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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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THE PITTSBURG PRESS, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1895. of our great ports. In which they could THE PITTSBURG PRESS. WHY OUR WE WANT YOUR MONEY ONLY IF ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR (I I 't im ill i I I a 1 I Lli I -I II I il i Ft I 13 JLV tl MA 111 i I a GOOD WILL, Attractions and Most BE ON HAND sV Vith the Greatest Agreeable Surprises DAL36EIA OX TARIFF. Congressman Dalxell In an In ten-lew on the tariff, assert that the republicans will pass soma measure Increasing fed era.

revenues promptly on the assembling of congress." "In the first place." he says, "there will be legislation passed that will provide the needed revnue, and. In the second place, this legislation will be along the lines of republican protective policy. There have been many suggestions like that of re Imposing a duty upon wool, but I cannot undertake to say at this time Just what particular plan will be adopted. There are many luxuries on the dutiable list which are how admitted by the present law under a very light tariff. The duties on these articles could be Increased without hardship to anyone, and with much advantage to the United States treasury." The fact that the new tariff dealB very leniently with the luxuries In comparison with articles of necessity has been emphasised In magazine writings by Mr.

Andrew Carnegie and others, and the republicans In the next congress will do better to put a duty on wool and revise the list of luxuries than to take any steps toward, revival of the extreme protection principles upheld by McKiniey. The utterances of Representative Dal-ell do not make clear whether he Is a McKiniey tariffite or not, but he appears to' have at least a leaning in that direc tion. He mentions, In a general way, Industries that the new tariff has seriously crippled, and perhaps it Is not going far amiss to assume that he Is In favor of revising the Gorman revision very materially. If so, It Is Interesting to con jecture whether Reed, who Is classed lately with the moderate protectionists. will reaily make him chairman of the ways and means committee, BASHERS" OPPORTTJUTIES.

IrryArrVVVVVVWrWTTVTTTVl liLuulu twlL i I There no little satisfaction In the an-? nouncement of the reorganization of the American Bankers' association. The body which has had annual meetings under that sraii Mil y(J 'MIF i' OlILL fp0 UflLL H'i jgjg I ft I 1 r. OI JO fi VSAiAV. ViAO. ''a $3.95 MJm 1 every AP9tHMM i style, AteiM BoxCoat cutDv 4XwvtJw4SA Box-coat- every aym I ONE-HALF JPfLtj Comblnatioi i PRICE.

tfMjsfS? Effects. designation has been, to a great extent, afflicted with conservatism of radical sort, and has- not been the powerful influence which, by the wealth, personal worm ana Intelligence of its membership, it was en titled to be. It Is said, and there is reason to believe, that the reorganization will be made the occasion of imbuing the asso ciation with progressive principles and new life. It Is to be trusted the new association will succeed In unifying the bankers and In instilling a patriotio motive Into their associated acts. The bariks have In the past two years not done all that was In "i their power to sustain the federal credit.

If they had stood by the treasury with as much unanimity as they stood by one an other In July and August, 1803, It would not have been necessary for the treasury to deliver Itself to the mercies of a pri- ADVANCE SHE OF WRAPPERS! 1,000 DOZEN WRAPPERS closed out for almost nothing Elegant Standard Print 25c Finest indigo nd red A a Print uUu 100 dozen Turkish Towels, in white and ecru, to open the eeason 25c grade Turkish Towel in ecru only; this week at All linen good absorbent inches wide. will not lint, positively a 15c value, for Glass Toweling 18 inches wide, never 15 9c sold les3 than 8c per yd, 5 Misses' Oso- Ezie Fine Vici Kid, Spring heel Shoe; patent leather tip; square or opera toe; in order to boom this section for a limited time, this 9 Of, value i I AMISEMEXTS. 1 vate and mongrel half-American, half-Eng-lish and French banking The -associated banks of the country, by furnishing gold to their customers Instead of throwing the demand, as they have for two years or more been doing, on the treasury, would have averted any doubting of government obligations, ajid would have found ample compensation in the increased general prosperity which aceotnpanlea strengthened public credit. The suggestion that the banks supply gold to the exporters of gold and thereby show their confldence'in the legal tenders (government promises to pay) Is one that the reformed association of bankers ought to adopt and use Its influence to carry into practice. A IIISISES9 QIESTIOX.

