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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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Ornamenting It recently occurred to Tiffany the New York jewelers, to ornament a bicycle elaborately with gold, silver, and precious stones, believing that some wealthy customer would esteem so handsome a mount. They preferred to pay $JOO each for Columbia Bicycles For their purpose to using any other make of wheeLTheremust be no question of quality in a bicycle selected for such ornamentation. Therefore they chose Columbias STANDARD OF THE WORLD Unequalled, Unapproached. Beautiful Art Catalogue ol Columbia and Hartford Bicycles free it you call upon any Colum. agent; by mail from us for two a-cent POPE MANUFACTURING CO, Factories and General Offices, Hartford, Conn, Branch Storei and Agencies in almost every city and town.

If sue not nprttented In your vicinity let us know. AWFUL DAKOTA STOItJL Story of tho Dreadful EufTorins'3 of the Swoot Family, IJanEjhtor Lost Her Flnudu and T'ifo of tho Soim "LoHt Their Only Out on Uie 1'rjilrlcn Who Survived. TIMETABLES. LOCAL' TIME TABLES. Solid between "Peorla and Sandusky" and "Indianapolis and Michigan." Direct connections to and from all points In the United States and Canada.

L. W. R. Arrive Leave SOUTH BOTJXD. No 21 Pacific Ex 2:08 a No 25 Indlanap's Ex a No.

23 Mall Ex ex Sun. 3:25 8:10 pm No 29 Passenger ex Sun No. Local Arrive 4:45 p. m. except Sunday.

NORTH BOUND. 5:20 a No. 20 Mall Ex ex Sun. 10:22 a 3:30 No 22 Michigan City dally 4:45 1:66 No 24 Detroit Ex ex Sun No 150 Accom. ex 6:45 am not run north of Peru on Sunday.

Trains 21 and 20 run dally between Indianapolis and Peru. 20 via Tlpton arrives at Bloomington at p. m. making direct connection with C. A.

fast train arriving In Kansas City at neTt morning, connecting direct at Kansas City for Itenver, San Fran- clwo and all points west. Free reclining chairs between Tlpton and Missouri river for all passengers. Nos. 20, 21, 22, and 23, connect at Tlpton main line trains for Sandusky, Peorla and all points east and west. For ticket rates and general Information call on J.

J. Skinner ticket agent, L. E. Peru, or C. F.

DaJly, general passenger agent, Indianapolis, Ind. The survivors of Dakota's terrible blixxjml in are now living quietly at I'ainesvillo. O. So Car us known the- SvccetfainJIyare thc only puople cut ic that awful storm livod through it. Hundreds pur- i.sliccl on the wiciu plains nml many to death in l.licn- own houics.

1 Bntvhi; entire fiimily spent the in an open sleigh, tincl yet miraculously recovered. However, their cruelly niutiJaU'Cl bodies 'nre now eloqueut reminders of tiieir nip-lit of unparalleled suitor-rig 1 Will) his t'nithful horses lying- dead in the snow and his family huddled together in their bob sleig-b, Sweet kept one of lh-j most rtg-onizinf; vig-ils ever given to mau. Sheeted in ice aad snow, ben ting- bis face iiguinst the sleigh to break the icy crust that envaloried him like n. maslc aad threatened to mother him, tramped around his loved ones al! the night through. M'r, and Mrs.

Sweet started from their in Olivet, Hutchinson county, S. IX, about 11 o'clock in the morning of January 12, 1SSS, to attend their sou's wedding 1 about four miles uwny. They were accompanied by their daughter Burdenti, aged 19, and thsii sous Orlo. Herbert and Wesley, uped 17, IS and 5, and a nephew- nine years old, Jt was an ideal winter day, clear and sunshiny, but as Mr. Sweet tucked his family snugly beneath the blankets nnd robes he remarked that if the wind changed when the sun went down there would be a etorm.

