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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 16

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Si i i WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23. 1900 THE PITTSBURG PKliSS SIXTEEN BROKERS ME: EATU ON- SPECIAL CMM I HENRY SPROUL (Sb CO. KEMRERJ Lew York Slock fest Quotation Wire Serrrtw COMMONWEALTH BUILDIN3 Perfect Protection The Vaults of this Bank arc of Armor plate, time-locked and are surrounded with every safeguard known to modern science. They are impregnable LIFE SENTENCE FOR BEACH HARGIS INDS HIGHER PITTSBURG BREWING BO WERE STRONGER AMD THE DAY IN WALL STREET. By T.

C. Shotweli. New York. Arril US. Wall street showed its appreciation of the good quarterly statement of earnings Issued ly the States Steel corporation with a stroner and active stock market today.

Xaturally the shares of the trust were nt th iiead of the advancing column, with Union Pacific. Reading and oilier standard railroad issues sharing; in tiie strength. Uurinsr the early tradinjr advances of from one to two points were received. Another factor that inspired strength was Ihy announcement by Jones Laughiin. April "JR.

Beach Mirsls wa: 5av found sniltv of murci-erin his fn for life. ana scnteTieHl the penitentiary MARKET OPINIONS- Tlariy A- Martin Forrtjrn markets nil -irorir" en th outeom-s at AnifHno werf buoyant. Harrimann ni iet wrr Jfa.Imjr an upturn. Hhfrt ovrine in coinraoii at the opninK iva much i i evidence, thft nrctf iTavy net earnii.e ar.d of still improvement in next quarter wnk ti fartor. All th Gnuid stof juniri tnti-r activity.

wore sttrrtiisr. Market feens: the f-fTects of im-pmvement in all lines of trad. A. Maten A Co. A'lvloes from the inlirate that interior millers there may have a hard time In the next three month In sreTiinc: wheat, as the -winter what millers have hal ftr the pat three months.

It may n't 10 mooth sa fling- on the buylne side, g-txl rer4rtifiti will occur, and hears will make a iisht against any further advance, but we the situation is as bullish as it was while the previous campfiism high pricff was on, and we favor the buying side of the market on ail gooi dipp. F-atnbllahed 1K, filORRJS BROWN 30. Bankers and Brokar3 MACIlUs.Me Ul.DC. 'leipsfrt erte frk r.srhln;;., Plttabnra- Moefc Kxrhanca. rlms'' lloarl nt Trade.

Safe Deposit ioxes for the reception of valuable papers, stocks, bonds, notes, jewels, for rent at and up This Security Reached the Highest Price of the Year Brewing Stocks Dull and Narrrcw Sewer' Pipe and West Penn Railways Lower ward a vear according to size BALTIMORE OHIO SHOWING the largest independent steel company in I the United States, that they had advanced the price of plates and liars. I Wabash preferred was active and strontr. Rock Island shares and Baltimore Tt IT TV rr-i a. StockF. ne.

JO! 1 1 Minlntr I Pt-h. Sil-1 Toy i lie union irustuo. 1.R5 Pak Ohio also fnr Onr I 1st knnlne In rem. Aalur. or Dividend PariBg tmrmM tor Invest meat.

L- S. SHIELDS Member Piirsbar8 StmcSt Kit-hang. Suite 210-211-2I2 I- arts. Bjak Itloa- Pitlaanrs. P.

Direct Wires to Principal CJUia. i Phones Pell. 2103 Qrtnt-j A A. Mala 1 showed advances. Traction I higher- although not very loot lion Ktop l.abolie 12s shares were i active.

in and" I-Tw roads in the entire country. American shares were firm improvement in Union Pac- In liKlon with decided ific. Unlisted. OF PITTSBURGH 335337339 Fourth Avenue Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $25,000,000 Oil the curb market trading was dull still fewer in trunk line territory. show as treat improvement in traffic and entninus over last year as Baltimore.

Ohio. Its March statement exhibited an actual Uacrrftse in operating expene. nnlu-lllictnitiiKr of .11 1 TVedneslay. April 2. The Pittsburg market cont v-ry dull and there were no real "aturca to the trailing.

Pittsbuvsr Urowins himilp established a new hiKii seilinc record for the year by selling at or a slight fraction above yesterday's price. Independent Brewing bonds, however, were quiet and unchanged at S4Vs- Brewlnw stocks were verv dull. The stormy meet ins of Independent Brewing stof kholders yesterday afternoon, where the sentiment was strongly aeainst the plan of exchanKiric the o.nnmon for preferre.l. on a basis of 7 shares for one. was without apparent influence: The preferred sold at 2:1 to and the 1 24 si res nn res Mt.

but prices wo-e steady. Shares of these AVe Are Making a if Jim companies that ran produce ti.e Toy Elliott lis 1st col. Tn- Toy J.iii I'nion 4 S'. L. metal under t' ten's a pound were ml tr.

5s. M. Sri Kruno Prothers The quarterly report of the Steel Corporation showed net earnings fury 1" O.OOo in pic ess of all the most optimistic forecasts, while the progressive increase of invoice in January. February and March fut-rished unmistakable evidences of a revival in the demand for the trust's products. While the unfilled oiders showed a nominal decrease as compared with the Inst quarter it is understood lhat these 3iooUiri(TS comprise almost wholly for immediate deliver? -Hitherto the company luis included contingent orders in iis reports.

These development have had a distinctly simitlntinir on the London xehane. where prices for international shares ruid from to above pnriry. It is very likely, in vlw of th limited offerings of stocks in recent sessions that any heavy distribution of stocks will be attempted only on a further rise. JO 1 desnajid as were the htandartl rmver .1 issues. r-etr-t1 fty fli-nT proilS 1 re-; 10 TiO" si 10 3 jJai.

