a bargain. AKU dt He. Kris. PROFESSIONAL CARDS.

D1 R. G. C. E3HKLMAN Homoeopathic Phy siciah and MUBGEON. Office Hours to 12 A.

M' 1 to 4. and 7 to 8 V. Calls answered promptly dey or niut Office; upstairs in Chap "inn An Indian Iaecead. When the Great Spirit created the world he first made three men, aH of tho same color. Then ha led them to a pool of water and bade them jump in and bathe.

One of them, obeying at once, leaped in in advance of his fellows, and came oat clean and white. The other hesitated, bat one soon followed the first. When he went in the water had become somewhat stained and he came out copper colored. Then the third man went in. By that time the water of the pool bad become black, and he was consequently black when he bad Thus it happens that there are white men, red men and black men in the world.

Then the Great Spirit laid down three packaged before the three men, which contained their future fate. Out of pity for the black man he permitted him to have his first choice of the parcels. The black man, without hesitation. took the largest of the parcels; the red an, whose torn was next, took the next largest parcel, and the white man got the remaining one, which was very Then the men opened their packages. That of the black man was found to contain shovels and other implements of labor; the red man's contained bows and arrows, and the white man's small parcel consisted of pens, ink and tools for fine, light work, From that time on each man made nse of the tools he had chosen.

Cor, Youth's Companion. Mew York's Ink Industry. New York is entitled to consideration as the leading city of the Union in the manufacture of ink. Fifteen years ago English ink controlled the market. Since then the American article has been gradually poshing the British product oat of the market by its superiority and excellence.

There is a great difference between the wholesale and retail price of the fluid. A little bottle of ink containing two ounces, for which a person pays five cents, costs at the factory one cent. The bottles are really more vain- able than the ink they contain. The best black ink is made from the gall nnt and iron. The gall nnt is found in Arabia, and is about the size of hickory nnt and grows on a small, scrub by oak.

A large majority of the col ored inks are made from the extracts of coal tar. The most expensive colored ink used for ruling is carmine, made from the cochineal bag. The cochineal bag is raised with much care in Mexico. The dye from this hog is worth $15 a pound. Since cochineal dye is becom ing scarce ink makers are compelled to use an inferior red color from coal tar.

The ten different colored inks are all made from the extract of coal tar. White ink is made for writing on black paper, bat tbe demand for it is not very great. New York Telegram. A Un Throwing- Gnu. Another addition to the list of recently invented life saving devices is the shoulder line throwing gun, invented by Capt.

Arcy-Irving, of the Fingtish royal navy. The invention consists of a shoulder gun. having the cop or coil of hne, suspended in a case, carried under the breech of the gun. A rod is "inserted in the barrel, the fore end of the rod being connected with the end of the line, which is in the center of the cop. The line is 144 yards long, and the charge of powder used is two drams.

Upon the gun being fired at a high elevation the rod is projected upward and forward, carrying the line trail ing after it. The object is, of course, to land the line over the ship or other object. the rod dropping behind it. By this means a rope can be made fast to the tail end of the line by the succoring party, and be hauled on board by those distress. New York Commercial Advertiser.

A Story of Schiller. A curious incident is handed down from the boyish life of Schiller. One day, in a tremendous thunderstorm, the family gathered together in ill disguised terror. Bnt Fritz was missing, and the father, alarmed for his safety, sought him vain in all the rooms of the house. He went outdoors to search for the truant, and to his surprise found him perched on a branch of a solitary tree, eagerly watching the heavens and the flashes which lighted up the gloom.

He was wholly indifferent to the rain, which had wet him to the skin, and to the dan ger he incurred. To the sharp reproof of the father the boy replied with a glowing face: "The lightning is so beautiful I wished to Bee where it came from." Boston Herald. Why Boys Are Fond of Natura. I have often read in stories of boys who were fond of nature, and loved her sublimity and beauty, but I do not believe boys are ever naturally fond of nature. They want to make use of the woods and fields and rivers; and when they become men they find these aspects of nature endeared to them by association, and so they think they were dear for their own Bakes, but the taste for nature is as purely acquired as the taste for poetry or the taste for tomatoes.

I have often seen boys wondering at the rainbow, but it was wonder, not admiration, that moved them; and I have seen them excited by a storm, but because the etona was tremendous, not because it was beautiful. W. D. Howells. Corporations Were Ever the Banna.

"Corporations have no souls" is a much older expression than most people imagine. It originated with Sin Edward Coke, who in the Sixteenth century was considered one of the best legal writers of the-age. He says, in one of his treat ises. "Corporations cannot commit tres pass, nor be outlawed, nor excommuni cated, for they have no souls." Detroit Free Press. It is a curious and inexplicable tiling that a cigarette or a pipe will spoil the flavor of the best cigar that was made.

All smokers are aware of this. A man with a cigarette can spoil tbe comfort of fifty cigaxsmobora, and a pipe of strong tobacco will ruin the flavor of every cigar within reach, LooR out for Jlorttt Dalles! Look out for North Dalles! Look out for North LOOK OUT FOB NORTH DALLES, for Good Homes. Lots now at LOOK OUT FOR For further Information, The Interstate Investment DEALERS IN staple Hay, Grain Cheap Express Wagons Jlos. 1 and 2. Orders left at the Stcre will receive prompt attention.

Trunks and Packages delivered to anyjpart of the City. Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arrives. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third.

Sts. H-P-CLKSIER, DEKLER IN pine Cigars and Tobaeco Cigarettes and Smokers1 Notions. go to SMOKER'S EMPORIUM. 109 Second The Dalles. Pipes, THE Grandall MANUFACTURERS FURNITURE Undertakers and Embalmers.

NO. SECOND STREET. Clearance Sale! For the Purpose Fall and Winter Millinery, Will Sell so CHEAP that new hat if only for "Looks." AfRS. PHILLIPS, 81 Third Street: The lalloi I- NICKELSEN, -DEALER IN- STATIONERY, flOTIOHS, BOOKS AND MUSIC, Cor. of TMrfl ail fasMngton Sts, Tte Dalles, Orepi.

And its manufactories that are coming. And the Latest Railroad News. And Residences that'll be started this week. Acre Prices. NEW HOTEL! apply at the office Co.

O. TAYT.OR. Pres'd. eiies, and Feed. Budget, AND DEAUSRS IN CARPETS.

of Disposing of our it will pay you to have a BIOG.

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