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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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The Baltimore Clotting House Tlie Instantaneous Success J. MiMser, 758 (Ulrieli'g Building,) Lebanon, Pa. of what may be termed the Greatest Evidence by the Public's Approval and by the business we are doing. We arc also glail to sec that our customers have becu gratified ami more surprised at our Immense Stock and Onr Exceedingly Low Prices. A Great advantage we have over our competitors is that wo manufacture OUT own goods, thereby the Newest, Brightest, Most Attractive and Neatest Display of I'lothitig at The Original Cost of Manufacture.

We need not regret what wo have said in our former notice, as the public is well aware of our Quick, Active and Honest Business Methods. One visit by you to see us will convince you of the many advantages aud tho money which you can save by patronizing The Baltimore One-Price Clothing House. The People's Shoe House. 781 Cumberland Street. A great rush at the People's Shoe 11 on so, ami tho rea- tum in this, we are selling gondK Cheaper tlian you can buy them any other place in Lebanon.

We arc not in the habit of biowing but are prepared to show you that what we tell you we can prove. Our goods are all marked in PLAIN FIGURES. Everything New aud Styliah. will bo pleased to have you call and see us, for we know we can give you prices that will surprise you. We lead in Ladies' and Gent's i Hand- Sewed Shoes, in all widths and sizes; in fact, we lead in all kiuds of Shoes.

REMEMBER, THE PLACE IS ThdPeople's Shoe Douse, No. 781 Cumberland Street Two Doors Below Eighth. OWOKD OI'lCEl) Ol'lCEI) OBSTE1LS! "ft cc OI'ICED TirUSSKLS! (IN GLASS.) CENTRAL GROCERY, $19 CUMBERLAND STREET. aprl TircGOWAN'S Cuticle Salve! Always cares TETTElt, JTCHlNti, AND WOUMS. ni'lUHNU ASSOCIATION! SERIES No.

6. The Itoard ol Directors of the FIDELITY Jjuilding and Loan Association have resolved to issue stock fir SERIES No. 6. The first pay men in said Series ivill clre on Fourth Tuesday ot (June 23) ISyl. Books for subscriptions, now open at Hie ofllce of w.

iu tl.e Lebanon Trust and Safe Deposit Hank. J. 11. KKDSECKElt, 1'resident. B.

SCIIOCK, Secretary. mayiMiw BELL CONTRACTORS FOIt Artificial Stone Water Tight Cellars Specialty. and General Cement Work. I 224 Chestnut Street, Lebanon, Pa 25 Cls. Per Box.

SOU) BY S. W. Cor. and Guialicrland Sired. TTAENTZE'S NKBVALINE AFmuELY TEOETABL.E MEDICINE rourni an effectual Cure for Inflamnuitlon and Irritation ol the and LIVER.

Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, ana Brick-dust Weakness in Males or Females. AH a KKijTOKATlVK TONIC and a BLOOD PURIFIER It has no equal, creating a healthy appetite aud pure blood. PRICE 5O CENTS. It your drufqrlst has not got it, ask him to get It for you. Take no other.

Made only by HE HiEKTZE HED1CIKE CO PHILADELPHIA. PA. Send for 32 puce Book, tree to all. lanWjn OOKRESrONDKKCE SOLICITED. IliayJO-tf ALL GUARANTEED JS THIS? Our manufactories have ordered me to close Lout, prior to taking stock-account.

WORTH OF GOODS Wltliln the iiext To do this we must make sacrifices, and I am to do it. Here is a great chance for everybody. DON'T aiiss IT. MILLER'S EAGLE SHOE STORE. M6 CUMBERLAND STREET, t-EBASOX.

PA. UK HAND-MADE EASY FITTING SHOES. 7J3O PA. A at Fine Custom llootsand Shoes. All the Finest Grades and Satisfaction Particular attention Riven Feat.

FlttlnE for Cunu A HftRdquarters for aisiuw and Ulncklugs. TITJ8T LOOK In your OOAL BIN an not getting rmtiMr low -om-BSckDla- laondi. MISH JR No.lSKOKTH XpTTH lennerly occupied by W. K. House Apply to FKAiiKlLMKlLY, Attorney at-Law.

or U.O.GHlTTisaBll, Cornwall nitOCEKIES! GROCEltlES! GRANT E. ALBERT, Successor to Lev! W. Henry, Cor. Tenth and Church Streets, LEBAXOX. PA.