Toy Kansas rias 7 ninni.nil II ir. Apr 2 A or 27 TRADERS' GOSSIP. rnmmon did not Quote, while Pitts stile GHILDS kC.IJLDS Union Bank Building. Hiiro- summon mioted at bid, nnd earnings, the result being an 111-ficase of in net for the month. Kt oiisii 'this fiscal has passed to arstire the company a respi-.

surplus over Ms per tent dividends for the '-ear, in contrast with the deficit which provoked so much criticism last summer. In February the Baltimore Ohio sold 4 per cent bonds and used the proceeds, i-i part, to pay off maturing; pr cPnt rotes. Th diffev-ence between interest paid on the notes in the last fiscal year and the same in this fiscal vear. plus the interest on this bond issue accruing this year is appvox-Imatelv In addition, there is t-onr' Interest on S7. il' other THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH 24 FfrTH AVENUE Wall cheei-fut ovt t.i quarterly strtt-ttienT the rniled States Steel i'- v-pnrHfion anil tiie common stock.

whi cle.s- at ipen-'d at 54 to this niti! k. hik- the vr-rfn-f1 soi-i at 1 l.V 4. the preferred at 41'i bid. Crucible Steel was strong at T'i. and the.

preferred was steady at 50. Pittsburg Coal preferred was firm at 4.T.. and West Penn Railways rjreferred went at the hischest rernnl. Tii smaller voi- U. P.

Steel preferred sold at ll.V; this morning, the highest price on record. The common stock was ais very strong, so'iir, at 541. Wabash preferred was a prominent f-at-ire. crossing r.o. we advise the" purchase ol" on all recessions.

Airbrake asrain sold at Union I urne f'f uniill'-'d orders wa.s rmsidered diap i Open. I in pref. 104 1048 otoa fit. 8 58 1 Sugar U.V'i IJJ-' I m. I.ooam.

57S Km. (r i.M. TO -i 505g Am. I CM II I opirr 70? ni. Cr.ppTT 453S 45J8 1 itt.

it 3 898 I rn. oiilcn jtij H. Jc 114 14vs Can. S'xic. l7u'4 FRED L.

FAST Stocks and Bonds Suite 200-2C1 rIa3ee (limes PITToEU'RO. Court CAPITAL SURPLUS $1,200,000 600,000 bonds sold last June. These two items -Stck5 showed nta Morris. Thrown 1 strength this II: trcdr represent the increase the omp morning' and held pointing lut th increase since -fril and tin of 1 prr ton in bar-, plates ind shapt-. wrc om pcnuatinn Tr.o Reneral list ho-ved a strons?

in ympiithy and T-ond- iiriceK were a iko an ni 1 the throuz'iont the nurkc-t lacked I'm pn-iv that ha ii anl ihre to t- icn st k-j. Sentini -nt va rut her to narjrrs in advance very well. There significant MARK V. WATSON, President CRANK S. BiSSEUL.

Vies CALVIN WELLS. Vice President A. LONG. Cafthtsr I hich niu'-t be added the flcit after charges last to measure i necessary increase in net earnings tf 1 the romnanv is to show its dividends more mt.ei nnii thcr w-as a r. if puit ion aiiK-nr Switch brought.

and Electric seconds at 40 to 41. Light and Heat lost 3i to 11. and Sewer Pipe wa 's lower, at 15. There were sales of Union Natural Gas bonds at loo. and Manufacturing Light and Heat collateral trust bonds at In the mining list, San Toy traded at 29 cents; Pittsburg: Consolidated at Sc and Mount Elliott at IS cents.

American Sewer Pipe lost S1 additional to 14Vj this afternoon. West Penn liuil-w ay sold at against the last saie at on December 23. Airbrake sold at 108 for 14 shares and dropped to b7 011 a of lo shares. Independent Brewing preferred was weaker, ottering at li-fnre yon bn-r or aell NATURAL GAS lo" advise proriis at tiiis 23 2' lri. onTr.iiion a icadPig ftatu sorption of this stock, which pave c.nfKenoo t- the entire mavki-t.

think the r.rai market will work niirher and would buy on sn weak s-pts. The ruling factor in the si vk market was the better position of the trails and sikhs that it will oontlnua to improve. The advance in Rot Island iirefet re to a new hiuli record for the year. bars ut whnt w-- iiave b-en saying for some ti about the popularity of various pri.od is: ties. We called attention to oertsTn sr'clis when ft to 10 iioinis lower down.

Since earned. The sum is, roughly, In nine month- of the year road's not earnings inereared t. While comnarison with the scant trafTio of the earlv nait of is, of curse. TELEGRAPHING TYPEWRITER ROBERT C. Si ALL while oth-r kt's -1 features included prefetTed.

Western Tnion. Atchison. Wis Reading T'ninn Tacific and Rod: Island preferred, th" latter selling at the hitrii-et ihc yt'sr. he hiwrh cf the OST. 104' 58 132)4 55' 4 50,4 IOt 75 44g 803.S 1 3 77 176 28 101 4 137 73a 7 538 33' 4 22 83)t 3 si sty 87i tt2 30 4 16i 38 I5S I43i, 145 33 IS9 5 158 "30 (o fopp.t: business, graphing responsible in large measm-e for the In gross and net earnings bemg re An electrical invention which wl'I revolutionize the ntrrsagp A small allotment of the capital stock of the Burlinganie Tel Typewriter Company ii' now off erf Co iiref 101 IC1 5 (tin.

1.17 Chen. O. 73 76 4 70 7.) tolu. Cora 22 2. Corn I'd pref 'Ojl.

fnUtS. (i3 4 fcJV U.tllG.... 52 12? teel Islanrl has aiivancoi I tr V- in th.e kit trading, at Ti4Ts around o'clock. Pittsbnrc. Pa.

Pbones P. fc A. and Ifir.n Slali Bel! fl? and CS Court. ed, the same factor wiu coiiiiruie 10 ut sevep points. The common is uii m'uVe I Prt tiu.n half as nnu h.

Southern preferred nlo w-orlT'id hishor and the common was in J2. The common was wanted at i 4 dependent Brewing preferred sold at Unt "exe 224 to 22 at the close, or btlow the la month. It tlose on Monday. th. Ihe comanv is steaiil huylnc thp bona.

