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The Bakersfield Californian from Bakersfield, California • Page 5

Bakersfield, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932 "Quality Street" Leading Lady Has Difficult Role Miss Fay Helm to Play Role of Charming Barrie Heroine NE of the most difficult characterizations that has yot cropped up In U.akersfleld Community Theater productions Is that of Phoebo In the M. Barrio play, "Quality Street," that will bo presented on Thursday iilKht at tho high school auditorium. The playing: of oven a dual rolo Is not done without some trepidation by even professional actor or actress, und the casting committee in examining the play chosen for production found that the role of Phoebo not only calls for a dual characterization, but a quadruple one. The casting committee confronted with the problem of finding someone capable of playing this important part unanimously decided upon Miss Fay Helm as possessing nil the requisite qualifications for tho role. And tho demands of the part are many.

Tho leading lady of tho play appears first as a young, modest, and girl who falls In lovo with young gallant, Valentino Brown (Gerald Ilencher) who goes off to thn wars, however, not knowing uf hla conquest, hut with very pleasant memories of (ho little hluo and white room In "Quality Street," and Its two lumi- essoB, Mlns Vhocbe und Miss Susan (Marjorlo Fairbanks), Changes Characterization Ten years elapse and Misa Phoebe has become tho tired and worn little inlytres.s jn drab gray dress, Tho hero returns and IM Fat Girls! Here's A Tip for You HEROINE MISS FAY HELM Dec.r Sirs: is my fifth bottle of Krusohen Salts and 1 sure will say It's wonderful. When I started to take It I was JiM Ibs. Now thanks to your Salts I'm down to 129 HIM. Good Luck to you in the New Year." Sincerely. Mrs.

C'lnra Chrlstensen, Belmar, N. January 22, 1532. All over the world Krusehen Salts Is appealing to girls and women who strive for an attractive, free from fat figure that cannot fall to win admiration. Here's the recipe that banishes fat and brings into blossom all that natural attractiveness that every woman possesses and it SAFELY afld HARMLESSLY. In the morning take one half teaspoon of Krusehen Halts in a of hot water before down on pastry and fatty light on potatoes, butler, crenm and sugar.

"It's the little fUlly ilnso tlmt tl.o fat" ami that Krim-lien feillu; n( fniTirotie lieilth nnU urtlvlty tlial Is reflcrtrd 1" lirleht ere-. clear shin, cheerful ilvacify fJisnnirij: Hut bu euro for your sukit (bat yen ci-t Krusehen. A bottle that lasts ueeks rosts yint Itttln. You fun always get Kriia-idcn at IltiKiira DruK Ktoro, Nlnett'cnth niul Chester. Kimball Stone or Kastcrn Drug und niont-y bark nut ittlsfleJ with results after flrdt shocked to find that time has not dealt kindly with her.

Her pride is touched and with a spurt of returned youthful spirit, she releases her ctirN, puts on a pretty frock, and adopts the mien of a silly and coquettish Klrl whom the returned captain takes for Miss I'lioobu's young niece tmd Is duly miiKculfncly Impressed. Throughout the play, Jllss Helm must appear I ns MlB.s 1'hoebe und the I uotiuettish niece who becomes known as Miss Llvvy. Later she uppcars as Miss Phoebo, who Is frightened by the deception she has maintained, and finally as thu Miss Phoebe who finds lu-r happiness. Hulm has had thorough trclning in dramatics, and Is said to brilliant In the handling of the Harrla rolp. Colncidentally enough sbf; began her r.tago work In a costume play, an romantic lend of "Little old New York." She played the lead In "Alien In Wonderland." "To tho Ladies," "Tilllc," mid otliorf.

For Civic Theater In thf dramatics department at the T'nlvorslty of Oregon she WIIH In th" 1 lead of "Oh Dear," phiyert In college musical comndlps, anil liad sevrral Important roles In tho Portland Civic 1 theater productions Ini Hiding, "Fashhuis or Lifvi in New "Tjoar Tlnitus," and others'. Tho play is being directed by Mrs 1 Louis Atwood. Tickets will ho on sale Thursday afternoon and evij- r.lng at the box the higli sc'hool in clinrge of Mrs. John llanning. DATED THU BDAY To Honor Founders During Dinner Party; Chapter Meeting Tonight founders' day wl(l be celebrated with a banquet May 2C, when tho Phi Chi fraternity holds Its annual get- together.

