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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 18

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MOB EIGHTEEN (AUK.) COURIER NEWS WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION toi IP MITT'IF" IPO It tlBt Oti 1 Uiav pel UOMC MI UOto Umw pel pti Count tire Avemgc to tbt Lint 44 oraereo toj at Umw cxpirutiuo icr DUmMJ ni Uw AUO oih jUJ DJ ol cut mutt tx accompanied gitM ot compuwo from uraei lui inetjuimi KM Mo reopuubibimy win 101 ID an out oi Services LAwn sharpened repaired, up delivery ttcniy Bbop 225 N. Ut. Day Phone 4161 Night IMiont -Rent sando-K. Kefinish your own floors. Kent an electric sunder from Wards.

Economical! Free instructions, Montgomery Ward 4-7 ck ti AiJ ciBUii Courier re-ierT reject mnj MI ec to prupei nfl rig tot to 01 will serricc limited ol clocks at my homa ot all wiu accepted industrial, novelties antiques, perpetual, calendar. L'narlej" Upton I2i Mo Pn IMease call allei i PK Apartment lor Rent Modern and jtojr courte va 9Ji 3 room apartment, furnished or lurnuhea. '2 room apartment, luriu Phone 4267 or 3665. 4 i 12-p 3 room furnished apartment. Mam Mrs.

Edgar P. Uorum. 1'h. JI2 3-roool Apt. Coujilft oj ily Pli 1170 4.J1-PK-1.IS Small lurnlsned'apt.

2128 Henley St Furnished Apartment. Ph. 2961. Business Service Directory Auto Supplies and Services ELECTRICAL AND REFRIGERATION SERVICE STABBS BROS. New Location- 410 E.

Main Day ail Nigni 25W iractoi wort loi acre i'rt JU81 hour PK 4 LOCAL HAULING HOMER FISHER 217 Lake St. Phone 2451 Insurance parts nun available POOLE MOTOR CO. ckn ni! ill soiu aeedB genuine paru (mm OUT rom- una KLUH PUUlJi. OWNKR UHtfKAlOU MOUlo HlghwR, 01 al tileete Uo Phone Steele 4V CHAPMAN HERVICF STATION Main tt LMvlalciD Phone Don endanger yuiu with MnUj HUY LEX 1'lRZii For Complete Insurance rotection Call 3545 W. J.

Polland Agency Planned Pnitettiun ULEMCUE HUTE1 UU1LUINU 1M ASH SI THE CAR FOR YOU IS HERE AT PHILLIPS MOTOR CO. 1948 Ford Super DeLuxe Sedan Coupe, gray, equipped with radio and healer $1445. 1948 Willys Station Wagon, radio, healer and overdrive $1250. 1946 Ford Super DeLuxe Tudor, maroon, has good heater $1295. 1941 Mercury Sedan Coupe, original black color, has radio, heater, and spotlight $895.

1910 Chevrolet Special DeLuxe Sedan, original hluck color, equipped with good heater SG95. 1947 Ford Slake I'ickup. bus heater, truck in really top shape $1250. 194G Chevrolet 1'ickup. slock rack, has healer and 1949 iiccnse $995.

For Sale, Heal fttate Oroctry at Kut JEnd Main Bt itotlc and fixtures Invoice 4jll-ck-18 Gl LOAN Alodcrn 6 room home and bath, A bedroom, itory. Nice kitchen and bath. Extra large closet and storage space Tins house is well built and less than 2 yrs. old. Northwest part of city.

1 block off bus line. 1'iice $6850. See or call JOHNNY MARK REALTOR Phone 4111 or 12 South Second St. for Rent Rooms Bedroom conveniently Unlll Ph. 2514 Wat 4.1i-pk->7 Bedroom, private balh Phone 3557 For Rent, Houses house bith.

lurnUhed. 22 K. 6th. Ph. 43M.

New atlon. 3 room modern home. Nice la- PH 865. Female Help Wanted WANTED: Lady with some of bookkeeping and designing for position in flor- st shop Write Box DEP Jourier News. 4-8 ck it Personal roirtj minute pnotnuutlc O'bTUliN bl'UlJlO For Sale or Trade 1 Iresri i year old Jtreey cow trf.f.n and springer helfere plin lor Ul Blackwell.

