St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 20
- Publication:
- St. Louis Post-Dispatchi
- Location:
- St. Louis, Missouri
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 20
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
ST.LOU.S POSTrDISPATCH, pagi: ST.LOUIS-PDSTDISPATCH SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1923 VAN RYN WIN DOUBLES TENNIS TITLE AT WIMBLEDON ALLISON AND YOUNGSTERS' VICTORY GIVES U. S. THREE CHAMPIONSHIPS; COCHET TAKES MEN'S SINGLES Members of the New State Boxing and Wrestling Commission ENGLISH TRACK TEAM DEFEATS CANADIANS, 7-5 I 1929 Wimbledon Champions WIMBLEDON. July 6. Cj lie AssuciaU EW British tennis champions nament which came to an Henri end today are as follows: Men's Singles Cochet, Trance.
Men's Doubles Wilnier Allison Women Singles Miss neien Women 'a Doubles Mrs. Phoebe Watson ana jots, x-eggy sauu-ders Mitchell. England. Mixed Doubles Miss Helen Wills and Francis T. Hunter, U.
S. vindicates retained championship. Vfl7 ffmk Mil li A i 'If- if1 v-; 5 II (UP wi iiy til'- Associate" WIMBLEDON. England. July 6.
With two dashing American jounssters on their first trip to Europe furnishing the biggest thrill, the Unite States forces, outdid themselves and carried off three of Britain's five coveted tennis titles in the Wimbledon tournament, which ended today. Eatmor DonuU. WHLN tired and hungry And energies lag. Reach for a doughnut. Instead of a fag.
Dink Doolittle. World's Cham- pion Doughnut Dunker. i Form Tells. Believe it or not but then more to doughnut dunking tha meets the eye. It take an art to slosh a doughnut around 1st cup of coffee and conrey it tt the mouth without getting a droj on the shirt front.
And you'll never see a dough. Aiut dunker who loves his rt t.ow ding the plate. He straight, ens up. takes a free swing and tl the twinkling of an eye th data, ty morsel has flashed from cop to lip without a drop being spilled. The Spaniards claim ta pretty nifty dunkerst they call it ged unking.
Aie believe. But when it comes to fancy dunking they are the Avorld's champion bullfighters. "Cardinals Orfercd Topeksi Franchise. Thanks. But what they Aract is a couple of good pitchers.
Franchises aro all right la a w-ay, but they are not much good In stopping a slump. "Volcano AcUac In New Hebrides Island." The recent acti-ities of so many A-olcanoes would indicaia that all the whoopee stuff, rang killings, robberies and one thing or another has mads Mother Earth sick at the stomach. Although there is a surplus ef $183,0.00.000 in the U. S. Treasury.
Mr. Mellon says there is immediate prospect of cutting melon. Ey the Associated Press. HAMILTON. July C.
Superiority in the field events gave the combined Oxford-Cambridge track and field team a victory over the Hamilton Olympic Club in the invaders' first dual meet of their American campaign today. The final score was 7 to 5, first places only counting in the scoring. The eight track events were evenly divided but the invaders took three fthe four field events to capture the meet by two first places. Thil Edwards. Negro middle distance star, and Johnny Fitzpatrick, members of Canada's last Olympic team, each accounted for two of "the Hamilton Club's five first places.
Edwards, making the 1600-mile trip from Den'r Avhere he competed in the National A. A. championships on July 4. by airplane and train, won the half-mile and one-mile runs, while Fitzpatrick Avas romping away with the 100 and 220-yard dash events. The other Hamilton victory Avent to A.
Gilbert in the pole A-ault. Against these triumphs the Englishmen could point with pride to J. M. Pumphrey Aictory in the two-mile run in 9:33 2-5, a new-Canadian record, and wins in the 120-yard high and 220 low hurdles: the 440-yard run. the broad jump, nigh jump and 16-pound shot put.
I. R. Mann of Cambridge won the 120 high and the 220 low- hurdles Avent to his teammate. It. M.
N. Tisdall. R- Leigh-Wood of Oxford took the 410-sard run to give Oxford -Cambridge an even break in the running events. Caleb G. Gates of Oxford, former Trinceton star, won the 16-pound shot put; the high jump went to C.
E. S. Gordon of Oxford and the broad jump to R- W. Revans of Cambridge. As a general rule, times and distances were far behind the records, Pumphrey being the only man able to shaUer existing Canadian marks.
