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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TtlVAU CAS 8TAXD ON'E NO! TOL XEVEH DID EVERYTHING FOR Vnlon Soe the t'quul of TUcho Great Uareratns, An OfHcinl of tho Western Talks About liusdness. Bead the srand treat prepared for von hallucination, and Burns 1ms immortalized ihls eve in many tf Uls poems: "Iho last Halloween I was waken', My druuklt surko sieve nsyeken, Ills ilkni si cam up the liou-e a stiukln And tue very gray ureeks o'Tum Cileen." In answer to the Inquiries signed "Two Giddy Girls," who wish to know the verso totuy, 011 peering Into the water, thutwlll to-morrow in Kaufmanus' furnishing John Van Home, of New- York city, vice Roods department: 100 doz. men's it rench presldentof the Western Union Telegraph OUSEHGLD USE kid street trioves, with patent clasps, at company, was a passenger on tne nrst sec tion of the western express this morning. ODcj genuine Bwits conde heavy under wear, celebrated for its warmtb and du. ANi NOW JUIl rability, plain and striped, at 69c; men's Ho is bound for Louisville, where he will uttona to some matters in connection with the telegraph system.

was seen In his cur on tne panhandle eipress by a I'kkhs NELLIE BLY CAPS. siik mixed lancy striped cascmere unaer-wear, actual value f2, lor 1.39; men's fast black havy wool underwear, worth reporter. During the course or a convei- I satlon tie suld ti.jj, lor beautiful ana iasnionaoie large silk puff scarfs, usual price 11, lor "Tho Western I'nlon building In New Wo have about SO dczen on which we will cut the price In half a simple rule of division by 2. OR PERSONAL WEAR CAN BE EOUGHT FOR CASH 8n CREDIT York c-ltv Is rucidlv undergoing repairs X2 48c; men's extra henvv camel's hair half und tho service will soon be coinforiuuiy settled in the old ouarters once more. The hose, worth 303, lor 19j; children's extra neavy all-wool stociinzs.

at lhe; ladies' building- was 11 stories high, and the fire rulno.i the. lx upr er stories. That portion fast black fin ewool hose, -at 23c men's fancy striped, heavy wool under of the wm toppcii by a tuansar wear, at 60c. and Pennine camel's hair Plain colored Cashmeres, Ladles' Cloth, racy plaids wiih silk cord and ponpon Fine Casnmrrs and idles' Cloth In black, navy blue, senl Urown. Also, Colored Velvets.

A 50-CENT LOT 25 CENTS. A 73-CENT LOT AT 35 CENTS EACH. roof. The damaged portion lias ueen re ninved nnd Is hern reDlac-d six com Young People's Curlstian association underwear, with French neck, at 693. nring trio reiieotion i iii tuiure uusuuu, we give the iollowlng: water, anil crystal.

In thy di'pths lot me hulioU A vision of love and brightness. My knight, my warrior bold." The following charms If carried out will reveal any one's luiure that Is anx oiis to draw aside thn myst veil and peer Into tho kingdom of hushandora: Arrange two mirrors In tiie parlor oppo site eiicii other. Wlion the clock Ktrlkes 12 poTotlin Cflinr Hon, pet an nppiennd enter the parlor. There must be Just enough light to cast i ghostly slindow throughout the rooui. between the mlrrorj facing one, your back toward the oilier and eat your apple, looking straight before you.

Tim fatal apple, the lorbldden fruit, which caused Adam to jleM will draw Iho spirit of your future husband, whoever he may be, and you will seo him peering over your right shouldor wltu nts mouth open for a bile, not of you, but of the apple. With a loud scruani you will probably arouso the family ana fly from the room, but then, my dear, your curiosity will t- allayed mid you will have seen your husband. Should be not have bis mouth -AT- noun the lull size of tils building. ufthe Central 1'resbyterlan church, Alio It-member the above prices, which Kivi.ig us mutu more room tuna wo uuu Kiieny. Kayo a delightful entertalnuien mean asaving to you of from 25 to 50 per Tit-fore.

and social to their friends last night. T7iOTT5 Mr. Van liorne was asked what bis views are gjod for to-morrow (Satur first-class nrouraui was rendered In an day) only. KAUFMANN8' I Finn blar Knrah Rlllr. rtnw artistic and creditable manner by the Xol urnishing Ooods Department.

