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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 8

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


I GENT A WORD would be given them to pack up their traps and get out. Some few took beed to the order and departed, others declared their intentions of remaining and defying the league. Finding that they were not going to meet with tbe overwhelming success tbey anticipated, the members apparently decided on a new issue and concluded to attack the owners of property. Since the circular was issued it was announced that both inmates and property owners won be included in the crusude. It was also claimed that the membership hud been HOUSES.

LET-Harbaugh 652 Homewood ava 6-room frame bouse at reduced rent; 8 rooms, new brick, modern conveuieces; three electric lines and P. li It three minutes' walu. 528ZE1S LET Brick bouse. No. 158 Juniata st, 8 rooms and bath, hot and cold water, both gases.

Inquire of Wm. Daniels, 3 SjiUriojMLliegheny. 813ip rpo Lhl-Jlo the monthly payment on oui wju miuses in central r'lltspurg one square from cable; see ad. to-dav. Jno.

1 sweeny, 0.1 fourth ave. 8i3zur 'U Lhl-hight-rouuied hniwn. liLiinrlrv imui aiso. nve rounm unri three, tinni- .1 pargs. inquire 04 James st, Allegheny.

fel0ut I J.l 1 oUy Ann su near Gist st 3 story brick, 0 rooms, both gases, water, newly papered, 2o per month. DlucU Balrd. 05 urtli ave. 812T 10 43 Marlon house 10 rooms; good order: elegant location for boarding house: rent J30 Inquire 58 Chat nam. HltfMP ri'O LT.l'-Only S00; Oakland; new dwell- A nig, natn and.

moderu imoruvements. (jault Oifiin, 217'Ferguson block 81.iT TO LET 8i-roomed hrjime. Seconfl ward! cheap rent Inquire 40 Montgomery uvc. iieKiieuy. M.iMPT ryo Let Ten roomed and four roomed bouse.

Inquire 259 Federal Alle gheny. 811MP rpo LET-seo Federal st John K. Ewlng 10 for Allegheny houses. 72yb rpo LET-Six-roomed brick Congress st. house.

No. 812MT BOOMS. rpo LET Two first-class rooms on second floor, used as nirlnr nnd sleenlns-room: hum-room on same lloor: IVnn ave. near Sixth gentlemen only need apply. Ad- i-ess A.

II. box 717, city. 81 S13MP rpo LET One largo front room, nicely furnished: also a large connecting room; will rent together or sincl front room suit able for 3 or 4 gents; rooms kept in good oruer. ioouruost rpo LET In liellovue. a rooms.

unf ur- nished, in with private family; handv to electric road and also to F.W. 4 O. it. It. Inquire of J.

II. Dawson, Lincoln lielluvue. 8IO0 fpO LET Flats on Fourth ave, near Mar-X 4 nice rooms ou first or second floor; water, good cellar; rent 820; nicely rapered and painted. Black Balrd, 05 i'ourth ave. 8O0 fpo LET Small furnished front room, suitable for single gentleman; all conveniences: five minutes from Smltbfield st rent f7.

332 Fifth ave. 813mp X) LET Flat of three desirable communi cating rent rooms unstairs: balls urn- shed and cleaned: S13: best location. 10 Vine, cor. Colwoli sts. 813mp rpo LET 4 small communicating rooms on second floor, furnished or unfurnished.

for light housekeeping; water, gas, etc. 129 hj no ave. biimt" rpo LET-Three rooms and bath: second floor; housekeeping; thorough order. Apply Bureau ot Exchange, 127 Fourth ave. 813MP rpo LET Nicely furnished front room; one JL or two gentlemen.

00 North Diamoud st, near Carnegie Library. Allegheny. rpo LET Choice rooms, two squares from ave with or 1 enn on Highland without board. Call 620 Penn ave. 812.MY rpo bET-120 Locust su, Allegheny, large front room, finely furnished, gentlemen only; references required.

88MU rpo LET Kodrns communicating furnished complete for Housekeeping. 228 La- cock st. Allegheny City. 812MU IO LET Furnished rooms; rent very (., Alle 813MP gheny. Board if desired.

"Hi LET Two elegantly furnished rooms, for ngnt nouseKeepmsr. 14, 1'opiar st Allegheny. 80mu rpo LET Elegantly furnished front rooms with nrst-class table board. 32 Arch st. Allegheny.

813MP rpo LET Rooms and apartments for fur niture storage. Ilaugh Kecuan, 33 Water st. 813uzdjr rpo LET Four Till, Warren nice rooms, $9. Robert st, Nunnery Hill, Alle- 810MO ghony. rpo LET Furnished room; private family.

151 Locust st, between Mageo and Stev enson. 813MZDFT Xi LET Furnished front room contain ing cooking stove and ater. 31 Trunk- I 111 St. 812.MY rpo LET Furnished rooms with use of bath rent reasonable. 50 Chatham st.

city LET Furnished rooms within 10 min utes walk of courthouse. 4.J8 Hfth ave. 8Ml LET Furnished rooms, suitable for gentlemen; private family. 309 Hfth ave. siiMT" 10 LET Three unfurnished rooms, rea sonable; bath, range.

120 Center ave. 813MP "10 LET Rooms furnished or unf urnished with board. 205 North Allegheny. 812XIY IO LET Furnished roonw for housekeep ing; rent reasonable. 80 Mxth ave.

813MY IO LET Furnished rooms, 447 between Seneca and Jumonville st 8 9 MO LET Furnished front room; uso of bath; both guses. 33 Race st. 812M.IZOFJZO 1 10 LET-rLorge furnished front rooms, central. 84 Ohio Allegheny. 813MY LET Rooms, furnished or unf ur- 88M(! nished.