Edwards, however, turned 5n a fine half mile in 1:53 2-3 and then came back to take the mile from C. E. O- Green of Cambridge in 3-3. ST. LOUIS STARS TAKE SERIES OPENER FROM MEMPHIS RED SOX, 11-2 The St.
Louis Stars In the Xegro National Baseball League won a lopsided victorj' when thev defeated the Memphis Rd Sox in the opening game of their scries yesterday at the Stars' Park. The score was 11 to 2. After a brief ceremony the Negro league ren-nant was raised precedng the contest. Palm, catcher for the locals, was the leading hitter Avnen he collected to doubles and a run in four trips to the plate. The fielding feature was furnished by-Green Avho made a brilliant leaping single handed catch Bell's fly in center field.
A double header is scheduled for this afternoon with the firet game Louis; Chester L. Brewer, chairman, Director of Athletics at Missouri University, Columbia, City, Mo. RAY'S COLUMM Responsibility for Boxing Shows to Be Strktly Up to District Commissioners By Damon Kerby Agreeing on a policy that will place direct and full responsibility of the St. Louis and Kansas City hosing districts on the shoulders ot the State Athletic Commissioners in each of these districts, was the principal step taken by the reorganized state Athletic Commission at its first meeting, in St. Louis, yesterday.
The reorganized commission is composed of Chester L. Brewer of Columbia, chairman, Seneca C. Taylor, St. Louis, and Harry Davis, Kansas City. crowned in the "Wimbledon tour- ana uonn van ixju, u.
a. v.iub, u. o. lins served a love game, the struggle was beginning to tell on the slender Allison and in the next panic the Britons broke through his service and won the twenty- second game and the set. With the score standing at two sets all and their advantage wiped out completely, the young Americans were undismayed, in the fifth set they crashed the Scotchman's srrvicp to tako the third jrame and lead.
2 1. and were never headed from then on until finally the title was theirs. A Title Well Earned. Van Ryn and Allison fully earned their laurels as on the way to the final they eliminated Cochet and Jacques Brugnon. French holders of the title, and Bill Tilden and Frank Hunter, who won It in 1927.
The men's singles final was colorless by comparison with Cochet's effortless style, easily mastering Borotra's spectacular acrobatics. After a stubborn fight over the first six games of the opening set, 1 the Basque never seriously threat- ened the subtle Cochet's chances to repeat his victory of two years ago. Now Cochet, Borotra and Bene Lacostc each have won two Wimbledon singles titles in a French monopoly that has covered the last six years. There ajre few American titles Miss Wills has not held, but when she shared the mixed doubles with Hunter it was the first time her name had ever been inscribed on that particular championship rolL Although England managed to keep at home only the women's doubles crown, she showed considerable strength in this department, and all four finalists are to be members of the British Wightman team competing in America later in the summer. Point iscorcs of the men's doubles match: MUST SET.
A'an Kyn-Alllson 63 1 COt 041 4 32 6 Gregory-Fill ins 451 412 411 2 "1 4 SECOND SET. Van Ilj n-Allison 41 601 421 OOl 32 5 rcgo ry Col I i 010 811 211 111 39 7 THIRD SET. Van Kyn-Alli4n 464 370 1 1 51 6 Gregory-Collins 112 554 312 30 3 FOURTH SET. Van Ityn-AIIison 424 221 410 421 052 431 140 2 61 10 regor Col 1 i 116 411 201 040 431 152 414 4 62 12 FIFTH SET. Van Ryan-Allison 011 441 215 Gregory-Collins 422 262 413 the amount of the gate receipts.
The secretary of the commission receives a monthly salary of $13V. A stenographer, employed in the office of the secretary, receives $125 a month. I'aying Ihroposition. The commission has been a money-making proposition for the State. When the board was formed, it borrowed 21.000 for initial organizing and operating expenses.
This sum, as well as all salaries, has been paid back in full, and the financial statement presented yesterday shows on hand in surplus funds. Approximately $30,000 has been collected by the State commission in taxes and licenses in the IS months that the State boxing law has been in force. Additional duties will be taken over by the Commission when the Besides, there are so manj Avays of spending the money othw than prorating it among the tai. payers. Uncle Sam needs a new high-powered automobile for chasing liquor trucks and a lot of things.
