Marysville Journal-Tribune from Marysville, Ohio • Page 1
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- Marysville Journal-Tribunei
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- Marysville, Ohio
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L. Ohio E. State Beret (Coni) Museum High UNITED PRESS NEWS BERVIOR International Illustrated News Picture Bervica: THE VOL. XL, NO. LOOTING OF ABANDONED HOMES REPORTED IN FLOOD DISTRICT: FRESNO SWEPT BY HIGH WATER MAY LICENSE TRAILERS, TOLEDO, March city council has given tentative approval to ordinances to license and regulate automobile trailer camps.
The proposed law would require frequent health inspections. COURTS ASKED FOR DECISION ON THE PROBE SUIT FILED AT COLUMBUS CHALLENGES ATTORNEY GENERAL RULING ON POWERS OF COMMITTEE. COLUMBUS, March suit on file in common pleas court today contested an attorney general's ruling which made! it necessary to abandon the special Senate committee graft investigation when the General Assembly adjourned sine die, The suit was brought by Miss Agnes B. Dickinson of Columbus. As a taxpayer, she asked the court, to hand down a declaratory Judgment on the 1035 ruling of former Attorney General John W.
Bricker that legislative committees pass out 'of existence coincidentally with sine die adjournment. The petition named Lt. Gov. Paul Yoder, presiding officer bf the Senate, as defendant. Miss Dickinson contended that the legislature is the creature of the constitution, that its members hold FoMce for two years, and that each House has power: to obtain through, committees information that may guide it in acting upon matters unalder consideration, or likely to be presented in the future.
The petition charges that the TC3'olution creating the graft investigating committee stated it was to investigate the necessity for appropriations to be used through December 31st, 1938, and that the committee as well as other committees should have legal validity until expiration of members' terms on that date. SYNTHETIC GAS AIDS AVIATION SECRET OF HIGH POWER FUEL 19 BUTENE GAS COM-: BINED WITH PETROLEUM. SAN FRANCISCO, March Synthetic gasoline, the dream of scientists for the past 18 years, Is being produced in California in large, commercial quantities, The product is a little more costly than the ordinary gasoline, but is being fashioned especially to meet the most exacting requirements of the high-power-compression motor, such as is used in aviation. The search for synthetle gasoline began in 1920 when the country first began to realize that with the great development which the automobile was taking there must be elther a close conservation of the world's supply of petroleum or else the development of some synthetic substitute. Petroleum Used as Base.
The synthetic gasoline now being manufactured "still depends upon the existence of petroleum, but it serves the double purpose of conserving the world's supply of the latter while at the same time producing a. gasoline of superior quality. Original experiments that were begun back in the '20s for the manufacture of synthetic gasoline were based upon the possibility of utilizing the gaseous hydrocurbons which occur naturally in crude petroleum. The process as perfected is based upon the same idea. The raw material used in manufacturing the new gasoline is the oleAn gas formed as a -product in the handling of crude petroleum.
There are three different kinds of olefin gus that are given off, but the one (Continued on page EVENING TRIBUNE 1938 By I NORRIS HITS TVA INQUIRY BY CONGRESS "FATHER" OF HUGE UTILITY PROJECT OPPOSES CHAIRMAN'S DEMAND CONGRESSIONAL PROBE. WASHINGTON, March George W. Norris, "father" of the Tennessee Valley Authority and a supporter of most New Deal policies, accused TVA Chairman Arthur E. Morgan today of "hindering" the. agency's program.
Norris suggested that Morgan resign. Norris cast his lot in the TVA directors' "feud" with Majority Members David E. Lilienthal and Harcourt A. Morgan, by bitterly denouncing the chairman as A "bad boy who won't play because he has 'not had his own way." attack followed President Roosevelt's authorization for publi(cation of a statement by the majority TVA members assailing the chairman. as pursuing a policy of "rule or ruin." The statement was dated Jan.
18, before Chairman Morgan's recent denunciation of his co-directors and request for a congressional inquiry. The issue of Chairman Morgan's resignation was precipitated Wednesday night by the chairman himself when he charged that the internecine war was no "mere family quarrel" but concerned "honesty, openness, decency, and fairness in I government." He dented that the power issue was the primary cause of differences but that he had "contended with an attitude of conspiracy, secretiveness, and bureaucratic manipulation, which. has made the proper and effective conduct of TVA business increasingly difficult," Chairman Morgan's statement was made after a Tennessee federal commission -had denied $5,000,000,000 damages to Sen. George L. Berry, for marble properties Inundated by TVA overflow.