Has taken possession ol tbis old stand and lias filled it with a Gtnice Line of Groceries and Provisions He extends an invitation to his trlends an patrons to give him a call. Goods delivered all sections of the city, ILON E. KKHT.KR, SUCCESSOR TO E. Z. KE13LER SOX, EEAL ESTATE, KEKT AKD COLLECTIXQ AQEVT 121 N.

EIGHTH ST, LEBASOX, PA. Alwavs on hand a large number of Houses Farms and Building Lots For Sale. 140 Build Ing lots (Lenlcfa Plot), immediately East of th city limits and North ot Lehman Street; desir able locality for the laborlnc man or investo Business established In 18S2 by E. Z. KCIILER Sos.

jnnelQ-ly KBANON FTEI Looatttfat Jonsioira. KCTUAI. CoxrAHT. THE LEADING FCBX TUBE BAZAAR. TI4 AND 736 CTJMBERLAND STREET, Is makine a display ot Goods In his lin A new addition ol so feet has been added to tr maln room, presenting one of tbe finest bnsi neis places In the city.

He invites you all BalL auge-tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla Stands at the head of an blood medicines. This position it has secured by its intrinsic merit, sustained uy the opinion of leading physicians, and by the certificates of thousands have successfully tested its remedial worth, if other medicine so effectually CURES Scrofula, boils, pimples, rheumatism, ca-, tarrh, and all other blood diseases. There can be no question as to the superiority of Ayer's Sarsaparilla over an other blood-purifiers. If this was not the case, tbe demand for it, Instead of Increasing yearly, would have ceased long ago, like so many other blood medicines I could P. L.

SIckerson, Druggist, 75 Chelsea Charlestown, Mass. Two years ago I was troubled with salt- rheran. It was all over my body, and noth- ng tho doctors did for me was of any avaiL At last I took four bottles of Ayer's and was completely cured. can sincerely recommend It as a splendid S. Bnrt, Upper Keswlck, New Brunswick.

"My sister was afflicted with severe case of SCROFULA Onr doctor recommended Ayer's Sarsaparilla as being the best blood blood-purifier within, his experience. We gave her this medicine, and a complete cure was tho Win. O. Jenkins, Dewcese, Neb. "When a boy I -was troubled with a blood' disease which manifested itself In sores on the legs.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla being recommended, I took a number of bottles, and was cored. I have never since that time had a recurrence of tho C. Thompson, Lowell, Mass. I was cured of Scrofula by tho use of' Ayer's C. Berry, Deerfield, Mo.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists.

Price Blx bottles, 5. AKE THE CKOCEltS! We have the Finest and Most Complete Stock ot HOCERIES, QUEEXSWARE AKD GLASSWARE IN TIIE CITY. have just Imuirlit a 'OSII'LKTE STOCK FANCY FLOWER POTS I 1 Will ivevivf tin- same next week, anil will mukf the FINEST DISPLAY -1 FLOWER POTS IN THE COUNTY. All lovers of Fancy Flower Tots please call examine ami Prices. DETWEILER LENTZ, Cor.

Eighth aud Chestnut Streets. pring Hats. Spring Hats. If you wish to purchase a Hat the Latest Style go to FRANTZ BROS. in the 'city when- you can get the Dunlap Style either in I.IRHT or DARK Colors.

Full line or Soil Mats in I.i«ht ami Colors troin ct-nts np. hi straw and Clot li Hats. Also a nit'o line of Cups for Hoys ami Children. An t-leirant assortment of Umbrellas, Suspondi-rs. l-'lannrlShirts, Latest Novelties in Si-rk- wear, Gents' Furnishing Ooods.

75 Cumberland Street, Lebanon. Penn'a. ITEAT MARKET! I have opened a Meat Market in one of tiie buildings on NOXt'X'SX ETGMTH IEEF, 'EAL, IUTTOX, AUSAGE, AVliere 1 will keep constantly on hand a full line of MEATS to which fact I direct the attention of the public. I will sell at such prices as not to be undersold, and the stock slanglitered will all be First-Class OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK. A share of the public patronage is docS-tt GEO.