He needs new bat and he hasn't had a new suit ef clothes since Tom Nast died. A surplus of Is a bad thing, for the country. It causes too much insomnia ia Congress. They're lying awake nights figuring how to ease it ent of Uncle's pocket and divert it to worthy channels. Some people the minute thty see any idle money want to put it to work.
They're not necessarily crazy about working themselves, but they like to crack the wnl OA-er a bunch of mazume and keep it moving. Ls C. D. That sign "Reach for a Street Car" means "Rcacl We thought it might meaa "Reach for a Strap." If the street car company couM get the public to believe in signs it could write its own tickeL Hardiugc says he ran off It pounds waiting on Ann. Showing hat a fat chance be bad.
Antl-Saloon League to Meet In Ietrolt." That's carrying the ws Jnte the enemy's country. Ordinarily Anti-Saloon Leagu is spelled Atrith a hyphen, but ia Detroit they spell it with a syphon. Honors for Players. Fred Hoyde of Minnesota and Robert Hickman of Illinois. tw Big Ten football players, hsre bees elected to Rhodes scholarships.
In a terrific five-set battle on courts made slippery by intermittent rain, young Johnny Van Ryn. of Orange. N. former Princeton tennis captains, and his blond partner from Austin. Texas, Wilnier Aliison.
finally triumphed over the powerful British Davis Cup pair of J. C. Gregory and I. G. Collins to win the final for the Men's doubles championship by scores of tl 4.
5 7. 6 C. 10 12. '6 4. It remained for Miss Helen Wills, serene in the possession of her third Wimbledon singles crown gained in easy fashion yesterday, to sally forth later in the afternoon paired with the veteran Francis T.
Hunter, and add the mixed doubles championship to America's list of laurels. Miss Wills and Hunter won in decisive fashion from Collins and Miss Joan Fry of Britain by scores of 1. 6 4. Coclict Defeats Borotra. l'rance and England divided the uther two titles.
Henri Cochet overwhelming his French countryman, Jean Borotra. by scores of 6 4. 3. 6 4. tu ajseend the men's single throne, and England's team of Mrs.
Phoebe Watson and Mrs. I't ggy Saunders icheil retaining Its Women's Doubles supremacy by downing Mrs. Phyllis Covell and Mrs. Dorothy Shepherd-Bar-ron. 6 4.
in the final round. Most of the tennis fireworks on this rainy and wintry day came in the memorable five-set fight in which Van Ilyn and Allison carried away on their youthful shoulders on their first invasion of Europe one of the most cherished titles known to the game. The issue was in doubt until the very last ball crashed into the net from a British racquet and sent Van Kyn and Allison, exhausted but elated, leaping over the net to re-clve congratulations from the pair of rugged Britons. Gregory. built more like a heavyweight prizefighter than the usual tennis star, and Collins.
a tall. lank, black-haired Soot, presented a grvat contrast to the trim, lithe Americans whose polished strokes flashed brilliantly to give them the first set fairly easily. Britons Show l'ijrlit. But "what the Britons lacked 5n rolish they supplied In fight. Collins, except at the service, rarely presented the sterling game that enabled him and Gregory to defeat George Lott and John Hennessey, the Urited States champions, the other day.
Tha burly Yorkshire man carried the brunt of the battle, and. smashing his shots with all the power of his huge frame, he was an ever-present danger near the net and almost rroved the Americans" undoing. Points, games and sets alter nated with such regularity that when the Americans finally won it was difficult to say just where their supremacy rested, doubtless the margin of victory hiy in the fact that they had youth behind their racquets, for whilis the Britons never tired nor surrendered, the cunning of their shot3 and the strategy of their teamwork was Just sufficiently Inferior to their opponents in tho decisive fifth set to bring defeat. After winning the first set the Americans lost the second as a result of a disastrous campaign of lobbing. Gregory smashed these Valla so hard they bounced into the stand.
The third set went to the Americans and then, with the invaders leading by two sets to one, came th most terrific doubles in the anna! of modern Wimbledon. The Britons ted at 4 I. only to havi! the Americans rally and carry the count to 5-alI. roing with service, the advantage wuns back and forth across the ret until nearly 20. 000 persons were in a freniy of excitement.
