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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 16

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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TMM PITTSBURG PRESS' SATURDAY EVEJ.TXG, JUNE 24, 1005 Fh1. sixteen I preach a special sermon appropriate -4 URETHROL 'a great 1 ff? ELIGIOUS AND -v tr 1 IT -0flV EUDDOEIG to the occasion. Professor Ridout. who hae been recently elected organist and ehoitr director, will have charge of the musical program, which will be elaborate. The choir will be assisted by a number of prominent singers.

CHARITABLE Being a determined effort to push out goods that should have sold earlier in the month but which were held back by the adverse weather and the Avenue Theater fire opposite us, which caused our patrons great inconvenience and lost for us many thousand dollars in sales that would certainly have been forthcoming under normal conditions. Now, our object next week is to gain back the business lost the early half of the month and the economical propositions quoted below are made -with that end always in view and with a faith made practical by works in the matter of A wonderful remedy vrith -which every man can cure himself in the privacy of his home. The new, antiseptic pare far (Benito I rinory I i Greatest Germ-Destroying dy ever known. No dangerous i i c-tion. Cures recent At the North Presbyterian Church, Liner fin avenue, Allegheny, the Rev.

Dr. Henry D. Lindsay, pastor, the Sacrament of th? Lord's supper will be administered tcrnc-rrow morning. Endfaror Topic. to be de- heritage is greatly (OOd t.

and the most precious legacy that a can leare to his children is an un- SELLING OUT SURPLUS AND SAMPLE LINES OF FIRST-CLASS SEASON. ABLE MERCHANDISE FOR THE MOST PHENOMENAL PRICES EVER KNOWN. Below we but touch upon the many wondrous saving opportunities this event will afford each day we shall bring to the front new lots that must be closed out Monday's Sale of Fur ilshed name. The one heritage aoov The, cornerstone of the Belmar Christ-Ian Church. Rowan avenue, will be laid toiTK-iTow a ftemoon.

The sermon will he delivered by the Rev. Dr. Wallace Tharp, of the First Christian Church, Allegheny. Other addresse will be made by the Revs. W.

Warren and L. T. D. Wells. The 3v.

E. E. Manley is pastor. nation has receivea l.thers that this We Inherited from our 22 Gospel a stifr sense or nsiHtuuru wmiHcnoe." "Puritan niture and Rugs are in themselves sufficient to warrant a record-breaking sales-day. onUrt Promptly ami carefully FHiet 327-333 Fifth Arenuf, Thru' to Oliver Avenue cases in 2 to 4 days.

Safe. sure. Prevents contagion. Guaranteed care for Urethral Obstruction in any stage. It dissolves the false membrane, clears the canal, removes obstructions, relieves painful micturition, reduces the prostate, de-Btrovs germs, stops waste and restores perfect vigor.

Prepared in delicate crayons, inserted at night and cures while you sleep. Dear readers, we are so positive 60-INCH SHEPHERD CHECKS in black and white, brown and white 2.0C0 YARDS OF FOULARD SILKS neat, stylish, single and cluster polka dots grounds of navy blue, brown, black and green pure silk- and blue and white 89c grade also a collection of fancy Mohairs in fcaVns" some call it, and this is ALT the inheritances that we cannot AMBlto lose, the ense of discomfort lAVAlsln, the resolute opposition to ln-Z We inherited from our fathers tor the Lord Day. They for-BLOCfte UBe 0f the day except for the REIT nrl America has a A recent, graduate of the Western Theological 'Seminary. Allegheny, the Rev. Kenneth E.

MacLeod, will be ordained pastor of Round Hill Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, tomorrow. An Absolute Saorifica of i brown, blue and black worth $1.25 per yard and 46-inch light weight strong, firm quality made to sell at 39c and 50c per yard entire stock Vrethrol will cure you that if it fails checked coverts, worth $1.00 per yard entire lot of high-grade dress must be sold, hence this most phenomenal Monday price yard itaortcs to be closed out Monday at the uniform orice of. 47c 19c yard 27-INCH CREAM HABUTAI WASH SILKS worth 50c per yard; yard; LOT OF NOVELTY SUITING AND FANCY MIXED DRESS GOODS SILKS and Japanese Taffetas very strong and durable, comprising fancy checks. we agree to refund your money. a box today.