Preparations wilt be discussed in detail nt tonight's regular meeting; bo presided over by Vice- Consul Pete Molorw. Charles Mathews and Kenneth Armlstcad will report the progress of plans. Mr. 'Armlstead Invited Orand Consul ,1. V.

Buchnor and M. Pennlngton, punt grand consul, to attend, whllo In Oakland at a board meeting this JJo will attend another board session Sunday In Los Angeles. Charles Mathews, who Is In chargo of entertainment for Thursday night's affair, Is numbers, arranging vucnl and piano and two offerings by tho pledges, tho nature of which will bo announced later. Tim first degreo was conferred on a class'of four candidates last week and similar exercises will be conducted for another four tonight. A report on a dance June 11 will bo made by Ed Mathews, chairman.

This will be sport danco. Assisting Mr. Mathews on. arrangements aro Phil Dunham and Peto Uhalt. At tonight's meeting tho place of initiation June 12 will bo decided.

P. T. A. TO INSPECT FIVE MILK STATIONS Inspection will start at the five P. T.

A. milk stations with the closing of school. The distribution points Include tho Mexican quarter known as "Little Tla Lincoln, Hawthorne, Lowell and schools. Mrs. M.

J. Meadows, chairman of Inspection, will work directly with Mrs. S. A. McCormac, chairman of milk distribution for the Bakcrsftcld Council of Parents and Teachers.

Skimmed milk will he furnished complimentary by tho Kern County und dairies. L. 13. Cbenoweth, city superintendent of is enthusiastic over tho plans for thu summer anil highly endorses tho serving of milk through tho winter iiiunths tho schools. "It is surprising tho effect the drill bus on attendance," he fald today, "some of tin! undernourished children attend for this, many times, who might be absentees otherwise, thus bringing down the records seriously." A OU13AT chorus of 200 volceSi under the direction of tho Rev.

AVil! IT. Prlchard of Snn Vranclsco, will furnish the music for tho forty-fifth annual convention of tho California. Christian Endeavor Union, Juno 23 to 1, at Vlsiillu, Another feature of Uio musical program bolng planned by tho committee in charge of Will It. Vogt, nluto president, Is the appearance of Mrs. Charles Reign Scovlllo as soloist.

Mrs. Scovlllo Is considered America's foremost singer of gospel songs. Moro than a thousand delegates have registered for tho convention already and several thousand moro aro expected to do BO boforo tho opening day, Juno 23. Kern county union has registered moro than 100 delegates and special drlvo la being made to roach tho 200 mark before convention time. Two special trains will carry tho delegates to the convention city, one leaving San Francisco the morning of Thursday, Juno.

23, and one leaving Los Angeles at the sjima limn will pick up delegates In Bakcrsfleld. Many delegates aro planning the trip by motor. "Tho Rock," the throe-act religious drama which tho Kio Bravo young people have produced In several Christian Endeavor Societies und churches In the county, will be presented again Friday evening on the West Side, In the second county "proBperHy program," at the Lincoln grammar school, In Taft. Harlln Wilson, brother of the county president, Vercll Wilson, plays I ho part of the Impetuous Simon Peter, with Miss Maxlno Mooro cast as his wife, Adina. The other characters aro cast as follows: Deborah, mother of i Adlim, Miss Cecelia Haag; TJcal, mcr- 1 chant prince and brother of Deborah, Virgil Graves; Mury Magdalene, Miss Margaret Mi'cchnm; Pnndlra, Oreo It lover of Mary Magdalene, Paul Graves; Titus, Roman officer, William Haag, and Agur, famous physician, Pnul Graves.

The play is directed by Orval Graves, president of tho lllo Bravo Society. Costumes are produced under the direction of Miss Frances Wilson, itiistuino manager. numbers will bo provided by the male quartet from tlio Taft Christian church, Miss Cordelia OTiell. contralto soloist, nnd olhur county musicians. free will offering will bo nntl will bo applied on tho state "Dollar Day" fund.

STUDENTS TO GO TO POLLS FRIDAY Most of Offices TTnvc Two or More Candidates; Hi S. Freshmen Also Elect A "ConvontloncUo" WIIH hold by thn Klo Uruvo Intermediates, liiBt Sunday evening, with Miss Lllrdlo Buydnm, us- HlKtniit. supfrlnUindcnt, conducting, CimferoneuK, conducted by tlio various commlUoo ohulrnion, was the main feature of thn evening. Tho young puuplo's society of llravu presented "Tho Hook" during tho church sorvleon of tho Delano church. A wiener roust was enjoyed by tho members of the high school Intermo- dlato group of tho Klrst Christian church of Bakorsfleld Saturday evening at Kern County I nrk.