$1.00 CAF8 Surah 6llk, fancy all-wool wore In regurd to tlu-ir competitor, tne Postal elegraph Cable company. In reply hesrild: "Wo bear not the slightest 111 will toward the Postal Teiegranh -liable company. Like -ii a1 lowing well-known people of Allegheny: The People's Store, Fifth Avo. A fluely executed piano duet was ran "'Cared by tho Misses Straus and SIcDjuald Hie ofiLern Union, ther are doing a strict Our larce cloak room crowded vester. FOlt plaids, plain navy, and car-60 CENTS dlnul cloth, with black braid EACH.

and tinsel cord trimmings. In brief, we have marked this morning; Mr. J. A. Strous nave a vocal solo.

aay artornoon in fact, every afternoon. ly legitimate business und have a perfect rliht to do so. All dealings between the two companies have been conducted In a Great Penn Avenue Emporium! Hiss Elisabeth Stewart very charwlnKly Come in tha forenoon, if convenient; it will be for your own comfort. -But come all 5)-cent "Blv" Caps, U5 cents; 15-cent entertaluud the society with a select read square and honorable manner, 'liiepostni Illy" Cnps. 85 cents: SI "Illy" Caps.

60 when you may, we bIibII do our best to couinan Is different from otlior corpora. JDK. cents, whicu means a tlons that have sprung up from time to opon and liar i Ills eyes closed, it Is a slg lllss Gertrude Hamilton and Mr. William serve you. Our stock was never so large reverytbing in ladies', misses' and children's wraps and jackets worth keep ho Is dead, your fate Is sealed you will Hamilton crodltably sang a duet.

time. "for lnslance. the Atlantic Pacific and never marry. CLOSING OUT OF THE STOCK illss Gallagher rendered a piano solo. the U.iltlmore Oulo were started solely Another sure thing Is to bake a salt cttke ing, and at the lowest prices.

and the auarlet. Misses McDonald and for tho riuruosoot overthrowing the West FURNITURE! Our different deaDito their recent exteneiou and tnlarcement. are taxed out of corn weal and salt, the slzn of a gold dollar, and out It on retiring. Ho sure Campbell Dick. To-morrow and to-morrow evening.

ern Union. It Is not so with the l'oaal Hamilton and Messrs. Hamilton and btyiisn. launtv and the th nz for not to speak tt word after ycu have company. We have a mutual agreement that tlio rates shall be the same and kept children's school and street wear.

"touched the pillow." and your liusimu llagon sang, to the delight of all "Coma Where My Lovo ties Underwear for Everybody. To-morrow we will havo a special un up to ilia regular standard, and that one win come and jilvo you drink. If you name tho bed posts en this eve. the first company shall not make a reduction wuu after which refreshments were served in We lecture room under the auspices of the post you look at in the morning will Do an out notify tug tho other of such intention to their utmost capacity to hold the pooda. The people havo lound out where they are not charged two prices for what they need in the Furniture line, and this shows why they come here.

Besides our complete stock of Parlor, Bedroom and Dining lioom Suites, we have three specialties to which we would call your admirer of yours who will propose. "Thus tney work harmoniously together, Tdnn't thlnlr thn I'oiinl rnrnniinv will at' following fair and agreeable youns ladlos derwear sale in our furnishing goods department. It will pay you to buy what you need Jn underwear from us to-morrow. P. O.

C. Pittsburg Combination Clothing A sign Which never, never lulls Is for a JIlss Maggie Alkon, Miss Alice Hutchinson, tempt to brunch out In the dimensions of couple of girls to tie their lilg toes togetho attention: tha Western It takes 75 nor cent Jllss Joie jiainiiron, josie ttauace, JHlss Jlnttle Duncan. Miss liertle Kunonn, OGGS 8l BUHL. ALLEGHENY. with a piece or cord on retiring.

Aslutli farmer cases, should you utter a III Miss WHlte, Miss Jessie SleC'llnton, Miss charm Is broken. Can you leugh? Why cor, lirant snd Diamond sts. Opposite the court house. The Welsh, Phoenix, Rochester, Ideal, Turk and are our leading i rrl i Annie llutculiibou, Miss May Anderson. FOLDING BED or our receipts to operBte tiie system, and If tho 1'ostal company attempted to compete with us throughout the country, It is my opinion tlio Postal would at once bo merged Into tho Western Union.

I think certainly 1 iou cannot 1101 laughing. ST- "ell. In tno morning the cord will be iuev nuve unaunieu nraisa broken and tne ono who bus tho shortos Miss Dolly Rassell, of lintel street, Oakland, will entortalu number of friends Piece will be the first to wod. Thnt Is no tills evening. from all parties who have used them.

