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Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 28

Little Rock, Arkansas
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5 s- 1 THE ARKANSAS GAZETTE, LK 1X3 IlCCaT, SUIiDAT, XLVHCII 1 J.e Concerning the iSubilitm'9m '1 ft NOTES A fA- Does Money Ai3 or Hinder Youth? 10 nay wun Established Ml. FROM THE PUBLIC LIBRARY of spending its blood and treason to preserve its civilisation, "In deliberate questioning of a suggested change, of national policy where intematioaallty wee to supersede nationality, we tuned to referendum to the Ameriean people. There was ample discussion sad there is a public mandate in manifest understanding. Of course the last presidential election was not deeided on the League of Xations issue. It was decided en economic and other domestie Matters haviag nothing to do with the league.

In discussing Industrial affairs President Harding said in his inaugural addrese: "I had rather submit our industrial controversies to the conference table in advance than to a settlement table after conflict and suffering. me enrth is thirsting for the cup of good belief that much money is dangerous will Understanding is its fouutain a young man; that his success snd source," happiness 'are most probable if he has to make his own way. A sur-The League of Nation seeks to pri.j,,gi urg9 number of people act ply the same practice to matters in upon this belief. For instance, with- 8everal unusually interesting new book have been added to the library helves recently. Among them "This World of by J.

H. Curie. This book is a account of the author1 journey to see the world, a journey not merely around the world, but into every nooke. and cranny of the globe, among every people. Because it accorded with his aim, Mr.

Curie beeame a mining engineer and resolved to ge down into every gold mine in the world. Jtnd so bo did from the mine of frozen' 8iberia to the torrid 'Gold Doest;" from Australia to the Ktondyke; Cripple Creek to the Andes, aad' still he counted hi travel not begun. If one like to travel, to know the, physical aspects Jnd the beauties of the world as well ss to understand it, people, J. H. Curies book will take thafread-tc m-just such a journey.

Another book of interesting travels is entitled, "Stresms in the Dessert, a picture of life in Livingstonia," by Ji H. Morrison. The author has sought to give the reader a picture of things as they are in the heart of Africa. To read this book is to travel the tangled path and to sit beside the camp fire knowing the language of the people, the meaning of their tribal custom. A book which takes the reader into a very different atmosphere is H.

O. Wall' "Russia in the Shadows." Chapters in Well's terse, dramatie and intensely interesting style take up Petersburg in collapse. the quintessence or Bolshevism ana the dreamer in the Kremlin. Jay 8. 8towetl has just issued a timely publication, "The Near Side of the Mexican Question." Thi is a brief, yet comprehensive, study of the charaeter-iatiea of the Mexican wople a book Pnbllaltfd irtnr day In tea year at Oa- Ua iMiMblff.

Little Roe. Entered aa ecft cleae anil matter thi poatoftlce UlUe Kock sader ct of October I. Uil. f- wt (Jk Jfttpa4 rivtr. iweecrtgtiea natee Arfcaaaaa.

strati Strictly AdnMC FSBy end Sunday. pr weak I Xir Mi ions I and a. rear, mall Illy ami Sunday. month, ty mall J.Ti Ttly, without Sunday, roar, by mall Swnday. lyaar.

raatl SuaCey, I montaa. by mall Svaday. wily. er month, by mall Semi-Weekly, yoar. by mall '2J tllr and 8nBday, par month, by mat f-eily aad 8unday.

I monthe. by mall pally, without Sunday, month, by mall Pa'ly. wlthoot Sunday. montha. by 1 mall Blnaia oe: dally.

ec; Sunday In city of Little Rock, per month 13 fcleewhere. Abovt Ratee PHia lone Poetage 'ttSMBGJt OP THE ASSOCIATED PKE83. Tha Aaeoclated Proaa la excluelel entitled to tha un for republication of all Httl dlipatchia cridltad to It or not oth-erwtee credited In thla paper and alio the local news published herein. All rtgbta of 'publication of epeclal dispatches by It are lea Teaervea WHAT DO VOt WANT TO KNOW 'The Arkansas Uaeette Information Bu raaa at Weahlnfton furnlahee readara. free chars, with accurate and authoritative aatwere to queatlone on any and all eub-Jteta concerning which Information can be had from the unpiralleled reaourcee of the rartaua federal government departmenta.

the treat Library of Coagreea and the many expert! and eolenttate In the gov arnment aervlce. Two centa poetage for reply muet accompany each Inquiry. State nearly tha Information wanted and address THE ARKA.NSAS OAZETTB 1NP0RMA- TION BUREAU, Frederic J. Haaktn. Director, Washington.

