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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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JOS PRINTING If you will lei us do your Job Printing you you may rest assured that it will be neat, attractive, pretty. We take pride in it. New type, new borders, new ornaments, new ideas. VOL. XXIV.

LEBANON, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 29, 1896. ADVERTISING It's human nature to want something for nuth- ing. You practically get an ad. in the NEWS for nothing, for with the extra profit an ad, brings you can more than pay for it Try one NO. 303 Dnce Powerful Count Incurs the Emperor's Disfavor.

THE MIBISTEEIAL OEISIS IN JAPAN. tamed by Krsardtng the For- clKn I'remier Too Generom to of tlir Victory Over China I lie Paw. WASHINGTON, state de- lartim-nt lias information from Yokohama that Pi niiiir Ito, who was al- 10 iiitniKtiir of thr and secretary of tlm i-nliim-i, has resigned. Though no dvtuils rt'gardiug the direct cause of thci resignation of Count Ito have Ijonn received by cable, the indirect cause Is believed to have beon the foreign policy which has divided Japan intu two hostile parties ever sincn the conclusion of the war between China and Japan. The pep- plo of Japan woro united as one man in favor of the war with China, and something of thu triumph of Japan in this conflict was undoubtedly due to this unison of sentiment at home and in the field.

1'hero was a fueling of disappointment COUNT ITO. among the rank and file of the army well as people at large, because the war did not result in the entire downfall of the Chinese ancient uueiny of Japan. Hut the terms of the treaty of ShimnnuM'ki went so favorable to the Japanese that the failure to completely overthrow the ruling dynasty in China might perhaps liavo been forgiven. The treaty of peace agreed upon at Sbimonoee- 1:1 on April 17 was ratified at Chefoo, China. May 8.

The attempted assassination of the Chinese statesman, Id Hung Chung, by a native of Japan, while this treaty was being arranged, IB said to have Influenced Japan to greatly modify her claims. This attempt upon the life of an embassador while on a mission of peace cauend something of a revulsion of feel- Ing throughout hot tbo orient and Occident. But oven the treaty ratified at Cho- foo was a modification of the original treaty agreed upon at treaty in which so many of the Japanese thought that Japan had yielded all the concessions possible uuder the circumstances. In the matter of these modifications arranged for at Chefoo the Japanese commissioners. Count Ito, the prime minister, and Viscount Mutsu, the minister of foreign affairs, yielded to the demands of Kiisnia, backed by Germany and Franco, and restored the whole of the Leotong peninsula to China, including the ortrcss- ns greatly prized from the military viewpoint.

Then followed in quick succession the troubles in Korea. It was felt that the war between China and Japan having originally beon brought about by Korean complications thai Japan was entitled to the lion's share of the fruits of victory. The Japanese were enraged when it was learned that Russia had taken advantage of the revolts In Korea; that Hnssia hnd acquired the upper hand iu llm mastery of Korea, and that through extremely favorable, trimly arrangements with both China and Korea Kussia had been able to secure ports on tin- Pacitlc ocean as the termini of the Trnnssiberian in close proximity iho shores of Japan, ports not affected ice and open the year round. There was a feeling thai Japan, triumphant In war, had been outwitted In the field of diplomacy; that the people of Japan hnd been engaged In the thankless tank of "pulling the chestnuts out of the lire for Russia," Naturally the blame for this exiting condition ttf affairs came down upon the heads of the present cabinet, for the average native of Japan still bolivus that "the king can do no wrong." Count Promotion. The Japanese emperor, however, did one thing which precipitated the present cabinet crisis.

He made Count Ito, the prime minister, a nmniufci, without the lattor's consent. The reasons for this promotion nt the present time are probably not known to any person except to the emperor himself. It lias beon intimated that the emperor tried extricato himself from a dillioult position by shelving a prime minister already discredited by the people through the not unheard method of a promotion iu rank. Count Ito at first rof used accept the title of marquis, giving as his reason that It would not be honorable for him to accept while bis colleagues in tin- cabinet remained unhonorod. Count the minister of war, declined the title also, giving reasons similar to those advanced Count Ito.

the prime minister. The emperor, however, oom- manded Count Ito to remain at his post He ai-cepied the title of marquis a year ami a downfall of the ministry at that time was averted. Tlie relations of the various members of the cabinet continued to remain strained until Count Ito insisted upon his resignation being aooepted. Count Ito, whose resignation from the portfolio of prime minister of Japan, will attract attention all over the civilized world, is said to be one of the most brilliant characters of the orient of today. Originally a descendant of one of the ruling famil'ies of Japan, after obtaining an education in the schools and universities of his native country he commenced the study of the arts and of mechanics.

He paid particular attention to telegraphy In order to apply the most modern methods to war as well as to peace. Ho became the controlling puwer iu the government organ at Tokio. and his rise to fame was rapid. He was a member of the cabinet before the war with China broke out, and in the summer nf 1S94 he was put in command of the naval forces of Japan engaged against China off the coast of Korea. For the victories at Wei-Hal-Wei and Port Arthur he in a large measure responsible.

He was recalled to Japan in March, for the purpose of taking part in the peace negotiations then being conducted with China. TeKtlnc the EiBht Hour WASHIXGTOX, Aug. Winfree, whose conviction for violating the eight hour law forms a test case in the enforcement of that measure, was fined 100 in the police oocrc. He appealed. BRIEF TELEGRAMS.