ThrUlinc Battle. With the Englishmen leading at 7 the Americans faced set point, but Allison saved it with a steaming service ace and then went on to win the game. Spectacular rallies with the players slipping and falling on the wrt turf tn frantic attempts to save sidetin-shotjt, engaging in terrific driving duels, fighting it out at close quarters at the nt or goins in for rrolongel defensive tactics it i th use of high, arching lobs. Provided mere thrill than in any match of the championships. TtHri.
with games at XO-all. Col- The present secretary of the commission, Ben Harrison, of Springfield, Avill continue in that capacity. It was not decided whether St. Louis Avill have a chief boxing inspector. Maj.
Eddie Hand-Ian was chief inspector under the first commission. William Levy will continue as chief inspector in the Kansas City district. Under the original commission, much of the work was handled by the secretary and by chief inspectors. "We realize that there has been ground for criticism in regard to the secretary making decisions of policy." explained Chairman Brewer, "but it was necessary for him to do so hile the commission as in the process of getting its organization to functioning properly. Now we feel that we have the or- ganization working smoothly, gjnj hereafter the secretary, as well as the chief lviil be detail men only.
They will handle records and take care of routine duties. All questions of policy and dealings with promoters, managers and fighters will be handled by the commissioners themselves. Meet Once a Month. "When only local questions ari involved, the commissioner in whose district the problem arises will act without consulting the other members of the commission. When he thinks the question is a matter; for the entire commission he will pass it on to me, as chairman." The commision will meet once a month, probably alternating be- tween St.
Louis and Kansas City. Seneca C. Taylor, the St. Louis member of the' commission. Avill appoint his own staff of deputy inspectors, and will appoint a chief inspector if it is decided to have a chief inspector in the Louis district.
During the winter boxing season, the job of chief inspector carries a salary of $1C5 a month. In the summer the chief inspector is paid a certain amount for each boxing show held in his area, the exact sum depending on LAMBERTS VANITIE ONLY TIMED YACHT TO COMPLETE RACE Continue! from page IS. Col. 4- Seneca C. Taylor of St.
Harry Davis of Kansas MAX SCHMELING TO APPEAR IN AN EXHIBITION HERE, JULY 22 Max Schmeling. the German battler, whose victory over Paulino Uzcudun In New York recently established him as the foremost European contender for the world's heavyweight title. will show his wares in an exhibition bout at the Battery arena, July 22, according to an announcement last night from matchmaker Jack Tippett. Billy McCaraey. one of Schmel-ing's advisers, wired Tippett his acceptance of the offer made by the local promoter to stop off in St.
Louis during a tour which will embrace several of the leading boxing centers of America. The famous German battler is preparing to start his trip this week, and tentative arrangements have been made for him to appear in exhibition bouts with sparring partners in approximately a dozen cities. The itinerary of his barnstorming tour will take him through the East. Middlewcst and on to the Pacific Coast. Tippett had planned to hold his next Battery show on July 24.
but he was advised yesterday by Mc-Carney that the German heavyweight has another engagement booked for that date and that it will be possible for him to show in St. Louis only on the night of July 22. Tippett plans two 10-round bouts in addition to the Schmeling exhibition. The bout, while only an exhibition, will serve to introduce to the St. Louis public the man who, by many critics, is expected to be the next champion of the world, the first representative of real high merit that Germany has ever put in the field.
Herman Heller of Schmeling's training staff, will be Max's opponent on July 22. Stzmdings. CK.NTUAL I.tLXtilK CLUB. W. L.
r. t. CLVB. I W. L.
Pot. Enc rtr SKTinrf'ld -IT .44 Aknm ...34 3L.0'3 Ft. Wwnc.ia 37 I XTERXATIONAIi MlMilL clcb. tv. cllb.
w. 1.. r-t. 'Rivh iUT 40 Nn 40 Baltimore 4- 3T Montreal .42 41 iTornnto 4 4 ..24 .1 4 I .44 iRcadintr .37 City .211 41 .37 2 NOITHKKX 1FAGIK fl.fB w. L.
CLCB. W. L. ret. Birm ham Atlanta .4 1 4 N.
irlMii.4.! 37 Lit. 4- M'mrhn 4.1 Mobile ...34 43 .4 to .42 33 ..1 Chai n'ga. 30 47 .390 COTTON STATES LLAIilT- fLl'P. w. L.
pr-t. CLCB. vr.T..Prt. 10 4 .714 B. F.ll-rdo 7 4 Jsrhwn Mmr'w! 4 0 AT.n'ilri Uurrl 7 7 Lak 4 fl AMtRU AX ASSiTM'lATIOX CLCB W.