MO Ffione 10F3 Typewriter Loans AUTO LOANS FURNITURE LOANB Quick Ueneral Contract Purcnase Uurp 100 80 riftb Phnne 8W-CX-U TYPEWRITERS rtoyai. hnilin and Hcming on fnrUUle DON EDWARDS I'ne ITpcwrltei Second at 5th at Walnut Phone 4453 C'L'l'V PUOi'lCIi'lA' ti-rooni mm oaili oti Wcat Ash One block I rum suuoo) aim bus Line Price icrjns a-ueurooiii notue on Kenvucky, large lot, Debt local ion frlced to sell. Terms. j-rooin nouhe auu house OD same lot I'rlce terms. 1 have other city UM.nns your propeity with me for 'quick sale.

UEUT noay UKALTOR Piione 2415 or 3B16 4.11-ck-lB Late '46 Plymouth DeLuxe. New tires, 17,000 mileage. Drives like new. Call Jewel Lee, phone 4376, 576 or 2256, 4-14-pk-17 Duplexes at 119-1 IS and 125 Ash. prlci's ranging SS500 to JliOOO.

ti-room houfae E. Syc. $3150. U-room liouso on Davis, two nice aiiiirtnieiits. S12.WU 5-ixoin house on Main 3 lots K.

best reside nl.ft I Bcclton. Price $1000 each. Have other Cots good location. 5-room fiovise on $73M. 2 houses on one lot it good buy 38400.

acres very desirable In city Mrs. J. Lewis. Realtor 111 E. Davla Ph.

4659 For Sole, Misc. ONE EXTRA GOOD REBUILT USED I'lANU: CA13E HEFlN.aHKD; PERFECT 1.AV1NC.! CONDITION; ATTHACTlVi: RICE BROOKS MUSIC STORE. 107 Money to Loan Oo you a loan to repaii ot re- No dnwn payment no tnort- no tea tape A3K FOR DETAILS Max Logan, Realtor Lynch Bulldlnj your home pretty lor spring xpert Rug Service If ynui? PEERLESS CLEANERS Phrrnt 2433 BlythftTlMe BUCKLES, covered futtoni button holes Mae Millet Alma Bass Crowder Phone 353H It no an 4CJa 6M 5cb St Scry ices 24 bnui aerrlcc AST 11. MAIN STREET TELEPHONE It For Sole, Misc. FERTILIZER We several ol 3-9-18 tbat lave not been spoKen tor PLANTEHS COOPERATIVE UIN HIGHWAY 61 SOUTH PHONE 120 One 4-bumer New Perfection olt stove wilt) oven.

Une Oak niii- sltea aesX-binall-SnitAble loi ullice or den Oim-lWJ coach-Utean sale only Will sell separately Alter 6 p.m phone 4j6-ck-tt new and used plumb- work Rolllson. Phone Piano Concert Grand, Roll Top Desk nay be seen al Armory So Second St Ice refrlKenuor Good condition. Ph. 2524. 121 E.

Roce, SOYBEANS. OKdDn And Arksoy Whistle Estate Phnne 2652. Roseland. 4 PK 4 18 General Electric Merchandise Kor Sale New 4 Cn. Ft.

Deeplrccze. S185.00 New Cn Ft. Deepfreeze. New coniblnalloti and electric 'Loinnco iilnnts yrown Ira in cerllllnd ELyht bill rent varieties, also sweev and tioi pcpiicrs, and plants Heaton Home ol Flowers. Diivls at FraiiMln Pti.

549. for Sole, Cars Trucks NEED A CAR? Hole's a Real Special! 1946 FORD $995 4 door Sedan Has '49 license Culbcrtson Oumrniinity Center miles North Stale Line, Highway 61. Will accept bids until May 1st. See Mrs. Homer A.

Smitli Route 1. Box 200, Steele, Mo. mile East of Community Bldg.) 4-0 pk 16 Tomato pLmts now ready. 4 varieties, lie dozcu si beds. Carolyn.

Pride addition, and 2204 Chlckasawba. W. P. Sharp Super liouse paint. For greater protection and lasting beauty use Ward's Super House Paint.