A. I. MASTER At Six Dollars (SO Per Shcre. Par Value Ten Dollars $10). STOt'K SHOt l.U AllVAMK PAR WITHIN SIX WEEKS, demonstrations at Xo.

11 Fifth Avenue Arcade Piltso Pa. Address all correspondence, make all c.eelcs pavable to THE BURLINGAME UNDERWRITERS PITTSBURG. PA. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. as fur- Clofine quotations of the day.

for its sin'Snp fund, though there has aiso BROKES5 Chllds Child. Union Hank i been sonif. investment buyinp. rushed by buildinp: ZZZ crth Iplanl system f.r March s'inw r.oi 1 Morris, Brown members of the New York and Pittsburg Stock Exchanges, and of the Chicago Board of Bid. Ask.

York .8 4ln New V. Inc. 441 iifi'M-, me luii'evin i Members The Cirnss N-t For Net nine months: Wheat- Open. High. Iiw.

Close. 841 63U 52 3 C2 38U 30 4 40'i 3Si isa 144 145 3314 IS 1573 45' 4 54 Ksi rt ef 115 58 May Inc. loo 87-24 D. L.fcV... 062 33 Srle SO) i To tst pref 4oVj 38 Gen.

UU-c 158 S.Str.l!.T. I437J lil. Central. 143,6 Iowa Cea. 33 iB.Crn.

S9 Inter. Paper pf 55 fa. Met 15 la. Met. aref 44 lul 83 662 30 i 38 15S 144 145i.a 59 55 IS 4S iVe Own Xe 1433 144-8 I 1 I ECE-I SCULLY, PAINTER effect large comparative increases outing the remaining, three months of the fiscal year, says the Wall Street Journal.

It is reasonable to expect, for tfce last quarter, monthly net gains in excess of and a total sain in net for the vear of not f-ir from 4.O00.oO:. from this the estimated increase charges of earnings of more thnn 7 per cent on the common stock are indicated. The Baltimore Ohio was among the last of th iintioi ti'iit reads to get its operating expenses under control following the panic. largely for the reason that no wholesale curtailment of maintenance expenses was attempted until toward the end of the fiscal year. In the first eight months of this vear maintenance charges were scaled down while trtiffic and transportation expenses were reduced more than SM.OnO.OiH.

These rceluctions compare with a decrease of in gross earnings. Ordinarily it might lie said that this year's retrenenment is being made to bee rather too heavily on the maintenance accounts, but the significance of the figures is rpialitied in some degree by the scale of last year's The (iucrnSM- sheet plant of the 1. S. Corporation at 'I'aiiilirWee. will resum Msv Hi.

Tli" mill tins liPn shut down since October, AND CrtAl.i STOCKS. BONDS Sept E-ecr Corn Mav Sent Oats-Ma Julv Sep; Pork JU0 ltt VI 0 1025 Pntte which yesterday sold ss low sold at ill in rif.ston this morning. js a great scramble to cover Xen York Stneic Exchange. 1 Chlcnsro Mink Exehenire. 45 as .22.

THre PEOPLES BUILDING Members PITTSBURG, PA. of J. BUGHARAK GO. investment Securities an Management of Properties VADEnnniFT bcimipo. Rooms 106-107-109 and 1 09 I Ivan.

City Son ritllmr(t Stock l'2i4 lax 121i 122 loit llua ln 1r'A IOJ. 10.1 IOO', 72 72s 704 70TB r.ys, 7M. 7ii "iO Titii 4fM -i2i 2'i, 41 4I-i 17 SO 17 S2 17 77 17 N2 IS in IS 10 IS 0O IS or, IS 07 1S(7 17 iC IS O.l 10 32 ior.r, 10 47 10 oil 10 4.j 10 4o S2 sr. 77 so S2 S.i 59b 56; 45 13844 73 433. 7344 24 8744 Stock KicliaiiR? seat PrttBburg Bank Stocks Bank of Pittsburg Dtiqueene National Exchange National Farmers Deposit National.

First National Uiineoln National iononfra.hela National Pennsylvania National Seeotid National Union National Trust Co. Stocks Pittsburg Trust Keal Estate Commonwealth R. K. T. Alteghenv Bnnlt Stocks Dollar S.

P. T. Co Allegheny Trust Insurance Stocks Natural Gas Stocks N. P. Co tfrs.

Iipht lieat Ohio Fuel Electric Stacks estinsr'nome second l. 14 May imi 13 74 4 3M 25 6Si 4444 139 73'4 .4338 72AJ 25 8778 250 Julv Sc-pt la Mrtv July Short Ribs Uly July WO 104 .104 104 139 738 4m 73-ti 255-8 886 1044 1043 129. 49 91b 83 14378 I I6'4 13534 Chicaso Northwestern for March "rnr.l 404.1111 gress. an increase of nnu for nine months, an increase of Rrooklvn Rapid Trtmsit win eo into 1'av with Its xrnsy earnintrp within of the same ten months in the Hies fiscal year, on qrross of the first hal oT the year about 4eo.oMi behind the -me is months of 1f'7. but during the last 'our months, gross receipts have been increastr.

nt the rate of nearly Sion.tno iier month. Mav an.l are always among the heaviest riding months of the year, and there is no dnubt that earnines. which laRt vear just failed cross the rnnr. by abotit Shioooo. will for the twelve mentl'P to end June a little more thai exceed that total.

ii1' GEO. W. EBERH ARDT. CO VV.V.V, CHicano ecARo of rr a PITTSBURG 9TOC1C EXO'-iA M3Z lio. ran.

13. T. do pref. Htx. Cea.

Mat. Lead. Lead pf Nat. Ilia, N. Y.

Cea. XV. A or V. Aid. Co.

Xor. Pac. Pee. Gas. i.

