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Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 7

Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Cfee $rkitsa Cttfe," metacAiq), $thtmt 28, 1900; jaSw'- nr MORGAN G0ES BIG SEE I AFTER CROMWELL took Taking Sale Our Butith Window 300 pair of FANCY SLIPPEBS, M. Hiaos, at $2.00. Stratman Son But Croraiellbid Not Give Way an Inclf Ad the Battle of Wits Ended in a greatest number of Real Estate and Rental Advertisements cppcar in The Gazette, because tdvertis-ers know that most people in Little Rock read The Gazette and they can afford to buy Real Estate and sign profitable leases. Gtearns' Eleotrio Rat and Roach Paste to fwrna A to ttd the faou, tare or tor of oaokToaoh, rata, ntto, mar kuf, (to. Sold Tfy whf, or iri mrfii on rolp4 OIprM.

8tMrns' ElnotrloPaat rhlrac, IIL. V. a. A. I 207 Main Street.

Style. (Quality. March I st and last to the 24th, inclusive, we will oner tome of the grandest bargains in the Grocery line that have ever been put on the market We take stock on the last day of March and would much rather count money than goods. U. M.

ROSE A DAILY Therefore we will give consumers the chance to lay in their Washington, Feb. T. -William Nelson 1'itiiuwili aud iSouutor Morgan measured legal minds nil day th bouate would take the responsibility for that ac CALLER AT WHITE HOUSE groceries at extremely, low priecs. tion. Committee on Intern; Caualu nnd Mr.

Morgan thon said he would put ia a drawn battle adj i.iiued until tomor Mr. Knox on tne stand if he desired it, His BustaOiii Incidental to His Mission OUR GUARANTEE IS ON ANYTHING WE SELL but Mr. Knox said he did not desire it row. kj At the afternoon session of the com ir. juuigun pursued tue witness re to Hague Conference Other Washington News.

lenliessly concerning Jiis relations with the Panama Canal Company, asking many oauuui questions, wnicto were as skillful Every Successful Little Rock Real Es ly evadod. The Gazette Bureau, 1413 Street, N. Washington, D. Feb. 27.

U. M. Rose of Little Rock is in Wash ington. Mr. Rose will return to Arkan Mr.

Cromwell drew a lino between his actions since the transfer of the canal property to the United States and before Your Money Back if You Want It. A FEW GOOD TIPS 20 LBS. FINE STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR $1.00 with equal amount of other goods. tate Dealer advertises in The Gazette. me iransier ana declined positively to as March 2.

Since his arrival hers he answer any questions concerning the ear tier period. has been at the atate department and the White House almost daily on business incidental to his mission to The Hague mittee Mr. Cromwell testified concerning the distribution of the $10,000,000 paid by tho United States to tbo French company, and of the claims of Colombia' for payments on stock held by that government to the value of 5,000.000. Under protest Mr. Cromwell explained at length the procedure under which the directors of the Panama railroad were qualified to serve after the sale of the property to the United States.

Ho said that an arrangement was enterod into with each of the thirteen directors by which one sharo each was made over by the United Htates upon small payments to legalize the transaction, but that these shares wero held by the treasurer of the Cnited Mtates, and the government has the right to demand their surrender in name as well as in fact at any time. Mr. Morgan asked a score or more At the close of tho day Mr. Morgan brought out a schemo for the American- izing of the Panama canal zone which promised to furnish subject for an inter NEWS OF THE CITY. Senator Morgan put into the record letter written by Mr.

Cromwell to i'r, nanaee arranging for the interview which took placo at the Hotel Manhattan in rew York, when Mr. Wallace inform as one of the American representatives at the next peace conference. Vouchers for Quarantine Service. The last package of Arkansas vouchers representing money expended by tho state during the yellow fever epidemic at New Orleans have reached the city. The vouchers arc now in the hands of the officials of the Marine Hospital Service, who will report on them to the Treasury Department shortly.