Bv mail, Sl.OO per box. On sale at Prescription Department May's. S06-50S Market Street. Pittsburg, Pa. Take no substitute.

ROWE MEDICAL 60 Niagara Buffalo, N. Y. 25c stripes and plaids suitable for children's waists and dresses worth 69c per yard ail to go at the one price Monday, yard for knock-about skirts and children's dresses light and dark effects lot of Mohair Sicilians in colors and black and 36-inch Shepherd Checks In the most wanted styles worth 39c, 50c and 65c Der vard Mon- r. MdKinley Park Presbyterian Church, Thirty-eighth ward, will be occupied tomorrow for the first time. The speakers will be the Rev.

Dr. C. P. Cheeseman, W. A.

Eccthe, and the pastor, the Rev. li. J. P.rown. The dedication of the cliiTch wil; not take place until July, when the congregation will be organized.

The buiiclng ha.s been erected at a cost of SS.OOO, and is the outgrowth of the Mon toe fi mission. ress Goods! day all at the one price, per yard sCwC ERADj of which it may well be proud. BRU8L' liberty such as the Old orld -itttt Tnt of. has blessed it, and while Ay been brief, it has still jus 6Jl a. From its upbuilding and de-fiAVf has never wanted brave dc-JSJIN" The land has been blest and the JARnow is that it forgets in its prt-s-1)5(39 sperity tne maT benefits that Its way.

EAV takes much pride in calling Christian nation and in a gen-rgv this is true. We boast of our iAfnong the nations of the worli, ,4" it has put us there but the Gos- r.v,:. 1. B-osnel that GRAND ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, including 36-inch changeable col AN ASSORTMENT OF BLACK DRESS GOODS Monday at a Dries ored Wash Habutais, worth 27-inch Rubaiat Pongee, knotty finish that ought to bring every intelligent shopper here early including 46- all colors worth 85c; 36-inch all-sifk smooth finished Pongee tn all colors, worth and a lot of regular $1.00 and $1.25 fancy high grade inch imported Black Twine Cloth, worth $1.00: 44-1 en lustrous Black Such as has no parallel in the history of the business; no argument necessary goods and prices bound to effect a decisive Mohair Sicilian, worth 65c per yard; 40-inch all-wool Black Voile and 40- taffetas choice desirable styles and colors for shirtwaists and suits inch Ail-Wool Black Diagonal Serge your choice of any of these 65c 39c entire collection to be sold over our counters Monday at the record-breaking price of, yard fabrics Monday at, yard Colored Wash Goods BEDDING BARGAINS SMALL WARES number of Presbyterians residing at Mt. will hold a public meeting st 7 o'c'ock this evening for the purpose of rW-iling whether they will petition Pittstpurg Presbytery, which meets in the First Church, Sixth avenue, next Tuesday, f'r a new organization.

It was the intention to ask for the formation of a mission hi.t 70 families have given their assent to unite with the church and it is thought that this number is sufficient to oipanize an independent congregation. Prof J. F. Moore of the West Liberty schools. Is the promoter of the project, en.

I the Rev. W. A. Jones, of the Knox-ville Presbyterian Church, will be present ir thp this evening to present the idea, to the people. 1.50D yards of 40-inch TTm- During One of the Heavy Rain Storms This Week Our bleached Mnslln special White Ground Madras with cord and small spots ind broken stripes, 34 5c free.

As nations recognize the chief Ruler and Guide of and of their actions, to that extent are resting on the rock; and their l-nses are mightier than warships or 'Crtress walls. For this reason the home JAnission work of the church is the might-Viest call to men today. We need true "men in this country. A man without a eountry" is bad enough, but a country ffclthout men is worse. The final test of a irrjuntry is the men it produces.

All our Jrsts about material wealth, and limit-Ut'Anatiiral resmirrcs. and vast territory. RHEUMATISM Cured Through the Feet Don't Take Medicine, External Remedy Brines Quick Relief. FREE on Approval. TRY IT.

