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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 9

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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a wwm mi w- PIT TVS 1 CO 9 rr1 3 LA- I -TT- 11 IX an A- PITTSBURG, F.Til DAT EVEXIXG, MAY 12, 1S93. mc ol JLO 2 A GERMANY'S NEXT CHANCELLOR. IT TO OL'UiRELS ABOUT OFFICES. brain after it bad passed through her father's he.d. and she dnJ also.

Mr. Butter-worth had been in ill health, of- lato and despondent. Tf lO.TXAS JIlr.Vr IIESIC.X. Eulenburg is Noted for His Severity Toward the Socialists. TO THIS AOVtRT SEME fatly? Oi" FASHIONABLE Cloters Tailors, 516 SfflltMeld St.

Ah I Aii "adn that forth the best and truest bargains afloat" There is nothing near their equal, i A IKE 'A PLEP i jCOUIT EULifFTBURG ICfjCELLOR yOfi CAPRIVL? 17 TtME POLITICAL CRISIS GERMANY. At our magnificent line of Tailor-Made Suite at Owing to the rejection by the German reicbstaz of Emperor William's army bill, his pet measure, and the dissclut of the reichs-ta, Chancellor von who mcceeddd Bismar.ik several years It la thought willsoon have to resign. The failure of the army Dili makes lr, necessary for the kalssr to defer for tho present his projected reform of the higher military commands and of th posts in the war office, a project which Caprivi is said to even more than ho dreaded the struggle over the army ldll. Poiho von Eulenburg is resrsrded as th most probaolo successor of Chancellor ven Caprivl. Von was born In 1S31 and became Prussian, minister of tho interior in His name is chief associated with antl-sociallst legislation.

After tho attempts of Iloede! and Nohiliag on tha lifo of 'Emperor William he Introduced into the retchstag an anti-socialist bill so drastic that the assembly ould not pass it and was therefore dissolved In the new relchatae he brought in another bill mere stringent than the first, and being confronteu with a scrorg opposition prevailed upon Prince Bismarck to advise a fresh dissolution, but thti late Emperor Freaerlck, who was crowa princ reeent at the time, refused to allow this, and the bill bad to be passed with several mitigating amendments. As soon (NO f)8. as it had become law the minor state of siege was proclaimed in Berlin, and suspected socialists of all classes wr expeiled from the capital by. hundred i. It was during Count vou Eulenburg administration that the movement begin, and the minister of the interior was believed to iew it with something more than Becret sympathy.

Certain it is that no sto was put to anil-Semitic meetings, and when mobs of Jew baiters broae up meetings of tne LiDeral party the police remslned lnactlv. Count ven Kuleuburg left ofSce in after a very curious parliamentary incident. Rumor said that was too independent to please Prince Bismarck, ami one day the chancellor subjected him to an extraordinary snub. Count von Eulenburg was speaking in the Prussian house of lords on a bill thar. had been sent up from the lower5 chamber when an official of tbe ministry of commerce, who was seated by his side, rose and a letter from Prince Bismarck In which views diametrically opposed to those of Count Euleaburg were expressed.

The minister of the interior at oire drove to the emperor's palace and tendered bis resignation, which was accepted. Some years afterward he-made his peace with Prince Bismarck and w-as p-Rioted president of ti trovernment of liesse-Nassau. at Cassel, a post which he had retained until last year. When Herr Ernst Ludwi? Herrfurtn resigned the position of Prussian minister of th interior In August last Count von Eulenburj; was appointed to succeed him. The perfection of Jit and fashion has been reached in these Bur)erb It is a physical impossibilit to ni ako better Suits than our best ones.

Merchant Tailors Sulfa from $25 to $45 are no better in any sense, EYERY FABRIC MOM TO FASHION! ALL MODERN STYLES I And all good qualities are found in these Suits. They arrj positively at the top-notch in goodness, and at the pit in POPULARITY IN PRICE. 1 5 i i i i fa i fit rt a. Are Tailoring i Department PANTS TO ORDER yr i -t-. tr i7.

