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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

roe Tyrone Daily Herald ApfH 21, IlKW. Get the bank habit. Look tip the new td of the Blair Connif Nalieriftl bank tedujf. At the meeting of Sherldnn twop OB Tnewlay evening govoml mctt wore re- elccted into the oftffttilsiittloti. The firemen's Uelief will meet this evening at 8 o'clock.

All members are requested to be present. Or. L. W. SwfirlB Is confined fo his home on Cameron avennn with A badly BpMlnnd nnklo, buf hi boprs to bo ottt with his friends soon.

E. M. Oroenawnlt, of has moved his family and hotiBAhold goods to Tyrone, whnro ho has secured a homo on Pennsylvania avouuo. George D. Bayard, of Altoona, will sing "EVice to Face" at tho Odd Follows service at tho First I'rosbyterlnn ohnroh on Sunday evening.

Knglneo? Clyde Wooinor returned homo this afternoon with fourteen beautiful trout that ho caught at tho lower end of tho Big Fill run. Frank M. Wnrlngt oajhior of tho Farmers' and Merchants National bank, has been electod secretary of gronp six of tho Pennsylvania Bnnkers association. Contractor John Novling is able to hobble oronnd with the aid of crushes, nfter being housed up at his home on North Logan avenue, on accouutof lly Bpraiued right foot. J.

Miller, proprietor of the Key- tie hotel, is beautifying his popular by having the oflioe and rear room papered and painted, (finished the pluco will bo cozy Able. MED MEN'S ANNIVSR9ARY. Celebfale the Sume With (ttutle and Dshtmg, Tho touting Arrow fflbe, Kb. 406, Men, night Bfettlnif, Tho birthditt Auulvetfiify Of the young order nnuincr by an'I sweer- JttMM f.Of'llnd fwWIfcy celebrated in a happy the their wives hearts, The evening opened with a bJX iocial which excolljnt propamd that had been neatly arranged by the omfoPUb hrongh O. McOonnhy reni ate agency.

W. E. Suyder, of Holli- dayBburg, transferred bin lot ou Went Fifteenth street near Gardner's store, to Howard F. Stewart, of Tyrone, for the consideration of t-IOO. The Junior League of the Columbia Avenue Methodist Episcopal church will hold an exchange at J.

Troutwine's moat market on Pennsylvania avenue on April 24. Pies, cakes and home-uiade bread will be sold. The "Lily and tho Prince" canceled their engagement in Tyrone. The nianag6inent finding that the audience would not be largo, passed over tho town. This was to bo the feature attraction at the Academy of Music this season.

L. M. Lewis, of Arch Spring, pastor of tho Sinking Valley Prosby- assisted in tlio Cervices of J. fJrusldon of tho Oauonsburg school board, whicl wore held yesterday afternoon at hi lato home in Oanonsburg. Tho Hev Mr.

Lewis was formerly Mr. VanEuiau' pastor. Tho Tyrone minstrels had an oxcelleu practice on Tuesday evening and by th time tho entertainment is to oome of cvtirthiug will be in spltindid shape The Witmark minstrel overture whicl is considered ono of tho prettiest eve written, will .10 The next re hearsal will be ou Friday evening this week. A meeting of the Blair County Road Drivers' Association will be held this evening in the rooms of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians, in tho Blair Ooun ty Trust building, Altopuu, when ai effort will be mad" to raise about p.OOO, and one of the members lias a proposi tion to submit which will liquidate the association's indebtedness. All the stockholders of the association are urged to bo in attendance.

"In the Days of Witchcraft." a magnificent picture covering over 1000 feet of film, will be shown at the Aladdin theatre this evening. The story tolls of a young girl accused of of being a witch. She is tried and sentenced to bo burned at the stake, unless she can do certain things which are impossible. When the torch being applied she is saved by her sweetheart. Several other very long pictures will be produced and an illustrated song, all for 5 cents.

All Odd Follows who are members of lodges out of town are extended an invitation to meet at tho lodge room of Alleghany Gateway lodge No. 187,1. O. -fin the third door of tho Blair Oouuty National Bank building on Sunday evening, April 25, at 7 o'clock tdjltrp to go with the lodge in a body to xihe First Presbyterian ohnroh, where Odd Fellowship will be preached to the order by Uev. George T.

O. Eyer, noble grand. Attest, W. A. Miller, secretary.

Grant Stiles, of the postotnce force has contracted the measles and is now ooufliied to his homo on West Washing ton avenue. Mr. Stiles can hardly lose the time being ill as he has been quite busy lately arranging a new set of base ball rales that will be followed out by the postotlice team this season. It is sincerely hoped that the Delehaute of Tyrone will soon be able to resuiuo hj duties again. Rube Waddell Chamberlain will look after the government team until Mr, Stiles is well ugMu John 0, Colt who has been the efiiolent clerk at O.