The Philadelphia Ledger, at one time the most conservative and one of the most influential of Journals, ays; "The Issue of next year's presidential contest will not be made by the democratic, but by the republican party, and It Is un-likely It will 'be the tariff, as publlo policy demands It shall be the currency. Both democrat and republicans wlU be wise to OF EARLY FALL MILLINERY. BEAUTIFUL -AND- ARTISTICALLY TRIMMED I FULL HUTS, AT POPULAR PRICES. Aigrettes, all colors and blac worth HANDSOME BLACK JETTED AIGRETTES, worth 49c, at SHADED VELVET ROSES, 6 roses in a spray, worth 75c, 5C 19c 39c ENGLISH WALKING HITS, ALL COLORS AND 69c TO 1.40 FELT SAILOR HATS, ALL COLORS I ft BLACK.M..... TO 0 I I MERCURY WINES, ALL COLORS; Per pair NACRE EFFECTS, COQUE PLUMES; Worth 25c, For learn something of the constitution and by laws which are supposed to rule this wooden country.

It will be time before long for Amoe Cummings to descend from his editorial desk Into congress. The Spaniards announce two more small victories in Cuba. Translated into United States this would Intimate that the vic tories can be placed under glass shades and sent home to hwr majesty as orna ments for her boudoir. Seventh place now, and by the end of the season Connie Mack can tell the tall. Philadelphia acknowledges 30,000 bicy clers, while Pittsburg seems to have only about 4.0U0.

From the manner In whlcft the phillles got away from our own this would seem to be about the correct propor tion. The fight between the union and non- union barbers ought to be a cloe shave. If ihe late Q. Ananias were living today he could get some pointers from the Siantfh army in Cuba. The patriots can only with the expatrifttel ty se curing the services Of Tom Ochiltree.

There are those who consider the word umplrj a misprint for vampire. They are placarding Tic's grandson as the "future king of England." Instead of having coats of arms 25 years hence the boy will be lucky, as Sydney Smith says. to have arms to hie coat. Let us sentence the vegetarian to one seafon's services as umpires. Eclipses are getting to be common af fairs In Pennsylvania.

We have had two only a few weeks apart, and the democratic convention don't count, either. There won't be any more coll about the sea serpent this year. A cat's eyes, says a morning paper, Indicate time. So does Its back, at the proper curve. And the fight is always either to the bootjaok or a finish.

Holmes' victims seem to be dlseoverel by the two foot rule. Keeler had better apologize to the Times man, with whom he did not enthuse prop erly over the eclipse, or the moon will have blood on it. Let ms have a barbers' poll on the 5-cent shave question. A COrTERFEITER'S MIST. He Was Captured at Work Deuso Wood.

In Secret Service Officer Griffin landed Al bert C. Balls in Jail last night on a charge of counterfeiting. Balls will be giv en a hearing before United States Com missioner MoCandless. He Is an old-timer, having already served two terms for the same offense. Balls wan In a swamp along the Shenango cwk, about 12 miles above New Castle.

He had his den In the midst of a dense growth of trees and bushes, that wore almost Impenetrable. The otiicer could not secrete himself in the rthlcket on account of the wet and mud, but found a hiding place on higher ground and wait ed until Balls came out for more material. He was captured without much trouble. The den was round later, ana proved to be an ideal spot for business). The buttlies grew so thick that they would almost turn the rain, and kept the smoke from the fire from revealing the hiding place, lie had eifjht planter of paris molds for mak- Insr dimes, uuarters and halves, but had not commenced to coin yet.

The officer said the molds were a fine a he ever saw. Opening of Campbell's l-nnnnin. Columbus, Sept. 4. The new democratlo state executive committee met here yester day for the first time and completed Its or ganization' by electing Herman F.

Celarlus, of Dayton, secretary, and Franlf J. Rein-hard, of this city, treasurer. Celarlus. who is now chief clerk in the office of Unite! States Revenue Collector Joseph Dowllng, at Cincinnati, will reslen. to accent the sec retaryship.

It was decided to formally ODen the campaign here with a big political meeting on Saturday evening, September 28, which will be addressed by ex-tiov. Campbell and others. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. A. Press cannot undertake to answer conundrums or problems of that sort.