D. C. (u ctj: Se his is the millennium! Dr. 8zv China's new envoy, comes jjuat in time for the March epidemic Of pronouncing his name. -5.

War Department is going to wll Csmp Taylor. Good -chance for anybody who want to train an army. Among other things that will not tax the memory is the name of the Southern man in Preaident Harding's Cabinet. If a lion had the same leaping power I ts a lea, it could hop 1,000 yards, says a naturalist. And if man hid the same biting power, armaments would not be necessary.

AFTER DEATH. ation. have no svstem. This has eomo -It is reported that a vein of gold (0 be in mftny' states a pork barrel has been found under Denver's city I scheme, worse than the river and har-isll. That's one solution of a very hor scheme ever was, because the 1 1 aba in a a I do not know, and no one knows, The ultimate end of thing When life fade out of the heart of maa And hi spirit plumes its wings.

Esrth must return to the earth, I know, And man's earth comes again In the flowers that bloom o'er his resting place, In the grass and the bending grain. The body shall sleep through endless time In the earth tliat it loved ao well, But the soulshall that be taken away In far, strange land to dwell! I hav known the earth, and the earth ia kind. Bo, when my soul wins fres Let it be one with the ranging winds, One with the singing a Let it be one with the haze and the dsw That come with the morning' birth, One with the sunlight, on with the stars And the good of God's good esrth. conlrove.rsT between nations. 1 holds out to a suffering and afflicted world the cup for which it is thirsting.

It seeks to bring sbout smong the nations that understanding which Li the best guarantee against resort to arms. If Hie world has foiled to achieve machinery that offers the most substantial hope of securing peaceful relations among its peoples, great and small, the blame lies with Warren U. Harding and all those others who ha've in this matter set America against the world. THE NATION, THE STATES AND BOAS BTjrXDINO. During the recent debate in the United States Benate on a proposal, which was finally defeated for lack of a two-thirds majority, to appropriate, by means of an amendment to the postoffice appropriation bill, $100,000,000 for federal aid to road building, Senator Townsend of Michigan, chairman of theCommitteo on Postoffice and Post $ads, said: "Some of the stains of the Union wise expended federal aid a system of roads, hawine the ulti- m.t.

of a sreneral nlan of Toads. which means service to the public. Many of the states, and those which are now insisting upon this appropri- money nas nrnn npeoucu evidently was the greatest political influence; it has been divided pro rata among the counties of states, and those counties in many cases have expended the money on little strips of road, beginning nowhere and ending nowhere. The result has been that much of the money has been wasted worse than wasted." Arkansas is a state that has not laid out and begun the construction of a state Toad system, a system of trunk line highways, built with state and federal and loesl money, and designed to connset every county sest. Although Senator Townsend opposed the $100,000,000 "rider," he wanted it understood that he is strongly in -favor of federal participation in road construction because he feels that roads which serve an interstate purpose, which purpose is in importance every year, and "the future of which no man can "now predict, should be constructed." Senator Townsend said also that highway commissioners from various states, who had testified before the Committee on Postoffices and Post Roads, had complained that some states had expended their road money "in driblets, here and there, without "any general when they ought to have spent their money on main roads and allowed the counties and their smaller divisions to build the lesser roads.

Senator Simmons said the idea of the new North Carolina highway legislation was to build great highways through and across the state, with the idea of making them state roads, devoted to serving the people of the whole state, and not particular localities. The Arkansas legislature has now passed a bill under which 70 per cent of the motor vehicle revenue will go to the counties and 30 per cent to the Highway Department. The best course would be to use all the motor revenue for the building of the trunk line roads of a state system of high ways such as the system recommended for this state by the federal Bureau of Public Roads, which recently sent two representatives here. During the debate in the Senate Senator Townsend said that it is part of the program for the Committee on Postoffices and Post Roads, at the beginning of the next session of Gravity By Oerrett T. terries, All athletics partake of the nature of play.