We want everyone who has rheumatism to send us his or her name. We will send by return mail a pair of Magic Foot Drafts, the wonderful external cure which has brought more comfort into the United States than any internal remedy ever made. If they give relief, send us One Dollar; If not don't send us a cent. Monday at Second Floor Skylight Sprung a Leak and Wet a Lot Dozen Nickel Plated Safety Pins 60-inch Tape Measure 5c Cabinet Wire Hair Pins CHOICE 124o Grade Tine White 36- wide worth 25c per yard, for of Rugs So for Monday We Have to Announce a So 12 He Cotton Vollas fancy weaves, in navy. gray, light -fancy light Card Assorted Jet ,) Peremptory Clearing niue.

Monday OH.uoerlor advantages, and commercial Pi 500-Yard Spool White Basting Cotton Six three-yard TKcy amount to nothing if we fall MONDAY 15o Fancy Dress Lawni dimities and batistes $1.50 Bedroom Curtains 89c Monday we shall offer for a straight third less several hundred pairs of lovely new Ruffled Bob-binet Curtains all plain white 2.y2 yards long with dainty lace edging, also insertion no nicer drapery for the bedroom or halls they're usually sold (this quality) at $1.50 pair we procured this lot at a figure which enables us to sell them Monday for the lowest Bolts of Cotton I0c inch Cambric Muslin Monday DC 12ijc Plain Black Dress Sateen 32 inches wide CI Monday U4C 12Vic Bleached Pillow Cases 42x3fi inches Monday OQ 75c White Bed Spreads honeycomb patterns Mon- gQg S1.50 White Marseilles Bed Spreads 11-4 size ftfl Monday, only laUU S2.00 White Prlng-ed Bed Spreads cut cor- I Pfl ners 12-4 size ful color assortments, Monday Tape trEExSa" true Tne nna! SlTT VI is the character of its citizen-IwnvMT-aVriea is succeeding just as she IUMiSt good, honest, fearless, Chris-WONOM in saving the individual you SMT. OLI nation. The many strangers SMT. WAS our shores must be savetl to kii.r'Tr'onV- Viv- ihp nrpaching of the VMM MAtlf 20o Quality Silk Mousseline full line of eol- I ors Monday I 15c Quality Madras Dress Ginghams plaids, checks and as trie lnni- iMnKVVSl nfi proportion Sale of Rain-Wet Hearth and Room-Size Rugs at Rapid Firing Prices Just as soon as they could be moved we had them hung up and dried. So buyers Monday will not be able to recognize them as having been at all wet good, clean, fresh rain water that did the damage and the colors in these rugs were fast (we only handle that kind) hence no material 1 rnmnosp irie 1 1 stripes pink, blue, red, Monday 9c Ladies' Side or Tront Pad Boae Supporters worth 15c; Monday Qn for Ob 15c Washable Dress Eiiields all sizes nainsook fyf covered per pair Jv Squares and Scarfs of hemstitched and embroidered white lawn size 30 and 1Sx54 and 18x36 inches; worth Ml.

25o. for I C2C Colored Denim Bag's for collars and cuffs, comb and brush, slipper cases and darning baps worth 39c I C. and 50c, for I ww Petticoat Sale DEATH HALTS SUIT. Plaintiff in Case Over Downtown Realty Transaction Killed in AVreck. L.

M. Elrich. of Cleveland, one of the victims of the Twentieth Century Limited on the Lake Shore Michigan Southern- Railroad last Wednesday night, was known to a number of Pittsburgers. H3 was manager of the Keith Theater in Cleveland. His death abruptly ended a case in which he was involved in the New York courts.

The announcement was made by the counsel for Mr. Elrich to a group of men. mostly Pittsburgers. in a New York office Thursday. Mr.

Elrich had hen suing to recover a big sum of money in connection with a real estate transaction involving a large frontage on Sixth avenue. Pittsburg. The suit grew out of the leasing of the former Walton Ferguson property in Sixth avenue to an Eastern theatrical syndicate. In IRfH) the plaintiffs secured an option through the Real Estate Trust Co. and W.

