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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
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tho bf tottl, WJtCtttf MKBALD. Seenlt ft) tt.ftt MOD IftMtltMM, 1.5, 1890. FACTIONS. Disseiition and discord are hokliiiR full sway In Ihe Texas town which of 1 ftefef had but otto of cfattpa In swifflteifig, ftftd that to match. I WAS of A mile ahead of my antagonist when 1 felt A ill iny leg.

It caused a ing in tho calf big fts a baseball. With my other leg I tfiod to do the (mid water net, and raising my right leg up I bent over and began to rub with all my might and main. Well, I saul? five feet while I was rubbing, but 1 soon got rid oil tho cramp. If a pain should coine in tho stomach there is only one remedy, and that is to get oitt of the water as soon as possible, take a little all i brandy or whisky and be rubbed boasts of the euphonious name sletn, ovor tho boAy- to th( 1igo of wWsky Last Friday night two local political a stimulant, while in tho water I most factions, each claiming control of the decidedly advise against it. In uiy great town government, Indulged in a sari-1 swimming I have tried tho cf- gtiimiry conllict, the outcome oi: which is.that three of tho warriors have yielded up their, mundane existence while Several others are wore or less porous from the effects of leaden missiles with which tlfey came in intimate contact.

The trouble in the municipal affairs of Yslet-i, began in April when a spirited election was held in which the two opposi-nir parties each claimed tho victory. As a'result of this divergence feet of whisky as a stimulant. One good drink braced mo up, so to.speak, for seven or ten minutes, and after that period I felt decidedly worse. Use 710 stimulants except after coming from tho water, and solely for tho purpose of creating a Sundstrom in New York Mail and Express. $3 AKfc) offering spucial bargains thin month in Men's, Boy's and and Children's Clothing and it will pay you to got what you want now.

Call and take a look at dur line Shirts for summer wear in Silica, Oxfords and Zephyrs in patterns which for richness of design and color cannot bo.surpass*cl. Men's Mno Neckwear, We have just recoivod a now line of imported Lavvn'Bows and washrible Four-in-Iland's for summer wear, Also, Crops and Foulards' which rtt'e made up in Windsors Flowing End and Four-in-Hand. AttittdAft ttttfc AfiLIKi os Afturt 12, BAMWARD. if ttnntlftgclon Atlantic 7.HO 7.49 1 Day 12,15 MallTrnln Mall Express 0:512 WAftl) ay l.fl Mall Train 3.0 Font Mho 7.1 8.2 lii tloi-fri ISi-fore You Ami now a t'ow words of caution, and you need not 1)0 ashamed to heed them, for old yachtsmen do just what I am Of opinion, both sets of olllcers were i a ont to adviso you to do. It is only the sworn since that time the town foolhardy greenhorn sailor who "fakes chances" with a yacht.

In squally weather never fasten tho dieot; always reef before you start, and if tho wind is has had the distinction of being (he cn'Hrol of two separate administra- tioiM. A Mexican named AldereUo has Iwn occupying the post of leader of very strong take two reefs. It is e.isy to the '-People's Party" which believes that toe April election invested him with tliu title of Mayor. A Hebrew uauied Gaal, dignifies Ihe Mayoralty in th9 estimation of his faction whic calls itself the "Republican Party." In the past three months, there havo been several clashes, of ten accompanied or succeeded by slashes, between tho adherents of Alderette and Gaal respectively, and the battle of Friday night was tlie grand round up of the trouble. The sheriff arrived on the scene of conflict early Saturday and he succeeded in pursuading Alderette and and the rest of the "People" to cease 'hostilities, but Gaal seemed determined to fit his nature to his name, and lie with his followers resisted arrest.

At last accounts the "Republican Party" occupied a house which was surrounded by the Sheriff and his posse. Mayor Gaal could not be frightened by tlie Sheriff any more readily than by Mayor Alderette. A conllict of this nature casts a sad reflection upon the fair name of Texas. Of course Ysleta almost doesn't count. The town is in El Paso county at the far western extremity of the big state, and borders immediately upon Mexico.

