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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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4" 1 A irMly epea and as usual flftds us well we take the field and pugfc vigorously all the line, While terribly in earnest aur munition! of war are certainly peaceful, and pleasant to our yet strike terror and dismay to our competitors, Prices and quality are our principal weapons, re-enforced by politeness and courtesy, Ladles' Garments are the principal point of attack followed by Undeewear, In these two special departments we especially excel, An excellent Jacket for $8,00, advancing by gradual steps to Our assortment is complete it will please you sure, In Underwear, Flannels, flannel Skirt in many varied designs, Blankets, Haps, Woolen Hose, and all the warm, cosy and comfortable things that are used during the cold and dismal winter. Always come to see us before you buy, because we will do you good. WILSON ISENBERG, The Genuine Goodyear Rubber Overshoes, Arctics, Avon oqj cm 'tWtlO oisimoaoa jo dj-ijcluioo put? 'SXVH oq qsuui o.msuoiu JO putf qy. AUU o.tussi3 op OAV inq o.a? OM op 'sooud pun oqi putt jjoa.iuoX OOUIAUOO 01 noA" ouo.i 0iI0 'ioAO qaD.vvo[ oqj oqq. in jo opeiu qvoo.iOAo .10 qjns OAV su 'opiM) jo oqi at uoi)iiodiuoo MO.NE SI qtioq-u no.C oq opis cln si quoiuopjq.ioApt? S.

30 W. 10th ami cor. Logan avenue and 14th street, For Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, School Supplies, Paints, Oils, Etc. glWfo WtilTe tMy to ttife tftts- tot's efltei 1 offiise AM itwnft tfiefr tat it, Wheel is faphiiy growing ta be 1H6 ot the tenuity physttinhM favorite pro- aftrt iflstcftit of gblftg frdW 6ffiC6 td tflo ebtheP dfHg Stofe th6 has instnictiohs to go to the bicycfc store. Th6 littiosilp of paper he CafMel 1ft tils hand featts! bicycle taken before fthrl nftef meals," The patient and hot theffierti- eifle Is well shaknn at tho tifno of taking.

One of the Mittny physicians afe now proscribing pedals in tho place ot pills fof various distempers is Dr. C. Htvxt, Ho has found that bicycle riding will in most instances cure insomnia! that It will often rcatring ft hurvotis Wreck or drive out the pain in creaking, rheumatic joints. Dr. Hood sometimes burns late oil In his mental workshop until his head Is in a whirl and refuses to go to sleep, and then he goes Into, the basement) gets rid of his whirl by taking it down Jackson boulevard two Or three times.

Then he turns in goes immediately to sleep. "To sleep or hot lo sleep?" said the doctor, "is a question which confronts the medical fraternity far oftener than the laity has any Idea of, and scarcely a week goes by that some new drug Is not discovered and advertised to be a sure euro for sleeplessness. This increase in the number of sleep producing drugs means an increased demand, which means (in iticreaso In the number of poor sleepers, which Is a "Anybody who will tnkn the pains to inquire of different druggists in his neighborhood will 'hesurprised at theuttnv her of people Who are constant patrons of tho drug store for sleep producing drugs. During physiological sleep the brain le- coives Sufficient food to carry on Its nutritive function only, and more or less blood than is necessary for this function may produce insomnia, or, in other words, tho causes of insomnia are cerebral mnemia; second, cerebral hyperemia. "In cerebral hyperemia the blood vessels of the brain are dilated to accommodate an increased reception of the blood, and aro active or passive, according as the flow is greater or less than normal.

Tho most common cause of passive cerebral hyperemia is that duo to persistent mental activity, especially so when accompanied With anxiety. "Those who have ever passed through the throes of insomnia know tho anguish of thought, the slowness time, when seconds become hours and minutes become days. If this condition is allowed to continue it soon emerges into a state where there Is no sleep, but mental depression, stupor, melancholia and insanity. With a passive cerebral hyperumia there is, without exception, so fur as lean find, slower acting heart. "The heart, to exercise its normal action on the venous circulation, must contract full and quick, so as to make a sudden, quick suction on the blood in the and the veins emptying into them.