This, of course, it as true of mental a of physical exercises. The value of the element or play lies ia its power to interest the imagination, and it is to an unconscious recognition of this fact that we owe the invention and eadleaa popularity of conundrum, eaigaas, pussies, paradoxes and Utopian problems of all kinds. There is ons of these fas tea Us favorites that tnrns Bp in my corre spondence very frequently, and I must confess that wnenaver I see it, its appeal is as irresistible as that of a sight of the old schoolyard where I once took practical lesion in the mechanics of bats and baits. Her it comes again with a bracing compliment: "Your explanations are so clear and yet so simple that I would like to ask 'you a if it is in place. Suppose an object to drop through an imaginary hole bored through our lobe; according to the law of gravi tation, wouia rne oojeci stop nt.

me center or would it keep until reached the other mdet" Let me first answer the question the spirit and meaning with which it is asked snd afterward. deal with the fog of quibbles in which it might be involved. The object would fall with con tinually increasing speed to the center, where its velocity would be at maximum. It would then ascend en the other side with continually do-creasing velocity until it reached the surface, where the velocity would be come zero. Than it' would fall back again, and so would oscillate to and fro through the earth like a pendulum bob pursuing a straight instead of a curved track.

Now, to avoid all quibbling, let us see the conditions under which this answer is correct. The earth Is assumed to be a perfect sphere; it is also assumed to be homeogeneous throughout; the hole is assumed to bo perfectly straight and bored exactly through the center; all air or other obstructive matter is assumed to be removed; it is assumed that no deflec tion is produced bv the rotation or other movements of the globe. If the hole were filled with air the motion of the falling body would be and eventually it would be broueht to rest at the center. If there were irregularities of density in the esrth the body would be drawn aside from a straight line, and a similar effect would be produced if the earth were not spherical. The decrease in the linear velocity of rotation with increase of depth in the earth would cause the body to strike against the side of the hole, for its Inertia would cause its linear velocity to be always in exees of that of the adjacent layers of the eartn.

(Linear velocity here means the distance traveled in unit of time and not the angle turned through.) If the hole were bored from pole to pole through a perfect homogeneous sphere, there would be no such deflection. Returning to the idesl esse yon might a well know what the formula is when with analytical mechanics solves ueh a problem. With it aid vou can calculate for yourself the time that the falling body would require to reach the center of the esrth, and how long you would hsve to wait to see it return to your hsnd, aa gently as a snowflake, after having passed twice through the whole diam eter of the earth. Time of fall to enter equals ths square root of the radius of the earth divided bv n.ultiplied by ono-half "Pi." Don't run awav! Ill explain. The radius of the earth is feet; is 32.2 feet, the speed that gravity adds in every uccea-slve second to hte motion of a falling and is an extremely useful mathematical drudge, absolutely good-natured and tremendously capable, sufficiently representel by tho figures 3.14.

let us set the formula at work. Dividing by WIS gt The square root of this ia 807.56, very closely, which multiplied by onehslf "Pi." or t.57, elves about 1,269, which is the time, of fall to the center, record in seconds. This reduces to 21 minutes right seconds. At tbv. end of tont time, or 42 min.

16 sec, the body would arrive at the surface on the opposite side of the earth, while in four times 21 min. eight vec, or in ono hour, 24 min. 32 sec. after vou drop ped it the body would come bacy to your hand. ButTCmcmber that this is play and subject to tiie riles of Uic jpio.

To make a real hole through tho and to tell whut would setaally happen to a ball dropped into it would be work for a physical and intellectual Hercules. to Faneuil Hall, Boston, as the scene of early popular protest against British rule. Current Must Flow. Q. Will an electric light consume more electricity if kept burning steadily for an hour, or if turned off and on repeatedly! A.

The amount of electricity con sumed ia measured by the exact time the light burns. Power is not eon sumed by the action of starting or stopping the flow or the current. Busiest Corner. What is considered the busiest corner in New Torkt A. Basing the computation on the number or veoicies passing is hours, Columbus Circle is the busiest place in New York city; with a total of wmie tn corner 01 crow way and Forty second street is see oad with 1,650.

i Oaaolin. J. How many gallon of gasoline can be obtained front, 1,000 cubic feet at meters! Mat t- A. The Bureau of Mines say that gas containing one-half gallon ef fase fin per 1,000 cubic feet ia eenildetwd sufficiently rich to be worktd iflfysre la a large supply, 'The richest gas recorted te the Hureau or Mines tains eight gallon of gasoline to cuble feet of gi, shawls. Family histories were done la symbols of laborious design.