1.. P-t. CLCB. W. TP.
t. Kn. 24 rtlV 32 41.4.1'i 47 Colunhti 32 44.421 ni ToImI.i ...27 44.3)-rt Ind'rits .37 38 4:3 Mtlwkee .2747163 LVAGIK CT.CB. L. P-t.
CLCB. W. L. Prf Tll-a Purhlo 4 .41 "itf ..41 rvnvr 4 47.A cwnha 4 .17 Topk -13 4A.4M jAMctuu. ..41.11.513 D.
Moinra.29 j2 UJ.jS TEXAS LEAGUE CT.CB. AT. L. t. CLCB.
AT. L. p-t. Aftonm. 3 1 Hnitrn I 1 iFt.
w.rtX 4 2 HH7 hrrrp I 2.331 iv. 3 2 1 jW aco 3 3 .31 to Beaumont I 3 J250 PACT Fit' COAST IFAGIK clcb at.l. pt ru'B. AT. L.
Hnltva'd 5 I IX MA .1 3 "ri ..51 IS V- 1 iti I .17 toakiaou 3 3 sc tn titj 0 5 .000 WYNDHAM MUNRO TO TEACH INDOOR SCHOOL Wyndham Munro, golf professional at Crystal Lake, Is to teac! golf five days each week, from Monday to Friday, Inclusive. at Famous-Barr, beginning tomorrow, and will at Crystal Lake on Saturdays and Sundays. starting at 1:30 o'clock. ST. LOCIS STAR.
AP.R.H.E MEMPHIS RED SUA AB E. ATard .4 tl i lb 4 1 i Bron 0 Korers rf 5 1 1 Ixwrll 3b. 5 I 1 Owens 4 1 Grpen cf .1 1 Ijiuront 2b 4 i II Curry ..4110 Bel! -f 2 el rl 1 2 AVI ties 3b 5 1 2 Redu If .5 1 2 Crra.v 2b .5 1 1 Calm .4 3 3 W'm-i lb 4 2 2 Hensley 4 1 0 Totals 3S 11 15 0 Memphis 0 it ft 1 2 St. Louts 2 11 Tu-bap hits Bell Palm t2. rrm Palm.
H. William. Saetifire aKu. imuoie piajp ii MeHa.kell. Base on balls Off HeneW 6.
off Curry 1. Left on bases St. Louia v'ar" Memohia j-j. Time of ram in jom. Umpires Holland.
Donaluaoo. Continued From Page IS, Col. 4. enjoys immunity from interference. For the rest no other club in either league would have any hestitation in dipping into any phase of its manager's activity, if it desired.
It is the trend of the times that the club owners think THEY should run their clubs, not their managers. That is a natural development, for today a club owner's investment is $1,000,000 and it is not to be lightly jeopardized. As Bill Dineen Said. owners take the aicaa--point today that th5 manager's chief job is getting 100 per cent efficiency out of the men turned over to him. The club owner supplies the men.
arranges their salaries and theu puts it squarely up to the manager to see that these men give their best efforts. Once upon a time Bill Dineen, a great pitcher and now a great baseball umpire, told the writer that if he owned a club he would pay a manaper $3000 a year and a scout 513.0'JO. That was in a day when a $10,000 salary was an exception. "It's the baseball players, not scouts, they purchase from one to eight minor league baseball clubs as schools for the recruits, and they have officials whose whole duty is the purchase, sale and transfer of players, with a view- to sifting out the choice ones for the parent ball club. Today, this official transcends" in importance even the manager.
Both St. Louis clubs are typical of this policy. In which the manager Is playing second fiddle. No More McGraws. TJ RANCH RICKEY, who failed as a manager, has built up a wonderful prestige as a finder and developer of players.
And. the managers, who win pennants," was BilCs view. Club owners arc so thoroughly sgreed with this thought that the major part of a club's activities Is devoted to the acquisition Of players. To that end major league outfits maintain staffs of apparently. Vice President Mc-Evoy is to the Browns nhat Branch Rickey has been to the Cardinals.
