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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PUbUlbn JAtlXB L. Editor VAUL D. AdTKttrioc RcprewnteUrw y- 00. York. Chktjo.

KbUthM AfMrooou Except Sunday tottnd Mtood elui nutter at UM port- at BlrthniUc, Arkuuu. under ut ot Coo- October Uembtr ot The AaocUUd SUBSCRIPTION RATES: mr earrlw In the dty ol Blythevllle or tuburbui town li fcdned, JOc per week, or 85o pel month. By null. wltblD ft radlui ol SO miles, 14.00 ptt year, (200 (or dx 11.00 for three months; by null outside 50 (10.00 per rear payablt lo Meditations The of the wlcktd are an abomination the Lerd; bit the tt the pure are pltaunt Gentle words, quiet words, are after all the moat powerful words. They are more convincing, more compelling, more Gladden.

it it to limit the of their and to the lorieg they now control. Until that hap-' it feemi, unfortunately, that isn't much ordinary can do to whether he ii non- Communist or Communist, well-Intend- tioned or ill-intentioned, the beneficiary of democracy or the victim of dictatorship. Farewell Party Barbs thief who stole 300 pounds of brass from factory in Ohio hid i lot of what he look. In an cutcrn colkfe u-e taught lo cut TvnalWj tm hope they'll lay their Tha lUrclud collar tor men IB coming back, atylc Cutting remarlu. New bait evwy and continue biU.

the ttM chicken population of country It'i really to brood over. Conferences Over, but Problems Not Solved Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace has been and gone. So the rival conference of Americans for Intellectual Freedom. And tht for friendly and world art about what they were before. first group, made up of Com- pro-Communists and rather dreamy-sounding theoreticians, got together and reconvinced themselves that their correct.

The second group, newly formed for the occasions, i got together and reconvinced them- L.sclvts that the cultural and scientific was a Communist-inspired for Soviet propaganda. Both organizations wanted peace. would settle for peace at price. The other rejected the idea of "peace at any price." Some of the public, particularly gome citizens of New York City, got very excited over all the goings-on. Tempers shortened and blood pressures Rightist liberals made angry accusations against leftist liberals and vice versa.

Pickets marched, shouted, and prayed. A few harmless punches were thrown. But in the main things off reasonably well. The conference of the cultured and the scientific heard quiet and decorous defenses of the Communist Party line. -Its sponsors even permitted' Norman Cousins, editor of the cultural but nonscientific Saturday Review of Literature, to tell the visiting foreigners that neither Wall Street nor the Communists are running this country, and that furthermore the country doesn't like the Communists very much.

It is doubtful that many minds were changed, in or out of th'e conferences. The issues have been before the public eo long that almost everyone must have made up hig mind by now. The leftist discussions certainly did not advance the cause of world peace. Any concrete results they may nave had were probably negative. The visiting Russians, having their lirst peek outside the iron curtain, may have gotten the idea from the pickets' and slogans that the American people are as mad at the Russian people as they are at the Russian government.

Possibly some of pickets made the Mme mistake. When it was all over, the Soviet delegation had neither bombed the Waldorf Attoria nor bolshevized the country. Communism was neither more or less of a menace to America than it had been. The iron curtain was still down. Amer- 1 fcan restriction on visiting Communists wert (till up.

And the problem of world peact remained where it had been all the laps of the governments ki Washington and Moscow. Tht problem promises to remain until Stalin though still We were reading the oilier day about a new television store in Knglewood, N. which presented gifts to every purchaser of a new set on its opening day. Among the presents were two tickets to a Broadway show and dinner and for four at a New York night club. "It was 'like the good old days," the story began.

In a way il And the cash customei'B probably enjoyed the experience of beirg wooed again by a storekeeper after years of shortages and seller's markets. But the give-away was a sign of televised future The theater and night club dividend was a sort of last fling as well as a pales inducement. It represented a gesture by the dealer that was confident as well as gracious. He could make it on the secure assumption that neither theater nor night club would be much competition once the new set was installed. From now on these suburbanites will be getting most such entertainment in the living room.

The bright lights of Broadway will be summoned up by a flick of a switch, and without the attendant bother of traffic, parking, crowds and cover charges. This free night of entertainment for the new television owners may be only one of a series of last flings. With the spread of television netwoika Broadway might become more E. distribution center for entertainment than the glamorous Mecca of the lively arts. Ptrhaps people will become little interested in where their entertainment orginates as they now are in which packing plant processed their Sunday roast.