K. St.L Ht. Sprlaga. Raeit lttiaad R. I.

pref I 11 I HUl Boston Copper Market. Reported by A. Glisten 1 1'ari IVal Open ks- Misceliane St I. Consolidated DOOMED VICTIMS MARTYRS TO FAITH, PERISH IN CHURCH Con In tied from Pate 1. Smyrna, April 2v Kvery mission center in Asia Slmor will toon be in danger of extinction by the Mohatnmadjm hordes of rioters unless a large, force of troops is.

immediately dispatched to the lu- 12rt 12'S 4844 91 82 I IS 13 S. 4 91Vi 3V4 14378 29 70 23i BIG STEEL COMBINE IS THE VICTOR Eusiness and Speculative Circles Unanimous in Belief That U. S. Steel Corporation Has Beaten Opposition do pref D. P.

T. Crucible Slee! do pref Ha rbison -IVa 1 et irv 2S-, ri DAILY PRODUCE MARKET. I.IROCERIES, FbOTTR, ETC. (Corrected hv ArhucUle ft Co.) Minnehaha. JiLWaifi.

rase Dia Pust 1 lo rosby Best. $'5. 4.T OILS. Carbon, lio deg 12c I.insed. bbl Wter White Miners Carnadine ROASTED COFFEES.

Paettaa-es (Mxii-Rn Pe Muracaibo Arl nsa Sl.5." Cnldi Rio 14'i; Rit j. Rio, A grade J2Uc Seven Pay 12c and closed p-Mav recovered Whenr continued its advance per bushe; higher for the day. IT I i Adventure ISoston Consolidated Hutte Corilitton r'aliimet Aiizona CQlmiiet llecla t'oiiper Earge i So fMCfESWEV bld a. PJT rsB c-. A.

Bm353t cater 7 4 4378 1 04: a 104 i 13038 915-a 83 I 444 11678 136 91 3'A 14658 29H 24 79 77 12078 15038 3344 34 5 248 54 IIS'm 104 18878 19, 90 4 82 585i 88 1014. or 4ir. since Monday, to 2. There was a cent from the highest. May 720.

the highest on the mov- to SI and Spttnib-T tioc. of about corn sold tip to loO'i 49.T, 91i 828 ii4i 11658 13578 9178 37'j 7l' 24' 79 7644 12078 29 150V4 33'A S4 a 478 II5U i Dalv West 1ft! lti 25 PHii ft TtiVi ST 24Mi 91 144t 19. -a 70 2378 79 7614 11944 284 1493 33 Itep. Iroa. It.

I. pf cf alKut fic 1 2V, 4t, 1 1 oi 4 mfnt and from the 1. an etreirio recovery west of laft week. Sloaa. 12944 49 9 IS 82)8 143v, 116 1358 918 31si 144', 29 238 79 76 1194 2844 14938 33 334 SI 54 II.V4 10378 187V 1844 4844 82 $S5S 88 JOHN l'r 42' 112 fl Jim tri jrt7s Bulk Java 2'ie ban I'aulo lViC PISH.

Mackerel irk h-rrinjr 4Se So. Pac South. it. Paal. Tbird Ave.

do prwf jWarsden- Jlon. River 'Oid pref National Fireprooilns Jo pref Fittsburz Brewing Co do pref Pittsburg Con! prof Pittsburg Plate -Co U. g. Signal Co do pref Airb-nke American Sewer I'ipe Jiiiiependeni r.iiwing do pref Mining Stocks' Cable Consolidated Toropah Ex Arizona. Pbg.

Con. M-. M. T. Co Mcntg.

Shoshone Cons rvE.Ti et Masee Formerly Tiniest Htnbtn piTTnti; riit-K fvnwr: Franklin Granhy Isle Royale Consolidated North Butt Osceola Parrot S. I'nited States Slinini? I'tali Consolidatetl Miami Uike S3 The Conn. ration's reior as puldished in he right edition of The Pres yesterday Kliowed net earnings of almost pa red with rstinurv. of if 20.0t,iVK) to I eariier in the dev. The repfrrt, which was for the itmrter ending March 31, 1 oomtarfs as follows: V2H h7 lt8 rex.

Pac. 33! IStLiW. 5 1 1-3 THINK WAGES WILL NOT 141 (. 22' 25! 4T .1 'JO TRUST COMPANIES V. S.

Steel. 84 Net 18M 14S44 33 334 5144 115 104 8H 48V4 nt't 85)4 83 BE REDUCED; MANY ORDERS 1 47 fund ami dpre do 1IS'4 do 2Ia 5 B.104 .07 IOO. 2.02.743 7,31 1.1HJ.1 7.3U.1KW tervor. Messages wcr received here today from many towns in the interior, imploring the sending of troops) as the only means of preventing one of the worst massacres of Christians in the world's history. Tiie wave massacres is now aweep-inB: eastward from Adana.

I'p to the present time the rioters have shown a regard for the foreign population, through fear that an attack upon foreigners would bring intervention. In the increasing excitement this fear is diminishing ami Europeans and will boon suffer the same fate as the unfortunate Armenians. The disorders Asia Minor are regarded as the forerunner of a war with the Young Turks. For this reason It will Cl'RB MINIXfl STOCKS. Pn lance Interest Union Pac.

I87'4 Wabash 1878 ex shore palls. pans o-c do med tubs CANNED GOODS. Beans, do bkd 3s. seconds Corn standards S.Viitim: Peaches Cal $1. 4j(i 2 Corned beef lo pie.

gallon. Veal loaf il.Oo-fiS.'M) Peas Beef loaf do French. Pumpkins Pineapples dn domestic 40'ti7r Com ml ba. $2. Rolled oats.

keps. Oatmeal, bbl Puffed, ricu, Rolled oats, bbl Si QAH F. O. B. PITTSBURG.

Standard jstandard IIS 1 1 '7; Tnterior M. A- T. Co New York, April 28. Business and Arizona 'om First Xatlonal Blaek Mountain Oavia Oalv Kast Hutte 104 18878 1844 49i 82 S7i4 S854 'Aabaaiapfd. 4B44 S.Rr.4.2f7 Balm lfd.

dividend BONPS. W.Iil. 82 Wla. Cea. tS.S04.9ill 2541.513 I Fly 2.54.S7S do.