Morgan charged that his colleagues had entered "friendly agreement" with Berry. and that only his personal intervention had kept the two -from perpetrating unfair and costly decisions on the public. HEART BALM IS AWARDED STEUBENVILLE, March A jury of twelve middle-aged men awarded Cora Lillian Burnham, divorcee; $10,000 late yesterday for loss of the affections. of the Harold C. Zeis, Episcopal rector.
The jurors, most of them farmers, listened four days to the story of an eight-year courtship between the (slim New York and secretary, the one-time stocky I movie organist, clergyman. They took less than four hours to give their verdict. ARBORETUM POPULAR. BOSTON, March recent census showed that Harvard University's Arnold Arboretum, one of the botanical gardens in the world, now 'has 6.500 varieties of living plants under A magnet for townsfolk and tourists, the Arboretum has been visited by is many 45 40,000 persons lin a day. 136 MARYSVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 35 Dead as California Suffers Worst Flood Flood washing out railroad bridge near Los Angeles Worst storm in many years causes more than 35 Pacific Railroad bridge being washed out by a known deaths and millions in property damage in raging torrent near Los Angeles.
Observe the torsouthern California. The picture shows a Southern rent of water in the background. SECOND ROUND TOURNEY TILTS ARE ON THE SCHEDULE TODAY WOMAN WORKS LONG HOURS. -SOUTH WEYMOUTH, March 84-hour. work week for 84-year-old Mrs.
Sophia Matilda Orcutt is 'routine to working in her own grocery and light lunch stand here. She bought the store, when she was 58, and says her activity probably keeps her out of wheel chair; PLANE SEARCH STRIKES SNAG WEATIIER CONDITIONS HAMPER EFFORTS TO LOCATE WRECKAGE OF BIG AIRLINER. FRESNO, March' waters gushed into the city today, bringing a new obstacle to the search for a Transcontinental and Western Airways Liner that has; been missing since Tuesday night with nine persons abourd. A score of, airplanes, assembled for the search, were quartered at the airport here and a break in- a flooded canal Ave miles north threatened to inundate most of the city, Rains and snowstorms in mountainous area 60 miles northcast of here, where the plane was last have hindered the search for four days. Weather conditions boded that there would be little or no flying Ground parties, traveling on skis or snowshoes, were able to make little progress in the mountains, although it had been estab-! lished by persons who heard the motors of an airplane Tuesday night, that the air.
liner had gone down somewhere a 30-mile radius of A power house at Big Creek, in the Sierras. Carrier, 15c a Week NO GAME FOR MAYOR, PORT CLINTON; March Mayor Fred Slauterbeck was demonstrating how basketball should be played. His Honor alipped and fell while "shooting for a basket" and his head struck a wall. lie suffered a fractured skull. Mayor Slauterbeck was a basketball star in 1910 BOY 'GENIUS' WAS SLAYER 15-YEAR-OLD YOUTH WHO HAD NEVER BEEN SPANKED ADMITS KILLING MOTHER.
CHICAGO, March Danielsen, who, thought he had been bringing up a musical genius, decided today to forgive his son for killing his mother. Danielsen Interviewed his 15- year-old 'son. Theodore, in jail last night. Teddy told him that he had killed his mother with a bread knife. Father and son wept together and the father listened to the boy's story, his arms around him, his head bowed.
"I'm still your the father said. "Keep your chin You're all 1 have Jeft." To police, said: "He has a very quick temper. We never spanked him." Teddy played the piano well and his teachers called him an' "embryonic genius." Mrs. Danielsen, who also played the piano well, made him practice two hours daily. Teddy killed her Thursday.
She was making a cherry ple in the kitchen. He came in. She had learned that he hadn't been to school for two weeks. She reprimanded him and he picked up the bread knife off the table and ran it into her throat. He took $5 and her jewelry from his mother's purse and fled.