H. Tour question Is obseurs and confusing. Be more explicit and an (an swer will be given. H. IriBh notatoes are so called ba- cauao they form so large a proportion of the food of the lrlah people.

N. ox-eye daisies of the past-n states are not Identical with the white and yellow marguerite that grows In Cali fornia. B. L. Fred J.

Titus, of New York, broke the world's bicyle record for 10 miles, Aiifnist 14, last. He covered the dis tance In 20 minutes 58 4-5 seconds, beat ing the previous record of 21 minutes S9 3-0 seconds. GATHERED TO HEST. The remains of W. A.

Carney, who died suddenly yesterday, were taken to Frost- tmrg, wnere tne iunerai iook piace this afternoon. Charles Arnold Westerman, Infant son of John -L. and Mary A. Westerman, died yesterday. The funeral took place this afternoon from the parents' residence, No, 2o9 Market street, Allegheny.

John Tucker. aged 70 years, died at 8:10 last evening fit the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Louis fcpang, of Sheraden borough. The funeral will take place at 8:30 to-morrow morning. Mrs.

Annie Aiken, wife of Robert Aiken, died at Monday afternoon. She was 85 years old. Ths funeral took place this afternoon from tne residence or her brother, James Moore, No. Klrkwood street. East tna.

Mrs. Margaret J. Gamble died last evening. The funeral services will be held at the residence of her brother, H. D.

Gam ble, No. avenue, East End, at 2 ciock 'to-morrow atiernoon. Interment will ba private. Wilson McLean, aged 53 years, died at 1 o'clock yesterday morning. The funeral services will De held at the fumlly home, No.

712 South avenue, Wllklnsburg, at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Interment will be at Homewood cemetery. Fred Dletiwh, aged 33 years, died at yesterday afternoon at the residence, No. 41 First street, Allegheny. The funeral will take place from St.

Paul's church, corner of James and Second streets, at ciock to-morrow afternoon. REFORM IN TOBACCO No Chemicals Nicotine Neutralized No Neyes Quaking No Heart Palpitating io uyspepno Acning DYSPEPTIC 1 ih on Ho of g. REFUTATION FOR TRIITKFIII AUVtHTISISB 3 15 tVcLL rcTi ni iniirn it liCmV GRAY BLANKETS; 10-4; i the usual 1.25 69c kind; at EXTRA HEAVY 11-4 GRAY BLANKETS; If you buy now At 10-4 WHITE ALL-WOOL COUN TRY BLANKETSjthor-oughly shrunk; extraordinary value at 6-4 CHENILLE COVERS; fancy colors; l-ft An actual 1 article. UUU 4-4 CHENILLE COVERS; fancy frintre. Sella everywhere at 69c; For.

Women's Fine, Evening or Dress, Patent Leather, hand sewed turn OXFORD TIES, made on the' new improved razor last; exclusive shoe houses think nothing of asking shoe cur price, or pair LOST Are best replaced with Bridcrework Our nrice $5 A TOOTH. "Work and material warranted." TEETH PLATES! 0BTUNDH mnltpu ths Jtractlon of tepth pftln- lcsi; It's appllpd to the eumv- NO GAS GOLD OS BEST TEETH (a act) EXTRACTIKO, $5.00 NEW YORK DENTISTS, 4 Sixth Cor. Liberty, osc PAPER-TEMPTATIONS. SOl Paper for 15c. 25c Paper for 10c.

15c Paper for 7Jc. 7c Paper1 for 5c. EAST'S, EAST'S, PITTSBURG, 14 W'YLIE AVE. ALLEGHENY, 83 OHIO ST. For Delicacy, For purity, and fctr Improvement of thecora-ploilon, notiiin equtil Potnosj'a Powder.

SALE SILK WAISTS I 600 BEST WAISTS, made by Sew YorkVforemort manufacturer, of heavy-weight Faille, black ground with stripes of white, pink, Hoe, heliotrope and rose; WORTH FULLY S7.50. 0.80 iWwM (iWmiW ImfwJt WxV J. a vwvwwvvw ill SI 11,50 S2.40 'i -i 1 I t-A II 1 i3 1 hand or the or kid width good WOMEN SUFFER. Nine-tenths of all their troubles arise from disordered kidneys. And it should be remembered that there is, absolutely, but one known and certain remedy for these troubles, and that is Are you wise if you suffer longer when certain relief can be obtained? THE LATE HEMtY SIETZGEH.