The manufacturers are always behind on their orders. Tbi proves the popularity of their goods. Blow and bluater don't make thein go. Genuine merit does. all.

Tho man she first crosses a bridge with ovoutuully that course will Ue tukoti." DR. IUVINE AT li HADDOCK. THtEN AfJD MOW! win 00 neruusnami. The Wavorly society of Plttsburst held Then there are other good signs, such as their quarterly mooting last niKhc in the rousting chestnuts and eggs, wblcu Hover Curry institute hall. Ue Una Xot Yet Called at the Eplsco Sleep good sleep ia most esaontial to tun.

The kith and km of sunny Scotland was pul Itooma lu Till City. Time was when many ladies 6ent to I remember srlrl friend and I wrote the well reoruseu ted and the Informal recop good health. Be sure you have the risht kind of a Mattress. Tha richt names or three mon tnat wo how A call was made at the Protestant Epis tlon ol the Caledonians was one of ruie New York for their line Millinery. Now xulrth and ploasura.

kind ia the best. WE HAVE THE BEST, made of extra duality hair.and we sell could we love three? Why, thut Is easily ox ml tied there are dlHt-rent decrees In the majority of them visit copal rooms this morning to soe Bishop Whitehead. IIo is away, but will be home Scotch wit and repartee, with many it to you for les3 money than rank imitations are sold for by other houses. ueaven. "uulif sonsis uoarto tliu heart of hcoilauu this evening and take part In the exorcises Well, we rut those Flips In cur stockings at All Saints' church at llraddock to-mor We show many new and very unique and slept on thorn under our pillows.

The next morning she reached lu and drew row, the occasion boln? All Saints' flay. 3rq-SIDEB0ARDS! ROSENBAUM'S out trunk. icbijii3 iu uipsu reatiy artistic pieces ot Furniture. Nolhincr shows a dininar and liobby Hums ballads gave a peculiar charm to the evenlnv. Mr.

Alex. LeKxato, In his own natural way, without an apparent effort, can convulse a room with laughter and brjak up any uncomfortable feeling of stiffness. Mr. David Thompson sang tun ballad, 'Talc Youre Auld Clock About Ye." It wns expected that Itsv. Dr.

Irvine would bo down from llraddock, but he had Thesequolof the story Is 0110 year after ne marrieu rnnk. Guess what I drew out? Why, tho slip hearing thn terracotta not come. The fact Unit na was uome was not Known at the episcopal rooms until the When wantinrj something very artistic blonds Richard. I know you are dying to know If I aui married. Well.

I'm sorrv ITiksh representative called there. "1 am sure that lr. Irvine is all right," Mr. Win. Hardy roclted "scots, Wha room off to better advantage than a handsome Sideboard, and w9 have them at prices everybody can easily afford to pay.

GREAT VARIETY OF CARPETS! ALL KINDS OF HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS! in head wear. We have said it before and assert again that we lead in to say I'm not. Hut 1 still have hopes, and live In beautiful dreams ft led hoadott said tho Kev. brown, who has boen holding services there since the doctor's departure nero who some day will come. ror turopo.

"Artor an explanations are made It will be found out so. I have hud Tho world Is very beautiful smiling said ono. the utmost confidence In Dr. Irvine all thu 'And none need over miss bis own. nine, una my promotions in oe veriueu.

However, you had hotter seo Dr. Irvine Tls sure to come bv win unu reamed nf. FOR WET WEATHER Ou some happy golden day. himself, us he Is tlio only one who will tulk A young bride told nia nn tntnrontlnir about tno matter. CLOAKS CLOTHING IN ALL TIIE thing to do, and It Is verv amuslnsr at a Tlio iBverend gentleman stated that tho money raised for the church was Hll ac- Halloween party.

Tako five cups, leaving -WEAK- co.mied lor, and that Dr. Irvine nad gone no euiiny. rui im or tne 11. one in clear water und the other with muddv to England to raise more. Whether ho hud succeeded or not was not known.

water. 1'ut a gold dollar In the fourth and And are always pleased to have our work compared with the best of 1'aris or New York modistes. In Trimmed Hats New Fall Styles and at Bottom Prices. It Is Int mated that Dr. Irvine proposes a ring In the fifth.

Tlaca Diem on a table and blindfold tho one who Is to hae." All Jollied in the ballad led by Mr. AVin. 15. More, "Scotland Yst." Mrs. llor-tlell pleas'td the society with hr song, Jack O'ilazoMeen." Miss Grace l.on-.gate very Unoly executed a violin solo, with piano accompaniment.