Modern nomenclature is more exact when applied to color. Did you know that America is the first aa-tion to standardize shades and put them on a business basisf Other countries may claim to be more artistic and sensitive in their treatment of color, but if you happen to be at the ends of Jhe earth and want to get an automobile lining that will exactly match your favorite itoekings, there is only one way to do it, aad that is by means of what is known as the color csrd. It is a folder in which are inclosed 137 staple eolors, each with a name and number. A few tunes a year a board of mea with a highly organized sense of color sit in solemn assembly and decide what's what in color. Odd hours when the committee is not in session they spend at the museum of natural his-J tory, the Morgan collection, or tne Bronx zoo, searching for color idess that may be applied to silks or leather.

"The summer season of 1921," says Mrs. H. H. Rorke, who knows all about the color card, "offers a feast of brilliant colors and delicate tints. There are three exquisite blues with green undertones Cascade, Niagara and Grotto.

In vivid contrast appear the three shades of honeydew, alirimp and tangerine the delicate pink of the melon, the rich salmon pink of the shrimp and the deep flush of the orange. There are mauve shades with the pastel softness of spring flowers eweet pea, anemone and verbena. The new greens are endive, oasis and palm. In browns there aro rattan, Mexican clove. There is another exquisite blue called porcelain and copied from the French Sevres.

The new purples are designated aa Abbey antf Westminster." about 1.200,000th of an inch. An ounce of gold is thus extended to a surface of about 100 square feet. A still greater degree of thinness may be obtained, but is not practical. "Embarrassment." Q. In financial parlance, what is meant by the word A.

This signifies temporary inability to pay debts. Must Be Rubberised. Q. Is it possible to make a fabric airtight without the use of rubber! A. A11 kind's of cloth have to be rubberized to make them airtight.

"Cash Credit" Q. What is "cash A. This a credit at a bank, es tablished by loan from the lank, which the borrower may draw against by eheck. Craigleltt. Stone.

Q. What is Craigleith stone! A. This is a siliceous sandstone, belonging to the Carboniferous series, quarried at Oraigleith, near Edinburg. It is largely used in that city for building purposes, for which it is admirably adapted by its purity, durability and tho ease with which it can be wrought. Bible's Leading Character.

Q. Who is the leading character in the Bible! A. The leading character in the Bible is God, personified on earth in his 8on, Jesus Christ. The Old Testament prepares for and prophesies the developments which occur in the New Testatment after the birth of Christ. Tha Boapfiah.

Q. Is there a soap fish! A. A sdapfiafc, which is sb-called from the unctuous akin, due to smooth scales, and an excessive flow of mucus, is a West Indian fish, related to the sea bass, and locally caiiea jabon and jaboncillo. It is of small value. A "Miracle" Explained.

O. ia true that if wheat is planted in a cold, wet and clammy soil it wl degenerate into chess! i A. According to a scientist of the New York State College or Agn cultures "Probably the first settler who planted a wheat field ia America sowed some eeeds of chess with it and the practice still continues, but it is needless to say that such a miracle never happened. The two plants are not even closely related, but belong to quite different tribes in the grass family, and each comes true from it own seed," Oow Oreek Indians. Q.

Who are the Cow Creek Ia. diansf A. Thla" is a Athopasken tribe in Orecoft, and also a division of the Seminole ia Florida. '-w- t'Oradla ef libartr. Q.

where ia the Cradle of liberty JL This iaa name popularly given By Alios Scott Women who buy their dress goods by the yard, know1 that sense of crushing inferiority that comes over one becsuse the clerk on the other side of the counter can call all the silks by their names in an aggrevat-ingly offhand manner, while the shopper does not even know the difference between kitten's esr and pussy willow. "What's in a nsmet" we sigh in secret protest, wishing silks were leaa subtle. Grandmother called her Sunday best her silk dress snd let it got st that. There were fewer complexities and cocoons in those days. But it seems that silks are not subtle after all.