2 Fasnionab! tK 14 ll- jp-. ly i -a ir lasia iisssssa fey tk I'ousers That Be Sola by The President and-His Cabinet Still Besieged. CONGRESSMEN too tjroent. 3tr. fctpt Ha a Enc alter With rostcaHter Central liissell and 31ireatji3 VciiKeaicc When Coagress HceU A Utah-Delegate HeirfgMU WAjHiKaroM.

May -The Penrsylvs.aia who are here are in a it air of 'juuuS to-day over rumors -of. n.w plana with refetenca to ofilce distribu- tion on pari; of tha president and hi cab.cet ai vI- ms. Its-ferns that the cabmct cfii'-pr hire ivea tho cofferers from tha pre ddent'a order in which ho refused to see further oMceseeker. The aspirants for instead home, as he re-cmniordod them to simply turned rcuad and their Attention to beel jlng the under width they desire- nypoiutaieots. Tic roaulV this has been'- that tijft cabinet aluce the famous onU of Monday har been oyerwhoimad itb ajiull from Member of -congress fci.U ollieesewicei-s.

Ho they are beginning urjt the- rv-i to a fct-il! farther chango of Rill not only relievo iheni of. the pressure from jpiesiibors of coo cress, but relieve members of congres from tho I resur t'ce part of tho peopia. Tho plan by wj-jicb; it is proposed to brluj thJa about is a. boli one. Xt take the ball by arjci inform coi: gross men tftat thlr a-lvice the matter of appoiBt-ii -eur vill be oniled for when -wanted, and is sat desired cnli-as it is sUed for.

This ould be put in tbo fortu of. a statement cabinet ofScers aud! president find the odric wbicb they are receiving i'roni congressmen not only without eoOt but absolutoiy disadvantageous, as it take up vas aitiount of 'time without, giving aay real information iu the way that It, bi vented- So to obviate ibis the pronosf-tioR tlt-it the congressinea bo respectfully ro-itmsted'to s.iapeud ruHceilaneous recotn-menclattons ir. persoTt, make their endorsements in jtiir ia favor of tbeir favorite men and in the presllent or cabinet oncers want further information they will call upon tiitm. This vould relieve the cabinet of the annoyance of a long pfocajsioo cf visitors whom' they are now receiving day after day and relievo the oi of the ntscessiny of going with con-etlt uei.ts to introduce them and tal.c about their Case's. "VVhilcj tl.

is plan jnfgl be accepted without wuok'saie legislative il uaapren gorany, in certaia maivtauai where It has oeen aoplied it iiasdevel-ope-t con.sifh.r it 'e friction aua warmth of temper. Tne mbrs with country post-cttices are not pierced tin prospect of to be ealJed on for information, and about ould-bo postmasters. This jjubjoct bf posfaiScos was rhar caused quife a. ilvefv ouartei between lintll." Mr. Sipa had been invittd ti make i to fill racanes, but after ho plied ti cases wen pigeon-holed, and r.o aueticn was paid to tlio This treatment naturally mane him angty, and he called upon the postmaster gf-neral To iu vestigate.

Mr. Bi3eU received him with irritating Jslv. the tprieilne for him just what inonenco a const endorsement would Lave in acquest, whether it would secure tha appointment or not, Mr. lllpeil replied that it would depend entirely upon th person endorsed. Mr.

8ine contend tu thattlus was cot fair. Ho then ak whether, ii; he recomrceuded an appointment to ii 11 a vacancy ia response to a rv.jiieafc from the if tnat would Mr. Ssseii replied In the negative. "We to iea-m all can about we will welcome your lr. Iitssell, coldly.