They were a merry party, eager and joyous over the anticipated relebi-ntion. But suddenly the wind began to whistle i-ver the prairies, the horses pricked up their ears nnd started In alarm, but the sun still shone- brightly and they drew the blankets more closely ro one anticipated impending danger. When they were within two miles of their destination the wind shifted from tho southwest to the northwest nnd without moment's hall, elect VOLIJ N'T A Y1PPJSONEE. George Woldon Has LiVRd in York- Jail Maby Years. When a young couple runs away to get married half the world says: "How the other half says: How silly!" But you can't tell either way.

until the "honey-moon is over. When this young couple get settled down to the regular hum-drum of life, they'll manage all right and fincl solid happiness in any case, if they have good hearts and sound health. AH depends on that. It's-wonderful how much health has to do with married happiness. Sickness affects the temper.

You can't be happy nor make, others happy if you're ailing. When you find yourself irritable, easily worried, beginning to "run-down" it's because your blood is getting poor. You need richer blood and more of it. Your blood-making organs need to be vitalized by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, It imparts new power to produce an abundance of the healthy, red corpuscles, and gives you a fresh supply of pure, rich mood.

It's a blood-creator; it is for everyone whose blood is impure or in a poor, run-down "-condition. It prevents the germs of disease from getting a hold on your systeni. Even after disease is settled on you, it is driven out by the blood-creating properties of the It is a perfect cure for general and nervous debility, catarrh, malaria, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula and every form of blood disease. It. is'nt called a consumption-cure but even consumption, w.hich has its roots in the driven out by the "Golden Medical Discovery" if taken in time.

The "Discovery" is the prescription of one of the most eminent and medical writers in this country. Drink YVrcclctnl IFlK Llfu, nnd Now at T1 1 Friwtm JH tHo 1'iacc lift Fcelrt nt llomu I.oilcHcri't Man 1:1 is estimated vy competent autnonx.y that the cost of nJtorinjr the instru- loeufe of ihe army to the lower pitch would nrr.oiint to between nnd but it is more than doubtful if tuny chancellor of the exchequer otild spend BO large a sum for such purpose. SWEDEN'S ROYAL FAMILY. OBLAXD ASD HERBERT SWEET. IDmtljr except Sunday.

Leave Arrive. Bradford and Philadelphia N. Richmond Ind'pls A am Effner Peorla Crown Point Richmond 6:45 am Crown Point ft Montlcello Bradford Col Effnor local Ind'pls 'liSOpm Richmond and Clutl. 2:10 1:20 Bradford and Phlla New 2:05 ra 1:10 Chicago Chi Kokomo Blch ttliOOam Bradford Col J. A.

MeCXTLLOUGH. Agent, Logansport. WEST BOUND. Local Freight, accom. dnlly ex St.

Icnls limited daily, 'old no 43' 1054 J'ast Mall dallj. 'old no 47' 8:17 JUJWBH City upress dallj 'old no 3:13. in VLC exprena dally t-x tun 'old no 40' ...10 10 a Mo. EABT BOUND. Y.

ft Boston lira dallj 'old no 42.. 2:41 a ra (QTaBt mall dally. ilmdsllj PI Sun 'old no 44., ra 74.Local Jrt. Atcom, dally Son 12 60 EEL RIVER DIVISION. WEST BOUND.

NoS5 10:30 a NO 37 Strive 2 35 EAST BOUND. NoSOleaTf 'O 1 8 In Mo Cleave 3:80 pm 7 AN DAL! A IN EFFECT MAY 17, 18W. LEAVE LOGANSPORT, IND. FOR THE NORTH. No.

B2. Ex. Sun. 10:31 a for Bt Joseph No. 58 Ex.

Sun. 6:10 a for St. 'Joseph No. S4 Ex. Sun.

8:40 for South Bond FOR THE BOOTH No. 51 Jficept Sunday 7:17 m. for lerre Haute No. E3 Ex. Sun.