No better paint anywhere. Gallon in fives $5.02. Single gallon $5.11. Montgomery Ward. 4-13-ck-5-l Real Estate Farms Citv Property LOAN: ID mcerrxtea in ouylnt Noble Gill Agencv Cecil Earls F.

B. Joyncr REALTORS Glencoe Bldg. Phone 819 just one ot the really Spccl values you'l! rind at the 61 Motor Co URed Car U)t, Betore 3'ou decide on car. see our used cars or compare our traae-ln allowance on a ne wKalser or l-'razer. You'll he glad you did.

61 MOTOR CO. ortO ttlgnwa; 61 fnone 2L41 EASTER SPECIALS 1947 Uuick Super 4-door Sedan, seat covers, heater and defroster, 15,000 miles, city driven. 1918 Mercury 4-door Sedan, radio, seat covers, heater and defroster, one owner. 18,000 miles. 1947 Plymouth Special DeLuxe 4-door Sedan, large heater, 19,000 miles, looks and runs like new.

1942 Chevrolet Town Sedan, a beauty 1942 Ford V-S 2-door Sedan, a bargain. 1910 Plymouth 4-door Sedan, has heater, a nice family car. 1941 Chevrolet Town Sedan, a honey. 1939 Chevrolet Town Sedan, a sweetheart. 1941 Buick 2-door Sedan, has radio and heater.

Many Others to Choose From EASY GMAC PAYMENT PLAN Remember, You Can Always alake a Good Deal at SULLIVAN-NELSON Chevrolet Company 301 West Walnut Phone 578 Dort'-hsoy No. 2 soybean seed. See BOD Shipley or J. O. Kdwawls.

Ph. 23R2, Leacli- ville, Ark. 4-9 pk 1G Electric Roaster. S33.00 Elcctrlbroom carpet sweeper 13000 Portable electric Ironer. S35 00 Phone 772 for Information at Chlcliasawba 4,9 IT'S movlne da? tor dirt when you use f-lna Koanl on niRb and nptiol.slery.

PAINT STORE 4 12-ck-S 12 By invoice slocV In Texaco filling station 328 Division I'll 2906. New 5 room house and oath. Priced Will stand GI Loan. H. C.

CAMPBELL 4446 or 2930 4-12-ck-tf Private Kooms Bedroom, bath, shower, and kitchen privileges. 1504 Hearn. Phone 2909. For Sale, Real Estate I tooma ol lurnlture- Phonn Cnckei pups ramie moTlng Short or long dls Uuce Ptcnir ni equipment and lence. Leveling and rr.unrtallon work '2 row Farms!) F20 12 Virgil roley East Short Ash Phone men Joe Donner, East on 18 4,8 pk 15 Special This Week 47 CHEVROLET $1495 DORTCHSOY No.

2 SEED SOYBEANS The hlRliesl yleldlllR ttcan llic county last fall, tlcclea eel ftntl sacked. Per. Bu 4-door Fleetraastcr Sedan in lip-top condition. Maroon color, low mileage, equipped with heater, white sidcwall tires, and 1919 license sure to see this car. 1936 Ford in very good condition, has special price.

license, 1936 Buick Coupe, has good I ires ami good motor, equipped with both radio ind hcaltr. $445 1940 Chevrolet Special Del.uxu Tiului Sedan, has new paint job, body, motor, and Urea in excellent condition. 1939 Ford Tudor Sedan, has pracli'-ally new motor and tires, equipped with ladio heater. .5525. 1939 Ford 1-Ton Truck with 1948 Mercury motor, body and bed in first-class condition, has new 700x16 tires $695.

19-47 Buick Super Tudor Sedan with radio, heater, and Mat covers very low mileage Guaranteed to be in excellent condition, and offered at a very good price. 1942 Dodge Vz-Ton Pickup, mud-grip tires, excellent condition $795. OTHO STANF1I5LD W. J. "BILL" WUNDERLICH Salesmen "When Better Cars Are Built, Buick Will Build Them." Langston-Wroten Co.