Life Insurance at about one-half Usual Kates. Tno 1'EEIl OF ANT LIFE INSURANCE ORGAN IZATIOX EXISTING. CASH RESERVE SURPLUS, $2,805,441. THE CEXTHALTRrST COMPANY, OF NETV YORK is TIIE TRUSTEE or ITS RESERVE FUXD. Paid in Death Claims, I Insurance in Force over $9,775,000.


oct2U-tf FDUHGE TUBE. Heavy Exports of Coin Have Little Effect on Business. SHIPMENTS OP $6,000,000 IS GOLD. In the Face of This Large Export Trade. While Under the Depression, Usual at This Season of the Year, Is Ererywhcre Hope- Bountiful Harvest.

NEW YORK, Jane G. Dun weekly review of trade says: While decided activity is hardly es- pected now until after the close of the iscal year, it continues to be a matter of surprise and congratulation that the money markets and trade been so well sustained in spite of heavy exports of gold. The exports week have already been about $4,000,000, and from orders thus far itis expected that $3,000,000 more will go out today. The exports of products are larger than a year ago, with not much difference in imports, rat the excess of imports were large at this time last year. The New York money market has been easy, rates on dropping from to with heavy receipts from the interior.

Reports from other cities show that money is tighter at St. Louis, tight at Nashville, firmer at New Orleans and Pittsburg, in hardly adequate supply at Cleveland, not stringent but affected by distrust on account of city finances at Philadelphia, firm at Boston, in good demand in Chicago and Milwaukee, but with supply for all legitimate needs, and easy at all other points reporting. A Hopeful Outlook. Trade is not very active, but almost everywhere hopeful. Failures at Boston have made shoe manufacturers cautious, but there is a belief that the worst is over, and that fall trade will be very active.

The exposures of official and banking misconduct at Philadelphia tend to make business inactive. Throughout the south and west the fine crop prospects give encouragement, almost the only complaint now coming from New Orleans of drought in the adjoining region. In the northwest continuous rains have made the prospect unsurpassed. Chicago reports larger receipts than a year ago. St.

Louis notes a fair volume of trade, Milwaukee great improvement from rains and St. Paul also, while at Minneapolis the lumber trade is unsurpassed. At Omaha and Denver trade is fair, and at Kansas City dull because of too wet weather. At Louisville the outlook is good, but at Nashville a heavy dry goods failunre causes some depression, and there is no improvement at Memphis. New Orleans reports trade dull.

At Savannah trade improves, and at Jacksonville is quite steady. In the Great Industries. In the great industries there is a better deimmd for iron, as yet without change in prices. More orders for structural iron come from the break in the building strikes, and especial activity appears hi the boot and shoe trades. Sales of some cotton goods are recorded at the lowest prices ever made.

Wool moves slowly, but yielding at the west gives a better prospect. In breadstnffs the decline continues. Porkfproducts are lower and coffee about three- eighths lower, while tin, copper and lead are all In general the approach of a harvest which is expected to be most bountiful has its natural effect on prices, and trade is but little embarrassed by speculative movements. Business Failures. The business failures occurring throughout the country during the hist seven days number for the United States 211, and for Canada 13, or a total of 234, as compared with a total of 254 last week, 247 the week previous to the last and 205 for the corresponding week of last year.

IVanted to Kill Himself. ASBUBY PAIIK, N. June Bartine is still alive. TTia physicians as a hist "resort injected bicarbonate of mercury in order to counteract the effects of hydrophobia. His pulse last report made was 125.

Mr. Bartine cautioned his daughters to keep away from his bedside as he feared he would do them harm. During the day he attempted to leap from a window, but was overpowered by his guard. He pite- o'nsly begged to be allowed to kill himself. Their Sentence Must Stand.

PrrrsBUHG, June 6. The supreme court refused to grant the application for a new trial in the case of Andrew Todt, George Busnack and Michael Sabol, the Hungarians charged with.jiiur- der during a riot at the Edgar Thomson Steel works last New Year's day, at which time Foreman Michael Quinn was murdered. The attorneys in the case will now endeavor to have the sentence commuted to life imprisonment. IlSa CARRES GORDON RKIN1JARD, TBACHEH OF Pine, Qrgu, Hirawy ud rersans wlgklif Yjjj to engage hours will please call at Jfin jejajuxa nuke I gin specialty ot VOCAL QnauRB I CuWrlulS. Portuguese Publications Suppressed.

LISBON, June offices of The Revolta, a new journal, have been seized by the police, and the publication has been stopped. The police also seized a supplement of The Union Civica containing a violent protest against the British convention concerning Africa. Leaped Into tho Canal. EASTON, June unknown man leaped- into) the canal three miles below Easton aud disappeared in the swift water. He wore a Mackinaw hat, which was recovered.