139 Wylie ave. rpo LET Two cheerful rooms. Water, attic. 143 East Allegheny. IO LET Furnished front room.

51 Mont gomery Allegheny. 8I3.MP LET Furnished room, with bath. 63 Liberty st, Allegheny. X) LET Nlcelv furnished room for gen tleman. 430 Forbes St.

813MP 10 LET Furnished rooms for bousekeep. tug. 400 Drantst. 813MP MJ LET Four rooms front 130 Alpine 8HMO Allegheny. IO LET-'J; 3 rooms.

Apply 15 Lacock 80MZPV.IO Allegheny. X) LKT-Furnished from up. 812MY o39 tirtint st. X) LET-Furulshed rooms. 2 Fountain 812MY st city.

BUSINESS STANDS. rpo LET Federal st store, Allegheny, No. 128; tiest location ou thest. now occupied as dry goods store Apply to Thornton 109 Allegheny. 813mp 1 X) LET An excellent and only photo gallery In town; population between threo and four thousand.

Apply to F. 8. Thompson, Cbarleroir, Pa. 81)mu MI8CKLLAN ejcts. rpo LET Until further notice the Allfl-JL gheny branch office of the Press at 30 West Diamond will he kept open until 9 'ciock Saturday evenings.

X) LET Padded vans for moving furni ture. Ilaugh keenan, 33 Water st. 813mzd.hi IX) LET Small Allecrojiv. stable 09 Taylor avn 70n 1'EESONAu. JEKSONAL- "What's the if vou ouy of us it's fully 50 percent saved; all best warranted sewing machines 5 to 3o, cash or time; any make repaired satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, sewing Machine Exchange, 17 Diamond st, Pittsburg.

813p PERSONAL If you call at 11. T. Ualey's, X. 172 bird he win sell you furniture and carpels on time at 10 per cent cheaper than any cash house in the two Cities. 1 KSt IN A t' til furthernotlcotbe Alte-gheny branch office of tlio Press at 39 West Diamond will bo kept open until 9 o'clock Saturday evenincs.

I 1EKSON al 1 lrst-ciass noon dinners at JL Library place dining-room. cor. Nor'h Diamond and Federal Allegheny; uncal 813mp 1)ERS(3naL-A home In central. Pittsburg at $15 per mouth; see ad ta-day. John F.

Sweeny, 08 Fourth ave. St.tzoT TjEKSON AL Ladles wishing artisticdressj making done, enn ave, Stewart 813MP SOBSX9 AVO cow. F)K 8ALfcCheapOno very stylish, speedy driving and saddle horse, buggy nd harness; also a light horse, suitable for express business or buggy, aud one doctor's buggy in use only 8 months; made in this city; the above have to be sold within 10 days and will be sold cheap. Address Bargain, Press omce. 813mp 1.XR SALE Fast young trotting horse; fearless and sound; can be bought low; pedigree furnished nnd opportunity to try granted.

William Williams, rear 84 Iffliie-wood ave. Hazlewood, Pittsburg, 813sip and harness, gheny. -A horse, covered wagon 147 Federal st, Alio-812VY 1J -s. cur horse and wagon with steady hauling. Address 55.

Press 813MP ot d. MISCELLANEOU8. IOR f-ALE Hods; steel and wooden hods, trowels, bricklayers, plasterers, stono-masons, tllelayers and slaters' tools. John Morrison, 230 Fifth avo two blocks from courthouse, general hardware. 85zph 1 jioli SALE Until further notice the Al-' leglieuy branch office of the Press at 39 West Diamond will be kept open until 9 o' clock Saturday evenings.

T70R SALE One hundred feet or more eight-Inch Hue fining; will sell cheap. Can be seen at Anton Trent, Jr, 40 ton Plltshurg, fa. 813MP SA i.E Choke Delaware peaches on sale every day from car in panhandle vard. tirsntr. McFndden Colvln HI mpv BUSINESS BREVITISS.

rpUE numbers of all and the location of many of the fire alarm slations of the city have been changed; Call at tho business office of tho Press for a corrected list 878 UNTIL further nonce tho Allegheny branch office of the Press at 30 West Diamond will be kept open until 9 o'clock Saturday evenings K1 ERsLAKE SMITH, carpenters aud builders: all kinds of Jobbing and house repairing. 225 Allegheny ave. 719m vnt IBRARV place dining-room, cor. North iJISi Diamond and Federal sts. Allegheny; tako elevator; (meal tlcketsi.

813MP rpitUNKS hauied to and from East End for 50 cents. Campbell Davis, No. 12 Seventh ve telephone 276 73v I) OV or frame buildings raised, turned J'itlvJV or moved. John Eiclileay, Thirty-n rst ward, Pittsburg. 119n PATENTS" Fifth a Levis, solicitor, 131 ave.

next Leader, Pitts-85MP1I burg, Pa. F1KK -Wm. A. Zaun, fire insurance, 60 Fourth sve Telenhone 706 30n LOST. OST Friday evening from basket 7 laundry a Una white skirt: was lost be- treen Omega st and Shady ave.

by way of Station st. and Highland ave. Suitable reward if returned to 205 Shady East 812ky LOST-But found at II. T. Gaiey' 17'J Third ave.

the most reasonable place in the two cities to buy furniture and carpets, either cash or credit 624jzis OST Until further notice the Allegheny branch otllce of the Press at 39 West Diamond will be kept open until 9 o'clock Saturday evenings. LOST Tbe rent you pav; put It In your own home: at $15 per month; sea ud. to-day. JohnF. Sweeny, 68 Fourth ave.

813Z0Y OST On Fifth ave. cable car, pocket-J book containing small amount money and papers: reward at 24 Sixth st. LOsT Bunch keys near Diamond alley! Please return to Press oilico, Allegheny. 8 13m pt TOST-Gold watch and fob; nt Press office. reward.