Clnmcsf, directed by Mary Dlxon find I'liylllw CnUvford wore enjoyed preceding the roasting of tho wieners. Thomi present Misses Alberts Miller, Ijcora Kuth Cury, Uuth Ilarman, Kdmi lioono, Mildred Ijowl.i, Myrtlo Simrguon, 1'uiirl und Love, Clara Uctlnger, Kllmbrth Agoe, Kvclyn Baldwin, Maxlno Manuel, Loulso nurnham, Phyllis Crawford, Mary Dlxon, Marian Mandulli Josephine Jturphcy, Klalno Ulxun, Annie Mandell. Messrs. Calvin Allen, Frank Holland, Jim Moses, Tom Uean, mil Moses, Kenneth HooKhind, liradley Shelton, Ijawrcnco Zuurcher, Paul ryor, Robert Rude, Hill Muldwln, Uuve Jameson, Uugonu Houglund, Don Jameson, Arthur l-iowls. Miss Mnrlanna Uohna, Huperlntond- cnt, chaperoned tho group.

There will hn a business mooting of the high group nt tho Christian church womcn'n parlors on Saturday evening. All members have bfpii urged to attend by the society officers. INTENTIONS TO WED Au' iii'tU-, and Euhillo S. Lorraine, 1C. Jacob .1.

K. S'J, and Bessie r.yous,.33, liakorpflcld. JamcM Brashler, -'I, Mllburn, and Cunclo. VU. GIVE PICNIC DINNER JIoKARLAXJi, Mny A delightful picnic dinner lu-ld at the.

home of Mr. sind Mrs. Kd Sunday. Among those pn-M-nl wore: Messrs. and Slcsdamcs Ira Martin and Krank jjifiker of Jlr.

and Mrs. Joo I Daker and Miss Wurst of Unk- crsfleld, X. 13. NV.jitdle and son Junior, ij. 15.

Hylton and sons, John Moomaw and daughter Dorothy Leo, C. 13. llyl- fon and family, Kd Baker nnd f.irn- lly. T. Howser, nnd the hpst and hosl- and family.

Seniors Are Guests at School Party May Members of the senior class of tho high school wero at a luncheon when two of the homo economics clasn, Osborn jinrt Durnlie, entertained at the srbool. Thu luncheon tables wero d'M-oratcd with ciirnatlnns and fern. (iue.stn Included Miss Evelyn Reynolds, teacher of the economics class, and the following seniors: Marlun Tonley. Alta McQueen, Uertha McCall, ICuntce Moomiiw, Olenn Chunley, Hoy Taylor. Udell Oossago and Leonard Dumke.'iy at noon two moro members of tho conking class will entertain another group of seniors nnd on Juno 3 the remaining members of tho class will bo feted. HOLD SECOND CLINIC I-'KLLOWS, May 2fi. The wocond of series of fnur of tho immunization cllnlc.s held at Midway School was conducted Tuesday under the. supervision of Mrs. Ada M.

Mortunsen, Hchopl nurse. Ninety took the scrum last week and It Is expected today tho total will be 100. This clinic free of cluirgo duo to tho co-operation of the Ktirn county health department. West Side Rebekah Lodge Enjoys Meet FELLOWS, May Samaritan Rebekah Lodge No. 55, I.

O. O. held a busy session Monday evening. Mrs. Poarl Parrls, noblo grand, iircsld June 11 IB memorial day for all lle- bekah lodges as well as subordinate lodges, and Mesdames Nora Irwln, Blanche Morgan.

Maude Wright and Kfflo Johnson weru appointed as a committee. Second nomination of officers placvri In line, members who will bo elected at the Juno 13 mooting. Mesdameti Kvelyn O. Townc, Etta Maygrcn, Blanche Morgan and Mr. Joseph B.

Irwin wero appointed or. the entertainment committee for tho next meeting. Mrs. Morgan announced another politick dinner wltl Johnson and Hcdrlck to assist. Mrs.

lledrick gavo her report of th assembly at Riverside, which was Interesting and Instructive. Ouetftn woro present from Taft and Marlcopa. ADMIRAL VON HIPPER DIES ALTONA, Germany, May 'K. (A. Admiral Franz von Hipper, 08, leader of tho (German scouting squadron li the battle of Jutland, died today of apoplexy.

on let a few cents a day stand between you and a FULLY AUTOMATIC Kelvinator HERE actually isn't much difference between the price of a fully automatic Kelvinator, the finest in electric refrigeration, and an ordinary electric refrigerator. Over a period of time, it amounts to only a few cents a day. But, think of the difference between the two when it comes to economical'operation, performance, eatisf action, long- lived dependability, the completeness of refrigeration service. Consider these you cannot get except in a Kel- vinator. There is 4-Zone separate, distinct each serving a different necessary for complete each fully automatic.