On the inside were the initials B. The body has not yet been recovered. Fatally Shot'by a Fellow Soldier. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, June fus Smith, a private of company Sixteenth infantry, U. S.

stationed a1 Ft. Douglass, shot and fatally wounded William Carter, of. co-npany during a quarrel over a game of-cards. Killed in a Storm. BURNS CITY.

June storm passed over this city, destroying a large amount of property. Absalom Sharpless was killed and Miss Dora Fortner severely injured. Mnch stock was killed. An Eminent Austrian Dead. VIENNA, June Hosner.the Austrian statesman, philosopher anc economist, is dead.

He was born hi Prague March 15, 1S18, and was Austrian premier in 1870. The Weather. Fair; wanner; variable winds. Marches! Method DRUNKENNESS Or tbe Liquor Poftltivelj- Cured by administering Dr. Colden It mannfagtnred powder, which an be riven to a clua of cap of coffee or tea, or in food, knowledge ofthe patient.

It is absolutely harmless, and will a permanent ana ipeedy tbe patient is a moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck. It baa been eiven in tboaaandi ot eaaea. aad in every a perfect core baa followed. It Tbe once impreEnat- with tbe Speeiflejt becomes an utter unpoaeftdlitr for tbe liquor appeDte to exict. GOLD EX SPECIFIC Sole Proprlelorm.

CIKCINlfATiV OHIO. 48 pace book of parucaUra tree. To be bad of JOS. L. LEMBEKGER, Druggisr, Lebanon.


he Veteran Soldier Captured by Miss Kilburne. of Kcohnk. KEOKUK, June Gen. ohn M. Schofield, commanding the nited States army, is to marry Miss Georgia Wells Kilburne, of this city, on nne IS.

The engagement was an- ounced last night, and on Monday 4,000 invitations will be sent out. The news causes great excitement among the needs of the Kilburne family in Keo- and will astonish both army and ocial circles throughout the country. Schofield is a widower and is about 9 years of age. The corning bride is a laughter of the late Mr. Ueorge Kil- urne, of this city.

The bride is quite vouthfnl, being the choolmate of Gen. Schofield's daughter, liss Kilburne was a great favorite with he first Mrs. Schofield during the lat- life. The Kilburne family is a rominent one in Iowa social circles, ind is known in New York and Washigton. Until today it was supposed lat Gen.

Schofield's presence in the vest was due to a consuming desire to a i personal inspection of Fort Sheridan and other military posts. The disclosure his real purpose was a severe shock to army officers, who were misled by their vary commander's nice little strategy. Two Lives for Twenty Dollars. FREMONT, June 6. Charles Shepherd and Chris Furst were hanged lere for the murder of Carlos T.

Pulsi- sr, an aged farmer, near Crowell, Neb. was quite wealthy, and as there was no bank in that village he carried lis money with lihn at night. The two men planned to rob him, and on the night of Dec. 10, 1SSU, they waylaid and hot him down, robbing the body of $20, which was all he had. Governor Thayer refused to interfere with the findings of he court and ordered out the militia to jrotect the sheriff at the execution, and keep the people from tearing down he stockade hi which the murderers hanged.

Both men confessed their guilt on the scaffold. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Miss Ellen Terry, the actress, is sen ously ill with congestion of the lungs in London. Owing to the prevalence of diphtheria al of the schools of Leominster, hav been closed. D.

W. Wood was fined $2,500 and "costs in the United States circuit court at Bos ton for smuggling opium into this country Two sons ot Hiram Wiser, of Bracebridge, aged 4 and years respectively, were carried over Muskoka falls and drowned. George D. Hackett, treasurer of the Boston Speculation company, was convictet in the United States court of violating th lottery laws. firemen became unconscious at fire in Milwaukee through inhaling fames of turpentine.

They were rescued vlth difficulty. Miss Lizzie Baer, of Lyons, escape from her home while her watcher slept, Mid in a fit of temporary insanity drownec htrself in the Mississippi. in order to keep whisky away from th naiives of Ala-ita orders have been given bj the collectors to the commanders of th nvenne cutters Baac and Rush to seize vfhisky, except each as may be required fi medicinal' use, found upon any wbalei HUMPHREYS' Da. HmtraKKYs' Sracmcs are scten tiflcally and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for maur years iu prirate practice with foroTer thirty years raedbrtbe people. Every single Specific la a special core for the disease named.