A warrant for the reimbursement of tho state amounting to about $15,000 will probably be forwarded to Governor Davis by tho Treasury Department tfarly next week. Patent Issued to Little Rock Man. Patents issued: -i secretary Tart of Ins desire to regain questions concerning the appointment of ices at St. Mark's Episcopal church at PubiKki Heights Suaday were conducted by Bishop W. M.

Brown, assisted by Y. S. Cullen, and 17 new members were cou tinned. About 200 persons were prevent. The church was decorated with palms and other plants.

ut as cniet engineer. Koger Li. rarnhnm as a director of the Mr. Morgan took charge of the exam road, but Mr. Cromwell insisted that tho nation and demanded to know of Cromwell what payments had been inn.le appointment had been made by the secretary of wnr and that he had not suggested it to tho secretary.

BELLBOY ABBESTED FOR THEFT to nun trom the new Panama Canal Co Henry Brooks, a negro bellboy at the pany. Mr. Cromwell asserted that the During the inquiry Mr. Morgan said: "Oh, come; you must not dodge." nformntion demanded was of conHdeu capital notei, is Held by the detective department as a suspect in eonnoction with the theft of an overcoat from the hotel where he was employed. The offi tial character and involved the relation you must change your terms Phone 39 for feed.

LIXJAL BLANKS-Allsopp Chap- pie-. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. P. W.

Crawford a son. Trv hominy feed for your cow. Shof-ner C-rain Co. Phones 39. BOEN To Mr.

and Mrs. Wiley I. Bob-inuii. February 24, a son. (scratch feed, kaffir cora and whole wheat.

K. 1. Hodgers Grain Co. All kind of Purina chicken and pigeon feed at Shof ner Grain Co. 'a.

Phone 89. Purina, little chick fed, and anything 'for poultry. K. L. Rodger Grain Co.

fliclll phone. Kindlier Crain Seventh and Center, have the best feud and their prices re 1 lie lowest. I Tor tin and alieet iron work call on MrCardell 003 West Seventh street. Phone Otitis. to me, said Mr.

Cromwell. "1 have not of eounsol and client. Seiurtor Morgan insisted and many sharp passages en- cers believe that Brooks stoic the coat, but so far have been unable to locate bamucl F. EUingcr, Little Rock non-refillablo bottle. Henry T.

Rainwater, Clinton, leading apparatus. Postmasters Appointed. i rt lodged anything. "You have. You have done little Ise, said Mr.

Morgan. Mr. Morgan again took up the subject if Mr. Cromwell's services to the l'ttn- sued. Finally Mr.

Cromwell said that w'n: lie did not think it any busiuesa of tli the property. WOUNDED CONVICTS WILL RE uum-t, uram cuuniy jouu U. UHI vice Iff i senators making the inquirv, lie COVER. Lon Brock. Ben Jones and rim rcaiirueu.

iitna anal ompnnv ami what ho had nay tliut thy total payments made to li Milo lone to earn the $1'001MIMI lie said be had Asuiey county, George W. Clay would bort Turner, the negro convicts wbo wiro stut in an outbreak in the eoaavict camp QUAPAW FLOUR THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY. 24-lb. bags .75 48-lb. bags 1.50 Barrel in cloth 5.65 Barrel in wood 5.75 Rider's Best Corn, per doz .85 Van Camp's Extra Sugar Corn, per doz 95 California Fruit, Tenny Brand, packed in heavy syrup: Y.

F. Peaches, per doz 2.00 W. H. Peaches, per doz 2.15 White Cherries, per doz 2.50 Black Cherries, per doz 2.40 Egg Plums, 1 5c can, per doz 1.55 Green Gage Plums, 15c can, per doz 1.55 Bartlett Pears, 1 5c can, per doz 1 .65 Apricots, per doz 1.75 Ohio Early June Peas, 9c can, per doz 90 Memphi Extra Early June Peas, per doz 1 .25 California Standard Nice Table Fruit: Y. F.