The physician who will prescribe the bromides, chlorals and opiates ton patient without any more consideration of thu case than that it is one of insomnia is poor doctor. "One of the best remedies in horseback riding, but it is not everybody who can afford a saddle horse or who could even ride one. The best thing I have found productive of the most beneficial.results in reducing the hyperemia is bicycle riding. It increases respiration and heart action, stimulates oxygeimtion of tho blood, and by the regular exercise and removal of the venous accumulations, the torpid liver, the inactive bowels, kidneys and skin resume their normal Chicago News-Kecord. i 0 iftffitj sfmlt wait toe ft Micntf yll, 8.

Kletflbft pwiyef of nil nWu Wtetid who bellevfe in the righteousness of the Might Han. W. E. Gladstone's ami thtf Hon. Johft Morley's present Hha bf jiottey lowatd Ireland nhd the British empire Will, Owl willing, be held in the tipper eoi' ttol Imll, ITbod street, Newcastle, begin- hinff on MeutUy Slight Aug.

22 at o'clock to ftliout 10, rtha cottttnuing eftoli liight tip to fttnl including Tlnifsdn? nest. The hull is efignged for Friday; but notice of rt geiidMl pfatse and IliAiiksgiVIng meeting for victory, of which we fepl well ns- Bttrod, if only we will do our duty, to bo held on that evening Will bo given during the-frock. Lftdies ns Well ns tucn rind Invited, Canvassers arc nil expected to thoroughly finish tip their day's work, for it will bo folly to come to seek God's blessing on In- dolcnco Discussions, irreverent conduct or talking will bo entirely out of plncc. We gather to meet with to dispute with itinn, Pray for the presence and power of tho Ifoly Ghost before coming or you had better stay away. mean business for national righteousness, and cannot afford time for trifling.

Ireland Walts for Justice; China ahd tndia cry oil against our iniquitous opium business, and Great Britain groans Under tho Iron heel of the Cruel curse of the drink traffic, which Wo have just scut Mr. liainond into parliament to uphold, llyninbooks will bo provided. Brief expositions of Scripture, bearing on the present Liberal policy and contest and the late defeat in Newcastle, will be given by various speakers. Written difficulties of Christians who may conscientiously, at present, be Unable to support Mr. Alorley will be answered briefly on the following fcvening, or privately if preferred.

Itn- promtu questions not allowed. Prayers must bo more than three or four that many may take part, and bearing only on matters of public policy and not on private personalities. Collection at doors to defray cost of hall and Vertislng only. Any surplus to go to Newcastle infirmary, and a cash account rendered in Daily Leader. fitttm itmt kill) fllW Ifi ttio Bo id skill, RttUMEriMnjrt hfllW Ifi ttio BoflftS aid whllfi (ill his lohiltort Impea (iw lof tt- Bttt something stittitef slill fft'lMhklngof Iho ttmitutml Anthbf may And fiortkg Sednrittti by some wtl6 or fill, iiBvevmnre the eHtle i-ootw Oaft him Mill lliett Inky bills BHt, mi, whAt ftolneo fof (ho III Ofhoiio deferred Ilml wnltsfoMoHl To fee) Ibo parent fnptnrcs Ilivlll Of hoofcs Hint yol rumnin utilmrnl fho Would Iioamlior, whoso foiitl lookl Tnfh over to fume's sunlit hill, CbnCcft at defeat, itml sort-ly brooks Tho fnlo that makes bis triumphs hll, He loathes (lie plifnse, imllloly chill, "Declined with thanks." So let bllfl mourn Whoso hofiom dlftappolniment nil For books that never may bo born.

ENVOI. Pflncca (who publish books) dlslll Some dropi of pi! 5-, not of scorn, For those poor tollers of the quill Whose books nro waiting to bo bornl Francis F. Browne lu Dial. i Shoes of all kinds and Uubbor Goods will be Bold belcv.v their TYRONE, PA. This is a special sale to Cor an induiinito time.

HOC fitock and will be con tinned Como and see. AGENT. Wasto Not. lu every household tlievo bo rendered buef fat. This, with en excellent piu orust.

Tliu use of lard arid other 1'ats should be uvoldud, tis it often loaves tin unpleasant iiftur tusto. Into an iron pan put the small bits of fut trimmed from a piece of beef, and let it simmer four or five hours on Uio back of Uiu range. Strain it and sot it in the refrigerator. To niako three pies of ordinary sixe take cupful of this half a cup, and half a cup of butter and a snltspoonful of salt; rub to a cream with n. wooden spoon.