Then it is unfortunate in being separated from civilization by Fort Davis, Davis Mountains and Jeff Davis county. Such a 'deplorable situation must not be overlooked when wo come to pass judgment on the lack of common morality in that neighborhood. Ysleta, is also only a few miles removed from tlie Diabolo Mountains, and one would hardly expect to find a great consideration for law and order in the region Diabolo itself was raiser 1 We had begun to think better of Texas, Evidence had come to Imtid that the days of darkness in that state were fust slipping away and that the glare of tlie torch of the Statue of Liberty, unlighted in fact but lighted in fancy, had penetrated the gloom of Only last week the Times, a very creditable newspaper published at Temple, Texas, lapsed into classic elegance, and freely imparted to a benighted world this information "Amid the cloud-capped peaks of hoary antiquity, surrounded by the mist of myths and covered with the moss of ages are the names Xinevah and Baby- Jon, of Tyre and Sidou, of Athens and Home," Ysleta must brace up, Tho little town at whose feet runs tho Bio Grande, must awaken to a sense of its responsibility. Let Ysleta notice of the strides which Temple is making, and El Paso will not be behind the county of Bell, even though they are separated from each other by numerous geographical configurations burdened with the name of Jeff Davis Let it never be said that amid the cloud-cupped peaks of hoary antiquity, misty and moss backed, is tho name Ysleta. "These are cut rates," said tho sur.

geou who sent in his bill, The best way to raise a smile is to grasp the mug (irmly by thu handle and lift. difference between a liar and a hypocrite is that the liar is not alwajs incurable, It is vain to look to the ruddy juelou as a partial solution of the negro problem, Alas, no Uhicago ought to be divorced from weather ou the ground of incompatibility of temperature, The Blair Oo, Children's Aid Society will meet Thursday morning at Point Yiew near Jlollidaysburg, Mr, and Mrs. T. J3. Mayes, of Lewistown, passed through town'this morning on their way to Bellefonte.

MUses Lou Lloyd and Tyson, pf Pbilipsburg, are iu this plaqe gyypsts of and Mrs. iYell," said the I'W much of 9, lighter, lijjt wben it to pajieasijy Jay put "shako them out," but hard to put them in; so reef boforo you cast off. take ladies and children with you in imd weather, and generally, if you aro talcing out party of that kind, keep your boat under reefed canvas, Then if emergency arises your sacred trust is safe; for remember that a capsize vritV ladies and children means almost certain death to some, perhaps to all. It is wiso also to have a small rowboat in tow on such occasions, for it is worth more than a hundred lil'o W. Pangborn in St.

Nicholas. UK Security. The Fifth National bank of Providence, K. lent to a produce dealer named Alscrson, taking as security Reliable Olothior and MAIN STREET. LEMONADE.

In our superior LEMONADE. Try it; ut J. 3O JUNIATA STREET. StAlt. A.

M. Leaves Tyrone 8.20 Phlllpsb'g IMO Cloiu-flolrt At. Cunvlnsviiio. 10.00 Miul GUiiHielft Itfnnoti. 1UVKX.

Loaves Tyrone 3.1ft rtXTOKflS. V. Tyrone Osccolu Ar.Curwlnsvillo. n.mi MAIL. 7.

CnrwlnsvUloJ.ty fi.o Afl'lvo nt (1.1' DAf K.t, A.M rt! vos n. A.M hQV. Cnrwtnsvllto Oloartlolcl.i.,.. 5.04 A.rrlvo 8:50 Kttglo it Hoy llrnnnli. A.M.I MAIL, Cimve Tyrone H.lo Loavo li.llavon...

8 Howard Mllosburtf. fi.K jJollofonto. e.a 10.10 -Julian Arr. L. Haven 11.00 DAT KXl'llKSS. TtXl'UKSB. I'. M. LeiiveTyrono 7.15 Julian S.lfi 8.IH Howard O.v!7 lo.lo Arr.Tyrono WMBTWAttU. ITalrbrook I'enn'a.