Leave SlO'r FOUND. jXiUND You need wait, 110 longer; prices are now at the lowest: nil best war ranted sewing machines, $.) to J35, cash or time; best high-grade, five-drawer oak, with all the latest steel attachments, $22 to $35; any make repaired for $1. Sewing Machine exchange, 17 Diamoud Pittsburg. 813P ITIOUND-Until further notice tho Alle-! gheny branch office of the Press at 3H West Diamond will bo kent oneu until 9 o'clock Saturday evenings. LjXJLND An easy way to get house In central Pittsburg: jl5 per month; see ad.

to-day. John Sweeny, 68 Fourth avo. 813ZPY IjXJl'ND Largo vans for moving. Ha-ugh ft Keenan, 33 Winer st STRAYED. STRAYED Or stolen from rear of OI Penn avo.

on tho 8th, a French poodle, an swers to name Topsy, white, with brown hairs on back and ears; liberabreward for return to above tiutnlier. C05TS A PENNY A word to advertise in the PRESS. Tell tbe public about your goods through the "Want" columns and your success commercially is assured. ake your wants known and you will no longer want. It is an easy matter to advertise and just as easy to get business or have your wants supplied it you use the classified columns of the PRESS.

COSTS ONE CENT A WORD. TO LET: Two furnished second-story front rooms, separate or together, situated on Botjuei near Wllraot, Oakland. Also connecting parlors on first floor, ua furnished; suitable location for a doctoti rent reasonable; immediate possession. W. COLE.

621EJZS 81 Diamond el HOtTBSJ. FOR A LE Houses Houses Houses The cheapest and best terms in tbe city at Greenfield; prices and terms to suit tb times; $200 down, balance same as rent; these houses have every modern convenience, city water, all sewered, bath rooms, inside w. both gases, pantries, streets all graded, some paved, trees planted, etc. the property adjoins Scbenley park at the Zoo gardens and nevr.race track; electric cars fane you to the door; onlv 20 minutes' ride from postoffice; a few houses remain unsold; these extraordinary easy terms are made to close them out; great care has been takon In selecting purchasers; don't wait: buy now and be your own landlord; take Second ave. electric cars or li.

O. It. fare 5c, nnd see for yourself. Agent always at Green-field, orsee Peter Shields, 533 Grant st 813p TT'GRTa LE X1 $500 cash, Balance $03 per month, New Queen Anne frame; Contains 0 rooms, reception Hall, bath and attic, Hardwood mantels, 'Tile hearths, Front and rear porches: Lot 50x150; Near electric cars; Immediate possession. Key, at John K.

Ewiug Co. 's, 107 Federal 812JZDT J13 per month; people are resuondine and buving ttie one square from the cable, 15 minutes from P. rijfnt id tho heart of Pittsburg; nico laying lot, healtbfuljnice neighbors; charming borne; we mean all tbe above; dou't go out in the Belds, woods or perpendicular hills for homes; keep handy to your work; neat new bouse of four rooms (can be made tive) hall, stone cellar, city water, front porch, grates, bouse back 20 feet from street; big back yard to alley; Ibis will suit you. John r. Sweeny, 68 Fourth ave.

813ziY only to quick buyer 2 who wants a bargain of a new 6-room frame house, with hall, vestibule, bath, range, hot and cold water, slatu mantel, tile hearths, front porch, ood cellar, nicely terraced lot, situated ono square from Pcrrys-ville uvo. electric Hue; this property is worth 82,200 and will be offered for a short time only at the low price of $1, 800. See W. J. Beckfeld, No.

87 Ohio Allegheny. IDlt SALE Houses; a remarkable olfer; -A- ior jjuu casn, oaiance easy, you can secure one of those splendidly built, choice nouses, wiiu every modern convenience and narnisomeiy papered on ono of trie nuest streets In Shady Side; thero Is notning ueiiertnan this on the market to day, bee llaliett about this; 80 Diamond st. 813u J.OR SALE-Shady Side, away be-2 low the piarket value; new frame dwelling of 9 rooms, bath, two w. cabinet mantels an tnrough, double parlors, both gases, chandeliers, two stairways, laundry; bouse must be sold at once. Gltll'n.

217 Ferguson block. 813ZDY IrOR SALE Lot 30x81 feet, on which is erected a 2-story frame dwelling of six rooms and finished attic; all modem conveniences; neur car line; situated In tbe Roup station district. (2-38) Piper Clark, No. 131 F'ourth ave. 614eizdfjcn 1710 SALE 3-room house, $600; 4-roorn house, 6-room bouse, $1, 400; 6-room house, all stone cellars: in suburos, rapid transit; easy monthly pay ments.

145 ourth ave. 88mo JTVJR Is cheap for a neat, five-room frame, with stone foundation, water and lot 20x100ft. on Dickson, near 33d st convenient to three cars. D. Bnhmi Sou, 4112 Penn are.

813p 1jX)R SALE Good 6-room house on Meadow st. E. All conveniences: also a 40-foot lot and 25xl40-foot lot; price for ail $4. 800 and $1, 000 cash; good Investment. Address Owner, Press office.

813MP IriOR 100; see It; No. 430 Cedar st near Liberty ave; neat frame house; four rooms, kitchen, cellar, water; tot 20x v. son, 411 roun ave. snip jXR SALE E. E.

7-room house: all modern conveniences; In good location: will sell cheap ou easy terms. Address 56, Press office. 813mp 1rOli 1,050, a home in central Pittsburg at S15 uer month: see ad. to day. JohnF.