A Tribute of Respect to His Memory Adopted. At a meetlnsr of the employes of the Cen tral District Printing Telegraph com pany, held on tne evening oi oepiemuer JSIW, the following preamble and resolu tions were read and unanimously adopted Whereas, Almighty God, in His Infinite wisdom, has chosen to call home our beloved friend, Henry Metzger, vice president of the company; and. We realize that we have lest in hira not only a most considerate superior, but also a kind and true friend, who had endeared himself to all by his gracious manners and kindly feelings; and, WhfTPa. The cordial relations always existing between our departed vice presl- dent and the employes of this company render it proper that we should place on record and give expression of the great sorrow we feel at the ions we have sus talned by his death; therefore, be It Kesoived, By the employe oi me central District Printing Telegraph company that while we bow with humble submission to the will of our heavenly Father, we do not the leas mourn the loss of our friend who has been colled from his labor to rest; Resolved, That in the death of Henry Metzer this company and all telephonic Interests lose a valuable adviser, the community an upright and useful citizen and the employes one whose high sense of Justice and many acta of kindness ever en deared him to them; one who was watchful and considerate of their Interests, wise in counsel and llrm in adherence to the right. and whose great heart was always open, to the anneals of the sufferlna: and the sorrow ing; those were his happiest moments when by some act of his he brightened the Uvea of others; Resolved.

That we tender our hpartfelt sympathy to the relatives and friends of our departed vice president in their sad affliction; Resolved, That these resolutions be suitably engrossed and placed In the offices of the company; that thny be published In the daily newspapers, and that the board of directors be requested to enter them upon the minutes of the company, jonn u. stoKes, cnairman. E. E. Hamilton, Secretary.

ARCH STREET WIDENING. Pome Residents of the Allegheny Street Oppose the Movement. The printing of an ordinance providing for the widening of Arch street from Jackson street to Alpine avenue was recommended; at a meeting of the committee surveys of Allegheny last night. number or property ownsrs appeared before the committee last night and vigorously opposed the ordinance. Among these were Mrs.

Frank Lemon and H. C. Lowe, They claimed that. the widening of the street would greatly damage their properties, and asked that the ordinance be laid over until next spring. Robert McKain favored the ordinance.

claimed that every property holder on the street or in the neighborhood would be benefited by the Improvement. MoHsrs. Hcnrlcks and Cutler, members the committee, fought hard to have the ordinance laid over, but it was ordered printed by a vote of 10 to S. If the ordinance passes councils It Is olalmed several Bulls will be brought by property holders. RTie Baby was sick, we gays her Castorts.

PTion she was a Chjld, she cried for Cast oris. When she become Miss, she clung to CastorU, ft'hf a she had CUlldrea, she evo them Castorla. Autumn Favorites, We have just received our early importation in French and British Dress Fabrics. We call special attention to three lines of all-wool high grade Serge. These are unusually soft finish, easily draped, extra width, damp and dust proof.

They come in all the choice new fall colorings, as well as black. 46-inch All-Wool Serge. CO-inch All-Wool 46-inch fine Molded If you will examine these Serges you will appreciate their beauty and notable cheapness. Jacquard Weaves, We show many exquisite effects on plain, soft finish grounds, with lustrous Jacquard figures, in artistic designs- The prices run S0c, 60c, 7Sc and up for these double width imported novelties. BiBER EASTON 505 and 507 MARKET PITTSBURG, PA.

0271 SF-554TURDAY 4 CRACKEJtS, OC POCADt WILL BE BAriED The Henry Reuter Grocer 2i niannjf.J Square, FltUburg P1LES-A CCRE GVAKASIEKD Write for book (sent frea) on th symptOini cf pile, flnsure, fistula r.u ulceration ot the rectum; we cure every case; also catarrh, diseases) ot the lungs, stomach, liver mid bowels. Dr. i 4i I'enn Pittsburg, fa. Ui Biter Easton LADIES. let tariff revision out of their respective national platforms of next year, and, subsequently, whichever side wins, to let It alone In congress, unless both parties can agree together to base their schemes of revision upon the business foundations suggested by Senator Sherman- The tariff Is a business question, and can never be rightly settled except upon business prln- clples." If the tariff Is a business question, to be settled upon business principles, how much more so is the currency? And If the treasury had enough money (even of the present much-abused sort) on hand to meet Its ordinary expenses, what currency legisla- tion would neoeseary? There is nothing wrong with the currency except that the treasury has not enough of amd when the treasury Rets enough that will be the business solution of the problem.