These Specifics without dragging, pnrc- tag or reducing the system, and nrelnfSct and deed the sovereign mmediesoftbeWorld. i Congestion. Worm Fever. Worm Vryinf i IHarrkea, 5 Griping. Batons B.Cfcalerm Vomiting.

Cold. Bronchitis Neuralgia, es.SlekHeadacl*, Vertigo fApepeiB, Bulous I Suppressed or Painful too Profuse Periods Croup, Cough. I Mall ttheum, Erysipelas, ErnpUons. Rheumatism, Rheumatic" Fever anil Acne, Chllls.21 Blind or lileedlng Cniarrh, Influents. OolaintheBead.

Wucopinir Violent Coughs. Debility Weakness Kidney Nervous 1. Urinary 5 Plscawsof t' HEADING RAILROAD EMEXTS OK PASSENGER TKAINS HAY 10. T1LVINS LK.VVE LEBANON For New Yorkvui a. 4 4 :40 u.

Snn- tlavs, ami i :49 p. in For New York via A I lentowo. Weekdays, 7:07, a Bold by or Mitt postpaid OB rwrctpt of Dm. iH4 richly bound ia cloth and oU MAILKU rutK. SPECIF! CS.

Born Without Eyes. NEW YORK, June remarkable almost unique in medical annals, will be brought before the society of the ye and ear infirmary Monday evening, is that of a child born without eyes. lie child is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Zncker, of 223 Stanton street.

Vhen bom two weeks ago last Sunday nurse and father were astonished at he discovery that the infant was sight- ess. Where the eyes should be there are only two sunken hollows. The eye- ids are closed as tightly as though glued ogether. In all other respects the child is properly developed. Reformed Church of America.

ASBUEY PAKK, N. June the annual synod of the Reformed Church of America the board of education re- wrted ninety-nine persons studying for he ministry hi colleges during the year. )ne hundred and thirty thousand dol- ars were paid by the several boards, and he same amount was expended. The starch gained 1,000 communicants dur- ng the year. The question of consoli- lating the two Reformed synods of the leformed church in America and the German church will be acted upon next week.

A Fire with Pleasing Results. NEW ORLEANS, June in the morning the notorious Royal Palace variety dive, No. 36 Royal street, owned by Schonhausen, Plant was de- troyed by fire. Loss $25,000, insurance, $16,000. This is the dive to which Slbogen, the procurer, who was recently sent to state's prison in New fork for five years, sent a number of Trtuous girls, under the 'impression that they were to become respectable actresses.

The destruction of the dive is pleasing to the people of this city. A Servant Girl's Rich Haul. PHILADELPHIA, June thieving errant made a rich haul at the resi- lenco. of James Thomas, 1222 South fourth street. The property stolen was 1,500 and a box of -jewelry, and the hief, a colored girl known as Ellen 'ohnson, made her escape.

She has not been captured. The stolen money ras from the proceeds of the sale of a louse in Camden two years ago, and packages of 'twelve $100 notes, ind the balance of a smaller denomination. Wilmington's Tax Question. fiLMiNOTON, June case test the right of ex-tax collectors of his county to collect taxes still due was by the Levy court to the superior "ourt. The matter was immediately ent to the court of appeals, and will revive attention on June 23.

The Levy 3ourt's attorney has given it as his opinion that ex-collectors have no right collect back taxes nnderthe new law. InsahotAsylum NORRISTOWN, June 6. The instes of the state hospital for the insane met, and after ascertaining the overcrowded condition of the institu- male patients and 929 females to apply to the lunacy commission of the state board of public iharitics for relief in theirdilemma. There is nothing, (unless it be the Sewing Machine) that has lightened woman's labor as much as Dobbins' Electric Soap, constantly sold, since 1869. Now, why rub and toil, and wear out yourself and your clothes, on washday, when this perfect soap is provided, to lighten your labor, and save your clothes If you have ever used it, in the 22 years we have made and sold it, you know bat it is the best, purest, and conomical soap made.

If you it, ask your grocer )r it now. Be sure and get ie genuine, with our name on ie wrapper. It is not the soiling I 10 pr i ces alone, that TWICE ujust be considered, nowledge of the valno of an article here is as much real pure soap in a bar Dobbins' Electric as in four bars of ny other soap made, and it will, it" used cconling to directions, do four times as inch work as any other. cost is but very slight advance on that of interior oap. Insist upon Dobbins' Electric.