J. Tener Co. It is said that the option expired and the property was sold to Henry W. Oliver. Soon after the New Yorkers appeared and signified a.

willingness to close the deal. They were informed that the property had been disposed of and subsequently entered suit. price ever quoted pair 89c Magic Foot Drafts are worn on the soles of the feet and cure by absorbing the poisonous acids in- the blood through the large pores. They cure rheumatism in every part of the body. It must be evident to you that we couldn't afford to send the drafts on approval if they didn't cure.

Write today to the Magic Foot Draft A 1M Oliver Jackson. for a trial pair of drafts on approval. We send also a valuable booklet on Rheumatism. change is noticeable in the appearance, nor is their service-J EW KEXSu- and temptation to CD Tenth Stie nation itsflf under the KEW BRIGHThteousness The char-OAKLAND, Fen'? determined by the beyond Atwoorl outposts ENN AVK-, 2115, inn is strong drink. RANKIX, 5 Bir-nristian to defend OCHESTETR, behind the devil SEWICKFJEY, filing powr of NTyt ti a a.ikp away all Broad Si ovr again CHAlPSBURa.

318 to this fact, 6H ERADEN, F. G. Barin time has be-EOUTH SIDE. 1918 CaxTheir lives ha ve fiTEUBENVILLE, A. fZ Stand.

-pbus Christ, SWISSVALE, Edgewrood 4Ctions. the dock AVG8. Vs vanished TURTLE CREEK. 75 Penn 31 UNIONTOWN, 71 West MaiTsc- S4.2S Skirls, S2.I2 Purchase of 300 light weight sateen underskirts, worth $1.25 Monday for 95c style like cut Included. They're all most carefully made cut full in lustrous eateen half a dozen styles to select from 1th ruffled flounce, or acordion pleated or strap trimmed.

The illustrated style is made with 17-inch accordion pleated flounce with ruffle edge, In blue and green; other styles in plain black none worth less than $1.25 all go cn sale Monday QCs ableness in the least impaired. Our new fall stocks had just been placed on these rug piles, and any of them that were the least bit wet will be included in the sale. The Monday SeSI-QuS Prices Will Be 'A and Kore LESS. $12.00 English Mohair, 3x6 ft. Rugs, all pialn Kf solid colors.

Monday VlillV $6.00 Wilton Rugs, 36x63 will go Monday 03 QSL gUiSw $4.00 Axminster Rugs, 3x6 in the Monday Ci TfC sale for YERONA. Railroad 100 in this beautiful new summer style suitable for outing or traveling on sale Monday for just half. Well tailored and perfect-hanging made up in light tan and gray London Suitings 7-gore with full kilted bottom, side panels button trimmed exactly as shown in cut all sizes style and material specially suitable for summer wear with a white waist this $4.25 skirt is undoubtedly our greatest summer offering at ji.flueni-e fheir muMPTON Eastr retjglous at the one price. wWW Relief 1402 and 293rthe nation Inflammatory Rhramatiim Cared In ti its regard tannot ffon. Three Days.

Morton L. H1IL of Lebanon. sava: "My wife hat inflammatory Rheuma tism in every muscle and Joint: her suffering was terrible and her bodv and face were swollen almost beyond recognition: ir tne gospel. A verv interesting program has been prepared bv the North Avenue Epworth League for the patriotic service to be held Thursday evening, June 120. The Swift Cadets will drill in front of the at o'clock, after which they $2.50 Axminster Rugs, 27x63 ii FURNITURE MAN GIVEN A HEARTY SEND-OFF.

Charles H. Friend's Birthday and Departure for Enrope Celebrated. Friends of Charles H. Friend, the Penn avenue furniture dealer, tendered him a banquet at' the Concordia Club, Stockton avenue, Allegheny. last night, in commemoration of his fiftieth birthday and upon the eve of his departure on an extended trip through Europe.

Mr. Friend had expected to slip away quietly and had no knowledge of the demonstration prepared in his honor until he was invited to drop in at the Concordia Club yesterday. The banquet hall had been beautifully arranged and decorated with plants and flowers, among which was set an illuminated "f0." Ids birthday anniversary. The table was presided over by William Kaufmann, and congratulatory speeches were made by former Judge Josiah Cohen, S. L.