Peackes, per doz 1.75 Apricots, per doz 1 .55 WATCH THIS SPACE SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY. not exceed vice J. received. First Sharp Passage. j.

wuite, resigned. H. W. H. After refusing to answer questions put Washington, wero resting easily yesterday and it is said that all will recov oniMuuug, Air.

I lomwell li to linn in a variety of tonus, all bearing er. Turner was shot in the eye and it on the same Miliject, Mr. I romwc-ll saut that be did not thiuk the committee lias ngt think that the country could be in crested in his private relations as counsel to the uew Panama Canal Company. "I think it is," said Mr. Morgan, OATH WAS OPTIONAL IN PACKERS' INQUIRY the power to tto into the subject.

1 ou may monopolize the opinion of More Sharp Talk. Ibm't judge for the committee. 1 In uot nidge tor it, saiil Mr. Morgan Wo will test elsewhere whether this in Government Introduces Testimony Showing That It Was Not Required in Examination Conducted by Garfield. qmrv is wortli While.

"1 am willing to test it tin- time voit hoose," challenged the witness in his reply. Chicngo, Feb. 27. Evidence was intro lhis procedure continued tor un iiour the country, but 1 don't lliink you do," replied Mr. Cromwell, and tlieu," on having repeated the question concerning funds ho hud received from the Frcucii Canal Company, he declined emphatically, on the ground that be would not divulge professional Bee rets.

Thereupon called for tho Revised Statutes and read the provision in relation to protection of witnesses called before congressional committees. He asked the witness if lie persisted iu his refusal. Mr. Cromwell replied: "It is beyond tho purpose of the committee to make this iuuiiirv, and I de or more. J-1 null JMr.

Morgan read an agreement between Mr. Cromwell ami was round necessary to roinove the eyeball yesterday. CHANGE IN PLANS TOR BERNHARDT SALE. Ail who have sent mon ey to K. L.

Thompson for tickets to the Bernhardt engagement can obtain them by applying at Bcidelinun 's drug store. The management thought this tho surest way of effecting prompt and safe delivery, so adopted this plun instead of sending the tickets by mail. REVIVAL AT 0. P. CHURCH.

-The revival services by Dr. i. W. Eic.hclberg-er at the Cumberland Presbyterian church were largely attended yesterday, nnd a number joined the church. Dr.

Eichelberger's illustrated sermon on "The Second Coming of Christ" was very instructive, and wbb giventhe closest attention. The services will continue daily at 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. in.

LICENSED TO WED. Marriage li conses were issued yesterday by the county clerk to the Josh Rud-ley, 24, and Luella Willis, 23, Roland; 0. J. Koiifler and Amelia Williolmiiia Kuhl. duced by the government today tending to show that the matter of testifying uu-der oath or not during the investigation conducted by Commissioner Garfield had been left to the packers themselves.

It was claimed by District Attorney Mor he uew Panama Canal oinpnny which mbodied a plau for the Americanization OB. VINSONHALEB'S CHILD ILL. The little daughter of Dr, and Mrs. 'rank ViusonhaTcr la ill with scarlet lover. WORKTNGMEN'B CLUB.

The Pulaski Woringmcn's Club will hold hii open meetrbg at Labor Temple, Second mid Main streets, Friday night. BUBAL CABBIES APPOINTED. Postmaster Holt yesterday reeelved notice of the appointment of L. Kuy-IJieiidull an rural earrier at Walcott, to William C. Willeockson.

BEV. BEN COX IN NASHVILLE. -'Stev. Ben Cox is attending th missionary convent ion at Nashville, but will re-ituro in time to uupy his pulpit at the fl'irst Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. TRANSFER OF i CHURCH Y.

-The vestry Christ Episcopal fhurcU. has transferred to- Bishop William "Montgomery Brown the. property at Fifth 'and Victory streets, oil which St. Paul's church is located. CENTRAL TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL.