Police arrested him yes(terday. Teddy told police that he killed his mother because she slapped him and scratched his cheek and seemed about to slap him again. SOIL PROGRAM DATA OUTLINED UNION COUNTY REPRESENTED AT DISTRICT MEETING HELD IN FONTAINE. BELLE- A district meeting on the soil conservation program held Saturday in Bellefontaine, with W. H.
Treese, Union County chairman, and Secretary Marjorie Spain and Helen Coe, clerical assistant, attending the. session, Information given at the meeting relative to the listing of I farms for the 1938 soil program. The township committees -in the county have about completed checking the '2500 farms' in the county as the first step in the establishment of separate farm goals for this crop year. T. B.
Roaham, member of the committee, is now checking farms on the county borders. Mrs. Dorothy Long of West Seventh Street has accepted a position in the soil conservation office to succeed Miss Jean Wyeth, who has accepted a position as secretary to County School Superintendent Gale W. Baldwin. T.
Moving Picture Studios Resume Their Operations; STUDENT BESTS FACULTY. HUDSON, March Tepper. junior at Western Reserve Academy, surpassed even faculty, members in the final standings of a current affairs test given at the school. He has led his class in the test for four consecutive years. LINK TROTSKY IN SPY RING FORMER RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR TO BRITAIN MAKES SENSATION TRIAL." CHARGES.
AT MOSCOW, March Rakovsky, for years Russia's ace trial diplomat, of 21 asserted Bolshevik today at the mass, leaders. treason that Great Britain accepted him AS Russian ambassador only after learning he associated with Leon Asserting that Trotsky was a British agent, be said that he, himself, after being shown a forged letter which constituted a threat to him, was taken' to a dinner at a London restaurant to meet the chief of the Russian Section of the British Service in 1924, a year after his appointment as ambassador. "I went to' Moscow," he said "and talked to Trotsky. Trotsky said the forged letter was only an excuse. He agreed that work with the British Intelligence." Nearly $1,000,000 filched from Soviet government.
funds has been smuggled into the hands of Leon Trotsky, exiled war lord, to finance his intrigues for a new Russian rev. olution and murder plots against Josef V. Stalin and other Kremlin leaders, it was admitted last night in the trials. Arcady Rosengoliz, former commissar of foreign trade and a veteran revolutionary among those on trial for. their lives, said that since 1931 Trotsky had been paid a total of diverted from foreign trade funds.
2 Film Stars Had Financial Losses During Flood By FREDERICK C. OTHMAN HOLLYWOOD, March the permanent waves were dried out, the dripping mascara was replaced with new and the movies were muking epics again today, almost as if Hollywood's greatest flood never had been more than a drizzle. The sun was shining so brightly that the mud on the studio lots was turning to dust--and Director WIlliam Wellman was complaining again about the lack of clouds. He's doing a picture called "Men With Wings" and he's got to have clouds in the sky so the audiences can see that his airplanes really are moving. Chick Chandler, the 20th CenturyFox comedian, was recovering from the greatest fright of his life.
He looked out the window of his WEATHER Cloudy and rain tonight; colder Sunday LEVINE ASKS NEW CONTACT IN MESSAGE POLICF BROADCAST WARNING TO PERSONS LIVING NEAR CANAL BREAK-WEATHER FORECAST FRESNO, March waters broke through the Herndon Canal five miles north of the bualness district early today and threatening to inundate the city: Fresno is 200 miles northwest. of Los Angeles, and far removed from the Southern California. area that was devastated by floods earlier in the week. Police Brondcast warnings of the peril over the city's two radio stations. early this morning and instructed all persons in the vicinity of the banal break to be ready 10 evacuate.
"Only a infracle will prevent the flooding of the business district," one police official said. Workmen, were struggling to strengthen the crumbling canal levees. An estimated 30. square miles of San Joaquin Valley was under wnter that ranged in depth from a few. inches to 12 fcet.
The exclusive Figarden district was under seven feet of water al-. ready as a result. of a break on. the north of the city. Three hundred persons were rescued from that area in 'boats.
Red Cross workers were supplying food to almost 1,000 persons marooned in the Madera County cotton camps. LOS ANGELES, March and isolation, consequent to a devastating flood, were reported today from a dozen communities in Southern California. The toll. was estimated at 120 dead, 100. missing, and property damage.