REAL KOS-PARTISAASHIP. The New York Evening Post, which Is at all times the apologist and eulogist of Cleveland, represents a "conspicuous senator of the republican party from the west," as saying to an old friend: "The American people should never cease thank God that Grover Cleveland was elected President of the United States In 1S92. We owe it solely to him that the Boys' Oso-Ezie Seamless, Cut Lace Shoes; every pair worth $2.50. This offer is to increase our boys' trade and must be taken advantage of at once; solid, ser Women's Oso Ezie 'sewed welt, Laced Button Shoes, in all styles of toes; cloth top; every size and equal to any $4.50 silver purchase act was repealed. If Harrison had been re-elected we should not ottered elsewhere; js have got repeal, and we should have con wear fft Our Men's Oso-EzieCalf Shoe; $5.00 value, S2.85 4 viceable, and warranted to give perfect satisfaction.

I AMl'SEMEXTS. 24 fronted a Criffhtful crisis." Ths Post, which is Incidentally In favor of Cleveland for a third term, continues: "Everybody who has a wide acqulntance constantly hears republicans commending 'the democratic president In a tone that shows how little Is now left of the old partisanship that so long embittered our politics. This is only one sign of the change In ths publlo mind that is reflected in other ways." One of the most striking of the other "signs" the Post might Just as well have mentioned. It Is Henry Watterson declaring that If Cleveland is renominated he wil not carry a single county In the United States. That is real non-partisanship.

A bull fight Is abhorrent to our civilization. If the Atlanta exposition wishes to be of Us age, It will provide a cow light, too. This discrimination as between the sexes must cease. Detroit Tribune. Has our E.

C. read the history of the lady board of managers at the Chicago fair? The emperor of Germany seemed qultq it home with the naturalized American veterans of his army, but they weie not. i The Philadelphia police are more readily provoked to wrath than a Colorado bull. They drove two female matadors carrying red flags out of the socialists' column on Labor day, and captured two others Italian gentlemen who are now under bonds each for Inciting a riot. The Ir'isU eleven cricketers are to visit OPENS ToNight.

new ypim 1 DOCTORS LAKE, SPECIALISTS In all cases lequlrlr.g scientitio aud cob-fidentlai treatment. 13r. S. i'4 the oldest and most experl-y enced specialist in the city. Consultation fri and strlrt.

ly oonfldentlal. Otflre hours, 0 to 4 and 7 to 8 d. Sundays. 2 to 4. Consult them personally or write.

DOCTOK3 LAKE, corner Penn ave. and Fourth Pittsburg. Pa. 32cm A Home. Of three rooms furnished rnm plete, pnrlor, bedroom aud kitchen lor one hundred dollar Kriend 642-644 Libertv St Per Month! Free To Dyspepsia Sufferers.

A mall aniple package of Stuart s) Dypp. fla Tabieta: the laiest, cur for an? form of Indigestion. Full eized packatea acid by alt iruEKisti at Mo. or addrpM Stuart Tal-let Utuaball. for fr juou.lea.


No Advance In Prices. SEATS OX SALB TO-MORROW. BIJOU- TO-NIGHT, MATINEE TO-DAY. A. WARD A ON THF! RAf Next week Donnelly A Qlrard, In the new "Ralnmaltera." I1ARRT WILLIAMS'' ACADEMY To-nlght, Matinees Thum.

and jSat. SAM. T. JACK'S XTRA CREOLE CO. Li country" again next season.

We pre- Qilmore's Band. New Art Gallery. New Pleasure Railway. ADMISSION, 25c- Ti'O-the yes will win the Poet Mackay says If Swln- any more letters to him he the police. He bad better Into court they might read lit Is hard to tell what they th him.

street car drivers In Elkins to that ccn- pvets. red flags into our Tgest the establish- migrants in each READ THE SUNDAY PRESS, ALL THE NEWS, 2 CENTS. READ THE SUNDAY PRESS..

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