Add four cups of flour itnd mix thoroughly with tho hands; pour a cupful of ice water into hole in the center of this. Mix quickly with a Amateur Hloyclors versus Professionals. It would be iv hopeless and a thankless task to even attempt to raise tho present cyclists to pure amateur basis. I feat they arc imbued with the taint of professionalism beyond redemption; they do not want a puro'amateur basis; by their own confession they would prefer money prizes, and they aro racing today solely for what they can make out of it. It must be extremely mortifying to American is to to bo able to point with prido to Uio fast riding of our racing cyclists as the work of amateurs.

How can one bo proud of a countryman, be his work ever so clever, who is riding under false colors, which is tantamount to saying lie is leading a dishonest life? A man who is dishonest in his sport I would not trust in any walk of life. There are no degrees of honesty. I claim that some of the manufacturers and some of our clubs ivru responsible for tho son Is of many unsophisticated young men whom they have led astray. I have no language strong enough to express my contempt 'and tho contempt of all fair minded men for the officials of clubs who wift deliberately plan the pollution of innocent and ignorant lads for the sake of securing a few more points than the rival club. This question of legislation in amateur sport is too lightly considered and intrust- ed too often to men not in touch with its truer and higher Sport is an educator of the boy; if he is honest and fair in that ho will follow a similar course ill tho uioru serious walks of If a trickster in his play ho is likely to carry it into his W.

Whitney in Harper's Weekly. All tivetttfut Jflfsht itUto. "Miart my hat kicked off one dark night by ft dead man," said John A. Kdwards, who was entertaining thu Muueliattsoti club nt the Laclcde. "When a youngster of nineteen I.

was riding a star mail route in southeastern Missouri. It was just after tho war, and footpads were pretty plentiful. One dark night a couple of these gentry 'attempted to hold me tip, but I was mounted on a mettlesome horse, and socked the spurs homo and rodo over them. I wont plunging through tin darkness for several hundred yards, when my horse stopped so suddenly that I inadvertently left tho saddle and sat astride his neck, My roadster was trembling all over with fright, but to save mo I could see nothing. I thought It must he more footpads and spurred tho horse forward, while I held my pistol ready for tho expected attack.

"As I passed ti large walnut tree that covered the road a big muddy boot struck mo in tho fnco and scraped my hat off. I concluded that I didn't need a hat, so did not stop to recover it. On my. way back next morning I fonnd that tho kicker was a dead man, who was swinging from a limb, with a piece of paper pinned to his shirt, on which was scrawled, 'Thou shnlt not cows and mewls. 1 St.

Louis Globe-Democrat. for Infants and Children. "fJMtQrltt Is eo veil adapted to children thitt rccommcnii superior to any prescription U. A. AncHEii, HI PropWyp, jf "The use of is BO untyersftl Its mttriW 90 well known that It seems work o( fuporerogfttlou to endorse 1C.

Few aro tin jutelllgent families wlio do uot keep Custom 1 1UBTYH. New ypf City, tote Pastor P)oomiug4ulo CUurcii, cures Collo, Constipation, SourBtouwcli, pinrrUtun, Pructation, Kills elves sleep, promotes di- estion, For several years I your Oostprte. and sbftll to an so us to Insults." "The WJstbrpp," na4 Ttb PILES will cu 1 Pf toe. R. A Stinging Itcply.

An eminent judge used to say that, in his opinion, the very bust thing ever said by a witness to a counsel was the reply given to Missing, the barrister, at tho titna loader of his circuit, Ho was defending a prisoner charged with stealing a donkey, The prosecutor had left the animal tied to a gate, and when ho returned it was gone. Missing was very severe in his examination of tho witness. "Do you mean to say, witness, that tho donkey was stolen from the gate?" "I mean to say, sir," returned tho witness, giving tho judge and then the jury a sly look, tit the same time pointing to tho counsel, "the ass was Tit-Bits. A llomumnilo Faint. If yon wish to give a freshening coat of paint to worn kitchen chairs and wooden pails and buckets, you will bo glad to know of a kind of red paint that is easily made, and which possesses, moreover, tho virtue of drying quickly, To produco this useful red paint mix about a pint of shellac in a quart of alcohol, Now stir in enough Chinese vermilion to give color, and you luvve 11 really good mixture, Tho thick- loss of shellac differs, so you must use your own judgment as to change, Bliss KiUvaviU' first Slory, Tho beginning of tho literary cari-cr uf the lato Miss Amelia Kdminis was a surprise to herself, Shu had donu some work in childhood and had then turned ticrioqaly to music, which atvuliud seven years with success as composer and performer, Then, on atimniur holiday, she amused herself by writing a short story, which Chambers' Journal paid for liberally, and thus began her regular literary life.

