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Asbury Park Press from Asbury Park, New Jersey • Page 11

Asbury Park Pressi
Asbury Park, New Jersey
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ASBURY PARK EVENING PRESS (THE EV KNINT, NEWS). FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1911 21 Neighborly Neighbors Women Plan D.A.R. Juniors IK Matauau Hank IK Kumson (ii up Rl.MSON The Rumson Young Woman's club met at the home of Miss Helen Sinclair and made plans for organizing bowling teams under the supervision of Miss Alma Vom Steeg Those present were the Misses Frances Carhart. Lorretta Kennedy, Doris Walker, Irene Walker.

Ruth Mellish. Doris Kissel, Katherine Sinclair. Glarivs Niederer and Bet. ty Sinclair The club meets every Monday evening It pays to advertise in the Sunday Prea Plan Meetings RFD BANK The Junior Group of the Monmouth chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met Wednesday at the home of Mrs F. J.

Horsey, Port-au-Peck. A New Jersey meeting it the Historical building in Newark Oct 17 ill be attended by severr! local members. Mrs Carl llolmquist will be the flag bearer from th chapter A rummage sale ill be held Saturday. Oct. 25 for which Mrs.

Harold Slaatsburg has been made chairman. Dr. J. Berkeley Gordon, medical director of the New state hospital at Marlboro, will be the guest speaker at the opening meeting at the Woman's club Nov 12. Mrs Horsey is chairman of the refreshment committee At the conclusion of the meeting a gift from the group was presented to Miss Caro tjuinn.

who is to be married to Richard Foster in November Among the members present were Mrs. Theodore Parmly, regent of the Monmouth chapter, 1). A Mrs. Fdward lioehl. Miss F.liza-beth Haviland.

Mrs Harold Staats-hurg, Mrs Carl llolmquist. Miss Caro Quinn, Mrs. Kenneth Dictz, Mrs Harvey l.euin, Mrs ,1. Rue! jr Miss Helen Holmes, Mis Norman Stofflett. Mrs Herbert Paikell.

Miss Katherme Child. Mrs Fred Moller. Miss lone VaiiBuskirk, Mrs. K. J.

Horsey and Miss Frances Sherwood STOP IN FOR BREAKFAST! Fresh Fruit ORANGE JUICE III healthful and it-hrlous! Blf 10 -ail nee Sale of Books (Staff Correspondent! A meeting of the book committee of the Monmouth county branch of the American Association of I Diversity Women was held yesterday at the home of Mrs. Thomas II. Lafon. Lenox avenue, to complete plans for the annual book sale which is to be held next week in Red Bank The sale, which commences Tuesday, will be held at Broad and Front streets in a vacant store. It will remain open from 9 a.

m. to 6 m. Tuesday, thru Friday. On Saturday, the final day of the sale, it will remain open till 0 p. m.

Books of all types have been re-reived, including children's stories, fiction and non-fiction, textbooks, and foreign language books. Mrs. Lafon who is general chairman of the sale committee, hopes that more books will he received by her and her committee in time to he put on sale. Rooks will be received by the following members of the committee: Mrs. Arthur Gibh.

Rumson: Mrs. Lawrence Bacon. Long Branch: Mrs. William D. Herman.

Asbury Park; Mrs. Milton A Yrcrland. Red Bank; Mrs. Albert Talbot. Fair Haven: Mrs William Schaphorst.

Atlantic Highlands, and Mis. Herbert West. Keyport. The A A V. W.

Fellowship Fund will benefit from the entire proceeds Others present at the meeting were Mis Emilio Fanjul. branch president: Mrs Melvin Rahn. Miss Florence Kridel. Mrs Henry Ac-kcrson. Mrs.

A Johnston. Mrs. A II Ross. Mis Harry Brinille. Mrs.