Television must solve plenty of big problems before it becomes a real competitor with the shadow, substance and sound xhows. But there is plenty of evidence that the new medium, crude as it may be, is tightening up the family circle, and that video is becoming an important new member of the old team of home and fireside. It sYour Responsibility Now, Joe! Britons Up in Arms Over Plan To Feed Them U.S. Corn Meal Lloyd V. Berkner, New Foreign Arms Aid Chief, To Direct Assistance Under North Atlantic Pact DOCTOR SAYS By Kilwin V.

Jordan, M. Written for NEA Service Osteomyelitis Is a disease of the bones In which dangerous germs destroy the bono and cause pus to orm. In the sixteenth century, severe ases were usually treated by amputation. Rcpuslve applications such as crushed body lice, Incinerated oads, oriental herbs, boiling oil, jowdcrs made from Egyptan mummies, oil of roses, turpentine or nlxtures of egg yolk were frequently used. The many surgical treatments used over the years were all aimed at destroying or removing the dead bone and pus and allowing the new pus which was formed to drain to the surface.

Ingenious Instruments for boring Into the bone and scrap. ng out all of the Infected materla has been devised. Many Treatments One of the most interesting forms of treatment has been the use maggots. Maggots eat only tissue that is dead. Thus, if they ai placed in an area containing bone and other dead cells, the; destroy the dead material and cleai up the cavity without harming tha part of the bone or surrounding tis sue which is still alive.

When the have completed their job, they cv. be recoved easily. This form treatment for chronic osteomyeli tis is still used by some authoiitie. Recently new methods of attac on osteomyelitis have been dcvel oped. The "sulfa" drugs and th substances obtained from molds germs, which are called antibiotic of which penicillin is one, are now used, several members of both groups are useful In osteomyelitis.

By using them it has become possible to save many people with os- teomyelitis from months or even years of hospltalization and repeated surgery. For some, of course, By DeWilt MacKeiule AF Foreign Affal" AnalyH England Is up In arms again over the prospect of having to eat American corn meal or hominy and there's the deuce to pay. The upheaval started when amazed Britons read In mt these two products would VS olng lo Europe In great quantities soon as Tart of the European Re- overy Plan shipments. The reac- on was general and explosive. An dispatch summed up In this lunt British comment: "Now the Yanks expect us to eat le ruddy stuff!" Those of us who know what de- ectablc dishes can be conjured out I corn meal and grits find It dif- icult to understand the violent ntlpathy of the British to this ood.

But the dislike Is there and t's deep-seated. One just doesn't eat corn meal, old chap. It simply sn't done. This current outburst really Is a of an old grievance against which our British cousins revolted successfully (and they thought conclusively) back in 1917 during World War One. It was In England the time and so was a close observer of that amazing development NEA By Pfrler Ed son Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON Lloyd V.

Berkner should probably be called "Mr. Twentieth Century. 1 He is a fantastic guy who has been named by Secretary of State Dean Ach- esan to direct the new foreign military assistance program under the North Atlantic Pact, Berkner Is only 43 years old. But the places he's been, tlie things he's done and what he knows mnke a good catalogue of how you ought to bring up your boy if you want him to amount to anything In this hero of an adventure strip, He has! done everything that every modern boy would like to do. He was born in Milwaukee, but he grew up In Sleepy Eye, Minn.

There wasn't much to do in Sleepy Eye, so he started monkeying with amateur radio. He went to the RCA Institute in New York and became a licensed radio operator. He went to sea as a radio operator in South American waters. That was the start of his adventuring, which was to take him all over the globe. He entered University of Minnesota in 1923 got a Bachelor dizzy scientific age of electronics, I of Science degree in electrical en- aviation, Atoms, Ions nnri such.

ginceriiig. He got into the Reserve As the man in charge of Officers Training Corps and ended working, technical experts who will 1 up as a student lieutenant-colonel in command of the engineer battalion in the university regiment. VIEWS OF OTHERS Horrors Not to Be Forgotten The hcart-wrenclilng horrors of Erfmghani's St. Anthony Hospllnl fire will never be wiped from some memories. Tney will not be forgotten by Uie mothers whose bnbics died in the Humes, nor by the musing who could not reach their helpless patients.

They will not be forgotten oy the relatives and the would-be rescuers who listened In tragic frustration to the cries of mortal agony. They will not be forgotten by the firemen who worked In the glare and the smoke and the odor to get their hoses into play. Nor will the shocking catustrophe ever be forgotten by those who silled the charred debris lor the pitiful remains of ils victims. To all these go condolences and deep sym- uathy. These sentiments are all the more Intense for the realization that, ironically, gruesome death found Its victims in an establishment dedicated to healing the relief of pain.