Sweeny, 08 Fourth ave. 813ZDY nOR same as rent: 5-room house ou Robinson Allegheny. Hnv- der Wliite, 147 Fourth ave. 812Y EEAL ESTATE. SALE A lot In Shady Side at $15 per foot discount; the former price was low, this makes It a bargain; it is an elegant building lot; If you want a nice place for a home call and see about this.

(77). I-'or Sale If you want a bargain this is worth looking up; It is a house and lot well located in the East End on a good street; lot where both frontages can be utilized; though assessed for $5,500 owner will sell for one-half cash, balance to suit, or will tako unencumbered reuity for about one-half 01 tho purchase price; houso old but brings $00 per month rent. (110). For Sale $900 cash and $1,800, payuble $26 per mouth, including Interest, will buy a nice six-room house on a Hue lot in tho Highland park district of the East End; property is cheap at who wants it? (37), Donriiston, Elderkiu Co. 6232 Penn ave.

telephone 5327. SIIizdt 1 TVjR SALE Or Trade-Improved-and unimproved property; East End, llrushton and Wilkinsburg a specialty. G. W. Wilson 75 Fraukstown ave.

E. SozcEiil FARMS. FOR SALE-W111 trade farm for city or suburban property. 1156, Press. 813mp BU81NR93 CHAWOSJ.

SALE Or exchange for unencum T7I0R X1 eery, china, glass uud hardware, and butter, egg and cheese stores; all paying; good reasons for selling, snyder Wliite, 147 Fourth ave. 812y ITiO It 8 ALE Barber shop with three chairs aud doing a good business; best location in the town; goed reason for selling; going to leave town. Address 55, Press office. 810MY SALE- -A grocery store doing a good rent ill sell cheap. busincss; good reasons for selling.

Address Wesley, l'ii olttce. 810MU joR SALE-Or will trade for city prop- pcrty, attrst-class bottling works, doing good business. Address 50, Press office. 811 MT ITfOR SALE Flfrti ave. copying houso X1 (portraits): splendid store and trade: price $300.

Address Chance, Press office. 8131IP TTIOR SALE Or exchange, one of the best paying grocery stores in Allegheny. Snyder A White, 147 Fourth ave. 812Y XTfOlt SALE Or exchange for lot; tin and 2 hardware store; will Invoice $500. Sny der 4 White.

147 Fourth ave. 812v ITXJR 8 ALE First-class clirar, news and 2 notion store. No. 1210 Perm ave. near Union Price, $700.

80mezh JX)R SALE-Plumbing establishment do-XI log good business outside oi city. Address R. 11 Press olfice. 812mt 17OR SALE Saloon, clioao for cash Ad- L2 dress Bar, Imperial hotel. Steubenvllle.

Ohio. 8IIM11 PURNITtKS AND H0U8KH0LD HFFMCTS. rioR SALE-20 double-dcckor Iron cot beds, witti woven-wire mattresses; in good condition. Apply at once at No. 15 Old Newsboys' homo.

321 SALE-AM kinds of household goods to De sold for storage. Pennsylvania Storago Co 98 First ave. 813MZIMR TjXR SALE-Vor $50 Fine autlque oak folding bed; Press office. Address B. 82 17X)R walnut plush parlor suit Adtiress 7.

55, Press ollice. I.XHt 50 Kitchen dress A 66, Press otiiea. stove Ad- 813MP BICTCLKS. KT3. FOR SALE-lleavy cushioned safety.

30-Inch; tools and beli: a perfect wheel and great bargain. 359 Webster Pittsburg. Si'UEZY jXR SALE A $85 wheel, good us new, $00; cyme quick. 101 Knox Knox- ville. 813mp CARRIA3SJ Alio SALE Vehicles; headquarters for 2 ail kldds at Robinson Bros.

corner Second ave. and Wood st 813mp DOOi. finely bred Irish setter T7IOB SALE-SIx weaned. J. D.

Caddiok, Center, near PerrysvUle Allegheny. 81011X21 KOOMS. ANTED Young married couple would It like room and board In private family; terms. Address M.C. V.

Press ofJlce. 8D1MP 1 ANTED Young married couple desire IV two or threo furnished rooms for light faousekeenine; state full particulars. Ad dress Press ollice. K13MC ANTED Married couple wish unfur nished room convenient to Perm and Tenth s's. no housekeeping.

Address Press olHcc. 1 ANTED Two or three unfurnished room, centrally located, in a business block preferred. Wad, Press ollice. tUIlMF Al ANTED i urnished rooms, i'i per wecK, witn an convenience aim li, i- 1 i .1.1.. 1 .11 i.

1 '1 lees. as .7 I h-suiiiiip. oi.jr Ay ANTED-Two or three unfurnished rooms; E. Liberty preferred. Address (i 55, Press ofiice.

SliiMT occupant roa Kooaii. TAN'l ED Gentleman for furnished front room; private family; no chil dien Addr dren: every convenience; board if desired. Address 52, Press office. 813MP 7 ANTED Unfurnished room and board for gentleman, wife arid child, ten minutes walls from posloillce; state price Address 50, Press omce. SRIilP ANTED Occupants for threo fieautlful hou bath papered; both gases; use of dry.

243 Dinwiddie st. and hi' laim- 'M A7 ANTED Occupant for one furubhed arid one large front unf urnished room; private iamliy. JO st Allegheny BKlMPt lf ANTED-Occuparits for an TT furnished front room, with be elegant, troaru; pn-Oakland. vate family. 144 Mcyrau ave 7 ANTED Occupants for nicely fur TT nlshed rooms, also hall room.

205 federal Allegheny, comer North ave. 81lMTt ANTEJi Oi-eupa-ifs for nicely TT nished rooms 111 Oakland; splendid fur- lo. cation. Address ou, l'ress omce 813MP A 17 ANTED-Occupants for nicely fur-T nished room, second floor, with use of bath. 107 Forbes avo.