Frank Cole. Mrs Arthur J. While and Mrs Aria Crandall. (lass for this very low prtra. A COFFEE and DOUGHNUTS Steaming, frarrant eoffee.

r'resb douihnuta daily. M1- PEOPLES DRUG STORE 871 COOKMAN AVENUI WHITE'S LIFETIME FURNITURE H0R5EFEATHER5 PETER MOPPlNd MAKING WWW' 6E.05 G.ENE.RAL HOUSEWORK WHAT WOULD THE Boy AV? MAT A WAN Notice of a special meeting of stockholders Oct. 20 has been issued by the Matawan bank. The meeting has been called to consider approval of a plan or recapitalization proposed by the hank board of directors. The plan is to retire or reduce the institution's preferred stock issue by $37,500 so that the new capital structure will have only one class of preferred stork and will increase its present common stock thru issuance of 5 000 additional shares making the total common stock $50000 The new capital structure will be: perferred.

$25,000 shares at $125 par value retirable at $2 50 per share1; common stock. $50,000, and surplus. $25000. making a total of $100,000 instead of the present capital structure of perferred A. perferred B.

$25,000. and common. $25,000. totaling $112,500. According to Milton F.

Stevenson, executive vice president of Ihe bank, the board of directors and officers are confident the remaining perferred stock will he retired speedily. It is understood that subscription to the new issue of additional common stock, consisting of 5.000 shares at $5 par. has already been assured P.T.TlMans-Future Events (Staff Correspondent) RED BANK The Parent-Teacher association met last night at the senior high school auditorium. At the covered dish supper which preceded discussion of the 1941-1942 program, year books were distributed to members, which outlined the special and future activities Mrs Charles Sllllwagon. chairman of the program committee, was assisted in her compilation of the book by Mrs Howard Manning, school education: Mrs Ada A.

Crandall, principal of the high; Mrs Frank Kuhl. P. A. president; Harry Selher. principal of Ihe senior high school and Mrs.

Kenneth F. Slice, who is chairman of the safely committee The next meeting will be held during American F.riucatinn week and Ihe committee has entitled that evening as "(in to School Night Parents will attend the same classes as their children do. fur 10 minute periods during which lime teachers will explain the various courses. "Father's Day" will he the theme of the Jan meeting, when the fathers will take complete charge ol the meeting A play will be given, under Ihe direction of Mrs Barbara Kane at the Founder's day meeting Feb. 5 Movies of military police In training will mark the safely program, which will he arranged hy Mrs Slice At Ihe same meeting, a choir from Fort Monmouth will give a musical program The annual business meeting will he the order of the May meeting which will complete the program The halibut always lies on its left side, which is practically white, and both eyes and the coloration are on the right side OT HOWD HE EVER GET HORNSWOGGltD INTO THIS BUSINESS.

ANYWAY Hebrew Women Hear Officer RED BANK Maj. Edward Arthur Levy, post judge advocate of Fort Monmouth, was the speaker at the Ladies Hebrew society Tuesday night. His subject was "Public Morale." He stressed the role of women in national defense to bolster tbe morale of the country. "If we are successful now in organizing our defenses and giving aid to our allies abroad, we will be able to give the rest of the world freedom and liberty," he said. The new chairmen and their committees for the year were announced at the meeting: Sunshine committee, Mrs.

Benjamin Adler, chairman, aided by Mrs Moe Gorden, Mrs. Max Cohn and Mrs. isadore Kerber; house committee. Mrs. Harry Magan-sky, chairman, Mrs.

Julius Straus, Mrs. Samuel Greenblatt, Mrs. Isadore Kerber. Mrs. David Fischer, Miss Ruth Straus, Mrs.

Benjamin Adler, Mrs. Abe Abramowitz and Mrs. Rebecca Krassner. Mrs. Julius Straus, chairman, announced a rummage sale Oct.

21 at 152 Shrewsbury avenue. A cooking demonstration and card party ill be held at the Jersey Central Power and Light company auditorium in Long Branch. Tuesday, Oct. 28 with Mrs. A.

Alfred Podell acting as chairman. The Simcoth Corah party for children, of which Mrs. Morris Siegel is chairman, will be held at the Community center Monday. Mrs. Samuel Greenblatt will be chairman of Monte Carlo night Nov.

25 at the Community center. Other chairmen are Mrs. May Newman, prize committee; Mrs. Henry llur-witz and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, prize books: Mrs.