Furnace llosUer Marongo Lovovlno furnace lloiul Dung rvln Wavrlorsinark DAY An 1 UXl'KKSa. Leave L.Hnven... Howard 5.0; Julian Avr. Tyrone 0.55 Jtrunah. A.M d.O.' 5.117 Stover, Tyrone BADTWAUD.

Leivvo Tyrono Stover I'onnlnpton ases of eggs stored with a warehouse company. Alserson used the eggs from time to time, but replaced those taken by other eggs, so that there were always 833 cases in the warehouse. Finally ho failed, paying six cents on the dollar, and the bank looked for its security, the eggs. When the bank finally sent for the eggs they were worthless, and the board of health ordered them buried, which was done. Now tho hank sues tho warehouse company in tho supreme court for clahning that they agreed to keep tho eggs safe, and the company claims that it kept tho eggs safe, not a shell being broken, but that it could not prevent them from yic'iiUj JoyH.

Col. how did you like the picnic? was so glad to get home again that I was glad I Siftings. i.s half done" does not apply to a beefsteak. A man who has practict-d medicine for -It) years, ought to know salt; from sugar; read what he says: TOLEDO, Jan. It), 1SS7.

Messrs. ,1. (Jiicnuy have hmm in general practice ol'medicine for most-lOyc-ars, and would say that in all my practice mid experience have never sewn preparation that I could prescribe with as much confidence of success as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and its effect is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that 1 have yet to lind a case of catarrh that it would not cure, il they would lake it according; to directions. Yours truly, L.

L. GOUSUCH, M. Ollice, 215 ski mm i i- St. We will give $190 for any case of catarrh that, cannot bo cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally.

J. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75 cents, LOW FAKES AND SPECIAL TRAIN TH, LABOR DAY. Hugo Steel Converter In Action, Innnensi! Loenuiotlvo In Fire, and a Attractive I'rojjraiuinu In Klreworlcs. To enable the Citizens of Tyrone and Vicinity t.o visit, the Most wonderful and grand product ion of the age, PAIN'S Last Days of Pompeii, AT ISLAND PAKE, HARRISBURG, ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP.

Good on regnla, train. July 19th, or on special train arriving at irarrisburg at 7.30 p. leaving Ilarrisbnrg after the performance at 10.45 p. in. Dungiirvln furnace lio-ul Lovovlllo ilarcngo llontlor t'allbroolr A 10.21 lo'as 1,1.84 io.M u.0'2 11,10 A.

At. 7.511 v.w ii.r,i o.Oii 0.21 4.2 KST UUJ.D WATCH A ,1 -j. H.Y. r-KCIA). CAKK OlVli.V TO UIA.MOND GOODS TltAJ)ffi, O1.D.81LVKH AND WAUR'-Jt El'AllttNO DONK ON S1IOIVI.


219 Main "POMPEII Seats must be seen to be comprehended, for 10,000. $1,000 worth of Fireworks each Night. For all kinds of Meat Charles B. Stewart, invites everybody andj examine liis now SPRING GOODS. iu Fancy Vestings Sitti-sfaotion Prices reasonable.

tt, PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. Terra Cotta A large line on Fallows' luilding, Jain St -oo TO- WALLACE BEOS. MEAT Cor. Main and (Jloardeld streets. Gibson Getz, House andjSign Painters, Paper Hangers and Gralnors, Logan Street near Dallas, Tyrone, I'a.

liUAUANTKHD. -AT- Flecks Feed Store IS THK I' LACK TO UKT I'UUK Chop, Oats, Corn, Floui 1 Salt, Pwtts Food, Kusts Egg Protlucur, Choice Baled Hay aufl Straw, A.11 kinds of Crardeji Produce fresh iVom the country every morning, Commission Peulur, JSTo, 20 East Jiiuiata Street, to R. K.jr.onlnu,) (TJJ 13 and Juniata Street. TYROITE BAUK KSTA15LISIIKD IN 1871. to I'ost-offloe, t'lynn Uloch-, Main Street, TYRONE, PA.