A special meeting of the Central Trades and Labor Council will held at Labor Temple Thursday night. Important business will eoine up, and a of the Panama canal. He dei lined to any whether he had drawn it. rison mat mis proved that the packers were not under compulsion when thev Mr. Kittredge demanded of Senator cline to answer." gave their information to the agents of orgau whether he believed the inquiry tue government.

be material. Mr. Morgan stiid lie desired to ask he evidence relative to tho Dnckers uecuiung to give evidence uuder oath Mr. Morgan said he reserved the right to determine the materiality of tho question, and proceeded with the cxamiiia tion. Reading questions which had been uost ion of the witness before replying I tm caH awooni was submitted in the shape of a tele le asked many questions and Mr.

Kitt redge again asked Mr. Morgan to atate gram rrom Wpecuil Agent Durand to Commissioner Garfield, in which it was niateriaihtv of the iiiiiimv. said A. H. Veeler, counsel for iSwift Mr.

Cromwell interrupted to snv that he did not want to be harsh, but that Little Kotk; flam Miller, Si, and iiattic Johnson, 36, Scott's; William Jenkins, he should decline to go any further into 5, and Myrtle Morns, 20, Little Rock; Ed Terry, 24, and Lulu Huley, 24, Kerr's. and himself, under indictment in connection with the case, had avised the members of the firm of Hwift Co. not to give evidence under oath, ns it might later bo used against them. The examination of Commissioner Gar field was concluded in the afternoon, and Special Agent Durand followed him on the stand. SLIGHT WRECK ON ROCK ISLAND.

full attendance of delegates is desired. Four coal earn of east bound freight ASH WEDNE8DAT AT ST. PAUL'S. At St. Paul's Kpiscopal church.

Fifth submitted to him to be propounded, Mr. Morgan called on the witness to state what hnd been the gross stuns received from the old or new I'nnnma Canal Company since the payment to J. P. Morgan Co. and New York bankers (f the money involved in the transfer of the prop erty to tho United State-? from syndi-(ates, from the I'nited to the republic Panama or from any source whatsoever.

Morgan Objects to Compliments. "1 thank you for that question," said Mr. Cromwell. "It involves a period since the transfer of the property to the I'nited Htateti." "1 would be obliged to you if you would forbear from compliment ing me in public," said Mr. Morgan.

1 think better of you than you do of me," said Mr Cromwell, and and Victory street, today, Ash Wednes day will lie celebrated with holy com munion and a sermon by Bishop Brown at a. and with evening prayer a discission of the nllairH of the Panama Canal Company. "You need not mind beiny harsh with me," Senator Morgan. want you to understand that you not re-speet any feeling of mine." Disregarding Mr. Cromwell's objections, Sir.

Morgan pursued the subject as to whether Mr. Cromwell had incorporated the Panama, Canal Company of America under the laws of Xcw -Tersev. lie said after Mr. Cromwell bad refused to answer that he would produce the record to show that it. had been done nnd that Mr.

Cromwell was one of the incorporators. Chairman Millard asked Mr. Morgan if it would not be sutliiient for him to p. m. Deaths and Funerals GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY.

The O. P. N. weekly meeting will be held in th basement of Christ church on man train No. 32 of the Bock Island were derailed at Havana, Yell comity, last night about 7 o'clock.

Brakeinnn Walter Cox, whose home is in Argenta, was slightly injured. A wrecking outfit was sent from the Argenta shops, and it was said at the offices in this city that the track would be cleared without causing any delay to passenger trains. SOUTHWESTERN TELEPHONE CO. MANAGERS MEET. The managers of the exchanges of tho Southwestern Telephone Company in the Littlo Rock division yesterday met in this city for a conference with the general superintendent, 0.

A. Gates of Dallas, and Supt. Powell of tho Littlo Rock division. Matters, relating to the service furnished the patrons-of tho company were dis cussed. day evening at 6 o'clock.