Which Hftam," retorted "that toy" recommendations win simply, go in monr others and recei ve no more consideration than they. If that, is the-case I shall niaKc, no mere recommendations, ana, moreover, when my advice, is -q nested, as it his beun -already by your coto to in regard pystoftiift aopointme'ats, I snalt throw your commuaicationb in the watte i.t vet. Th-i ood-pouad snccessor of John 'W ana-maker eyed him for a moment, asj i lin said siarcasUcaUy 'Oh. how h.ig Jaa'v you been a 'Long en'mch to know what ray duties sttJ hat. yours are, replied Mr.

Ho. 1 to understand that vou Canr.t-c huU.U.'w thh department. angriiy -M." KUK lui feet and shaking bis finger in face. lr. Sine stiid: 'A hen con vnea tfiCre will bo poui.ce coram! if e.

xua i -sriau secure the lufe relation tiesiro thciurh that corntnitteo f.ud yo will it. i.i'i'Y'riivi;T(; rip more success in the aariuifjral. A revolution L-i-; reouot-m tho ecwinment icrorvish.m of CttUift st ll.o Eat. liberty fctfR-: 1uje vetoed. Mc- dt ore re-m and ji'.

Don is, 'sa I tJt-o! cs "inipr in 1. Ive.rris in -lbs to r-3acu WaMdnai-un. lie Is j. visiro'r hetdq.aart-ers. Mr.

Kvari is Candida in- CJleciov O. W. Miller's jdacu ruvi.Ui said to be well en- A result of a. with Vresldent Dclegata Jolw l- Rawlins of L. bun lale rt i i.bod to iov.

Vit, reaf--- i in The marrel 'as over b.d lu-Utaii, of federal patron-and Is that hot wor tier wreatue two attd that tbfre was c.xcdirjf Mr. Ihiwiini tho presmco' rocr.i his face was hushed and ho wns iahorliig -u'nder great eseitemenv. XCiOajo Kawrrs had had two or three previous with nrcsldent and bo made rtcomnjb'ftdatioiis or Lis territ-irvv lie camo to se act on X' r.1 Cicveland wns eoi ng to tace in tfese and he wan -fortunate enngu to hji-vo a prtvat? conleronee wf.n, tlie rreult nt. He discovered, as oth-p i-winvtmert; aim short and Intimated ctn-rperaoBK and other interests roprehented- by Mr. Uawlins hie wo -atd have to he consul id.

iV be-deleirate'a temper hau tswcjn r. oused. and. although tne nredcent budhr1plyrtoh.i him whaBhohan told to all of congress Mr: li iwlin gave It ht.p.moo taut his.rmTOendations should ca rymor. One Word led to atother A warn was not- to tNkin niti.

Utah nitirv and ptiii ties' he could find ome cd eise c.os'.f.uit went at to tbe telegraph inirau to the sovernor The jarTAlrhasteai.sedagocd deal of excitement prong thos ccngresfc-m-n to whom it has he-ca-me kiM-wn. and opinion; r.r divided as to tbs merits of tfce case. MIHtd Tivo With t-C. Warren f. aged 7, suicide here ty.

shooting through taw head with a His daughter JCmiiia, T.h a. fryljv'r. pteveed. her d-jzi' th ttt revjoivtCt the buii in hr iiiuuioei or eoggt As'liave discovered hefore mm, that Pvoaiaeni Clevolai haa his own t.ewson thesnyeet of appointnients. iHC- T- A a

sf fabled Uai bad been tjinsrofi the table nr-d. jamming it.siivalv on tils beau. rol sa A Severe Arralcninent of tiie World Fair Musical HI rector. CmcAQO, May 12. After two v.ceks of hard work the committee, investigating ibc misunderstandings In the bureau of muic, last ovetiing maJe a reptirt to tha cational ccrimission to tne effect that Sir.