Fleishman and others. Telegrams of a felicitous nature were re- SI. 75 the Monday Bale Price SIAVAJ had been in bed for six weeks and had eight physicians, but received no benefit Whai a Rush There'll Be Monday for These White Goods. Our special Monday prices all the more phenomenal when we tell you it's the greatest "White" 3eason ever known never mind how we can do it just get here; early enough Monday to get your share. until she tried the Mystic Cure for Rheu tThii ndiourn to the church, where an ad- matism.

It gave immediate relief and of dres bv John Francles, postmaster he was able to walk about In three davs. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by Patriotic Allri-lienv ritv. will be made. Read Haw We're Going to Sell Embroideries Monday I Jos. Flemine Hon 412 Market St sale price $16.50 Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 ft.

Monday for $20.00 Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 ft. Monday for $25.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12. Monday for $35.00 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 one piece, no seams, for $26.50 Bigelow Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 consisting of solos, quartets and a chorlis of voices, will complete the progVam. A silver offering for the benefit of the Robinson Street Mission Fresh Air Fund will be taken. SI 1.75 $14.75 $15.75 S23.75 $22.59 $32.50 5c a yard Monday for 10c white Kainsook; lOo 40-lncb.

sheer white Lawns; and lOo 32-inch linen finished white Lawns. Syndicate linys Local Firm. The Allegheny Steel Iron Co. has been sold to an Eastern syndicate organized under the laws of New Jersey as the Allegheny Steel with a capital of Alexander Chandler, of New York, represented the syndicate. 'The Thousands and thousands of yards to go Monday for tae littlest prices ever named.

5,000 yards Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries edges and insertions up to 5 in. wide odd pieces and broken sets worth 15c to 25c a yard for Monday only OU lot 8 and 10-cent Embroideries bota edging's and insertions quite a g-oodly variety of patterns and widths QI to go Monday for. Lot of All-over Embroideries full 18 in. wide in eyelet and st ana A a yard Monday for 2xc white shirtwaist Madras; 13140 Uflp white English Long Cloth; and 12V2o white Victoria or W3W India Lawns. Easterners paid for the plant, the deal having been closed early this week.

The policy of the new owners has not been outlined, but the plant will fall patterns $40.00 Bigelow Brussels Rugs, 10 ft. 6 by 12 for 10c 15c white Dotted Dress Swiss; 15c white lace striped Lawns; 15c white sheer pin striped Dimities; and 15c white checked Nainsooks choice Monday for babv uatterns blind and tenerlffe effects worth 75c and -5. 48c I probably be kept in operation as at present, though its capacity will likely be increased in the near future to a considerable extent. a yard Monday for $45.00 Bigelow Brussels Rugs, 10 ft. 6 by fT-ft 25o white Mousseline de Sole; lBc white 40-in.

linen finished Lawn; and 18c white embroidered figured AQ uiuu 13 ft. 6, for. Several thousand yards Wasn Laces Torcnons ana van. up to 4H In- wide values 6 and 8 cents larg-e variety new I patterns special Monday at tO TWnrtraa cnoics fli.uuu, The West End Methodist Episcopal Church will observe the semi-centennial anniversary of its organization tomorrow. In the morning the 'Rev.

Dr. James H. Hollingshead. of Cleveland, who was pastor of the congrpga years ago. will speak on "In the Olden Times." In the afternoon a Sunday school and missionary jubilee will he held, when addresses will ho made by neighboring and former pastors, and in the evening the Rev.

H. L. Chapman, a former pastor, will deliver an address. Th church organization resulted from a revival which swept over Temperanceville in the spring of and was one of four in the then known Temperanceville circuit. The church has had many distinguished pastors, among whom are three presiding elders, the Rev.

Dr. T. N. Royle. the Rev.

Dr. G. V. Terbuh and the Rev. Dr.

James Mechem. The present pastor is the Rev. David Flanigan. The oldest living pastor is the Rev. C.

IT. Jackson, who now resides at Canton. O. He served the congregation from to A PEREMPTORY FURNITURE GLEARAf.eE of SURPLUS LOTS and SAMPLE PIECES MmUnka Sleeping Car Service Via Pennsylvania. Railroad.