All members of each branch are most cordially asked Nobody works but the Gas Range, Its use makes work mere play; Nobody works but the Gas Range, It's ready, night or day. A match, a turn of the gas tap, And it's ready for your use; Nobody works but the Gas Range, So it do not abuse. $1.00 Down $2.00 per month for eight months we do the rest. mmmmm mmm GAS COMPANY Telephone 305. 215 MAIN.

to participate in it spelling bee, Vhich will be held fur the amusement of the this provoked another outburst from the SISTER PLACIDA LARKTN. Sister Placlda Larkln, sged 39. one of the SiBlers of Charily at St. Vincent i died Monday midnight after a rhort llluess. The body will be to Pine Illult this afternoon and the funeral will tie held in that t-liy.

iiu'inhcrs. Alabamian against the witness indulging iu compliments. DR. BARTON to MOVE FAMILY. produce the record.

"I think I know my rights. If yon Mr. Cromwell then said he had not re ived one dollar of the forty millions Dr. A. Bait on, formerly of Little Buck, now pastor of the.

Street Baptist clin.rch iii Tcxnrkahn, ill move bin niiiilv to Tcxnrksna today. He has oM'rriMe mi' 1 will take the quest ion til Hie said Mr. Morgan. No further effort viaS nnule to limit paid to the new anama i anal i oai pany, but would render his final bill in MRS. ELIZABETH ECORD.

Mrs. Elizabeth Eiorrt, aired CI. died Mon- 4 II n'nliuitr; 'n F.nill. lue course, and that "it will )e snbstan ills battel the Surgeon residence on.Poean "VMy'j. ''V j.ha,t "pfilc'e'ci'lMTg.

Wifiier tie to avl Sityt 'vtMWdfeh ProancrftiBif Attorney ftfio" body was shipped las! nlht- to Garnet whole relation to the new canal com pany was that, of counsel, and Ufnt the ton has begun an investigation of the read the record. 'I he committee theii adjourued to meet at tomorrow. evidence given by' Coroner Vauehter re whole ol his compensation hail neon as garding tho death of Willie Crotvdor, who such. was electrocuted several days ago by a When asked if was under bond as tho fiscal commissioner of the republic live wire, running from the penitentiary evurkann. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES.

Ash Wednesday will be observed at Christ Episcopal church with holy communion at o'cloek a. morning prayer, an address by Rev. (1. Gordon Smeaue, and holy communion at 10:30 o'clock a. ami Litaay and Penitential Office at 4 'clock in the afternoon.

SERVICES AT ST. to the deaf-nmta institute, no arrests of I'nnama Mr. Cromwell replied have been It is stated that the in SEASONED BLOCK WOOD. Polk Transfer Company have several hundred cords of seasoned block wood for sale. Prompt delivery.

Phones (ii'l. THE DISEASES. To cure tho itch in three days use "The Panama republic does not feel it necessary to out me under bond. I vestigation has not yet been completed, hope you do not," replied Mr. Crom well.

wtiere the funeral will bo heht. Mrs. Ecord was born in Ohio, but came to ilils city a few years ago from Garnet Kan. benjamhTpowell, The funeral of Benjamin Powell, who was found dead Monday morning in his room in the Fulk building, was held jros-terday morning at 10 o'clock from the Cook undertaking establishment. His sun, B.

C. Powell, a bank cashier at Camden was in the city for the funeral. Interment was In Oakland. h. Isomers.

The funeral of 8. H. Somers, who died at St. Vincent's Infirmary Sunday nigh', was held -yesterday afternoon al 4 o'clock from the Cook undertaking establishment. Interment was In Oakland.

Several friends from Wsstvillej were here to attend the funeral. "1 don't," said the senator. "I don't and no announcement will be made until this is done. PRISONERS RELEASED ON BOND Frank Barker, a negro who was arrested by United States officers on a charge of perjury Jn'conneetion with peonage cases, wan' released yesterday on (250 bond from the Pulaski county think it would do any good if I did." Knox to the Rescue. Mr.

