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Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 5

Little Rock, Arkansas
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THE ARKANSAS GAZETTE, LITTLE ROCK, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1922. PAGE FIVE BODIES ARE TAKEN FROM RIVER Funeral Services for River's Victims to Be Held at Camden Today. Special to the Gazette. Camden, July bodies of Harry Johnson, aged 40. his Harry Johnson aged .6, and Glenn Bird, aged 11, who in the Ouachita river at Devil's drenced, one and a halt miles the city, while in swimming yesterday about 7 o'clock, were recovered this morning.

Men worked feverishly throughout the night, dragging the river, but it was not until this morning that the body of little Hafry Johnson was recovered, At about 10 o'clock the elder Johnson's body was found, and a hal! hour later the body of Glenn Bird was located. Mr. Johnson was a leader in the bushness and church circles the city. He was bookkeeper Snow, Bros. Hardware Company fora secretary of the Sunday school of the First Methodist church: He is survived by a wife and one daughter, his mother, Mrs.

Charles Johnson, of Chicago, three half-sisters, Mrs. Edith McCoy of Greenville, Mrs. Sam Horne of Camden, Mrs. William Rhone of Chicago, and a halt brother, Lawley Johnson, of Hope. Glenn Bird was the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Meek Bird, grandson of Col. John T. Bird, one of the pioneers of this and his son will be held from Methsection. The funeral of Mr.

undo Johnson odist o'clock by church the Rev. tomorrow F. F. afternoon Harrell. "the funeral of Glenn Bird will be held the same time and place if relatives arrive in time.

THIRD SQUAD LEAVES FOR Y. M. C. A. CAMP One Hundred Boys to Take Outing at Petit Jean Mountain During Next Two Weeks.

A party of campers, including several summer school students, will leave to attend the third session of today. M. C. A. boys' camp at Morril.

Wilson, boys' secretary, will leave with the party, and will have charge of the camp activities. Mr. Wilson. with 100 campers. sent to the Petit Jean camp by the Little Rock Rotary Club, returned Thursday from a two weeks' camp.

The camp of the local boys. which opens today under Mr. Wilson's direction, will be for another two weeks' perlod. The rate for members the association is, $12 and for nonmembers. $13.50, not including railroad fare.

The round trip fare to the camp is $4. The third session, which was to have opened yesterday, was postponed to accommodate boys, who have been attending the summer school. Boys who expect to attend the camp may register with Mr. Wilson or Walter Pattee at the Y. M.

C. A. Boys' Department. The party will leave at 4:35 o'clock this after. noon, Resinol helps to bring out the real beauty of the skin Cosmetics only hide skin trouble, but Resinol Ointment, aided by Resinol Soap in most cases, clears away blotches, roughness, and similar defects, keeping the skin soft and smooth, with the natural color of health.

Give the Resinol products a trial. For sale by all druggists. Grove's Chill Tonic Is an Excellent Tonic for Women and Children: 60c HERRIN MASSACRE WILL BE PROBED Woman, Said to Have Furnished Valuable Information as to Tragedy. (Chicago Tribune-New York Times Special to the Gazette.) Marion, July state of Illinois, represented by Attorney General Brundage, today began, officially to inquire into the massacre, June 21 and 22, of known workers in strip -mine therein It is believed the death list larger. It has been clearly shown that the massacre was carefully planned ecuted.

Apparently it was the Intention to destroy every man working in the mine. It is said that a woman, who witnessed most of murders, has supplied the state with the names of the actual leaders and executioners and much Robert valuable additional information. Tracy of Chicago, who escaped after terrifying experiences, says he can identify the murderers. He saw most of the killings and describes them as revolting. He says men had surrendered under a white flag and promises that they would be conducted away from Herrin in safety.