Rescuers continued to. dig bodles from the" muck and debris as tho flood waters receded. People here were terrorized for time Jast night when thunder boomed across San Bernardino Mountain and rain began to fall again. 'A thousand persons who had returned to their half-flooded homes, fled back to the municipal auditorium where they had been refugees for two days and Forecast Favorable, Reports of a new storm discouraged the 3,000,000 persons the vast flood-stricken area, where almost a foot of water fell in six days, but the weather bureau here broadcast. reassuring reports that the storm was local, and that today's forecast was "clear weather." One of the most desolate areas today was San Bernardino, a city in the foothills 60 miles east of here, where 30 persons were many were missing and hundreds were still stranded.
Looters were at work; in sections of the flood area, A company of national guardsmen trolled Anaheim, a town southeast of here which was deluged by an overflow of the Santa Ana River, after looters smashed doors of liquor stores and helped themselves to the stocka. "Rowboat pirates," mostly youths, were paddling about in small boats leisurely looting houses in the Santa Monica area from which the residents had fled, Police had or: ders to shoot looters on sight, but none had been reported killed although five suspected looters were under arrest. Citizens formed vigilante groups in some places to deal with looters. Flood waters, which swept down from the mountains. scross the great natural basin about Los geles, were passing out to the ocean, leaving a ravaged area of 30,000 square miles.
It was the worst flood disaster in the history of Southern California. There were more than 100 towns in the stricken area, and metropolitan Los Angeles was hard hit, the loss there being 13 dead and $3,000,000 damage to streets and bridges, The draining waters continued to create new perils. At Claremont, today, a form of martial law was in force while 400 men worked on the levees trying to siem the flow of water near the mouth ot San Antonio Canyon. A hundred families were isolated near Eastern Claremont, where the San Antonio Creek left its banks, changed its course and left many persons iso(Continued on Dago FATHER OF KIDNAPED BOY MAKES ANOTHER TO ABDUCTORS OF SON. NEW ROCHELLE, N.
March for Murray Levine sought another meeting today with the kidnapers of his 12-yearold son, Peter. The ransom of $30,000 was ready, but the father and attorney, revealed one attempt to pay It and recover his son had failed. An intermediary was unable to contact the abductors at a meeting place somewhere in New York City, of which New Rochelle is a suburb. Levire confirmed reports that he had received several notes from the kidnapers. He telephoned the offce of tective Ralph Reifenberger and dictated this statement: "Last note received by me demanded $30,000.
That amount is ready, The go-between directed by that note tried very hard to deliver the money, but failed. He is still willing to act, and so am I am sure any other reliable person selected by the holder of my boy would also be willing to act." Police, who have not entered the case officially because of Levine's desire, to keep a clear, channel to his home, were well acquainted, however, with various details. They revealed the father WAS notifled by telephone on the night of February 24th that his son had been kidnaped that afternoon. BYHALIA DEFEATED. UNIVERBITY HIGH LAST NIGHTHOT BATTLES ON TODAY'S LIST.
defeated University high of Columbus by a 31 to 19 score in the first round games of the Central District tournament played Friday. The Washington Township boys had a battle in the first halt, which ended 14 to 11, but got under full steam In -the socond session and were never in danger. Results in the Central District tourneys on Friday were: District Class A. Mt. Vernon, 42; North, 29.
East, 34; South, 30. Newark, 45; Westerville, 20. District Class Millerport, 43; Sparta, 38. Thuraton, 27; Summit, 25. Canal- Winchester, 29; Mifflin, 25.
Waldo, 29; London, 25. Byhalla, 31; University, 19... Granville, 28; Danville, 21. Groveport; 26; Plain City, 25 (overtime), Upper Arlington, 39; Hol. land, 15.
Milford Center was to meet in Radnor at 2 o'clock this afternoon; Marysville was to play Ashville at 4 o'clock, and. Byhalla is to clash with Granville at. .8 o'clock this evening, Other games today are: 1 p. Berlin vs. 3 p.
Pickaway Township vs. Utica; 6 p. Miliersport vs. Thurston; 7 p. Canal Winchester vs.
Waldo; 9 p. Upper Arlington vs. Groveport. The summary of the ByhaliaUniversity game: Byballa B. F.