88 Ba'anee Common div. 1111-4 'p! is 111 l-" 11 7 2l 1 vn I1 lKt 25J 4 4 KM 15 I lOi Greene Cananea Keweenaw Majestic Pay State Gas N'ipissinar 3.02, 674 Bran, bbl :i.1o cubes Surplus orders were 3. 527 on December ARE YOU BUYERS AND SELLERS. Scully. Painter A.

Iteech block of 1 to Airbrake from Parr Moore, who also sold the stock to "Wood. 3.542.rrir tops against and tons do -lb r-kss Tnliin A do bas yellow $4.73 do powdered BEANS AND PEAS. Citv Jtailviav Hond-s i McK. Con. 1st in.

1 102s4 West Pern lyi Miscellaneous Ponds i P. A. Telephone Co. ft 814, Independent 1st ii, 10:00 to 10:30 a. nt.

4 shares S. Steel pref shares S. Steel pref 1" shares "West. Penn pref 2 shares West. Penn pref I SO phares Crucible Steel 60 Ehares Crucible Steel Superior Copper Yukon Superior Boston.

San Antonio speculative circles are a unit toJay In believing that there will be no reduction 1 in wages by the -I'nited States Steel Cor- poration and Wall street today generally attributes to the giant combine a distinct victory over the opposition, inasmuch as most of the independents have reduced; wages while the big company lias not. As a result they say the Steel Cor- poration has disarmed critcism by many of those politicians who have opposed the merger of the Tennessee Coal Iron and placed itself in positon wher it is stronger than ever with the speculative public and Americans generaly. 1 The quarterly report as It is studied tells its own story and shows that the United States Steel Corporation common find preferred stocks, probably are on a permanent dividend paying basi. Despite .1 Beans, navv 2.7o;p-as. ri -een S2.2nu2.SO require the invasion of an army before order can be restored.

The dispatch of small bodies of troops here and there m.iy temporarily quiet local conditions, but permanent order can orfly result from a systematic campaign by a formidable armv. Boston. April 28. Xo details have yet been received by the American Board of do red kid do Scotch 2. n- 00 Marrowfat 2.

73i split ..2. do Lima. do Mur 2.45 DRIED Fill ITS. nr. 7 London copper close Spot 57 unchanged: sales 200 tons.

Futures 7 18s lid. oft Is sales j)0 tons. Market quiet. Interested in. banking, adnanistrn-tion of estates, trusteeships, title insurance or transfers of stock? Our Company has recently issued a handsome booklet covering these subjects.

This booklet will be furnished free to anyone upon request. on March 31, ll'OS. Fenator John tV. Crawford, president ef the Pittsburg Stock Exchange. Is rapidly recovering from an operation for appendicitis and will probably be out within ten days.

Tha earnings of the Ft. Wayne Wabash Vallev Traction Co. for March, as reiiorted by H. P. Taylor compare as follows: Cross earnings Operating expenses 64,721 6S.256 Apples, evap.

Prunes Currants Wfti-; Leim p'el. Apricot a llifinc: per lb 1212Uc Dates lb r.ff HV.t-iOra nee peel lb. I2n2'jc Filberts, lb 1Pf14c'Peachea Bend Quotations. Reported by II. P.

Taylor Co.) Hall sold Pewer Pipe on trie decline to Maa-ten and Tononati Extenaion to Preston, Watt i Sshoyer. Robinson Pros, sola West Penn Railways to Morris, Broun Co. Ballard MrConne! 5nld Mc-KeeaDort Conneilsvllle bonds. Rnhinson Prog, honeht West Penn Railways rireferred from Speer and Preston, Watt ts-hoyer. Pries ft Co.

bought San Toy Mining. Citron 111 17cRaspbrri-s. GUARANTEE' Bid. I Ask. rjooil lol 103 10)20 io 11:00 a.

n. 2d shares Pbg. Coal pref 4rt shares Pbg. Plate Glass Jl 1,00 McK C. 5s 103 31 tOO a.

m. to 12:30 p. m. M.000 Pitts. Brewing fis 300 A.

V. R. utniTai 1s (1S42 M. S. I-I.

-W. Ref. tls J. IVtip iNoTrtTicrvrr S9.504 2rS.2.V 172.433 41,091 Zl $314 721 1S7.2S4 Net earnings January 1 to March Gross earnings Operating expenses 110 14 Kan. (ian 2nd tis J.

J. McK. H. V. 1li J.

I 'ph. ft flinr lMt fis M. ft Pittshurg Coal 5s J. ft M. ft Y.

2nd 6s (1M34 J. ft Sharon S. C. T. Ss 1i41 J.

Pittsburgh 2.32 FOURTH AVEU" ChiMs aold Fireprooflns; preferred ChiMs to Diehl. 120Vi Nat earnings lOti'i loj US JOO MISCEF.T.ANKOrS. Honer. gallon do strained, lb. choice do do Japan V.t;'.,e case 73A'inoirar, eal 10230 BUTTER, EUUS AND CHEESE.

Butter ICheese. Elirin print. 2o av. Elgin New York iVi HV-v. PiO 27' 2o blk Swiss.

llTi blc cooking 21i22ci tub Swiss Ecrs I 5-H brick. fresh eanfl 22c r.ew mark new POULTRY LIVE. (Ccrrected by C. R. Ferjruson) Hens, lb lurkevs.

lb 201J21C Cocks, lb lb HaU'c Ducks, lb JOftZllr- POULTRY PRESSED. W-st End Favinrs P.anlc Trust Co haa declared the usual quarterly dividend of A cont and the Manufacturers Banlt the Pproul 4- Hall sold Independent Brewing preferred to Scully, Patnter Sc Ueech. Robinson Bros, sold PIttaburg Brewing bonds to P.t'- Commissioners of Foreicn Missions here of the reported burning of ln missionaries by a Moslem mob in the district of Adana. Dr. Patton, of the board, declares some mistake must have been made, as there are in all the district only three missionaries and only two In the citv of Adana.

