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Otay Press from Chula Vista, California • Page 3

Otay Pressi
Chula Vista, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OTAY PRESS. Cainpo Christina. MISCELLANEOUS ADVLItTSKMKM ADVERTISEMENTS. Our Roadmaster is at work scraping and leveling the road at Moore crossing, down the Avenue, preparatory to putting in a side track on the X. C.

O. This side-track will be used for receiving timber and material for the new hridire tc be built across the Olay river on National Avenue -the broad highway leadi ng down to the Mexican border. A station will alo be tullilird at this point. The Otay Dramntic Club will appear in llieir gresst moral drama, entitled "The Uncial Glass," at Unix' Opera House, Han Diego, on thu evenings of Friday and Saturday, Jan. 10th llth, The entertainment will be given for thu benefit of the G.

A. and, if the performance is half as good abroad as at home, we can assure San Dieirans a rare EDWAU1) FOX Lime, Ctwof, in C'itv. .1. K. MULYKY SOX, Hiii, maj ami iii taii.

i'niiliii'i! ami Commission Jhi'liiints, unr puoDfci; kwkjvkd ON Otl.NSKJNMKNT. Full Line of (imeurlv at Uiitoin prliTj, V. K. for. titli Si.

SAN DiEOO. Tidwpliiitie 1.12 n'i KEEPS A General Line ol Groceries A I- HARDWARE Agricultural PAINTS OILS, Boots and Shoes, Etc. AT SAN DIEGO PRICES. Give us n. Call find save youx time a nd money.

PERRY BROS. OTAY, CAL. i DISTANCEa HIO.M A Iv'S fs Cheap Boot and Shoe House, '7tW 772 Sixth Si. I'oi. Diejro, TO I'HOMINEST IS THE COINTV.

Mll.fU- I'tiiverniiy HeinhtH iiy rieiKhtu 4 oluTiiwii 4W Mission Old MJioii Knre irm.ii V' Pucitic llnut'li s' Dcwm Kowville 7 H'livFark (U Juiln; Iiel Mr -i C'lmliw Vulloji Nntionul "it Parndiiu' Vnlli li woetwi.ur Uiketiide Puwhv KM'oudide 'x-eai'Mdi! ii). orreiito. I.i Otay Te waiinH 'TiaJiiann) Hi ('biilii VUw 10i Julian Alpine Kl Cahoni' ICiuon) liuriullla Valley Pout Otlii-e hiiimli voi oho or (h i u.ii'WiaJ' '1; fnrt Hi Utr4itf-our pui ri-j ttew ill cli-'M 'ii Ir iiim writ AH owe run nnk "ere TJw fcilcwlaratfghw th ajuw-mac of t.r-autil n.ut tb ftftlrth fwrtofiuliulk. It i p.i.d.lirtl-l'if'irl vt rirTi'nr HtT rif-t im-. IV tM ii! HE 1111!" TH'IWDAV, ANT ART 0, 1800, I-OCAIjITY.

Plowing will win be in order. Funny dnys and moonlight nighta. We Imve In four "devil" during the jmat wwk. Cull at Uoyd Ilro. for any thing in the drug line.

Get vour watch repaired at M. ticr mniiH, Hun Diego, Mr. Frank Kimlmll mitde a flying visit to Olay on Monday. Wi. t'elia Cowt, formerly of Otay, i now living at Eon (, Arizona.

Oil V'eilnendiiy hint, 9 HUperHed oil 8 and lull naught of the New Year. Have you eeen (he Imiiilxuim'Ht nign in Omy, in front of Uoyd Ilrox. drug utore. AhIc your Storekeeper for Hanly Northern drown HeeU," they are the best. Wedding and Holiday prewnta a npe-cialty at M.

German, Oth H. The popular Jeweler. The Otay Dramatic Troupe during their engagement at Han Diego, will atop at the lirewxter. Mr. Henry Hulett, and formerly Mixa Delia IIouko, now Mrs.

Hulett, are (topping at the Hotel Otay. Influenza the dreaded epidemic in rap-idly approaching. Call at Boyd for all kiiL) cough cures. The bent wutch-wcrk and the beat place to buy your diamond, watclicj and jewelry ia at J. 11.

Hurriit. C41 Fifth street, Ban Diego. If any membcra of the Singing Cum wiah to pay for leanona or books, they can hand the amount due, to Miss Jonie Terry, who will forrard the aame. Cap. H.

P. Btarr'a new house of aix or eight room, makes a fine homelike appearance on the Mesa, surrounded by trees, vines and other vegetation. It is astonishing how many mesure a good writer by the length of the article, and can see nothing of merit unless it appears in a big metropolitan journal. Preaching Rev. J.