"Na Luck About the House" was sun by Mr. D. H. Thompson. Miss Mcintosh sang another pretty Scotch ballad.

After the program was over Mr. Leggate announced that the Kdinboro concert, under the auspices of the Wavorly society, would be tflven In the Carnegie music hall, Nov. 17. The receipts of the sale of tickets were to go for nuo benevolent purpose of the Allegheny General hospital. ll then repaired to the dining room, whore Ice cream and cake was served.

Kre ti.e company departed "Auld Lang Syne" was sung with effect by the members, and all went home feeling the better fcr these patriotic meetings. The orange sociul last evening In the Firth Avenue M. E. church came off very desirably. The room was beantlfnlly contrasted with the deep green smllax and asparagus, relieved liv the booths and draperies ol tne orange hue.

Several evorgieen trees were hung with orunges made of plush, silk, satin, and the oevv of vuuna ladles In thair to miiKe tilings lively tor tne people wiio lntlmato.1 In his absence thut he was gone, try tua cnarm tiioa load her to the and Bonnets wo have over 500 styles constantly on exhibition and open to abio wnore the cans are. and lt her never to return, and that Ids money ac MEN'S COM SOLED SHOES reach out and put her hand In ono of tho counts were nut stralgnt. everybody a inspection. lips. 'Iho empty cup denotes that she 111 never marry, the cup Willi the mmliiy EAST END ECHOES.

Where is there another establishment ater is irounio aim tno one wltn Clour that can show such an assortment? atorls Happiness. The cud with thegelc Bits of ws Gathered In nnd About ollur In moans future wealth and the ring the Liberty Valley. New Wool Felt. COc, in black and jijru.jj9 uitttifiiH win marry tuaryour. Has any one the courage) to fill hir month The pool and bowling tournament that colors.

full of water ami walk around a souare nt was to have taken place at the Linden Trimmed Felt Sailors, for Misses and iiu'uws moner ue nf-xt day Uio IPs club house last evening was postponed name she hears will be tho name of Her Ladies, black and colors, at 7oc. until Tuesday evening, Nov. 4, on account luiure nusuunu. Deldb Vkre tiench lur felts at JNo To keep (he feet dry and warm. No shoes are as good as Cork Soles.

Are easy and clastic on the feet and should be worn by everyone in winter. All widths in stock, A to D. of the hall being too cold, last evening. Leading Cash and Credit Housa in Western 923, 925 and 927 PENN finer quality (no matter what the price large force or men was put to work orange costumes lent harmony to the PRETTIEST OF THE SEASON. is handled in the city.

Ask to see these scene. The following youuz ladles bud elemlns out tho various sower drops this hats and you'll concede all we claim. churgti of the bonthi I The MarrloKo of Ebon It. James, of entertainment given un- Mr. S.

A. Hill. Mia Mnuil Black Beaver Brim iur leit Hats, Jvaiic, I'a. tit Washington. uer tho auspices or the l.

Al. C. A. In the rooms, on l'enn avenue, last evening was HEAR NINTH street. OPEN SATURDAY tUGHTTILL 10 O'CLOCK Bowman, sm.

jh. oun, oa.nn uiu Walker, Mrs. T. Eberle, Mary I'ollr, Mrs. Ph'l Howmhii.

large brim, at 51.50, well worth 2.50. luruoiy Campbell, vasiiinoton, Oct. 81. Special- one of tho prettiest weddings of the season was Fancy article booth Miss Emma Hill, Miss Jen- Laret'st Line ever disp.ayed of lied oi nut nower aireei nas inviiect tne moii me Mciinnir, mva K. four.

Miss Hadie Horn. Felt Iluta in all shapes. Miss Millie riuydcr, Mi. Anule Balls, Miss Ida oersor nor sumiay scnooi class to a tally pulling at her home this evening. celebrated at the Mt.

Vernon Mace M. church, this city, last night, the contract A bewildering variety of nnest Beaver uray, iiirs. it. b.iiiijsoo. bailie Jolco, of Now IJrlgntou.

who C'aauy ami lemonade boothMIs Gertrude Hats in lute. Beiue, Heliotrope and lug parties being Mr. Ebon B. James, of has been having a pleasant visit with Umnoion, imas lur lMvls. Miss Hniilo lieod friends on Lincoln nvanue.

has returned. Kane, and Miss May Clinton Jones, of an otner shades. Keci ption nitumitt-e Mrs. Phil liowinmi, work or paving iiroad street with ora ILivis. Mm bailie ltc'rt, Jims Mt ollv.