Morgan asked the witness regard Keeps Up ing relations between this government Bracy's Germ Destroyer, specific in rearly all skin diseases. Destroys the ringworm, dandruff germ ami all parasitic skin diseases. Cures eczema, tetter, scalp humors on children by rubbing on -auiall bit with finger tips. Sent by mail, postage paid, any part of the United Stales- Prices 25c, 50c and 1 per box. Snodgrass Bracy, Little Hock, Ark With Times jail, where he was placed to await a hear KILLED BY FATHER-IN-LAW.

Taylor, I-'eh. with," drink and with the avowed purpose of killing his wife and three children, wb had fled from him, Martin Jurecik, a young farmer living nine miles south at Taylor, went to the home of his father-in law, last night and demanded admittance. He declared he would kill all inside, and began by bursting i the windows. When forced the door he was shot and killed by Zak, wb came to town aud surrendered. Zak waa Oiilrc ofllcers of (lie respondent companies to reappear and testify "ill lie a mutter of future consideration.

As the testimony In the case is now practieally complete, with the exceiitii.n "I Hie (Udenc relating to the common ow nei hip ol Ibe Mock these three companli-s, I will endeavor hasten the coneloKlon of I he case iu the securing- of thin testimony." "evee Perhaps at an expense of but a few cents you can trade a lot of things you don't want for a lot of things you" do want by inserting an ad in the. Garotte's "To Kxchange" cilumn. A 25-word or less ad three times costs ouly 80c, and .1. P. Morgan by which forty million dollars was deposited in the latter 's bankiug house aud referred to former Attorney General (Senator Knox), sending Mr.

Day aud Mr. Russell to Paris. Mr. Knox objected to the wit-ness answering, and said he (Knox) Bracy Have New Remedy for Stomach Troubles That They Qurotet Will 'iOwavT-S I a keeping with their custom of ing before united (States commissioner W. 8.

Allen today. Charles Shinn, who was arreBted on tho charge of selling liquor without license, was also-released on $500 bond. KIEGLEB KUHL WEDDING. -G. J.

Riegler and Miss Amelia Wilhelmioa ways ordering a supply of aew rmedie ARKANSANS AT HOTELS. C. Trimble-, Lonoke, -R. C. Maurice, Pine Bluff; J.

M. Halleni. Prescott; J. K. Swain, Knghind: K.

A. Bolton, Ijike Village: C'hss. Jlraelit, Kort Smith; Tom Morris, Kerryvllle; J. Goasett. Port Smith; J.

A. Jsffcoal and wife, Kdcn, as soon as their value a as Dees ettat) lished. Snodgrase 4 Brary hare obtain Two Hospitals Kuhl were married at the residence of Bev. W. J.

Kaiser Monday night. Mr. released on bond of 5fK. ed a supply-of 3i'-aa, a remedy tot C. L.

Pyle, Clarksville. tontaeh troubles that absolutely cures Riegler is a Wcll-knowa candy manufacturer on West Seventh street and pre CAPITAL W. II. Lightle, Searcy: A. M.

Shield, Spadra; J. R. Prewltt, TUlar, W. II. Barnhart.

Bateevllle; F. R. (I. Smith. Warren: J.

J. Cone and wife. Misses Julia and restorea lost functions of the digestive organs. Uatil reeeatly it was thought that pep MRS. PABMELIA S.

HAGGARD. Word- has been reeelved In rhla city of the death a few days ago at MeMlnnville, of Mrs. Parmelia 8. Haggard, formerly of Little Bock. Her daughter, Mrs.

Sarah Haggard Payne, of this city, was with her at the tlm of her death, S. J. COHEN. The funeral" of 8, J. Cohen, who did Monday at bis horns, Twelfth and Center streets, wis held yesterday afternoon at I o'clock from the Cook undertaking establishment.