Asher Fleming of Peapack, X. was irrested for an alleged attempt to shoot Ills wife and her escort. Mrs. Stickley, wife of a farmer of Strawberry Hill, Stafford, gave birth to three girls and a boy. It is announced that Joseph Chamberlain will confer with Secretary Olney In relation to the Venezuelan question.

FIRST WARD CLUB Valuable Campaign Literature Rvrelvril- on I'nifoniK. Quite an interesting meeting of the First Ward Republican club was held Friday evening in their room, President Houck in the chair. After going through the regular routine of business there was a general discussion of thepolitical situation. Handsome photos of Candidates McKinley and Hofaart were distributed among the members, and an abundance of literature was on hand, consisting of "Silver vs. The American Farmer and Wage Earner," by Hon.

Jerome B. Niles; "Editorial Expressions on the Platform and Nominees of the Chicago Convention from 150 Leading Democratic Organs;" "Sound Coin's Financial Fool," by HoraceWhite; "Where Silver Rules," by L. F. McKinney, U. S.

minister to Colombia, S. A "Free Coinage Catechism;" "Letter," by William Harnhart;" "Three Resolutions," by National Convention of Building Associations; "Timely Warning to Holders of Life Insurance Policies," by "New York Times;" "Tom Reed's Opinion." The above are all in pamphlet form, are replete with facts that should be read by every voter, who can get them from any member free of charge. A vote of thanks was extended to all who contributed and otherwise assisted in procuring the handsome banner. A committee on uniforms, consisting of Ruins E. Ramsey, Clarence H.

Smith and Dick J. Boyer, was appointed. Four new members were admitted. RIFLE PRACTICE BY CO He Addresses an Alliance Picnic i In Western New York. 1TKINLEY TO LEAGUE DELEGATION TICKET NOMINATED.

ProhlMtlonlltx of Thin County Met In Convention This Afternoon. Lee L. Grumbein, of this city, presided this afternoon at the county Prohibition convention in room court house. Edwin H. Light was- made secretary.

Chairman Urumbein appointed E. H. Molley, James Wilson and Cornelius Grumbein a committee on resolutions and John K. Bomberger, Simon P. Smith and M.

L. Boas a committee on noniiun- tion. The committee on resolutions did not touch oa the currency question and endorsed the Prohibition national platform. The resolutions were adopted. The committee on nominations selected the following county ticket: State senator, Rev.

C. J. Kephart. Assembly, Jacob H. Bicksler and Geo.

Shefly. Recorder, Aaron M. lilecker. Clerk of Orphans' Court, George Haas. County Treasurer, Tobias Bomberger.

County Commissioner, Solomon lloke. Director of the Poor, Daniel K. Suayd. County Auditor, Cyrus Dissinger. The recommendations were adopted.

County Chairman John K. Bomiier- ger, of Bismarck, was unanimously reelected. The following executive committee was appointed: L. S. Beam, Sowers, E.

H. Molly, L. L. Grambeiu, W. H.

Lewara, P. C. Croll. IWILL SAIL FOR GERMANY. Stiulx-rt Will College of liuisprm-k.

George Seubert, son of F. A. t-eubert, of 227 North Eighth street, a brother ot Rev. Frank Seubert, of Harrisburg, on Tuesday, September will leave over P. R.

road for New York city and where he will take the steamer, "Havel," of the celebrated Sorth German Lloyd line for Bremen, jermany. He will then continue his journey to the he will enter the university aud take a three years' to becoming a priest in the Catholic church. Mr. Seubert is a member of St. Mary's Catholic church, this city.

GOLD Tlie Kankw of Both Inereused by One In Two of Our Wards. There is no prouder or happier man in this city today than Dr. John Walter, president of the board of health, for his wife early this morning presented him with a bouncing boy baby. Mr. Walter sayb it is a "free silver" baby and came just in time to be registered in the Fifth ward and help swell the already large list of silverites claimed for the ward.

Samuel J. Shiner, of 10'M Lehman street, is equallv as happy as Di. Walter for his wife early Friday morning pro sented him with a boy baby which is a "gold or sound money" baby. Sam is happy and is kept busy informing his friends of his good luck." SOCIETY'EVENTS. Friday a party was tendered Miss Bessie Walmer, daughter of Daniel Walmer, at her home on Walnut street, near Eighth.

A large number of her lady and gentlemen friends were in attendance. Vocal and instrumental music was furnished on the piano. During the evening the Metropolitan serenaded the party, rendering some their choicest selections. ALDERMANIC NEWS. HELD UNDER ADVISEMENT.

The case of Michael G. Hoke against with incorrieibility, was heard befote Alderman R. L. Miller Thursday evening. After hearing testi mony the alderman decided to hold the case under advisement until this evening, at 7 o'clock.

J. Marshall Funck, represented the plaintiu" and Col. Stllzer and W. H. Beckford, the defendent.

Lett for Minnesota. E. D. Krall this morning leit on the 10:15 train over the C. L.

railroad for Conewago, where he joined the excursion to the National G. A. R. encampment at St. PauC, Minnesota.

Mr. Krall, who is an extensive traveller, will be absent for about two weeks, A Valuable Prencriptlon. Editor Morrison, of the Worthington, "Sun," writes: "Yon have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, and 1 can cheerfully resommend it for Constipation and S'ick Headache, and as a general svstem tonic it has no equal." Mre. Annie Stehle, 2625 Cottage Grove Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but sir bottles of Electric Bitters restored her health and renewed her strength. Prices 50 cents Get a bottle at Dr.