Largest line of Silk Leaver Hats in all llolglan block Is almost completed. The Mrs. Hill, lliaiich Manifold, Mr. F. L.

Clpist, shapes. treot will tlin be paved irom Frnnkstnwn r. juiii'b rar. a. wertmu, ar, Wm, lwell, Mr.

Hill Lowman, Mr. liajj-y JuUiutou avenue to Indoor Hold Our display of Childrena Made-up meet, to oe hold by the Itnst End Gymnas- iMlk, Tiush and velvet Hats, Cans and A tourist's class similar to the one taught ic ciuo, wm not come on until January. 401 WOOD STREET, Tarn is unequaled. These oy juis? KiiiyKoiiy is interesting number on account of tho club not being able to of Allegneny society ludles, and will be one secure the Talnce rink before that time. are all in our own exclusive shapes, or tho weekly conventions durlua the original wi'h us and notobtainablo else Corner Fourth Ave.

Grocers and liutcliers where. We pay particular attention to Wo will open our packing house at have our Laps and llats match the In Twenty-third and Smallman streets next lftSIIDT lants hhort and Long Uloaua in our Monday ri ov. 3, hen we will be prepared to furnish the trade, from hogs slaueht- Cloak Department ered daily, dressed hogs, fresh pork EE'S oins, shoulders, sausage, leaf lard, nusnge meat, head cheese, pigs feet. Fancy Feathers, Wings and Pompons, tC. JJCNLEVY BRO.

this city, 'j he ceremony was performed by the groom's brotltcr, Kev. I). M. James, pastor of the Second CouiriOKUtlonnl chnrch, New Haven, assl-stod by Kov. Pr.

Whltmuu, the pastor of the chnrch. Th- space back of the chancel at the Mt. Vernon Place M. E. church, was Dsau-tifully decorated with flowers and hol ding p.ilms.

Long before the hour nuiiied for the nuptial ceremony tho large auditorium was crowded, und when tiie bridal party every available foot of suiniiliiK spaco was occupied, even lu the galleries. A iniiutlfiilfoatnre of the wedding wns tlio presence of three very pretty little flower girls, who preceded the brldo up the ulslo to the altar. They were tho bride's cousins, Lllllo Hughes, daughter of Hon. A. M.

Hughes, of Tennessee, and Mabel and Kuth Msnkin, daughters of Harry Munkln. of this city. The honor of best man fell to Alpheus Jame, a brother of the groom, auj bride's sister, Miss Julia O. Jones, grare-fully rilled the position of iimld or honor. Tno ushers wore Messrs.

Hurry llunner Walton Fearing, J. ltussell liitrtxr, M. Hunter Jones and Dr. K. K.

Leo Winner-gor, of Washington, ond Messrs. JohnKl-uior Flake and W. II. Davis, of Kane, l'a. The bride whs attired in a gjwn of white silk fullle, trimmed with mouseline de solo, orange blossoms and lilies of the valley.

She wore no ornameutsexcepttlie groom's present, a diamond necklace. The bridesmaid wore a gown of white silk iiiuilo, cut empire, and carried a bounuet of whim 1031Y Tiie Tariii Bill Shall Not Affect Ds! Some peop'e are trying to scare everybody into buylnc; their ware3 by holding up this new tariff bill as a reason for all goods going away up out of sight and reach. But aa far as we are concerned our prices are lower than ever. Who will compare their prices to ours? 40 Pieces ol Black French Henrietta Cloth, Perfect Sha da of Blnck, 40 inches wide, and our guarantee goes with every yard PRICE 00 CENTS PER YARD. Bring sample of quality from any store and compare.

Only one dress to each customer. 32 PIECES OF HABIT CLOTH These are bound to interest you, as they are All-wool, good colors, yard-and-a half wide, at 45 CENTS PER YARD. We are doing a rushing businesa in ASTRACHAK AND FUR SHOULDER CAPES I These wo are selling at lower figures $1.75. Trimmed lints. $1.75.

than you have been paving. Our line Xhreo cans Bed Cross tomatoes for 2c; 1 See window display silk velvet trimmed of Black Birds and Black Fancy bats arm bonnets nt 1.7j, Newiv can cholcs Tobee peaches, 30c: I can California apricots, 20c; 3 cans choice corn, 25c: Feathers will bo found by all odds the largest in the city. Don't fail to notice choice new canned peas, 10c; Lambert's trimmed goods; no old stock. E. Giles, E6 Sixth street, Pittsburg; 91 and 98 Fed the display of Velvet Roses and Buds in French fveas, sifted, 25c; egg plums, 20c; Ilartlett pears, 20c; Socad corn, 8 cans fcr all delicate shades lor evening wear.