If this policy is to prevail widely the day of the great man-aeer is gone. There will be no room for the development of such remarkable personalities among leaders as John McGraw, Connie Mack. Frank Chance. George Stalllngs and Miller Hug-gins. HORTON SMITH VISITS HIS HOME AT JOPUN By tin AuocUted Itt.
JOPLLV, Mo. July 6. A dinner honoring Horton Smith will be given tomorrow night at the Oak Hill Golf Club where he is professional. Smith returned here today but will depart Monday for Detroit. He denied reports that he had signed as pro at a Detroit courae, declaring that he had received no such offers.
enter the Canadian open tournament and a series of exhibition matches with Walter Hag-en. his buainee partner. He expecis to return here in September. 1 Minor League Results, Standings Batting and Fielding Averages' Of Browns and Cardinab Browns. wwuiji ca I a- oe Aug.
i. The commission, according to Brewer, expects to appoint a committee of qualified men to study wrestling laws of all States before regulations and rules are drawn up to govern wrestling in Missouri. Harry S. Sharpe. St.
Louis referee, was mentioned by-Brewer as a probable member of this committee. Another probable appointee is the restling coach of Missouri University. Charles Fisher, who formerly Avrestled as a professional. "Wrestling in Missouri can stand a lot of 'inspection, said Brewer. "The ordinary fan cannot tell whether matches are on the level or not.
To meet this condition we will likely appoint as deputy inspectors men who are qualified by experience to act at restling shows. Some of the boxing inspectors may be qualified to act both as boxing and wrestling inspectors." No action was taken on applications for charters made by organizations desiring to put on boxing shows. Further study or conditions and cf the reliability of the organizations petitioning for applications will be made before any more are granted, the commissioners said. and Resolute, which began before the war and which has now-reached the Impressive total of 95 races, the scoring standing 61 to 41 in favor of Vanitie. (air arena.
3013 Tark avenue. Thursday. In other matches, Gilbert Terry, -I'ua. G. AB.
it 3O0 i 334 7 -Ml I 111 RllM Ik rf -rf Atanukh If vhalre cf Kress Kourkr 3b Atelili 2b K- H. SR. SB. SI I A it 7 It 4 48 117 IS .11 7rt 7 ft 4.1 1 1) 4 At .10 a a i I I 1 I 1 1-: .1 3 ff A a 4 3 4 A 3 I A 7 4 a i 14 i SB. 4 .1 SOL 7 'I3 A3 1i 3.1 A'l JIT 2-! .3.14 A 1 .11 3 ..1.1.1 A.
4 7 2-A7 3.1 1 1 .1 .1 I nw 17 11 1 1 1 1 7 14 A K. Pit 3 4 I A 4 "4A IM 149 17A 141 4 )W 1IM .1 a A 4 IN 1 Ml 7 jns IA JM 11 Jf74 3 1 St 1 JM i A IJ0 1 A 1J A A A I a A a it A i A J.I A I i A i i I 3 I ilA .1 .1.1.1 .1 3 .1 A 171 i .11 A 3 A A 3 A jmmi A JUS 14 IS A IJSSA Record. Results. KSTERN Wii-hita J. T'pfk Tulfca 1.
Oklahoma City Omalu X--. Vv Mmti 3 -Fucblo i. Dnvfr TK. l.rAf.l Vrt wrth in Pal'a o. Nnmnni S.
woi .1. viht Fails 10. Shwepor! Hjuain at fan A ii tun to: ram. PACIFIC 0T. P.irUaml 4.
An(wl- 7. Oakland .1. HnllTwoo.i swramcnlo faule It. Jn 1 lancinu THKF.K-KYE I.KAitK P'-i-atnr Quin-y 2. I'anviUr 0.
VUoo nmsrton -I. IV. rm af F.vaimvilir and Dnnsti'u at Ttrre Haute p-i ixmed. FASTFHN IFAfilE BKlitwirt f. Hartl.irtl rnivRtf Attiany 4 4.'td 3-. AMoiifwn. S-Prt Kim- called end vf ninvH to train KTr.KN AMK XTION Fort MDith pcrHlt tilled see-on! imune. ram hw( IT, 4. utin CFNTRXI.
lF.Ail E. AVmo 4. iMjl -ii I I I inmnjfi. rinon i. 18 Uilllistflll.