T. White, 4 11 Coakley; 1. 4 8 Hahn, 3 Harris, 2 5 Wright, g. 2 4 Jollin, g. 0 0 0 Totals 12 7 31 University B.
F. T. Lemon, 0 Cheney, 0 0000. Chaters, 2 Nobbs, 1. Livingston, 0 Geerin, 0 Fowler.
3 English, Hill, 10 Gruber, Totals 8 3 19 MOTORIST BURNS. MARIETTA, March Trapped In his automobile after it collided with a truck, Ernest Caldwell, 30, Marietta, burned to death. FORT COMMANDER DIES. FORT THOMAS, March Col. Rowland I.
Lemley, commanding ofitcer of the Fort Thomas military post, a part of the Tenth Infantry, died tonight. FLEET 'C-IN-C' QUICK THINKER ADMIRAL BLOCK, EMIGRANT'S BON. FAMOUS FOR ABIL: ITY TO MAKE DECISIONS QUICKLY. WASHINGTON. March miral Claude Charles Bloch, commander-in-chict of the U.
S. will be the head orbiter in the annual spring war Panes in the Pacific. The son of an 'emigrant from the former German Lohemie (now Czechoslavakia). Cluch is 59 and reputed to be one of the hardest workers and quickest thinkers in the navy. Men who have risen in the ranks with Bloch marvel at his ability to reach important decisions with 2 minimum of effort and time.
"His mind seems to work a fraction faster than any high naval officer I Admiral J. O. Rich. lardson, an old shipmate of Bloch's in his early days, remarked. he's one of the Industrious mien I know, too," Richerdson said: "There is never any wasted time with him." Despite his rigid adherence to duty, Bloch, in his leisure hours, spends his.
time much AS anyone else might, Richardson commented. He plays a fair game of bridge and is "quite pleased" if he "breaks a 100" at golf, Richardson said. He has a keen sense of humor, likes to dance and mingle with people. He is an easy talker and a pleasant companion. In his early days, Bloch was one of the best informed men in the navy on -piercing projectiles.
it is said. At one time he was chief of the bureau of ordnance in the Navy Department with the rank of rear flooded canyon home to see dozens of human arms and legs, all mudcovered and seething in the water on his lawn. His eyes grew big and his knees knocked hard, until he discovered that the slaughter was caused by the wreckage of a sculptor's studio up the hill. The arms and legs turned out to be plaster props. Things weren't quite so funny for King Vidor, the Paramount producer.
He was in the midst of mourning the damage to his home, when Mrs. Ruth A. Hubbard, his next door neighbor in Beverly Mills, sued for $100,000. She charged him with negligence because a pile of dirt which a contractor had left after the building of his new house, bad engulfed her home with 1,000 tons of mud: 'All actors and actresses were present and accounted for, after a day and a night of real terror for some of them. Madeleine Carroll.
in her Mulibu Beach home, probably had the most harrowing experience. Her house was buffeted by the sea on one side, by landslides on the other, and by water in sheets from above. The heat was off, the lights were out, and her wouldn't work--and she said there were times when she wondered whether the world was coming to an end. Crew's were digging away mud which actually engulfed automobiles on Sunset Boulevard, near the Trocadero, night spot of the stars, while in a downtown Los Angeles store window, a three-inch trout was swimming peacefully in a Ion jar. It had been caught by an excited lady pedestrian who saw it swimming down Grand Avenue, one of the city's main streets.
She said she caught it with her reticule. Finally there was the rueful comment of Bob Burns, the funny man, surveying $10,000 damage to his newly erected home, who said: "And I left Arkansas to get away from floods!" Warner Brothers gave up hope of locating its rubber whale, which swarn down the stream at the height of the flood, leering at spectators on the banks. This sea-going beast, a prop in a recent picture, last was seen heading for sea near Catalina SLAYER FACES DEATH CHAIR OLEVELAND, March Ferrito, 20, must die in the electric chair for the slaying of Patrolman Virgil T. Bayne in a gasoline station driveway last Dec. 18.
A jury of eight men and four women late yesterday brought in a verdict of guilty against him after only 90 minutes of deliberation in the court of Common Pleas Judge Lee E. Skeel. Judge Skeel immediately sentenced to death the youth, who said on the witness stand that he killed Bayne and Parolman Gerald N. Bode in self-defenst because he though: they were robbers. His execution is scheduled for June 13..
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