Instead, they were marched into the woods and shot down. the way, the crippled manager of the mine, McDowell, was beaten "to death by members of the mob. Other victims were lined up in front of a fivestrand barb-wire fence and told if they could get through or over it they would be permitted to 80 free. As soon as they reached the fence they were riddied with bullets and left hanging on the barbs, An airplane circled over the camp constantly. spying out the number and location of the doomed.

men. There be sensation when the ownership. of this plane is -established, WILL PROBE MASSACRE Illinois to Investigate Wholesale LynchIng at Herrin, Official St. Louts, July of the recent massacre at the strip mine of the Southern Illinois Coal Company, near Herrin, in which a score or more of nonunion mine' workers were killed by striking union miners, will be pursued by the state of Illinois until those responsible for the massacre are brought to justice, regardless of the time and effort required, Attorney General Edward J. Brundage of Illinois said here today.

Mr. Brundage arrived here from Springfield, and plans to go to Marion. the county seat of Williamson county. 'to confer with State's Attorney Delos Duty on matters relating to the investigation. LATEST OIL NEWS WELL FINALLY COMES IN Detroit Summerfleld Test Is Good for 28,000,000 Feet.

Special Gazette. El Dorado, July DetroitSummerfleld Company's well came in at 4 o'clock this afternoon, in southeast corner of southwest quarter of 17-17-14, making an estimated flow of 25,000,000 feet of gas and spraying oll. When the well first came in it made two heads of oil, which were followed by It is spraying a noticeable amount of oil and is very similar to the TerrySummerfield wells, which came In with gas and turned to oil. It is expected the well will be making a steady stream of oil by morning. The plug was drilled Natural Gas and Petroleum Corporation's first well the north, located in the northeast quarter of 16-16-15, this afternoon, and the test will be made about Sunday.

OIL STOCKS INCREASE Crude Held at Farms Piles Up; Gasoline Decreases. tank farm gross crude oil New York, July line and stocks east of the Rocky Mountains, increased 4,265.000 barrels in the month of June according to returns compiled by the American Petroleum Institute. Gasoline stocks decreased 623.051 barrels in June, according to the summary. East of the Rocky mountains there was an indicated decrease of 440,047 barrels and west of the Rockies an indicated decrease of 185,004 barrels. BANK CASHIER A SUICIDE.

July Pennington, assistant cashier of the First National bank of Statesville, committed suicide by shooting himself last night. following announcement yesterday of a shortage of approximately $85,000 in the accounts of the cashier, John M. Guy, here. Old age is comparatively tearless. POSS COFFEE Sold only in 1 and 3 pound sealed packages Unfailingly Good! Betsy Ross Is Always the Same Fine Coffee! Just try it ONCE! BETSY ROSS PLUNKETT-JARRELL GROCER COMPANY COFFEE LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS YOUTHFUL ROBBERS ADMIT SIX THEFTS "Thursday" Kelly, Brother of "Saturday," and Companions Arrested.

Arrest of Tommy Kelly, alias "Thursday" and Edward Jackson, alias "Mink." negroes 11 years of age, caused Chief of Police heave a sigh of relief when the two pickaninnies finished their storles to Detectives Moore and Hay yesterday afternoon. They cleared up six recent house robberies and caused arrest of Earl Nettles, aged 18. and the detention Clarence Lovelady, aged 36, Sam Robinson. aged: 25 and Lassie Wilson, aged 16. The latter three will charged with receiving stolen property while others will be charged with robbing houses.

then "Mink" escaped from the county farm last summer and "Thursday" departed July 3. Both were serving terms for larceny. Each had about one year more to serve. Back in the city, "Mink" and "Thursday" joined forces and, assisted by Nettles, a recruit, conducted on six residences, they told the police. Patrolman Henson saw "Thursday" sitting on the curb near Second and Louisiana streets, examining a brand new .22 caliber rifle.

"Thursday" told the officer that he purchased the rifle from a local sporting goods house, and that confession resulted in his detention. for the policeman surmised that it he purchased the rifle he must have money. Admit. Their. Guilt.

Thirty minutes later the same arrested "Mink' near Markham and Scott streets with two new kodaks. four packages of cigarettes and $7 in 'his possession. "Mink" said that "Thursday" gave him the possessions, including the money. At police headquarters "Thursday" had confessed and "Mink" followed suit. Both told the detectives that they gave Clarence Lovelady two watches to pawn for them and that he returned them $1 each for each watch.