5c; peerless corn, 15c; Oneida community elvels are etill selling here at old eral street, Allegheny. 1031T Men's. Stylish l'nnis for SI. 55. Vie will sell to-morrow 3.000 men's corn, No.

3lu-ft. pall niacKerel, jl.25 prices there's been an advance at all silver-back mackerel, SI. 25; No. 2 mack the other stores. We have Velvets in cassimere pants in 20 d.ffareiit patterns six qualities and to match any ribbon, ror oo.

y. vj. u. Pittsbursr Combination Clothing i i i nower, leather or hat in tne house. erel, 10-ft.

kits lako herring, 65c; U-barrel lake herring, tomatoes, soups, Ilucklns, Loudens, 25c and 35c per can English beef sou per can 35c; cove oysters, 9c per can; deviled crabs winter. Mrs. Dr. Easton.Mrs. Dinwiddle ana Mrs.

Brian are at tho head of It, and It will sxin be organlssod. A number from the Women's club, with the different lady writers of the press, will form the llttoratl Who will take mental trips ucross the waters. Miss Lily A. Clmrles, of Allegheny, accompanied by Mr. Harry K.

Ogdon, left last evening to visit the eastern cities. When they return they will occu py a pleasant home on l'errysvllle avenue, where tne young lady will proslde as queen. The congratulations of their friends are extensive. The little people of tho Arch Street M. E.

Sunday school are determined to liquidate the debt ou their new church. They are very busy preparing for an entertainment they call modern mirth and music, which tney win give in the church Tuesday evening, Nov. i. Mr. Grant Ritchie, the well-known ship-ping clerk of the A.

Clark llano wall paper house, will entortaln his frionds at his residence, 210 Washington avenue, Allegheny, on Friday, Kov. 14. Miss Mary C. Taggart, cf Taylor avenue, Allegheny, o.i Tuesday evening entertained a few of tier Irlends Vtry handsomely In honor of her friend, Mius Mary Biownlee, of Paisley, Scotland. "With th.o aid cf an Itinerary accllectlon of lews and talks wltn friends who have hud a taste of foreign life, the class expect to accomplish a great deal In the way of ln-lorniatlon, The marrlnge of Mr.

W. L. Trnmpore and Miss Lizzie Mr Cortney took place yesterday at tho residence of Kev, 0. L. Locke, on Wylle avenue.

A very pleasant reception was given yns-terday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cowlcs, on Fayette street. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Holmes gave their first "at home" yesteruay afternoon to a number of friends. The Elisabeth Cotillion club will hold their first dance on Thursday evening. cur. urnub anu uihiuoiiu Bis. Opposite the court house.

Bio money savorl Buy your blankets. EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. chrysanthemums. After the service a reception was given nt tho homo of tue with shells, per can, 50c; deviled ham, per bride's mother. The groom Is an extensive oil and nntn.

jmforts.atlieeHive, Bixth and Liberty. can, 2Sc; Sandwich ham, per can, 25c; chlppocl beef, per can, 2oc; luncli tongue. lot of IMPORTED SEAL MUFFS AT $2.00. TIIIS WEEK ONLY One Reeular Drice. $3.00.

UIEIY per cm, zoc; pium lUtiuillK, per can, 25c; roast beef, 2 lb. can, 20c: new raisins. ral gas operator, and Is also Interested lu lumber at Kane, where lie una his bride will make tnelr homo. mention away below ONE LOT OF LADIES' COATS is worthy of special value, liiasronal. Wide Wain and mandsomely made.

Sib, for Jfie; new evHporatp'l irrapes. 1 u'y One Specialist Eni Kany Pretenders I lbs. for 23c; new Loiiuorn citron oulv 20a Tlio large number of patients who dally per new lemon peol only lsc per new evaporated apricots. 22c: new cmnad Men's Styllli rants lor ljtl.55. We will sell to-morrow 3.000 men's 100 DOZEN MEN'S SOX, all wool, double heel and toe, at 19 cents per pair.

These Sox are selling at 25c elsewhere. A box cot sold to one customer. lsit our added to tho enviable apricots, 2c; n-w navy b-ans, 10c per ijunrt; new prunes, 2i.c per new Cull- reputation won by us by tho treatment or dlspases of our specialty, nns led cassimere pants In 20 different patterns for fl.65. P. C.