813MY Ay AN 1 ED Occupants for pleasant front tt room; gentleman partner, front room, 700 Duquesno way. 713mp A17 ANTED Two voung gentlemen TT room and board iu private family. 50, Press office. 813MP WANTED for an elegantly furnished room; cheap to right party. 507 Fifth ave.

813MP WANTED Occupants room, with boarding. for furnished 190 Second avo. 813MP A17 ANTED Occupants Neat room with 2 TT meals daily, i week. 508 Fifth ave, 813mp WANTED Occupants for furnished front room. 221 Federal Allegheny.

8WMUt LCDQKEs. WAN'TED-Lodgers, Anchor hotel, Liberty, corner Fourth; lodging, per night, 25c, 35c, 50c; week, 1. 25, $1. 75, $2, $3. 23n ANTED Lodgers at 167 Fifth second floor; beds 15 cents to 35 cents.

104 WANTED-Lodgers Diamond st. 35c, at Windsor hotel, 8 50c per night, 78n BOAJIDEB.4. WANTED -Table boarders; home-made bread, pies and cakes; good board, 83. 50 per week. Address Hoarders, Press ollice, Allegheny.

813.MP ut dining rooms, comer Library Place North Diamond and Federal Allegheny. 813MP Alf ANTED Two gentlemen for room and TT board, f.j per week. 020 Collins ave. East End. WANTED Mealers nnd roomers; also lady roommate.

205 North ave. Allegheny. 812MY A7 ANTED Mealers homebko meals, 21 $3.50.81. 190 ave. 813MP BOARDING, Ay ANTED By two ladles, country board- lug, near city; state terms.

Address It 65, l'ress otiice. 812MY MOKXOAQK8 AND LOANS. WANTED All persons wanting money to call at headquarters; plenty of cash always on hand; application will receive prompt and personal attention. John li. 107 Federal st.

812J.DKU ANTED We have $500, $000, $1,000 to loan on mortgages; Piper Clark, No. 131 310n money wailing. Fourth ave. WANTED Money to loan at lowest rates on Improved city and suburban property. M.

I. Hippie Hi) Fourth ave. OtiJZPTK WANTED Mortgages; quicK loans made. John Iv. 107 Federal st 7oao MUSICIANS.

A17ANTED- Baud of seven pieces, double orchestra: must travel; state salary. Address 50, Press oflleo. 813mo BICYCLES. WANTED-To buy a safety bicycle. Call at 178 Forty-second with machine.

81.1MI' WANTED-Tho World's Fair Pain Relief for every pain and ache, a wonderful tonic, pleasant to the tasie; sample bottle free to any address; agent mate money; one dozen bottles not to be paid for until sold. Dr. MTIliams, No. 3 Koblnson corner Fifth Pittsburg. 810my WANTED Purchaser for latest improved soprano saxaphone, with case; Effet Schaeffer, Paris, make; entirely new; also circular alto born, first-class conditiou; reference Grand Army baud, Allegheny.

Address or cull 39 Mulberry st, Allegheny. k13mp ANTED Until further notice the AKe- gheny branch office of Die Pres- at39 West Diamond will be kept open 9 o'clock Saturday evenings. until ANTED Everyone to Know that T. YV Gale), 172 Third will sell vou 510 worth of furniture and carpets for Jl down and 50 cents each week. 004jzin ViTa I D-8 1 lo biiroTumel glass all TT slues, in exchange for one too heavy, or purchase if cheap, oitice.

'Address 01, l'ress 810.mii ANTED To sell an old-fashioned splnnlg wheel. Address h. 50. Press Office. 81 2 MP 1 ANTED- llousehe (t; about two rooms; Press office.

Kl -IMP must I'e iind. 50 MEETINGS. OTICE-Venus castle No. 201, K. O.

E. he sir knights of this castle are re quested to meet at hall, No 81 Fourth on Sunday, August 13, at 10:30 sharp to attend the the funeral of our late brother, W. P. Kichle. Members of sister castles are fraternally Invited to meet with us, ALEX.


of U. 8 13 Ml- M1 EM HEMS OF 1'ITTSHf'KG COUNCIL No. 117. Jr. O.

U. A. are reoucsted lo meet at i Sixtn Sundav, Aug. 13, 1803, at 12:30 r. M.

to attend tho funeral of our late lirotfier, W. P. Kichle MILLMi E. WALTEUS, Councilor. II.

U.WyMSLEY, Hecording Secretary. 810.MT A A. OF 1. AND 8. W.

-Members ot lodges on strike from Carnegie's Twen-ly-nlnth and Thlrty-ihtrd street mills are requested to meet at Eintracbt hall, Monday, August 14, at 7 p. m. important luisi-ries. ChiilrriiH') Advisory Moird. xllviY HCTEL.

TJAKK PLACE HOTEL. Sewlckley, 1 mln-Jl ute's walk from ftatlou, open all year. It. 8. Mckclvy, i'roprietor.

Telephone 3ii. Sewicklev. 810.mi ITflNANCIAL- 1' ciijen and Money to loan on raort- ana marketable securities: and no delays. Faust, Masten -200 and Sliadv sve. K.

7ZfFX EDTJCATIONAL. 1 Alt AM' 8 SUOltlU AND COLLEGE. 3D3 VT Pmithfleld st. Flttsburg. Pa.

Open all year, day and evening free. 80TB WANTED. "IU ANTED A lady to travel through tho eastern cities with a specialty of my own; weekly made easily. Adoresss Uai wln south wick, Diamond sq Pitts-Ijurs. fiaMH 11 ANTED A K'ol steitiiy girl for general It housework in small good honm iid wages to a suitable party.