I. L. CRAOIN aprl-ly Philadelphia, Pa. For Middlotown. Wefkikiyn, Vu" s-23 a tr 11:31 p.

m. I anil For Heading, Wivkdays. Express) a. p. m.

Sundays, a. 2M.T, 1:49 and p. in. For Allenttiwn. a 12:56,2:17 and 4:40 p.

m. Sundays, 7:42, a. p. 111. For Harrisbunr.

Weektlays, 7:07, 8:46 (Fast Express), and 11:20 p. m. Sundays, 9:54 aud a. 11:21) p.m. T11A1XS FOn LEBANON.

Leave New York via AlU'ntown. Weekdays, 3Mo and 5:45 p. m. Sundays, in. Leave New York via riitladelpliia.

Weekdays, 7:46 and 11:30 a. p. anil 12:15 midnight. Sundays, p. in.

Leave riiilaifelpuia. Weekdays, 3:35,10:00 a. 1:40, 7:15 p. ill and a. and 3:40 and 7:15 p.

in. Leave lifadUig Wcekdavs, 7:15,10:19,11:50 a. 1:27, anil 10:25 p. ill. Sun- Children En SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- of Ume and Soda almost palatable aa milk.

Children enjoy'it rather.than otherwise. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It Is Indeed, and the little lads and lassies who take cold easily, may be fortified against a cough that might prove serlouQt by taking Scon's Emulsion after their mesls during the winter season. Smcare and TT C. HEAGY, CONFECTIONER, 14 South Eighth Street, LEBANON, PA. We will keep constantly on hand a Full Line ot Choicest Sweet Meats Toys, Sleighs, Dolls, ie.

Onr Goods are "Fresh and New, having Jus been received, H. C. HEAGY, aprS-tt 14 SonthEishth Street. DR. S.

HTJBEB, DENTIST. Graduate of the Dental and Medical Depart meats of the University of Pa. Office, 832 CUMBERLAND IQQe25-tf Lebanon, Fa. I. B0WEB, THE Practical Slate Roofer, 19 S.

Fifth St, Lebanon, Pa. 1 would respectfully Invite the attention rehitecU, Builders and all others Interested the matter, to examine his stock cl Roofing ate. He has the Very Beat Slate IK lie mar- et, and It can be furnished at a rcwAonable ate to suit the times. He keeps on hand BANGOK, CHAPMAUJLEHIOH, PEACH BOTTOM. RED SGKEEN VEB- MONT In any quantity or of any size Orders by mall or left at the Hardware Sto.

GEO. KRAUiB promptly attended persons needing anything la this line will nd It to tbelr advantage to give him a call. ONE BUT PRACTICAL WOKE- I 1 RftWlfll MEN EMPLOYED. DUUIUL JEW GKOCEKY. We desiro to announce that we haveopenetl a Grocery Store at 317 North Ninth Street, (Hi'ilinan wcntzers Old Stand,) LEBANON, PA.

We will keep on hand a Full Line OF roceries and Provisions. Steckteck Witmeyer. ur Stock Is all New aud Fresh. Vfll liny or exchange all kinds of country produce, llcini; tk'terminca to render satisfaction, we invite you mayl3 to give us a call. EW STEAM LAUND1CY.

The undersized have opened a nrst-class Corner of Ninth and Scull Streets. The Laundry has een fitted up with the latest aiul most Goods Called Tor mproved machinery, an( DellTer nfnd work turned from cilFrcc. is guaranteed to 1ve A share of the public patronage is solicited. EUKKRT ARNOLD. 5 AND 10 CENT STOKE.

I beg leave to announce that I have opened THE ONLY HEAT, 5 and 10 Cent Store is LEDASOS, Leave NVeekdays, 5:10, noon, 1 and S-lo in. Sundays, a. 1:110 aud p. in. ATLANTIC CITY OIVISION.

Leave Philadelphia and Chestnut Street Wliarr, and Soutli Street Wharf. FOK ATLANTIC CITY. Express, 9axi a. ni. and 2:110,4:00, 5:00 p.

in. AecolnliuHlation, a. 4:15, p. ill. Sunday Express, 9:00 a.

m. Accommodation 3:00 in. ami 4:30 p. in. LEAVE ATLANTIC CITY.

Depot, corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. 8:00, 9:00, a. 1:00 p. m. Accommodation.

a. in. and 4:30 p. in. Sundavs Express, p.m.

Accommodation, 7:30 a. in. ami p. m. A.