Geo. Ross A Btore Maniace IJoeuaes. Jacob W. Kline, of Myerstown, and Miss Lizzie Wood, of Fredericksbnrg. Fresh Taffv's todav at Lowry's.

Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil has. cured hundreds of cases of deafness that were supposed tc be incurable. It never fails to cure earache. Always in season.

Hopkins' Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant Lunch in Milk. Quart can, lOc. For Dress Goods go to Haak'e. Jtambaugh 25-tf Look here! 900 baskets of peaches at J.

H. Shugar's, Monday morning. Fresh Taffy's today at Lowry's. Visit of a Committee From the Milwaukee Convention Conffreitsional Candidate Mobl. While Campaigning: In of the Campaign.

KSOWLESVILLE, X. Aug. faiiatc William .1. Bryan and Mrs. Bryan iri-re sirruU'u' by the mem- liers of the Farmers' Alliance at a picnio in a grove near this place.

Afu-r thanking them for their generous reception, Mr. lirynn said in part: "lam glad to notice here the mothers and wives, as well as the sons and husbands, because, my friends, our causo is the cause in which the whole family is interested. If we arc entitled tn succeed in this campaign it is becausu tlio principles which we and poliek's for which we stand will be for th? hum-lit of the husbands and wives, tlie parents and children and all tho pi-opli- of our beloved land. I am glad that at this meeting we are having as the presiding oilicer a man, who until this year, lias voted the Republican ticket. I am glad because some of the nuwspapers parade before tho public the mimes of prominent Democrats who are going to desert the ticket, and I am glad that for every Democratic deserter we are to have accessions from tho Republican pnrty than enough to make up the difference.

"Politics is a practical question, it is so simply bucuuse it can bo comprehended by our people. I want to talk practical politics to you for a littlo while this afternoon. Neitlu.r in, timi- um- my physical strength will permit- all uxtemii-d discussion of the issuus i if the campaign. But I desire to suggi-st fiomu thoughts which may help you in your study of tho issues and your determination of the part which you shall Uike. I want to ruad to you an extract from a speech inado by John G.

Carlisle in ISTS, and I want you to mark the political philosophy therein set forth. He was bpeaking on an amendment to the Bland act. and he used these words: 'If the execution of this measure could be In- trusted to a public officer whose opinions on the subject were in accord with those of a great majority of the American me pause for a moment to say that if it was desirable at the time to have tho secretary of tlie treasury in accord with the opinion of tho vast majority of tho American people, it would be a good thing today to have the secretary of the treasury in accord with majority of the American people. He said further, 'and whoso mark the whose sympathies were with the struggling masses who produce tho wealth anil pay the taxes of the country rather with the idle holders of idle capital, the provision alluded to would bo of little consequence, because he would coin the maximum instead of tho minimum amount by the amendment. 33ut, situated as vvii urn, we all know, or at best, we all reason to believe, that not a dollar beyond the minimum amount will bo corned consequently tlie process of getting this money into circulation will bo too sluw to afford the full measure of relief which the peoplo now demand and Divided Society Into Two Claises.

Mark those words. John G. Carlisle divided society into two classes. On the onu eiile put llm iillu holders of idle capital, on the other fidu ho put the Btrug- mnsKiw, who produce the wealth and tnxoH of tin- If that division cxfcu-d then, it today. Aloro Uiiin that, John U.

Carlisle said that if a ublic ollicLT sworn to his duty would lie c.imrollrd in his official conduct by his -ympathios, and if his sympathies wore with the idle holders of idle capital, he would coin as littlo money as possible, wlii-ivas if his sympathies were with the struggling masses, he would coin as much as the law would permit. "This is the language of John G. Carli-le, not uttered when he was young, as might be charged, as has been against me. It was when he was 7 years older than 1 am now. 1 believe that he spoke the truth when he said that society was dt- viili-i! into those two classes upon any question involving money.

I believe he was right when ho said that if a man's sympathies were with tho struggling masses he would favor a larger amount of money than he would if his sympathies were with the idle holders of idle money. My friends, tliu issue today is an issue between the idle holders of idle money and the Strug- glint; masses who produce the wealth and pay tho taxes of the country. And when this question is understood, when men Hud out about the money question, you will find that if there is a man in your community whoso interests or whose sympathies are with tho idle holders of idle money, ho will be in favor of a gold standard and not daring to say so he will talk about 'honest money' and a 'sound But if his sympathies are with those vrho produce tho nation's wealth he will bo for the gold and silver coinage of the constitution, no matter how many times you rail him an anarchist. They toll us that these prominent financiers are going to leave tlie Democratic party because it ik-'Iares for the restoration of silver. We shall not go into court to secure an order to prevent thi-ir going.

"Tlie Democratic party has been weighed down by these millstones long enough. It it, i-'lad to be rid of those who want to use the pnrty organization for private gain anil their country for public plunder. Now, my frii-nds, this is a question that you have right to have an opinion upon, (Continued on Second Page.) Left for Hetlinandale. The Perse band left today lor Heilman- where they furnished music for a school picnic. Notice to Taxpayers.

J. H. Fisher, collector of state and county taxes for the city of Lebanon, can he f.nind in the commissioners' office, court house, each day from a. m. to 5 m.

and from 7 to p. where he is prepared to receive taxes. 27auglm Don't miss it I WOO baskets of peaches at J. H. Monday morning.