$2.90 Implement Co. Highway 61 FARM LAND! We iiave several cash buy- cn t'ov farm land, who will lake possession January 1, 1'JoO. Rl ALES LAND Co. Russell E. Riales, Realtor W.

T. Barnett E. E. Williams Plumes 4139 Blytlieville, Ark. ck tf Business property In Blytheville.

on Highway 61 So. Large 10S frontage by lent deep Garage Bldg. One four room house, one two room house also small on Ice Bldg. Priced reasonable Shown hy appointment. Gates Worthington Co.

Realtors. 115 So. 3rd St. biytlievlUe. Ark.

See or call George WlggK. or W. C. Gates, Ph. 2751.

Bedroom, convenient to bath. 611 Mam, Phons 332i 3J31-pk-4fJU Bedroom adjoining batb Ph 2338. Btd-toom Kitchen ti em-ea 305 '-ake 2H2 4 13-ck-tf Electric tflliletop hot waler heater, ood condition. 217 Lafcc Pti. 2451 good hovisc.

1 4-rooni, 1 3-rooni. on lot WJX15U' titeele. M.UW. terms liomer cowlcy, owner. Inquire Aclc James Store, StecLe.

19 acres of good sand? Icmm aoll near Ellsco Nto. This farm is all in cultivation, has three sets or Improvements. in fair condition. Is well drained and can be partially financed Offered at a bargain for quick sale. Shown by appointment only.

Cates Worthlngton Co. Realtors. 115 So, Third St. Blytlie- ville. Ark See or cft.ll George W.

NVIggs or W. C. CAtcs. Ph. 1731.

Large comfortable bedroom, close in Men only 31U Walnut 3i26-pk-4j26 Business Opportunity Insurance ir you are Interested In a business that combines profit and pleasure foi an investment of only 4150. see me, at t'airview acres mile So. city limits on SI Hlway. C. A.

Hunton. 4jl2-pk-15 Hefp Wanted You Top This? Wallpaper; the nationally known rands kt Ward's now. You can't get. paper anywhere for your money ionlgomcry Ward. -rarmall Tractor.

Priced $450. ee Milton Bunch. Varbro. Two bedroom home on lot on Ash St. Can be O.

I. Financed. Lovely new 2-bedroom home on Holly wit all modern convenience. Can be J-'. II A Mnunccd an Durban Home on i-acin IrncL on b.

Highway (51 Has rental property netllng nooci returns DAVID REAL. ESTATE Investment, Co. $10,000 Life Insurance Only $5 A Two salesmen, married or single. wltYi car. to with Nationally Known While Cross Hospital Nation Co.

Experience not necessary. Free training program furnished by Field Representative. EamUiK Irora S400 to 1800 pel depending on qualifications No canvassing, all leads lurnishect No debit to collect, strictly selling. Excellent opportunity for men already insurance field, who not satis- led with thetr present set-up. If interested write Mr.

Paul Westhelder- man. Dan's Motel, Jonesboro. Arkansas. 4ill-pk-I8 ir (10 year term age for 20 year term monthly) New tractoi tire "puddle, wheel iiowcr" Rive you maximum Traction in heavy wet soils. Tread base up to 20So greater than conventional design.

Compounded to resist Buy our "power tract' tires now Pay after yini harvest. See them at Wards. Montgomery Ward. 4-13-ck-6-2 Ph. Uortwln.

4124 12 H-ck-lV acres highly i cotton inrtii HLg mproved cypress land fttict electricity. Price siti.OOU casn. Balance terms acre farm, fi room Home, ot town on price S3 500 CHAIMN Manila. Ark. Ph.

Maximum policy $200,000 Continental Assurance Co. Dept. A-1913 310 South Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois WANTED: Couple to do house am ird work and feed a Tew hogs. House and lights furnished Good salary for right party L.

B. Fletcher. Gideo Mo. Phone 2670 and 2685 49 pfc Buying! Buying! Buying! We Cars Need At Once ANY MAKE OR MODEL Highest Prices Paid! No Cash Is Here For You Drive By Today and Our Appraiser Will Buy Your Car A.t All Times We Have a Selected Stock of Used Cars Trucks Small Down Payment Easy Terms Help Wanted, Male You Can SAVE MONEY When You You Can MAKE MONEY When You Sell LEE MOTOR SALES, fc OLDSMOBILE GMC TRl'CKS 311-317 East Main Blytheville, Ark Barber wanted lor lease or commission In modern equipped shop. House is available tor UvlnB quarters Apply COOPER TESTER'S STORE.