Leon Hueckhous, printing; Mrs. Julius Straus, tearoom; Mrs. Celia Waldman, refreshment committee, aided by Mrs. Max Cloth, Mrs. Benjamin Taplan, Mrs.

Joseph Joseph, Mrs. Rebecca Krassner and Mrs. Nathan Cohen. Mrs. Ruben Sklar, who is chair--! man of the game committee, will be aided by Mrs.

Morris Jacks, Mrs. A. Alfred Podell, Mrs. Charles Gogel, Mrs. Al Bradin, Mrs.

Aaron Dixon, Mrs. Joseph Becker, Mrs. Herman Komar, Mrs. Ernest Heymen, Mrs. Nathan Levinsky, Mrs.

Max Mrs. Max Benowitz, Mis. Lillian Becker, Mrs. Morris Westerman, Mrs. Harry Klalsky, Mrs.

Morris Siegel, and Mrs. Harry Meistrich. Mrs. Henry Hurwitz is chairman of the floor committee and Mrs. Samuel Cohen and Mrs.

Max Morris are chairmen of the door committee. Co-chairmen of the telephone committee are Mrs. Benjamin Adler and Miss Lillian Becker and others on Ihe committee are Mrs. Jacob Gold-in. Mrs.

Max Cohn. Mrs. William Os-trov, Mrs. Aaron Dixon, Mrs. Max Benowitz, Mrs.

Abe Breenberg. Mrs. May Newman, Mrs. Julius Straus, Mrs. Morris Westerman, Mrs.

Arthur Hcrshon. Mrs. Charles Gogel. Mrs. Max Cloth and Mrs.

Harry Tapier. A resolution was passed in memory of the late Mrs, J. Kridcl. New members and guests were introduced, the new members being Miss Florence Richmond. Mrs.

David Bul-kin. Mrs. Ray Breslov. Mrs. M.

L. Ball, and Mrs. Joseph Decker. Guests present were Miss Claire Spachner, Mrs. Harry Garb and Mrs.

Benjamin Hurwitz. Miami, formerly of Red flank. Refreshments were served at the meeting by Mrs. May Newman, who was assisted by Mrs. Max Benowitz and Mrs.

Max Cohn, They were donated hy Mrs. Max Grand. 1 An i iyt WHITE'S ijrermaii msnops miacK on razis jCamiitiut sprak MwWna 'Mercy Deaths' Spreads Thru Reich CE1PST BUYING PLANS (Special To Thr Press! KEYPORT County and local Republican candidates spoke Tuesdav night at a meeting of the Raymond L. WyckulT Republican club at the Masonic temple. Osborn street Clinton S.

Wyckoff. 1ax collector, reported that since his appointment to the post in January, the rate of lollection has increased. Councilman Frederick Tibbetts listed accomplishments during the term in office, citing payment of $48,000 to the board of education, enabling a reduction in taxes, selling nine bnro-owned houses of I lie Aeromarine section, sale of the Tingley Reliance properly to the C. Choose The Plan That livst Suit 1 'oil Requ irem en Is! Tho new Credit Rulings hove not changed in the leost White's past liberal credit policy, and it is still available to make your purchase of home-furnishings ot this store on easy matter. Your credit with us is just as good as ever and you can buy anything you need on the most liberol terms.

We ore glad to give you in the following, the true facts, boiled down to the essentials. stroy them, slaughter them as soon as they are no longer able to fulfill their destiny. But concerned here are human beings, our fellow creatures, our brothers and sisters. Unfortunate human beings, sick human beings unproductive human beings, for all I care. But have they thereby forfeited their right to "Have you, have 1, the right to live only so long as we are productive, so long as we are regarded as productive by others? If it is once conceded that men have the right to kill 'productive fellow creatures' and if at at first it affects only poor helpless insane persons then fundamentally the murder of all unproductive persons is given free rein, the murder of incurably sick persons and cripples unable to work, invalids of industry and Ihe war, of us all when we become old and weak with age and therewith unproductive.