For Ticking go to Haak's. iSuunbangh i 25-tf RIGHT NOW while the great summer sale of Footwear is on, your opportunity to enrich yourself by spending is unparalleled. We gratefully realize that the buying public look upon our offerings at any time of the year as exceptional. All summer" foot wear reduced to cost and under. NEW COMMONWEALTH, S.

af A. Building. HEAN MOLLY, The Squad Will Visit the Range at Sit. Grt-tna Next Tuesday. At the meeting of company Friday evening, at the armory, Capt M.

J. FitzGerald reported many proposed improvements at the armory and divided tne company into squads of 10 men each, which he will take to the rifle range at Mt Gretna for practice. The practice will commence next Tuesday, the squad leaving at 10:15 a. m. and returning at an early hour in the evening.

Each squad will be coached by Capt FitzGerald. It was proposed to run an excursion the day that company qualifies under inspector of rifle practice Capt. M. U. Smith.

An effort will also be made to aave a prize offered for the best average score made this day. Arrangements will be made whereby all the excursionists may spend the day pleasantly at the park. PULPIT AND PEW- Slattern That Will Interest Preaclierl and Church Widows' William C. Fauber will hold services tomorrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock. St Paul's Rev.

Romig will oe absent tomorrow on account of the death of a friend. Prof. J. Berg Ksenwem, ot Albright collegiate institute, will preach 5Oth morning and evening. Church of the The campmeetmg services tomorrow will be as follows: Prayermeeting at 9 a.

m. preaching at 10:30 a. class meeting at 1 p. preaching at 3 p. children's rneet- ng at 6 p.

m. prayermeeting at 7 p. m. at 8 p. m.

Salem German Harvest Home services Sunday morning and English in evening. St. Paul's German Harvest Home service on Sunday morn- ng aud English in the evening. Rev. Hagen's morning sub- ect will be "Achsah's Wedding Present.

St. John's Ret. Morning services conducted by the pastor will be held tomorrow morning. Xo evening services. The mid-week services will be resumed on Wednesday evening.

THE MEDALS AND TEOPHIES WON Faithful Locomotive G. H. Moyer, of Pinegrove, for many ears engineer of engine No. 319, on the Tremont railroad, this morn- ng left on the 7:03 train for Ocean jrove, where he will spend a few days. Mr.

Moyer lost but one day in three years and then he attended a funeral. le is said to be one of the most faith- ul and reliable employees on the Read- "ng road. Returned to Washington. Mrs. Thomas D.

Yeager and Mrs. W. R. Householder, of Washington, D. returned home this morning.

Mrs. Yeager was called here several weeks ago by the illness of her mother, Mrs. James" W. Ebur, 529 Cumberland street, who had a a paralytic stroke, but is considerably improved. Band Encaged.

The Mt. Lebanon band of 25 pieces been engaged by the Chemical engine company to furnish the music on day, when their new apparatus prill be housed. The band for the first ime will play a number of their new marches recently received. Marksmen Gneats. Captain Christie and Sergeants Dnffey and Burton, of the state fencibles, Philadelphia, markesmen at the state rifle range, at Mt Gretna, Friday were the guests of E.

O. Hartman.of the Hartman louse, who showed them the many joints of interest in this city. Reducing the The Pennsylvania bolt and nut company has reduced the force of operators 'n the bolt-heading department and may possibly again diminish the force next week. "Twelve operators were laid off this morning. Not Runii'nB Today, Friday evening the Lebanon manufac- itiring company blew out their boilers which today are receiving a thorough cleaning.

The works are therefore not running today, but everything will be in readiness again for Monday morning. Sunday Senool Picnic. The Nacetown Sunday school, in Jackson township, will bold its annual picnic in Henry Haak's grove, on Saturday, September 12. The picnic was not held last Saturday as reported. Blndnmgle'ft Sunday School Picnic.

The Union Sunday school of Bindnagle's church will hold their annual celebration on Saturday, September 5, Weidner's grove, near the church. The Union Deposit cornet band will furnish the music. Loat Bank Check. John Stoever, contractor, of North Third street, while leaving his home lor the North Ninth street market he lost a check drawn on the First National bank, of this city, for t22.24. Shooting at Blue The monthly shoot of the Keystone gun club, of this city, at blue rocks is be- being held this afternoon at East Lebanon.

The shoot ip for the club medal. Church or the Poor Campmmung. The Church of the Poor, of this city will open a ten days' campmeeting in Washington park. The camp will be in charge of Rev. John Herring.

Big Day at Derry Station. Palmyra is practically deserted today the annual union picnic of the Sunday schools in the grove, at Derry church. Nearly all the stores and business places are closed. Public -The pnblic schools of Lebanon will open at 9 o'clock on Monday, the 7th oi September. Permits to enter will be granted by the superintendent in the high school building during the week beginning Monday, Aug 31.

from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. No permits will be issued on opening day.

BOGKB, Supt aug28-3t 'Tor three years I suffered from Salt Rheum. It covered my bauds to such an extent that I could not wash them. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." Libbie Young, Popes Mills, St Lawrence county, N. Y. Everybody welcome to the peaeh sociable tonight by the Sewing circle of the First United Evangelical church, in vacant store room of the opera house.

Bncklen'l Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cats Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. I is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr.

Geo. Ross Co. druggists. No need to scratch your lives away Doan's Ointment brings instant relief all cases of Itching Piles, Pin Worms Eczema, Ringworms, Hives or otke itchineas of the skin. Get it from your dealer.