Addrvas fjfi, Allegheny Press office 'l? i7aNIED Colored iiousegirl; good posl-f tlon to competent person. Apply immediately at llowo near shady laue, E. ANTED A girl for general housework; goofl reference required. Hamilton Homuwood, East Etui. WANTED Enperienced nurse for Infant child; must come well i or hes st.

near Moorwood nva, SI 1 mt ANTED Ulrl for marking and soi tV Paris laundry, Hemlock, facing Esplanade st. Allegheny. M'-iM' tlf ANTED House girls, 'cooks; places free; reg istration 10 cents. Exchange, filO Pen avo. hl.iMP WANTED Ciirl for small family.

7" gheny. genoral Euclid housework; WAN TED-Nurse; girl over "0 preferred; best wages. 811 Lilac sU. Hhady i-lde. hl'JMV A17 ANTED 1'rotestant ulrl fond of rhll- drcn.

45 Hoy Allegheny. 813MFt WANTED-Klicheu girl and chamber- iiinid. ayuohlost, Allegheny. MImt ANTED-oTr'rfor No. 1 Cedar ave Allegheny.

ANTED A plum cook, at Oi Chestnut SISmc second floor, Allegheny. ANTED-Saieslady; tlon. 8 SI XI list. permanent MALE KELP. If ANTED Enterprising young man with financial department: pleasant and profitable office business; no competition; Income per annum; tiiis chanco will not he offered again.

Address Dayton, Press office. hvjmv 7 ANTED Driver for laundry wagon; TT one who has route preferred; must he sober and bust le. Iron City Steam laundry, tiharpshurg, Pa. HUMP WANTED Good carpenter. Apply day, between 2 and to Geo.

a hun- ulzek, near Gist city ANTED Machinist and blacksrnits; need apply. Ml.TMP none but first-class men Address A. Press office. WANTED Man to drive delivery wagon and work about grocery store. Western Allegheny.

WANTED Tool-sharpener todress stonecutters tools. Apply Iteise, Lindsay 30KO Liberty ave. 813mh ANTED Experienced orders for milk trade. Press ollice, Allegheny. man to solicit Address I'J Wt ANTED Good bevel shearman and roller.

Carroll-Porter Holler i Tank Co. 813MO ANTED A baker. No. 8 Diamond MALE AND FEM ALB HELP. WANTED-Ladles and gentlemen, we will pay you $5 to $lv! per wook to do Btrlctly home work for us at your homes; no canvassing.

Send self-addressed envelope to O. V. Ejnmons Co Uatterymarch and Water Huston, Mass. 8Umu AGENTS. ANTED Agents, everywhere, to sell our homeopathic medicines to fami lies; steady work: can make $10 to $'1 no license necessary.

Dr, O' Keefe Homeopathic Medicine Manufacturers, Vi'i'i Perm Pittsburg, Pa. 813my WANTED Agents to sell Jewelry on the installment plan. 102 Fifth aye.714N EMPLOYMENT. ANTED Work by honest, neat, working woman; washing at home or out; ofticcs to clean or housework of any kind. Answer one week, Reliable, Press otllce.

813mp ANTED Position by young lady ste- nographer and typewriter; four years' experience; best reference. Address Moore, rress ollice. BUM! 1 WT ANTED Situation as chambermaid In TT private family. Address Miss Doug lass, caro Mrs. Forsythe, 38 Lake st.

Ai- legheny. 812MY ANTED-Young lady, English, wishes situation as lady ref ereuces If required. Address bi. Press omce. 811MT ANTED Position by young lady as as TT sistaiit uook Keeper and typewriter; best of city reference Address RoS, Press 813mp 01 II CO.

ANTED Position as experienced nurse for Infant; can give good recommend ation. Address No. 12U Wylie Pitts burg. 813.MT ANTED Situation by assistant book TT keeper; can furnish best of recom mendations. Address 422 Heatty st.

East End. 812tv WANTED Position as salesman by one acquainted with business; 10 years ex- pcrience. Address A. ni. l'ress omce.

8UMT WANTED-l'osltlon In different offices as Janitor or night watchman; best of reference. Address Coo, Press otllco. ANTED Nurse of considerable ex to ha put Ion Address f(l, Press ollice. 813mi Air ANTED-Lace curtains to clean; 10c a piece send postal. S.

Buchanan, 101 813MT James st. Allegheny. WANTED dewing la private families; can cut and tit Address dO. Press office. ANTED Patients to nurse bv an ex- TV perlenood lady.

Address, Nurse, Press 810 MY office. ANTED bookkeeping evenings by ex-TT perienced man. Address II jr, Press office. Ay ANTED Situatlou by woman to nurse invalid. Address bo, l'ress olhee.

810m ANTED unices to clean; by Address Press ollice. woman, PPECIAL. WANTED- Special Bookkeepers 'A Complete Exposition of the Voucher System of bookkeeping, as Iu use by leading mercantile and mHiiufacturirigpstaliJish-nients, sent by mai). For particulars address tho author, Geo. W.

Wood, exnei'taud public accountant, office 40 Fidelity building, Fourth ave. Pittsburg. 8 1 i ANTti Established city brokering Tt firm want a few more to jolu syndicate; buy and seil stocks nt their pre-ent low prices: deposits of fH'O and upwards: good profits with guarantee. Address "Hroker," Press office, for particulars and terms. SUiyu- ANTED Young man and wife to buv home in the heart of Pittsburg at $15 per month; see add 5 no.

F. Sweeny, iiK Fourth ave. ANTED-Everyone to know 11. Gaiey will furnish their house complete, for cash or credit. 172 Third ave.

the place WANTED Furniture of ail kinds to repair and reupholster. Uaugli Kee-nan, 33 Wafer st, PAKTNEItS. AIT AN'TFD-Partner with $3,000 to buy half Interest In established business hich can 1 made to clear SlO.OuO. yearly. AudresS Lifetime.