But what are words to those Involved In the tragedy? There Is consolation only In the knowledge that time may take some of the horror out of their memories. Meanwhile, there will be the usual Investigations. It may turn out that some unintended carelessness, thoughtitsi and seemingly trifling neglect was the cause of the fire. That will make others least Jor a lime. But zeal likely to mort quickly than the memories of those who itood by In Efflngham and could do nothing.

But least one conclusion ought to be kept alivf. The Etflngham lire demonstrated lhat Southern Illinois does not have nearly enough hospitals. Victims of the fire had to be sent as far Terre Haute and Granite City. In olhcr ambulances had to cover the whole width of the state. Unfortunately, many another rural section of the United States sutlers from a slmHar ge of hospitals, doctors and nurses.

If, indirectly, the Effingham fire helps lo relieve those shortages, there may be a little more consolation for those whom it has devastated. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH. decide how much of what kinds of arms foreign nations should get. Mr. Berkner will have about as tough an assignment ns there is a- rotind Washington.

What was needed for this job was first-class brain and a lol of savvy. Mr. Berkner filled the bill. Last year Mr. Berkner headed a special committee for Defense Scc- cretary James V.

ForrestaL Its task was to make a special evaluation ot the relative importance of planes, Also in his spare time he to the Great Lakes Naval Train! Station and became an on-sik'a reserve pilot. He on to acquire a transport pilot's certificate, which he still holds. In 1D28 he helped Amelia Earhart prepare for he first trans-Atlantic fliRht and he joined Admiral Bvrd's Antarctic expedition ns representative of the National Bureau of carriers, rockets, bazookas, booby- Standards. He built the first radio traps and all other weapons of modern war. Tt WHS part of the Army-Navy-Air Force unification fight.

Berkner had clone such an ouLstalidlng Job on that, committee id as executive secretary of the rmed forces' Joint Research and evelopment Board that he was a aLural for the new International ob. A Biography of Excitement His life story reads a little like combination of Alley Oop and the ime machine, with Major Hoople nd Captain Easy thrown in. He station on the Great Ross Ice shelf and did a lot of exploring. On the way bnck io Panama, where he joined a Nnvv torpedo squadron, he took Lime out for brief expeditions in Fiji and Now Zrlnnd. But in June 1930 he was bark at Bureau of Standards, writincr technical papers and making studies of the outer atmosphere.

Three years later he joined the Carnegie Institution in Washington as a physicist and chairman of the section on upper atmosphere physics. But he didn't think he did graduate work physics at Washington U. On the side he was the commander of a naval reserve aviation squadron in Washington. Of course his squadron won first prize for top efficiency. Has Organized Research Centers From 1936 to 1940 he was in Scotland, England, Germany, Australia and New lecturing, and establishing research centers.

In 1941 he was sent to Fairbanks, Alaska, lo organize an arctic observatory for the Carnegie Institution. What lie did was to organize study of upper atmosphere ionization on a global basis. Then the war caught him and called him into active service as a lieutenant-commander in the naval reserve. His first major assignment was to organize the section of Bureau of Naval Aeronautics. Then he organized BUAER's electronics branch, assuming responsibility for design of naval airborne electronics equipment.

He saw active service aboard the carrier Enterprise at Okinawa. One of his assignments was supervision of electronics for night operation defense of the fleet. He ended the war a captain, which is us high as the Navy lets its reservists get, no matter how smart they are. surgery is still necessary. Note: Dr.

Jordan Is unable to answer Individual questions from readers. However, each day he will answer one of the most frequently asked questions in his column. QUESTION: What could cause my IG-ycar-old daughter to wheeze so" that she can be heard in the next room? ANSWER: This Is probably asthma. It could be caused by an allergy The British Isles at that tlma were mighty hungry The German submarine campaign had played havoc -I'ith Atlantic shipping upon which England was dependent for the bulk ot her food supplies. She could not then, and cannot now.

produce at home anything like the amount of foodstuff required by her big population. necessity of feeding a great abroad doubled her difficulties. However, a large quantity of corn meal was vailable in Britain. So Herbert Hoover, chairman of the American Relief Commission, inaugurated a campaign to get the public to eat dishes made from the corn products. He enlisted the aid of the bitj British dailies and full page ads were run, urging folks to use corn meal and telling them how to do It.