Peach sociable tonight in vacant store room of the opera house. At Mt. Gretna During the and Twelfth of I'rohibltlonlstn tills Afternoon Full County Ticket Nominated. Contrary to expectations the marksmen who will represent this state at the nter-state shoot at Sea Girt, N. were named Friday afternoon by Col.

Asher Miner, inspector of rille practice, at Camp K. Sigfreid, Mt. Gretna. The medals and trophies won during the week were also presented by irtifneial Snowden and a neat speech by Adjutant General Stewart closed the ceremonies. The state tt-am consists of the followng: Private W.

W. Young, Com. Sergt. Rees Watkins and Sergt. Henry Cullen, Thirteenth regiment; Sergt.

Charles nnes and Coporal John Leidhener, finth regiment; Private H. J. Mehard, Sergt. H. L.

Cooper and Private T. F. Shonert, First regiment; Sergt. H. A.

Stanley, Twelfth regiment; Lieut. Geo. 5. Kemp, Third regiment; Capt. M.

H. Smith and Sergt. Geo. Shillinger, Fourth regiment; Lieut. E.

R. Bergstresser and Corporal W. C. Beam, Eighth regiment; Private G. W.

Millbee. Tenth regiment. The Third birsade is represented in the earn by ten men, the First brigade by burjmen, while the Second brigade will lave only one lan Immediately after team was named the marksmen began practicing and they were compli- nented for their excellent work. The earn left for Sea Girt today. Col.

Miner will act as captain of the team and Com- nissary Sergeant Watkins and Private i. J. Mehard as coachers. The First and Twelfth regiment teams will also participate in the inter-state shoot at Sea Girt. The former is sent at state's expense and the latter will their own: The make up of the earns follow: Mehard, Sergt.

fames Stewart, Sergt. H. L. Cooper and 'rivate T. F.

Shouert. IVm. G. Stair, Sergt. P.

Swartz, Sergt. Jarvey A. Straley, Sergt. William Bauz- lof, Private E. E.

Sloppy and Lieut. Wm. Clark, captain of the team. Both earns left today for Sea Girt. JMajor General Snowden made an able speech at the presentation of the trophy the Tnird brigade team, the McClellan to the Sixteenth regiment team, the Asher Miner medal to Lieutenant Clark, of the Twelfth regiment, and the nedal to Private W.

W. Young, of the Thirteenth regiment. Adjutant General Stewart fltttingly closed his address by nviting all the marksmen to his where they received their pay for week's work. Who Will Shoot at the Interstate Match, at Sea Girt. THE HAYMAKERS.

Two Weary Looking Tramps Were Added to Their Friday livening. The members of Haymakers' association, No. were notified Friday by the harnyard" overseer that two suspicious-looking tramps the place for a number days and ordered the memheia to meet in the hay oft, soon after darkness in the evening, and assist in capturing them. Accord- ugly, a number were present and, under leadership of tlie Past Chief, the 3hief and Assistant Chief, with thellorn- in the lead, a charge was made or the barnyard. After quite a search lie two suspicious-looking tramps were bund snugly ensconced in a hay stack.

They were taken prisoners at once and was pitiful to witness their frightened and woe-be-gone countenances upon be- luldiag the determined and unforgiving aces of Upon inquiry one of the "unfortunates" claimed Philadelphia as his home while the other stated he was from this city. They were told what the penalty was Jor trespassing upon private grounds of the Haymakers and that they must prepare for the execution of the same. What followed they alive yet today) and those present only know. The usual lunch followed. FUNERALS.

bunder. John Motzer brought to this oflice on he morning of this day a sun fl-iwer, raised in the garden of George Motzer, old Cumberland street, which raeas- rert 13 inches in diameter and 30 circumference. It was announced that on Sunday jorning the new pastor of the Moravian burch, Rev. Walter Jordan, would fill he pulpit of his charge for the first time. Jnhn W.

Mish, of the First National bans, on the timing of this received a fine mess of black bass rom a friend. Isaac Hofler who took a leep interest in agricultural affairs and was at this time secretary of the Avon Dark association, received a number of jackages of winter wheat from the ultural department, Washington, which distributed to the farmers throughout he county. The brand was known as 'Gold Dust" The barn of George Stohler, residing at bis time about four miles from Shaeffers- own, was burned down Friday night, aving been struck by lightning. In Dr. Lelnbacht's Memory.

A memorial service will be held tomorrow in the St. Thomas Reformed church, Reading, in honor of Rev. Dr. S. Leinbach, deceased.

The schedule services reads thus: German sermon oy the pastor, text, Daniel 12, 3: "Die Lehrer werden leuchten wie des Himmels und die so viele zur Gerechtigkeit wie die Sterne immer und ewig- icfa. 11 Afternoon, 3 Leinbach's abors in Reading and vicinity," Dr. Vlotser; "Dr. Leinbach's labors for Kt. 'homas Reformed Jchurch," J.

Steinmetz. "How St. Thomas shall re- pond to the work undertaken by his servant for the glory of God," Dr. Bausman. Evening service, 7.30 The opportunity laid hold of by Christ's serv- now Mr AHrlamn- "The resoonsi- -JAMES UANTZ.

James, the infant son, of David and Martha (ju.ul/., of North Lebanon furnaces, was buried Friday afternoon at Mt. Lebanon cemetery. Services were held at the house. Undertaker James F. McGovern was in charge.