C. Pittsburg Combination Clothiujr 510 TO 514 MARKET STREET. ll27t'K1T lornia prunes, 4U to pound. 3 pounds lor ANOTHER BIG WEEK AT doc Urand lluklnii; 1'owder, 10c per lt. cans iur ov.

me uuove remeseuis now sonn so-called spo- prices run In our store, nnd all first-rlm cor. Chant and Diamond sts. Opposile the court house, To chtiists to lmltut" nir methods and Koods, as I have the reputation fur keening me uesw In Hour I have no competition as to final mid to tiielralroady nhiurdly long array of snuclaltlei ity. My flour trade has become so enor Seely's sale of lots at Walls station, P. 11.

to-morrow. mous una ine raouious amount I sell is tha that of diseases of tliektdneys.bladdor best recommendation for the quullty. I do not exuberate when 1 say that the cus LTndorwear lor Everybody. To-morrow we will have a enecial nn. and urinary organs.

The, how- tomers who buy 11 ur of mo pay Just the same as most retail grocers iy fur the ver, recognlo Kr. derwear sale in our furnishim? ponru same tirade. I buy tne quantity and net department.) It will pay you to buy what you need in undcrwtnr from us to-mor car-load prices end car-load fielsbt, and give my patrons the benefit. My bank ac I'ltts burg who de- v-. v- votes his exclusive row, p.

0. C. count is low nnd my creditors are needlntr OX HALLOWEEN. DU. BHAFER.

time to this class of money. I would rather nia ice a re sacrifices than be closed up nfter such a lone Tho Corn Throwers nnd tha "Ynl- Iseases, and the success obtained enables 435 MARKET STREET-437 lm to pretent to tne puouc encn wees career in the grocery Duslness. This Is a Kood time to Ket bargains. 1II2SPFIT ew cases t-tirjd by him. lie Pittsbur2 Combination doming oor.

Grant and Diatuoni sts. opp. Court House. li. it li.

Big men unci small mn you can get here to-morrow nil-silk shirts and Come and look tiiroujcti our stock nnd ioa This woek wj present that of Mr. II. how you have boen tooling away your Hunt, who is at present engam! In Hie oil TO THE FIELDS OF ilMM Banis. The direct route between your house and the attractions of unexcelled excellence. Through by daylight without pause or delay to bargains.

Unequaled. Everything arranged for the pleasure, convenience and safety of our patrons. The equipment on this line includes: The Westinghouse automatic airbrake of dose figures. The electric ligbt of fair dealing. The parlor reclining chairs of ease in selection.

The vestibule cars of honest quality. New attractions and great variety, making one solid train of facts and circumstances in favor of the careful and economical buyer. Special fast express dealers in furniture of all kinds on the goldei rule plan and rock-bod track of low prices conducted by tho money. otisliiess at BiixonsDurst, ru. lnroo years Sugars at cost.

Don't ask ms to sell them u-o Mr. Hunt first noticed ms urine ctmiiK- an lowor. na In color and quantity. Frequent uri drawers, winter weight, fl.60 each for all sizes. Shirts, 34 to 50: drawers.

30 tn 8ono for circular. Freight paid on 10 worth ana umvara 4G goods. worth regularly fS to (exclusive ot sugar) to uny destination. JOshl'U JlCKtE, K-21T SOhlo Allegheny. L.oaos LiUHL, Co To 8eelv's sale of lots at Walls station, P.

K. to-morrow. RITER CON LEY, 55 and 56 Water riTTsu na, rk. Go to Cnbbatre's for pure groceries. 33 Diamond square.

"Pious LOTS WALLS LOTS SEELI PLAN LOTS. Grand Opening Sale on the Plan Saturday, Nov. 1, and Monday, No, 3, 1800, from 1 to 5:30 r. a. WATXS STATION', situated on P.

R. R. only eight ndloj from Httsburit, has been. selected by tiie IVnnsylvanlu Railroad Company as a site for the location of their Immense machine shops and round house, which are now beinK puslieil to completion, and will kivo steady employment to several thousand stilled mechanics and employes, bevernl other lare manufacturing establishment have also been attracted to the sahjo locality on account or the aoundnnt and cheap supply of natural nns and other advan-apes. T.

Is empbnslzes the fact tlmttlila is but tlia nucleus of what promises to be one or the most enlerprislr.g nd wide awake manufacturing towns In Western Penn-ylvauia. rl tiie vast army of employes and others attracted to this center will require homes adjacent to the railroad and shop, and In ordfr to meet tho ever In-creaslnx demand for sii'Mi, Mr. O. Ssi ly ha hud out his ueslrably located tra't of land Into a plnn of splendid hulldlnR lots, ranging In slza fruni 25x100 to 5OH00, on front strents, nnd prices from to S750, uccoi dlrg to size end location. Terms, very small cash payment flown, batunce loiijr time and easv payments.