W. Daniels, Hiip- tist Clergyman of ban Diego, will hold rer vices at the Pchool House, on next Sunday, Jan. 12th, at 11 o'clock a. m. Monday night of this week, was the coldest of the season, and a slight frost was reported in some localities, but no damuge therefrom was done, as far as we can learn.

He that pnyetli up his subscription promptly lives to a ripe old age, and when he dies, goeth to the good place And rejoiceth, but he that is delinquent goes where the woobine twiueth. Mr. Pelton of The Glens, is grading and improving the County Mud near his place, milking an eusy grade over the dam of his reservoir and thence up the hill toward the niesu. Mr. Frank Madisiou has complied with the new fence law, by topping his wire-fence with a board to guard aguinst accidents.

He has also built a good lath fence enclosing his chicken yard. Many acres will he planted to grapes on the Otay Mesa this season, as Mr. D. Cord us and others have thorougly established the fact that as od raibinscau he here as anywhere in the State. Paper, etnvclopef and fine stationery at Boyd Uros.

0, Wheeler, the surveyor, has been stopping at Mm. Couts place for several dayi. He is subdividing the eighty acres belonging to the Arguello estate, which tb heirs intend to divide and improve. Ml. A.

Anderson has sold hi house nd lots on Kec.ond avenue, and removed with Lis family to San Mr. Ira A'oes, the purchaser of the same, took poaslon of the premices this week, move's Lis family from ike Chula Vista. The new drug atone of Mr. K. Moore's a Second nvenue ha been completed, ftcd Ibe Knopf Bros, have been giving it iiue coat of white pnint.

With its large Iflasa front, porch ami awning-, it presents a metropoJitaa. air, which, Otay ia assuming. Druggy eiiemtcitW and toilet articles ehw.p i'oi cash at Boyd Bros. IAbt week a social gathering wan had at the new residence of Krieger and to say tliat all prsent enjoyed tliem-selvea wotild be daawing it The company was frae and easy to- amuse themselves irr a hospitable manner, and diuiinythe evening some fine music was A Christmas tree and party were sriven at the residence of Mr. Campbells at Campo, on Christmas night.

The party comprised about thirty-five young people who participatad in the social dance ami a fine supper. F. A. Kuss and J. Beckley, of the big mesa were present and agree in pronouncing Campo a fine place, and acknowledge (hat they have been smitten with the voting Indies of that section, who they say are pefectly charming, and Rnss talks of emigrating to that locality.

The lowest tide which has occurred on this coast for two or three years and the lowest to occur for the present year, has been predicted to take place Monday, January 20th, at 8 27, p. in. On Sunday, Jan. thetido will he nerly as low as on the former occasion mentioned, occurring at 2:46 p. in.

During these low tides, would be a good time to visit the sea shore and explore the mysteries of the deep at the Point of Rocks. Owing to the rains, the proposed Christmas time for the children, was deferred until Monday evening, when they met at the School House and had a jolly time, playing games and receiving presents, Miss Addie Woolsey presenting her 8. S. class with a fine array of gifts that were greatly appriciated by the children, and everybody was happy. WANT-FOR BALE FOR KENT.

Otay "Valley Lands. For Sale in large or small tracts, low to those who will improve at once. Terms to suit. A 10 acre tract, with the best orchard in the valley. Also several Houses and Lots, at very low figures.

W. S. Clark, Otay, Cal. rasturaire. Any person wishing pasturage for any kind of stock, can find the same by ipplying to Jno.

McCool of the Otay Mesa. Terms moderate. Word may be left at this office. If you want a Bicycle, go to Thorn-dyke's, C')7 (ith San Diego. He is agent for the For Mule.

300 Acres of good, cleared Otay Mesa land, in 20 or 40 acre tracts, to suit. Enquire at this office, or of Win. McCool, Otay Mesa. tf lor Hula or Kent. A House and two Lots, located at the head of Second Otay.

For reference euiiiiire 'it this ollice, or of the owner, E. N. Tults. lm kifFor the finest Photographs taken in San Diego, go to Parker' the Pioneer Photographer, thirty-two year's expert-ance. Stisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.

The largest collection views in Southern California. Closed on Sunday. GEO. IBS Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Tin Juana, Calf.

trS.Aluujtt on baud large nwortmeiit of TUXJ.A and TKPIC CIOAR8. IMKZCAL. Tubulin, Aiiilull kinds of Mexican Curiosities, At our Brunch Htoru in Tin Juaua. Mexico. OTAY BLACKSMITH SHOP JOHN McKlNNON, Proprietor, General Blacksmithing, Uorse Shoeing, Repairing and Plow Work Done.