"Then it is only necessary to issue a secret decree that the method tested on the insane also is to be extended to other unproductives. that this also may be used in incurable pulmonic patients, aged invalids, and soldiers seriously injured in the war! "Then none of our lives is safe any more: Some kind of commission can put you on a list of 'unproductives' who, according to their decision, have become unworthy to live. And the police won't protect you, no court will avenge the murder and mete out the justified punishment to murder! Who then can still trust his doctor! It isn't to be imagined what the letdown in morals and what general mutual mistrust will be carried even into families if this frightful teaching is tolerated, accepted and Galbrailh company at a profit of $1,000. taking the Humphries ship yard for $5,000 and leasing it for $900 a year to the Armstrong Cork company while still retaining the water rights, razing of condemned buildings in the boro, removing condemned steamboats from tbe waterfront, and support of an ordinance prohibiting "fly night" concerns from operating during holidays and busy seasons only. Firemen Siiminnneil A grass fire on a lot at tbe rear of SOS Eighth avenue, owned by Carlton M.

Strowss, was put out by one engine company of the local fire department yesterday afternoon PLAN NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC (A) 90 Day Plan NO DOWN PAYMENT on 00 Hay Chrjrp Accounts. No Credit ChHrjrr. ALL mor-t'handisp included. (B) 9MonthsPlan PURCHASE UP TO $50 This plan applies to any purchase of $)(). 00 or less.

You may pay as little as cash anil take up to nine months to pay Ihe balance in small weekly or monthly installments as you may arrange BERLIN. iPi The spreading practice of "mercy killing," quietly advocated by certain Nazi quarters, has come into the spotlight in Germany. An officially approved film, "Ich Klage An," has made the question of killing mental defectives, invalids and the incurably sick, because they are "unproductive" under the Nazi concept, one of public debate. At the same time the outspoken bishop of Muenster, Count Clemens August von Galen, has made an expose of Nazi "mercy deaths" and denounced the practice. Some months ago the Lutheran bishop, Theophil Wurm, of Wuerttemberg, also attacked "mercy death" teaching in a letter addressed to Adolf Hitler.

Bishop von Galen, who unhesitatingly speaks his mind and of late has even defied the Gestapo i secret police', warned that if the principle of "killing unproductive fellow creatures" is recognized, then even the lives of crippled war veterans and Ihe aged aren't safe. "1 have been assured that in the ministry of the interior and in tbe office of the Reich's leader of physicians (health director! Dr. Leonardo Conti, no secret is marie of the fact that a great number of insane in Germany already have been deliberately killed and in the future are to be killed." he declared as recently as Aug. 3 in a sermon at St. Lamberti's church, Muenster, Westphalia.

The film, which received widespread and extensive press notice, had its premiere in the presence of Dr. Conti. It is a story of a doctor and his young wife who is wracked by an incurable disease. Unable to find the means to check her illness, the doctor takes the life of his suffering wife with an overdose of poison upon learning she has only two months to live. Audience Decides Verdict The film deals at length with the court trial of the doctor on a charge of murder but ends without the verdict, leaving that to the audience.

The course of the evidence is an appeal made to the human side of the case and a suggestion of a change in the present German law which would, for example, permit medical commissions to decide whether a persons should legally he given a mercy death. The film undoubtedly was designed to do the necessary spade work. There is no reliable information as to how many thousands of Germans already have been given a mercy death, apparently thru painless gas. Catholic bishops, in a letter read in all churches last June in which they warned that "Christianity was at stake in Germany," also made a fleeting generalized reference to mercy killing. "There are sacred obligations of conscience," their Jetter said, "from p5 To ci'lt'hrale my 251 year in business I am making an unusually low-priced offer for high qualify workmanship MEN'S SOLES and HEELS-RUBBER or LEATHER 89c LADIES' SOLES and LEATHER or RUBBER HEELS 59c CHILDREN SOLES HEELS Rubber or Leather 49c FULL SOLES and HEELS- Leather or Rubber 1 .45 266 Given Jobs RED BANK A total of 2fi6 persons were placed in employment during September thru the local office of the New Jersey Compensation commission, Emil Gardell, manager, reported today.