Not a hope with one accord the people turned up their noses and refused to eat corn. They said It wasn't fit for human consumption but was only good for pigs and chickens. They really preferred to go on short rations rather than experiment with corn meal. Now the Issue hns to be fought out again. I suspect that if John Bull wouUi give corn products a good trial we should find him liking them.

Some of the best com bread and muffins I ever have eaten are made by an English gal. or it could come from a heart con- That's my wife. dition. Tlie causes should be Inves- Actually it isn't strange that i iwigland Isn't familiar with the tigated This condition should not rn (mRizc they allowed to continue without He went, back to the Carnegie ught to be In pictures, if not the I knew enough, so for two years he Institution as head of the department of terrestial magnetism, bul not for long. Vnnnevar Bush taggec him for Joint Research and Development Board work.

Captain Berkner belongs to a score of technical societies with long names and he holds a dozen scrvici and scientific medals. Otherwise hi lives quietly with his wife, whom hi married In 1928, and their tvvi daughters. But being only 43 am still full of beans, thre's no tellini where he'll end up. treatment. Our atmosphere many miles above he earth contains small amounts call it) for the table.

It's too in Britain to grow maize, and whut little they have Imported has been for piKS and poultry. The same is true of other cold countries of Eu- if heavy carbon as well as large ron( but (hcre are part of the con uantities of the of carbon. more familiar tinent where great quantities of maize are grown. Romania Is one of the big corn- heart, as South did In today's hand, growing countries and I have seen East has made a vulnerable over- fields of maize there so extensive all. If you bid one heart, your part- that they reminded one of the ier, who has a minimum opening American corn belt.

Corn Is a major bid, cannot try for a game. He has crop in Bulgaria, too. And In the be satisfied to buy the contract. great market-place of the nncienb When East bids diamond, you should tell your partner lhat you nave everything but an opening bid. Therefore, your correct bid is two hearts.

Now North has a much beV- ter picture of the whole hand. He knows you arc not afraid of the diamond bid. You have encouraged him to go to game is he has a cood sound bid. so you must have either a control in diamonds or a singleton. He can feel sure that the ace spades has a fit in he South hand.

The king of clubs could be citv of philippopolis I have seen hundreds of peasants munching corn-on-the-cob, even as you and T. So. given time, England may get accustomed to corn and like It. 75 Years Ago In Blytheville "Colonial Homes Arkansas" will be the topic of study and discussion tomorrow afternoon when the members of the local U. D.

C. IN HOLLYWOOD By KrsUinc Johnson NEA Slnff Cnrrrsuorulcut SO THEY SAY HOLLYWOOD Blonde Jean Wallace and Franchot Tone are the most happily divorced couple I know. It's a new Lwlst even for Hollywood. They are so happy they are living in the same home together. "It'c a large house," Jean explained.

"The lawyers said it would be all right. Franchot Just moved to a different wing. But really, he's seldom home." They so happy they are work- Ing in movies together. Franchot Iniistcd on Jean as his leading lady In "Jigsaw." They went to Parts together lor filming of "The Man on the Eiffel Tower." "ParLs," Jean said, "wax wonderful. We '''l-shed we weren't divorced." Jean and Franchot were divorced last summer.

It was an interlocutory decree which won't be final until thia August. "111 move Into an a par invent then," said. "Bvit really, good are difficult to find Franchot has been a rteur to let us 5 lay." "Us" includes their two children, Pascal Franchot Tone, 5-and-a- half, and Thomas Jefferson Tone, 3, and Jean's 10-year-old sister. Carol. They will slinrc custody of the children.

"But really," Iran said, "I wish people would stop about im. TIic children arc tearing how tn reart." What about a reconciliation? Century-Fox for almas five years. But she lins appeared briefly in only two films there, "When My Baby at Me" and "It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog." She has Iried repeatedly break the con tract- But the studio she's going to be a hig -sends her a check every week. Very confusing. The Judy Garland-Vincent Min- nclU -separation was no surprise to anyone in Hollywood.

But Judy may get a surprise when Minnelli starts talking terms of a property settlement. PitiilcUe Goddard fiot a surprise from Meredith. They agreed not U) announce their divorce plans until they worked ovit the property settlement Burgess jumped the Run on the announcement. McKENNEY ON BRIDGE Tiy William E. McKenncy America's Card Authority Written for NEA Service but North is perfectly justi-! meet with Mrs.