Cooler. Mo Ph. 1IF3. 12-pt-19 AGENTS WANTED 4-14-ck-16 Boy to work In shop and drive Apply THE FLOWER SHOP. Glencoe Hotel Bids.

Wanted to Rent Cottonseed Soybeans Breeder's, (Purple tagl Hale Dclt.ipinc 78 cottonseed. per 100 Ihs. Breeder's, Not registered or certified, Hale Deltapiue 78 cottonrt'ed per 100 Ibs. State-certified, Grade A (Bluu Tag) Otrdeti soybeans, per bu. Commercial Grade (Ked tag) Ogdcn soybeans, 53.25 pei bu.

Non-certified (from certified seed) Otfdeu soybeans per bu. StaU'-certifiod, Conimercin Grade (Red tag) Uortcliso.v No. 2 soybeans, per bu Phone 702 HALE SEED FARMS Burdette, Ark. Wahrat at Broadway Dial 565 for Rome improTttnenU. new rw sparkling will tile, cooling truulatic attractive tiding, are yours for the lo tit twssible cost.

Select the maicrlR and Wards do the rest. Ask today Montgomery Ward. 4 4 1939 NASH $495 This Tudor Sedan has been completely reconditioned. Newly painted, new tires, complete overhaul. And now at this very price.

SEE THESE CARS AND TRUCKS 1037 Plvinuulh '2-door 295 1939 Pljinniith 2-door. radio healer 595 1941 I'll mouth has ruttio vt heater 850 1946 Ford 4-ctoor. equipped with heater scat .51295 1939 Dodge Pickup 375 19S1 Dodge PICKUP lOoO 1941 Dodge Pickup 1295 1918 Inicnintiouni 'j-lon Pickup 139b 1940 Doflse Panel 645 1941 Ford Sedan Delivery 1295 1941 Chevrolet LOUR Whcclhasc Stake 650 1946 Chevrolet Hi-Ton Long SVHcelbase 89b 1948 Inlcrnatlonal Long Wheclbasc Stake 1795 PAY ON EASY TERMS Blytheville Motor Co. Broadway Chfckasawha Phone 4422 Unfvimlshed or semiltirntshed 3-room apartment wanted by working couple Occupancy not needed til June 1. Call A.

A. FrecSrlckson at from 8 to 5 575 after 5 p.m. Choose Your Car 3 or 8 room house In High School vicinity. Mrs. Agnes Sfcfl- on.

Ph. 2227. Unfurnished 4-room apartment In men locution Tovmg couple with DUCT will he supplied If desired phone 2413. U-clc-16 from Wonted Buy 1M Acres cotton land. Must toe all In cultivation, on all weather read I'rrmft cush.

P. O. Box 28. Belleville. Illinois.

For highest prices brtnft your chlck- is to PurceH.i Grocery 12A Lilly Street 4 6-pk-20 We rrnalr watches Try fnr 3M-30P East Main street a Lost KOld Bpnrill wrist vatch. Strttchr band. betwren School und oien's Dniit stort. Ph. 4'14-rt-n Salesman Wanted Additional full time man -with ntcrtril for Bawlelsh Buslnriw In of Blvthevtlle and Osceola or East Start Immediately Route extirrlfinrf hrlnful hut not re- oiilrtil Write RairlelBhX Dent.

AKD- 210-250 Memphis. Tennessee. A'14-pk-IS For Rent FUafi rer 08TUNS STUDIO STILL YOUNG'S Better Values 1911 Plymouth 2-door, has new paint. 1946 Pontiac 2-door. sure to see it.

1912 Ford 4-door. 1947 Lincoln 4-door. 1948 Mercury 5-Passcnger Coupe. 1947 Ford 2-door, a real beauty. 1947 GMC Pickup Truck.

STILL YOUNG MOTOR COMPANY First Walnut 4333 occaainrm 4.5-ck-tf.

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