E. poUwny'n "torn the punt three years, has position and will take up work where. John made a speudid, clerk and wan well liked by the large trade that Visits the PoJaway store. He was faithful and hottest in the performance of all his duties. His position the store has beeu Hlled by Charles Giles, who wo sure will wake a mast acceptable dork, us be is a young man of splendid appearance.

Mr. Polaway WM fortunate securing (he geryices pf Mr. Giles, who wo feel will 4)1 the Mil youtig ladies in pretty boxes which were decorated with different colors of crepe paper and flowers, were sold to the highest bidders. Some of these lunches sild as high ns two mid three while all brought more thnn a dollar. Tho futi began when two young men wanted to be tho buyers of an excellent lunch prepared by a young lady, the result wits an enormous price was pitld and tho young couple imngined they were dining at the Bollevue-S' rat ford After all had enjoyed the feast of good things, tho famous Sinking Valley string orchestra under the leadership of Joe Black and Eiulo Logan struck up somo very pretty and lively musio and the young men got their pttrdnefs for square dunes.

The jolly good time wns kept tap until midnight, when all departed for their homes to dream over tho pleasures of tho evening, The Blazing Arrow tribe of tied Men was organized April 20, 1 not, with about one hundred in embers and today the membership is almost double. Daring the eight years a groat many of their members have loft Tyrone and some have gone homo to rest. Tho organization lutt accumulated quite a little money aud has a bank account I'iinning into thousands of dollars. The lodge was instituted in 1001 by the great Sachain A. A.

-Ayes, of tribe 104, of Altoona assisted by District Deputy D. Boogie. Their first officers were John Bowser, prophet; L. Hangeu, Huohom A.Tessa Smith, senior sagamore Edward IWoodring, 'junior sagamore; W. F.

Trtylor chief of records; John Oakwoocl, keeper of wampum trustees Tuoadorf Van Sooyoo, John Hildo- F. K. Fiokos. it Deputy G. A Willie and wife, iiu, wero guests of bonor at thr ary exercises on Tuesday evon- brand, Distri of All auuiv ing.

Tyrone Division Crews, ra men after 3.45 o'clock on Tyrone WoodriiiR, Kling VnuSooyoc, Nolan, Wilt, Rora- gh, Bowes, Kulohor, Noll, Morrissoy, bison. Michuols, bockman, Wolt'o, Mock, MARRIED AT HIGH NOON. M. rjdfemhh'tfftd Allen United In Tho bountiful country hottie of Mr. find MM.

John Atleo, of Sinking Valley, WIM iconn of toff Joyonn ocosntoti today At noon, tho happy Affair WAS 1IP (fifing In ntnrringe of their to MiirH-i ltdy Uoieiiuun The bountiful tlntf ceremony of tho Methodist Episcopal church Wai per formed by Uev, Jnmea B. Stein D. pastor of the First MothodUt nhuroli 6 Tyrouo. The largo pnrlor whom th ceremony performed WM benuti fully deuornted with ptilmn, ferns alir potted phttit Promptly at the. Appointed time th pretty strains from Lohongrin were heard pealing throughout the homo and the happy young couple took their places Iwforo the minister who united them AS man nnd wife.

The brido mid groom wero led to the marriage altar by Master tenrlo Diokson who acted ns ring bearer and pretty little Miss Pearl Hull, who stivw flowers along the pathway. Tho bride looked charming in a gown ol white silk laoe over white satin. She carried a beautiful bouquet of violets the groom was attired in tho usual conventional black. Tho bride's maid was Miss 13m tun Atloo, sister of the brido and Clinton Black acted iw hrst mat and right supporter to tho groom. After the ceremony a short rocept.ioi followed after which the bridal party and the fifty invited guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner.

Mr mid Mrs, Coloman were brought to Tyrone this afternoon whore they boarded a train for eastern cities where they will spend their honeymoon. The bride is one of Sinking Valley's most charming young ladies and Imi a large circle of friends throughout the country. She has boon one of tho edict out public Kchool teachers of Blair county tho past three years and was always held in o.stoam by both tho pupils and directors, and her training at homo lias folly prepared her for the position HMO will occupy in life. The goom is a splendid young matt of high attainments and will suroly make a splendid husband. On thoir from their wedding tour Mr.

and Mrs. Oolemau will uiuln thtiir homo in Tyrone. Window shades 10 and 2fio nt Scott's. Foil 7-ronm honsn at Blnir nvenno. Possession April C.