F'M-i Vvn. 5. F-ne 3. cirTTON JiTATF.H. 0 B.jt'-'n Koiiai-, lo; 5.
1nrn. At'aiurl. --tijoraju. 3, l-an CliarlfS, 3 J. DOUBLEHEADER5 ARE SCHEDULED IN TRI-CITY LEAGUE rtM.KI.1tadr ftil! the rule in the Tri-Clty Municipal baseball leafue today, all of the six clubs playinsr two jirata.
The schedule la as follows: Chevrolets v. Vorman Cleaners at Wilson lark. Granite City. Ms.ejH is. Venice Advertisers at is i''.
1 1SICS lit am I I Maine coast, racing down the bay irP PflA! TV onv to Fox Island thoroughfare for WALtI 1U BUX Mopover night at North Haven. GEORGE DAW THURSDAY Tuesday's race wilt be to Boothbn v. I (AM MO DAP rxor Wednesday's, to Fortland. Thurs- MU' -ARD day's to Kittery and th- final Jo cf the Missouri Pa-Fridav, to Marhlehead. cific A.
is to meet George Iaw, It is expected that the Secretary! Pine Lawn A. C. in a welterweight of the Navy. Charles F. Adams, i will join the fleet Sunday after-j bUt "hlCh be of the fa" noon or Monday morning, and de- i ture3 th- flsht card to be held spite denials from Washington, i at the Missouri Pacific A.
C. open An. tt. H. Ase.
A. 713 383 60t -SS Ivzn A Cardirials. I'm 11 Maniofi Bmnnun Mb IVnnrirr MOerly rff rair 4 31 I 33 I I IS .17 ia i .13 7 1 1 13 Al 4 I IA 21 1H 3 A Ilcrlfl man eTrt Kimey oil Ins Ret sb Bdre ef Hopkins Team Brow Poa. rmmhtt ef His ah I nsrh 2h rVMtsnly lb Mfy if Hnrtttrr rf Itrsatti rf rx-rt ss Jnnnard with Mill Hoim rf AlriiiMlrr senel a Hainea at JnttnMn MitrhrU HM r-rankltvas Hallahaa nfftlttrta rf Oelaer sa rh -1 Htla4 9 a. 7.T.
311 HH 71 -H .73 3A.A .73 2K.1 A.A .4 11 .74 S.A7 9 17 ..5 1A4 1A ft. KM 109 lAt A 7 1 41 A.1 3.1 1 IA A a A 4 4 SB. SB. 17 4 24 IA 7 a 7 AA 37 13 31 A A 3 1 I tt 1 4 A A 3 .1 A A 3 4 A 1 A 3t .1 .17 1.1 .11 17 7 17 I A 1.4 1 A 31 41 4.1 tl .13 tl a 3 4 4 11 1 Team 7i taraiaais C. ..71 a St! urn au anitie in live racps.
a sentimental desire to do no is engendered by the fact that he was a shipmate of her ow ner on nr. r-7 1 i UK. Ml. 7 4 3 1 ttt 7 SB. I Kill.
41 4 A4 It 13 31 .1 lit A A A 1 1 1 A A 3 1 I A Atf jn -II A .1 IS 3-1 7 J1.1A .133 .1 A .841 4M r. a. 1 tn 3 .17 111 1A 317 A77 2 1AI A 4A A 71 J.AA S.1A 11 II 7 A 1 4 14 A tJ 11S i a 0 A 1 1 A a A 3 3 A A A .1 1 171 SI 1 I 1 A 17 A 37 IS 11 1 1.4 14 4 A 1 7 1 A A A A A .14.1 .1 A Record. An K. n.
114 tn r. r. Sit Ft ir re 31 board on the la iter' 4 three-masted Western A. A. U.
senior flyweight schooner Atlantic during the Span- champion of the Flori A. C. ia to ish ocean race. and. furthermore.
meet Cliff Doetxet. South Broad-becaus former Commodore George way A. C. Frank. Koth.
Missouri Nichols of the New York Yacht' Club, who ha, ben sailing her i 'V htV- iS ,0 the six races, is abhged to in GtIle'ple A return to New York. TnF' I Another match being aouarht Is The lii; i Thomas Chiolero of the Gillespie Interest in the preent races of A. C. and Wcodrow Williams of the Lantern Yacht Club tenser the Flori A. In the flyweight ihc contest between Yaryue 't class..
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