Press office. 813mp 7 ANTED-l'artuer, with $5, out), pro-l? duce commission house; first-class bouse, doing good business. Address 55, l'ress office. 8 10 my ANTED Partner with S200 to travel: handle vour own nioncv. Address Press otiie'e 8Umi 7 ANTED-i urtner to Invest 2,000 with TT position; manufacturing business.

50, Press (lice. 8.1 3m BUSINESS CHANCES. AIT ANTED Competent man with $300 to TT take an Interest in a well established business in tbe city, bnyder it White, 147 Fourth ave. 81iT Not as Large as Chicago's, but Will He Fine. HANI FEATURES ADDED.

In Aqnarlnm lo Be Used In Verifying Fibh Slorlcs ew aud" Elaborate Pro- Tisions for Comfort of Ferloriuers and Visitors. Active preparations are now being matte to get the Exposition buildings in readi-li ess for the opening on Wednesday evening, September 6. A busy scene is now presented in the big structure, the plumbers, carpenters, painters and decorators Vieing with each other to see which can Snake his handicraft the most pleasing to the eye. Transformations are being made lere and there in the main building that tire sure to be attractive to the people Sooths and stands are being remodeled. 'locations changed, new stands of elaborate design added and a general euort is being unade to secure a combination that will at once harmonize with the surroundings Lund meet the hearty approval of the In the entrance ball of the main building (there will be an aauarium that will do jredit to any flsb display ever made (Pennsylvania.

Fish Warden Hague giving the matter his special attention, knnrl ha nocnrnH ATnnKitlnll mauatt'O- Unent that he will secure for them as inter- ieting a variety of the finny tribe as they trfxmld wish for. Everv species, from the largest catfish to the smallest brook trout, twill be placed in the tanks, forming an ex Aibit that wiU be sure to attract attention land show the people what the couservatiui fcf fish means. Falms, ferns and plants of species will add to the genoral Adornment of the entrance hall. A taste' iul flower stand will be placed on each ol the doorwavs loadine to the main hall of the exposition. The whole will be ilium In a ted bv mvriads of incandescent lights hich will line the walls of the entrance kalL As this is the Columbian year, an effort will be made to keep fresh the memory of the illustrious navigator, Columbus, by the general adornment of the main building, which will be in the Spanish colors.

New and tasteful designs will produce a happy effect in the decorations. Among the improvements noticeable in the main building are two handsome reception rooms In the gallery in tbe rear of the band etand. One of these is for the accommodation of tho members of the musical organizations in attendance, and the other is tor tbe comfort and convenience of the artists. Both rooms will le handsomely furnished and afford the musicians and other performers that retirement and repose of which they feel the need when not before the public. The lawn surrounding the main building Js in a splendid condition, and, perhaps, Ixiever looked better than it does now.

The fxnerry-go-round stands ready, silently awaiting the time when it will begin to revolve to the tune of "After the Kali'' or some unpurchased bow-wow, and do its chare toward the amusement of the young people. 'We want to make this tho banner year of the exposition," said Manager Johnston last night. "We have tho assurance that the displays this season will surpass anything ever seen here before, especially so in the novelty of tbe ideas presented. I have always maintained one thing, that 'old methods of making displays and exhibits have outgrown their usefulness. The world moves onward and tho people move with it, therefore, conditions which would -have been appropriato iu past years are now passee.

ideas and new inethods must be introduced if we to gain tbe attention of the public and receive tho proper recognition iot our efforts. The exposition this year Mvill be the superior of any before. "Our exhibitors tell us that they are deter-toinod to make the most creditable showing of their lives and will spure no money or pains in their efforts. Tbey agree that now lis the time for Pittsuurg to prove to the 'world what she can do when aroused, and the interest will spread to other cities and attract many of the foreign people that are making tours through America. The xhibits are coming iu rapidly and everything Mill be ready for the opening." ALLEGHENY'S KE1 OIUI LEAGUE.

Vhe Proposed Methods of the A sedation Are Severely (ritieiked. When Henry W. Longfellow declared in fhis'Tsalm of Life" "That things not aro always what they seem," he spoke the exact truth. According to the statement made by a prominent and responsible Allegheny -gentleman, the truth of tho express deelar-ation has been clearly verified to a number Cjft North Side citizens during tho past week. "No, sir.

things are not always what they seem," said tbe gentleman in question to a Piiess reporter last evening. For -M I. W1W 'L UIIO city have been laboring under the itnpres- fiiou that a genuine reform league, organ-I jed for the purpose of waging war against I ond abolishing all houses of a disorderly character in existence iu Alletrbeuv. ban Itaan nt wnrb in nnr When th. firf intelligence of this organization and its plans became known to us through tbe Tkess, we North Siders breathed a sigh of relief and were happy.

We did not sus. pect that this so-called reform league was nothing but a delusion, and that it was not composed of leading citizens and property owners, as was claimed, nor that it was intended as a mouev-making echeme. That is why I remarked that things are not always what thoy seem." About eight weeks ago the Pkess published exclusively the details of the organization of this reform league. At that time it was impossible to secure the names of the members of the association or league or the officers. From time to time since the first meeting of tho organization meetings of a strictly private character have been held at various places.

Not until the last meeting, which was held in a vacant bouse owned by Martin Gannon, on "West Canal street, ou Saturday night last, did the names -of the members and the president and secretary become public property. By that time the members of the league had grown more bold and' openly made known the purpose of tbe league by sending out circulars to all persons who were known to own houses which were occupied by persons of a questionable character. This circular rend as follows: You are hereby that property rented by you at number street, is used for immoral purposes, and that if you do not give this matter prompt atten-tiop within 20 days from this date legal proceedings will be entered." Tbe notices were signed by James Collins, president, atid C. J. Reimer, secretary.