2:47 p. m. for Terre Haute For complete time cord, glvlnff all tralno itatlons, and for full Information to rateo, through cars, addrera J. C. EDQEWORTH, Agent.

Lofaneport, Ind. Or, E. A. ForiJ, General Passenger Agent. 8t Louli, Mo.

people fore eyes, mtery red and inflamed eyet; fff age, catarrh or otherwise, the Balm is priceleai boon. Put 15 or 20 of Balm into ipooniuli efwirm water bathe the well pight and morning, getting gome tho into the relief and is hundred ttaft nnd struck them square in the fcce. 'J'he sun went cijt-iiKo an extinguished lamp. The howled and Carre from aJJ directions; the. cold became intense and the finow blew with blinding, pitiless liereencss into their eyes and faces nnd crept beneath.every r-evice of the covering tinit protected them.

They bad just piissnd a sohool- honse, nnd finding it 110possible for the horses to face the storm, Mr. Sweet tried to turn around and go back to tho school, and soon found it impossible, as he could not tell from which way the wind was corning-, as it seemed to come from every point of the compass, from the heavens and from the earth. In that terrible storm it wns certain death to stop and possible cleiitb to-go ahead. The track had long- bince been lost, and the horses were going- through the fenceless country, no one knew but they kept on traveling 1 until about midnight. The was no deep and the crust so hard that the horses found it almost impossible to move.

Finally Ihcy stopped and could be urg-od no farther, and with a cry that wos almost human, one of them dropped dene! i.n Jiis traces. A fewmouien ts later tho other cnc lay down beside his mate, and txjo frozen and exhausted even for Us death 6 died quietly under the drifting snow. Until dawn Mr. Sweet walked around the sleigh to keep the robea over.his perishing At daylight he Started for help, but when he reached the nearest house and attempted to thaw the ice from his face that lie might he able to speak las eyes swelled shut and lie was blind.for days. The family was rescued by a school teacher, who 'took the members in his sleigh to his home.

Doctors were soon in attendance, and on February 1 Miss Sweet's bends were and the ne.xt day Orlo and Herbert had their legs taken oft below their Three days aftar Wesley's finger's on tho rig-lit' hand were removed and the nsph.uw lost oil his fingers. Mr. Sweet lost his fingers and all the toes'on hoth feet; nlso bis left heel. Jt six before he abla to use a crutch. Sweet was frozen internally, but did not lose any limbs.

It is-not known how cold it was that, of the blizzard, but the next day Ihe thermometer registered 40 degrees bfloiv zero. Tho intense cold, coupled Ouniir IB a Very Gcnlfcl Mnn, not the Crown 1'rince It Cold. King Oscar ia known as the most learned monarch of Europe. He speaks and writes all of the modern languages and several of th-e classical. As a poet, musical composer flud author of political and historical works he has an enviable reputation.

He is a great reader, nnd his books are all religious, philosophic and historical subjects. But nbove everything King Oscar is a poet. Unfortunately no English translation of his poetic-'ii works has been made, but in German and Italian they are widely read. Artists, pninters and sculptors have in king Oscar a great, admirer and a liberal patron, his private colJeetion of containing 1,000 works by the best Swedish and r.ia-n with no appflver.t symptoms hisanivy lias elected lo spend Uie hist years of his in jail. He is George.

We 1 Id on, 77 years old. Although lift lias not broken law hi any way, he has uever spi-nt 2-1. hours outside of Yovk- ville prison during the last ten years, ITe lia-v remained there constantly, will probably die there, arid eventually bft burk'd nt the expense of the city, soys theiVc'W York World. For 35 years, before up his permanent residence there, Welclon had been forming habit," as the keepers term it. He began 25 years ago with ten clays' sentence for intoxication.