He believes the victims must have been native Christians, and that if any missionaries were concerned their number is small. Names of th American missionaries, men and women, who are in the zone of massacre in the vilayet of Adana, Asiatic Turkey, were given out here today by W. K. Strong, of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions. They are: The Rev.

"and Mrs. W. X. Chamhers. in Adana city; formerly of Xorth Norwich, Can.

Miss Sarah L-. reck, in Adana city; formerly of Faribault, Minn. Miss Elizabeth S. Webb, in Adana city; formerly of Esopus, X. Y.

Miss Borell, in Adana city; assistant; former home unknown. Miss H. E. Wallace, in Adana city; assistant: former home unknown. Miss Effie Chambers, in Kessaba; formerly of Sidney.

Iowa. Lr. and Mrs. Thomas Christie, in Tar 10m usual eernt-annual dividend of 6 per cent. Th.

Oenra! electric Co. haa Issued Its an fsnp-rr nual report for the vear ended January 31. Watt S-hoyer gold (Jerman to Miller. The latter hold f-ire Ut. Preston.

Ins.ui anre TTlIirtt trt lfxv.t. The Income account compares as fol 07 7 104 Ss, Pnion Stel Rs tl'Jo2 J. W. ft C. 5s tnr57) South.

Trac. 5s (lKVo K. Gas 1st 6s (11in Oarland Cor. 6s iin.ifi J. i- J.

ft Lt. Trac. iltKMt ft K. N. 1as 1st V.

ft Phil. Co. con. T.s MfSt M. ft 1'.

ft West. 4s .1. ft S. A. T.

let con. 5 J. ft. H. Stnel 1st rs (1UT.I W.

P. Ry. 1st Hfini J. ft W. ft K.

P. rs M. ft PA ft Jxtush 5s W. I. W.

Xat. ijas Jsrt fis (1012) New Castle Portland Cement Jam. 'oal ft Coke I'ph. ft Butler St. Rr 7i) PO 23ti 23 23 41 401; 41 11 11 lu; 4 Black.

the cry of the officials of the company that times were bad and the sharp cut in prices to "meet the action of the. independents in underbidding us." as Judye Gary nut it, the earnings for the first quarter of this year were eminently satisfactory to the directors. And on the 'ery eve of the meeting the biggest of the steel companies that are controlled by the trust the Carnegie Steel Co. calmly put up its prices and explains that this aaflon is due entirely to the "enormous number of enters on our books." And this action, According to report, forecasts a return to the old prices for steel on many products. Steel nails were never cut, even nominally for market purposes, and the products tb.Et were cut were the that the independents had had a mdnopoly on the market for some time.

If the Wail street experts are to bo believed, the I'nited States SU' corralled most of the open for Ft eel and steel products that 1 on the market for the last 00 enough future contracts to et.sure increased business in ad miils until late in the coming fall. And most of these orders are booked at prices that lows: litoft 10O8 17 Total rets 72.4l.f 81.8.M1 Frozen broilers lb. Pf-tilly. Painter P.eec-h suld Pni.n Caa bonds to Hall. Wheeler sold Manufacturers Licht Hat first collateral trust bonis to Morris.

Brown Co. Etp. Int. 42.36.217 65.S9&.335 53.1SO,9 nr. Jim 104i l' 100 3,0 Ind.

Brewing r6 shares German Insurance It shares West. Airbrake JO shares Union Switch 60 shares Sewer Pipe 4 shares Tnd. Brewing pref Co shares Ind. Brewing pref 10 shares Ind. Brewing pref too shares Interior Mining 1 shares Klectrlc Seconds shares Kleetric Seconds 5 shares Electric Seconds shares Electric Seconds 2f shares Crucible Steel IOO shares Mfrs.

Eight 50 shores Mfrs. Light loO shares Fireproof 4-vref 2 shares Pittsburg Coal 12:30 to 2:00 p. m. T5 shares Pitts. Coal pref IO shares Pitts.

Coal pref JOO shares Pitts. Coal pref io shares Consol'dated tee 15 shares Consol'dated Ice rTj-ing chicks 1 lb Fresh spp hens, pr v. 4.ao2.2.V$ fi.SS.653S S.427.S42 iiens. 01a iiiaaic idaaD etiinf-as rr.fl.2"; B.214.02ti B.1S3.614 4.34.4,342 Men Ycu Need ducks. Id.

old. 17Si doz 54.00 Light Heat to Pall gold Spcer Eros. Manufacturers and Masten. I t3 411.744 $1,403,039 l.dM.W'O NVt Dividend Tv-flrlt Written off Prev aurp A Pittsburg Trust Company Government Bond Quotations. 411,774 M.4i:5 oa K.SlWi! 15.11o,7tl7 12.027.2'.a Oil Field Notes.

do yoiine 20ci do chickens, do ducklinsa 21c VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Corrected by James H. Wa'lace.) Apples IParslev. doa fancy Spinach-Potatoes hamper 73; SO" fancy. fl choice O.lfal.lO'Horserajlish bbl.

Jersey I.5tl4ireen peppers Furnished bv Scully. Painter Beech: Think of TMB Bid. i Ask. Pew completions are low-r Ohio. In the m-w in Clay district, Harrison reported from the 50-foot d3velei.iri"nt.

county, w. the KK'i South Penn Oil Co. has iril'ed its test on tho L. J. Whlteman farm "0 feet itito the sail 1 Pittsborg Trust Co 12' -i lit: i shares S.

2s registered. lftL'O. S. 2s copon, S. 3s registered, S.

coimon, P.toS.... S. Us small R. 4s registered, S. 4s covipon, Prj.3...