Fou horsn weight 1125 llw. Apply to S. O. Weria. Thn family of tho lato Kred La' baolior desiro in t.his manner to thank thpfr niHiiv friPiidn for kiwlnpsses shown at the tiino of their rwHtit.

bereiivemont; partirnlnrlv those from whom most friendly tokens were-received. Ou Tuftftay evening Independent Council No. 8, Daughters of America, of Altooua, celebrated their sixtnentb anniversary. Columbia council No. i), of fyrono, was represented at the oven- ing's entertainment with twenty live members who expressed themselves a most enjoyable time.

Tho program of the tivoning coiiKisted of music, recitations, spoochos and excellent refreshments. Tho Tyrone delegation arrived home on tho quarter after eleven car. Tish VauSooyoc, who is ono of the most genial "mixologi.sts" iu Tyrone, has a bunch of Plyrnoth Rock hens that laying eggs an large us good lemon. Throe eggs, the product of his (look, wore ou exhibition this morning and it took string eight inches long to go around one of them. Tisli feels quite proud of his blooded stock and takes a lot of pride iu raising chickens that are profitable.

Robert Wallace and Harry Waite, two young farmer lads from Sinking Yaley, left ou Tuesday evening for South Dakota whore they will cast their lot uuong the prosperous farmers of that vestoru state. The best wishes of their many friends throughout this commu- lity accompany them. The engagements at the Academy of Music are as follows: Monte Carlo Girls, Monday, April 20; Howe's Motion 'iotures, Wednesday, April 88; Caleb 'owers, the famous lecturer, Thursday, April 20; aud the great and wonderful Tyrone Minstrels Friday evening, April 30. County Commissioner Baukert was in today aud inspected the Twelfth street bridge aud found the idewalks of same in bud condition, He rdorod them repaired under the super- ision of Street Commissioner Wands, The Young Women's Home Mission irole of the First Presbyterian church, will meet with Mrs. Irvin Ward ou Eleventh street, tomorrow evening, April 23, at 7,45.

Tho Doroits society of the First Luthran church will meet in the lecture oom of the ohnroh on Thursday even- Df at 7 BO o'clock, A full attendance desired. Uurutan Sons have a new adver- isement in this issue, of special interest the ladies. The Aladdin Program Tonight. Motion pictures, "In the Pays of drawn, Uuurdian illustrated song. ngel, The Most Successful UiHiiners aud Konovulors west of ilulphiu and east of Wttuburg is ut 1 115 i'uwii'a Ave, Our charges are teas our work is better.

We oK'ait everything clean Tyrone Dye Works, Auto Drivers AtlenUpn. We are sole agents for tUa Morrison- Hioker Mgf. perforated itutomobile White sand and tivor wanned for nement work. Don't forgot sand doos moro and bitter work thai any W. Gardner 21 tf WANTED position as olrrk in stnro, CHII writn slimy cards Address S.

LOST bidgn containing initiuls FI. L. Co. No. 7.

Finder kind'y re to this If it's a curtain stretcher, you can do better at forirnnnrul housnwork W.A. Reed, 1121! Logan Avo. J. Schirm has boon appointed to hnul the Ktroot sprinkler over the streets when the-y are dusty and in ordor. to find out whether tho work will pay, he will solicit tho town.

If he is successful ho will accept thn Try Admiral coll'oo and noto tho difference." Brushes for hard wood floors, 250 at Full dross suits for frilo or hire at O. E. Seo what a good unisn your dimes and nickels make at tho Surprise J. H. Roilnud Diamonds and watches for commencement presents at jeweler.

"Pleasing, pleasant, Admiral Ooil'oo." Fou room on West Tenth street, formerly occupied by Monk Fleck. Apply to MoO. Davis-aJItf Fou room on Washington avenue near Tenth street. Inquire of AH colors of paint and varnish stains lOo per can at Scott's "Admiral Coffee tastes better and goes California privets for hedges, $4, $0 uud $8 per hundred; hardy roses and 18, A full lino of all wool suitings at Miller tailors. For $15, $18 and a suit.

Call and look them over. "No, thank you, I want Admiral Coffee." Oarpot beaters 10 and 15a at Scott's. FOR largo and one small room, front, heated; suited for ofHoos or light Block. Also corner store room, Ponn'u ave, and 12th street, ft, wide, with now front and W. "Otice tried, Always Oottee." Notice.

our window display of late swell spring suitings in olives, grays, greeus aud smokes. Nobby liatn, shirts and ties. Just line of nifty oxford shoes iu tan and nxblooil, Prices to suit all, at Win, Vogt's Sons, next to tiitriuiui seek gloves. Display now reaay for ttolaway -tf your Uauy new bargaiiw every day the Surprise Cult aud look Ackl blook. awd owes to itu4 a oomputiuv use on scales.