The secret cents' out at the recent international silk show in New York. All ws have td do is to remember that the names are obvious and objective, the only trouble being that our artiatie reaction toward a kitten's esr, for example, may not be entirely In aeeord with that of the unimaginative business msn whose spelling and sensitiveness and vision is affected by a csrtain shrewd commercialism that escapes us outsiders. Here, for instance, is J. P. Flaherty, a prominent silk msn, explaining a fabric called "Moon-Olo" got its name.

"While resting in Atlantic City," he recalls. "I observed that the most popular picture postcard was one showing the ocean by moonlight. Back in New York I was impressed with an outburst of applause when a theater curtain rose on a moonlight scene. In a movie theater I felt a murmur of approval at. a picture showing the moon dabbling its silvery path across the water.

There.seemed to be a universe! quality in this love of moonlight. Heing a silk man I wanted to connect the idea with industry. Moonlight Moon-Glo I had it! And so the silk was named." Current events and people in the public eye occassionally contribute satisfactory trade names of fabric and color. TheTe were and are Alice blue, Helen pink; French and Belgian blue. And there is the enduring and perennial polka dot.

The dot dates from the last century in a little town in Poland. A Bohemian dancing professor learned a new dance by watching the peasant girls and memorizing their steps. Ho introduced it in Prague In 1835 and called it the polka. Sweeping through Vienna, Paris and England, the danco got to the United States at the time Mr. Polk was running for president, so the legend runs.

The American imagination which was to develop into the advertising genius of the present day caught up the coincidence. Merchants, manufacturers and designers made the most of it. There were polka hats, nolka shoes, polka gloves and Godey's Lady Book announced the polka dot as a design in fabrics for "gentlewomen." The polka dot is still stylish, because, according to Mr. Creang, a design expert, tne dot is founded on a correct principle spots imposed at proper intervals on a contrasting bsekground. Fabrics got their names in different ways in the old days when iilk were ail but sacred.

In India, from which country the Western world got its first silk, the artists who wore the stuff put poetic ideas into it. Lovers scrolled their songs into scarfs and Answers If yen want sueetlon answered writ the Arkanaaa Oasette Intormatloa Bateau, rrederlo .1. Haekln. Director. Week-billon.

D. C. Encloee a two-cent Slamsv Sweetbreads. Q. Whst psrts of what animals are sweetbreads! 'A.

Sweetbread is the thvmus or pan creas of an animal, usually of a calf. The thymus is a throat or neck sweet bread, while the pancreas is the stom ach sweetbread. When Is a Hog. O. When does a pig reach a weight that classifies it as a hogt A.

I'igs are light hogs, weighing from 60 to 125 Dounds. Thev are young, as their weight indicates, add their meat is unsuitable for curing. Paper Wheels. O. Ts carter used for making "wheels! A.

Paper has not proved satisfactory for car wheels, but is success fully used for making fiber abrasive wheels, pulley wheels and skate wheels. Horatius' One Eye. Q. Is it true that Horatius had but one eyet What was his Teward for defending the bridge! A. Horatius Codes, "the man of one eye," received as a reward for his defense of the Sublician bridge as muchland as he could plow in a day, an da statue in the Comitium.

Gold Leaves. Q. How thin can gold be made! A. Oold is besten and made into gold leaves, having a thickness of you may resemble a grandparent Still more rarely, you may throw back to some ancient forbear, long forgotten. Most rarely of all, you may be that freak of nature, a genius.

A msn of remarkable ability ia occasionally born of commoa-pmce parents. But such instances are much more rare than is generally believed, "Whether you have money or not, is really of little importance, according to the scientific point of view. If you har ability aad you will get the education yon need without money and very likely without schools. Furthermore, the strong maa ia seldom mined by money. It does not lead him into idleness because he is possessed of energies and eurissities whieh make idlenees unendurable to him.

On the other hand, the strong character cares little for luxury and is no more dismayed by the lack of wealth than he Is defeated by the possession of it. It is tha weeklies1 who lets his money run away with him if he has any, and it is the weasung eaten, ap with ears, of the rich if he lacks it, aad spends i kit time sighing for a mil-a4 dreaming of get-rleh- nn donan flirlek schemes. vlt'a tha maaysos tie money, that count, By Frederic J. Hastta. Washington, March 5.U it a help or a handicap in the pursuit of success snd happiness to have wealth which you have inherited or otherwise obtained without any effort of your own I Most of us would be glad to hazard the handicaps and take the money, if any should come our way.