Thomas usef ulness as musical director bad ended, anf, that harmony 5u that department re-ni'lrsd the bis services oe dispersed with. The repc rt is a most set ere of Thomas and his methods of conducting the bureau of music It fearful to Chief Harpist who vr)Asa to a local firin of musical instru ment man ufacturers tuat be would play on Uivir harps for a bonos of SI, OOu a year. Schneeicer iu his testimony admitted. Jog mace me propesi'icn. Mr.

Tnomas denied feeing lu anyway connected with any hou-eT-iifcased in seilin? or manufacturing musical instruments. also lea any knowiedg of Sehnecker' pionosition. but admitted that artists Died Iwuusos or pav for'eAploitlrg instruments, but tins was nof.e of his uusmcss. It was shown lhat Director Gcr.eral Davis had no-tiied Tlionias net to make engagement? with persons who were under obligation to use instruments by Ixotwitnatanvling this Mr. Thomas has placed sn th music hall and piayed at the concerts the pianos of anon-exhibiting ilrm, ard tho program fsf tut are coticerts is arranged that it practically excludes pianos of all exhibitors This favoritism has been carried to the uso of organs and harps, as the evidence conclusively shows.

Prnf. Thomas was appointed by Uirector-G'eufral lavis ut tha instance and request of the exposition company, and he Is therefore, responsible- vo Mr. Lravis. The committee concludes: "Tula together with a larsro nart of the vidence that time and space forbid us to include in a brief report, but which sustains tho foregedng, lead your committee to the conclusion. "Vour committee reiterate the former expression of tnis commission tliat oo piano not exhibited for award Bhould be vised in music or choral hall during the fair.

That tho usefulness of Prof. Thomas at the head of the bureau of music of the 'World's Columbian exposition is so impaired that ir our judgment lis services should be further dispensed witb. and that we recommend that the director general be Instructed to request his resignation. A TRAMP BO.ISTEW OIL. Tlia Xrein Tumbled Off a Treitlo, Coctlns Probably Lives.

PaksessbtjRO, W. Ya. May 12. The twenty-first car of train No. 15 on tho Ohio Elver railroad jumped the track on the 303-foct trestle over Walker's creek, six miles below.

The was made up of 30 cars of oil and merchandise, nine, cars and the caboose went off the txestlo and dowrl a fall of feet. Five of these cars carried which took' are from the caboose lights, and fired the big trestle, burnmg 236 f6t of it and ali the nine cars. A tramp named Sutnoc, of Irorton, O. who was stealing a rice, was caught la the wreck and roasted to death before tho eyes of the trainmen, who were unahlo to rescue him. Another tramp named Weber, from the same place, was fatally burned ami three others fatally injured.

None of th trainmen were seriously hurt Conductor Ernst wtdiowed through oil knee deep and saved the life of his brother, a brake man, who was pintoncd under tho caboose, and whom he. dug out juat before tfce burning oil could teach nim. 4 The Naming oil covered the streaming down the creeks, destroying trees, and everything, id it path. It will tako-several days to rebuild the trestl ana In tiae meantime passengers are being transferred, lmt rp freight train? are being run. When Button's remains we? taken out tbey were unrreognizable.

Weber ran to a residence near the wreck and, crazed wita pain, jumped into a bed and fired the clothing In endeavoring to put out his own burning Tiiecauio of the accident is said to have been a broken axle. SCTa UK BAN RAPID TKAKftrXV A Contx-act A-irurded for Kew JTIotorn and (art. The Suburban Ttapid Transit company is making arrangements to extend the lino to connect the South Side wita White HaiL The Westinghous Electric Co. was ayarded accntract yesterday for a number of 30-horse power motors for the new cars. The contracting Qrru guaranteed that the cars be equipped to run up South Eighteenth street and the Brownsville road at the speed of 10 miles an hour.

8ix new cars have been purchased, which will make 13 cais all tuat the co.npany put on the road for tha summerls business. In this connection tho citizens of that portion of the city and township are determined to boom their locality this summer. They malt the claim that While Hall is nearer tlm heart of the city and within as convenient ecces u.i Scbenley park 3nd is a desirable resident section. T-revtit Suit. A bill dn equity was filed yesterday by Margaret Borland againstMrs.