8. P. LANGLEY. Aiken, S. Feb.

S. P. Langtey. secretary of the Smithsonian and known as a scientist throughout the world, died here at noon today. ALFRED H.

BBXO DEAD. Dallas, Feb. J7. Alfred H. Belo, president of A.

H. Belo ft publishers vious to embarking in business for himself was employed, by A. Karcher ft Co. The bride ia a daughter of Henry Kuhl. who died some time since and who sin was valuable in the treatment of and Maraaret Cone, Q.

T. Cone, Hnyrtcr: If. O. MoUlll, Itlllsboro; F. 8.

II. Johnston, Conway. during kit life waa a Well known resi- Mwl KOPOI.IT AN L. M. Dickens.

Conway; G. C. Buffalo, England: O. N. Ilarkey.

dent or little Boct. Ola; O. R. Homback. N.

Waddle, Brink- NEGROES ARRESTED AKT1 SENT ley; C. Maboney, MeGehee; J. Sellers, Mor- rllton: T. Lv Heard, W. W.

Hall. Fori Two more cases of Brtght's Disease that recovered after(Jthe treatment In hosppals had failed aiajfe was despaired of. Oae Is Johhlt Gyselaar, the well-known merchant of fTureka, Cat. He wis ia the Laae hospital tn San Francisco for months. Walse swollen wltb'drspsy he had to be tagged every ten days.

He was steadily sinking when his family took htm home and put hlrn on Fulton's Renal Com pound for BOhttl Disease. The tapplogs erased and nS bejn to mend, and is now perfectly (Everybody In Kurel a knows of hl dulou escape. Another cut is that of T. J. Mulloy of TO PINE BLUFF.

-The detective department Sunday night arretted -two ne-groen who gave their. names a. Nathan From the 1st to 5th is the time to open A Saving Bank Account All deposits made by the 5th of the month begin to draw interest from the 1st. Smith; F. W.

Hamed. Conway; 8. vv. Walls, Keo; C. P.

Thornton, hVtt Smith: Oeo. W. Cerugss, Lonoke; K. White. waiaer while they Beautiful Homes and Investments 1124 WEST ELEVENTH STREET Is one of the most beautiful home the City.

Two-story house, eight rooms, electric Itghta, bath complete and steam hest. One and one-half lots; nice garden and good barn; tKut fruit trees. This place on an elevation sod afford a view to the west slid north of one to three mtlen; near car line and school. It 1b cheap at fo.OOO. Oo out and look at It.

We can fix tenna to suit. Will exchange for vacant property. 1CI BATTERY STREET Two nice tote 104 feet front, east and south exposure; shade trees, seven rooms; alt screened; electric lights, gaa for cooking: yard open front, separated from back by lattice feaees; Hearer and vegetable garden; bant and lot, of the Qalvesten-Dallas News, died tats were attempting Indispose of a gold watch. The timepiece bore the name of a Pine Blufiirm, and 'information was received there to the effect; that Meirms "wera wanted England: J. J.

Wuinn, MKRCHANTS-deo. H. DcVaU's Bluff: H. W. filierldiin.

Mctlehee; W. T. Moalev, Morrllton; M. A. Moore, clarksville; T.

A. Trusty. Fort Smilh. HADLEY WILL AGAIN 00 AFTER H. H.

ROGERS toasaeh troubles, but it ia bow known that while pepfia aid ia digesting meats, it has no elect npva siarchy foods, such as potatoes', bread, eora ami, ate. As the aiajority of stomach troubles comes from indigestion) of tarehy food, this makes pepsin absolutely useless in most eases, On." the other kand, Ml-o-na contains no arts directly upon tne gastric, glands, restorea the lost functions of the digestive organs, xevrvee flagging nutri- tioa, aids in atsimilatiea of food tad la fart ao strangtheaa- th whole digestive aystem that yon raa eat anything at any time without fear of indigestion. Weakness, nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, backaches, furred tongue; pain aid distress after eatiag and debility are the resnlt of a weak and faulty J'se Mi q.aa and all these aymp-tums will be tvsreoase and yo- will kavy "perfect, health. 231 1 Bryant stKet. Sn Francisco.