The report also showed that 375 new unemployment insurance claims were made with 2.106 claims continued. PLAN IT'S A HIT! PRESS SPORTS PAGE HANDMADE SIIOKS TO ORDKR Daily HotShotslK JUST-WRIGHT SHOP Mond Street. Asliury Park OKI IIOI'KDIC SPM MUSTS Comfort (iiiamntewi $18 10 DOWN- 18 MONTHS TO PAY This plan applies to any purchase or combined purchases amounting to more than 00 on all furniture and bedding. Including living room, bedroom, dining room, breakfast room, studio couches, orranional pieces, beds and beddinjfs, rujr and floor coverings. which no one can free us and which we must fulfill even if it costs us our own lives.

Never under any circumstances may a human being, aside from war and justified self-defense, kill an innocent person." Bishop von Galen elaborated that statement in his sermon, now making the rounds of Germany in chain letter fashion. "For several months," the bishop said, "we hace heard reports that patients who have been ill for a long time and perhaps appear to be incurable have been, forcefully removed from sanatoriums and asylums for the insane by orders from Berlin. Body's Quickly Burned "Regularly then, after a short time, a relative received notice that the person had died, the body had been cremated, and the ashes could be delivered. A suspicion, bordering on certainty, exists generally that these numerous and unexpected cases of the death of the insane don't happen of themselves but are intentionally brought about, that, the teaching is being followed which maintains that one may destroy the lives of so-called 'persons unworthy to and so kill innocent persons if one thinks their lives are no longer of use to the nation and state." This was a reference to the cardinal Nazi principle that the nation is everything and the individual nothing. "Only what is of use to the nation may be a biding guide for what we do or don't do," Dr.

Conti recently said. The letter, quoting the bishop's letter, continued: "It is a frightful teaching which would justify the murder of the innocent, which fundamentally permits the violent killing of invalids no longer able to work, cripples, incurably ill and those weakened with old age. "According to reliable information, lists are now being made up in sanatoriums and asylums in the province of Westphalia of such patients who as so-called "unproductive are to be taken away and in a short time deprived of their lives. The first transport left Ihe institution at Marienthal near Muenster In the course of this week (July 31 1. "No.

211 of the Reich's penal code still has the force of the law which prescribes: 'Whoever intentionally kills a person shall, if he carried out the act with deliberation, be punished with death because of In order to protect those who premeditatively kill those poor sick persons, members of our families, from this legal punishment, the sick who are intended for death are transported from their homeland to a distant institution. "As the cause of death then, any kind of sickness is given. Because the body is immediately cremated, relatives ana also the police later can no longer establish whether the sickness really existed and what was the cause of death." Filed Fruitless Complaint The bishop then outlined how, upon learning of the Marienthal incident, he filed a complaint with the state's attorney and the police president in Muenster. His letter asked "for the protection of threatened countrymen by action against an official intending murder." The bishop said he had received no information that the police or the state's attorney had interfered. "The first transport of innocent persons condemned to death has left Marienthal," he continued, "and, according to what I hear, 800 patients already have been taken from the sanatorium at Warsten." Going into the reasons given for the "mercy deaths," the bishop said that "according to the judgment of some doctor, according to the opinion of some commission, they have become 'unworthy to because, according to these judgments, they belong to 'unproductive One judges that they no longer can produce goods, they are like an old machine which no longer runs; they are like in old horse which has become incurably lame; they are like a cow which no longer gives milk." "What does one do with such old machines?" the letter continued.

"They are scrapped. What does one do with a lame horse, with such unproductive cattle? No, I won't carry the comparison to the end "But eoncerned here re no machines or horses or cows whose only purpose is to-serve mankind, to produce goods for man. One may de Friedman Brothers 3 Main Asbury Park Phone 2.111-12 For Prompt Del. FRIEND'S Oven Baked BEANS 10c I.ARGR C'AV AT THE MUSIC CENTER SPECIAL GIFT OFFER! I Iip maker of Victor Records are i -rlelii at iilji tile greatest year in their history wilh this nijl itfjvr on the lo (ileal Victor Red Seal llecord No. III2J0 and BUY EITHER ONI FOR I GET THE OTHER ONE 20 DOWN- 18 MONTHS TO PAY This applies to electric refrigerators, electric irons, newinff machines, gas ranges, heaters, radios, radio phonographs, electric washers, priced at over $.10.00.