And yet tha precise effect which unearned money has on a man is a subject much discussed and much differed about. And there is certainly a widespread iuk mm ipw weens two sucn in- stsnees have come to the attention of the public. In one of these young man, Charles Garland, refused to accept a bequest of a quarter of a million dollars. He gave no reason for his refusal, but simply informed the trustees of the estate that he wss not interested in the money and would not take it. Jn the other ease the will of a multimillionaire, Marshall Field, was found to provide thst his grandsons should not have the full use of his estate until each had reached the age of 50 years.

The Field will specifically states that this action is taken to prevent the heirs from "leading uaoless lives of luxury and idleness. Whatever Garland's motive may have been in refusing a fortune, Field's motive in tying his up is thus plainly announced. He believed that inherited wealth will -make a man useless. And the diligent newspaper reader might collect many other instances of rich men who have sought to protect their heirs from the dan gers of wealth, and a few others of men and women who have themselves run away fom wealth. Of course, the general stampede is in the opposite direction, but these instances are significant.

The Ancient Question. Furthermore, the whole question is significant because it brings up that ancient problem as to whether environment or heredity is the determining factor in a man's destiny. In other words, is it true, as we have generally been taught in this country, that if you just get a good education and work hard and inind your P's and Q's you can do almost anything! Or; on the contrary, is it true that your destiny depends largely on the kind of brain you were born with, and that you will get the education and all the rest of the things you need in spite of almost any handicap of mere circumstances. This question has been debated by the millions of words, and yet it has never been anywhere near settled. The reason seems to be that, while there has been much talk, there has heen little investigation.

Our psychologists are just beginning to investigate such practical and vital questions as this. We may expect some real light on the question in the next few years. Alfred Russell Wallace, the friend and follower of Darwin, was one who firmly believed that wealth was a curse to a young man, and that in heritance of wealth should be done away with. Frank Harris is another man of undoubted intelligence who is fond of making the same assertion. But in both cases, it is merely assertion backed up by a little theorizing.

Let some investigator gather all possible instances of young men who have inherited money, let him find out just what each one accomplished, and trace, as far as possible, what e-f feet the money had on their careers. Such a man would be worth listening to, because ho would have some evidence as well as argument to offer. Meantime, it is pretty clear that wc believe what we want to believe. It is comforting to think that we may achieve much if we only get a good education and work hard that these factors are more important than hwed ity. It is also comforting for those of us who have no money to believe that we have thereby escaped a curse, and are happier and more successful than we would have been if we had inherited millions.

A Study of Eoyalty. The nearest thing to a scientific study of the question which we can find is a "book by Frederick Adams Wood3, ou "Heredity and Royalty." Mr. Woods studied, the histories of all the royal families in Kurope with a view to discovering whether in these families chosen because so much informa tion about them can be found ability has been hereditary or not. Hi nlso ts out to discover whether theso fam ilies have tended to degenerate by rea son of their luxurious lives, as they are popularly belisved to do. Here, then, is a real statistical study of the eirect of inherited wealth on a great number of men and women over 3,000 studied individually.

Woods, who is a biologist first and historian only second, reachea the emphatic conclusion that in royal fam ilies, wealth and luxury have not tend ed to produce degeneration. He proves, to bis own satisfaction, that when such families have shown a dc sline In ability or power, it has always been due to hereditary influences. Us- either. The cause usually is an unwise msrrisge. Some prince marries an ob scure woman who is stupid, common place or unhealthy.

The next genera tioa shows the effect of the bad cross. Two or three such marriages and the blood of the royal family, nearly- always of excellent quality to start with, is diluted with weaknesses, which ultimately lead to its downfall. Woods shows that some royal families, like that of Portugal, for example, have produced men of high-capacity for as much as It generations without a break. Then, due to the introduction of inferior blood, this lame line in a few, generations has literally gone to pieces. These conclusions of Woods seem to agree with those the modern scientists ia general.

Modem science believes that a man's destiny la large ly determined by all natural endowment. This endowment is larielr fcattted from tauaadlate forbears. That I eVa 4t.aaM aM that Walt Wrtll bS Wf tUU VHWV abovt the tame eapeeity as yea mother, aad zataer. jure zmroy, which will help to a better Under-tending of our neighbor to the south. "The Secrets of Crew House," by Sir Campbell Stuart is th tory i the remarkable propaganda carried on -in enemy countries during 1918, by Viscount Northeliffe.