Tnfal S'lrp $13,110,793 Siirrilu Ket earnings as above. firi2.2r.2, eiual 7. "7 per cent earned on tha capital slock, comparing with lo.11 pr cnt earned in the year endfd January Total Bales lamotint billed riisT iniers) and orders received -tor the year ended January 1. 1WJ, compare as IoIIowf 100O lfli.s 10O7 Amt billed Orders rec 42.1S6.917 S9. 301 ,040 ill 4in Ave.

a 41 43 11 It lrts ar.t.s 1141i 23 Mfrs. Iazht Airbrake Flcctric I-'lectric seconds Kleetric seconds sus: formerly ot rieioit. is. Mr. and Mrs.

Gibbon, in Tarsus: not of American board: former home unknown. Miss Lambert. Miss Billinps and Miss Richter. formerly of Kirtland, and Chicago, respectively, are believed to be in Hadjin. With them are a Mis Lambert and two American women, names and former residences unknown.

In the easter portion of the vilayet of Adana there are other missionaries of the American board, but their names will not be Riven out at present, as the 1 to shares shares 5 shares 1 shares mean substantial profits for the trust, according to the belief here. One reason assigned for the general optimism of the steel manufacturers here is that they have received assurances from Washington that the Senate schedules will be the ones firailv adopted in the tariff bill. lint 11!) 120U lOiKl. id ltn Hampers 1.75; box Beets, doz new Turnips, bbl. 75 Lettuce, btkt Epirplant.

I hamper on dozen doz. Garlic Coz Grn beans. 5 hot-Wa. beans. 002.50.

house, bcr Onions Fla. crt fancy. 25! Cuba, crt $2.252.75 choice hu hbl Span. box. 1 3Vrt 2.0' Mushroom, lb Fla.

crates Rhubarb doi Watercress TROPICAL FRUITS ANT NUTS. by A. Schaub.) Bananas do bbl 5' shares Ohio -1 share Fuel Steel Hist, of Columbia, ti.6 Philippine reitistered Panama registered RM'i IOIVj I C-rman Jrsurance sold at 7" tor 3(5 shares. 1 -a The iau previous p.ublic transaction was at i S3 --n October 2.. ln: '2r shares loo shnres 27i shir- lo shares ro sbures Salt Lake City Stocks.

1 board do not believe they are danper tnd. BreTvincr pre. Crticihle S'eel Crucible Stel Crucibl" Steel Sewer Pine Swer Pire V. S. Steel and does not wish to unnecessarily arouse the fears of their friends.

Mi'Ier.) (Reported by Cappeau. Lemlev ft 7 131 14' 2 31' res Bid. I Ask fx! 10 Cobalt Stocks. ty Cappeau. Lemicy Mille-.) fancv OO Fla oranges ANOTHER STEEL CO.

RAISES ITS PRICES shares 23 i end has discontinued drillinc. The well for the 24 hours produced "3 barrels. Thla well has th distinction of belner the first deep sand well ever drilled, having a derrick con structej of line pipe. It is of the heisht and suIBolently rieid to meet the demand for deep sand dflMirgr. In the Shinnston.

or 30-foot pool, there be several important tests due by the last of the week. North of the Nay farm n-n-ducfr. the Philadelphia Company will be due to Ett the sand at a t-st on the Ant'-ivtii farm. About the same timo the South 1600 Oil Cimpnnv is duo t. et the sand at a test on th- F.

M. Sarj f.irm. located l.t fct due south of the Hardefty farm producer. Tha No 1 on the Uardepty farm is holdimt no at 73 and the No. 1 on the A.

X. Nay- farm at lo," barrels a day. On Rluestono run. West Union district, Doddriiipe countv. the Mountain State las Co.

has riiled its No. 3 on the Lewis Mnxweil farni into the Gordon and has a lieht I'm the south fork of DunkaM creels. lat-tepe district, Moiiorohela county, tlte '-'outh Penn Oil Co. has drilled Its second test on the J. F.

Smith farm into the lii Injun has developed a fair graa pressure. In the ueep sand territory, in Jackson township. Perry county, the Oobel Oil an.j Oas Co. has comniut! and shot its No. 4 on the Isaac Klineer farm and has a show for 75 c( loO-barrel producer.

In the Rush Creek township. Pal rile lj county, the Diamond Oil and Oas )as ..2. 2332-75 2:00 to $2:30 p. m. Bid.

Ask. I carina Colorado Mason Nevada Hills Ohio Copper Silver Kin; Coalition Sioux onsi lidiited l'tah Consolidated 2 1 3 ST! vj: Ij.OoI 1 27 3.03 1.S2 3 l.O.t S-hands ihwi 1.7.1' naveis Lemons Cal $2 Red do Mess 25JOrape fruit Limes, 100 NUTS. Enir walnuts Peanut b-tti ATntotids lb 1.1i 1 ci roasted bu Cat walnut lb. ll'i 12 -IMixed, ih Brazil, lb 12iJ-lKc Fhellbarks HunTal.i City c-f Cobalt. r-iniiraU Crr.wn Bec-rve I -I .00: 2.

$5.0" rgo.30 lb.S'-iafii&c 1.5,1 '-t-al'h- S. Ste! Airbrik Airbrr-t-e noonh Kxter-s: Penn CONGREGATIONALIST MINISTER MAY BE AMONG THE KILLED in 1 Ox 1 son res Pharos sb-i res so art's shares share r-4' 1074 107 4 "-i 1:0 To conform to th pri.e noiv 'e charged by the Carnegie Co. for Ib 1kj Filberts, lb lll'al 4C Walnuts, lb Way 2 SI s.oo .47 1.51 rtr! seconds. 2 4S' "lfts hares Shos none P.isM 1 Que TMir-'Uk. "I Th: eihway Pecans, lb HAY.

GRAIN AND FEED. fThes nrif. nre fnr 1 14 ,138 4 Styles to Select Fn O-jarameed to Wear 5 Local Live Stock Market. Wednesday, April 28 liW. ars.

on a slight I tual transactions. Retailers charge 2:30 io 3 p. m. advance.) Clearing House Figures, Oculist and Mdira atioti ail who totrether with Kxamin-1 glasses advice of steel and shapes, a ip. the price of those two manufactured articles has been announced bv the Jones fc Lauglrhn SUel of this city.