Over W) notices of this kind have been sent ut. When the league was first organized the members announced their intention to wage war exclusively against tbe inmates ot these places that a limited time increased to Co and that constant acces sions were being made, and that funds wre rolling in. In short tbe First Ward Reform League of Allegheny was painted in glowing and glaring colon, and its purpose Wii3 said to be for tbe good of tbe public. -The fact ef the matter is." continued tho gentleman quoted, reliable citizens of Allegheny are convinced the purpose of tne league is. or was, for the good of the memliers exclusively.

To begin with the list of membership iiuntbws iu all about This includes the president. James Collins, a cigar denier; Jacob Rcuiier. a printer; John bclfndgo. policeman on the Kixth Street bridge; Robert Uribbou. a grocer; Edward Jobristou, a harness maker; Alex Wilson, foreman at plow works; Win.

Louden, carriage) builder; William and Edward Thompson, Fred Dehl and Martin Gannon. These are the prominent citizens who compose the league, and of this number only two are property owners. It is further assorted on goon authority that four houses, ownod by two of the reformers, are rented to the class which tbey are, or claim to be, endeavoring to exterminate. The occupants of those, 1 hear, are not ou the list. It is further asserted that the secretary himself admitted that there was not a cent in the treasury, and that they did not need money to tight their so-called reform cause.

"In this movement an unforeseen obstacle has presented itself which will no doubt block the reformers and the plan marked out. A new organization has presented itself on the North Side. It is positively known to consist of prominent Allegheny business men, and will bo known I nsthn Allerhenv Koeiotv for tho Preven tion ot Persecution. Already one meeting has been held, and the idea of this associa tion is to defend the inmates of theso houses against persecution or blackmail. The members are lust as anxious as any one that the North Side be rid of all houses of a disreputable character.

They do not object to the prosecution of these people when it is done in the right spirit, but what they do object to and wilt fight against is persecution and blackmail which they de clare is now being laiirely practiced by certain residents of Allegheny. More will be heard from the Allegheny Association for the Prevention of Persecution. A PKOHAULE CKAMt Claim to be a Car Decorator and Mys teriously DUappear. A woman who gave her name as Theresa Wetzel arrived in Homestead Thursday afternoon and registered at the Homestead hotel. She was rather attractive and everybody seemed to like her.

She was gentle of manner and a pleasant talker, in tho evening she saia sue was in xuo car decorating business for weddings, funerals, and had come to Homestead to decorate a car for the wedding trip of Andrew Carnegie and her mission was of vital interest. Her information surprised her hearers, and yesterday morning they went with her to tho peuiieky siding to see the coach. It failed to materialize ana tne party re turned to the hotel. Then they noticed that her mauner was a little strange. She said sho had decorated tho funeral car of President Oartield, and bad 150 diamond pins to put in the one to be decorated there.

She said she worked for Murdoch, the Pittsburg florist. This afternoon she paid ber bill from a well-tilled purse and said sho was going to the car, which had arrived. Since then she has not been seen. Persons who were to go to the siding could find no trace of either. She was about 3J years old and a total stranger.

IIIU SMOKE, LITTLE EI HE. J. T. Capel'n Stock of Harness Far tlaily Destroyed Last Evening. A fire alarm was sent in last evening at 6 o'clock from the box at Sixth avenue and Wood street, caused by a blaze in tho second story of J.

T. Capel's harness establishment, No. 10 Sixth avenue. The lire occurred iu the workshop, presumably from a pot of grease, which had been loft on the stovo, and was quickly extinguished by one of tho chemical engines. There was so much smoke, however, that it was deemed necessary to turn several streams of water into the building, which did considerable damage to tho stock.

Meyer's urt store, ut No. 18, was slightly damaged py water, mt. lapel loss will amount to several hundred dollars. The building belongs to the First Prjsby- terinn churcU. and was formerly used as a parsonage, it suffered but little damutro beyond tbe sninsbing of the windows iu the front and rear of the second story.

The fire did not amount to much, but it drew an immense crowd of the idle people ou the streets ut the time. A In re well Sermon. Rev.Harry F.Shupe.for the past five years the popular pastor of tho United Brethren church, North Braddock, will preach his farewell sermon this evening. A resume of the work will be given at this morning's service. Rev.

J. M. Reynolds, Schuvlkill county, will lill Rov. Shupe's pulpit until the aunual conference appoints a successor. A Nl MC.tL Tit EAT.

Grand Free Sacred Concert TliU After- noon at Melrose by the American Military Hand. Tbe public are invited to visit Molroso. on the paubaudle railroad, this afternoon. grand sacred concert will be eiveu from to 0 v. m.

by tbe American Military baud of 4 pieces. ihroucntbe conrtesv of Messrs. Wood. Harmon Co. a enlovable day's outing at this beautiful suburban town is made possible, and as everything is free no one need stay away.

Take West F.nd cars to tbe property and enjoy the cool breezes and maguiflcent views of this admirably picturesque suburb. Robert S. Maynes, real estate broker, East and Royal streets, Allegheny, buys and sells property and insures buildings. Uive him a call. TWO ACRES.

Maple avenue, Edgewood. Only $.1,600 per acre; dolifthtfullv situated near R. R. station; contains, M)0 feet frontaite which can easily bo retailed at 'J." per foot; aKo contains a lare number of beautiful forest trees; a bargain. M.


Meals Unsurpassed. Or- cuB.tra. uop every nient. CUARLES McGLADE. tfrnfB1 'Mlri til''-" J-.

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