The story of this brilliant campaign is told in all the aspecte foe the first Examples of the most successful pieees of propaganda are reproduced. After reading these annals of this work it is not to be wondered at that Grew House came to be so well known in the chancelleries of Europe as a center of national polities. very tine of the book, "The Jewel He use," has magic ia it. This is an account of the many romances connected with the royal regalia of Great Britain by Sir George Young-husband the keeper of the Jewel house. It is said that the history of England might be written round the gems that adorm the regal emblem.

Of the greater precious stone there are connected and authentic tradition which carry (hem back to Edward the Confessor, or to the Black Prince, or to Queen Elizabeth. One of these is the great ruby as large as a small hen egg and which is given, the place of honor in front of the king's state crown. This jewel has quite an interesting history. Another is the great diamond known through-outfthe world by the name given it many centuries ago in the East, Koh- ki-Xur, or Mountain of Light. Numer ous illustrations add much to the interest of this account of royal jewels.

The above are some of the new books recently added to tha library shelve. ered no moar, sed Pa. So I toald Pa this Limmerick: There was a young fellow naimed Pringle Who st parties bat seldom wud min gel. He oust ted By Gum Tho I like th gurl 1am Tli at one i a einch to fill in, aed Pa, Oive me the peneil, Bobbie, aed Pa, ft I will show you how a traned mind work, ted Pa. ft then Pa ret in a line ft red the Limmerick like this: There ws a yung fellow naimed Pringle Who at parties but seldum wud mln-gl.

He onst aed By Gum Tho I like the gurl sum If yon want to be heppy stay single! There, Bobbie, sed Pa, now lay off on me, sed Pa, I want to reed. My Pa it moar smarter than any maa I know, seven our teecher. HOLD-UP IS FRUSTRATED Sulphur Springs Oarage Mas Gives AtsaUast a Banting. Special to the flasatt. Sulphur Springs, March S.

AxtU Johnson, Sulphur Springs, garage man, while on hi way home from town last night, was accosted by a masked highwayman, who ordered him to hold up hi hand. Mr. Johnson reply wa a 'wallop to the jaw, which laid out the would-be robber. Mr. John son returned; to town to notify offi? cert, and upon his return to the scene' of the attack the hold-up man had The' harbor- of Zanzibar, regarded as Ae1 finest'- natural harbor on the east coast of Africa, is to in-proyed and fully equipped with up-tft- date appliance.

Plan Your Garden. Now i the time to prepare tot you? garden. And the firt atep in preparation i to get a government garden book, so that-you can garden right. Use the attached coupon, enclose two cents iin stamps for return postage, and writ your, name and address plainly- Prederie J. Haaktn, Director The Arkanaas Gasett Information -Bnrean, Washington, G.

i encloee herewith two cents tn ttamps for-return postage on a free of The Garden Book.1 i i Nam i Street City teeeittefrteesieeee tei8 problem. Ju.t httild vour cltv hall orer a vein of gold. A young Afghan rarely sees his fcride before the wedding day. Do the Afghanistan vital statistics show unusually high mortality from heart disease I Carnegie Corporation has made an arrangement with Leland Stanford 1 University to establish an institute to eSady food In recent times ess greatest food problem has been get some. i ftQgnti is not without its penalties.

Wist will the Little Bock city "treasury do for pols tax revenue when All tha telegraph and telephone eom- panics Use wireless "We esn strike at war taxation," Says President Harding, and we soust." Your party has for Jwo years been' in control of the Senate and tho House. If you have struck at war taxation you have atruek out. SCRAPPING THE LEAGUE. 1 On October 7, 1920, in a speech at t)es Moines, Senator Harding, as the Eepublktu candidate for president, scrapped the League of Nations when he used these words in a public ad-'l: dress: "I do not want to clarify these ob- ligations; I want to turn my bark ou then. It is not interpretation, but rejection, that I am seeking.