INFANT CHILD. The six-months' old child of Michael Nantovitch, of Cornwall, was buried at 5 o'clock this afternoon on St. Mary's cemetery. Rev. Father Adam Christ conducted the short services over the body in St Mary's Catholic church.

Funeral director James F. McGovern was in charge. MRS. REBECCA WAQNER. The funeral of Mrs.

Rebecca Wagner lite of Mt. was held today from her home. Interment was made at Mt, Zion, where the services were held. MRS. WILLIAM STOEVER.

Mrs. William Stoever, nee Susan Rohland. who died at her home, near Avon, was buried Friday morning in cemetery, where a large number of relatives and friends were present to pay their last tribute of respect to her who was highly esteemed in this community for her excellent traits of character. Rev. Welker, of the Reformed church, preached an eloquent sermon and bore hie testimony as her pastor to her good Christian life and devotion to the church.

Mrs. Stoever had a genial, kind disposition tLat made her many warm friends and those who knew her from their early childhood were always glad to meet her and receive a happy greeting. Her useful life is all gone on earth, but the better life has come to the aged Christian, and her faithful obedience to the divine master, her quiet, consistent, Christian life has been rewarded in the heavenly home, where the faithful pilgrims of earth enjoy the crown of eternal rest. DEATHS. INFANT DAUGHTER.

Ruth May, aged 2i months, of Rev. and Mrs. Aaron Barlet, died suddenly Friday evening, of convulsions. Mrs. is visiting friends at Durlach, Lancaster county, and had the child with her.

The remains will be brought to this city this evening. Mrs. Rorer in Town. Mr. Sarah Tyson Rorer, the distinguished teacher and lecturer on cookery, who is one of theChautauqua is still residing on the Chautauqua grounds, arrived iu town this morning and spent the day with Mrs.

Martha Ross. 'Mrs. Rorer's lectures on cooking during the Chautanqua are much enjoya by the ladies, as also by the men, if we may judge by the number of them in at tendance whenever she lectures. Spoke at Colebrook. Ex-postmaster A.

S. Light left on the 10:15 train this morning for Colebrook along the C. L. railroad, where he made an address at a Sunday schoo celebration. Hon.

C. R. Lantz left this afternoon and made an address. Mana gerShoop.of superintendent the Sunday school. TWENTY YEARS AGO.

laprtul From tin "Dally Two A CO. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 1 1 Friday evening a heavy shower of rain isited Lebanon accompanied with VIVKI of lightning and peal alter peal of Interesting Description of a Recent Trip Through It BY JULIUS FKLEDSIOH SAOHSE ant," Rev. Mr. Addams; lilities resting on the community," r. Bridenbaogh; "The spirit and ac The responsi- Rev.

activity TeedecTo'n thepart of the congregation, lev. S. A. LeJnbach. Onward Band ol Bismarck.

The Onward cornet band, of Bismarck 20 men furnished the music or the Union Sunday school, at Belle Grove. On their way thither they stop- jed in this city and serenaded a number jf our citizens, among them being Dr. Geo. Ross where they were invited in and treated to soda water, 'hen they marched to the ofiice of ex- Senator C. R.

Lantz, where they played everal fine selections. Senator Lantz appeared and made a short address at he conclusion of which he handed the eader of the band a sum of money. Lawn Festival This Evening. There will be a lawn festival held this evening under the auspices of Memorial J. B.

church, on Lehman street, between Centh and Eleventh streets, on the lawn front of the edifice. Ice cream, caudies and other delicacies will be on sale. The public is invited to be present and help ilong a worthy cause. Wheelmen Give a Dance. The Iroquois wheelmen gave a delight- ul dance Friday evening, in Lander- nilch's hall.

The Grand Central string orchestra furnished the music. Misses Janie Coyle and Drisilla Talbot, of 'hiladelptiia, were among the guests rom abroad. Made an Address. Aaron Barlet, of Lebanon lodge, No. '5, Brotherhood of the Union," who was elected Grand Washington at the recent eeeiona held in this city, made the prin- ipal address at an enjoyable smoker leld by Steelton Circle, (B.

of on 'hursday night. Ban Down By a Cyclist. Young Adolphus Greider, living at 428 Vorth Ninth street, was knocked down by bicyclist Friday evening, whi.e in the street at his home. He lurfered more from fright than from the light injuries he received. Will Bouse It on Labor Day.

The Lebanon chemical engine company will house their new engine on jibor day. A street demonstration will made with bands of music. Companies from neighboring cities have been nvited to participate on the occasion. Presented With McKinley Music. Lucien E.

Weimer, who takes a deep Olil ami Important Kelu-s teil Homes mill Indian the Oiliest Settlement in the Valley Its Waterworks Described. In our issue of Fridav, July 31, we stated that H. Redseckei, accompanied by Julius F. Sachse, Rev. P.

C. Croll and Rev. W. E. Stabler, leit this morning for a drive through the Mtll- bach valley.

Mr. Sacbse is a noted historian and editor, a member of the Penn'a historical society and the Philosophical society and treasurer of the Penn'a German society. Being interested in the local history of the state, he has embraced the opportunity, while attending the Chatitauqna with his family, of making this side trip for the purpose of collecting historical data." As the result of that trip we are en- al.led to lay before our readers the following interesting description from ad- vanee sheets of the "American Journal of Photography" for September, 1S06, of which Mr. Sachse is the editor, through the courtesy of Messrs. Thos.