A few there to answer a bhrg of larceny. A brother, of Chlel of- Fiiea Stewart ar months ago be was In the United states Marine hospital In that city and waa so low with Brgbt's Disease that his sister. Mra. Preach advised by the physician la charge that a fatal end was Inevitable Interest Payable rived in the eity yesterday from Pine Bluff, returning with the negroes. afternoon at clock at bis home in this city.

The deceased was bora In Galveston August 4, 1873. and was graduated at Tale in 1896. la 1900 be married Miss Helen Ponder of Denton, who, with their two children, Helen and Jeane, survives him. COL, A. P.

WALCOTT. New Torn. Feb. A F. Walcott, Civil war veteran and turfman, died.

last night at tola home here from heart disease. He waa bora In Salem, rears ago, and waa a member of one of the oldest New England families. riot a tmi.Af tR M-U and close hand. She took him home and nut him on the asms treatment that savnd X. ABO ILL ARRESTED.

AV B. Will Ask Justice Gilderslem to Keqoir Semi-Annually. Qyselaar, wH recovered and five months A bargain at the price HW Terms 1 ill i I later retnrnea to bis employment. wm either the above If ou question this. ft ii Cargill, a whits maa, was in front of the Capital theater last night by Chief and 'bfucer Smith.

'It is said -he wanted in Memphis oa barge, and it is also' alleged that be ''shortchanged' a man at the Oil Magnate to Answer 2 tlona Pat to Him. Jefferson City, Feb. if. The follow.

"Brlkhf DlKWie" and Diabetes are cura ble in 7 per cent of all eases by Fulton's THE CITIZENS' CO. twice. He began breeding hones at Cra Fulten' lug statement waa made by Attorney (Ini Bead for suerature. jno. j.

Washington street, 8a a tial lladley rewarding- tils proposed action Baaken, Brokers, Kaai Estate aad ainaa ,1 OrotiaH. ia lata. Previous to tbla ne had been well known as a speculator, barbie aaade and loat aeyeral fortunes in Wall under the decision' or the Supreme Court relat'lna to the Investigation Into Snodgrass ftBracy, LUtle Rock, Ark. When fo suspect "Brltht's Disease--weak- Uet a ou-eent -1h of Aiii-na tablet today, from Saodgrass ft Braey and they guarantee te1 refund the moaey if Mi a aa does net If net eoaraaieat to obtain Mi-sna of Saodgrass ft Braey ef some other retailer it will be sent bV 'mail postsgo prepaid ACTIYK the Unloa depai thfar eity Chief Hawkins will confer with the Memphis authorities taia morning, and i if Cargill is wanted there" be held pending the arrival of iSera from that: eiti 1 If lav. Memphis OFFICEIta H.

P. Edsioasea, Vie PreeUteai streetr He waa on of ther Wggeat: buyers at the sale of the Lorillard table? and built extensive tabha at BhoeoHShead Bay! In "I aha II ask Judar UlldersUeve or ta hesa eriess of Weight i nutty ankles, hao ts et dropsy; kldsey trouble after-th 1 K. Supreme Court of New York te requlrs Mr Ht Porter, Treasurer. P. Leaoa, Cashier, 110 Want Secead Street.

1' S' Itogera to answer the questions -which Be on receipt of price. Til R. 'I. Booth I he wil he will tnirn mi snow aeoisBem; falllag vliil on; drowsiness; one or aere be tried here oa the charge of I J8T Cot. Walooit loat-heavilv en that wheat corner and was forced aacrldne bla Moa mouth Park stahtea, has declined to answer.

Whether, under i N. Y. thla decision, I stutU ask the court te r-.

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