Mart a 1 inn. her to restrain her rom entering an ejectment suit. The platnll-il states that she owns a property at Tweifthj and Pike streets. Mrs. Flira formerly owned rtn interest, but her chare was sold at sheriffs sale and was bought in by Mrs.

Borland. Mrs. Flinn has entered suit twice before to recover her interest, and wa twice non-suited. tho now threatens a third action- Cori iiurtainiuent, A lerary and musical entertamrnent will bglvon by Ool. William H.

Moojy C. No. 22, on Thursday e.venhig. May at Orana Army hall, Mt. Waidngtoi.

Tiie ciwwus wi.i bo -applied to the benefit of the home under the control of tho Vvotnau's Relief covpj. N'trJS. A. M. SwArtTz.sptv;:al agent of the lire ther-hood of Carpenters, states that tho award--ing of the contract for the.

erection of the Curneg'e library to llonry hemi raeets with tho approval of organized lat.or, 'Ths Adonis' Iron company, of Pittsoi-rar, wiil and operate at Jaitsburg. Indiana, county, with a capacity of 100 tons of steel a day. The Pittsburg Hc-at-ii-g supply company is also building works acd will empioy V50 men. The K. of 1, p'enic at Silver gror, on June premises to the largest gatu--eil iir of t'ne Ulna beht for years.

It hs desired to raise a iacse sum of, ir-cney to XtiQ 'arrow th ct the organization, and thcusandsof friends ef tho order will heap poalod to buy tickets for th picnic. A fPECTAl. dispatch from (-'evela id vs: The Cnrnecle tteei eompanjr has just closed a deal for 4i 0, OOJ tons ot from tha Nor-rid miECa. The price paid is much lower than usual, being per ton ajairst fi.i'O last year. to transport tise greater part of it to this city at ier tou have been chartered.

The anaaal report, of the Westirighouse Fleetric and Manufacturing oojapany was made public yesterday by tho preiidemt, Georue Westinghouse, Jr. One the most interesting features. of the report is the announcement i hat the directors have decidsd to erect extensive work at WUmerding at a cost of not more than $00. Ouo. Vxcr.

Wispom, of th Molders has arranged tiie threateBel strike of lb molder ot the Witherow plant, at New-Castle The tiroi promises io pay the Pittsburg seale in a hort time. The trouble that had dovcfor at tho Marqn's Urnn.Ntono quv.rries. whern the men also ssked foi- an increase of w.iOf nas been adjusted, and there will be no strike. TztK guaranteed cure for all headaches is bottia 10 cLs CrimrvaTSN-s' trimmed sailors afc. lie io- Tailor-Made, won't lose their shape or bag at the knees, $2.50, S3, S4, $5, $6.

Worth from. 5 to 14. Henceforth it will be necessary for advertisers of bargains in Clothing to change their ideas as to what consti tuies a bargain. The ordinary bargain will cease to bo a bargain when compared. with the values we -offer.

IN- LOOK At Retail. Notice is hereby given that the entire stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Men's and Boy s' Hats and Men's Furnishing Goods cohtaincd in the stores of the (P. C. G. Conibi nation Clot hi Company bonier Grant and Diamond streets, has been placed on sale and must be-.

turned to cash at once to satisfy the claims of the creditors. SALE MOW And see for yourselves the stylish garments and prices. Come in and quote-this We will net be just out of them, and you will not be shown something different, if thia lias been your experience elsewhere. 3 "rjsun rj S.rseis, KNABLE COOPER, Suc esiors Jno. P.

-ICnable Co. CLEARANCE DRY GOODS MAR3HELU, a r-r. q.oc?3B, Tailoring Department. SUITS TO ORDER itU JrH I -fallen From $15 la $35. Frea $3 to $8.