E. R. Began in fled in taking the contract to four Luxnra. Those assisting will be Mrs. hearts.

I C. B. Wood. Mrs. Sue Brown and In the play of the hand declarer Mrs.

Elliott. Williams, trumps the 'second diamond, goes The Mississippi County Social over to dummy's acr of spades, leads I Service Club met last night In the a heart, and when the king goes up. Relief office here with members South wins with the ace. The king from Manila, Osceola and Blythe- of spades Is cashed and a spade (ville offices present. Mrs.

Herman Then declarer; Seaforri spoke on "Attitudes And 'Skill" to the 40 present. Mrs. Virginia Stannard, new social secre-n The spirit of democracy IS to find new ways of doing things for the common Truman. The people do not nonestly believe that we can go along forever on the soir.ethlng-lor-noth- ing Republican Leader Joseph W. Martin, charging toe Truman administration with leading toward national toctalUm.

Bill Kolclen is celebrating his 10th anniversary 0:1 the screen. It was 10 yeais apo this month that lie started work in "Golden Boy." 1 told him that he certainly hasn't "Not in the face maybe," he said, "but certainly in the stomach. That's all the wrmkle.s are." Plenty of Kxcrcisc Bili and Lucille Ball are nK in a comedy at Columbia, "Miss Grant Takes Richmond." "I nskcil Opening Bid Shows Weak Hand You cannot bid every hand in contract bridge according to Ihe book. There are times when you must rely on your own judgment. In today's hand, for example, South lacks the qualifications for an opening bid.

Under the point count system he has only eleven points. If yon average the hand out. South is a ten-spot less than average. If you use the quick trick count, he has only two quick tricks. Nevertheless, this is considered a declarer type hand and some players will open it due lo Ihc fact that they have both majors.

Let ns assume, however, that al- hough this is a declarer lype of i.inri. and you have two biddable najors, you feel that you want to pass it. The next hand passes and ruffed in dummy. can ruff a diamond, ruff out his ast spade, lead a trump back to lis hand and take the club finesse. When the queen of clubs holds, he.

cashes the ace of clubs, and gives tip a club trick, making- five-odd. other position. tary was elected to complete tlf court of study in the- abswice or Mrs. Seaford who is leaving for an- Canine Creature "No, 11 Jean said. "I'm moving out for phvsical action and believe me in when the divorce Is final.

Maybe sooner. Still I'm getting il," Lucille said. "There's so much action I have to go to doctor after work every night and I was lunching with Jean at, Ln- he me back Into shape." Tone was also there with I Lucille It Columbia had friends. He came over and took 3 talked to her about that chorus her hand and said, "Hello, darling." She cooed, "Hello, darling." Vevy contusing. Jean's career is confusing, too.

been under contract to role "Born Yesterday." She said ye.s. "If I hoy couldn't find anybody better they said I'd do." Then she SM HOLLY WOOD on rage 10 A K964 AQJ87 Lesson vul. South West North East Pass Pass I 1 Pass Pass Pass 10 HORIZONTAL 1,7 Depicted lype of dog 12 Inelegant 13 More pithy 14 DUter vetch 15 Compound ether 17 Goddess of the Doctors dawn ab 18 Afternoon 13 Number entertainment 16 Palm lily 20 It is 18 Males distinguished '9 Newt by its long, aristocratic 4 Hour (ab.) 5 On the ocean Bird's home 7 At this place 8 Either 9 Employ 10 Recent (comb, form) u. A 1 i At Imbolo A A 0 A ft rA I 0 A 1 A A i A A A R. A A 1 3 A A J2 Brazilian macaw .15 Sea eagle 3C Onager 37 Musical note Border on your partner opens Hie bidding with one club.

The next haiirt Wds a diamond. Now what should you You certainly should not bid one 23 Dread 27 Biblical name Ascended 28 Weight 20 Paused deduction 29 Symbol for tantalum HO It is (contr.) 31 Girl's name 33 Street (ab.) 31 Hideous giant 36 On the sheltered side 38 Approach 30 Grit 46 Blemish 49 Calumniate 50 Jump on one foot 53 Its hairdo (lows down over ils neck and ears 55 Dormant 57 Begin 58 Shops VERTICAL 1 High card 2 Preposition 3 Aei ifojra Juel 20 Idea Fruit 22 Compass point 42 Golf term Dine 43 Symbol for illinium 44 Lubricates 45 Tidy 46 Genus of rodents 47 Social insect 48 Narrow Inlet 50 She 51 Individual 52 Pints (ab.) 54 Quire (ab.) 56 Toward.

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