MAIS Avenue, OTAY, Oil. NEW GROCERY AND Variety Store, OTAY, 0. W. DIXON, Proprietor. GROCERIES, At Bed-rock Prices, NEBRASKA CORN and other Grain, BAiERS SUPPLIES, Fresh Breti, BOOTS SHOES, Warranted good.

A BOOT SHOP. In Connectition with the Score. The Making and MiiadliiK of HooM nnd Shoes Promptly attend lu luid work guaranteed. HARNESS MENDING. Mull I) UUg, Caj, HOTEL OTAY.

OTAY, C. W. CITERLEY, Proprietor TIIIJ OTAY WAirivESIIA WATER EXCLUSIVITY III lilrillloll, tlila lintel ill llll-M. IM' I lii i ll mute mid khiit. Kvfryililif! ni mm eoiniiirtHlile, and term iiimlrrnii ALliXANDIi Ixult-r in 4 Window Slut 734 Fifth St.

San Diego, Cal. B. K. Piminifton, Jay. C.

Baird, R- G. Wallace NATIONAL HARDWARE Company. Builders' Hardware, Stoves, Tinware AMUMTION. Everything iti the Ilardunre line. 612 5th st.

Sun Diosro Next door to Shiller Murther. AtT We will SuriiiKli "Tlie Auicrirun an Adda- IT. illl PwrUi.t Hartiea looking for f.M a Ptore. I'ajtifM lookiir: 1 i IU treat in the production of "the social glass," worthy of their patronage. W.

8. Clark sold, during t4is week, five acres of land of the Atlierton tract, to Albert DeGotimois and Win. Keene, (or $750. Also four acres to another party whose name we did not learn. Mr.

Clark is now in communication with a San Diego capitalist for the purchase of sever.ty acres, be planted to lemons, and expects the trade to be consummated this week. A carload of fine, new potatoes raised on the ranch John Svde, were shipped fron Otay station on Monday. Many hundred more sacks are now being dug in the valley to supply a ready market at the rate of two cents per pound. New potatoes for New Vears are good, with strawberries, orange and guavas for a desert. Between two and three thousand sheep are now grazing up the Otay Valley, and several thousand more are soon expected to arrive from Mexico, from whence they are driven to our border for lambing, thereby becoming Ameri can sheep and avoiding the U.

8. duty. On Monday lost several hundred of these sheep were driven to the Ban Diego market lor slaughter. On Monday morning, alter the lust three days' rain, snow was discovered on the ramge of mountains just to the east of us, and on the San Miguel, Cuynmaca and Smith Mountain, the white man tle of winter had a more extensive spread, contrasting beautifully with the green valleys, as tiie sun rose clear and warm on a January mom. IS8U-I8U0 One of the happiest gatherings in our valley for some time was held at the residence of Mrs.

R. A. Couts on New Years eve. They had asembled at the invitation of the hostess and liercliurming daughter Miss Kate. The festivities commenced at once, some dancing to the alluring strains of the orchestra which was presided over by Thomas Couts, with occasional assistance.

Others amused themselves with cards and social inter course, one of the important features of the evening was the sings and guitar music by Miss Lola Arguello, Mr. Wheeler and others. Time had been so completely annihilated that before anyone was aware the old year had died in their midst, but instead of casting a gloom or leaving any regrets, it seemed to stimulate mirth and joy. The people were now ushered into-the dining hall, where they were feasted in a way kilobit only to the hostess. The decorations were uuiueroHs uud reflect great ced it on Miss Kate.

Not until the hands of the. clock lcajjed very far to the right culd guest tear themselves away expressing many wishes for a Happy New Year. Among those present, we noticed the following. Misses. Lydia Citerley, Alfiua Clterley, Josie Perry, Lola Perry, Eva Dennis o( Sun Diego, Vera Wheeler, Lottie Rauch, Ada Rauch, Tula Arguello, Lola Katie and Mamie Couts, Mamie Vaughan, Nettie Vaughaih, Ad-die Grace Johnson, Mr and Mis.

Frank Madison, E. E. Shaffer, Geo. Eby, Mrs. R.

A- Couts, D. D. Shaffer, A. Freeman. Messrs.

R. J. Montgomery, J. J. Montgomery.

Fred Wheeler, Brown, of Boston, Will Perry, Dave Perry, Chsw. Perry, Geo. Johnson, Rhea Johnson. Leek Johnson, Dean Woolsey, John Dodge, E. W.

Boyd, Will Citerley, John McKennon, Harry Heath, Oscar Leslie Albert Couts, Chas. Couts, Tho. Couts, Frank Edwin-son, Wheeler, Will Rauch, Frank: Arguello, Farnk Moore, J. E. Shaffer, Jfiauk Page of Sua.

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