Lovelady WAS arrested and admitted pawning one of the watches at the Capitol Loan Company for The watch was recovered. When asked about the other watch Clarence said that he gave It to Sam Robinson to pawn. Robinson was arrested and the second watch was located in a North Little Rock pawn shop Nettles was the next to be arrested and, after his story unfolded to the detectives they arrested Lassie Wilson on a charge ceiving stolen property. The sextet probably will be arraigned before Municipal Judge Hale this morning. "Thursday" is a brother of Walter Kelly, allas "Saturday." who has a police record of considerable length despite his youth.

"Saturday" at present is serving a year's sentence on the county farm. Detectives Lewis, Moore and Hay will investigate the cases further today In an effort to recover other stolen property. Homes Entered. The following list of houses and what loot was stolen was given the 'officers by "Thursday" and "Mink: Mrs. E.

Morris, 413 East Fifteenth street, Friday morning, $22 and watch. G. W. Mayhan, 1006 Rock, street, Thursday morning, watch chain. B.

Hammond, 1213 Center street, Wednesday morning, two suits, one watch and $2.50. A pair of trousers was recovered several blocks away. S. A. Carter, 1415 State street, Wednesday morning, $4.40.

W. E. Smith, 714 West Fifteenth street, Wednesday morning, $2. Mr. Smith surprised them in his house and fired one shot at them without effect.

J. W. Sexton, 1011 Rock street, nesday morning. $31 and a watch. MEN TAKEN FROM TRAIN One Kidnaped and Beaten; the Other Rescued by Guards.

(By the Associated Press.) Denison, July men, said by deputy United State marshals to have been traveling salesmen, were seized by unidentified men from A here early today. souri, Kansas and Texas railroad One was taken to country and told not to return, and the other was freed from his captors by armed guards. The man spirited away, claimed by striking shop men to be a strike breaker. was beaten when seized, officers said. "No strikebreakers will be brought into Denison.

and no attempt will be made open the shops here until the adequate protection for the workers has been provided for by the state or federal government," M. W. Whitenton. 'assistant chief operating officer of the M. K.

investigating the strike situation here, said tonight. He said. sufficient protection is not being provided by the city or county at present. DEPUTIES ARE SWORN IN Will Guard Railroad Property in Northern Louisiana. Monroe, July to 10 special Unite States deputy marshals were sworn in by United States Commissioner William O'Kelly at Monroe and stationed at four points in North Louisiana today.

to guard property of the railroads and prevent any outbreaks. E. Ford. assistant to the president of the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific, has ordered the discharge of 300 Monroe shop men of the railroad, now out on a strike. Twenty-five new men have been brought to fill their places.

LODGE'S DATE DELAYED. Washington, July of President Harding with the troubled Industrial state of the nation, particularly the rail and coal strikes. caused a postponement today of the executive conference with Senator Lodge of Massachusetta. Senate Republican leader, on the Senate legislative situation. NEGRO GETS $5,600.

Kansas City, July negro bandit held up two officials of the Kan-1 sas City Life Insurance Company in the basement of a downtown office building today, robbed them of $5,651.63 in pay roll money, and escaped. VOLUNTARY SCHOOL TAX NOT PLANNED Threatened Defeat of Amendment 14, However, Causing Much Worry. Little Rock school authorities have become resigned to the prospect of defeat of the proposed Fourteenth amendment, which would remove the limit of school taxation, and now are faced with the problem of raising funds from some other source, or radically curtailing the expenses of the schools, Galloway C. Harrison said yesterday. Mr.

Harrison for the past two years has been in charge of the campaign in which finances were raised for the local schools through voluntary taxation. The voluntary tax, he said, is not contemplated for next year, under present plans, but unless this some other effective method of raising money is evolved, the schools seem destined to suffer. The money raised by the voluntary taxation during the past two years. Harrison said, been sufficlent to care for the the schools. hacanot to say nothing of the improvements and new buildings needed.

Mr. Harrison said that bonds might be issued to provide funds for permanent new buildings, but that bonds cannot be issued for maintenance of the schools. In the present financial strin- Vice- President of American Medical Association Testifies to this Tonic's Value Dr. W.C. Wile, formerly Vice President of the American Medical Association testified, under oath, that he used Dr.