A. McLKOli, President antl (U'nt'nil Manager. C. li. HAN-COCK, Oen'l 1'asstnser ARt-nt.

apr. 2l-tt. JENKSVLVANIA UA1LKOAD. On ami after Nov. 23, trains will leave Lebanon as follows, at Couewago for all points on the IVnnsylvauia Itailrouil: Leave Lebanon at a.

arrive at Cone- wugoT.UTa. Lancaster, S.lo a. 1'liiladel- nhia luji u. New York IJil, p. 111., Ilarris- a.

Alloona p. I'lttaburgSJO p. in. This tiiiin makes itltKsc L-onni'ction at llarrisburi; for points on the Nnrthrru Centnil ami fhilailelphia Erie Railroads. Leave Lebanon HU5a.

IDAIa. llarrislrarj! 12.01 p. ll-Ka. Philadelphia p. New York p.m.

This train close connection at Harrisburg for points on the Northern Central and r. E. railroads. Leave Lebanon U.30a.m.,arriveatCone\vago 12.15 p. Lancaster 12.58 p.

I'hiludelphla S.1S p. New York 5.50 p. m. Altooua 7.50 p. 1'ittsburg 11.55 p.

Baltimore 7.00 p. Washington 8.45 p. in. Leave Lebanon 3.15 p. arrive Conewagp 4.UO p.

Lancaster p. Philadelphia6.50 p. New York 9.35 u. m. Leave Lebanon 7JOTt.

arrive at Conewago 8.40 p. 10.5n p. Harrisburg 8.45 p. m. CHAS.

E. PDU1I, Geri'l Manager. J. R. WOOD, Gen'l ass.

Agent. I YOU EAT BIEAT-: ir you wish to get the BEST MEAT at the LOWEST PKICES call at No. 626 CUMBERLAND STREET. 02 ce My BOLOGNAS are without Equal in the City. I continue to make a Liberal Reduction to wurKingnicu who buy on Saturday nights.

My choice stock ot Beef, V'eat, Lamb, 1'orlc, cannot be surpassed and my prices so that it must be an object to meu who work to buy of me and save money. BARNEY REILLY, G26 Cumberland Street, mayll Lebanon, It Is constant Aim to make TRIMMED HATS AND BOfflETS that are alike creditable to the wearer and the makcriat a Consistent, Moderate Price. I am displaying at present the Largest and Most Complete Stock ol Millinery in tne Lebanon Valley, and by reason of several large purchases am in a position to offer you SPECIAL BARGAINS I cordially invite you to come and examine my Trimmed and Uutrimmed Stock whethvr you buy or not. The good housekeeper, the lady who gets around town, guided by her experience and Intelligence, knows that Funck's Is unequalled in Lebanon for Style and Good Quality, and she goes there when she want to buy. STM1VE TO n-ELRSE.


2. It lasts. 4 3. Its a pleasure 4. It satisfies.

5. Always 6.everybody braises it. S. You should try it, fravino il Mt. Gretna Part; ON THE Cornwall Lebanon Raiifoafi The Park covers.VHJOacrcsotwootllamlanoV,,,.,, im-adow ami lias ample railroad facilities for haiidliiii; the largest with safety aud despatch.

It oilers facilities tor i-y Comfort and Safety possessed by no other Parleaas iu Central Pennsylvania. Prominent among the Attractions The Narrow Gauge Railway to the narrowest gauge In tho world, not ed in design or elegance of equip-' ment; and a beautiful sheet of water covering au of twenty acres. Wow naTe been added thuvyeaes SS5 now among which are Switchback, or Scenic Katrtray; a Carroodvl, or Palace of The Large Auditorium Is completed will shelter tho largest picnic party ill storm. Exclusive use of the Park can bo by Churches, Schools, Lodges and other GIvfff organizations. Uretna farmers' rneampn WILL BE HELD August 16 to 22 inclustv opening 18th wi cisesand Sermon by one of the T1NCU1SIIE1) UlvINES in the 1 Instructive and and Literary, with AlXDItESSES KI JJENT ACRIOULTUIUSTS and ECONOMISTS will be provided ing the Encampment.