Stockholders Individually Liable STOCKHOLDERS: A 15 ttOOVEK, Cor, JONES KST CGUVKU KLYNN, Allot Tyrone, Man king bualiiosstransactedi liitoroat allowed on tlrne deposits, GUYKll.CaHlilor IT. JL. REPLEY, I Je A FULL LINK OKTHIC AT.EST STYLES of WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY, id Silverware on Mlo Kock Fine Photographs, Special Attention Children. Cull Hinl o.viuiUno spuolnions. FOR SALE.

lot Two Lois on I'ulmmit place and "one on oast .1 uniatatitrcet, Tyrone, I'a. Tliny will bo sold elioai) and on easy payments, Inquire ot STKVKXS Juno 1:1, l.six).—|i:iin>>. WONDERFUL INVENTION, It is no longer a rimmUou, ''Can C'aturrli Jbo Cured 1 answer It can, Our conlldunee In L. Bull's Catarrh Remedy tlinl uro wllllny; loglvo wi'Ittua guiirtintw. XU CIJHK, A'O 1'AV, C'lin IX lulrer proposition liu nnulo.

Hurliia thojjmst two wijuks wo liiivosold oyor 200 iloxiiii bot- Ill's iiml ivcijivoil oviu- 10) uiiNOllultnil tustl- iiioiiliilsd'oin alfaiigurti wlio write u.s they luivo boon curc'd uiul uro ,11 bfcst rmuuily ever latroilucodj CtUiuTli, Tliu price 50 Cents a Bottle, or brings it williln tliorcucli ol tlm poorest. Wliy tlieu trlllu with tlilsjloutli- some disuuse wliou you Imco ronieily so near mul cheap. It is sure euro ulillls uiul nil Thi'out Coniplulnts. OWENS, Uaii'-itautitrurs. 'i N.

Conservatory, l88tW- 1889. Plano NVaahJngton tyrorte, GRHttAliT, "OMiROI-ATIltO AND Ortlioaiul Kualdi-neii, I'27 Lngnii StrteL TYHONH, I'A, XT I'lrRu Officm AHD Itroot, Tyrone, M. u. sil and 218 Mutt tt. W.

PIIVSIOXAN OfflOll AND OS WAHIllNdTOJt AVI 4tv 't'olophono conncotlon, tt. J.M. SMITH. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGROK, I Atri) liKStbKsoii, Nos. 27 and Street, Tyrone, I'a.

OWAN OL 1'HYSIOIAN AND SUltORON Kosldonco and Offlco, 112 Logfcn Sti'oot, Tyrone, I'a. M. KWLVti, M. AND SUIIOKON. In Odd Fellows' Jhiildlng, Main Street, Tyrone, I'a.

C. M. HAMILTON. Conrad's Opera House liulldlnft, 2d floor. 17 Lincoln Avonuo.

lt. W. H. FLICNNlCIt, Otllce ovor Illller's Saddlery. flotico 1M Rldifo street, IION VA, M7T 1C I 8 T.

Main Street. Prompt attention nnd good work in teed. (i rail tun ol University of Oftleo ovor UTihilii sl.i', Tyroiin, I'n. Clotlilng trrr'wTi DKNTl.S'J.'. -ROOMS JX HEVKU IthOOK, iornor Logan and Iinllus next door ritore.

to Citv L. MIC-KS. C. 0. TKMPi.X'roa.

IIIC1CS A TKM t'LKTON. No. 1C M'uln Tyrono. Collections (i s-riocliiliA' Monoy to loan on food rojil OHlale seeiirli.y. A.


ITENRY. KNCilN'KKIt AND SU It YOU Ollice, second door llerulil Tyrone, I'n, V. TAYLOR, KN KH A INPU A 0 AO ENT None but good mpresentoil. AND ACC'l IIUSJNICSS. C.