Commencing Friday. June the Pennsylvania Railroad will estahlish through Pullman sleeping car service from Pittsburg to Muskoka wharf. Canada, leaving Pittsburg at 1:1 p. m. daily, and arriving Muskoka wharf at 0:45 a.

m. next day. Returning, sleeping car will leave Muskoka wharf at p. m. daily, arriving Pittsburg at 7:.1 a.

m. SALE PRICES All AVERAGE THIRD LESS Backward season and unfavorable business conditions make our furniture stocks larger than they should be at this season. We're applying the remedy that will most quickly effect a cure price cuts so radical that absolute clearance cannot fail to result, but we would advise early selection, as some "of the quantities are limited. When you've seen the furniture we're talking about you'll say this is the greatest opportunity in the history of furniture selling. Sale commences Monday morning and will continue throughout the week till stock is reduced to normal size.

ALL SALES MADE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pennsylvania Railroad First Seashore Excursion Season of Leaves Vninn Station June 20th at 8:55 a. with parlor cars and day coaches. SIO.OO in coaches, or $12. 0O in parlor sleeping cars when accompanied by usual Pullman charges. Through train to Atlantic Citv without change.

Tickets good on and p. m. trains. 10:00 p. m.

sleeping cars only. i The Mcn'r- Club of the South Side Baptist' Churrh, Nineteenth and Carson streets will hold its last mooting until fall next Monday evening. An illustrated lecture on "Ben Hur" will be given. J. Elmer Spyglass, baritone soloist, who will-graduate from the Toledo Conservatory of Musi- this coming fall, will sing tomorrow morning, when a speciaT musical program will be rendered by the choir of the church.

H. H. Johnson and Miss Snrnh Pitt will sing a duet and Mi-s Pessie Jones few solos. The pastor, the Rev. A.

A. Nellis, will preach. BAKERY CONCERN LOST ENTIRE STOCK BY FIRE. Ladles Dressing Flames Gutted Rnllding of Byrnes song service will be conducted at the 1 Weji ers'nausen German I'sited Protestant Church. Eist and First streets.

Allegheny, tomorrow evening, June Soloists for this occasion are Miss Edith Morrow. Mrs. Irene Weitershausen and Miller Company. An early morning fire in the building occupied by the wholesale bakery supply company of Byrnes Miller, at No. 1017 Liberty avenue, opposite Union Station, destroyed the entire stock of the concern, causing a loss of A negro fireman attached to Chemical Co.

No. 1 was slightly injured on the right hand by falling through a blazing roof. The building is a three-story affair and the fire was discovered in the rear of the second floor. It lasted only half an hour, but the smoke was so dense that the firemen were compelled to use Herman Baudv. The pastor, the Rev f-ll lllfa ii jaimmB A.

I "jai. ir-. 1 1 1 August F. Bender, will speak on the Ei3 prpli eolden ja.r 1 rv 11 Mil 11 I golden Golden Oak Refrigerators extra large size reduced from CHARLES H. FRIEND, ceived from many who were unable to be present.

The banquet was arranged by L. Kaufmann, L. E. Sugerman, I. Hollander and G.

Arnold. The following were present: Enoch Rauh. David Hollander. Emanuel Graf-ner, Samuel Cohen. Horace Gallinger.

R. Raphael. M. G. Cohen.

Josiah Cohen, Walter May, Samuel Weinhaus, I. Hollander. A. nfeld, Edward Lazarus. Edward HabfT, M.

M. Levy. A. Feuchtwan-ger. Solomon Hollander.

L. A. Green-wald, S. Fleischman, Albert Hollander. Myer R.

Gallinger. Julius Racr, Harry Bing. John Perlev, M. B. Perlev, Julius Hertz.

M. Rich. H. Seidenberg. L.

Meth, S. B. Goldsmith. Louis Goldsmith. J.

A. Gallinger. Joseph Gallinger, Lud-wig Kaufmann. A. M.

Hast, Samuel Katifmann. Moses Lehman, Jacob Eise-man, William Kaufmann, A. Arnold and Dr. Edwin Zugsmith. Wardrobe, 3 ft.