London JUossongui-s of Dentil Preserved, lu tho relic case of General Lander post, of Lynn, there has been placed an ebject which commands tho reverence of every veteran who has fought for his country. It is merely a common, ordinary piece of planking, but deeply imbedded in that plank aro eleven bullets, each of which found a billet in the breast of some gallant soldier during tho war. At tho battle of Ezra- Church, near Altoona, a number of fallen soldiers were buried in a trench. Tho wearers of the gray and blue wore placed side by side where they slumbered peacefully until a short time ago, when tho bodies were exhumed for burial in tho soldiers' lot. The bullets dropped out while tho bodies wore being transferred and were preserved carefully by being placed in tho plank which was presented to Superintendent William Stone, of Pino Grove cemetery, at the national convention of cemetery superintendents, and ho in turn presented it to Lander A Venomous Bird.

But ono species of venomous bird is known to tho student of ornithological Rpir N'Doob, or "bird of death," a feathered paradox of New Guinea. It is not a largo or formidable looking creature, ns one would naturally expect, being scarcely as largo as a common pigeon, but longer and of a more slender build. It is'of a gray, glossy color, without any special markings except the tail, which ends with a blood red tip. The bird is comparatively helpless, Iwing able to ily but a few fuet, and can be caught without difficulty. However, it is unnecessary to say that its poisonous bite caused thcnativp.

Papuans to let it suvere- ly nlonn. Persons bitten by the creature are by maddening pains, which rapidly extend to every part of the body. Loss of sight, convulsions and lockjaw are the other symptoms which follow in rapid succession. Tho natives say that there is not a case on record of a survival of the bite, there being no antidote, death always on- suing within the short spaco of two hours. Louis Hit) Although tliu commercial demand for humming birds has been thocuusa of their wholesale destruction, it has enabled naturalists to become butter acquainted with ihom, tho vast number of specimens con- iainucj it; milliners' and taxidermists' stocks frequently yielding species whicli otherwise would have been likely to remain unknown to Philadelphia; Times.

Jlusbaiid (snrcasticttlly pointing tqdot)- ft rejutiott of yours, isrj't jtf yps, by Exchange. Children swuetcu labor, but they miiko misfortune more bitter; thty increase llie carija of Jjf 0 but fhey mitigate brunce of liacoj). pf ScftUajud wus choked, to death, by his wife for supposed Infidelity, Shu was burned to death, for the crljus. "History 0t the by Tho Tulip. Tho tulip was first made known to botanists by descriptions and figures made by tho Swiss naturalist, Conrad Gessner, in tho year 1550.

The plant from which Gessner made his drawings was growing in the den of opo John Henry Harwnrt, at burg, tho seed or bulb having originally been brought from tho Levant. The date of its introduction into England is somewhat uncertain, but horticulturists usually set it down as 15SO, probably on account of a passage in tha works of Jlnk- luyt (V583), which says, "Now within those' four years there has been brought into England from Vienna, Austria, divers kinds of flowers called Tulipas." Linnwus tolls us that the tulip is a native of Cappadocia; also that ho believed It to be the "lily of the (It? Id" spoken of by the St. J.onis Republic. Trees, Thu Jews and the Arabs pluco tho date palm before all other trees, because it was, they say, mndo of the same clay as Adam, and prophesied through its leaves, The rabbis accredited Abraham with know) edge of what wus thus convoyed for his di- n'ction. In Persia tho inhabitants buru wax tapers, as at a shrine, before the trees which they hold the oriental planu and the cypress.

They hope thus to obtain the euro of their maladies and, the accomplishment of their Gentlt'inan's Magazine. lu otie small way, if not in others, Canada js loyul to the mother country, Shu spells the English language in us long itnd roundabout a as tho Nineteenth century permits. Canadian school teachers and, some Canadian editors are stjll writing of "colour," "labour" and "candour," jf 411 oft'ender is locked up they say lie fas gone to Exchange. AVliero tlio Striurhcrry Is Found. The wild strawberry is very widely diffused over the surface of tho earth, being fonnd in the chill regions of the north, as well as in the sunny climes of tha south.