OAVISON, AKonrruciT AMD HIIILDIMJ Second floor MKHAI.D building, Tyone, I'a. M. ANSCOM, DKALKU IK linns, l-Uwolvot'M, Ammunition, Taelrle, Is'ciis, HaHe Hall CJooils, Mual- al NnvolMes, etc. Nuw work urt Itepalrlng. Msitn and AMogliouy Stii.

IIIST CLAoS I'ltlNTINU AT THK Tyrone lleruld In (Jarnor's Orur, BLA5R COUMTY 3ANKING COMPANY, Tyrone, Pa. INDIVIDUAL L1AHIHTT. U'lUT A. MoCOY Cashier 8. C.

Stewart, K. C. Jluinos, A. G. Curtln, Win.

I'. Uumn.y, no, Harris, Robert A. McCoy. riilx hank is located In thwart Itullillnx.on tenders Its services in the ot a general banking business. .1 ir.ruat.w.llowcil on time deposits.

Tyrone Planing Mill, S. McCamant Mumituelurers and Dealers in ROUGH AND WORKED LUMBER. Uso Contrac'ors and Builders. Tyrone, Blair Pa. GEORGE KIBNZLE.

BAKERY, Confectiouery Grocery II JrPT, THE NEW DiUNK, CHAMPAGNE MIST AT Garner Drugstore, Fresli unil Ctikes evej'y ciay, A.11 kinds of Fancy and Wecltling Cakes made to oixler on short notice and on reasonable terms. Bread and cakes delivered free to all parts of the town, Bit IN-! Cor. Juniata and Blair Sts, H. B. OALDERWOOD, nsurance I Real Estate, AND NOTAliY PUBLIC.

Office Ki. near Juniata Bridge. G. C. WA1TE Gsneral Insurance Ager.t BLOCK, ROOM 4.


iroln ir west Taoille Kx, Way 1'ass. Mall JTiiHt Line Atlantle Day fxpre.sH Mu'lUSxpreHS I'ldladel. Kx. lOx, Mull, I'orall polntH Kxprona for Hollotonto KXIIITH.S, for llollel'onte L.ll. only 1)00 a.

iu tii-i's 12,00111. 8 00 p. Ill Ar. (I.J.I 7.1S l.lflji.m 7,00 7. IS in 7.01) Ar.

II. K. V. It, Duy Kx. Ironi in'onto A U.

12.00 ill. Mull, Ironi nil points T. iindC. P.O, Mull, lor ulI points Duy Kx. lor I'lilllnsburg, Olourliold mill Ciirvvoiisvlllit I p.iii T.tiiul t'.

It. K.vpresri. troin (Jiirweiisvlllu, Clour- Ar. Hold und Ouv I'xpreHs, from I'liUipHlmrii ami ul! points 12 00 in. Mull, I'roni all points 1,.

undT. K. Mixed, I'or I'unna. p.lll Ar, 2 oo m. Itonoro Mixed, for all polnla L.andT.

11, Mixed, from Jlenoro, I'unnu. Fur- iniei! and Mlxcid, Ironi all pointy Sinking Sat. SliulU Cnlj) andS, Vallev Sinking Val Sat. Slinltv! Line, forS, Valley und Gulp. 7.00 ii.m r.

P. Vulloy and Gulp. Oiricu-is in. p. iu.

UNUAM'Ifil) FOIl I.etloi'ii ronialnlng In oillce two weeks ttlej uro seiit to ileiul letter ollleo. Letters iineulleil lor Saturday, 5 (iili.son, Miss l.diilau Miss Flora Beckwltli, SI Us Snean Duluney, J. C. Wilson Murtin Prank Scott, Allison Hall, J. If.

Htture. Lottery uncalled Suturduy, July 12, 181K): Mr. Apa Suiltli, M.r. Wru. ftji'- U'wry Uui-duer..

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