Address U40 Are- Change 9f Uoc.ition. practice forces to larger quarters. I desire to muu that on April 22, I will remove my oillue from 112 West 13th struct, to First National Bank H'Uy, room UOO (tuku elevator), This new locution will uffnrd larger olliue acooiuiuodattQlis together with greater increased facilities for the treatment of all forms of dineusHs, both chronic and acute, by the and most (lousiiltuiion and examination free, Ostuoputhio Tyrone, Pianos Tuned ana! J. expert piann tuner rer, of Pyje, bas arrived, left at Cramer's drug store or Arlington Hotel will receive prompt THE TEMPLETON COMPANY This Is Purely an important Sale of Carp a fourth to a third on Carpets for most iiny i room Jn the house. Velvet Carpets That we always sold at $1.25 a yard are now marked New spring patterns and colorings, most of them have borders to match.

More than twenty styles to choose from. Those Bundhar Wilton Carpets are being snapped uy quickly at $1.60 a yard a Vaving of 50 cents on every ynrd yon buy, these were never sold for less than $2.00. Borders to match of course. We still have quite a few patterns of those 1.0 wire Tapestry Brussels Carpets that we are selling for 75 cents in place of $1.00 yard, a few have borders to match. We have a special lot of Carpets what we term "Short that run from to 20 yards, cu ugh fill small rooms but not enough for the average room.

If yon can use them yon can save a third and in some cases Brussels, Tapestry, Velvets, Axmiusters, Etc. We arc fortunate in securing another lot of Hand-fthttod Belt Plus, Hat Plus, and Waist Pin Sets, at Special Prices, The most bo'imiful pieces we have ever shown for the money SO to JM.SO. 5 ular, comploto imw'lino of gold RHI, I'Mis, rful, Pins, SHvor ms llll(l Sen our window. Walton Acklin Co 2 FrlclttV can be nsnlted on any eye trouble. Dorothy Dodd Boots Dorothy Dodd Oxfords Special Offerings in Linoleum andlMatting We have selected a number of pattern! of inlaid linoleums, best grade that we are offering aY $1 00 aud per square yard Regnkfir price was f.

vt each for most any room China and Japanese Mattings by the roll of '10 yards. cent mattiiig $4 60 oil; 25 cent matting $800 roll 35 cent $1.1.00 roll. are all new spring njfUings aud every one knows they wear better 4uui old dried out s'ock. Carpets cleaned every day, centfe yard for and delivered the saujjtday. THETEMPLETON COMPANY SPRING FOOTWEAR These are "hard limes" some people say.

suppose they limes" are ll.c best times iu the world to offer person A Little More Than Your Money's Worth. This we are doing tight now in all our new Spring Shoes and Oxfords. Just see what we have iu our window for a pair, and the duty still on hides. Growing girls' shoes and oxfords. (Shoes for tender feet) MONEY SAVING.

Shoe Store. Corner Avenue 14th MOST ANY BANK Can handle your business after a fat when times are good and money easy! When times are hard and money tight you feel the need of a business connection with a SPRING APPAREL AT DOUA WAY'S Men's Sinr Children's Suits to Pants Suits froml.f>() to Youth's Long Pants Suits from to $15, ages from to 20. Our line of Sh and Furnishings cannot be beat. It wilpay you to give us a call. You can always get jpd Shoes cheap here.

C. E. DOLAWAY. Next door to Pdu Ofl iCJUR SODA1FOUNTAIN IIN and ftetiabie gank Po your banking business and make your credit good with a Hank tint is on the HONOR of the National Banks of the Uuited States. THE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TYRONE Pull 4 The Delicious Wit Syrups used in our Soda WiiterVive it a quality of superiority its own.

Try it W. H. McLanahan. do-Carts of Ouallty. Take tho lots out iiylio BiiiiHliino, 1 II luivo msy grow iiko woe The Pullunucar of Baby "The foyer." the best foUKug go-cart ou tlie mtrlcet, Koyer will fold up and fit into a suitcase.

Folds aud opens with 'j one motion, Our line of ilicss ular folding e-irts is now ou display, purc.lntsiny uuy curt lor Iho Iwihy, (louimislTiittt tl(o workings of no to huy, You woloouje lu ituy 1 poua4 wMJuferi from $5 00 up to $20,00. it ijt Sforro Aeron, FURN TUBE.

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