At the expiration of his term he was released, but WIIK soon back again on the same charge, when he got another ten Then began a series of arrests, imprisonments nnd releases. His sentences grew apace tin til. at last he was spending nine mouths out of the twelve in some one or another of New York city's district prisons or on BlackweJl's inland. Twice within year he was sentenced to six months nud served his time. Wcl- don is not a vicious man or a dangerous drunkard.

Liquor makes him top heavy, and he lies down to sleep on the curbstone as in a feather bed. In spite of his hard life, he does not look his age by SO years. Dissipation has undermined a naturally strong constitution, and now he is physically unable t- 1 do hard work. Weldon is tall and spare, with astrng- llng growth of beurd. He is an unusually intelligent man.

He was born in Colchester, Essex county, England, in lfc'10, but he ha? forgotten the exact da-te. He received a good education, nnd after leaving school became shoemaker. He prospered and finally set np in business for himself. After his wife nnd two children diet! lie began to' drinlc and rapidly dissipated his fortune. Then he cunie to New York, where he readily secured employment at his trade and led a fairly decent life for ten years.

ciiowu ritrscE OF Pneumonia. A. J. Lawrence, of Beaver, Fa. "Brazilian Balm brought me out of a levere attack of pneumonia in iplendid ihape.

It a wonderful remedy for coughs and lung Uonbka. Also foroutward uie, cold chapped-hands 'face, it caret with the bitter wind, sleet nnd snow, made it a memorable night in Dakota's history. ARMY BAND INSTRUMENTS. Would Cot the British GoTcrnmont 81,. OOO.OOO to Change Their Pitch.

The British army bands use the hig'h pitch, the queea's reg-ulatlons runuinp as follows: order to Insure uniformity throughout tdie regimentoj bands the service the Instruments aire to be of tie'same as that adopted by the Philharmonic society: The Philharmonic'. society decided to lower.pi*ch', nnd, the' queen's regulations foreign artists, and the sculptures number £f)0. His private library is said to be one of the best in Europe. Xo breath of scandal has ever sullied hig home and reputation, and the Swedes may well be proud of their king. Queen Sophia, born a princess of Nassau, is of a very religious and charitable nature.

Her greatest pleasure is to beiieflt others, and nil chai-itable institutions Sweden and Norway have in her their most generous patron. With a roost pleasing aud courteous manner, plain in dress in her private life, and easy of approach, she ia beloved and respected by the people over whom fate called her to rule. The crown prince is said to lack the attributes that have made his father so popular. He leans more toward a military regime, and is a great admirer of his relative, Emperor Wilhelm ot Germany, Austere and chilly in. his manner, he has never been able to arouse any enthusiasm among the Swedes.

He is highly respected, but the popular love and devotion tb'at other members of his house have beeji the recipients from the Swedes will probably not be his. King children his grandchildren received their education in large semipubiic school in Stockholm. Here they were treated just like ordinary children, walked the school unattended, carried their own snliool books, joined in tho boys', play just as other boys and in no wuy was their indicated. From the school they the Upsala university for of their studies. -The -little grandsons of King Oscar are his pets, and when they are allowed to visit grandfather it is a holiday time at'the royal.palace.

The grandparents are therms much children as the little princes, and grandfather is famous with the Boys for inventing new plays. The crown princess, mother of'the 'boys, is an invalid, said to be dying of 'consumption and has to remain great p'nrt of the year in Italy and the south France. The care of the boys devolves almost entirely on the grandmother, Queen SopUa. A street; waterer iprinJdes. the streets JAIL Then he began to drink again, and finally wound up a voluntary life inmate in Yorkville prison.

"Am I satisfied here?" he said in response to a Sunday World reporter's question. "Well, yes. It may seem strange to the outside world that a man would voluntarily live in jail, but this place is home to I love the cells, the keepers are my friends and I pity the unfortunates whom fate sends here. "I da the light work of the prison," he explained. "I carry the prisoners' food to tliem.

My food is the same as theirs. I sleep in a just lifco any prisoner. don't anything. I am satisfied." There was pathos iu Weldon's voice. He.has no living relatives, but everyone connected with the prison has grown to like him.