6 inches -Mo t- or! i 1 oH from subject. "Gray Hairs and Thorns." juo.inj to SZ5.00; 125 to Suites some exactly like cut re- $19; S19 Tnn tn S6.98: siy.o Sample Bedroom some like illustration Golden Oak Dressers like cut and other styles reduced from $10.00 to $6.98. Five Styles Dressers olid Golden OaK old up to $20.00, reduced to $13.50. 4 ft. wide, reduced duced to $40.00.

Go-carts red body, tire wheels simitar to cut worth $11 00 for $8.96 Others reduced from $C0 to $12.00 and $17.00 to QIO.OO; some as low as $2.25. holding 75 pounds of ice reduced from $17.50 to $13. 50. Others redur-ed to $3.25 and down to Sample Sidehoards quarter sawed oak formerly J65 and $70 reduced to S42.50. Seven Styles Sample SideOonrds that were formerly $32 to $40, reduced to 535.00: others reduced to $32, 515 p-d 810.00.

fciearoom suites, svuu Quarter Oak Suites, worth $110.00, for S79.00. Circassian Walnut Suite, formerly $175, reduced tJ $115. Tables a -t oak and gen-u 1 mahog-my, similar to ut. reduced from $18.50 to S12.50. Other styles golden oak, bird's eye maple and mahogany, re-luced to S15.00 SI 8.00 and $35.00.

the trucks, being unable to work on the ladders. The cause of the ftre is unknown. Small losses were incurred by the buildings adjacent to the burning building. Sample Box Couches slightly soiled some with looee tufted cushions, others plain upholstery sold up to $12.50, reduced to $6.98. Mission Furniture Cut $16 weathered Oak Arm Chair, $10 $16 weathered oak Rocker.

$11. 3-piece weathered oak Suite, Spanish 1 a her cushions, was $65, cut to $45. from $14.50 to $9.98. Other styles with mirror doors. 3 ft 6 inches wide, reduced from $22.00 to $15.00.

Quarter Oak and Mahogany a d-Carved Wardrobes, values for 929.75. Quartered Oak Wardrobe with beveled plate French mirror doors, reduced from $65.00 to 945.00. Ladies' Desks, slightly marred, birds eye maple, mahogany and burnt wood $12.50, reduced to $6.50 Morris Chairs velour slightly soiled formerly $16, Monday, $10.00. A Aew Spanish Cabinet. Madrid.

June 24. King has approved the new cabinet as follows: Premier general. Montero Rios: minister of Interior, Senor Garcia Pietro; minister of foreign affairs. Senor Sanchez Roman; minister of finance. Senor Frzaiz: minister of war.

General Weyler; minister of Mrs. Cynthia AV. Xowllng Dead. Beaver Fails. June 24.

Mrs. Cynthia W. Nowliug. widow of Benjamin F. Nowling.

died here this morning at 7 o'clock of heart and lung trouble. She was born in Beaver Falls. April 'JI, 1847, and had lived here her whole life. She was a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. She is survived hy four children.

A. J. Nowling. of East "Liverpool. O.

Mrs. Edward C. Rebeske. Wood H. Nowling and Bessie L.

Nowling. of Beaver Falls. The last park service until the first Sunday in September will be held tomorrow eveniii. The first service is o'clock in West Park. Allegheny, the Rraddock Library Band rendering instrumental part of the program nnd the pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, the Rev.

S. Edward Young, making; the address. The second service of the' evening will be held in Sohenley Park. the Western Pennsylvania Military Band furnishing the music under the direction 1 A. Sneary and Dr.

Young again making the address. Eminent soloists have been engaged for both services. The regular park services will be resumed the first Sunday in September. During the interim special park services will be held in the particular parks, including probjbly nine Sunday evening services with sacred music in thei West Park. Allegheny, under the direction of the superintendent of public works of Allegheny.