The price of bar. 4 has )een raised from $1.15 to and that of shapes from tl.Si to Vice President Willis L. King iU-ited this merning that he belic-ved -hat thi raise would be general throughout the steel Industry. The announcement of tho raise established bv the Carnegie St. -el was made yesterday.

Arril 73 sli.res HI shares 2r shares shares r. ft os West Per 1. S. St Ind. Brewing Ind.

pecslnt ST Clearing House maJe two Rezlstrml Physielans the with 14 Pittsbu- I the years of succ8ful practice ia Pittsburg. ccnpansons: PI criUed In Its test on the AshbauRh heirs- I of Eye. Far, Xoso. Exchsrres 7.3i",.o:i2 i DISEASES- Hay Xo. 3 white.

CR'SoS'A; No. 1 5ai5; Straw, oat No. 50fl.t.5oi do wheat No. 1 mix. do rve do No.

10.5j' Corn Mid.l:ings a Xo. 2 Sr.QSflcl No. 1 $30 coeSI.Oil Xo. 3 No. 2 white.

Xo. 2 T7'ix7scl Xo. 1 brown. 29 a No. 75 7tkT Bran No.

4 Mtr8e: coarse Oats, No. 2 PROVISIONS. larm ana a.ter sivinir it a snui wui rave a 3o-bamU producer. Plrmers $1 01 1,203,427 42 1 jm Last i i r.roat s.ven -r- iii attention, is al with others 2 7.311 35 42 year DO SOT (OMTE ti Unlisted Securities, Etm Coro-noiiTrralth Tftnflil-tas. report tbe following; nnotallon anal aale lo the I dHiM Ir part meat ae Pltn.tnrc Sx-k Kxehaiare FPir.i Bid." I Ask.

Royalty Wed. Berlin. April 2. Prince Har lJ of Denmark, third son of King Frederick, was married today at the Castle to Princess Hc-iena of Tuesday. April 27.

J. B. Huff A live stock commisHon merchants. Union Stock Yards Herrs report receipts end quotations as follows: Cattle The supply was light and "mar'cet steady. We quote: Choice.

1.4i0 to 1 VO prime, l.soo to 1400 lbs 6.10.; 1.90O to 1.300 6.10; tidv butchers, to 1.150 lbs 5 5il 5.85; fair. QUO to 1.00O $4.735. 40-bulls f2.3o.2o; heifers. common to rood fat cows. fresh coww and prtnBerm, Sheep, and Lambsr-Surmly fair and market strona.

We quote: Prime wethers, P6 to 1 5.10 to 5.20; rood mixed. to 9u $4.7 to fair mixed. 73 to $4 40 to $4.65: culls and common. $2.50 to ti.0; lambs. $5.00 to real calves $7 to heaw and thin eab-es, to spring lair.l.

to $11. no. Hoes Receipts of hoss todav IO dtniMe iecks; market sctive. We quote: Plinie heavy hosts. $7.75 to $7.

SO; mediums. heavy Torkers, $7. to ligrht Yorkers, 7 to purs. to roufihs, to atsss. $5 00 to $5 75.

STORK ON WAY TO HAGUE PALACE Congregauonalists of Pittsburg have little doubt that the missionaries killed in Adana belonged chiefly to their denomination. These rersons worked under the auspices of the American board, the official forign missionary body of that church. The Reformed Presbyterian Church has no missionaries accredited to Adana proper, but aeveral located at Mersina frequently work In that city. Local represf ritatives. however, express the greatest fears for the safety of 1-communicants living in Adana.

The Congregationalist is the only denomination owning property in Adana and for this reason members of that church are particularly fearful that W. X. Chambers, who has headquarters there, may have been killed. 12c Pmoked Meats. I back strip Hams 1 Bar-on clear) 18 lbs.

and to lo 14 to I lbs I2cl IO to 12 lb under 14 lbs bar-k strips 1 skin d. 16 to 24.. 14! Prv Salt Mat? MIWICOGAAASHESE. A hard name to pronounce, called local. "MlnnicoK." This ia a picturesque sumrner resort ort one of the largest of the Oeoreian Bay.

only St run by the Grand Trunk Railway System front the City of Toronto. Canada, and beautifully situated amontr the island of that terrltorv. Splendid hottl accommodation, gcxxl fishing, fine ucatinK and no hav fever. Bass, trout pickerel and pike abound. For illustrated descriptive matter and aM information, write to W.

Robhmon, Park rtttsourg-. Fa. who are only Opticians, and rot tre.i your eyes. cut this out now and rr.ake sare you Kt tl-ivator on Fourth Kinor. Ppei-1 Lens.

and Bl' at loest DR. y. WOLF, Oct! hst and Sb -ii i Suits HI. FS-T I-r it -t eiit.i Fourth r. PITTStl'KO LIFE Lii-rtv ittvi Sittto Jtours to 5.

YliJs--iv Jqttija lags ti'fl t-j 4 iu. DIED. l.V! 1O0; ir. 100; I 5: Natural ilas Kansas Natutal Oklahoma Natural Union- Nat. Gu Wichita Nab lias Miscellaneous.

Pure Oil, com Bonda. -Xan. Nat. Oas tnt outhrrn Traction I .10 1 41 I I I I 96' 54 do 24 to no lbs. e.

s. Vmetass boiled Bellies. 2o to 25. California si.ici under lbs Shoulder jjry fraoksd. N.

Y. cut nieides. e. s. skinned 8'j-iBelites.

2 to Bacon frlbl under 20 lb a I to lbs Lar.L 10 12 lb 13cPur (tierces) The Hasrue. Arril 29. Doctors nrer? hastily summoned to the palace this morning- to attend Queen "Wilhelrnina. -whosa accouchement is xpected DEXOR at Passavant hospl'al. on "Wednesday, April 2.

at 8 a. John J. Denor. Member of Court-Pittsburg IvOdce Foresters. Xo.

12U3. Notice of funeral l2ter. lWj i.

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