His narr.e i a wcH JS5 throuehout the United States. lkT, A( 11 on I ttiracles. Ills original HOTEL REDD, P. nr.DI, Formerly cf Charleroi, WHShingiyjn is MTrirsii coui.K op Wabash Avcnas ani Tweifih Strcst, CHICAGO, 1I.L. rptlE contains ICOrotims.

which have JL beon linihed In tbe mc-t ccmplete ra7, having not an.i rA i water, heated Py Heaic, gas and eiectri'-r- Uzat2 and bells, bans ani v. e. oacfh i-siotT hciclt i)UUa1nfr, I.vun.-d near uu boii lines cjble elevated frrd iilt.v!i (ep tral depots, direct to Vt'oro' fair: for Lskt 8horo; I-i V. Cen tral, Fig Four, C. St.

Oldcago 43 West R. K's, and boa -line with In 5 ralnuica of the hotl. Fare on ail bora road, direc'-lv into the Fair gronr.i, 5c li A DTf FOR OCCUPANCY AIUUL xJo. Rooms: SI. 03 Per Day anJ IOE EACH Socure your'i,,.

immdiatoiy by writing to the I-NOUiilJ CAli miicb ail ot deisfor rootvs to uro their bsiVg hCiJ xhjch be duly credited to pu ties on their 'ifri vah MARVIN P. RZDDt Cor. Avenue and Twelfta Str-t C11ICACU, iLlj. 4I4Mirir.P SALLER, Coror Sjyithield and ihamoad ta, scilptions in the has.d of hts A. BaAhlli, woo luiea over oi mi T.JTtC FIT eCKK frt AfUtfjt SC Tits Bieen, jitrmi Katot, i 1.PJJ fAT KKR IX Sit, will cars CafUYh, Rl.J.OO TFa, wilt torv tlrk lia.tuk, Pwiff HKtd.

J5 Tho above and ail hl3 othr oiecdemes will be sent exprfss paid receipt of priee, If your druggist can't furnish them. Cure gtiaraatsrsd or money refunded. Jlctie genvdna without- my name ou each package. Stud for boox. frs, descrlblca his et chronic diseases.

A. i KAWUlLhs Ailetihecy, Pa. rai an cappi Corner ThoA Pit cairn. Attorney No. 91 Diamond st "VJOTICE IS 'HtllEUy GIVEN THAT AS JL3( applicatlia wiii he made to the cor-ercorof Pennsylvania on Tuesday, JaneC, 18i3.

under tho ct of assi'mbly'providtng "or the incorporation and regulation of certain approved April 29, -a a 74, ar.d the uppleriuts thereto, bv C. A te-venson. Sain'Ml man, IicrySwif; Frank C. -Saw crs and Joha IS. Fitzgihtons, for the charrer of an intended corporation, to be called the "Oltmaa Land and Ccan the charnirtet and object ct which Is the ccuniui.ttlon a fund by weekiy e-is-tributlons of the mem be vs, thereby securing to them la tour? 'f Ume a cr tn 1 E3 Grant and Diamond LEGAL means to heip them along ia their business, and for these purposes to have, 'possess and enjoy all the bene ats a'ld of tbe said act of assembly, THOS.

O. PIT-CAIIiN. 512it TOTICE T-3 MF.RF.Br OiVEIi THAT letters on the eftato of Cc.x. iPte ol Pittsburg, courtyof. Allegheny ad Kt-itt-e of Pennsyivauia, hav been guarded the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to aid estate ere requested to make Immediate nivmeut.

and th-e navvng Cialms rr demands aiu2st tb sime wll ml.e them krov.Tj ivlthout t.flay.- Xtii; li IsI'USii. CUiH i OF i'llXaiiUBU. txecutr. 41 iiCi SUNDAY dRESS CONTAINS LL THE LATEST FCREiGTi AND COaESTIC NEW FE4-. TWR8, ADDED VECKLYi I.

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