The keepers see that he is clotihed decently, and he more than makes up for his meals and lodging by the work he does around the prison. He is on omnivorous reader. He is perhaps the most lonely moil in the world. Weldon has lost all track of time. It does not matter to him what the.

season of the year is, nor even what year it is. "I am here to stay until 1 die," he says with resignation, and so he does not to keep track of nnroes of days or dates. His lost sentence for intoxication (the only crime lie has ever been guilty of) was three montha. He was sick, and when he got well he would not go away. He was too old to compete with younger men at his trade of shoeinaking, he had lost hope and nmbition.

It umtcfed little, to him what he did so long u.s he had a place to sleep and chough to eat. So he stayed on nt the prieoii, where he expects to end his dnys. MUST GIVE UP THEIR WIVES. Effort to.Be AlAdo to AbollHh Polyffnraonll Practice! or ImlMnti. The Oklahoma courts have struck a puzzler in the Indian custom relating The law of Oklahoma is very severe on polygamists, and Indians on reservations are not exempt from its operation: The Kicka- pbos have''an average of five squaws each.

The Chcyenncs and Arapalioes are nearly polygamists, as" are the Kibwas and Apaches, Commanches and Wchitos. It is stated that the courts have 'decided to take action in the matter at polygamous practices cease. Ca.pfc of Anfldarnaka ageucy, has issued orders commanding Indians 'of' his agency having several, wives to at once decide on tho wife wanted give up the others, nnd no little uneasiness-has. resulted in all -the as it is ciaimwl by the Indians that orio to s.upport aa ex-warrior in be'-, Wic for infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You KNOW Batcnni-'i Drops, Godfrey's Coruial, many Scowling Syrups, remedies for children art composed of opium or Po Yea Know opbm mii moipliiix: arc stupefying- narcotic.

Po VOM Know that in countries clr-jft'ist-iarf; not. pcnuiltul tostsl narcotic, tritho'ut labeling them poisons Po Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine 'u be given vourcbtRL unless you or jxntr physician Jmow of ivhat it fe composed Po YOU Know that Casiona is .1 purely prcparalion, nnJ lintoT ingredients i3 with bottlt? Po You that Castoria is the prescription ofthc famous Dr. sarnrc'. Pitcher, That it has been ia use for ttearlj- tiiirty years, and tbct more dstoria is now sold Uuc of an remedies for children combined Po Von Know that tho Patent Office Department of the 'Ooitcil andief other countries, hav; issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to woni nnil Its formula, aud that to imitate them is a state prison Po You Krtn-w that one of the reasons for granting government protectiac was because Castor ji had beeu proven to be absolutely PO Von Knew that 35 doses cf Casloria arc furulshcd for Jf centtt, or oaeccat a dose? Po You Know that -when possessed of this perfect amp kept w-U, and that you may have unbroken rest those are worth knowing.

Tiey ere fads. In on every The faontinUe of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Tobacco Dealers say, tha "BATTLE AX" is a "scorcher' because it sells so fast. Tobacco Chewers say, it is a scorcher because 5 cents' worth goes so It's as good as can be made regardless The 5 cent piece is krge as the other fellows' JO cent piece. IIM THE WOFRL-OI For keeping the System In Healthy Condition.

CURES CURES Constipation, on tho Liver and Kidneys. Blood, Dispels Colds and Fevers, Boautlflei tha Complexion Pleasing and Re'freahlnB to.the SOLO ar MJ. 45T-A nicely illustrateil cightT-pa(fe Lincoln Story Book to pn of Lincoln Tea. Price JSc. Ask your 1 fan For Sale by B.

F. BBESLINO. Are.biiittJc iliat hijo Some dthf rs R.iod but the Wawlrr lt "Ji 1 1 helgUto) Belle -fland 28 lacli CLJNB Agte A-. j.i '3.

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