H. McCollin A publishers, Philadelphia. The article is entitled: A PHOTOGRAPHIC RAMBLE. BY JULIUS FRIEDRICII SAC11SE. Encamped for a few weeks within the bounds of the Chautauqua grove of Pennsylvania, upon the shady hillside of Mt.

the oldest public waterworks in the United States. The pure spring water brought down from the mountain aide by a series of pipes and supplied to the houses on the main street At regular distances there are placed pnblic fountains and water troughs, where man and beast may quench their antedating our modem fountain societies be v-er a century and a half. Many are the quaint and picturesqn views to be obtained along the old pro, vincial post road as it pas36s through this ers- i ancient country town. Turning south, ward, a little below the "square" another public fountain meets our view; to the right an ancient hostelrv, a stand," long since relegated to domestic purposes; to the left several primitive log happy in summer and warm in winter. At the corner of an intersecting lane a modern frame house meets the eye.

This house stands upon the site of the first Jewilh synagogue elected in Immble log sanctuary, with the Tabernacle of Jehovah, reared here in the wilderness as a shrine for the German- Hebrew fur traders appear to have settled in the valley at a very early day. No trace of this community remains in the vicinity at the present "day, except he old cemetery upon a hill-top ban a mile from town, now neglected, overgrown with briars, with atonei placed and either broken or carried off- in the archives of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania rnav be seen a Jewish jrayer-book printed by William Weyman at New York in 1762, such as were once used by this congregation. Walking tip the old post road beyond the square, so as to get a shot with our camera at the oldest house within the town, a surprise awaited us: In front of the wheelwright shop stood a covered wagon, bright in its garb of fresh paint and striping of gold. Upon either side of the door at the back were placed a plate-glass mirror iu a heavy gilt frame- full set of the BIcKiniey marcn which it is now practicing and will ssbort- render in public. Picnic at Mader's Grove.

Etnannel U. B. Sunday school is hold- ng an annual picnic today iu Jacob Jader's grove, in East Hanover township. Uusic is furnished by the Raukstown land. Gretna, thesparetimewhen not in forum or auditorium was utilized in searching out picturesque bits, food for tbe camera, aud recording them upon the sensitive dry plate.

This pastime naturally carried the thoughts of the writer to the beautiful Lebanon Valley, which nestles between the South Mountain and the Kittatinny Range, and extends southward for some 60 miles. This valley, one of the richest and most fertile within the Keystone State, is known not only for its natural beauty and mineral wealth, but for its historical associations and the thrift of its inhabitants as Pennsylvania Germans, many of "whom still till the paternal acres which were bought from the Indians by their ancestors when the stream of German Palatines came down the Susquehaima from the province of New York into Central Pennsylvania. The historical student, the artist, and the devotee of the black art (photography) will here within this beautiful valley" tind enough material to supply their cravings. The valley, watered by innumerable streams and rivulets, is dotted with ancient mill-seats, many of which are still moved by the. large, picturesque, unhoused wheel.

Here are to be found almost every kind of ancient water-mill, the stone grist and chop-mill, with date stones perhaps showing some year of the fourth decant; of the last century; the frame saw-mill, with its pit-saw and crude log-carrier; the fulling mill, where the homespun woolens were stamped which clothed the sturdy pioneers as they sal- lieu forth to protect their homes against the French Indians in the days of Braddork and Bouquet, and later furnished raiment for our ancesters who shivered upon the hillsides of Valley Forge and subsequently forced the proud Briton to lower his colors to their prowess At Yorktown. Here alsj may yet be found a "trip hammer forge," with breast wheel still in place. A little further on stands a boring mill, where the revolutionary rifle barrel was bored and finished. In many a vale within this valley may still be seen the original block house or lux cabin of the emigrant of old, with its hewn timbers, narrow sliding windows, and loopholes for defence against the murderous savage. It is not uncommon to find one still tile-covered, a precaution taken to make the roof safe against the fire arrows of the Indians.

These tumble structures, now vine- clad with mossy roof, are still kept in repair by the different families as a monument to the early pioneers of the vallev. Here and there even a thatched stable is still to be seen, where the seeds, borne upon the winds, have grown and in course of time have transformed the straw thatch into a sod roof, impervious to storm, heat or cold. A few of the old Indian forts yet remain aa an interesting object lesson for present' generations. There are stone built as a refuge for the farmers and their families in case of a sudden attack bv either French or Indians. All banks of a stream, tine! in their humble architecture, and one oval, the other squaie.

The legend on the sides told the passerby that Hair Son were the photographers of Schaefferstown and vicinity, and if patrons wou'd not come to the studio the artist could come to them and take their portraits, right then aud there, at their own homes. Beside the wagon stood a camera, two chairs, and four pointed rods, to hold a portable top screen and background. Here wr.s certiinly a revelation. While taking a survey o'f this portable outfit, we were joined by the senior proprietor, a typical Pennsylvania-German, to UM manor torn, and who, after asking OB if we could understand orspeak ''Dentsch," as he knew no English, vouchsafed the information tnat the wagon was built and painteo. entirely by himself; further, that been in the "photograph business ever since wet-plate timt but now confined h.iraself'mainly to ferrotypes, as they paid better and were less trouble than regular photo- grar'is.