This plan Is desirably Scaled wllliln three squares from WulJs station, on the southeast side, and only square from 1'. 11. It. Trains leave union statlou 12:15, 12:50, 1:00, 2:00, 8:00. lor lurtlu particulars see purgns Charms to bo Vsad.

Last night the corn throwers hud their turn. Once a year they sprinkle the streets, throw flour and com against windows, and even sometimes upon pedestrians. Some of the streets looked as It they had been sown broadcast ready lor a spring plant-lug. boys, and girls, too. enjoyed an evening's fun of this kind and made the night hideous.

Not oniy the small boy Joins his companions In tours of depruuatlons und mischievous sport, but aiso, according to tra-UUlon, the doors or purgatory are opened and the doomed spirits of those Infernal reg.onsarelet out to-night for carnival Spirits travel tfuouph realms of space.and ghosts prowl about frightening tloiia people to death. Lvc-nthe spirits of the corporal tenements are loosed and reveal themselves to their kindred souls Halloween, cr All taints evening Is of Komlsh origin, and Is tne eve set apart In honor of ail saints. 1 Goethe has written concerning Hallow eyo in "Faust," where he speaks of there" esoi the witches, on tue summit nf the tuountiilnslntiwltzerlaml. Owing to cenaln raritled conditions of the atmosphere on tins mountain mysterious uppiirl-Hons und Incongruities appear. These at-Jnosphcrlc I hoiujiiiena lmve given rl-e to the spectroor the Walnurnus Mu-ht wdI-m Is seen on this mountain certain periods.

Cocilie weaves It into tils writings in clever way. a man standing wi in TANKS. BOILERS, ROOFS, BLAST FURNACES, STEEL PLANTS, Corrugated ani Heiry Phtdroa Worb nation followed and a dull, ncittuK pain wns felt In his kidneys und bladder. Ilo now to lose rapidly in weinht skin lost Its lu-nlthy color, uppotlte lailod, bowels became) co5tl'. Kree.uoncy of urination Increased and was always nccbtnpanled with pain.

Ills urine was frequently bloody, and on siandlng would snow a larco quantity of sediment. On analysis we discovered It to be loaded with albumen, wlilon lsaconstant syuip-tom of UrlKht's disease. In this oonditl-n became nnd asked for rebel only reilet. liut we promised a cure, and the result wo glva In his own lan-fcuaee: "ihls to certify that I have taken treatment from Dr. Sharer and consider niyseir cured.

I also wisti to express my Ki atittule for what ho has dons for me, and liirsi cheei fully recommend litni toothers sutforlUK from urinary diseases. M. II. Ilt'NT." riias remember that lir! t-lititer's specialty is diseases of the kidneys, bladdsr and urinary orwtns. l'rlvato hospunl for patients requiring special treatment.

Office hours, 1(1 A. M. to 4 r. nnd 6 to Sr. n.

Sundays. 1 to r. m. Ci niuliation fit nnd strictly confidential. at a dliianeo treuteil wl.h success by letter.

two a-cent stamps lor a question blunt. Hll. EITAFEB, specialist, 2'J Penn rittsburg, i'a. luiwctus VOLTAIC DIAMONDS Aro for sale oniv niv slore, 5 Ht-'TII AVK. I employ nj uionti or peddlers.

B. E. ARONS, NORTH SIDE 4m i HARRIES1 HiAO.i; mi Instantly caroa 6nx Jul Neuralgic fceaaacbe; cursj tiie nauttaA auti heaJicfi Iroa dnu King or smoking. A Tcantniu iu ff no morphine, unti-pyriaeor poisouott nruiTa. i i not a cathartic.

ia Pnm Fiitiire ill uu dox of flar 4. -1 -t S. i '7 iV h. 8, 10, 12, 14. 15, 16 Ohio linti, 96 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG, TRM'F MARK.

WAieof tmituMnni. UiKtCPt F. HiPPLE 00., To "is reneciion at rt Bed uiuagtf, out inagnioi 2 CENT9 I. SUNDAY PRESS, ki.d i'uaucaJ tAVsi i The fecoicu, tartlcularly, believe la this 1028 J. W.

FERP.EE, Manner. lCElCX And C. 8. SEELY, 6917 Penn E. Pittsburg.


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