On March 4, 1921, in his inaugural 1 address, President Harding scrapped the league. Oofjdent of our ability to work outour swn destiny (said Mr, Hard-lag) jealously guarding our right to do so, we seek no part in directing the tfeatiniea of the Old World." i should seek no part in directing th destinies of the Old World except events in the Old World threaten our Tights and liberties, as they did in the great war. WWa do not mean to be President Harding said further. If another world wsr should come we could hardly fail to be entangled 5u Us bloody tentacles any more than we escaped entanglement in the bloody German war. It is the part of wisdom attempt to safeguard the peace of th world and thus safeguard America's peaee, and that is the purpose of the League of Nations.

"We are ready to associate our-wives with the nstions. of the world, great and small, for conference, for muaseU' te seek the expressed views nf world opinion, to recommend a sy to -approximate disarmament and lieve the ernahiag burdens of military aad avlfestaWiahmenU." i la tathet words, we re ready to jneet with nations, to confer a Its. themand do sotting practical or for aaJPeguarding the eoneera for preserved eivlUrs- it lia had its impassioned aad heroic i.ressioa. 4 4 It had its expression in the livei of young Americana sad la a debt rany VUioa. of'dollarm, Kow we go further" 'thaa teadiaes' to tnl Our Wood aid treasure for eivil- a.

Ws shoaU JU saads with sstioat save the world, to a thst it humanly possible, from eotifronUd wit2t-ts necessity News of Other Days tTnm the Files ef tha Oaeette) rUTT YEAJBJ AGO. (Mareh $, 1871.) a Diiuinnma of SearcT. mem- ker 'of 'the legislature of 1856, died e.nm a fall rrom injurica wwt downstairs at his hornet Col. Sam Tate of Memphis, president of the Memphis and Little Bock railroad, was in the city. H.

McGann of M. H. and D. JIcGann, clothiers, left for th East tfj purchase goods. tWENTT-nVE TEAM AGO.

(Mareh 6, 1899.) Gilbert Knapp delivered an address before the Board of Trade oa "Agriculture and. the Business Interests of Arkansas." Cotton, quiet, 7 cent. Little Bobbie's Pa By William r. Kirk. I wss trying hard to win a prino in a Limmerick con-test Ma wa toe bizzy to help me ft Pa was reeding a book about, Babolony or a aaim that sounded like bolony, anyhow, so I dident like to ask them to helD me, but after a wile I sed fudge, I eant git the rite line Pa sed What i.

it Hnhbie! Ask vure mother, Bob bie, she has a fine line, sed Pa. Well, sed, nere wa uimmerrc with the last line gone, ft I red it to Pa: Thar wa a yung lady named Bpe Who went with a gent from Cohoe. She wunderod if thay Wud be married sum day Now, yon see, I eed to Pa, that last line is blank. In, I ed Pa, it doe look prit-ty blank, ed Pa, not mneh blanker than th other four line, ed Pa, but a blank jest the aim. Give me yure peneil, Bobbie, eed Pa, Lwill fin-nish Vf thi 'grnWmsster-peaee for you, sed Pa.

SO Pa took the pencil ft In about three Or four minnit. he red the it Thar wa a young lady nimedo, Who went with a gent from Cohoe. Baa wandered If thay 4 Wud be married sum day, But the gink waa too wi to wopoie. There you are, Bobble, ssd Pa, rite off the ral. Alwaya'ennt to yur old father, Bbie, sed Pa, you art up a (tump daaat knew how to git down aggenn, eed -Pa.

That is one of the easiest things in the wurld for tne to do, sed Pa, gs puzzela, -ton are tertingly. wundrful, sed i ') i Voaf afaVwti01 ts, f. Bar is other Limmerick that you eaa guet for, me, I aed torn. have avy-dently signed me up fn tha season. Bobble, ud but ge ahed.

will aster one moat for you ft tha I doatit want td be both inbreeding is not the cause, highway matter and try to formulate a scientific plan for federal participation in road building throughout the country. Arkansas bad best prepare itself to join the federal government in auch a plan of road building. Arkansas will need funds for that purpose, and these funds, under conditions existing in this state, will have to be found, if they aro fouad at all, in the motor Hcense revenue. Tor the purpose of tobaeeo grow' lng the soil most be thoroughly clear ed of weed, seeds and insect larva before the plants are set out. The former -practice was to build firs ever the surface, but the operatioa Is aow accomplished br means of canvas cover under which live steaat from a road roller is projected.

A high tsmperatpre is maintaiaad for tWO hours "5.

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