The las: service until Septemher will be held in the Second Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning, the edifice being estirelj closed for the rest of the summer because of the extensi-o changes being made in the main auditorium and entrance and the reconstruction of the Siridav school and parish rooms in the rear of the auditorium. The various organizations of the chinch will have their headquarters during the summer at 4'i) ricsscmcr Building. i.i.ii iiiv, ii inn Hi. HIlIUMr or agriculture, Senor Romanones: minister of justice. Senor Gonzalez Pena.

and minister of public instruction. Senor Iron Bed like cut brass top nails and knobs on head and foot $5.00 value for $2.98. Combination Secretary and Bookcase quarter oak Sample Iron Beds onlv one or two A.FLESH Dresser and Chiffonier Match Sets sold separate and mahogany of a kind in plain white, green and ly or en suite. Two-piece samples only Dine cut irom 50.00 to $15.00, and ss 00 nnd tin nn tn (COO dresser and chiffonier, in. curly birch, mahogany.

oaV 1 worth $30.00 and $32.00 reduced to -r maple, reduced from 1 to S40.00: S50 to 837.50. Those afflicted with Eczema know more than can be told of the stffferiner imposed bv this "flesh $19.75. One other number is reduced from $15.00 to S9.98; others at $15, $20 to $45. Dining Tables like cut quarter-Box Seat Hall Krainea oa Sjx feet long cut from Racks golden oak reduced from 20.00 to 8 ft. long, $18.00.

$2 5.00 Other style, reduced to $8.75, $7.50 $50.00 to $30.00. and $4.60. Oak and Mahogany Chiffonier, from $30.00 to $20.00. Oak. Mahogany and Curly Birch Dressers, from $3 2.50 Massive Mahogany Dresser from $70 00 to $45.00.

Napoleon Mahogany Eed to match worth $45.00 to $35.00. Sofa Bed Davenport, like cut solid oak frame velour upholstering reduced from $32 to $24.00. Sofa Beds upholstered in velour or chase leather reduced from $37.50 to $29.00. fire. It usually begins with a slight redness of the skin, which gradually spreads, followed by blisters and pustules discharging a thin, sticky fluid that dries and scales off.

leaving an inflamed surface, and at times the itching and burning are almost unbearable. While any part of the body is liable to be attacked, the A special open-air rally of the friends of Israel will be held on Congress street, near Fifth avenue, at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. These open-air services are it tract ins large congregations. Mr. Ruben has prepared special subject for the Sabbath aiternoon discourse, which wil! answer the following questions submitted to him: "How Can a Jew Believe in the Sou of God?" How Can a Jew Disown the Teachings of His Own Parents by leaving Judaism for Christianity?" "In What Way Is Christianity Better Than Judaism?" Mrs.

Cecelia will lead and sing in the special song service. hands, feet, back, arms, face 4 and legs are the parts most often afflicted. 4 The cause of Eczema is a too acid condition of the blood. The circulation becomes loaded Eczema made its appearanee on my left limb the size of my thumb in 1S93, and spread until it was large as my hand, burning, itching and paining me, and for which I could get no relief, until seeing the other cures advertised by you I wrote and secured the advise of your physicians, commenced S. S- S.

and it cured me. Mayetta, Kan. J. H. Spencr.

with fiery, acid poisons that forced throusrh the forced throusrh are The ladies of the First Presbyterian Church. Crafton. held a lawn fete last evening on the lawn of William A. Zahn, Beividere street. glands and pores of the skin which set the flesh aflame.

Since the cause of the disease is in the blood it is a waste of time to try to cure it with local applications; tha cause must be removed before a cure can be effected. S. S. S. IN THE ADVERTISE YOU! WANT has no equal as a remedy for Ecsfer it enters the The Rev.

Dr. James D. Moffat, president of the Washington and Jefferson College, will preach in the Bellefield Presbvteriari Church. Fifth and BeUefield avenues, at the morning and evening services. blood and forces out the poisor co; the natural channels, and builds up the ent.

B-SSkTV The skin Decomes smooiu ana son agar '7 "zema is 1 a at 1 The Avery A. M. E. Zion Mission. North and Avery streets.

Allegheny, will hold special services tomorrow curea. vases mai uave ixrr cured under the ordinary treatment yield to its purvf we tuooa. Soos. on Skin Diseases and any advice tJd AVEHlar 4 -a handsome new pipe organ will be dedi- i catcd. The instrument cost arid the mor.ey was raised by the congrega-Tbft gjusyart the Rev, w.

Rg 7KT SWiFT SPECIFIC Ctl "freeJ.U 9, I patents st. 19 1 1 v. -Of.

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