You have up to 18 months to pay the balance. IF EE IS $U-02 TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE I Matawan Chili Planum" Show (Special (o The Press! KEYPORT A flower show in miniature will be held Oct 21 at the next meeting of the Matawan Junior Women's club, it was announced Tuesday evening at the icgular business meeting in the club rooms in Matawan. Mrs. Evans Hyrne will have charge of fhe show, with prizes to be awarded to the display adjudged the best by a local florist. Mrs.

Everett Carlson was appointed chairman of the committee in charge of a rummage sale to be held on Oct. 23, 24 and 25 on West Front street, Keyport. A report on the drama conference was given by Miss Geraldine Brown, who announced that the little theater tournament has been scheduled for April 25. The following were appointed as a committee to select a play to be presented by the local group: Mrs. Evans Hyrne, Miss Mabel Fowler.

Mrs. Clyde Eggin-son and Miss Madeline Carioo. The resignation of Miss Adele Croes as fine arts chairman was accepted and Miss Geraldine Brown was named to succeed her Miss Croes will serve as assistant to Miss Brown. Miss Brown's chairmanship of the legislation and citizenship committee was taken over by Miss Kathryn Dunham. Announcement was made that the Matawan group will enter in the flower contest at the junior fall conference at the Berkeley-Carteret hotel in Asbury Park Oct.

18. The fust drawing in the merchandise club will be held at the next, meeting. The hospitality committee will be: Mrs. Charles Davison. Mrs.

Harold Dorl. Miss Frances Dell, Miss Annette Disbrow and Miss Edith Disbrow Miss Mildred Seidler will entertain at the home department meeting on Oct. 14. Jamison Is Speaker KEYPORT A talk on socialized medicine as practiced in New York was given by Dr. W.

F. Jamison, Asbury Park, at the regular meeting of the Keyport Kiwanis club Tuesday evening at the Ye Cottage inn. West Front street. Harry Seamen, John J. Haley and Anthony Granata.

were selected delegates to the three-day convention of the New Jersey district of Kiwanis clubs in Atlantic City next week. Attendance prizes were won by Roland V. Trailby and Everett Laurison and the special prizes by Carl Bitter, Charles E. Stultz and Laurison. EUGENE 0RMANDY ami the great lliilnrirlf iliin Irrliea-Ira nlaying The Emperor Waltz, by Johann Straus.

No. 18220. 1 Ro Hra Nw II" trior II R.tar4! thi ctrvym in ton a UMrncn time omi.ri Caramel Shop "The Sweetest Place in Town 530 Cookman Avenue Asbury Park CANDY THAT'S "FRESH ALWAYS" CHOCOLATE CARAMALLOWS IB 49c PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE tb 49e CHOCOLATE MOLASSES SPONGES tb 59e CALIFORNIA FRUIT CANDY. Tb 59c MILK CHOCOLATE COCOANUT FINGERS tb 49e $1 DOWN LAY-AWAY This plan makes it possible to select any merchandise, ahead of delivery date. Weekly or monthly payments are arranged to suit your convenience.

No interest or carrying charge during lay-away period. Chooe this plan to accumulate a down payment on anything you may wish to purchase. ARTHUR FIEDLER and the. great Rnalon "I'npn" Orrhmtra playing Faust Ballet Mutic, by Courted. No.

13830. Othor ckofco xltcrlont conducted by ttina ortisH iugont Ormandy Svmplmny No. 2 iHrnhmt) 12 niilr, in allium te.SO Ilaptini and Oilr Rmrl) i fli'l, in allium .82. SO 49 MILK SQUARES lb. TMKRK IS NO TAX ON FIRNITURR Arthur Fiedler Rienri Overture iWafnrr) 4 niiies, in ailnim t-ioconda llanre of (lie Mniirn I'onrhielli) 2 fciie 81.00 uiie 2 litiet I unlet, in album Takf Walk Srlii-rn (Unrl MrUnnalii I Amelia Corn In 111' Rail -Overture I lf- As Alwoys LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES At 2 iile 81.00 $2.


M. All Year 'Round Cookman Are. Tor. of Orand Ave. 147-149 Main Street Asbury Pork FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE AT LOW COST, USE THE PRESS.

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