THERE WILL BE A EaeHXBXVXOl Off Agricultural Implements, Mnsical HOCSB FoiiNisnrao GOODS, FARM 5 LtVR STOCK OH. AUQUg'C'H 17th, Isth, 19th, a)th, 21st and 22d. A large number of good sized wall liavebetMi secured: an extensive to the EX1II1UT GROUNDS has An Immense Electric Light Plant, wilt I nato the Park at Night The Exhibits will be attractive and those of last year. From the Interest taken it will no doubt be the largest gatherlnerc' -if the kind ever held iu No LNTOXICATIXO LIQUOUS ALI.OWKJ> OH ne GROUNDS. FOB LN FORMATION regarding rctna Farmers' Encampment and ons for space and tents, apply to- A-COB- i wELL.

General Manager, P. I USBUKG, PA. For rates aud general Information 1KISU, K. Ueiil. Supt.

nay2-3m LEBANON, FA. OllENZO SHUGAK, Wholesale ani Retail Grocery. 705 Cumberland RECEIVES ALL KINDS OV FRESH RSHi Cumberland (Sbugar's Building). "'An article over 10 cents will not be kept My Stock embraces thousands of articles in we every day. all of which are sold at the LOWEST F1OUKES.

Six Spools Thread, 5c. Clothes Ic per dozen. All Sizes Lamp Chimneys, Cc. One-Quart Glass Pitchers, lOc. You must call to see the Great Bargains I am offering.

Don't forget to call. aprtWm W. T. ELLIS. HENRY MEYERS, Proprietor.

NEWLY FTJBNISHED. All the Modern Conveniences. Heated by Steam. Large and Commodious Sample Kuoms. THE CHOICEST AND BEST WINES, LIQ.OOOS ASK BEEK AT TIIE BAU.

OYSTEKS AND GAME IN IN THE ItESTATKANT. Billiard and Pool Rooms. Good Stabling and Attentive Hostlers. aprlO-tf HE U. B.

MUTUAL Aid Society of Pennsylvania. INCORPORATED MARCS 11, 1869. This Society has paid for Death Losses. Its two new Divisions E. and F.

are based upon improvements discovered by experience and are Superior to any other kind of insurance. Division E. has now been in existencesbcyears, and its death rate averages only 6 per year in a 1,000. Tills would make the cost of assessments each on a person 30 years of age insured for 100, only and $2 for annuals after four While this extraordinary low deal rate cannot continue, it proves the Su- of this Division, for the death rate is only a little over one-half the table rates. The young men and young women of this city and vicinity should examine these two Divisions if they desire Safe and Cheap Insurance.

For further particulars apply at the Office of the Society. janlSly HE LEBANON STEABI COMPANY offers for sale its Coupon Bonds In denominations of $500, and $100, bearing five (5) per cent, interest, payable seml-annnally on the first days of Apriland October of each year. All taxes to be paid by the Company. These bonds are secured by a mortgage on all the property and plant of the Lebanon Steam Company, executed to T. T.

Worth and B. Karch, trustees for the bondholders, and are payable in ten years, or redeemable In These Bonds can be secured at either of the Banks in the City of Lebanon, or from the, officers of the Company. HORACE BEOCK; DR.H. H.ROEDEL, BOBT.H.COLEMAN, C. PENKOSE SHER JOHN H.


HENBY MILLER. Treasurer, C. H. KILLUJGEK, Secretary. mar2S-tf ASTHM ASTHM CURE nUcmtlivitMNt violent ktuck cod bmxm --lteBleep.

br inHklatloB. iu action diracx sad RATJU and a nn tto tejai eanUa TVEXTEB STABLES, UVEJKT, Boarding, Sale and Exchange. Choice tum-onts of driving and rlt Inc horses. Cabs, buggies and carriages of al descriptions. Special attention given to Board ing Horses.

Open at all hours of the day am. night. Gentlemanly drivers and hostlers Charges moderate. 19, 21 and 23 S. Seventh Street NEAR CUMBERLAND.

Telephone Connection. Janl-tl HABBT G. RISE, Jfanage; TfOUB TKIAt NUMBERS, -WITH GKEA 1 I premium offers, on receipt of 10 cents an addresses ol MAbRTKn LADIES. Only 9 cents a year. Best monthly in the world, to thepriee.

Address WORK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. dec3l-ly EVERY MORNilsril (EXCEPT MONDAY) Alt KINDS OF VEGETABLES octlS jmiCK WM8KLT. AimncuL. STCtfJE WORKERSl ABB FBBPABIDIO PUT DO Wif Ctment can lud Inuyeolor. Water TlahtCtf- Tlaht i I.

Cor. Kith IL PoU-OmceBoian..

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