He, however, was ready lor all kinus of work within his line, and asking us into his house showed a number of prints, views such as farm buildings, of various sizes, equal to the average work done in larger cities. During dull periods and rainy spells Photographer Bnir spends his time in mounting birdi and animals, his skill as a taxidermist. being second only to that of photography. One of the curious points about this traveling outfit was, why one of the mir- rorslshould be square and the other oval, or in fact why should there be any mirrors on the van at all, unless it be for ornament. This was explained: they were placed there for ths use of prospective patrous to show them the kind of picture they would take.

It was further stated that when one wanted a square picture, they looked into the square mirror, or if an oval picture was wanted the counterpart was firit viewed in the oval mirror. Where sitters were undecided just how to they examined themselves in both mir- rots and then took their choice. It was not Professor Bair who gave UB this information, but it was told the writer by a by-stander in all sincerity and good Pennsylvania Deutach. (To be CoDtlnned.) LOST OR FOUND. TRAYED-A KED SETTER OYP, WITH a white star over her heart Finder will be rewarded by returning name to J.

B. MILUaBD, jg-lw 134 Hoith Tenth Street. WANTEDP GENTLEMEN CAM have nicely furnished second story front room with board, in a private Address Ofllca, GIKi, TO DO OKMBBAL housework. iu3tf N. W.UOR.

8TH WAUJtJT ST8. FOR SALE. Social Dance fur the Armory. A social dance will be given this even- ng at tne armory of company by a of young people. The Grand Cen- string orchestra will furnish the music.

Barber Shop Improved. Allen Blouch, who conducts a barber shop adjoining the Buck hotel, Jonestown, has recently made extensive improvements to his establishment. Picnicking at Wlntersvllle. Peiffer's Union Sunday school is holding their annual picnic today at Winters ville. A band of music is enlivening the occasion.

To Cleanw the Eflectually yet gentlv, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without iriitating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, sajs: "I regard Dr. King's New Discovery aa an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other Rev. John Burgus, Keoknk, Iowa.

writes- "I have been a minister of the now mossy and vine-clad, oft set a background of primitive forest trees, all present exquisite bits of picturesque composition, a delight to the true artist, no matter be he one of the brush, pencil or camera. To exploit the beauty, topography and I historical associations of this valley, a partv of four was formed, under the guidance of Mr. J. H. Redsecker, of Leb- uuon, a gentleman who for years wielded the editorial blue pencil in Central Pennsylvania and is well remembered as the author of "Across the Continent." His companions were the Rev.

P. C. Croll, thy historian of Lebanon "Valley; Rev. W. Stabler, a lecturer of note; and the writer, with his camera and outfit.

The objective point of the trip was the peaceful and romantic vale within the valley proper known aa the Millbach (Mill Creek) valley. The stream from which it is named taking its source upon the mountain side, gathers up rill after rill, spring after spring, as it gushes from the rock, until it finally becomes a stream with power and fall enough to turn the many mills which stand upon its bank, until it finally flows into the historic Tulpehocken, a stream whose name and valley is well known in Pennsylvania- German history. The start was made from the town of Lebanon early hi the morning of the last day of July. The air was clear, cool and breezy. The route led from the county seat towards Schaefferstown, the oldest settlement within the valley.

After a drive of eight miles through a beautiful farming country, our approach to the old settlement was indicated by cabins by the roadside, still covered with the red tiles burned by the settler and placed there almost a century and three-quarters ago. Upon getting into pOE YOUR OWN PKICfe LOT of doors, windows, a tore counters, wood. iron, two open for store rooms, and other building articles as good aa new. Alao Urge heater. In rear of Ulriih'a Building, 754 Cumberland street.

GEORGE B. ULBICH. aim ficial, or that gave me speedy reliet as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles free at Dr.

Geo. Roes drug store. We are offering this week great bargains in Black Henrietta's, worth cents for 50 cents per yard to be seen the west show window, at Stambaugn Haak's. 2o- tf A dose of Dr. Fowler's Ext.

of Wild Strawberry brings immediate relief in all cases of cramping pains of the stomach or bowels. It is specific for summer complaint in all its forma. Don't forget the peach sociable tonight in the vacant (tore'room of the opera single street, which later became a part t.f the old poet road from Reading to Lancaster, widens at the intersection with a cross road in the centre of th town into an open space or square, where the markets are held. At one comer stands the old colonial tavern, now modernized. Once the swinging sign-board, as it hung in its yoke high up in the air, carried the effiay of King George; in later days it became known as the "Franklin." The cellar of this old house consists of a series of massive groinec stone arches, upon which the tavern proper is built.

Tradition states that the cellar was intended as a place of refuge and defence, and noon more than one occasion well served its purpose. Schaefferstown is also noted as having SMALL HOUSE, NO. 884 Cheat nut street, near Eighth. Apply JOHN H. HOFKEB.

2 First National Bank. NO. 745 WA1JIUT alley, four rooms with kitchen. Pa ion given at once, jung-tf ASP ikviDF.WISK. 720 Cumberland street.

MISCELLANEOUS! ONBY TO IN IxABOE UABVEY Veterinary Surgewi, the Rear of WM. PCM Httel LEBANON, PA. Office open dally from Monday morning until Saturday evening. Lj MAUfcM, ARCHITECT NUTTING BUILDING; I FBANON PA. 900 BASKETS PEACHES WILL ARRIVE Monday florning, J.H.

Shugar's, 623 Cumberlaad Si. The car will contain CHOICE WHITES and Large YELLOW PEACHES and will be sold Wholesale and Retail at UOTTOM PRICES. As the season is a close take advantage of this opportunity and procure your peaches, as this is to be a car of No. i stock..

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