Siegert's Angostura Bitmodia, his for practice nervous as a diseases stomachic, an anti-epas. also as a ptomach cormotive acute and hysteria, and after a debauch, Praise from such an praise indeed. other tonic. International Bitters with any it tious the in fret every part of the world have awarded In all history no other been received granted such like number of awards or a governments and distinctions from beads the crowned Carope. endorsed Kings and Emperors have publicly Dr.

bitters Angostura Bitters. contains only the most delal vegetable ingredients and cannet harm bination of delicate stomach. In fact, the comthe most these aromatics and bitters assist nature in building up the system by increasing the appetite, promoting the digestion and assimilation of food and thereby enriching the blood. Dr. Siegert's Angostura Bitters for Health and Strength" a Summer appetizer nothing quite equals Puritan Bacon, the extra delicious dish for the morning meal, the savory garnish, the tasty sandwich filler.

Makesure of a rightly filled market basket. See that it brings Puritan Bacon to the tired of your household. THE CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY Cleanser Saturday Toilet Specials Saturday Toilet Specials Pond's Vanishing Cream, 19c TheN. Cohn Co: Hinds' H. A.

Cream, 37c Remmer's Bath Soap, 5 for 25c Amami Shampoo Powder, 9c Listerine, in small size, 17c Hair Nets, all colors, dozen, 49c Mavis Talcum Powder, 16c Nova White Polish, 19c Sale! Finest Quality Silk Dresses Involving a great group of Dresses that have been sellReductions ing at considerably more. On Summer Now Reduced to Rare opportunities to Apparel save on your Mid-summer Wardrobe Quality merchandise, now greatly reduced, is featured for today. 15 Wash Smart Organdie Ginghams, Wash Combinations--Priced Crepes trimming, Dresses Dresses and now with Reduced $8.50 $5 Tweed Suits Reduced Excellent qualities in becoming styles and colors, now $15 Crepe de Chines, Cantons Figured Crepes, Taffeta, All Sizes Spirals, Georgettes and Any Sport Skirt Every Favored Color Combinations White Skirts, and choice colored of Silk house. $9.75 Splendid Variety Styles for afternoon, sport, street or traveling- -Handsome garments that will prove a welcome addition to the smartest wardrobe Bathing Suits Reduced -Exclusive models at a remarkable saving. Manufacturers' Samples, Women's and Misses sizes, at about cost $5 Beautiful Hats Girls' Dresses Reduced Finest Imported Organdie in At a Special Low Price colors, sizes 6 to 12 years $2.95 White Hats of Canton, Taffeta, Braids and commed and extremely becoming.

all Oliver colors, Twist $2 and value Middy styles, $1.19 summer -Smart styles, beautifully trimbinations Colored Hats in dainty shades for $5 Boys' Suits Reduced gency, however, lasuance of bonds for improvements would not advisable, Mr. Harrison sald, because of the amount of interest which would have to be paid from the regular school funds. Defeat of the proposed amendment practically is certain, Mr. Harrison said, as the result of the opposition which has developed in the last few weeks, and which has been increased by a recent statement of Governor McRae, opposing the amendment, and of former supporterg of the measures. in which it was declared, issue' that in the the state amendment political now is canpaign.

Fallure of the amendment, Mr. Harrison said, will mean curtailment of educational work not only in Little Cudahy's Cudahy's Rock, but in practically all other discricts of the state, many of which are not nearly so well financed as the Lit. tie Rock district. Special Texarkana, to the July Gazette. Black, congressman from the First (Texas) district and candidate re-election, addressed al fair-sized audience at the Texas side hall last night.

Mr. Black vigorously defended his official record against the criticisms of his op- DEFENDS HIS RECORD Eugene Black Replies to the Criticisms' of Cyclone Davis. ponent, J. H. Davis, wa's liberally applauded.

KIDNAPING CASE PROBED. Mexico City, July 14. -President Obregon, who is at Cuernavaca, ostensibly for A week's rest, is saidito be conductIng an investigation of the kidnaplus of A. Bruce Bielaskt. POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL Sold Everywhere 0 Puritan Breakfast Bacon Cudahy Packing The OIL SE.

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