There are no dials to set. Nothing to remember or forget. No danger of freezing the contents of thu food compartment. In addition to fully automatic 4-Zone Cold, the most important feature in an electric refrigerator, consider the Frost Chest, World's Fastest Freezing Speed, the Kold-Keeper and the Student foody offlcnrw of Hnkoraflold Mivh School for tho ycur Will olnntort Friday of this woolc, with lotul of 15 candidate!) In l.ho fluid for liTtkm to offluuH. Nomination)) H'i'0 imulo lit spill mcotliiK of tho tndont body yostorduy aflnrnoon, Irnry Morgan, president, preHldlng ivi-r ono frroup nnd Wnrron Frcolnnd, i'n lor oluMs president, acting UH chair- nun for tho other group.

For President For tho office of president, 1JI11 luldwln WIIH nominated by Lincoln and Jlulph Qimllu wan mined us unndldato hy Wlllliun Rnbb. North Hathaway and Jim began woro lamlmilod for tho vluo-prcHldoncy; lonild McOull and Dob Moon bulnit liolr respective Bpnlcosmiori. MIKH llolrn Cnrran will he a ciindl- lato to BiirfK'od hot'Hplf aw Hiiorotary, lor nomination hnvlnp been madii by Delano Church Unit to Meet Thursday May Clmrlos Grin wold will ho hoHloss to tho Wom- nn'H Cinincll of tho Community Methodist church In nil-day Bouillon on Thurfldny. Tho Woman's Foreign MlHHlonary Society will moat at 1.0:30 n. m.

"World Fellowship" will ho tho mibjoct of tlio program which will bo Blvon by Mrs. It. V. Shultz. Miss Janot Htmthors will speak from Ilia tuple, "Women niul International JVI- lowshlp." W.

13. Marshall will loud tho dovotlonnl hour. Her subject will bo "With God AmotiK tho Notions." There will bo a covered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs, Bon C. Shearer will proslrto nt tho mooting of tho JVutloa' Aid In afternoon.

Mrs. Kdward 15. Oood- oll will glvo tho second tnatnllment of the book, "Christ of tho Mount," by 10. Stanley Jones, lomor Uriilty. MIsH I'Ynm'es Frnnk Wnttnm.

Imibello She will bo opposed by Tosanto and Mary lono wero nominated for editor of tho tlluo and White; mid Tom Hanlny, I 'nut Dnly and Joo Illmovltz as buol- Nonmi Joan Ornhiun will run unopposed for tho position of editor of this Oracle, whllo Warren Freoland and Lois UnnnlHtcr will contest tho office of business manager of the year book. Johnny Schroder will not ho opposed In hla campaign for ro-oloctlon us yell leader. Class Election nosulis from thn freshman class oloftlon, held for tho purposo of selecting tho sopbomoro council of next year, were announced yesterday, the following being tho successful candidates: Misses llachel Ilankln, Patricia Henry, Dorothy Hnimwnlt, Barbara Day, Mary Ktchovorry nnd Virginia Smith, and Itobort Htlcrns, Lawrence IlaiiBOr, August Hr-hroodor, Forest Cassady, AV'nrron Coats, AV'ayno Turner and John Jolly. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO FETE jyp CRITES Hnkcr.sflold Commandery, No. 39, Knights Tcmplnr, will hold reception and ball In the Masonic, temple auditorium honoring Arthur 8.

Crltes, grand coinniundev of Kntihtu Templar of tho state of California, on Saturday evening, Juno 4. All Masons and Knstorn Stars and families have been Invited. This la tlio official vlfllt of thn grand commander to his homo commandery and It la expected to bo OIHI of tho outstanding events of year In tho temple. Much. Business to Follow Dinner; Picnic June 5 Near Lcbcc Dinner will bo served at 7 o'clock Lonight In the banquet room of tho Masonic temple when the local mid of Sclots Ita May meetliig; Tho regular bushiMR meeting will bcf gin at 8 o'clock.