It is not a tropical plant, however, and except on mountain sides is not found south of 88 dogs, north. On the European continent it grows extensively from Lapland and t.iie Shetland isles to Italy and Greece. It is also found throughout western Asia, but is unknown in China and Japan. It lias grown abundantly on tho bleak hills of Iceland for centuries. It Is found in America from Labrador and British Columbia to tho pi no woods of tho southern states, and on the high lands of Mexico and tho Andes, The hardy plant, with its tiny scarlet berry, may bo said to girdle tho earth on tho lino of tho polar circle, and several hundred miles southward, except that it is not found In the basin of tho river A moor, in Times.

American Foreign ClmosaK. According to local tradition the earliest maker of foreign cream chooses in this region was a Frenchman, whoso first customers were a few fashionable restaurants. IIo produced in small quantities almost perfect imitations of French cheeses and delivered them to his customers himself. Tho manufacture of these cheeses has now so extended that many grocers make no effort to keep a stock of foreign cheeses, and probably tho larger portion of the cheese consumed, oven in tho French tables d'hote, that, established tho fashion of cheese eating among all sorts of Now Yorkers, Is of native manufacture. Ai -jet, however, tho conservatism of tho commercial woi Id seems to make it necessary to stick to old names and foreign New York Sun, Iti-muuiuurod After Vlfty VUIU-M, A curious case of introspection, or extraordinary retrospection, or something, is Uiat of a woman who recently died rn neighboring town.

On her deathbed she bothered herself to repay a loan of twenty- live cents incurred over fifty years before, it had come to her suddenly as shorn m- jwtged back through the years of her life, tvery small detail of attending becoming plain to her after a half tentury ot forgetfulness, York Tfc veil! ijriy you to ihe Queen Cinderella bcfof-e yoti buy, it is tiio highcsb gmdo range on the iimi-kct today, They ate made i-ighfc itnd icfb band," have large ventilated ovens, double lidts and centres and ringed cover. Tin Roofing and Spouting, A. V. DAVIS, Logan Avenue and 10th Street For everything 3-011 want from a DRUG STORE in the way of SPICES, go to Falck's Low PricediDrug Store, 15 W. Tenth Street, Tyrone.

CHAIN ELEVATOR, GRINDING CAPACITY; Capacity 15,000 Bushels. 40 Bushels per Hour. Tyrone Milling Matiufiiclurcrs of und dealers in all kinds oC jRJEJQft CHOP; fLOUONDlEALp CASTI PAID FOR GRAIN. Grain auil Peed to ort'er on short notion and while you wait. Elding Lofs On O-len Avenue and Adjacent Streets.

These lots arc nicoly locator! within easy access of railroad vard, paper mill and business part of town, on dry and Irained land, and are al! of good fair size. They arc 'without jueation the. choicest building lots for the money on sale. in. r.vrojncj.

calling at the office ot S. McCJAMAHT Ss will bo shown tho groand and ffiven prices. BURLEY GRAHAM Snco: 6sor.s to II. Bin-toy. Funeral Directors Embalmers.

Avenue above 12bh Street. TYRONE, EPA. O. 0. WAITE, Gen'l.

Insurance Agent, BU'S nr.ouK, nouai4, STKEBT, TYEONE, PA. H. B. OALDERWOOD, Insurance I Real Estate, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office near Juniota Bridge P.

An intoxicated Hartford par conductor his car for some minutes in front pf wooileii cigar man a few days ago whose uplifted hand the conductor thought was uij indication that he wanted the car Philadelphia Ledger. If honesty is the best policy iu business, it is also the best policy when one has dune wrong au.d is confronted with the question whettep be sbail couf ess every thing ly make excuses. A traqsnureut none 4t all, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TYRONE. Capital $75,000,00. SURPLUS $6,500,00, OF Muimfuoturers of and Ueivlera In klntla of Lumber and Shingles, Buy Pine and Chestnut Shingle Bolts, Adamant Wall Plaster, UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.

banking C4S8, SfO- Pr P. pais of experience, micl all the latest; and most improved methods of earing for the dead, and being practical orobftlmor, will guarantee satisfaction, W. A. CAMP, Open night and day, 14th Bt, and Logan Avo, Have You a Cold? Jf have not, you are an exception to the rule have received a lull line of all the opulai vcmcdtes, Ovu stock of drugs you find frpsh and pure and prices are wway dawn. and set us, Ha, W.


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