A oash attendance prlr.n Is bolng promised. Fred gaard, toparch, will preside. Mr, Neergaard has annoiincod the appointment of Helot W. I. Pulton as chairman of the lapsntlon commltteoi Appointment of a successor to Sclot Frank Wllknon, who ban renlgned all marshal, will talco piano at tonight's mooting.

Much of tonight's meeting will turned over to discussion of tho nunl Bclots' ptcnlo, Juno 6 at Camp Tejon near Leboo. There will be a program for kiddies and grownups, Many prizes aro promised. A bridge content has nrrangod. Thero will bo on award tho largest family present. Tho committee consist of Buford, chairman, Herman Mott, Sam Tobias, Homer Hopkins, Lloyd Sands, N.

Wyllo, Parrel Tumor, Earl ShftW. Fred Neergaard, If. B. nradshawi IM Hougham nnd Howard SUNDAY PICNIC WASCO, May all-day plcnlo and party Sunday WUB planned by tho of tho Flvo Itundrod Club for tho winners In a contest. group had breakfast In Bakarsflohl, lifter which they motored to tho Sanctuary of tho I'lnoH At Frazlor Mountain Park where they had barboouod Iamb dinner at noon.

Tho evening wan spent at tho Cliurleo Anderson homo whoro refreshments woro nerved. Tho group Included Messrs, and Mesdames R. Annln, Henry Scaronl, W. H. Jahunt, Charles Anderson, II.

a. Hull Hnd Craw- fonl. CIRCLES TO Clrolqa of First Christian Chiittjfe will meat Thursday as follows; ml clralo, Mrs. Mateo Smith, IIS Qulncy stroot. Ruth circle, R.

L. Perry, Terrace "Way. Lrdla Circle, Mrs. F. n.

Tatumr 109. Llnqbln avenue, Olldale. Esther circle, at-the church. 'y', ICstbor circle wilt noon to tho public nt a small cost, f6r the benefit of the church building fund, STORE HOURS: 8:30 a. m.

to 6 p. m. U. S. Trade Mark Rnglstered 257,466 Dollar Bill Says: "Welcome New Kress Store." THURSDAY SPECIALS 81x108 PEQUOT SHEETS Extra Large Size Ladies' Chiffon and Silk Mesh Hose Sheer chiffon, full fashlnnod HOBO und puro Bilk menu In fancy weave, small mesh.

Npw summer Sgle Men's Coat Style Work Shirts Heavy quality cliambruy c.out Hlylo Work Shirts with 2 button down pockets. All BizoH. Regular (JOn seller. Mm.1t 4. Thuraday Only Irts with 2 1 39 Boys' Jeans and Bib Overalls Heavy blue denim JOHIIH and Ull) Overalls In blue or Htrlped.

Kull cut. Plenty of pockets. Choice for. A regular $2.00 value. 120 on sale Thursday.

All thrifty housewives know the quality of this famous brand. Limit 1, while they ELECTRIC FANS 50 on Sale Thursday Guaranteed One Year 10-inch outside. No noise. Runs absolutely radio interference. Get one for summer comfort.

All for one year at Limit 1, While They Last Kelvin Crieper, all of which can he had on either the Standard or DeLuxe Models. You buy an electric refrigerator not for one or two years' but for ten, or fifteen, or even more. And it is downright extravagance not to buy the when you can get a Kelvinator for only a few cents a day more. Your own good judgment will tell you this is sound reasoning so why not come in to-day and pick out your Kelvinator and pay for it on the ReDifiCo Monthly Budget Plan, the easy, convenient way? LADIES' NEW CREPE DRESSES Our Regular $2.95 Seller Smart, clever and Cape effect styles with pleated and flare skirts. Short sleeve or sleeveless.

Also silk Shantung and rayon prints. Beautiful pastel colors including while. All sixes. Special Thursday only- GUNDLACH PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL COMPANY 2324 Chester Avenue WE HAVE A SPECIAL OFFER TO ALL Phone 212 PEOPLE BUYING OFF THE FLOOR Men's, Women's Children's PART-WOOL SWIM SUITS Finn Quality part-wool SuitH lu Hjifwl inodul and low Huu-lmvk styloH. All tho waatoil und co valu Limit Spt- clttl 'J'hui-Hdiiy, 1200 SUMMER FROCKS and BEACH PAJAMAS Values to $1.00 smart Humtnor wtylos In wash frocks mid buach at flnu (liiullty fnsJ color prints and with organdie iiml Hi'lf-imiterlul trlmniud.

new clfVfj 1 stylos. Sou thorn tomorrow. All wuntt'il Klzeu. Speclul Thurdduy 1 "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded;.

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